It is hard to believe we have just three months left in 2022 Our Team had a blast hosting this year ’ s Member / Guest and congratulations to all our winners and those that participated and enjoyed this event October promises to be a great month for us at Black Hawk Our weather will continue to improve, and we can finally enjoy some cooler outdoor temperatures The course has really shaped us nicely as we move into fall season and the arrival of our fresh new cart fleet has been a welcomed amenity to the oncourse experience Read on and enjoy what the team from each department has to share with you about upcoming member events We look forward to seeing you around the club and if I can be of any assistance, please let me know
Best Regards, Mike Shoelen
Karie Rogers
krogers@bhawkcc com
281 340 7266
Emily McKenna emckenna@bhawkcc com
281 340 7218
Christina Castro castro@bhawkcc com 81 340 7247
Marsha Greer mgreer@bhawkcc com
281 340 7280
Trent Peddy tpeddy@bhawkcc.com
281 340 7238
Brian Cosma bcosma@bhawkcc com
281 340 7265
Toni Young tyoung@escalantegolf com
281 340 7287
Jim Wallace
jwallace@bhawkcc com
281 340 7228
Ben Arcizo barcizo@bhawkcc com
281 340 7278
Sunday Thursday*: 7:00 am 8:00 pm
*Tuesday*: 10:00 am 8:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: 7:00 am 9:00 pm
12610 FM 1464 Richmond, TX 77407 @bhawkcc | www.bhawkcc.com
I'd like to thank each one of you who participated in our New Member Mixer! We host these mixers twice a year and it is a great way to meet new people and meet the staff.
I hope you all had a chance to invite a family or friend out here to show off Black Hawk's beautiful amenities As your Membership Director, I would like to thank you all for the support of sending in your referrals It is a pleasure signing up your friends and family as Black Hawk members it is our goal to grow our Club with more members like you!
Thank you!
I'd like to give a warm welcome to some of our new members! Member referrals are an excellent way to build the community here at Black Hawk
Sponsored by: Tyler & Lisa Shepherd
Sponsored by: Justin & Alicia Smith
Sponsored by: Charlotte Minear
Sponsored by: Michael and Ryndee Clark
I know you ’ re looking forward to a great month of golf with this beautiful weather The golf course is becoming a little more manageable and the turf stand will begin to lean out The greens are speeding up and rolling nicely The disease pressure is high right now so you will see the sprayer applying fungicides in addition to the herbicides for the Fall pre emergent campaign We are getting a great cut on the fairways and rough Jorge Borrego, our Equipment Director, has done a fantastic job keeping everything sharp and performing at a high level He & Ben have everything coming together right now Hope to see you out there
Please enjoy these sunset photos taken on Hole 16 and Hole 10. Every time the Team and I see these views on the course, we are completely blown away. We hope you have had a chance to take the new golf carts out and watched the sun rise or set at least once during your time as a member at Black Hawk!
The epic return of “In the Know With the Pro” is coming in the month of October and promises to be one you won’t want to miss as we highlight our 2022 Black Hawk Invitational Member Guest. Also included in the show will a tips and tricks segments to get your bunker game ready for the holiday season.
A huge round of applause for all of our Black Hawk Invitational participants. I enjoyed hosting my first Member Guest here at Black Hawk, and it was truly an event to remember. Congratulations to member Howard Bland and his guest Frank Schwarz for winning first place overall.
It is the month of October which mean it is time to crown our 2022 Club Champion. Our Club Champion from both the Senior Division and the Championship Division will gain the final two spots in this years Wooden Fence event against Shadow Hawk. So make sure to get signed up through the sign up link on the website!
Our 2023 season schedule will be launched before Thanksgiving so if you have any ideas you think would make the club better please make sure to drop me a line
Stan Utley Clinic | November 4t
9am 12pm or 1:30pm 4:30 $675
Tom O’Brien Jr., PGA tommy@tommyogolf com 832 567 4076
Ladies’ Clinic | Thursdays 9:00am 10:30am $175 per month
October 7 | Full Swing Clinic 5:30pm 7:00pm
8 spots available $75 per person
October 21 | Speed Clinic 5:30pm 7:00pm
8 spots available $75 per person
Junior Golf Clinic
Tuesdays 4:30pm 5:30pm Saturdays 2:00pm 3:00pm
Kevin Odom, PGA kodom@shadowhawkgolfclub.com 832 492 0844
program such as o Sunday! our webs
Our Beve you have Cocktails
Dining R are also s Whiskey
The Octo 28th. The costumes
We are still rocking Taco Tuesday. Every Tuesday, we feature a different $10 Taco Plate and a Specialty Cocktail.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you around the Club!
Ladies Doubles Drill
9:00a 10:30a
Tennis 101 Adult Class 11:00a 12:30p
Tuesday Juniors Class 4:30p 6p
3 0 3 5 Adult (Coed) Clinic 6:00p 7:30p
Wednesday Adult Drill (Coed) 4 0+ 6:00p 7:30p
Ladies In House Doubles League
9:00a 11:00a
Saturday Adult 4 0+(Coed) 8:30a 10a
Juniors Class (7 12 year old) 10:00a 11:30a
New to Tennis Class (4 7 year old) 11:30a 12:15p
Adult 3 0 3 5 (Coed) Clinic 9:00a 11:00a
Brian Cosma bcosma@bhawkcc com 281 340 5200
Jennifer Ramsey will be hosting a free Pickleball Clinic on October 2nd at 1:00pm! This clinic will be an "Intro to Pickleball" where she will teach each one of you how to play the game, various positions and proper scoring Equipment is provided, and all levels are welcome to participate in this event! Please RSVP by emailing jramsey@bhawkcc com, or if you have any questions pertaining to Pickleball
On October 16th at 1:00 we will have a Pickleball Poker Tournament! Round Robin competitive play by all level of players We will have prize for the highest and lowest poker hand! Entry fee is $25 per person which will include light apps and your first beer or wine on us Please RSVP to jramsey@bhawkcc com before October 10th
6:00am | Cycle/HIIT with Jennifer 9:00am | CSI with Bethany 10:15am | Yoga with Paola
6:00am | Cycle/Circuits with Greg 9:00am | Cardio/Barbell with Jennifer 10:15am | Yoga with KaraAnn
6:00am | Tri fecta with Jennifer 9:00am | Boot Camp with Courtney
SATURDAY 9:00AM CSI with instructor rotation