Jeremy Duda
I hope everyone had a great holiday spending time with family and friends.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this year ’ s employee holiday fund This was distributed last week and was very much appreciated by all the employees
Last week we sent out an email with the annual State of the Club as well as dues and fee increases for 2023 I have received feedback that some Members did not receive the email or it went into spam folders
Please click here to read The Gallery and The Golf Club at Dove Mountain's State of the Club and click here for The Gallery's 2023 fees and here for The Golf Club at Dove Mountain's.
Thank you again for being Members at The Gallery and The Golf Club at Dove Mountain On behalf of the entire staff I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year
THE GALLERY GOLF CLUB Jeremy Duda jduda@gallerygolfcom 520.579.4130
GENERAL MANAGER THE SPORTS CLUB Rebecca Shaughnessy rebeccas@gallerygolfcom 5205794137
THE GALLERY GOLF CLUB Mike Russell, PGA mrussell@gallerygolfcom 5205794117
Carlos Sanudo csanudo@gallerygolfcom 5205794124
MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR Emily Hingle ehingle@gallerygolfcom 5205794110
THE GOLF CLUB AT DOVE MOUNTAIN Matt Nuechterlein mnuechterlein@gcdovemtncom 520.572.3543
ECTORS OF MEMBERSHIP SALES y Bloom & Kelly Allan om@gallerygolfcom / kallan@gallerygolfcom E: 5205794115 / K: 5205794118
THE GOLF CLUB AT DOVE MOUNTAIN Jake Hermes jhermes@gcdovemtncom 5205723513
CUTIVE CHEF, THE GALLERY GRILLE n Wooters oters@gallerygolfcom 5205794125
ICON63 MERCHANDISER Vanessa Baker vbaker@gallerygolfcom 5205794126
Happy New Year!
Thank you to all the Members who referred their friends, family and neighbors to join the Club in 2022! We have the best Membership in ALL of Arizona! We’re proud to have a such a special experience to offer like-minded people at The Gallery/Dove We appreciate all of your continued support of the Club and sending your referrals in the next year.
Cheers to an amazing 2023 at The Club!
Welcome new Members! We’re thrilled to have you here and look forward to seeing you enjoying the Club!
Mr. Duffy & Ms. Kirkpatrick are referred by Tom & Deb Duffy
Matthew Duffy & Kelley Kirkpatrick Cameron & Susan OslarMike Russell, PGA
Dear Gallery Members,
I hope everyone had a fantastic Holiday Season and were able to spend time with family and friends The Golf staff is looking forward to serving you and your guests in 2023! Please see below for our upcoming events
Thursday, January 5th - 9 and Wine
Sunday, January 22nd - Couples Event
February 2nd – 4th - The Gallery Cup
To sign up for these events and for more information, please go to ForeTees or call the Golf Shop
With peak season upon us I would like to share a few friendly reminders to help make your rounds more enjoyable, along with caring for the courses:
With rounds going up, we will be limiting to two golf carts per group to help ensure we do not run out of carts on a given day.
If you booked a starting time but don’t plan to use it, we kindly ask to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance, so other Members can utilize the starting time.
Please obey the 90 degree golf cart rule.
Please keep golf carts 30 yards from the green.
To help ensure our greens and are as good as possible, please fix your ball marks.
Please fill in your divots with sand and seed mix.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Good Golfing, Mike
Happy New Year!!! January will be a very busy month for our agronomy team. To supplement the clean-up operations executed by Santa Rita Landscaping, our team will be addressing overgrowth surrounding all other nontournament tees and the perimeter edges of each hole. In addition, we will begin addressing walk-paths and tee entrance walk-ups. Decomposed granite will be added and compacted to each of these areas to both repair and reestablish their original design and function.
During the week of January 16th, preparations will begin to initiate the layout and construction of the hospitality tents throughout the course for the upcoming tournament. There will be significant cart and equipment traffic associated with this process, but we will be coordinating with this group daily to limit its overall impact to golfers.
Foliar fertility applications to fairways, tees and rough will be scheduled on 21-day intervals to promote plant health and enhance the overall aesthetic quality of the courses Greens fertility applications will continue to occur on a biweekly basis As most of you have noticed, there are several yellow or brownish colored patches on the greens on both the North and South courses
These “patches” are dormant Tifway 328 bermudagrass imbedded in the bentgrass canopy. After our first few frosts of the season, the bermudagrass is forced into dormancy and becomes easily identifiable.
This contamination is the result of years of encroachment occurring at the collar/green interface. Efforts to mitigate contamination will be ongoing for the next few months, which include sod replacement and pigments/paint to mute the color. Sod availability is limited to our nursery and putting green on the west end of the driving range. Although this is a short-term fix, to effectively remove all bermudagrass rhizomes (subterranean plant stems) from the greens cavity, the surfaces will need to be stripped of all turf, a soil fumigant added to sterilize the soil profile and new bentgrass seed planted.
As frost delays become more frequent, we will do our best to accurately assess the length of each delay, while allowing the start of the golf day to begin as quickly as possible.
As always, you can contact me directly by email (msoto@gallerygolf.com) or my direct line at (520) 572-8382.
Thank you, Mark
Dear Gallery Members,I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas & Holiday season with friends & family!
We are very much looking forward to a lot of great events at the Club this month My favorite week of the year is Member Appreciation Week! Our entire team is looking forward to spoiling our members and showing you all how much we appreciate you The week will be filled with merchandise discounts, complimentary donuts/breakfast & coffee, member/guest specials, free golf lessons/clinics, and much more!
The golf courses continue to be in great shape with very fast & firm greens Our team is going to continue to focus on executing all of the golf course details and improving the overall member experience while golfing
professional staff Dylan is a great young man with aspirations of playing golf professionally Dylan will be a huge asset to the membership and looks forward to getting to know all of you more over this season We have also added Joseph, Josh, Don, and Zach to our guest services team Our team will remain focused on providing the highest level or service possible for our members
All 27 holes now have our brand new tee signs on the golf courses and they look great!
Now is the time to start marking your calendars for our upcoming February tournaments! Please save the dates for the following events:
Ladies Member Invitational on February 4th Mens/Ladies Club Championships on February 10-11th Men's Ryder Cup on February 24th & 25th
For more information and questions please give the Golf Shop a call.
This upcoming season is going to be a great one at the club with many new events for our members to enjoy. Thank you all for being such great supportive Members of the Club.
The Golf Club at Dove Mountain
Happy New Year to each and every one of you! I hope that the new year brings you peace and happiness and that you all are looking forward to an amazing 2023 for golf and social events here on Dove Mountain.
The month of December was a busy one here at the Club with social events. We hosted an intimate Sunset Gathering on the 8th with a Mexican Buffet and cocktails and then we had our huge Member Holiday Bash on the 16th The Holiday Party and Shopping night was a huge success with over 80 attendees for the shopping and cocktails in the Golf Shop followed by dinner in the Members Grill We even had a visit from a group of carolers and Santa Claus also made an appearance.
I also want to extend a huge thank you from our staff to our Membership and anyone who contributed to our holiday fund this year As many of you know, a lot of our staff work long hours in some tough conditions, so this Holiday bonus goes a long way to helping them all provide a great holiday for their families at home Thank you all for everything you do to make our staff feel appreciated.
Heading into 2023 we are going to start seeing some of our major member events start to pop up and I hope you all can participate in each one of them Make you New Years resolution be to play more golf and lower your handicap as much as possible!
Upcoming Events:
January 12th – Sunset Gathering 4:30PM-7:30PM (invitation will be sent via email)
January 23rd-27th – Member Appreciation Week!!! More info to come
February 2nd – 9 & Wine 2:30PM Shotgun Start
February 10th & 11th – Men’s/Ladies Club Championship (times and format will be sent out closer to the event)
February 23rd – Sunset Gathering 4:30PM – 7:30PM
Keep your eyes out for more event announcements as we head into the New Year!
Hit em straight!
Jake Hermes Director of GolfThe
Golf Club at Dove MountainA lot of holiday cheer was spread at both The Gallery and The Golf Club at Dove Mountain this December
At The Gallery, we got to enjoy a delicious Holiday Brunch with Santa on December 4th that was enjoyed by all who attended, especially our young families! It was a real treat seeing how many children lit up when Santa came to visit them at their table
This month we also enjoyed making our own holiday wreaths made entirely out of ornaments with Antsy Nancy Crafts Everyone took home a beautiful handmade wreath that was FUN to craft We look forward to seeing Heidi with Antsy Nancy again in January where we will be etching and personalizing wine glasses!
At The Golf Club at Dove Mountain, we enjoyed a Holiday Dining & Shopping party in our Members' Grill on December 16th. It was a wonderful evening filled with friends, cheer, and caroling too. Santa also made a special appearance.
We look forward to hosting more fun events in the New Year!
1/2 pound smoked bacon,
cut into 1-inch pieces
1 small green or sweet red pepper diced
2 celery ribs, diced
6 green onions, sliced
1 cup uncooked long-grain white rice
2 cups water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1 bay leaf
1 can (15 ounces) black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained
In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp Drain on paper towels; discard all but 2 tablespoons drippings Sauté pepper, celery and onions in drippings until almost tender. Add rice, water and seasonings Cover and simmer 10 minutes Add peas and bacon; simmer 10 minutes longer. Discard bay leaf.
Enjoy, Happy New Year!!
Yappy Hour at The Sports Club*
01/04 4:00-5:00PM
You and your pup are invited to join us at The Gallery Sports Club for Happy Hour - it will be a wagging good time!
Click here to RSVP or by emailing Emily ehingle@gallerygolf.com
Bath Milk Making Class at The Sports Club* 01/09 3:00PM
Join us on the Sports Club ramada and learn how to make your own wonderfully natural bath milks This class is hosted by The Gallery's very own esthetician, Michelle Norush! RSVP on ForeTees or by emailing Rebecca at rebeccas@gallerygolf.com
Doc Talk "Golfing After a Joint Replacement" 01/11 5:00-6:00PM
Join us in the Member's Dining Room for a lecture "Golfing After a Joint Replacement" by board certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Steven Ward. During this lecture we learn and understand joint replacements, optimal time for surgery, potential affects on your golf game, and more To learn more and to RSVP please click here or by emailing Emily at ehingle@gallerygolf.com.
Live Music & Prime Rib Night
01/14 (Music from 5:30-7:30PM, Prime Rib from 4:00-8:00PM)
Join us in The Grille for live music with Corey Spector! We will also be serving our famous Prime Rib special this night, so come hungry!
Trivia in The Grille 01/15 2:00-4:00PM
Bring your thinking caps to this month's Trivia! Fun for all ages and questions from all categories. For more information or to RSVP please click here
Wine Glass Etching Class 01/27 3:00PM
Come craft with us in The Gallery Grille and learn how to personalize and etch your own wine glass! RSVP required by clicking here or by emailing Emily ehingle@gallerygolf.com
Wine Dinner with Inglenook Vineyards 01/28 5:30PM
Join us at The Grille this month for a delicious multicourse dinner paired with wines from Inglenook Vineyards! Click here to view the menu and learn more. RSVP by emailing Carlos csanudo@gallerygolf com
Bingo in The Grille 01/29 2:00-4:00PM
Join us in The Grille for Bingo! Fun for all ages For more information or to RSVP please click here.
Make your dining reservations by calling 520.744.7490 or through OpenTable located in your Member Portal. Unsure how to access your Member Portal? Forgot your password? Not receiving emails from the Club? Email Emily at ehingle@gallerygolf com or call 520 579 4110 for assistance
*Social events held at The Sports Club are open to Social Members!
Happy New Year and welcome 2023! Lets take the time to be thankful for what we have and be mindful of being kind to each other every day We are grateful for such wonderful Members and staff Make it a great year!
StretchLab will be out again at the Sports Club teaching complimentary Group Stretch workshops Wednesday 11th and Wednesday 25th in the Studio from 7a-8a and assisted demo stretches on Thursday 12th and Thursday 26th from 9a-12p (limited space only, RSVP now!)
Mark your calendars, we are bringing back our “Doc Talks” this season and will be hosting our first Doc Talk January 11th with Dr Ward – You don’t want to miss out!
Michelle is back and will be teaching how to make Honey Milk Baths: Monday, January 9th at 3pm All those that signed up for her Bath soaks had a wonderful time and took home beautiful hand-made soaks We also have a special class in January: Brenda will be teaching a Master Swim Class Wednesday, January 25th at 12pm (lanes will be closed to those not in the class, open to 12 students only!)
Please check ForeTees regularly for the Fitness Classes, Workshops, Sunset Yoga, and Pickleball Clinics
Reminder, please continue to sign up on ForeTees when using the Sports Club Please follow-up by checking in at the front counter and giving your name to the staff If you need assistance signing up for class or workshops, please ask the front desk attendants and they will be happy to help
Enjoy your Club, Rebecca Shaughnessy Sports Club General Manager
Open Tennis Drilling (NEW) Every Wednesday this January! 3:30-5:00PM
Group Stretch with StretchLab Wednesday 11th & 25th 7:00am
Demo Stretching with StretchLab Thursday 12th & 26th 9:00am-12:00pm
Nidra Yoga Friday 13th 3:00pm
Yin Yoga Thursday 19th 9:00am
Day of Pickleball Monday 23rd Multiple times
Beginners and Level 2 5-3 is from 1:00PM-2:30PM Levels 2 and 3-3 5 is from 3:00PM-4:30PM
Mindful Strength (NEW) Tuesday 24th 7:00AM
Master Swimming (NEW) Wednesday 25th 12:00PM
Soundbath Yoga Wednesday 25th 3:00pm
Vanessa Baker
Thank you to all of our Members that supported our Holiday Sales at each shop last month! We’ve had a very successful year and I thank you for supporting our Clubs! I’m looking forward to having another great year in 2023.
SAVE THE DATE! Please get the following dates on your calendar for upcoming fittings day:
Mizuno Fitting Day – Wednesday, January 4th CLICK HERE https://MizunoGolfFitting.as.me/? calendarID=7548980
Titleist Fitting Day – Wednesday, January 11th @ The Golf Club at Dove Mountain https://surefithub.titleist.com/book-fitting/25527
PXG Fitting Day – Wednesday, January 11th – Register on ForeTees or call the Gallery Golf Shop
XXIO Fitting Day - Tuesday, January 17th at The Golf Club at Dove Mountain
TaylorMade Fitting Day – Wednesday, January 18th @ The Golf Club at Dove Mountain CLICK HERE https://myfittingexp.taylormadegolf.com/fitting/private/jPZ083Y8Z1
Titleist Fitting Day - Friday, January 20th CLICK HERE https://surefithub.titleist.com/book-fitting/25532
Just a reminder that ALL members are welcome to shop at all three of our shops – The Gallery Golf Shop, The Gallery Sports Club Shop, and the GC Dove Mountain Golf Shop.
Member Discount on Apparel is 20% off retail
Member Discount on Golf Clubs is 10% off retail
Available credit book funds may be used at any shop location
Thank you to those of you who have been shopping, special ordering and supporting our Clubs this year! As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, feedback or special orders!
Vanessa Baker Icon63 Merchandiser vbaker@gallerygolf.com/520-579-4126