Andrea Knox
Happy Holidays everyone! I can hardly believe 2023 is just around the corner. It has been a wonderful year here at Grand Haven and we are truly thankful for your support and participation
Our Employee Joy Fund drive is coming to a close and donations will be distributed to all hourly staff at our annual employee holiday party on Monday December 19th This year we are taking the party on the golf course! What better way for a dedicated golf club team to celebrate together! After a 9 hole par 3 scramble, we will return to the clubhouse for dinner and the Joy Fund distribution. Thank you so much for your generous contributions again this year; it is truly appreciated and makes the holiday brighter for all the recipients
As we count down to Christmas, you can count on some great sales promotions in the golf shop to help out your gift giving The Twelve Days of Christmas Sale begins on December 12th with a different feature each day thru Christmas Eve
Don’t forget that you need to spend your credit book winnings before they expire December 31st. We are happy to help if you need suggestions or gift wrapping!
A reminder about the clubs operating schedule through the holidays The golf course will host an 8:30am shot gun start December 24th and be closed all day December 25th to allow our team time with their families The Nicklaus Grille will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday the 24th, 25th and 26th. In light of losing a golf day and many of you hosting guests for the holiday, we will be open for golf on Monday December 26th with a special guest golf rate Tee times will be available from 9am to 1pm and the Turn House will be open for snacks and beverages Legend has it that Santa keeps special watch over your game that day to ensure you have a chance at your best round ever!
The celebrating continues! Make your reservations now to dance away 2022 with us on New Year’s Eve DJ, dinner, dancing, party favors and fun will be the focus of the evening. Then come help us give 2023 a proper welcome with a fun day of golf on January 1st. We’ll start with a light breakfast to get you going at 11am then hit the links with a 12PM shotgun start followed by dinner and prizes And if you need a little extra pick me up that morning, we’ll have a fully stocked Bloody Mary bar ready to come to the rescue!
From our families to yours, we are wishing you all peace, love and joy this holiday season! Now get out and play!
Andrea Knox AKnox@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327 ext 9
Billy Van Arsdale, PGA
WVanArsdale@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327 ext 4
Taunya Cordova tcordova@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327 ext 5
Patsy Bettencourt-Pappas
PBettencourtPappas@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327 ext 8
David Hillhouse DHillouse@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327
Jeri Harper
JHarper@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327 ext 6
Billy Hodges WHodges@grandhavengc com 386-445-2327 ext 7
Monday: Club Closed
Tuesday - Sunday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
500 Riverfront Dr., Palm Coast, FL 32137 GrandHavenGC.com
Dear Members,
Happy Holidays! The Holiday Season is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends The weather is perfect for playing a round of golf, dining in the Nicklaus Grille or participating in one of our social events
Are you looking for a holiday gift idea? Let me help take the stress out of fighting the shopping crowds Upgrading your membership is a wonderful gift to give yourself
If you are a Social Member and have been thinking about playing golf or a Social Advantage Member that would like to play more rounds, I would love the opportunity to assist you with an upgrade.
We continue to add some wonderful members to the club. As always please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you know anyone who would make a great addition to the club
Winter is here, if you are on the 18th tee at 5:30pm, you will be playing in the dark If you have mid-day tee times please be mindful of the players behind you Common courtesy on the Golf Course REQUIRES us to play without delay during our round so others can finish before dark Our pace of play expectation for 18 holes is to complete the round in 4 hours and 10 minutes max. I have had many conversations here at the Club about pace of play, etiquette and cart traffic recently. Many of you are terrific examples of being good stewards of the course and game; we applaud you. Sadly, others are not. Here are a few reminders for all of us.
Golf Carts are to stay on the cart path around all tees and greens
Handicap flags are available for persons needing an exception to our cart policy Handicap flag carts are asked to keep 30 feet away from all greens and park by the blue pole
Your place on the golf course is immediately behind the group in front of you, not immediately in front of the group behind you Play ready golf Be looking ahead to consider your next shot so you are ready to play when you reach your golf ball. You can shave some time off your round by keeping your clubs in your hand when you get back in the cart after exiting the green. When you get to the next tee box you can swap out the putter for your driver and record scores. No more than 4 players and two carts per pairing 5-somes and extra carts only slow things down and create more wear and tear to the turf
Thank you for honoring this great game with being considerate of your playing partners, fellow golfers and the golf course itself
The MGA is looking forward to our 2022 MGA Holiday Classic on December 7 and 14 matching the defending champion Snowmen, captained by Otto Bohmueller and Bob Schwarzlow, against the challenge of the Franksters, captained by Richard Frank and Frank Large This two-week Ryder Cup-like event is one of the highlights of our season, culminating in our annual, and free, Holiday Luncheon where we celebrate with the winners and commiserate with the losers Any MGA member is welcome to play Just contact Dave Neely (dkn209@gmail com) and let him know the weeks you want to play.
The deadline is fast approaching for contributions to the 2022 Grand Haven Holiday Joy Fund. This fund, which is administered by the Men’s Golf Association, is a wonderful opportunity to recognize our non-managerial club employees who do such a terrific job throughout the year. All golf, associate and social members are asked to participate You can either deposit your contribution in the box located in the clubhouse or return your contribution to Greg Wynn, the MGA treasurer, in the envelope you should have received in November Checks should be made out to Holiday Joy Fund
Snowmen captains Bob Schwarzlow and Otto Bohmueller show off the Holiday Classic trophy they won in 2021.
The LGL members have been busy, even though we did not meet as usual on Thanksgiving or 11/10 (thanks, Nicole!). Seven of our members played in a Coastal Niners event at Halifax Plantation on November 14 Our ladies did very well Pablita Wood won first place and Melanie Mathis won third place on the front nine Dianne Robichaud won second place and Sandra Malone won closest to the pin on the back nine. The WGA invited the LGL members to join them on November 15 Twelve of our members played in the red tee scramble that day On November 17, five members played in a Thanksgolfing Invitational at Sugar Mill. Our group is pictured below with Mr. Turkey.
Coming up in December is our Holiday Tournament & Luncheon on December 8 Hoping to see you there
The holiday season is here and we're in full swing with parties! Thank you to all our members who are hosting a gathering to celebrate a great year I also want to thank our entire F&B team who are putting in the hours, time, and effort to serve our members! Now and throughout the year, they work so hard and we are so grateful for all they do! We'll be closing out the year with a great New Year's Eve party including a DJ for dancing, dinner and 2 champagne toasts!!! What better way to celebrate 2022 than with your friends and neighbors right here in the community! Reservations are available. Give us a call to reserver your spot!
NICOLE a beautiful name for a nasty storm! Her pounding rain and blustery winds caused the WGA’s November Member/Guest tournament to be cancelled. However, never fear; the event has been rescheduled for February 26, 27, and 28, 2023. “Around the world in 18 Holes” will still present the same fun and exciting tournament to members and guests alike! Meanwhile, the Angel Tree has arrived! WGA members will once again take the opportunity to select one or more tags from the tree and bring happiness to area children Other December events include the Seagals’ team traveling to Venetian Bay on December 12 and all WGA members participating in the Red/Green Tee Jingle Bell Tournament on December 13 A delicious Christmas luncheon will follow golf on this day Finally, players in one lucky foursome will receive an “elf hat” filled with Christmas goodies on “special Tuesday”(also December 13)! WGA wishes all a blessed Christmas and a joyous year ahead!
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