CCN November 2022 Newsletter

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#CCoftheNorth | countryclubofthenorth.comSTAY CONNECTED COUNTRYCLUBOFTHENORTH NOVEMBER 2022

Theparkinglothasbeencompletedanditlooksfantastic!Thenewgolfcarshavearrived,andtheylookimpressive! Thenextcapitalimprovementwillbetheinstallationofsyntheticturfnearesttothegolfcarpathbehindthe practicetee

Wewillbeinstallingaconcretepadwhichwillbe180ft(60yards)inwidthand10ftindepthThispadwillbe pouredduringthemonthofNovemberinpreparationofthesyntheticturfbeinginstalledinMarch.Thereisafour monthleadtimerequiredforthistopoftheline,stateofthearttechnology,fromthecompany,TurfhoundItisone ofthebestproductsonthemarketandwearethrilledtobeaddingthisamenity.Itwillallowustoopenthe practicefacilityearlierintheyearandclosemuchlatergivingyoumorepracticetime

InFood&Beverage,wehavetweakedHoursofOperationfortheoffseasonandchangedsomeofourweekly offerings.Theyareasfollows:







TheTurnStandisopenfrom9:00to4:00TuesdaythroughSundayInaddition,wehaveplannedforawonderful ThanksgivingDayBuffetonThursday,November24th,andIhopetoseemanyofyouthere. ThankyouforyourcontinuedsupportofCCNaswelookforwardtoourbrightfuture!

PAGE 2 WELCOME GENERAL MANAGER MESSAGE Tony Madera PGA General Manager MEETOURTEAM PGA General Manager Tony Madera 937 374 5000 ext 6 PGA Head Golf Professional Dave Miller dmiller@ccothenorth com 937 374 5000 ext 2 Office Manager Jacquie Ayers jayers@ccothenorth com 937.374.5000 ext 7 Director of Course & Grounds Kevin Butts 937 374 5030 Front of House Manager Kyle Thomas kthomas@ccothenorth com 937 374 5000 ext 5 Bar Manager Kirsten Steinke ksteinke@ccothenorth com 937 374 5000 ext 5 Director of Catering & Events Stacy Black 937 374 5000 ext 4 Executive Chef Jason Downey jdowney@ccothenorth com 937.374.5000 ext 5




Anothergolfseasonhascomeandgone,buttherewill besomeopportunitytoplaythisfallandwinter.Hard tobelievethatthisisthelastyearfordaylightsavings timeinOhio Nextyearwillbealittlebitofan adjustment.Wehadrecordparticipationineverygolf eventthisseasonthankstoyoursupport WehadseveralseasonendingeventsinOctober whichhighlightedaseasonwellplayed. First,wasthefinaleofourThursdayNightMen’s League20 20teamsbattleditoutover9weekswith thetop6teamsmakingittotheshoot out Teamsthat qualifiedwere:LarryMcKeever&LeeShepherd,Mike Knipper&TomHoskins,MattClouse&Jason Woodard,ChuckAngi&KyleBoehmer,ScottRash& JamesPristasandBobKreutzfeld&JohnHoward.In anexcitingshoot out,MattClouse&JasonWoodard tookhomethechampionshipwithBobKreutzfeld& JohnHowardcominginsecond,andMikeKnipper& TomHoskinscominginthird,respectfully Greatjobto allparticipantsinmakingthisleagueahugesuccess!

Second, we had our LGA Closing day mixer The ladies played a fun 9 Hole format capped off by a Hawaiian themed party after First place went to Tee Pazitney, Julie Wentworth & Kathy Smith Second, was Tracey Hollenbaugh, Becky Knipper & Pam VonMatthiessen Third place was Gale Smith, Nancy Schindler & Joan Pratt Thank you to all participants CongratulationstoBetsyBurnswhowontheprizefor theLGAmostimprovedgolferforthe2022season!

Third, we had the season ending MGA Ryder Cup With Team USA winning in a close one. Team USA consisted of Captain Ron Roddy, Dave Miller, Matt Clouse, Dave Propst, Lee Erdman, Ron Schwing, Jansen Meyers, Dan Wiley, Artur Bui, John Angi, Tom Smigel and Greg Dunn. Team Europe was represented by: Captain Dave Smith, Mike Schroeder, Alex Bilbrey, Tim Szczerbinski, Lee Shepherd, Tony Wiley, Tom Hoskins, Roger Wentworth, Jim Yost, ChuckAngi,MikeKnipper,andRichKlein

Last was our annual Ryder Cup match vs cross street rival Sugar Valley. The team played extremely well, and the matches came out to a 18 18 tie With Sugar being the reigning champs, they held onto the cup It was a much better showing and we are close to bringing the cup back to its rightful place Representing Team CCN were Captain Dave Miller, Ryan Reichley, Mike Schroeder, Matt Clouse, Dave Propst, Ryley Sullivan, Timothy Szczerbinski, Jansen Meyers, Roger Wentworth, Brandon Sullivan, John Angi,andRickWeber.

Wehavehadsomenewmerchandisecomeinsonow you can spend that hard earned credit book money! Be on the lookout for some Holiday Sales throughout heupcomingseason.


Tuesday Sunday: 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Monday: Closed Tee Times Begin at 9:00 AM

The range is closed for the season. The putting green and short game area will be open for use but weather pending. The driving range will be closed through the winter.




Here we are at the end of another season How did it go by so fast?! We made some great improvements this season with more to come in the off season We implemented many agronomic practices on our greens this year, which has shown its benefits at the end of the season We have completed multiple aerifications and spread over 100 tons of sand in and on our greens We have also done multiple verticuts These practices improve the health, as well as firm up our putting surfaces We have also completed some large drainage projects as many of you have seen With close to 1000 linear foot of drainage tile installed in the last month, we should see an improvement on drainage and playability of holes 9,11,12 and 18 These were improvements to each hole in addition to replacement of existing drainage systems

We are currently prepping the course for the dreaded winter We will be finishing out the season with more agronomic practices on tees, fairways and roughs We finished with core aerification and verticutting on tees at the end of October, and will be finishing deep tining fairways at the beginning of November

We have many projects we plan to work on through the winter with dead tree removals, irrigation work, and walk bridge rebuilds Along with a long list of things like prepping our equipment for spring and prepping and repairing golf course accessories In just a few weeks we will be shutting down our irrigation system and winterizing it Once this is done we will continue to replace valves that have given us problems during the season as well as replace old heads in areas that have broken or have poorly working heads We have a lot to accomplish this winter and we are focused on creating an even better golf course for 2023

We will continue to improve all aspects of this amazing property and hope to get a lot accomplished this fall season Everyone here in Maintenance is excited to have the fall weather and hope to see you all out playing golf and enjoying it with us before the dreadful winter season approaches!




ThisyearF&Bhasknockeditoutofthepark! IamsoproudofourteamhereatCCN,westriveto giveeachmemberorguestthebestexperience possible.TheeventsfromOctoberwereahuge success;hearingthatweexceededexpectationsand providedgreatserviceputsasmileonourfaces Tha youtothefamiliesforchoosingCCNforyourspecial day!Thesetypesofevents,meetingallthefantastic membersandgettingtoknoweachoneofyoumake CCNanamazingplacetowork.

Movingforward,theservicewillcontinuetoimprove andwewillalwayshaveadeliciousmealforyouwit ChefJasoninthekitchen,andTrishattheTurnwhen youmakeapitstop.

I’dliketosharearecipe oneofmyfavoritesoupsmy mommaTrishmakes Sinceitistheseasontostaycozy, trythisrecipe!IhopeyouenjoyitasmuchasIdo!

French Onion Soup


Beef broth from cooked roast Worcestershire sauce Red wine

Caramelized onion Thyme Salt & pepper

Provolone & parmesan cheese Croutons

Roast a nice cut of beef on 350 for 2 hours or until tender to release broth

Put broth with 4 6 cups of water in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp beef base paste

Cut bakers twine and tie a nice sprig of thyme. Add to broth with 1/2 cup red wine and 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce in saucepan, let simmer. Caramelize julienne cut onions with butter for 45 60 mins on low heat, stir occasionally (as many as you prefer.)

After caramelizing the onions, add to broth and simmer for 15 20 mins. Add to crocks and top with croutons, provolone and parmesan Bake until soup has a crusty top BOOM SOUP IS SERVED!

Directions 1 2 3. 4. 5.


As we come to the end of our Golf Season, our event and holiday party planning season is just beginning! Word has gotten out and there is a buzz in the air on what amazing private events and celebrations the Food & Beverage Team has put together to the delight of our members.

Our All Star Team, led by Kyle Thomas and our new Chef Jason Downey, is eager and excited to show you their skills and exceptional customer service. As a member of CCN, you have full access to our six private rooms and celebration spaces. Also as a member, you are welcome to refer or sponsor a friend or family member to host their special celebration or professional gathering at CCN.

In addition to private events and celebrations, we hope you will take advantage of the many Member Themed events and activities we have planned for you in the coming months and into 2023. We also welcome suggestions! If there is a themed party, activity, special class or seminar, and beyond, that you would like to see here at CCN please send your


Holiday Wellness Tips:

Maintain Good Health and Start the New Year Off Right!

Since the holidays are considered the season of giving and thinking of others, it can be way too easy for you to lose yourself in the fray Holiday stress can easily get you down, and ruin what’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year Don’t let it overpower your holiday cheer, though Fortunately, these stress free holiday tips are a great place to start on your journey to better mental and physical health If you ’ re planning to see loved ones this holiday season, here are a few useful tips to help you keep your eyes on the healthy prize!

Prioritize “Me Time”. Taking some much needed “ me time” isn’t selfish; it’s a necessary component to leading a healthy and active lifestyle Do some yoga, take a relaxing walk, schedule a personal spa day by yourself, or simply take some time to catch up on some reading Bottom line: taking time to de stress, detoxify, and take care of yourself is one of the best mental wellness tips we can give Your mental health will thank you for it Stay Active and Find Ways to Occupy Your Time. People typically associate staying active with exercising but leading an active lifestyle can entail so much more than just going to the gym all the time A great holiday wellness tip is to acknowledge the activities you enjoy and continue to work them into your holiday schedule Plan Ahead to Avoid Last Minute Stress. Stay on top of your errands and to do list Planning ahead and getting your holiday shopping done early can help you avoid the stress of having to brave the hordes of last minute shoppers You can feel satisfied knowing that all your holiday shopping and preparations are done well ahead of schedule and you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the holiday season Stick to Your Budget. When the time comes to start your holiday shopping and preparations, make sure to create a strict budget and stick to it. Participating in gift exchange programs with set spending limits commits you to having to purchase fewer gifts, making it easier to track your spending and ensuring that you come out of the holiday season still in the black.

Enjoy Quality Time with Loved Ones Making time to visit old friends and relatives is exactly what the holiday season is all about While it can be exhausting to try to make time for every single person in your life during this time of year, even a simple phone call or Christmas greeting is enough to brighten up another person ’ s mood just to let them know that you ’ re thinking of them You might even notice that the more you do this, the more other people are willing to return the favor!


CALENDAR November Events Great food & great tunes! CCN welcomes Dan Rivers & his acoustic Americana sound. LIVE MUSIC WITH DAN RIVERS 6:00 - 9:00 PM Let's make some cocktails! Join us for a fun afternoon with Professional Mixologist Brian Petro, otherwise known as the 'Smart Guy in a Tie' while he teaches us some tips & tricks. PROFESSIONAL MIXOLOGY CLASS 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM 12 SATURDAY Experience a memorable Thanksgiving around our table CCN's Food & Beverage Team is offering an exceptional buffet crafted by Chef Jason Downey with all of your holiday favorites so that you can spend more time focusing on what matters most this year each other THANKSGIVING BUFFET 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM24 THURSDAY WEEKLY TRADITIONS For more information call 937-374-5000 WEDNESDAYS:Halfpricebottlesofwine&$10Burgers. THURSDAYS:$10BuildYourOwnPizzas&$3DomesticDrafts. FRIDAYS:SeasonalprixfixemenucraftedbyChefJasonDowney Includes2drinks, 2salads,2entrees&ashareddessert.$60++percouple|$30++perperson. WEEKENDBRUNCH: OpeneverySaturday&Sundayservingupbrunchfavorites. Openfrom10:00AM-3:00PM FRIDAY 4

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