Brussels Conference on new strategic challenges fo (The European, Nc.) On 25 September 2012, the European Security Roundtable (ESRT) held its Annual Conference on “New Strategic Challenges for the European Union”, which was organised in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. For the fifth time, this forum gathered relevant stakeholders from the Brussels Security and Defence Community to discuss the future perspectives of the European Security and Defence Policy. After an opening keynote speech delivered by the the Secretary General of the European External Action Service, Pierre Vimont, two panel sessions further explored the strategic implications of EU maritime interests and capability development in times of austerity.
The complexity of the EEAS
Pierre Vimont (EEAS) during his speech.
Photo: ESRT
also made clear that to effectively play this role the EU must face a number of challenges like the cuts in public spending and In his presentation, Secretary General Vimont, shared his views divisions among its member states. He therefore stressed the on the role of the European Union as a Peace-Builder. He underneed to strengthen Europe’s capabilities lined that although the context in which by multiplying Pooling & Sharing the EU operates has become more initiatives and that EU’s operations complex than ever before, the role of should be more integrated within a the EU in this changing environment Conference Reports comprehensive approach. could be a useful one. Nevertheless he