The European-Security and Defence Union Issue 41

Page 36

European Parliament Resolution on the Arctic On 7th October 2021, the European Parliament adopted a resolution entitled “The Arctic: opportunities, concerns and security challenges”.

photo: © Larwim/Shutterstock



[The Parliament] 1. Reaffirms that the Arctic is of strategic and political importance to the EU, as an Arctic stakeholder and global actor, and underlines the EU’s commitment


to being a responsible actor, seeking

tion; calls for the EU to continue to

cerned about the negative effects of

the long-term sustainable and peace-

contribute to the Arctic Council through

climate change, notably the rapidly

ful development of the region by fully

expertise and financing by increasing

melting ice and resource overexploita-

cooperating with international partners;

its engagement in the Arctic Council

tion, which create new elements and

considers it crucial that all stakehold-

working groups and its various projects;

realities for certain forms of economic

ers, including the EU and its Member

believes that the northern region should

development and further disruption

States, act to maintain peaceful and

be viewed as part of the EU’s northern

to the increasingly fragile Arctic eco-

intense international and regional coop-

neighbourhood, with increased partic-


eration, scientific research, prosperity

ipation in existing forums; highlights

8. Emphasises that the comprehensive

and low tensions in the Arctic, as well as

that the Northern Dimension serves as

governance model based on interna-

to respond to the very alarming effects

a constructive arena for cross-border

tional law has benefited all Arctic states

and consequences of climate change

cooperation, with a successful model

and the region as a whole, and has

in the region; considers that the Arctic

for sectoral cooperation, in which the

provided predictability and stability in

plays a crucial role in maintaining the

EU contributes equally to the joint pol-

the region; underlines that the existing

environmental balance of the planet,

icy with Russia, Norway and Iceland,

regional structures foster trust and

is satisfied that the region has long

as well as other observers; welcomes

cooperation between Arctic states;

been a place of peace and fruitful in-

further practical cooperation on a broad

stresses that the Arctic states hold

ternational cooperation;

range of areas; highlights the coopera-

the primary responsibility for tackling

2. Supports the validity of the three

tion between local and national state

issues within their territories; points,

founding pillars of the integrated EU

and non-state actors within the Barents

however, to the fact that external forces

policy for the Arctic, namely responding

Euro-Arctic Council, of which the EU is a

have a key impact on current and future

ambitiously to climate change and

full member, on issues with particular

challenges in the region; reiterates that

safeguarding the Arctic environment,

relevance to the Barents region; notes

international law is the cornerstone

promoting sustainable development

that the Barents Euro-Arctic Council has

of the legal framework regulating in-

and strengthening international co-

played an important role in building

ternational relations in the Arctic (…);

operation; stresses the importance

trust and mutual understanding in the

9. Recognises the status of Arctic states’

of a balanced EU Arctic policy and is

North while enhancing cooperation

sovereignty and their sovereign rights

of the opinion that the EU is uniquely

between Arctic countries; notes that

in accordance with international law;

well-placed to help coordinate and

the EU should also aim to participate

believes that safeguarding the achieve-

complement Member States’ Arctic

in other political forums linked to Arctic

ments of three decades of peaceful

policies, and therefore stresses the


cooperation is crucial; stresses that

need for more coherence between the

6. Is of the opinion that the new EU Arctic

the EU’s capacity to provide solutions to

EU’s internal and external policies as

policy should be used more broadly as

potential security challenges should be

regards Arctic matters; urges the EU to

an opportunity to increase awareness

fully harnessed; underlines that, given

include an Arctic dimension wherever

and engagement among EU citizens,

the multitude of complex and inter-

appropriate in its sectoral policies;

academia and businesses as regards

twined issues related to the economic,


Arctic issues; calls for the creation

environmental and security develop-

4. Stresses that the EU must contribute

of a single Arctic portal covering all

ment of the Arctic, global, regional and

to enhanced Arctic multilateral govern-

Arctic initiatives and activities of the

local venues are required for dialogue

ance, promote the sustainable use of

EU institutions;

on the region’s security needs;”

resources, and protect and preserve

7. Notes that interest in the Arctic and

the Arctic in unison with its popula-

its resources is growing; is deeply con-


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