Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine (ESEMAG) | February 2019

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Manitoba water services evaluates THM removal technology


Treating industrial wastewaters with electrochemical oxidation


Water & wastewater treatment in cold climates

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February 2019 • Vol. 32 No. 1 • ISSN-0835-605X

Editor and Publisher STEVE DAVEY steve@esemag.com Managing Editor PETER DAVEY peter@esemag.com Sales Director PENNY DAVEY penny@esemag.com ales Representative DENISE SIMPSON S denise@esemag.com Accounting SANDRA DAVEY sandra@esemag.com Circulation Manager DARLANN PASSFIELD darlann@esemag.com Design & Production MIGUEL AGAWIN production@esemag.com

TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD Archis Ambulkar, Jones and Henry Engineers, Ltd. Gary Burrows, City of London Patrick Coleman, Black & Veatch Bill De Angelis, Metrolinx Mohammed Elenany, Urban Systems William Fernandes, City of Toronto Marie Meunier, John Meunier Inc., Québec Tony Petrucci, Stantec, Markham

Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi‑monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada’s municipal and industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. Readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key municipal, provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater plant operators and contractors. Information contained in ES&E has been compiled from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice. Articles being submitted for review should be emailed to steve@esemag.com. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Second Class Mail Product Agreement No. 40065446 Registration No. 7750 Undeliverable copies, advertising space orders, copy, artwork, proofs, etc., should be sent to: Environmental Science & Engineering 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30 Aurora, Ontario  L4G 3V6 Tel: (905)727-4666 Website: www.esemag.com A Supporting Publication of



FEATURES 8 12 14 16 18 22 24 28 32 34 38 40 42 44 48 52 54 56 60

How innovative sewer solutions are helping raise Ottawa’s skyline Cloth filter media system chosen to treat combined sewer overflows Construction soil is a valuable resource that should not be wasted Manitoba Water Services Board evaluates THM removal technology Wastewater plant gets its effluent line isolation valves updated Maximizing the heat opportunities from anaerobic digesters Laboratory accreditation plays a vital role in water testing results Monitoring is essential for VOC emissions reduction Brewery installs new metering pumps to meet WW pretreatment requirements Evaluating a new biological ion exchange process for organics removal New adjustable stator can triple sludge transfer pump life Treating industrial wastewaters with electrochemical oxidation New soil management regulations could benefit stormwater facilities Stormwater management ponds need to be maintained Making urban trees more effective for stormwater management Relocated First Nation town needed a completely new wastewater system Enhancing wastewater lagoon nitrification in cold climates Insulated floating covers to conserve heat in wastewater lagoons How wildfires impact drinking water treatment process performance


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Meeting the challenges of water supply and environmental sustainability


s editor of ES&E, I’m often sent new books to review relating to water, wastewater and environmental protection. While most are very technical, two sent to me recently were very well worth reading due to their broad reaching scope and subject matter. High and Dry – Meeting the Challenges of the World’s Growing Dependence on Groundwater, by William and Rosemarie Alley, is an engaging call to understand and protect groundwater, the primary source of drinking water for almost half of the world’s population. A growing global population, widespread use of industrial chemicals, and climate change threaten this vital resource. Groundwater depletion and contamination has spread from isolated areas to many countries throughout the world. Drawing on examples from around the world, including case studies in Canada, the United States, Australia, India, and Sub-Saharan Africa, the authors examine groundwater from key scientific and socioeconomic perspectives. While addressing the serious nature of groundwater problems, the book includes stories of people who are making a difference in protecting this critical resource. In the last chapter, the authors emphasize five key issues they feel are essential to ensuring adequate groundwater supplies: • Antiquated groundwater laws and policies need to be updated to reflect the dynamic interconnection of surface water and groundwater. • Local solutions are where the action is, but external pressure is usually required to make meaningful progress. • You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Quantitative knowledge about groundwater resources is essential for effective and realistic solutions. • If we wish to manage groundwater resources sustainably, we need to consider the timescale of the consequences. The response of a groundwater system 6  |  February 2019

Africa to protect an important river. A mix of success stories and concrete suggestions for addressing environmental issues, Todd’s narrative provides an important voice in the conversation about planetary crisis. While despairing headlines and legislation about climate change take over the media, Todd asks readers to equip themselves with the necessary information and actionable tools needed to deal with the issues. He says we know enough at this juncture to to pumping – including effects on rivask two fundamental questions. ers, lakes, wetlands, and springs – can Firstly, can we use contemporary be many decades. Yet, groundwater planning horizons (when they exist) are ecological knowledge, combined with a great diversity of life-forms, to create often only five to 20 years. technologies that are powered by sun• Climate change is simultaneously making groundwater more essential and light, recycle and reuse energy and that don’t pollute, while requiring minimal amplifying threats to it. Groundwater becomes even more important for global use of scarce materials? Secondly, is it possible for us to employ water and food supply in the face of more frequent and intense droughts and these technologies and techniques to take warmer temperatures predicted in climate on the task of sustaining society, including food, shelter and energy needs? change scenarios. Climate change will He proposes that a new theory of affect groundwater recharge, interactions design, based upon ecological prinwith surface water, and water quality. ciples, is needed. Such an ecological Director of Science and Technology design theory requires blueprints from for the National Ground Water Associthe natural world, a deep understandation, William M. Alley is a hydrology ing of the significance of complexity, expert and authority on groundwater. and the ability to recombine species Rosemarie Alley is a veteran science from all the kingdoms of life into new writer. They previously coauthored the book on nuclear waste, Too Hot to Touch. associations or assemblages that can carry out a variety of tasks designated Healing Earth: An Ecologist’s Jourby ecological engineers. ney of Innovation and Environmental Todd has published over 200 articles, Stewardship, by Canadian ecologiis the author, or co-author, of seven cal designer Dr. John Todd, presents a books, and is a winner of the Buckmessage that stands out from the usual minster Fuller Prize. His company has mass of despairing messages about clibeen involved in numerous wastewamate change. The book chronicles ecoter and remediation projects around logical interventions Todd has created the world. For more information, visit over the course of his career. www.toddecological.com Each chapter presents a workable engineering solution to existing enviSteve Davey ronmental problems including: is editor and • Remediating a mountaintop removal publisher of ES&E and valley-fill coal mining operation. Magazine. Email: • Using windmill powered aeration steve@esemag.com and bacteria injections to restore the health of a polluted pond. • Working with a community in South Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



Sanitary sewer relocation south of Albert Street in Ottawa.

How innovative sewer solutions are helping raise Ottawa’s skyline By Julian Bratina


ttawa’s city council recently approved the development of a mixed-use complex along the Albert Street Corridor. Located two kilometres west of Parliament Hill, where OC Transpo’s Confederation Line and Trillium Line intersect, the area is ideal for intensification. WSP was engaged by Trinity Development Group to provide peer review and 3D models, hydraulic study/review, detailed design, tender and contract documents, contract administration, and site inspection for this project. The company developed innovative sewer solutions to successfully address the issues of this challenging site. These included: • Installation of 266 m of 1,950 mm Class 140-D to replace 211 m of 1,650 mm pipe. • Installation of 6 m of 1,050 mm Class 140-D to replace 65 m of existing 1,050 mm pipe. • Installation of 70 m of 1,800 mm jack 8  |  February 2019

and bore pipe, Class MT 140-D in accordance with CAN/CSA A257.2. • Installation of 156 m of 2,400 mm Class 100-D to replace 168 m of existing 1,800 mm storm pipe. The hydraulic report was completed in 2016, and the design in 2017. Construction started in October 2017, and WSP’s work on the site was completed in May 2018. Once WSP had obtained the necessary approvals in a very tight timeframe, advanced engineering methods such as hydraulic modeling, microtunnelling, innovative shaft construction techniques, and the selection of reinforced concrete pipe, made this project possible.

will subject the ground to blasting, heavy truck traffic, and an increase in cover by several metres in some places due to backfill. So, the pipe selected needed to be reliable, sturdy and able to withstand disturbances. Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), with a service life of 70 to 100 years and an innate structural strength with reduced dependence on bedding, was the natural choice for the sanitary and storm sewers in this project.

HYDRAULIC MODELING A smaller-than-standard pipe diameter was essential to the creation of an alignment that missed existing infrastructure, while maintaining the fixed and very shallow slope of the pipe. Refining of the PIPE SELECTION Within the project area is an aban- hydraulic modelling with more advanced doned rail yard, which had contaminated 3D techniques assured the City that a soil. Also, future developments nearby continued overleaf… Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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INFRASTRUCTURE smaller pipe was hydraulically sufficient. The downstream connection point of the storm sewer was extended to the north side of Albert Street in order to mitigate the negative impacts on the sewer hydraulics. Two bends of 50 degrees, rather than two of 90 degrees, were used for the extension, resulting in considerable gains in hydraulic efficiency. The resulting solution to reduce the pipe from 2,400 mm to 1,800 mm not only made the project technically feasible, but also made microtunnelling a much less expensive option. Computer modelling was also used to validate the new sanitary sewer design, which was considerably longer than the existing arched brick sewer. Rerouting the storm sewer around the proposed building footprint required additional deflections, and, therefore, maintenance holes. WSP’s development of the 3D hydraulic models for the proposed sewer alignments provided the required assurances to the City. This also allowed for the refining of previously developed friction loss calculations, and the numerical modelling of the concrete benching in the large maintenance holes to optimize hydraulic efficiency in the sewers.

Jacking the tunnel boring machine from the launch shaft.

tunneling is also referred to as the jackand-bore method, where a three-piece tunnel boring machine is set up in front of a large jack, which is laid horizontally inside the launch shaft. A bentonite slurry is pumped to the cutter head at the front of the TBM and MICROTUNNELLING used to lubricate the cutting edges, the The site’s location on the busy Albert exterior of the new pipe, and facilitate Street thoroughfare, which is a major tran- the capture of cutting spoils. Slurry is sit route and an arterial road, presented pumped to the surface where water is an additional set of challenges due to the separated for reuse, and the earth and City’s firm directive that there could be no rock excavated by the process is stored impact on traffic flow. WSP’s team also had for removal from the site. The jack to address issues such as the extension of pushes the TBM in as it cuts through the reconnection point, and the addition the soil until the jack is fully extended. of a new connection point which, at 13 m When the jack is withdrawn, a piece of below grade, could potentially impact the RCP is lowered and installed behind the LeBreton Flats development. TBM, with a steel-collar-reinforced bell Their solution involved using micro- and spigot. tunnelling technology, which involved The jack-and-bore process is conminimal disruption to the surface and trolled with a laser manipulated by an minimized the impact that the high operator, and continues piece-by-piece groundwater table had on construction. until it breaks into the exit shaft. While Installation of a pipe using a small the jack-and-bore process may incur tunnel boring machine (TBM) was the additional expenses and risks, it excels most practical solution, resulting in a in instances like this where typical cut 1,800 mm storm sewer 13 m below the and cover installation would be prohibistreet and below the groundwater table. tively costly and disruptive. Construction of the two shafts and the set-up of equipment took more than a INNOVATIVE SHAFT month, but boring 70 m of pipe took CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES only 11 days to complete. This type of Five types of shoring techniques were 10  |  February 2019

utilized for the Albert Street site: • Piles and lagging – Hammering steel piles into the ground and using wooden lagging between them to retain the earth. • Sheet piles – Driving interlocking steel sheet piles into the ground to create the shaft and retain the earth. • Secant piles – Drilling piles into the ground and backfilling them with concrete in a concentric design, so that they will exert force on each other and hold back the earth outside the shaft. • Sunken caisson – Framing and pouring a concrete ring and then excavating inside and under the ring, allowing it to slide into the ground. The forming, pouring and excavating are repeated, until reaching a desired depth where workers pour a watertight concrete slab. • Trench box – A rigid box is moved along the trench to support excavation slopes and protect workers as pipe is installed. The sunken caisson and secant pile techniques are not generally used for sewer construction and installation. However, the project team decided to use the approach in this instance, and successfully achieved their objectives, despite site limitations. Julian Bratina is with WSP. For more information, visit www.wsp.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine





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Cloth media filter system chosen to treat Combined Sewer Overflows


ne city in the Great Lakes Region had to remedy a consent order filed for its untreated combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges. Officials originally planned to install a 3.8 MLD stormwater storage tank, but were approached by Aqua-Aerobic representatives with a pilot test proposal utilizing a new technology. The pilot proposal featured the AquaPrime Cloth Media Filter utilizing 5-micron microfibre cloth media, which would be tested during five wet weather events. The successful pilot test prompted the city to request a design for an AquaPrime filtration system, which could treat both dry and wet weather conditions, and allow alum coagulant to be injected upstream of the filters to meet future effluent phosphorus limits and eliminate fine CSO particles. Startup of the 14-disk AquaPrime filtration system began in July 2017 with a design average flow rate of 3.8 MLD in dry conditions and a peak wet weather flow rate of 48 MLD. Each cloth media disk is approximately two metres in diameter and provides an effective filtration area of 5 m2, for a total filtration area of 140 m2. The filters were retrofitted into the


plant’s existing, abandoned sand media filter structures, saving the city considerable capital costs. In addition, the new filtration system was $1 million less than the original, conventional storage tank design. The new tertiary/wet weather filtration system also included replacement of an existing gas chlorine disinfection system with a UV disinfection system. The UV system was installed in the existing tank, which also provided significant project cost savings. THE AQUAPRIME FILTER PROCESS The AquaPrime filter features a disk configuration and an outside-in flow path, which allows for three zones of solids removal. These zones are especially critical in wet weather applications due to the high solids typically associated with the first flush after wet weather events. The top zone is the “floatable zone” where surface materials such as fats, oils and grease are allowed to collect on the water surface. Solids are removed from this zone by allowing floating material to overflow a scum weir a couple of times each

The Waterra Vapour Sampling EcoPlug™ allows you to extract a sample of trapped headspace, without losing well gases to the atmosphere. These specialized well caps use a custom brass valve, and with the Sample Port Adapter you can extract the sample without removing the cap from the well. features • available for 1", 2" & 4" monitoring wells • chemical & temperature resistant • pressure tested to 20 PSI • tamper-proof • durable

12  |  February 2019

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

day. The middle zone is the “filtration zone” where solids are removed through filtration. Here, solids deposit on the outside of the cloth media, forming a mat as filtrate flows through the media. This buildup of solids on the media creates hydraulic resistance to flow through the media and causes the water level in the tank to rise. Once a predetermined liquid level or time setting is attained, the disks begin to rotate and the backwash pump starts. This draws filtered water from the inside of the disk through the media and removes solids from the filter media’s surface. This process fluidizes fibres to provide an efficient release of stored solids deep within the fibre. The bottom or “solids zone” permits heavier solids to settle to the bottom of the tank for intermittent removal. Solids are evacuated from the hopper through collection laterals using the solids/backwash pump. DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS In order to remove 85% or more of TSS and CBOD₅ in CSO discharges, and comply with future permit requirements for phosphorus, the AquaPrime filters are designed for upstream alum addition. The system is also designed to treat for the duration of a wet weather event, which can last for several days. This ability to provide continuous filtration capacity prevents overflow occurrences.

Cutaway view of the AquaPrime filter.

Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc. is represented in Ontario and eastern Canada by ACG-Envirocan. For more information, email: sales@envirocan.ca



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February 2019  |  13


Construction soil is a valuable resource that should not be wasted By Andy Manahan and Giovanni Cautillo


very year, thousands of trucks in Canadian metropolitan areas haul what is called “excess soil” from transit developments, sewer and watermain projects, road building, utilities and new housing sites. It is often dumped like a waste product at licensed landfill sites more than 100 kilometres away from its point of origin. Sometimes, it is spread on farm land. The preferable option would be to reuse it at other nearby infrastructure projects, ideally within 10 kilometres. Each year, an estimated 26 million cubic metres of construction soil must be managed in Ontario. This would fill Toronto’s Rogers Centre 16 times, according to environmental lawyer and engineer Frank Zechner. He has also calculated that it costs approximately $2 billion per year to move and dispose of it. His estimates are based on research prepared with Statistics Canada data sets published in “2017 Update: Quantification of Excess Construction Soils in Ontario”, an independent report commissioned by the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO). This is an important issue for several reasons. Firstly, some coordination to repurpose the resource could save municipalities millions of dollars, possibly re-allocating that money for other vital infrastructure. Secondly, the environmental impact is undeniable as greenhouse gas emissions are produced by platoons of trucks travelling on municipal and provincial roads. Thirdly, those roads are incurring a lot of wear and tear, which means funds have to be spent on road repairs and maintenance sooner than if these trucks were using them less. These reasons were the impetus for RCCAO and the Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association (GTSWCA) to finance and produce 14  |  February 2019

An estimated 26 million cubic metres of construction soil must be managed each year in Ontario annually. This would fill Toronto’s Rogers Centre 16 times.

a three-part video series on management of construction soil. “The Real Dirt on Dirt: Solutions for Construction Soil Management” was released in September 2018. The series is designed to encourage adoption of best management practices (BMPs) for construction soil and increase awareness of smart financial choices and environmental conservation through better upfront planning. The first video, “Financial and Environmental Benefits of Best Practices”, starts off by explaining that almost two million trucks will dump a load of construction soil this year at sites all over Ontario. With good planning, coordination and consistent handling practices, most of that soil could be beneficially reused more safely and transported within the municipality where it came from. It is also clear that the unnecessary transport of construction soil has a financial impact on the municipalities when they fund infrastructure development. A 2016 study by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE), GTSWCA and RCCAO, entitled “Excess

Soil Management: Ontario is Wasting a Precious Resource”, looked at 24 projects in the Greater Toronto Area and found that, on average, the loading, trucking and dumping of soil added 14% to the cost of municipal infrastructure projects. These were projects by contractors who did their best to implement BMPs. The second video, “Words of Wisdom from a Water Main Contractor”, features an interview with a sewer and water main contractor, Tony Di Pede of North Rock Group. Standing at a water main dig in a residential neighbourhood in Nobleton, Ontario, Di Pede expressed his strong belief in making smarter decisions for the benefit of municipalities and the people who live in the communities that are seeing trucks drive through them. He is equally insistent that making changes to soil management won’t affect his company’s bottom line. It is a passthrough cost, so there is no vested interest in his statement. “It’s not saving me a penny,” Di Pede said. “Where it’s saving the money is for the municipalities, because I bid on the work based on the information they give me.” Ideally, con-

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

tractors would put all of the soil back where it came from as “native backfill.”

calculated carbon dioxide gas emissions emitted by trucks hauling Crosstown project soil from Toronto to the COST SAVINGS POSSIBLE surrounding region at more than 60,000 If excavated soil from roads, bridges metric tonnes. and sewer projects cannot be reused as Projects in the United Kingdom have native backfill, it can often be taken to demonstrated that local, beneficial reuse other nearby construction sites. When of construction soil can reduce carbon trucks are not transporting soil long dis- dioxide emissions by up to 80%. With tances, projects can enjoy up to 9% cost fewer trucks on the road, Canadian roadsavings, as determined by the OSPE/ ways can be safer and less congested, and GTSWCA/RCCAO study. longer-lasting, saving money for other Di Pede suggested that municipalities infrastructure or community needs. perform a full chemical analysis of the Meanwhile, technology is making it soil before it is disturbed so they “know easier to digitally track soils and mainthe product that they have.” Then, they tain a record of test results. SoilFLO for can look at other projects and see who instance, analyzes the product and monneeds this material. itors who is moving it, where it is comEven if there are minor salt exceed- ing from, where it can go and where it ances, however, the soil is going back in will be transported. the same right-of-way, and other sites Using innovation, implementing BMPs are not being impacted. and progressive government policy can significantly improve this situation as well MEGAPROJECTS as reduce the risk of illegal dumping. The third video, “Big Bang for the Buck on Megaprojects”, looks at Toronto’s MOVING FORWARD Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail project. While the term “excess soil” is comAccording to Zechner and confirmed monly used within construction and by Metrolinx, it will take an estimated government circles, it incorrectly implies 150,000 truck trips to move the Cross- that this soil is a waste. Construction soil town’s construction soil over the lifespan is a reusable resource, unlike contamiof the project, which began in 2011 and nated soil which needs to be treated. is expected to be completed in 2021. Incorporating BMPs into municipal Zechner’s 2012 report, “Eglinton LRT by-laws and tender documents will help Project: Estimated Costs and Impacts to ensure that clean soil is reused and that of Addressing Excess Construction Soil”, contaminated soil is dealt with appro-

priately. For example, a soil management plan would have to be developed for larger sites, such as Crosstown, and it would be certified and overseen by a qualified professional. In Ontario, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is reviewing draft regulations to enhance the management of soil from building and infrastructure projects across the province. A multi-ministry approach, comprising efforts by the Ministries of Environment, Municipal Affairs and Housing, Transportation, Infrastructure and others, will also help to achieve a more coordinated effort. Working together, industry, government and the public can find solutions that provide economic and environmental advantages for our communities. For more information on soil management and to watch the three-part video series, visit soiil.com. Andy Manahan is executive director of the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario. Email: manahan@rccao.com. Giovanni Cautillo is executive director of the Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association. Email: giovanni.cautillo@gtswca.org

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February 2019  |  15


The team factored in the sub-zero temperatures during the Manitoba winter and added an air heater to the Powervent ventilation unit.

Manitoba water services board evaluates THM removal technology By Nick Pecoskie


ecently, the Manitoba Water Services Board (MWSB) set out to overcome the problem of undesirable disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in the drinking water of rural Manitobans. The MWSB, established in 1972 as a Crown Corporation under the Manitoba Water Services Board Act, has a mandate to assist with providing drinking water and sewage services to rural Manitobans. Manitoba has a population of 1,300,000, with roughly 725,000 living in the City of Winnipeg and the Greater Winnipeg Area. This means over 55% of the population inhabits rural, often remote locations, presenting MWSB with a vast geographic infrastructure challenge. As with other rural communities across Canada, MWSB customers often contend with water that may be “high in age” by 16  |  February 2019

the time it arrives at the local community, after traveling via long distance transmission lines. Disinfection byproducts form over time and with increasing frequency as water temperature rises. In Manitoba, the factors creating the conditions for DBP formation in drinking water are both inherent and perennial. Drinking water is sourced from some of Manitoba’s and Canada’s most storied rivers and lakes, including the Assiniboine River. Raw water is treated centrally and then pumped throughout a network of transmission pipelines to rural distribution systems. The same chlorine that is used to disinfect the drinking water in order to reduce or eliminate microorganisms also reacts with any organic matter naturally present to produce DBPs. The most

common of these DBPs are trihalomethanes (THMs). These are regulated across Canada to a level of 100 ppb (parts-perbillion) annual average and, as such, both proactive and reactive solutions are employed to limit and remove THMs and keep the water within regulations. The time it takes water to travel from the water treatment plant to the end user is referred to as “water age.” Because it is a driver of DBP formation, water age is monitored closely by utility operators. It is this combination of long transmission lines and the inevitable biological material that, when combined with chlorine, serve as a precursor for THM formation, that the MWSB set out to remedy. In 2016, key staff at MWSB, including Tyler Foxton, a project engineer, identified a specific location in the rural community of Plumas as requiring further analysis and action to counter DBP formation. As far back as 2014, MWSB observed steadily increasing THM levels of over 200 ppb and began testing removal of soluble organic material, one of the THM precursors, as a potential solution. As a result of the testing, the Board concluded that detention time in the reservoir combined with the inherent water age resulting from a 96 km pipeline would continue to foster THM formation even after removal of organic matter. Foxton identified a paper published in the AWWA Journal by Ethan Brooke, describing his work on DBP removal via aeration while at the University of New Hampshire. After careful consideration of possible treatment options, the MWSB issued a request for pricing (RFP) for a technical trial pilot project to assess whether available technologies could mitigate THM formation in the 373,000-litre Plumas, Manitoba drinking water storage reservoir. The trial project enabled the Board to gather THM data over an extended period of time. This provided a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of the proposed technical solution prior to making any long-term decisions or substantial capital investments. PSI Water Technologies, Inc. (PSI) and PAX Water Technologies, Inc. (PAX), both subsidiaries of California-based UGSI Solutions, Inc., were selected to perform the one-year pilot test to strip THMs from

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

Sustainable Ecosystems

Soil retaining system helps urban trees reach ventilation unit to ensure that frigid air since start up. Installation validation data was not blowing into the tank during the shows that the system is delivering a 69% maturity winter, creating unwanted icing issues. reduction in THMs.

the Plumas tank. The companies demonstrated significant practical experience By Eric Keshavarzi in utilizing water storage assets, like the Plumas reservoir, as an intervention point to eliminate reen THMs in distributionand systems. infrastructure susThis unique approach of using tainability goals are of the inwater storage tanks as importance, treatment technolcreasing and ogy assets isachieving a departure from traditional them requires techthinking around drinking water nical knowledge and training indistribuvaried tion systems. Essentially, fields. Integration of soil the and PAX trees TRS into system uses the water reservoir as a susreacurban areas substantially improves tion vessel to enhance volatilization of tainability and helps alleviate some of our THM compounds from the liquid phase most pressing ecological challenges. (water)include into the of These airgas andphase water (headspace quality, rising the tank) and then remove them from temperatures, flooding and erosion from the tank. Theevents. PAX TRS system, which daily rainfall includes submerged mechanical tank OnmixThe West Don Lands, in Toronto, ers, rooftop ventilation units and surface tario, is a community that is people foaerators, integrates seamlessly to release cused, family friendly, environmentally THMs from the tank water into the headsustainable and beautifully designed for space and then out of the tank. living. It has a Stage 1 LEED ND GOLD By utilizing Henry’s Law program and various certification under the pilot esmass transfer principles embedded in tablished by the U.S. Green Building the proprietary PAX Neptune equipCouncil. ment selection the component, engineering One notablesoftware, sustainable team at PAX and PSI was able to streets, predict utilized in the design of the area’s the level of THM removal and optimize is a soil retaining system called Silva energy usage to save operating Cells™. Typical urban trees incosts. the This city meant MWSB obtained the appropriate core die after approximately seven years. amount ofSilva capitalCells equipment required to However, help extend their achieve the desired THM removal rates, life spans, thus promoting the growth of withoutstreet having to pay more in operating mature trees. costs for oversized equipment. Although the City of Toronto had preThe team factored in the sub-zero viously used Silva Cells as part of a temperatures during the Manitoba winter stormwater management pilot program in and added an air heater to the Powervent The Queensway, their use as part of site


Installation and commissioning took only three days, and the PAX TRS system has been delivering the promised results

Nick Pecoskie is with Indachem Inc. Email: nick.pecoskie@indachem.com


Installation of Silva Cells in Mill Street.

development is new. In fact, the West Don Lands streets are the first in a Toronto subdivision to be designed with this system installed under parking lay-bys and sidewalks. Mill Street was the first subdivision street in Toronto to be designed to include this soil retaining system. As the lead engineering consultant, R.V.Anderson Associates coordinated all plans and specifications with the landscape architect. About Silva Cells Silva Cells are a plastic/fiberglass structure of columns and beams that support paving above un-compacted planting

soil. The structure has 92% void space and is a stable surface for the installation of vehicle loaded-pavements. When properly installed, they can achieve an AASHTO H-20 load rating. Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code loading can also be achieved through appropriate design. This is the required load rating for structures such as underground vaults, covers and grates in areas of traffic including sidewalks and parking lots. The cell structure transfers the force to a base layer below the structure. Soil within the cells remains at low compaction rates, thereby creating ideal



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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine February 2019  |  17


WasteWater plant gets major valve upgrade By Tim Fallon


he Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant is the largest sewage treatment facility in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, treating 1.7 billion litres per day. Built in the 1950s, this facility has undergone several upgrades to keep up with population growth and ensure it continues to meet discharge regulations. During a comprehensive 48-hour pipe inspection, Hyperion officials discovered deterioration of its primary outfall pipeline. This wasn’t an unusual condition given the fact that the pipeline and pump header were over 60 years old. It also became apparent that the old isolation butterfly valves on the suction and discharge sides of the vertical turbine effluent pumps needed to be refurbished or replaced due to corrosion of the valve body and disc. These 10 isolation valves provide shutoff to the pumps so that maintenance and repairs can be performed on the pumps. When tide and plant hydraulic conditions allow, plant effluent flows by gravity through a 3 metre diameter butterfly valve to the plant’s 8 km outfall pipeline without the use of pumps. Failure of any of these valves could create a backflow event which would flood the plant.

18  |  February 2019

The 3 metre butterfly valve was installed with a new Moog Flo-Tork actuation system.

In order to repair the pipeline, maintenance and construction crews would need to divert the treated wastewater from their primary outfall pipe to an emergency 1.6 km outfall pipeline. An optimal plan was needed to get the necessary upgrades done with minimal impact to the plant operations and environment. It was determined that Hyperion crews

and suppliers were going to need to work 24/7 for six weeks. While refurbishing valves can save money, it can often take longer than providing new products. First, existing valves need to be inspected to determine if refurbishment is even a viable option. Given the location, these valves could not continued overleaf…

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WASTEWATER be extracted until the project had begun. This would delay the project’s timeline as parts would need to be located and ordered, when one should ideally be doing the work. The five, 1,500 mm existing butterfly valves and the five, 1,950 mm valves were manufactured by Pratt and installed in the early 1970s. This meant that Pratt could locate historical files and have potential parts and replacement valves on hand as soon as they were able to gain access to the vault. There was one exception: the 3-metre diameter gravity-fed butterfly valve, which was a valve critical to public safety and operation of the plant. If this valve were to fail in the open position at high tide, ocean water and effluent would back up the pipe and potentially flood the facility. There was no secondary valve, only a redundant cylinder for closing and opening the valve. This valve was custom made with no original manufacturer marking to be found. It was so uniquely designed that the connecting flange bolt drilling on the valve was non-standard, and, thus, the pipe flanges were also non-standard. Replacing it with a new butterfly valve with special flange drilling was the only viable option, given the time constraints. This also meant that a new actuation system was needed. The previous design approach used a high pressure hydraulic power unit (HPU) and operated two

tem designed by Moog Flo-Tork would produce up to 3 million inch-pounds of torque from either one of the two rack and pinion actuators, which accommodated the need for redundancy. Due to the compressed timeline for completing the pipeline project, the company added shifts to supply the two actuators and reduce months of construction and assembly time. Although the assembly is compact, it creates great The old 3-metre butterfly valve was custom made power with low oil volume. Even though with no original manufacturer markings on it. the two actuators are mechanically sandwiched together, they act as independent cylinders on a lever, providing a dou- primary and emergency backup actuable redundancy of sorts. If one cylinder tion systems. failed or the HPU supplying the cylinder “The new actuation system worked failed, then the plant relied on the other very well in unison with the new butcylinder. With new technology develop- terfly valve because Moog Flo-Tork and ments, this approach is now considered Pratt worked closely together throughdangerous and unreliable. out the design, fabrication, testing and “The available pressure from the installation,” said Navid. hydraulic power units was about 1,200 The 10 Pratt isolation valves and 3 psi; we were looking for an actuator that metre diameter gravity valve needing would produce one million inch-pounds replacement were available for a timely of torque,” said Sam Navid, construc- installation, and the new large gravition manager for the City of Los Angeles’ ty-fed butterfly valve now has the latest Environmental Engineering Division. To technology to last well into the future. meet this challenging application, Moog Flo-Tork was contacted for their exper- Tim Fallon is with Pratt/Mueller Water tise in designing reliable high-torque Products. For more information, visit: www.muellerwaterproducts.com actuator systems. The company designed an actuator that required some 53 litres of hydraulic oil per stroke, with a rated working oil pressure of 3,000 psi. To this end, the sys-

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Maximizing the heat opportunities from anaerobic digesters


he most common uses of biogas produced by anaerobic digesters at wastewater treatment plants are for digester heating (some 48% anaerobic digestion (AD) facilities use gas in this way), building heating, power generation, or driving process machinery. Upgrading an existing plant is an ideal opportunity to improve its overall efficiency and ensure that every bit of heat and power produced is utilized, to maximize both energy production and overall greenhouse gas savings. In the U.K., the water sector has been at the heart of AD efficiency and improvements, with a 25% increase in power production from a 12% increase in capacity between 2010 and 2015. Recapturing heat is one of the easiest ways to improve efficiency, and heat exchangers represent the best way of doing this. They are an established technology, but despite their widespread use in industries such as food manufacturing and the chemical sector, they are often under-used in AD plants.

MAKING THE MOST OF HEAT Surplus heat can be recovered for use in the AD process itself, for example: to pre-heat feedstock or digesters to improve gas production efficiency; for water treatment, pasteurization and concentration processes; to heat offices or for space heating; or, to provide hot water for cleaning. Using surplus heat is also free, without the need to buy additional fuel, and all of these applications can be carried out using a suitable heat exchanger. A well-designed system could recover and utilize 40% of the heat produced by the plant. One range of heat exchangers which is proving popular with wastewater AD operators around the world is the DTI series double tube heat exchanger from HRS. The inner tube is corrugated to ensure improved heat transfer performance and resistance against tube wall fouling, resulting in reduced maintenance periods. In addition, the tube-in-tube design permits the processing of fluids with particles without any tube blockage, making it particularly suited to AD sewage treatment.

An HRS energy efficient multi-effect digestate concentration system.

allowing additional thermal regeneration, or recovery, levels of up to 60%. This saved heat can then be used elsewhere, such as an evaporation plant.

IMPROVING DIGESTATE Heat can also be used to separate water from digestate by concentration. This technique can reduce the overall quantity of digestate by as much as 80%, greatly lowering the transport costs associated with the removal of digestate. A well-designed sysTHE VALUE OF HEAT EXCHANGERS As an example, using heat exchangers to pasteurize diges- tem, such as HRS’ Digestate Concentration System, will include tate (the biofertiliser left over at the end of the AD process) measures to retain the valuable nutrients in the digestate, while can be more efficient than using tanks with heating jackets. evaporated water can be condensed and reused. For example, This is because exchangers have a much lower heat require- captured water can be added back to the feedstock as it enters ment, up to half of that of some other systems. This is because the digester. This makes the entire process almost self-sufficient tank systems have lower heat transfer efficiency and usually in terms of water use and eliminates liquid discharges from dump the hot water after use, rather than reclaiming it. Using the plant. After concentration, the treated digestate dry solid heat exchangers means that effective digestate pasteurization content can be as much as 20% (often a fourfold improvement), is possible using surplus heat, rather than needing to install an making it much easier to transport and handle. additional heat source such as a biomass boiler. The right system can also provide a continuous pasteuriza- For more information, visit www.hrs-heatexchangers.com tion process, using less energy than alternative systems, while 22  |  February 2019

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Laboratory accreditation plays a vital role in the quality of water testing results By Jeff Zimmer


here is a misconception, perpetuated by science fiction movies and crime or medical television shows, that analytical testing happens in a magic black box. A sample is taken from a mysterious material and put inside a black box, which then reveals everything there is to know about the sample. In reality, analytical testing is a hugely complex process involving multiple types of scientific instruments that require a significant technical understanding to operate. In over 30 years working in and managing SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories and as an assessor for the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation, I have seen how these complexities give rise to uncertainty in water test results. This can arise from many factors, including how a water sample was collected, its source, type (ground, surface, drinking or wastewater), how the sample was subsampled and prepared in the laboratory, and the type of chemistry or other scientific principle employed by the instrumentation. Science provides a level of trust in the face of uncertainty. This is the nature of the scientific method. Evidence-based observations and the repeatability of those observations provide people with an understanding that they can rely on what “the science” tells them. To protect this, rigorous systems exist to ensure “the science” is reported ethically and without bias. And, this is particularly important for municipalities that manage water treatment systems where public health is on the line. Confidence in the system is required to build public trust. WHY WE NEED ACCREDITED LABS In Canada, the push to ensure the reliability of laboratory data for environmental laboratories resulted in the formation of the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL). 24  |  February 2019

Water quality testing at SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories. Photo courtesy Saskatchewan Research Council.

CAEAL partnered with the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) to deliver site assessments to provide environmental laboratories in Canada with internationally recognized accreditation. Eventually, CAEAL became the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) and separated from the SCC to become a separate accreditation body.

the technical competence and appropriate management systems to consistently deliver technically valid test results. To obtain and maintain accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, laboratory facilities and records are assessed and examined by technical experts to ensure the following: • All the necessary technical resources are available. SETTING THE STANDARD • Staff at the facility are technically comLaboratories that do water testing are petent. assessed against the International Stan- • Testing methods used are appropriate dards Organization’s ISO/IEC 17025 and validated. standard. It is consistent with the ISO • Laboratory results are independent and 9001 standard for quality management not influenced by external pressures. systems. Laboratories accredited to the • Measurements and calibrations are 17025 standard operate in accordance traceable to national standards. with the principles of ISO 9001. • Uncertainty associated with test meaHowever, the 17025 standard has a surements is appropriately determined number of requirements specifically and applied. directed to laboratories, which the ISO • Data is handled and maintained appro9001 standard simply doesn’t cover. Tech- priately. nical complexities involved in laboratory analysis require a rigorous assessment of ASSESSING THE ASSESSOR a laboratory’s processes to ensure it has The accreditation body that provides Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

the assessment of the laboratory’s conformance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard must also be assessed against international standards (ISO/IEC 17011) to ensure that the accreditation body can competently deliver such an assessment. For water testing within Canada, the laboratory that you work with is normally accredited by either SCC or CALA. However, since 17025 is an internationally recognized standard, the accreditation body providing the assessment can be from a different country, as long as it meets the requirements of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. WHAT ACCREDITATION MEANS FOR WATER QUALITY TESTING The 2000 Walkerton outbreak of waterborne gastroenteritis happened at a time when CAEAL was gaining prominence amongst environmental laboratories and when laboratory accreditation was increasingly being recognized as necessary. One of the positive outcomes of this crisis was an increased

One of the requirements of accreditation is that laboratories must cooperate with their clients and strive to continually improve their services.

recognition among Canadian regulators of the need for laboratory accreditation to reduce the public safety risk of invalid drinking water test results. Most provinces have subsequently written regulations that now require laboratories to be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 to provide results for drinking water tests, environmental tests and many other test results that can impact public safety. This helps ensure laboratories reporting results that can impact the safety of the public are competently delivering accurate results and are not unduly influenced by external pressures.

For water quality testing, most users of laboratory data understand that laboratories should be accredited. Although what exactly accreditation means and how it benefits them is less understood. One of the requirements of accreditation is that laboratories must cooperate with their clients and strive to continually improve their services. In short, users of laboratory data should expect to be able to reach out to the testing laboratory with any questions regarding their water test results and samples or other concerns. If you don’t quite understand continued overleaf…

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February 2019  |  25

WATER your test report, or what it means exactly, your accredited laboratory should be able to help you understand it. In addition, the laboratory should actively encourage feedback on their service level to clients. Laboratories are not infallible. Water testing is an incredibly complex process. Technologists operate complex instrumentation and it is not always easy and straightforward to recognize malfunctions that can cause erroneous results.

Quality assurance checks and balances ensure things are working appropriately, which helps give laboratory management confidence that everything is fine, but things can and do go wrong. Users of laboratory data should not be afraid to ask for a recheck or for more information when results seem incorrect or unusual.

ensures that the laboratory is participating in proficiency testing (PT) studies on an on-going basis. Agencies such as CALA provide PT samples of known composition to testing laboratories and results from all the laboratories are compared using statistical analysis. Results that fail this statistical analysis are flagged as unacceptable. This requirement of PROFICIENCY TESTING accreditation helps ensure that the labConformance to the ISO standard oratory identifies and corrects problems with analytical processes when they occur. To ensure that the PT samples are of known composition, often they will be a We understand how critical it is to find sustainable standard in a clean water matrix. Howbusiness process improvements in an ever-changing world. ever, some forward-thinking PT providers like CALA will on occasion provide “challenge” samples in the PT study. These might include a more difficult matrix, a common test method interference or some other characteristic that You streamline and automate your processes while complying with can pose difficulties for laboratories not regulations and minimizing risks. doing things appropriately. Studies like this help the laboratory ensure the routine processes it uses can deal with all samples, including the difficult ones. CALA has published data that demonstrates participation in proficiency testing leads to improved laboratory performance. They suggest that: “The combination of proficiency testing and conformance to ISO/IEC 17025 through accreditation is the best strategy to ensure consistently high-quality analytical results.” Users of water testing data should expect nothing less than high-quality results. Water test results are usually compared against regulations and, for regulators, use of accredited laboratories increases public confidence in the reliability of the data used to support decisions. Remain compliant and minimize risk. When decisions are made based on data “We enable you to make the right from multiple laboratories, there is also maintenance management decisions. increased confidence in comparing the To reach your objectives, we make sure data when all the laboratories are assessed asset information is properly collected and enriched with the knowledge of our and accredited against the same standard. consultants.” Regulators can also have confidence that a laboratory’s competence is assessed by skilled and capable expert assessors.


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26  |  February 2019

ACCREDITATION PROCESS Accreditation is a rigorous assessment process carried out by a team of experts knowledgeable of the ISO standard and with technical expertise on specific techniques and processes used by the labEnvironmental Science & Engineering Magazine

The scope of a laboratory’s accredita- apply the same quality protocols used tion is typically published by the accred- for their accredited methods to any non itation body and can also be obtained accredited methods they use. from the laboratory. If you are doing something new or unusual, it is worth CONFIDENCE IN WATER checking to see their accreditation status TESTING RESULTS of that parameter. There are many benefits to using accredited laboratories for water testing, DOES THE COST OF LABORATORY such as the assurance that results are ACCREDITATION INCREASE of the highest quality and cooperation SERVICE COSTS? from the laboratory with any issues you Costs for accreditation are borne by might have. Users can expect that labothe laboratory. There may be some con- ratories are continually improving their cern from users of laboratory data that processes and identifying any risks that accreditation costs are passed on to them. might impact results, thereby increasing However, in my experience, laboratories confidence that regulators will accept that implement quality systems to obtain their water testing results. accreditation see increased quality of laboratory results, improved workflows Jeff Zimmer is with Saskatchewan SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION An accredited laboratory will have a from implementing quality assurance Research Council Environmental scope of accreditation that lists every spe- protocols, improved client relations, bet- Analytical Laboratories. Email: cific process the accreditation body has ter training systems, and other benefits analytical@src.sk.ca assessed it for. Accredited laboratories that largely offset any cost increases. Good laboratory management will have these processes re-assessed on an ongoing basis to maintain their accredi- recognize the impact of these benefits and accredited laboratories will often tation and ensure nothing is missed. oratory. The assessors will perform an on-site assessment of the laboratory facility to review records and data generated by the laboratory and assess the laboratory’s processes and management systems to ensure they conform with the standard. Any non-conformances identified by these experts must be suitably addressed and the laboratory must submit evidence that corrective actions to address these non-conformances have been taken. Upon review of the assessment and ensuring all such evidence satisfactorily addresses the requirements of the standard, accreditation is granted. It is an ongoing process and laboratories must undergo such an assessment at least once every two years.


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February 2019  |  27


Monitoring is essential for VOC emissions reduction By John Clements


n general, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are harmful to both health and the environment, so management of the risks associated with them necessitates accurate and reliable monitoring. However, it is first necessary to distinguish between indoor and outdoor VOCs, not least because the definition is different for each of them. Indoors, VOCs are organic chemical compounds which evaporate under normal indoor atmospheric conditions of temperature and pressure. Some organic

28  |  February 2019

The Series IV FID offers 3G, 4G, GPRS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and satellite compatibility.

chemicals are harmful to the skin and can be absorbed, but volatility makes it possible for VOCs to be breathed in and cause a wide variety of negative health effects, ranging from minor irritation to death. Outdoors, the main concern with VOCs is their role in the formation of ozone, a constituent of photochemical

smog. At ground level, ozone is generated when VOCs react with sources of oxygen molecules such as nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight. Ozone can be harmful to health, particularly in children, the elderly, and people of all ages who have cardiovascular prob-

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

lems such as asthma or COPD. Ground level ozone can also have harmful effects on sensitive vegetation and ecosystems. In the outdoor environment, VOCs are commonly defined as any organic compounds which are emitted from non-natural processes and have photochemical ozone creation potential. This is generally interpreted as any organic compound released to the atmosphere from an operator’s plant or process, excluding releases of naturally produced VOCs from within the plant boundary and methane. In most countries, the emissions of regulated processes with the potential to release VOCs are issued with permits that include an emission limit for total organic carbon (TOC). The Standard Reference Method for the measurement of TOC is with a flame ionisation detector (FID). In some cases, where there is a potential for the emission of particularly toxic VOCs, the site permit may include a requirement for the monitoring of individual organic compounds, which means that a monitoring technology capable of

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speciation would be necessary. Alterna- HOW DOES AN FID WORK? A flame ionisation detector measures tively, it may be necessary for the monitoring activity to distinguish between the concentration of ions produced when hydrocarbons in a sample are burned in methane and non-methane VOCs. a flame. Hydrogen or a hydrogen/helium mixture is used as the fuel for the flame WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF MONITORING VOCS? which burns in hydrocarbon-free comIn addition to regulatory compliance, bustion air. An electric field is generated there are a host of other reasons for mon- by a polarisation voltage between two itoring VOC emissions. For example, electrodes, and the ions generated by the monitoring is often employed to mea- combustion result in a charge which is sure and check abatement plant efficiency. directly proportional to the quantity of Monitoring can also help to optimise pro- carbon atoms derived from organic comcess flows and to identify solvent reduc- pounds in the sample. Globally, there are a significant numtion opportunities, which lower costs, improve environmental performance and ber of manufacturers developing porreduce risks to workers. As such, moni- table VOC detectors for fugitive VOC toring forms an essential component of emissions, most of which employ a photoionisation detector. However, this techa solvent management program. Some FIDs are able to measure meth- nology is not suitable for TOC emissions ane and non-methane VOCs, which is a monitoring because of the enormous significant advantage because methane is variation in response factor between difa major greenhouse gas (GHG). Despite ferent VOCs. It is also interesting to note international efforts to lower GHG emis- that very few companies are developing sions, methane emissions have been rising. advanced FIDs. continued overleaf…

February 2019  |  29

AIR POLLUTION WHAT ARE THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN FIDS? The Series IV FID from the Signal Group offers greater levels of sensitivity and remote connectivity. With 3G, 4G, GPRS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and satellite compatibility, each instrument is built with its own IP address and runs on Windows software. As a result, users are provided with simple and secure access to their analyzers at any time, from anywhere, making the analyzers suitable for remote sites and for the operators of multiple sites.

There are also regulations that set emissions limits from industrial processes, such as painting and coating.

30  |  February 2019

solvents such as coating, printing, cleaning and degreasing as well as a wide variety of combustion processes. The type of monitoring will depend on a number of factors. For example, different countries apply different regulations, and there may be variation between provinces or regions. In addition, local regulators may impose specific conditions on individual processes. However, a process operator may choose a more rigorous monitoring system to lower risks and improve environmental performance, or if the process is part of a larger group with environmental standards that apply at all group sites APPLICATIONS FOR VOC EMISSIONS MONITORING irrespective of location. 2. Abatement – Monitoring checks Broadly speaking, VOC emissions monitoring can be split into five categories: that abatement is working correctly and 1. Permit Compliance – In addition provides timely warning when potential to regulations limiting the use of sol- problems occur. A variety of abatement vents in products such as paints, coatings, techniques are available, including soladhesives, aerosols, cleaning chemicals vent recovery methods such as adsorpand inks, there are also regulations that tion, cryogenic condensation or absorpset emissions limits from industrial pro- tion with oils. Solvent destruction methods include cesses. These include those that involve

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

thermal or catalytic oxidation, bio-filtration, activated carbon or a sacrificial liquid, or concentration systems followed by oxidation. All of these systems require monitoring to ensure the ongoing success of emissions reduction, and in some cases, monitoring provides a feedback mechanism to optimise the performance of the abatement system. 3. Process monitoring and control – For many different processes, the monitoring of in-process VOC levels provides insight into the process itself, especially now that most which involve solvents are designed to minimise their use to ensure that levels in the final product and emissions are minimised, and to lower solvent costs. Monitoring also provides useful data for the operators of combustion processes. TOC measurement is important in emissions monitoring as an increase in TOC can indicate poor combustion efficiency, resulting in the release to air of partially combusted materials containing organic carbon, which may increase the

emissions of particulates. In this situation, elevated levels of TOC are accompanied by increased concentrations of carbon monoxide, which is another indicator of poor combustion efficiency. 4. Fugitive emissions – In addition to VOC emissions from chimneys, stacks and vents, there are also unintended emissions that result from spills and leaks in equipment, tanks, pipes, seals, valves, etc. Fugitive emissions are therefore more difficult to monitor, but a wide range of methods are available. For example, site surveys can be conducted with a portable photoionisation detector, or fixed monitors employing optical techniques are able to continuously monitor large areas of a plant. 5. Research and development – A significant proportion of Signal’s customers employ the company’s reference gas analyzers in their research and development activities. In addition to FIDs, this also includes chemiluminescence detectors, and a variety of non-dispersive infra-red technologies. The choice of technology

depends on the parameters to be measured. SUMMARY In recent decades, awareness of the VOC emissions potential from combustion and solvent using processes has increased considerably and significant initiatives have been undertaken to reduce solvent use and control emissions. Emissions reduction relies on monitoring to check compliance, and ensure that abatement equipment and processes are operating correctly. Looking forward, if further reductions are to be achieved, it seems likely that emission limits will continue to be lowered and the requirement for continuous monitoring will increase. John Clements is with Signal Group. www.signal-group.com

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Brewery installs new metering pumps to help meet wastewater pretreatment requirements


Stone Brewing installed Blue‑White Flex-Pro A2 peristaltic pumps.

tone Brewing Co. has grown from a small microbrewery to a large craft brewery, while being committed to sustainability, business ethics, and the art of brewing. The grounds at Stone Brewing have won several prestigious awards for environmentally responsible landscape architecture. Built within a flood retention basin, the facility draws on reclaimed materials, including second-hand plants. Part of the firm’s environmental responsibility is proper handling of wastewater produced in the brewing process. It must be filtered and purified before being discharged. The brewery and the packaging hall generate approximately 380,000 litres of wastewater per day. To achieve the

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discharge standards imposed on them, Stone Brewing needed to find reliable, operator friendly metering pumps that would deliver accurate amounts of chemical into the treatment system. The firm chose Blue-White Industries to assist them in finding a solution for treating its wastewater. It purchased and installed four Blue-White Flex-Pro A2 peristaltic chemical metering pumps. Two of the Flex-Pro A2 pumps inject a solution of 12.5% sodium hypochlorite for use in the wastewater plant’s membrane bioreactor filter during backwashes. One A2 pump injects 93% sulfuric acid into the effluent before it enters the plant’s reverse osmosis system. The fourth A2 pump injects 12% – 14% sodium hydroxide to bring reclaimed water to a pH of 8, so that it does not corrode the pipes. Peristaltic pumps are extremely effective in pumping fluids that contain trapped gases. Chemicals used by the brewery to treat the wastewater, such as sodium hypochlorite, tend to release gases when subjected to vacuum changes in temperatures. The peristaltic pump is capable of pumping both fluid and gas without losing prime. They also excel at pumping fluids that contain particulate matter into lower pressure systems, because they have no check valves to clog, which causes loss of prime.


For more information, email: sales@blue-white.com, or visit www.blue-white.com

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32  |  February 2019

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Evaluating a new biological ion exchange water treatment process By Walt Bayless


rganics are compounds that exist in all natural waters and are fundamental to the viability of a natural ecosystem. Unfortunately, they typically cause brown discolouring of drinking water, react with chlorine disinfection to produce toxic disinfection byproducts, interfere with the disinfection of water using UV light, and support biological regrowth in the water distribution system. As such, they must be removed during the treatment of drinking water. For many communities, there is a growing desire to minimize chemical usage during treatment and overall system complexity. However, this is often difficult to achieve when removing organic carbon from water, as the standard approach is to apply a metal-based coagulant and filter the resulting agglomerated particles from the water. The next most common organic removal approach is oxidation using powerful oxidants, such as ozone, followed by biologically activated carbon (BAC) filters, granular activated carbon (GAC) and nanofiltration using membranes. The performance of chemical treatment requires balancing the overall plant performance for backwashing with turbidity and organics removal, which can reduce overall effectiveness of the system. Plants that can achieve >50% removal of organic carbon through this method are considered effectively operated. Oxidation and biological carbon filtration have seen little wide-scale adoption within the industry, likely due to the added complexity of using ozone. Additionally, GAC filters and nanofiltration membranes can become a costly long-term strategy for many communities. These challenges motivated WSP to start looking at using ion exchange resins for organics removal rather than the typical cation treatment. In order to evaluate the operational performance of the ion exchange media using natural waters, WSP approached the University 34  |  February 2019

Full-scale BIEX system installed in Tl’azt’en Nation with a “valve nest” for maximum operational flexibility and further process development and optimization.

of British Columbia (UBC) to evaluate tests, which could be completed in the field to estimate full-scale performance. It was proposed that a comparison between several available bench-scale test procedures should be done. Surprisingly, the results of the available test procedures did not follow the anticipated behaviour for cation ion exchange breakthrough patterns.

around 25 days of operation, instead of months. The results suggested that a biological environment was forming within the column and providing beneficial organic removal, significantly extending the amount of time required between filter regeneration. It was hypothesized that by running the ion exchange media without regeneration, biological communities were allowed to grow on the media. This DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT altered the organic removal mechanism The test columns were operated with from an ion exchange to a supplemental a continuous supply of typical surface biological process. Hence, the term biowater and a relatively long retention time. logical ion exchange (BIEX). Organics concentration measured at the To better understand the performance outlet, unexpectedly, took over 50 days of BIEX, UBC undertook an additional to break through the column. In fact, study in collaboration with RES’EAU-Wawhere columns typically break through terNET. A comparison study was done in a matter of weeks, one of them main- where BIEX, ion exchange (IX) and BAC tained over 60% removal after 100 days columns were operated in parallel, using of continuous operation. the same source water and loading rates. In order to determine why the columns Over an 11 month period, where BIEX operated for such a long period without was not regenerated and IX was regenerrequiring any regeneration, a biocide was ated weekly, both consistently removed added to some of them. Organic break- between 40% to 60% of influent organics. continued overleaf… through of the column was achieved Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

WATER TREATMENT The BAC only removed approximately 20% of the organic carbon. RES’EAU-WaterNET recognized the potential benefits of this treatment process for many of the smaller, remote communities they are engaged with, to improve access to high quality drinking water. In 2017, through a coordinated project with École Polytechnique, a BIEX filter system was installed at the Pont-Viau water treatment plant in Laval, Quebec. Similar operating conditions were applied for BIEX, IX and BAC columns as at the UBC laboratories. However, the BIEX column was backwashed with air and water on a weekly basis to remove particle buildup and prevent the bed from becoming compact, but not regenerated with salt brine to maintain biological activity. This additional step was undertaken to mitigate potential fouling of the resin and loss of hydraulic efficiency. Results from this work confirmed that BIEX and IX systems remove organics efficiently. During the first 56 days of

operation, the influent organic concentration was consistently reduced by over 70%. Neither BAC nor GAC consistently reduced the carbon levels by even 20%. Moreover, BIEX and IX both worked equally well at reducing organic carbon and the formation of disinfection byproducts, and increasing the clarity of the water for UV disinfection. When a detailed comparison of the organic removal was completed on the two systems, several differences were apparent. As with the UBC findings, no salt brine was generated when using the BIEX, as the system did not break through over the duration of the test. The IX was regenerated with a brine solution on a weekly basis as per traditional IX operating conditions. For smaller water systems, which have no sewer connection or opportunity to dispose of brine waste, this is quite significant. Subsequent tests suggest that BIEX will require brine regeneration every three to four months, which is well suited for off-

Barrie, Ontario

• • •

Pilot filter columns on site in Tl’azt’en Nation’s existing water storage building.

site truck disposal options, rather than fixed infrastructure. This would also allow for third party maintenance contracting.

R.V. Anderson Associates Limited appoints new Vice President and Principal Nick Palomba, P.Eng., was appointed as the Vice President of �.�. �nderson �ssociates �imited �� the �rm�s �oard of Directors in January 2019. �ic� is �ased o�t of ����s �iagara office and manages the �rm�s �ransportation �lanning �ro�p with over 29 years of experience in transportation and municipal projects.

• /

In his new role, Nick will provide leadership in the development of transportation programs and services, ensuring the deliver� of s�staina�le, e�ective, safe and a�orda�le transportation.

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36  |  February 2019

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A second variation between BIEX and IX was observed when organic components in the water were characterized. Source water organics were characterized into groups ranging from long to short molecular compounds, the latter being a major contributor to reduced efficiency of UV disinfection in drinking water and reactivity with chlorine to form disinfection byproducts. Neither the BIEX nor IX significantly removed the longer molecules. For the shorter molecules, which were the largest component of organics in the source water, the BIEX consistently removed the vast majority of these (>90%), whereas the IX was limited to removing approximately 50%. IMPLEMENTATION Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), one of the original partners in the RES’EAU-WaterNET network, became more engaged in the BIEX research, based on the promising results from the pilot studies. ISC agreed to provide support to install another full-scale pilot system at a First Nation water treatment plant within British Columbia. This pilot plant operated July 2017 to April 2018. Throughout the test, organic carbon levels were reduced by around 70%. Removal of organics fell to approximately 50% in January and February, when water temperatures were around 5°C. Reduced biological activity is expected during this time, which suggests organics are being removed biologically. Backwashing of the filter columns was completed using treated water only, and no brine regeneration was undertaken during the test. Following decommissioning of the pilot in 2018, ISC and RES’EAU-WaterNET funded the construction of a fullscale facility for this First Nation. In 2017, WSP was engaged to complete the process design and provide technical and engineering input for a full-scale pilot facility, which was constructed by BI Pure Water in the spring of 2018. Commissioning was completed in August-September 2018 and is currently supplying treated water to the local residents. RES’EAU-WaterNET and the design engineers continue to provide monitoring and operational support. Consequently, a long-term boil water advisory www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

disinfection. The ability to bypass chemical treatment, other than chlorination, will also provide direct operational benFUTURE OPPORTUNITIES As operation of the first full-scale sys- efits for communities, including operatem is monitored over 2019, the potential tor safety, reduced chemical deliveries to benefits of the BIEX system could be more remote sites, increased favourable public widely realized. These include avoiding perception and process stability. chemical treatment for the removal of organics in drinking water and the subse- Walt Bayless is with WSP. Email: quent increase in the performance of UV walt.bayless@wsp.com has been lifted for this community.

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February 2019  |  37


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New adjustable stator can triple sludge transfer pump life


n existing pump, which conveyed thick sludge to an intermediate tank, showed a high level of wear due to the abrasive medium. The wastewater treatment plant decided to replace it with a unit that was more robust and easier to maintain. Until the change of pump, sludge generated after the centrifuge was conveyed to an intermediate storage tank by a conventional progressing cavity pump with a pressure of up to 100 psi/7 bar. Because the solids ratio was over 8%, this unit was subject to a particularly high level of wear. The texture of the medium was probably also a factor in this as it contained iron and aluminum salts from the tertiary sludge and also iron from a local industrial plant. The original pump had to be serviced approximately every 8,000 operating hours. For the new acquisition, it was particularly important to the customer that the pump would have significantly higher reliability and longer service life and would be especially easy to service. The customer finally selected the Full Service in Place (FSIP ) version of the NEMO progressing cavity pump from NETZSCH. Its design features a special inspection cover. This maintenance opening is positioned at the transition from the pump housing to the stator, allowing ideal access to the clamping coupling by removing the cover. “The cover is secured with just five screws that can be removed without any special tools in a really short time,” Mikael Tekneyan, development engineer at Netzsch, explains. “At the same time, we ensured that the pump would seal reliably at high pressures and with vertical installation of the pump.” All wearing parts of the progressing cavity pump can be replaced without having to remove the pump from the pipes. Because all parts are removed sideways or upwards, no additional space is needed for removal. The dismantling length at the end of the pump, which had previously been essential, is no longer required, considerably reducing the required installation space. The new pump is also equipped with the xLC unit, a newly developed mechanism which allows adjustment of the iFD stator 2.0, significantly extending its service life. This allows the pump to run for an additional 16,000 operating hours, in addition to the previous service life of around 8,000 operating hours before the stator has to be replaced. “When the performance of the pump drops, the preload between rotor and stator can be reestablished with only a few moves,” Mikael Tekneyan remarks. This improves the service life of the rotor-stator element without dismantling the pump. The xLC unit is based on the proven iFD 2.0 stator technology. The iFD stator is a dual system where the aluminum housing and the elastomer remain separated. The housing is


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38  |  February 2019

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

(Left) After the centrifuge, sludge is conveyed to a storage tank. (Above) A scale with seven defined stop points facilitates gradual adjustment of the stator with only two setting screws.

split into two parts lengthwise and the elastomer insert can be removed easily. As the preload of the elastomer to the rotor is only established when the tension rods are tightened, the elastomer part can be pushed onto the rotor easily. It only achieves the optimum dimensions for operation through the axial compression during assembly of the pump. The axial compression of the stator elastomer with the xLC unit compensates for wear in the rotor-stator system and reestablishes its performance. This significantly increases the service life of the conveying system components. If a readjustment of the stator becomes necessary due to a performance loss of the pump, an operator can adjust the system via two adjusting nuts. This compresses the elastomer insert in the metal housing, reestablishing a reliable sealing line with the rotor. A scale with seven defined stopping points facilitates a step-by-step adjustment of the stator and at the same time shows the remaining potential until the stator has to be changed. The stator housing can be used throughout the service life of the pump with a new elastomer insert. After opening the stator housing, the elastomer insert can simply be pulled off the rotor. This makes maintenance even easier and allows separate, environmentally friendly disposal of the elastomer, which is not possible with conventional stators. For more information, visit www. netzsch.com

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February 2019  |  39


Treating industrial wastewaters with electrochemical oxidation By Jonathan Rhone and Kristin Mills


ndustrial manufacturing operations in virtually every market generate wastewaters contaminated with toxic, non-biodegradable organic pollutants, which are difficult and expensive to treat, subject to tough regulations and pose health risks to communities and the environment. Axine Water Technologies, located in Vancouver, British Columbia, has developed a cost-effective, on-site solution utilizing electrochemical technology for treating high concentrations of organic active ingredients, solvents, surfactants, polymers, pesticides, aromatics, other complex organics, nitrogen and ammonia. Organic laden waste streams generated by pharmaceutical, electronics and chemical manufacturing as well as crop protection, coating and other specialty chemical manufacturers can be treated on-site. BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY Axine’s electrochemical technology utilizes advanced catalyst materials and electricity to oxidize and break down pollutants into harmless byproduct gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. Using a system that is smart, modular and scalable, these electrochemical reactors are packaged into fully-automated, turnkey systems that are seamlessly integrated into existing on-site operations. Unlike traditional treatment methods, no chemicals are required and no other waste or byproducts are generated. As a result, wastewater can be safely discharged to the sewer. Or, it may be reused, which is an option more industrial plants are adopting in the emerging trend towards “smart factories” characterized by automation, adaptability and low impact manufacturing.

SOLUTIONS TO INDUSTRIAL ISSUES In many cases, wastewater streams generated by industrial facilities cannot be treated on-site with conventional technology and must be trucked off-site. While trucking and disposal is a widespread practice, it is expensive, high risk and can cause operational bottlenecks and safety issues. On-site treatment results in immediate cost savings, reduced risks, streamlined operations and improved safety and environmental performance. In addition, wastewater streams generated by industrial facilities are often contaminated with toxic organic pollutants which exceed discharge limits. This can lead to fines, production bottlenecks and even curtailment. Axine systems ensure that wastewater is treated to specified objectives. All discharge permit levels are met with 24/7 remote monitoring, data analytics and reporting, as well as on-site field service and end-toend maintenance to ensure ongoing operations. A third major issue for some manufacturers is treating 40  |  February 2019

An on-site pilot scale test assembly.

active ingredients before they are discharged to the environment. This is a significant emerging issue in the pharmaceutical industry, which is under increasing pressure to eliminate antibiotics and active pharmaceutical ingredients from manufacturing site effluent. This is because antibiotics contribute to the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria (often referred to as AMR – antimicrobial resistance) or “superbugs” which are a significant health risk. Axine’s technology can treat active ingredients on-site to eliminate this risk. SERVICE AGREEMENTS Axine’s systems can be installed, monitored and maintained on-site under multi-year service agreements. Not only do customers realize hard cost savings, but also soft cost savings such as streamlined operations, improved safety and logistics, reduced environmental liabilities and reputational risks. Application fits are confirmed via a rigorous stage-gated project development approach from initial assessment to commercial deployment. TREATABILITY RESULTS Axine’s technology can treat a wide range of complex solvents, surfactants, polymers, pesticides, aromatics, pharmaceuEnvironmental Science & Engineering Magazine

tical active ingredients and other organics that are typically non-biodegradable. Utilizing its certified in-house chemical laboratory, the company performs treatability tests using samples of problem waste streams. Axine is developing projects in the pharmaceutical, electronics and chemical manufacturing markets. Future markets may include refineries, upstream oil and gas, waste management, textiles and other heavy industries. One electronics manufacturing facility generates a wastewater stream contaminated with solvents at a concentration of 70,000 mg/L COD. This wastewater stream could not be safely discharged to the sewer because it exceeded the flash point requirements. For years, this stream was trucked off-site to a remote location and incinerated. Axine designed, built, installed and operates a turnkey treatment system at the customer’s site that reduces COD by 85%, so treated water can be reused on-site in cooling towers. At a pharmaceutical manufacturing

Target pollutants and Axine treatability test results.

plant, Axine will finance, design, build, install, operate and maintain a turnkey on-site treatment system. The system will treat process water contaminated with solvents and alcohols so that the plant can meet discharge standards.

Jonathan Rhone and Kristin Mills are with Axine Water Technologies. Email: jrhone@axinewater.com, or kmills@axinewater.com

The Waterra Clear PVC EcoBailer is an eco-friendly product that weighs the same as (or more than) conventional weighted bailers, without the use of additional weights. The EcoBailer is the fastest sinking non-weighted bailer available. features • Bottom Emptying Spout assists in collecting non-aerated samples from the valve end of the bailer — ideal for VOC sample collection • clear tube allows sample inspection within the bailer • connects directly to inline filters for easy filtration — no pressurization needed • requires less material to produce, resulting in less waste and cost to the environment

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February 2019  |  41

STORMWATER lar soil conditions and/or contaminant sources. For example, sediments that are contaminated by road asphalt and tire rubber could be reused as topsoil amendments for roadside planting programs. Additional considerations may include bioavailability risks of specific contaminant sources. For example, PHCs originating from asphalt and tire sources would have comparatively lower bioavailability and toxicity risks than if they originated from gasoline or diesel sources. In 2018, provincial and federal regulatory agencies considered these weight-of-evidence risk factors when issuing the first approvals for the beneficial use of non-inert SWMF sediments in Canada. One year of silver maple seedling growth in unamended native soils, versus soils that were treated with stormwater management facility sediment.

New excess soil management regulations could benefit stormwater management facilities By Francine Kelly-Hooper


outine removal of accumulated sediments from constructed stormwater management facilities (SWMFs), including ponds and wetlands, is necessary for maintaining water quantity and quality control efficiencies. Hundreds, if not thousands of truckloads of sediment are disposed of at non-hazardous waste landfill facilities each year. SWMF owners carry the financial burden of expensive tipping fees, which can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars per SWMF. However, growing evidence demonstrates that typical urban SWMF sediments could be managed as valuable resources rather than as costly wastes. The Ontario Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP) requires bulk soil chemistry analysis of SWMF sediments in order to determine if they are non-inert due to exceedances of the Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 153/04 Table 1 background soil standards. SWMF sediments are usually non-inert 42  |  February 2019

WATERLOO PILOT STUDY The MECP issued the first Environmental Compliance Approval for the City of Waterloo to use SWM pond sediments as topsoil materials on a road boulevard planting pilot study. This created a cost savings of over $30,000 in landfill disposal fees for this one SWM pond. Plantings will take place in the spring of 2019. GUELPH PILOT STUDY The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued the first approval for the City of Guelph to use SWM pond sediment as a commercial fertilizer product on Grand River Conservation Authority tree nursery soils. This created cost savings of over $290,000 in landfill disposal fees for this one SWM pond. Silver maple tree and oat growth were significantly better in the native soils that were amended with SWMF sediments. These pilot studies demonstrate that risk-based beneficial use approvals are possible for non-inert SWMF sediments. The MECP is working towards improving this process through the proposed Excess Soil Best Management Practices. Continued scientific studies and regulatory framework developments are likely to provide triple bottom line economic, social and environmental benefits for communities throughout Canada.

and require regulated waste management due to the presence of common urban runoff contamination. Most common exceedances occur for petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) in the F3 (C16-C34) and F4 (>C34) carbon ranges. The majority of sediments also exceed polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) soil standards. PHCs and PAHs in SWMF sediments originate primarily from tire rubber and paving materials. Table 1 exceedances may also occur due to elevated electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio levels originating from road salt runoff sources. Although metals are usually low, the most common exceedances occur for zinc and copper. Zinc and copper sources may include automotive materials such brake pads, tires, undercarriages, etc. Landfill disposal is not always the only Francine Kelly-Hooper, PhD, is option to be considered. O.Reg. 153/04 with Stantec Consulting. Email: provides Tier 2 risk-based soil standards francine.kellyhooper@stantec.com that can be used to match non-inert sediments to recipient sites that have simi-

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


New wastewater funding announced for Quebec, Ontario and Saskatchewan


series of new federal and provincial investments have been announced for wastewater and water treatment services across Canada. Quebec – Quebec and the federal government have announced a joint investment of nearly $4.6 million towards building a new wastewater treatment system and pumping station by January 2020 in Sainte-Eulalie, which will double current capacity. The project is getting funding through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. Sainte-Eulalie will provide the remaining funding, bringing the total to more than $5.5 million. “We’ve been waiting for this announcement for some time and are very happy about it,” said Gilles Jr Bédard, Mayor of Sainte-Eulalie, in a statement. “The funding will make a variety of projects possible that will meet the current and future needs of businesses, property developers and

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especially residents.” he added. The mayor noted that the current retention ponds at the water treatment plant are at full capacity and that new ones are in the works. Saskatchewan – The Preeceville wastewater facility will receive more than $5.1 million in joint funding for upgrades that will enlarge its storage cells, improve overall treatment capacity, and upgrade the influent force main pipe. These upgrades will improve the quality of wastewater entering the Assiniboine River and support local development, officials say. Ontario – Two projects will protect water services by insulating and lowering supply lines in Georgetown, Halton Hills, Acton, Oakville and Burlington. The federal government is investing up to 50% of funding for these projects with a contribution of $4,029,412. The provincial government is providing over $2,014,706, and the Regional Municipality of Halton

will provide the balance of funding. South Bruce Peninsula is receiving $30,000 in funding for wastewater treatment plant standby generator design and approvals. The Mishkeegogamang First Nation is receiving nearly $150,000 for a backup power supply for its water treatment plant. British Columbia – Richmond residents had their first community engagement meeting about the $1.9 billion cost of replacing the wastewater treatment plant on Iona Island. According to Metro Vancouver, the project will be in the planning phase until the end of this year. The new plant will be designed and constructed between 2020 and 2030, and is scheduled to be in operation by the end of 2030.

February 2019  |  43


Stormwater management ponds need to be maintained after developers sign off By Kim Logan


lood attenuation and management of stormwater in a developing area is paramount to environmentally sustainable living. As a component of development there is a need to assess how stormwater will be managed. In many larger development areas, stormwater needs to be managed within blocks dedicated to hold water, to mitigate flood risk resulting from increased impervious surfaces within the new development. These areas are routinely constructed with ponds that allow for some level of stormwater quality mitigation (i.e., for sediments to settle out prior to entering natural waterbodies). The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE), now known as the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, published a Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual in 2003, which outlines technical and procedural guidance for the design and review of stormwater management practices. These design and review practices typically include the completion of stormwater management reports during the draft/ site plan stage of the development. They would usually also include the erosion control, grading and site servicing plans. All studies required are specific to individual municipality requirements and determined by the site-specific details. Following construction of the ponds and any associated development lands, these facilities are typically seen as municipal assets for management. They

Citizens often have a misunderstanding of stormwater ponds and any wildlife they contain and can become confrontational when maintenance and cleanouts are performed.

then get assumed by the municipality through ownership agreements, which are usually set prior to the start of any construction. Therefore, the costs associated with planning and constructing the pond are in the hands of the developer, while long-term maintenance is passed on to the municipality. It should be noted that, although there are design briefs and drawings, construction may need to be altered based on site conditions. There is only concern if the design drawings are not updated to reflect as-built details. Even slight alterations can change the capacity and function of the pond and would reflect on

Typically, current costs for pond cleanouts range from $300,000 to $500,000. However, it is not unheard of for a pond cleanout to exceed $1,000,000. 44  |  February 2019

any management requirements for the municipality, The concern with these treatment facilities is that they need to be maintained to function optimally. Maintenance components include litter removal, grass cutting and weed control, sediment removal, sediment testing, and disposal of waste material. All have costs associated with them, which are dependent on site conditions and required frequency of maintenance activities. For example, costs given in the 2003 MOE design manual for annual litter removal were estimated to be $2,000 per hectare. However, municipalities are typically not removing litter annually, but on the same cycle frequency they use for sediment cleanout. Another example was the range in cost for sediment removal at $15.00 per m3 to $120.00 per m3, depending on the method. Typically, current costs for pond cleanouts range from $300,000 to $500,000. However, it is not unheard of continued overleaf…

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The costs associated with planning and constructing the pond are in the hands of the developer, while long-term maintenance is passed on to the municipality.

for a pond cleanout to exceed $1,000,000. With the associated costs and uncertainty, it becomes very difficult to plan and budget maintenance, especially if there are no as-built drawings or if they are not accurate. As these ponds provide for flood mitigation by temporarily holding water and provide for the removal of suspended sediments to mitigate potential downstream water quality issues, there is a need to ensure that the design function is maintained throughout the lifespan of the pond. This drives the need to periodically remove sediment when the pond is nearing maximum capacity. As stated above, costs can range quite a bit depending on removal technique, contaminant sampling laboratory fees, and transport cost to a dump facility licenced to handle any contaminants identified during sampling. As such, disposal costs can range from $5.00 per m3 to $300.00 per m3 (as per 2003 estimates) depending on the disposal requirements. Overall, these estimated costs will depend on site conditions, municipality and any regulatory conditions within the permits/compliance approvals. Unfortunately, there are no estimates provided for engineering/consulting costs, or other details such as monitoring of discharge during maintenance, fish and wildlife relocation, and pre- and post-cleanout surveys. 46  |  February 2019

However, based on experience with multiple pond cleanouts it can be assumed that an average cost for engineering/consulting is around 15% of maintenance costs. With respect to monitoring water quality and the performance of these facilities, the MOE partnered with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund of the Government of Canada, and the Municipal Engineers Association of Ontario. Together, they created a program known as SWAMP (Synthesis of Monitoring Studies Conducted Under the Stormwater Assessment Monitoring and Performance Program). The objective of this 2005 publication was to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of stormwater management facility technologies and to provide study results and recommendations within the industry. Groundwater Environmental Management Services Inc. (GEMS) is currently working with multiple partners to compile a program that helps reduce the risk and uncertainty of management/maintenance costs of the municipal asset portion of these facilities. However, not addressed in the guidance manuals is a common public perception that these facilities are natural features providing valuable habitat for various wildlife species. The public often has a misunderstand-

ing of the function of these facilities and some citizens are very inquisitive and sometimes confrontational when the ponds are maintained and cleaned out. While trying to balance impacts downstream, those managing these facilities also need to address public concerns which don’t always include a proper understanding that these ponds are actually “sewage” works, rather than natural features. However, there is a responsibility to address any wildlife that finds their way into these facilities. Some major areas of improvement GEMS has noted requiring attention include the tendering process, permitting and contract administration. Within proposed plans and partnership opportunities, GEMS is working to reduce uncertainty related to costs, timing constraints and permitting, as well as public and media relations. In many cases, the available reference materials, documentation and data surrounding the stormwater management industry, specifically pond/ wetland facilities, are outdated and general. A focused approach is needed to improve the industry as well as public perception. Since the expansion of urban areas and the impact of climate change are causing a greater demand for stormwater management, there is also a greater need for more focused maintenance criteria. It is noted in the guidance documents that the attention to stormwater quality began in the 1980s. However, the focus on maintenance has only recently become a major issue and many municipalities are finding they are at a loss as to how to tender and budget for these assets. There are still ponds across Ontario that have yet to be upgraded, let alone having had any routine maintenance. Since stormwater management is best addressed through a multi-train approach, these older facilities could help if made to function optimally. In April 2018, TRCA and CH2M Hill Canada Ltd. revised the 2016 document entitled “Inspection and maintenance guide for stormwater management ponds and constructed wetlands”, which itself was a major update of the 1999 maintenance guide. This document has a multitude of options to help reduce maintenance needs through design, as well as require-

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

ments for assumption. Moving forward from the original publication date of 2016 however, it does not address the issue of the older ponds that do not incorporate some of the newer techniques, GEMS works with facility managers to help direct the applicable opportunities of the newer guidance manual (TRCA, 2016) to meet the existing needs of these assets and how to better streamline the tender, budgeting and overall contract administration process. Scientific advances are commonly occurring and only now are we seeing a greater link between science and construction. Field studies and experience-based data are crucial to situations such as pond maintenance. However, there is always some uncertainty from site to site, which is where construction experience plays a major role. To help move forward to protect the environment scientifically there has to be a hands-on construction based component to strengthen the feasibility and partnerships of asset management. With these changes and advancements happening, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the longevity and protection of nat­ural features from urbanization and climate change impacts. Kim Logan is with Groundwater Environmental Management Services Inc. Email: kim@gemservicesinc.com

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February 2019  |  47


Making urban trees more effective for stormwater management By Shane Carpani


raditional drainage of surface water runoff has been designed to transport rainwater from where it has fallen to a drywell, cistern or watercourse, as quickly as possible. This conventional method increases the risks of flooding, environmental damage and urban diffuse pollution, as runoff water usually carries contaminants, including oils, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals and other organic matter and pollutants. Implementation of sustainable drainage systems as LID plans is now often demanded by municipalities from early site valuations, design and environmental-impact assessments as a prerequisite of planning consideration. Trees have had a vital and natural role in managing stormwater long before urban development ever started. But in urban areas, there is much more to sustainable urban drainage through trees than just planting them. Correct tree pit design and species selection is fundamental to the success or failure of LID tree systems.

Trees provide many benefits, including esthetics, biodiversity, shade, urban cooling, wind speed reduction, pollutant reduction and stormwater quantity reduction.

The challenge for the stormwater engineer and/or landscape architect is that, for trees to succeed and achieve their stormwater management potential, they require access to large volumes of uncomTHE BENEFITS OF TREES pacted soil. With space in cities at a preTrees provide many benefits, includ- mium, and below ground congested with ing esthetics, biodiversity, shade, urban services and utilities, specialist systems cooling, wind speed reduction, pollut- are required to overcome these challenges. ant reduction and stormwater quantity reduction. Filtration through the soil COMPONENTS FOR reduces suspended solids, phosphorus, HEALTHY GROWTH nitrogen and hydrocarbon levels within To succeed as a sustainable urban the runoff. drainage method and become an integral More specifically, the role of trees in part of LID, tree pit designs require: adeurban water management is: rainfall quate load bearing soil volume for rootinterception and absorption through can- ing space; quality soil; soil type that can opy collection; dissipate water droplet cope with intermittent water inundations energy and reduce temperature; evapo- without losing its essential structure; transpiration through leaf stomata, pro- overflow provision to prevent prolonged ducing cooling effect; 25% of the soil zone water-logging; source control maintaincan be available for attenuation; soil and able inlets; drainage to base; and, aeration roots can manage, sequester and break- to maintain soil health. down pollutants; and, water transportaArguably, the most important of these tion via deep rooting profiles to increase considerations is uncompacted soil. As penetrative ground recharge. soon as a soil or other planting medium 48  |  February 2019

is compacted, the macro pores within the soil structure are eliminated. Not only is this detrimental to root growth, it removes vital space for water attenuation and transport. Uncompacted sandy loam soil has an open structure with between 25% – 35% macro and micro pore structure available for water and air to fill. The drainage process whereby stormwater can percolate down, drawing air in also, is vital to long-term soil and tree health. WHAT TO AVOID The principal situations to avoid when using trees in LID context are: Prolonged water logging – most species will cope with 48 hours of water-logging but mortality rates rise with longer periods. Anaerobic soil – soil aeration is vital to maintain soil health and beneficial microbiological activity within it. Oxygen needs to get into the soil and organic gases need to escape. Erosion from inflow – soil erosion

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

can expose delicate root systems. Over-compaction of the root zone – creating inaccessible areas for tree roots. Excessive contamination – average conditions are workable but excessive pollution can lead to tree failure. ArborFlow, GreenBlue Urban’s comprehensive LID urban tree pit system, has been developed as a more sustainable, effective and environmentally robust process of managing stormwater runoff. This system markedly reduces the velocity and flow rate of surface water runoff in urban areas and can help meet discharge rates allowed and set by regulatory authorities. The design also allows the water to be discharged into the surrounding subsoil, be absorbed by the trees’ root systems, or to find its way into a specially designed flow-control chamber or stormwater storage area positioned on the outfall of the tree pit. THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS TO A SUCCESSFUL TREE PIT Current best practice LID tree pit construction should incorporate the following components: load bearing pavement support system (soil cells); root management; aeration; soil to best management practices bioretention specification; source control; outlet control and drainage. Maintenance of a LID tree pit is low and relatively simple, especially compared to that of a bioswale. It should be specifically designed, because to be of real value in the urban environment, these systems cannot require high maintenance. However, there is no such thing as ‘no’ maintenance in the field of LID and green infrastructure, so municipal public works departments need to be aware of what is needed to maintain a LID tree pit’s effectiveness. Generic maintenance considerations (in addition to standard tree establishment) are: • Every 6 months – check and clear water inlet points and soil aeration vents. • Late November – clear leaf debris from water inlet channels. • Every 12 months – remove water inlet grates, clean accessible channels. • Every 24 months – inspect, check and clean filter media in the linear drain. continued overleaf… www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

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GreenBlue Urban’s LID urban tree pit system

METHODS FOR BRINGING WATER INTO LID TREE PITS Permeable paving – Water percolates through the surface, providing first stage filtration and even flow to the soil profile. Permeable surfaces are best used for parking lots and low traffic areas, and can lose some permeability over time if not cleaned. Linear drain – The traditional linear drain inlet can be linked into the RootSpace zone directly, or via a silt trap. This fully integrated, unobtrusive solution makes it a popular and effective choice for parking lots and pedestrian areas. Linear drains are cost-effective compared to permeable paving and can be used in conjunction with it for an even more robust approach. They can incorporate multistage filters and shut-offs to control flow, and require only non-skilled maintenance. Curb inlet – This brings surface water in at road level and into the top of the 50  |  February 2019

tree pit via a channel or pipe. There are pollutants that harm trees, such as de-icing salts, that need to be considered with this method. GreenBlue Urban’s CurbFlow product incorporates a shut-off, so that the inlet can be closed during winter months. Traditional gutter – Water is diverted to the tree pit from a standard street gutter directly into the water zone above the soil profile. It can be designed for overflow to divert back to storm drain when tree pit capacity is reached. It provides large capacity intake and requires standard, non-skilled maintenance. Water channel – This brings water into the tree pit at surface or subsurface level, increasing runoff reduction capacity from adjacent hardscape surfaces. Rain garden or bioswale – These increase flow rate capacity and improve quality through combined use of tree and bioswale. Cons include reduced hard-

scape surface availability and increased maintenance. STORMWATER ATTENUATION A tree in a GreenBlue Urban RootSpace system has approximately 22% of volume available for stormwater attenuation. This means that one tree within a 25 m³ RootSpace system can provide 5.5 m³ of stormwater storage with a 48 hour recharge rate. This is enough to capture 10 mm of rain from 550 m² of impervious surface. Properly planted trees are an asset that should not be overlooked, but rather considered heavily in the design phase with a view to utilizing these esthetically pleasing, natural stormwater absorbers. Shane Carpani is with GreenBlue Urban. Email: shane.carpani@greenblue.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


Volunteers from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s Swim Drink Fish initiative testing water quality as part of the charity’s Toronto Harbour Monitoring Program. Photo by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper


A proposed plan from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks wants to improve municipal wastewater and stormwater management and reporting, and increase transparency through real-time monitoring of sewage overflows from municipal wastewater systems into Ontario’s lakes and rivers. The City of Kingston, Ontario, was highlighted in the plan as showing “environmental leadership” by already providing real-time public reporting of sewage overflows. The plan was released on November 29, 2018 and was under a public comment period until the end of January 2019.

This followed closely on the heels of a report from the Ontario Environmental Commissioner’s Office that was critical of the province’s progress on reducing sewer overflows. Real-time monitoring has also been called for from groups such as Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, a charity associated with Swim Drink Fish Canada. The new Ontario plan also calls for the province to update its policies related to municipal wastewater and stormwater, to make them easier to understand. “We will consider how wastewater and stormwater financing could be updated to improve investment and support new and innovative technologies and practices,” the plan states.


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February 2019  |  51

COLD CLIMATE yard, daycare centre, community centre, band office and medical centre. Finally, it included the necessary infrastructure required for a new community of now 2,500 people, including a new wastewater treatment plant.

The aerated lagoon and SAGR for Lake St. Martin First Nation were constructed in 2016.

Relocating First Nation town meant building a completely new wastewater treatment system By Merle Kroeker and Susan Rennie


n May 2011, excessive snow melt, frozen soil conditions and spring rainfall at a rate 200% over normal meant the Assiniboine River at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, would have had to handle 1,690 m3/s of floodwater, the highest on record dating back to the 1890s. As such, the decision was made to use the Portage Diversion to its full capacity, directing more than 980 m3/s of water into Lake Manitoba, the Fairford River, and ultimately Lake St. Martin. Already at its maximum recommended level of just over 244 m, the extra water increased this by an additional 1.4 m. As a result, the surrounding lowlands flooded, and the 1,400 people that lived in Lake St. Martin First Nation were relocated to Winnipeg. By the time the waters receded, more than 80% of the Lake St. Martin First 52  |  February 2019

Nation’s homes were left unsalvageable, and the town was uninhabitable. A NEW BEGINNING In May 2013, it was announced that Lake St. Martin First Nation would be moved from its existing location to an adjacent parcel of land north of the existing reserve, close to original ancestral sites but also elevated an average of 6.10 m above the lake. “It’s a whole new community, a brandnew community, and it will put Lake St. Martin on the map,” said Chief Adrian Sinclair, when speaking about the agreement to the Winnipeg Free Press in 2014. The agreement made Lake St. Martin the second-largest reserve in Manitoba and formed a blueprint for the new townsite. This included a new K-12 school and housing, a church, grave-

SOLVING THE WASTEWATER ISSUE The new wastewater treatment system had to meet two key issues. The first was operations and maintenance (O&M), since it can be difficult to find individuals who possess the qualifications needed to run O&M-intensive treatment facilities in remote communities. Also, should repairs to the facility be required, it is expensive and time-consuming to get the needed parts and expertise on site, particularly where funding is required from the federal government. This meant the new facility needed to be relatively simple to run and easy to maintain. Secondly, the system needed to meet Canada’s 2012 Wastewater System Effluent Regulations (WSER), which stipulate not only that effluent un-ionized ammonia cannot exceed 1.25 mg/L, but it also cannot be acutely lethal under the Fisheries Act. A study done by the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency found that this consistently occurs at levels as low as 0.2 mg/L. But, the stakes for the performance of the Lake St Martin wastewater treatment system were higher. Any system installed would be discharging into the lake, so non-compliance might not just mean a fine, but it would poison the water, land and wildlife with which the First Nations peoples have a unique relationship. At Lake St. Martin, the average low temperature from December to March is below -20°C, a merciless cold that exposes flaws in any number of treatment processes and leaves little margin for error. In order to take advantage of the low O&M requirements of a lagoon but still produce the effluent quality needed to protect fish and wildlife, while also continuously discharging throughout the winter, the engineers for Lake St. Martin First Nation identified an aerated lagoon followed by a SAGR attached-growth reactor for cold-water post-lagoon nitrification as their preferred solution.


Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

A SIMPLE SOLUTION “Simple in maintenance. Simple in operation. Even simple to construct,” says Liliya Chunderova, speaking specifically about the wastewater treatment plant she designed for Northlands Denesuline First Nation. “In extreme cold conditions, like those in northern Manitoba, a facultative lagoon would need a bigger footprint and it still wouldn’t meet WSER requirements. But, an aerated lagoon with a SAGR for nitrification will.” Chunderova was referencing a made-in-​ Manitoba innovation created by Nexom, which is being used at 50 locations across North America, with 21 additional systems being installed. It is used to consistently reduce total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) levels in near-freezing water to levels below 1 mg/L. The un-ionized ammonia mentioned in WSER is a component of TAN, the proportion of which is related to water temperature and pH. The SAGR features a clean gravel bed with the influent wastewater’s flow evenly distributed across the width of the cell, to be collected by a horizontal chamber at the end of the treatment zone. Linear aeration throughout the floor of the system provides aerobic conditions that are required for nitrification. The gravel bed is then covered with a layer of wood chips or mulch for insulation. The SAGR’s performance met Lake St. Martin’s required criteria. It nurtures the nitrifying bacteria needed to reduce ammonia to <1 mg/L in <1°C water, while polishing BOD and TSS, and can even provide substantial fecal and total coliform removal. But, of particular importance was the low level of O&M. The only moving parts are the positive-displacement blowers feeding the in-bed aeration. Routine maintenance of the blowers as well as infrequent opening and closing of valves (part of the step-feed process) are the only operational tasks required beyond a rudimentary daily visual inspection. It is estimated that the O&M at Lake St. Martin requires an average of 15 minutes of an operator’s daily time. “The ease of operating and maintaining a SAGR really sets it apart,” says Ken Mattes, the long-time Manitoba coordinator for an INAC-funded circuit rider

program, working with wastewater treat- at Lake St. Martin. This included a green-field two-cell, ment operations on First Nations. “When you get into Level 3 plants, you need two partial mix aerated lagoon-based system years of post-secondary education just to and a SAGR process for BOD, TSS and operate it. But, with the SAGR, sewage ammonia removal. This was followed by goes into the lagoon and clean effluent two vertical flow, continuous backwash sand filters with alum addition for phoscomes out with very little effort.” phorus removal. Since commissioning, the Long Plain plant has been shown CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONING to reduce lagoon effluent ammonia that The aerated lagoon and SAGR for can peak at 17 mg/L, down to effluent Lake St. Martin First Nation were con- levels averaging 0.15 mg/L. structed in 2016, engineered by J.R. Cousin Consultants of Winnipeg and Merle Kroeker and Susan built by Penn-Co of Blumenort, Man- Rennie are with Nexom. Email: itoba. First commissioned in late fall, mkroeker@nexom.com, or biomass within the bed was established srennie@nexom.com. References are in early spring, and the system entered available upon request. its first full winter in 2017. Without the benefit of detailed data from Lake St. Martin, conclusions about its performance can be drawn from similar systems. Located in southwestern Manitoba and spared from the flooding that affected Lake St. Martin, in 2012, Long Plain First Nation built a nearly identical process train to that built later Waste Water products plus NMac 4.65 x 4.65.pdf 1 1/24/2018 7:37:09 AM

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February 2019  |  53


A bubble curtain surrounding the BioCord reactors keeps water above them ice free during winter months.

Enhancing wastewater lagoon nitrification in cold climates By Christine Gan and Kevin Bossy


egulatory bodies continue to emphasize the importance of more stringent discharge guidelines, so many northern and cold climate communities face challenges in biological treatment. In particular, ammonia removal during cold weather conditions can be difficult to achieve, due to the reduced metabolic rate of the already slow-growing nitrifiers in cooler waters. To make things even more complicated, many smaller communities that experience year-round or seasonal freezing temperatures utilize wastewater stabilization pond or lagoon facilities for treatment. These facilities are especially susceptible to the effects of cold weather on biological treatment due to their size and exposure to the natural elements. With the increasing pressure to maintain high effluent quality, along with grow-

54  |  February 2019

lagoon may contain enough proliferating bacteria to achieve even stringent discharge limits. However, as water temperatures begin to drop, the growth rate and metabolism of these bacteria decline sharply. Nitrifiers in particular are especially susceptible to lowered water temperatures, with nitrification rates becoming increasingly inhibited as temperaing populations and increased wastewater tures drop below 15°C. As these bactevolumes, wastewater stabilization pond ria stop proliferating and are washed or lagoon facilities may consider costly out with the hydraulic flow, no amount upgrades, requiring new infrastructure of aeration will be able to return the cell or mechanical plants. However, there are to the treatment level seen previously more cost- and energy-efficient solutions during summer months. to enhance biological treatment and betTo enhance nitrification in the winter meet target effluent ammonia concen- ter, attached growth systems can be trations, even in cold weather conditions. installed into the lagoon at a time when microorganisms are in an ideal environCUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS FOR ment. As temperatures drop, the concenCOLD WEATHER NITRIFICATION trated biofilm layers remain active and Recognizing the need for “easy to install attached to the media surface, resulting and operate” solutions for cold weather in continuous treatment without washnitrification, Bishop Water Technologies out as water temperatures are lowered. The treatment system developed by developed and tested a semi-passive fixed film treatment system with the ability to Bishop Water utilizes modular and cusenhance biological wastewater treatment tomizable BioCord reactors, which and nitrification at low temperatures. provide optimal growth and proliferaIn relatively warm weather condi- tion conditions for contaminant-reductions and under typical loads, an aerated ing microorganisms. Each modular unit

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

one BioCord reactor. An additional 1000-L tank containing diffused aeration and a mixer was employed as a control. Starting at 20°C, the ambient temperature in the cold chamber was gradually lowered until the chamber reached 1°C. Wastewater temperatures and contaminant concentrations in the influent and effluent were monitored over time. Results showed that the tanks containing BioCord technology showed much higher reductions in ammonia than the control and were able to achieve effluent ammonia concentrations as low as 0.75 mg/L at wastewater temperatures below 5°C. is comprised of a unique media substrate that provides a high surface area for the development of a stable, robust biofilm. As the microorganisms form in multiple layers on the charged polymeric fibres, the development of microclimates within the biofilm insulates inner-layer microorganisms from the cold water. Thus, nitrification continues as water temperatures drop. In addition, the pressurized aeration system integrated underneath each reactor to deliver oxygen to the proliferating biofilm, also has the benefit of providing extra warmth to wastewater surrounding the reactor. The movement of fine bubbles, also used in a bubble curtain surrounding the reactors, keeps the water above the reactors open and the system operational even at sub-zero ambient temperatures.

Thus, unlike other biofilm technologies, the BioCord units can be installed directly within a lagoon or basin and require a minimal footprint. To test the system’s ability to act as a solution for enhanced contaminant removal in cold climates, Bishop Water conducted two pilot-scale studies to assess the reactors’ nitrification rates at cold temperatures. FLEMING COLLEGE’S COLD CHAMBER STUDY An environmental cold chamber study was performed in 2015 in collaboration with Fleming College’s Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment. During this study, raw septic wastewater was fed into four 1000-L experimental tanks operating in parallel, each containing

COLD WEATHER PILOT In late 2018, a six-week cold weather pilot project was conducted in a city in central western Canada. Two BioCord reactors were set up in series to receive lagoon wastewater as temperature and contaminant reductions were monitored over time. At water temperatures below 6°C, the system was able to consistently reduce influent ammonia concentrations by an average of 94%. A lagoon receiving the same influent wastewater, but not containing a BioCord reactor system, was only able to produce ammonia reductions of less than 3%. Christine Gan and Kevin Bossy are with Bishop Water Technologies. Email: christine@bishopwater.ca, or kevin@bishopwater.ca


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February 2019  |  55


An irregular shoreline and vegetation around the pond posed some challenges in regards to the coverage of the lagoon cells.

Insulated floating covers conserve heat in wastewater treatment lagoons By Rohit Sati, Brian Fraser, Mike Cerilli and Liang Liu


astewater lagoon treatment normally works well for small communities. However, the regulated discharged effluent specification is not always met, due to both external and internal factors. The most frequent problems are elevated biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and ammonia (where regulated), and high or low pH. Odour from lagoons can also be a problem. One municipality in central Alberta was being impacted by reduced nitrification efficiency of their wastewater treatment process during the winter season. This resulted in the accumulation of higher than acceptable levels of ammonia before treated water was discharged into a nearby creek. The municipality’s wastewater lagoons are synthetically lined earthen impoundments. Wastewater enters cell #3 at 10°C. 56  |  February 2019

After a specified retention time, water is then released into cells #4, #8, and #9A respectively. Ultimately it is directed into cell #9. (See Figure 1) A modular insulated cover (MIC) was proposed to conserve the temperature of wastewater in the lagoon cells. By reducing heat loss and bacterial fluctuations in a wastewater system, the effluent becomes more consistent and predictable and improves the overall performance of the system. The insulation project included: • An insulated cover design that met the heat loss criteria. • Fabrication of MIC panels in the shop with tight quality control tolerances. • Installation of the panels in winter conditions and over the aeration lines. • Minimizing exposed areas along the irregular shoreline to reduce the evaporative heat losses.

• Ballasting MIC panels with sufficient weight to prevent wind uplift. • In-house testing of attachment hardware and weld strengths. • Removal of debris and vegetation within and around the perimeter of the pond. MIC CONCEPTUAL DESIGN The design of the MIC required determining the thermal resistance (R value) of the MIC panel to meet the project specification, and determining the dimensions required for fabrication and installation. It needed to be sufficiently buoyant so that the field crew could stand on it without significant deflection. MIC panels are typically composed of expanded polystyrene foam encapsulated with a synthetic barrier on both sides. HEAT LOSS MODELLING The proposed MIC panels needed to

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

be designed to maintain/conserve heat in the wastewater with minimum heat losses. Modelling of the cover was based on very low ambient conditions (-40°C). Heat loss through MIC panels is calculated using thermal resistances and temperature gradients.

ant consideration during the design process. To provide the required ballast, the fabricator designed sand tubes with sufficient weight to hold the panels in place. Custom equipment was built to fill sand in pre-formed tubular bags. The material for the sand bag was UV resistant. Some MIC panels had sand tubes DIMENSION AND DESIGN strapped to them to hold the ballast in The size of the MIC panels was opti- place. Custom tensile testing was permized, in order to easily ship them to the project site and handle them once there. Shop drawings were created to fit and size the MIC over the lagoons. Three different panel sizes were chosen for prefabrication of the MIC to expedite the installation process and coverage. The design also incorporated a flap to cover the aeration lines.

formed to ensure the weld strength of the strap to MIC panels. Another challenge was to minimize movement of MIC panels during wind events. A specialized tendon was selected to thread them in the shop. Tensile testing was performed on the tendon to determine its break strength. continued overleaf…

Antimicrobial Crystalline Technology

FLOTATION BUOYANCY All of the MIC panels were designed with insulation of sufficient buoyancy to provide enough support for up to four persons to walk on, enabling access to the hatches, submerged equipment and aeration lines, and ease of repairs of the cover itself. FABRICATION The MIC panels were shop assembled which involved encapsulation of the foam with layers of synthetic liner, tight tolerances to reduce heat losses, seaming the corners to make them leak proof, and testing for leakage. TESTING PROTOCOL Due to the nature of this application, a strict quality control plan was put in place in the fabrication plant. Any leakage in the seams could potentially expose the flotation medium to the wastewater and also result in gas buildup. The first installed covers were routinely checked for any seam defects. A couple of panels had a gas buildup and consequently needed to be removed and replaced. To further improve on the seam efficiency and quality, the panels were tested using acoustic methods to detect any holes or any discontinuity. Air pressure testing of channels was also performed prior to acoustic testing of the panels. WIND BALLAST Wind imposed uplift was an importwww.esemag.com @ESEMAG

Xypex Bio-San C500 is a uniquely designed admixture for integral, long-term protection of concrete in harsh sewage conditions with high levels of H2S that cause microbial induced corrosion. Bio-San C500 combines potent antimicrobial protection along with the unique crystalline technology of the Xypex Admix C-Series. Bio-San C500 prevents microbial induced corrosion, stops infiltration/exfiltration of water, and provides acid and sulphate resistance, significantly extending the service life of concrete sewage collection systems and waste water infrastructure.

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Xypex Crystallization (Initiated)

Xypex Crystallization (Mature)

Electron Microscope Images are the property and copyright of Xypex Chemical Corporation.

www.xypex.com February 2019  |  57

COLD CLIMATE MIC INSTALLATION Material handling and installation of the materials under frigid conditions posed challenges to field technicians, as the MIC panels needed to be installed in temperatures as low as -26°C ambient, with a wind chill factor often reaching -35°C. The project stakeholders acknowledged that prefabrication of the MIC panels in the plant was a major benefit during field installation in the extreme cold environment. The prefabricated panels significantly reduced the field welding component of the project, allowing crews to finish the installation of MIC on schedule and budget. Irregular shoreline and vegetation around the pond posed some challenges in regards to the coverage of the cells. Custom panels were designed and prefabricated to further reduce the open cell area. Random quality checks were performed on the “as received” panels on the project site. Both visual inspection and acoustic testing were carried out prior to installation.

Figure 1. Wastewater enters cell #3 at 10°C. After a specified retention time, water is then released into cells #4, #8, and #9A respectively.

The prefabricated panels allowed work tractor. Field fabrication of these panels on a tight laydown area, which was shared would have been extremely challenging in between the installers and another con- the limited space allocated on the job site.

Opening the Honey Pot Continued from page 1



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58  |  February 2019

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

PROJECT RESULTS Following installation, temperature measurements clearly indicated that the heat loss model accurately predicted the wastewater temperature in cell #3. The performance of the cover was determined to have worked extremely well in this application, keeping the temperature of wastewater close to 10°C. The influent temperature of wastewater was not recorded due to the location of the inlet. However, the municipality has been advised to take measures so as to provide the wastewater inlet temperatures in future measurements. Further testing is required to determine the reduction in ammonia after placement of the MIC system. Rohit Sati, Brian Fraser and Mike Cerilli are with The Layfield Group. Liang Liu is with Stantec. For more information, visit www.layfieldgroup.com

The Waterra Inertial Pumping System is the most widely used pump for monitoring wells in Canada. For developing, purging and sampling — nothing else comes close.

The MIC panels were shop assembled which involved encapsulation of the foam with layers of synthetic liner.

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February 2019  |  59


The frequency and intensity of wildfires is increasing and their effect on water quality and treatability needs to be better understood. rck / stock.adobe.com

how wildfires impact drinking water treatment process performance


he frequency and intensity of wildfires has increased in recent decades, and this trend is expected to continue in the near future, especially in areas where climate change is predicted to result in warmer, drier conditions. Extreme droughts, higher temperatures, earlier snowmelt, and changes in precipitation patterns can all contribute to the likelihood of wildfires. Other factors influencing wildfire occurrence include land use changes, such as livestock grazing and fire suppression. Consequently, wildfires are of increasing concern, and their resulting impacts on the environment must be further investigated. As wildfire frequency increases, the potential effects on forested watersheds, which commonly serve as high-quality drinking water sources for many communities, become a concern. Drinking water 60  |  February 2019

utilities that rely on these water sources are considering the potential impacts of wildfires in their watersheds. These include water quantity and availability, source water quality, and the ability to effectively treat and provide the high-quality water that the public demands. Currently, there are a limited number of reported case studies where post-wildfire water quality and treatability were monitored at drinking water utilities. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the effects of wildfires on source water quality and treatability, while also considering the effects on treatment plant operations and costs. The overarching objective of a recent project funded by the Water Research Foundation was to expand the knowledge base regarding the effects of wildfire on drinking water quality, treatment, plant

performance, and operations. In order to meet this objective, this project focused on three main aspects. First, in order to evaluate the effects of a wildfire on a particular treatment operation, an approach to simulate the effects of a wildfire on water quality was developed. Second, simulated post conventional processes. Lastly, an evaluation of the best treatment practices to deal with wildfire-impacted source waters was conducted. An additional objective of this project was to extend the post-fire water quality monitoring at a water intake in a burned watershed. To complete this project, the team first collected surface soil and litter samples from watersheds serving four water utilities. The samples were collected from multiple sites in the different source continued overleaf…

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

WATER watersheds for the utilities. After the samples were heated, they were leached into water, followed by an evaluation of the water quality and treatability by coagulation. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS Soil and litter samples released different quantities and qualities of dissolved constituents following heating. Litter tended to release more dissolved organic matter (DOM) following heating compared to soil. The release of anions and cations was altered following heating. Anion release into solution showed strong heating dependence, but was not consistent among the measured species. Sulfate concentrations demonstrated the most consistent behaviour, increasing with heating of each material, especially litter, which was shown to release nearly ten times more sulfate than soil following heating. Nitrate concentrations generally decreased following heating of both litter and soil. Phosphate release was not constant among the soils, but phosphate release from litter increased after heating at 225°C. Iron and manganese showed similar trends and demonstrated greater release after heating. Generally, the trends observed were consistent and aid in understanding the effects of heating on water soluble compounds, raw water quality, and the associated treatment challenges. Marginal increases in pH and alkalinity were observed for the heated samples, which may be attributed to the denaturing of organic acids upon heating, with residual alkaline components remaining. An observed decrease in the quantity of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leached per gram of material for the heated leachates is consistent with other work indicating partial combustion of soluble organic carbon compounds at 225°C. Alternatively, organic nitrogen has been shown to volatilize at higher temperatures, supporting the observed enrichment of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) relative to DOC following heating. Clear and measurable alterations to the soluble DOM character was indicated by increased specific UV absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254). Iron concentrations of the heated leachates were low (< 0.005 mg/L) and did not significantly interfere 62  |  February 2019

Soil and litter samples released different quantities and qualities of dissolved constituents following heating.

with absorbance measurements. Consistently higher SUVA254 for the heated samples indicates enhanced aromaticity of soluble compounds upon heating, supported by previous soil organic matter studies. For raw water (not coagulated) carbonaceous disinfection byproduct (C-DBP) yields, the changes following heating at 225°C varied for total trihalomethane (TTHM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) precursors, but C-DBP yields were often lower following heating. However, this trend was not consistent for all samples. Bromide concentrations were low (< 0.003 mg/L), and primarily chlorinated DBP species were formed. It should be noted that the similar or lower TTHM and HAA precursor reactivity of the heated leachates compared to the control (unheated) samples may not be representative of the precursor load a water treatment facility might receive in its influent supply post-wildfire. Enhanced erosion of terrestrial DOM following a wildfire can significantly increase DOC levels and DBP formation, as observed in field-based studies. Haloacetonitrile (HAN) precursor reactivity of the raw waters also varied following heating. Alternatively, the chloropicrin precursor reactivity was generally higher for the heated leachates, which may be associated with the enrichment of DON relative to DOC, or elevated inorganic nitro-

gen levels. While the DOC:DON ratio decreased upon heating, and chloropicrin formation and precursor reactivity per unit of carbon increased, HAN4 precursors did not appear consistently altered by heating at 225°C. Previous studies have associated elevated HAN4 reactivity with wildfire. Following heating of soil and litter, the leachates consistently exhibited an overall poor response to coagulation and, even at high coagulant doses (e.g., > 80 mg/L alum), often marginal DOC removal was achieved (e.g., <30%). The treatability findings are consistent with the results from a field-based post-fire watershed monitoring study when rainstorms transported substantial sediments and debris downstream to a water intake. The adverse effect of heating on the treatability of the leachates might be explained by a lower molecular weight DOM composition. Despite the higher SUVA254, a change in DOM quality, such as a shift towards lower molecular weight compounds, may have adversely affected coagulation treatment, resulting in elevated settled water turbidity levels and minimal DOC removal. Further, finished water quality was negatively influenced, including the exceedance of DBP maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and high chloropicrin concentrations. Heat induced changes to particle size and characteristics were not explored in this study, but may have neg-

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

to the north and discontinuous permafrost

Knowledge of the curre

atively affected coagulation processes, possibly due to the presence of finer materials. Following treatment, most heated leachates exceeded DBP MCLs, whereas all control samples were below MCLs. Treated water nitrogenous DBP formation was also higher for the heated leachates, specifically chloropicrin. While findings suggest an altered DOM character, utilities may also experience an increase in influent DOC concentrations, coupled with higher, or even extreme, sediment loads, resulting in compounding effects on water treatment. Lastly, recommendations were made regarding the design and operation of treatment systems for utilities under the threat of wildfire. Smoky taste and odour could occur after a fire. Nutrient release from wildfires could result in long-term eutrophication and increased algal growth in downstream reservoirs, leading to algal toxins and taste and odour issues. Installation of powdered activated carbon or post filter GAC contactors should be considered to handle these events. Installation of ozone/biofiltration should also be considered when possible.




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February 2019  |  63

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Aerzen Turbo G5 Plus is the most compact and efficient turbo in its class. It features AERZEN airfoil bearings with double coating and the new multilevel frequency converter technology, which reduces the heat loss in the motor to a minimum and, consequently, improves total efficiency significantly. Aerzen Canada T: 450-424-3966 E : sales-ca@aerzen.com W: www.aerzen.ca


The Aqua ElectrOzone® Ozone Generation System is ideal for potable water treatment, wastewater/water reuse and industrial applications that require ozone treatment for taste and odour control, bleaching/colour removal, oxidation and disinfection. It is designed for safe operation and effective treatment. The Metawater MicroGap™ dielectric core technology is engineered for high dimensional accuracy, allowing for consistent ozone generation, extremely low failure rates and efficient cooling. Aqua-Aerobic Systems T: 815-639-4511 E: mgunderson@aqua-aerobic.com W: www.aqua-aerobic.com


The Aqua ElectrOzone® M-Series Modular Ozone Generation System is specifically designed for smaller ozone installations seeking the advantages of system modularity and built-in redundancy. Each ozone

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system is configurable in 15 lb. per day increments from 15 to 540 lbs per day. Additional features include: simple installation and operation, modular ozone cells, integrated process control and silent operation. Aqua-Aerobic Systems T: 815-639-4511 E: mgunderson@aqua-aerobic.com W: www.aqua-aerobic.com


The ProSeries-M® M-4 Peristaltic Metering Pump handles the most demanding water and wastewater treatment environments. The M-4 has feed rates from .0028 to 158.5 GPH/.01 to 600 LPH and pressures to 125PSI/8.6 Bar. Other M-4 features include: 2500:1 turndown ratio, can inject at maximum pressure in either direction (clockwise and counter clockwise), operator friendly touch pad, NEMA 4X (IP66), NSF Standard 61, CE, ETL. Blue-White Industries T: 714-893-8529 F: 714-894-9492 E: sales@blue-white.com W: www.blue-white.com


The new Type 57P Butterfly Valve is Chemline’s recently improved all-plastic elastomer seated butterfly valve. Features include a redesigned seat for better sealing and a new high visibility position indicator. The 57P is certified to NSF/ANSI-61 for potable water but chosen also for chemical handling and landfills. It is moulded up to 24 "in PVC, CPVC, PP or PVDF with EPDM, Nitrile or FKM seat/seals. Actuation is available. Chemline Plastics T: 800-930-CHEM (2436) E: request@chemline.com W: www.chemline.com


The NEW ProSeries-M® MS-6 Chemical Feed Sensor accurately measures chemical feed from your dosing pumps, using the latest ultrasonic technology. The patent-pending design provides the widest flow range on the market, from 10 to 10,000 ml/ min (0.158-158.5 GPH), and the MS-6 has a low pressure drop of less than 1 PSI. NSF61 listed. Blue-White is ISO 9001:2015 Certified. Blue-White Industries T: 714-893-8529 F: 714-894-9492 E: sales@blue-white.com W: www.blue-white.com


Road erosion, premature concrete failure or water ingress into wastewater systems? Denso’s 12 "LT tape has been proven for nearly a century to block water from accessing assets. It won’t harden or crack and is the perfect solution to protect concrete and prevent I&I. Applied in minutes, requiring minimal surface preparation, no mixing or curing, it can be buried immediately. Denso North America T: 416-291-3435 E: sales@densona-ca.com W: www.densona.com

February 2019  |  65


Festo’s VZXA angled seat valve features fieldfriendly modularity. It delivers everything demanded of an angled seat valve: extremely high flow rates, sturdy steel body and quick, easy assembly and cleanability. With its modular design and multiple sizes, the valve body and actuator modules can be freely combined for an optimized solution. The actuator can even be replaced without opening the (unpressurized) piping. No special tools required. Festo T: 905-614-4600 E: customer.service.ca@festo.com W: www.festo.ca

cloud-based weather station, you can now measure conditions over large areas once considered too costly or impractical to monitor. Hoskin Scientific E: salesb@hoskin.ca, Burlington, ON E: salesv@hoskin.ca, Burnaby, BC E: salesm@hoskin.ca, Montreal, QC W: www.hoskin.ca

particles, such as nutrients and metals. The Stormceptor EF has been verified through the ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verification (ETV). Imbrium Systems T: 800-565-4801 E: info@imbriumsystems.com W: www.imbriumsystems.com


The new Greyline DFM 6.1 Doppler Flow Meter, with powerful new digital signal processing, provides easy and accurate flow measurement of “difficult” liquids (sewage, sludge, slurries and viscous liquids). Its clamp-on technology does not require pipe penetration, cutting or welding, greatly reducing costs. Installation is fast, and simple, typically less than 10 minutes. Contact us for a quote, or download the brochure, operating manual, and order form at www.greyline.com. Greyline Instruments T: 613-938-8956 / 315-788-9500 E: mquenneville@greyline.com W: www.greyline.com


Hoskin Scientific introduces the HOBOnet™ Field Monitoring System. Monitor field conditions from your desktop or mobile device. HOBOnet transforms the way you collect and view field data! With up to 50 wireless sensors streaming data back to one central, 66  |  February 2019


The HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID poses an interesting alternative to primary clarifiers for several reasons. LIQUID has better removal rates than clarifiers, but with a smaller footprint. The LIQUID also provides better process control in surge events, with more reliable operation. Finally, LIQUID has lower investment costs relative to primary clarifiers. HUBER Technology T: 704-990-2053 F: 704-949-1020 E: huber@hhusa.net W: www.huber-technology.com



Filterra® is similar to bioretention in its function and application, but has been optimized for high volume/flow treatment and high pollutant removal. Its small footprint is ideal for Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) design, and it is commonly used on highly developed sites such as landscaped areas, parking lots and streetscapes. Filterra has been verified through the ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verification (ETV). Imbrium Systems T: 800-565-4801 E: info@imbriumsystems.com W: www.imbriumsystems.com

The new Stormceptor® EF is an oil grit separator (OGS)/hydrodynamic separator that effectively targets sediment (TSS), free oils, gross pollutants and other pollutants that attach to Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Markland’s Detector helps water and wastewater plants control solid-liquid interface levels in clarifiers and settlement tanks. It automates de-sludge pumps to operate only when necessary, and helps to prevent carryover, optimize feed density and reduce energy usage. Slim profile and use of LEDs are ideal for obstructed/constricted areas. No calibration required. Markland Specialty Engineering T: 855-873-7791 (NA), 905-873-7791 E: markland@sludgecontrols.com W: www.sludgecontrols.com


ATI has developed the “ChlorLog” Compact Residual Data Logger to provide a compact, standalone measurement and logging system that can be used virtually anywhere. Sensor, electronics, data logger, and flowcell are combined into one assembly. All that’s needed is sample connection. Even sample flow control is included as part of the flow assembly. It features continuous measurement and logging of residual chlorine, sensor options for Free Chlorine, Combined Chlorine, or Total Chlorine, and free software for data download and graphing. SPD Sales T: 905-678-2882 F: 905-293-9774 W: spdsales.com

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The Style W257 dynamic movement joint from Victaulic is preassembled and reduces installation complexity for threaded rod installations of the AWWA M11 harness and C219 bolted sleevetype joints. It can accommodate differential settlement and seismic movement in large-diameter piping systems. The joint is available in 14 ˝to 78 ,˝DN350 to DN1950 sizes and is designed to be direct buried. Victaulic T: 905-884-7444 E: rhys.jardine@victaulic.com W: www.dynamicmovementjoint.com


Waterra has expanded its product range of PES Inline Disposable Filters to now include pore sizes: 0.2 micron, 0.45 micron, 1.2 micron and 5 micron. These capsule filters are available in two size formats: a 300 cm² surface area version and a 600 cm² surface area version for higher turbidity samples. Waterra Pumps T: 905-238-5242  F: 905-238-5704 E: sales@waterra.com W: www.waterra.com


Waterra HS-2 Oil/ Water Interface Sensors represent some of the most advanced technology available today for hydrocarbon product layer measurement. To define the product layer, these devices utilize a propri-

etary ultrasonic sensor which is more sensitive in a broader range of hydrocarbon products than conventional optical systems. These quality sensors are now also available with Kynar (PVDF) jacketed tapes. Waterra Pumps T: 905-238-5242  F: 905-238-5704 E: sales@waterra.com W: www.waterra.com


The Spectra FieldPro is the most popular peristaltic pump that Waterra has sold. The FieldPro combines the MasterFlex EasyLoad II pump head with a powerful motor and power supply in a rugged aluminum case. It will work all day on a full charge, and includes a 12 Ah AGM battery, smart charger and storage compartment – everything you need in a portable peristaltic pump. Waterra Pumps T: 905-238-5242  F: 905-238-5704 E: sales@waterra.com W: www.waterra.com


Waterra’s WS-2 Water Level Sensors are advanced products that utilize advanced electronic technology. The WS-2 features an innovative design as well as compactness, portability and reliability – all at a competitive price. WS-2 tapes are available with Kynar (PVDF) or polyethylene jackets and graduated in imperial or metric units. Waterra Pumps T: 905-238-5242  F: 905-238-5704 E: sales@waterra.com W: www.waterra.com

February 2019  |  67

2019 GUIDE TO CONSULTANTS AND EQUIPMENT/ SERVICE SUPPLIERS Environmental Consultants.......... 68

Equipment & Service Suppliers.... 75

Products & Services...................... 95

GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & LABORATORIES A & A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC. 16 Young St Woodstock ON N4S 3L4 T: 519‑266‑4680  F: 519‑266‑3666 lcoghill@aaenvironmental.ca www.aaenvironmental.ca Contact: Dr. Ali Rasoul ADI GROUP INC. 10-385 Wilsey Rd Fredericton NB E3B 5N6 www.adi.ca AECOM CANADA LTD. 105 Commerce Valley Dr W Markham ON L3T 7W3 T: 905‑886‑7022  F: 905‑886‑9494 www.aecom.ca AEL ENVIRONMENT 1705 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 3A9 T: 416‑657‑2367  F: 1-866‑281‑5328 info@aelenv.com | www.aelenv.com Contact: Adrianne Arnold AERCOUSTICS ENGINEERING LTD. 165-50 Ronson Dr Toronto ON M9W 1B3 T: 416‑249‑3361 AET GROUP INC. 531 Wellington St N Kitchener ON N2H 5L6 T: 519‑576‑9723 ext 305 Contact: Scott Freiburger AGAT LABORATORIES 2910-12 St NE Calgary AB T2E 7P7 AINLEY GROUP 280 Pretty River Pkwy Collingwood ON L9Y 4J7 T: 705‑445‑3451 www.ainleygroup.com AIR, EARTH & WATER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 423 Ireland Rd Simcoe ON N3Y 5J1 AIR, WATER & SOIL CONSULTANTS 9 Andersen Ct Westerly RI 2891 T: 860‑415‑0017 awsconsult@gmail.com Contact: Ralph Wiech, Principal Consultant AIRZONE ONE LTD. 222 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga ON L4Z 1X1 T: 905‑890‑6957  F: 905‑890‑8629 fdi-giovanni@airzoneone.com Contact: Franco DiGiovanni

ALPHA ADROIT ENGINEERING LTD. 17816-105 Ave NW Edmonton AB T5S 2H5 T: 1-844‑423‑7648 info@alphaadroit.ca | www.alphaadroit.ca Contact: Mohammadali Kia, Ph.D., P.Eng. ALTECH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LTD. 12 Banigan Dr Toronto ON M4H 1E9 T: 800‑323‑4937 www.altech-group.com AN-GEO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LTD. 204-8708 48 Ave Edmonton AB T6E 5L1 T: 780‑450‑3377  F: 780‑450‑3232 angeo@sprynet.com Contact: Dr. David Ho ANNACIS RESEARCH CENTRE 1400 Lindsey Place Delta BC V3M 6V1 T: 604‑395‑2325 arc@metrovancouver.org www.metrovancouver.org Contact: Leah Waldron APEX ENGINEERING 4050 Fieldstone Crossing Missoula MT 59802 T: 406‑459‑2776 mark@apexengineering.us Contact: Mark Reinsel, President APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES 540 Avis Dr Ann Arbor MI 48108 USA T: 734‑904‑8257 Contact: Saad Ghalib ARCADIS CANADA 12-121 Granton Dr Richmond Hill ON L4B 3N4 www.arcadis.com ATLANTIC ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING & ON-SITE SERVICES INC. 4-2 Lakeside Park Dr Lakeside NS B3T 1L7 AUREUS SOLUTIONS INC 398 Bagot St Kingston ON K7K 3B9 T: 613‑893‑3680 info@aursi.ca Contact: Ted Bailey

AZURA ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL INC. 300-22 King St South Waterloo ON N2J 1N8 T: 519‑729‑0681 dave.ellis@azuraassociates.com www.azuraassociates.com Contact: David Ellis B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 62 North St Goderich ON N7A 2T4 T: 519‑524‑2641  F: 519-524-4403 sburns@bmross.net | www.bmross.net Contact: Steve Burns, P. Eng. BFC TECHNOLOGIES 960 Edgeley Blvd Vaughan ON L4K 4V4 T: 905‑761‑0599 Contact: Julio Alva

AXOR EXPERTS-CONSEILS INC. 400-5101 rue Buchan Montréal QC H4P 1S4

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68  |  February 2019

ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING 500-9888 Jasper Ave Edmonton AB T5J 5C6 T: 780‑451‑7666  F: 780‑454‑7698 mahl@ae.ca | www.ae.ca Contact: Lianna Mah, Vice President, Business Development At Associated Engineering, our vision is to shape a better world for future generations by creating sustainable and resilient solutions. This is our commitment to building better communities. Sustainability is part of every project we undertake, including how we operate our business. We provide consulting services in the water, infrastructure, environmental, transportation, energy, and building sectors. Our services include planning, engineering, landscape architecture, environmental science, project management, and asset management. We have twice received Canadian consulting engineering’s highest honour, the Schreyer Award.

Search online or add your company at: esemag.com/ese-directory

BIO-LIMNO RESEARCH & CONSULTING, INC. 29 Stone Gate Drive Halifax NS B3N 3J2 T: 902‑425‑8989  F: 902‑425‑8989 magbeti@bio-limno.com | www.bio-limno.com Contact: Michael Agbeti, PhD, President Bio-Limno Research & Consulting is an environmental consulting firm that provides a variety of services related to water quality. We specialize in algal analysis (including diatom algae), zooplankton analysis, interpretation of water quality data, and writing of scientific reports.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



CBCL LIMITED PO Box 20040 420-14 King St Saint John NB E2L 5B2 www.cbcl.ca

BLACK & VEATCH CANADA 501-50 Minthorn Blvd Markham ON L3T 7X8 T: 905‑747‑8506  www.bv.com BLUMETRIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 3108 Carp Rd/PO Box 430 Ottawa ON K0A 1L0 T: 613‑839‑3053  F: 613‑839‑5376 growth@blumetric.ca Contact: Gary Black BOMA ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY INC. 203-2621 Portage Ave Winnipeg MB R3J 0P7 T: 204‑889‑5275 BULLEE CONSULTING LTD. 200-302 Wellman Lane Saskatoon SK S7T 0J1 www.bulleeconsulting.com BZ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 125-70C Mountjoy St N Timmins ON P4N 4V7 T: 705‑268‑6220 Contact: Mark Bednarz C.C. TATHAM & ASSOCIATES LTD. 200-115 Sandford Fleming Dr Collingwood ON L9Y 5A6 T: 705‑444‑2565  F: 705‑444‑2327 info@cctatham.com | www.cctatham.com

CALA 102-2934 Baseline Rd Ottawa ON K2H 1B2 T: 613‑233‑5300  F: 613‑233‑5501 aadams@cala.ca | www.cala.ca Contact: Andrew Adams, President & CEO Laboratory accreditation, proficiency testing and training services. Full international recognition worldwide through APLAC and ILAC. CAMBIUM ABORIGINAL 1109 Mississauga St Curve Lake ON K0L 1R0 T: 705‑657‑1126  F: 705‑657‑9231 m.jacobs@cambiumaboriginal.com www.cambiumaboriginal.com Contact: Michael Jacobs, General Manager CAMBIUM INC. 52 Hunter St E/PO Box 325 Peterborough ON K9H 1G4 T: 705‑742‑7900 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITORS 35 Lakeshore Blvd RR#1 Gilford ON L0L 1R0 T: 705‑456‑1255 oldjeepsteer@gmail.com Contact: John Sciberras, President

CLEARVIEW GEOPHYSICS INC. 12 Twisted Oak St Brampton ON L6R 1T1 T: 905‑458‑1883 Contact: Joe Mihelcic CLIFTON ASSOCIATES 2222 30th Ave NE Calgary AB T2E 7K9 www.clifton.ca

CENTRE FOR ADVANCEMENT OF WATER AND WASTEWATER TECHNOLOGIES (CAWT) AT FLEMING COLLEGE 200 Albert St South Lindsay ON K9V 5E6 T: 705‑324‑9144 ext3068 cawt@flemingcollege.ca | www.cawt.ca Contact: Barbara Siembida-Losch, Manager and Senior Scientist Water and wastewater technology development in a highly equipped, specialized, client-focused research centre at Fleming College in Lindsay, Ontario. Over 10 years of providing exceptional research and development services. We offer testing, verification, certification services (national and international standards); piloting and demonstration; and laboratory analysis in an accredited laboratory. Customizable indoor and outdoor facilities to host your project. CHEM SOLV PO Box 608 Georgina ON L0E 1R0 T: 905‑722‑6035 CHISHOLM FLEMING & ASSOCIATES 301-317 Renfrew Dr Markham ON L3R 9S8 T: 905‑474‑1458  F: 905‑474‑1910 cfa@chisholmfleming.com Contact: R.G. Chisholm, P.Eng.

CIMA+ CANADA INC. 500-5935 Airport Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1W5 T: 905‑695‑1005  F: 905‑695‑0525 troy.briggs@cima.ca | www.cima.ca Contact: Troy Briggs, Senior Director, Wastewater CIMA+ is a Canadian consulting engineering company with 2,000+ employees in offices across Canada specializing in planning, design and construction management for municipal water, wastewater and infrastructure facilities. We offer expertise in environmental assessment, process optimization, water resources, sustainable development and LEED facilities design. CLEANEARTH TECHNOLOGIES INC. 203 Aerotech Dr Enfield NS B2T 1K3 T: 902‑835‑9095  F: 902‑835‑9010 ron@cleanearthtechnologies.ca www.cleanearthtechnologies.ca Contact: Ron Pachal

COLE ENGINEERING GROUP LTD. 70 Valleywood Dr Markham ON L3R 4T5 T: 416‑987‑6161 www.coleengineering.ca Contact: Richard Waite, P.Eng., Senior Vice President Founded in 2003, COLE provides consulting and advisory services in planning, engineering and P3, in the water, transportation, urban development and environmental sectors. With offices across southern Ontario and a staff complement of more than 300, COLE is now one of the largest independent consulting engineering firms in Ontario. At COLE we look at everything we do through the eyes of our clients. Our employees, which differentiate us in our space, reflect the diversity, creativity, skills and work ethic of the communities in which we live. CURTIS GEO SOLUTIONS INC. Unit 1A 820 28 St NE Calgary AB T2A 6K1 T: 403‑273‑5868  F: 403‑273‑5957 rbryan@curtisgeo.ca | www.curtisgeo.ca Contact: Robyn Bryan – Executive Assistant D.L. SERVICES INC. PO Box 3014 120 County Rd 64 Brighton ON K0K 1H0 T: 613‑475‑4155 D&G ENVIRO-GROUP 108-6710 rue Saint-Jacques Montreal QC H4B 1V8 T: 514‑932‑1688, 1-888‑932‑1688  F: 514-932‑1911 info@dgenviro.com DENISON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1 Horne Walk Elliot Lake ON P5A 2A5 T: 705-848‑9191 info@denisonenvironmental.com www.denisonenvironmental.com Contact: Janet Lowe, General Manager DESJARDINS FINANCIAL SECURITY (DFSIN) 5070 Dixie Rd Mississauga ON L4W 1C9 T: 905‑366‑4419  F: 905‑276‑4964 carol.smith@dfsin.ca Contact: Carol Smith, RIAC

CASKANETTE UDALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 248-675 Queen St S Kitchener ON N2M 1A1 T: 519‑745‑5066 bob@caskanette.on.ca Contact: Bob Caskanette

Safe, reliable, sustainable

CATTERALL & WRIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1221 8th St East Saskatoon SK S7N3C8 T: 306‑343‑7280  F: 306‑956‑3199 cw@cwce.ca | www.cwce.ca Contact: Shaun McLeod, P.Eng., M.Sc.

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DIAMETER SERVICES 100 Queen St West Toronto ON M5G 1P5 T: 416‑305‑3409 jcarty@diameterservices.com www.diameterservices.com Contact: Joel Carty DILLON CONSULTING LIMITED 800-235 Yorkland Blvd Toronto ON M2J 4Y8 T: 416‑229‑4646 DML ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 7516 Industrial St Niagara Falls ON T: 905‑358‑5401  F: 905‑351‑0740 info@dmlenvironmental.com Contact: Dan Lococo DR. MIKE SHIRALIAN 38 Carluke Crescent North York ON M2L 2J4 T: 647‑347‑4517 mikex0123@gmail.com DRAGUN CORPORATION 436 Elmstead Rd/RR 1 Windsor ON N8N 2L9 T: 519‑979‑7300 cpare@dragun.com Contact: Christopher Pare, P. Geo DST CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. 203-2150 Thurston Dr Ottawa ON K1G 5T9 EARTHFX INC. 3363 Yonge St Toronto ON M4N 2M6 T: 416‑410‑4260 dirk@earthfx.com Contact: Dirk Kassenaar ECOCERN 2311-55 Harbour Square Toronto ON M5J 2L1 T: 416‑699‑6045 DHL@ecocern.ca Contact: David Lewis, Owner ECOFITTER/ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONSULTING INC. 400 Highway 529 PO Box 171 Pointe au Baril ON P0G 1K0 T: 705‑366‑2148 astewart.anne@gmail.com | www.ecofitter.ca Contact: Anne Stewart EMSL ANALYTICAL INC. 200 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 8077 ENGLOBE 7-1821 Albion Rd Toronto ON M9W 5W8 T: 416‑213‑1060  F: 416‑213‑0170 tewfik.atia@englobecorp.com www.englobecorp.com/canada/en/ Contact: Tewfik Atia – VP Operations ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 33 Wanita Rd Mississauga ON L5G 1B3 T: 905‑271‑2845 john.nicholson@ebccanada.com Contact: John Nicholson

ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SERVICES INC. 411 Arthur St South Elmira ON N3B 2P7 T: 519‑504‑1205  F: 519‑669‑4986 tim.boose@sympatico.ca Contact: Tim Boose

EUROFINS ENVIRONMENT TESTING CANADA 8-146 Colonnade Rd Ottawa ON K2E 7Y1 T: 613‑727‑5692  F: 613‑727‑5222 infocanada@eurofins.com | www.eurofins.ca Contact: Katerina Delayer

ENVIRONMENTAL ODOUR CONSULTING 1492 Wallace Rd Unit 9 Oakville ON L6L 2Y2 T: 647‑988‑5814  F: 647‑988‑5814 bokowa.anna@environmentalodourconsulting.com www.environmentalodourconsulting.com Contact: Anna Bokowa, President

EXOVA 2935 Speakman Dr Mississauga ON L5K 1B3 www.exova.com

ENVIROSIM ASSOCIATES LTD. 114A-175 Longwood Rd S Hamilton ON L8P 0A1 T: 905‑481‑2607  F: 905‑481‑2610 bye@envirosim.com | www.envirosim.com Contact: Christopher Bye


ENVIROTECH ASSOCIATES LIMITED 217 Consortium Crt London ON N6E 2S8 T: 519‑601‑8130 www.envirotechbiz.com ENVIROWEST CONSULTANTS INC. 101-1515 Broadway St Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M2 www.envirowest.ca

ERAMOSA ENGINEERING INC. 4-650 Woodlawn Rd W Block C Guelph ON N1K 1B8 T: 519‑763‑7774  F: 519‑763‑7757 david.chamberlain@eramosa.com www.eramosa.com Contact: David Chamberlain Since 1998 Eramosa has been providing our clients with specialists in the areas of SCADA, process control, instrumentation, automation, information technology, and networking. We have expertise in planning, project management, conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design, as well as in the implementation of technology solutions using both traditional and alternative delivery methods. Through dedicated attention to our clients we strive to develop long-lasting relationships based on trust, mutual respect, integrity, and technical excellence. ETCOS ENVIRONMENTAL 96 Terrosa Rd Markham ON L3S 2N1 T: 905‑471‑9890  F: 905‑471‑6439 info@etcoscanada.com | www.etcoscanada.com Contact: Ravi Sharma ETO ENGINEERING 9030 Leslie St Richmond Hill ON L4B 1G2 T: 289‑637‑2700 x 202 hwang@etoengineering.ca www.etoengineering.ca Contact: Hailin Wang, P.Eng. Partner, Project Manager

EXP SERVICES 301-56 Queen St E Brampton ON L6V 4M8 www.exp.com

FUNDY ENGINEERING & CONSULTING LTD. 27 Wellington Row Saint John NB E2L 3H4 www.fundyeng.com G3 CONSULTING LTD. 206-8501 162 St Surrey BC V4N 1B2 T: 604‑598‑8501 whannon@g3consulting.com Contact: Wendy Hannon, Office Administrator GENEMIS LABORATORIES INC. 1379 Colborne St East Brantford ON N3T 5M1 T: 519‑870‑9742 www.genemis.ca GEOADVICE ENGINEERING INC. 203-2502 St Johns St Port Moody BC V3H 2B4 T: 604‑931‑0550 GEOPAC INC. 101-12391 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4X6 T: 604‑241‑7151  F: 604‑241‑7119 wwong@geopac.ca Contact: Wendy Wong GHD 455 Phillip St Waterloo ON N2L 3X2 T: 519‑884‑0510 www.ghd.com GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INC. 10312 N Holly Rd Holly MI 48442 T: 231‑360‑3971  F: 810‑238‑9195 akorreck@globaleei.com Contact: Alaina Korreck GM BLUEPLAN 2-650 Woodlawn Rd W Block C Guelph ON N1K 1B8 www.gmblueplan.ca GOLDER ASSOCIATES LTD. 100 Scotia Ct Whitby ON L1N 8Y6 GROUNDWATER ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. 303-8800 Dufferin St Concord ON L4P 0C5 www.gemservicesinc.com GROUPE BERLIE-FALCO 1245 Industrielle La Prairie QC J5R 2E4 www.berliefalco.com GROUPE CONSEIL BELLEFEUILLE 107 rue St Louis Saint-Eustache QC J7R 1X8 GSS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. 104D-1010 9th Ave W Owen Sound ON N4K 5R7 T: 519‑372‑4828 GUNNELL ENGINEERING LTD. 106-1110 Stellar Dr Newmarket ON L3Y 7B7 T: 905‑868‑9400  F: 905‑853‑5734 liz@gunnellengineering.com Contact: Elizabeth Lew, Operations Manager

70  |  February 2019

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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & LABORATORIES HATCH CORPORATION 101-973 Balmoral St Thunder Bay ON P7B 0E2 T: 807‑625‑8709  F: 807‑623‑5925 david.gibbs@hatch.com | www.hatch.com Contact: David Gibbs

INDOOR ANALYTICS, INC. 18607 Village Fountain Dr Germantown MD 20874 T: 240‑418‑7729 clintjones1@aol.com Contact: Clint Jones, President

HATFIELD CONSULTANTS PARTNERSHIP 200-850 Harbourside Dr N Vancouver BC V7P 0A3 T: 604‑926‑3261

INTERNAT ENERGY SOLUTIONS CANADA 403A-425 Adelaide St W Toronto ON M5V 3C1 T: 416‑628‑4658 INTERNATIONAL WATER CONSULTANTS LTD. PO Box 310 – 342 Bayview Dr Barrie ON L4M 4T4 T: 705‑733‑0111

HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. 4730 Kingsway Floor 18 Burnaby BC V5H 0C6 T: 604‑669‑0424  F: 604‑669‑0430 rwhyard@hemmera.com www.hemmera.com Contact: Rhoni Whyard, Director, Marketing & Communications Hemmera is a boutique environmental consultancy that has been making a difference across Canada and around the globe since 1994. Hemmera’s highly-respected, multi-disciplinary professionals are leaders in environmental and social sciences and engineering. For Hemmera, creating opportunities for clients and staff means going beyond technical services – Hemmera’s trusted advisors support project success by providing customized solutions for industry, First Nations, and government. HEROLD ENGINEERING LTD. 3701 Shenton Rd Nanaimo BC V9T 2H1 www.heroldengineering.com HGC ENGINEERING 203-2000 Argentia Rd – Plaza 1 Mississauga ON L5N 1P7 HOULE CHEVIER ENGINEERING LTD. 32 Steacie Drive Ottawa ON K2K 2A9 T: 613‑836‑1422

ISL ENGINEERING 4015 7 St SE Calgary AB T2G 2Y9 www.islengineering.com J.K. ENGINEERING LTD. 320-7930 Bowness Rd NW Calgary AB T3B 0H3 T: 403‑247‑1777  F: 403‑286‑9895 www.jkeng.ca

J.L. RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 864 Lady Ellen Pl Ottawa ON K1Z 5M2 T: 613‑728‑3571  F: 613‑728‑6012 www.jlrichards.ca Contact: Brian Hein P.Eng., Chief Environmental Engineer Providing a wide range of environmental services including water and wastewater treatment plants, environmental assessment and planning, solid waste management, water resources and stormwater management, sewer and watermain condition assessment and rehabilitation design and energy management. Offices also in Kingston, Sudbury, Timmins, North Bay, Hawkesbury and Guelph. JACOBS 400-245 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 1R3 T: 416‑499‑9000 www.jacobs.com

HYDRATEK & ASSOCIATES 204-216 Chrislea Rd Vaughan ON L4L 8S5 T: 416‑238‑7681 ext 480 d.radulj@hydratek.com | www.hydratek.com Contact: Djordje Radulj, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. (ON, AB) HydraTek specializes in hydraulic and energy investigations in water and wastewater systems. With its roots in hydraulic transient analysis, its service offering has expanded into field testing and data collection, pump performance and efficiency testing, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling, amongst other specialized activities. In addition, HydraTek also offers education, training and research services, enjoying strong linkages with the University of Toronto. Based in the Toronto area, HydraTek has provided analytical and field services on assignments throughout Ontario, across Canada, and internationally since its origination in 1988.

JADE ACOUSTICS INC. 411 Confederation Pkwy Concord ON L4K 0A8 T: 905‑660‑2444  F: 905‑660‑4110 general@jadeacoustics.com Contact: Dalila C. Giusti, Principal/Owner JFM ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED 1-318 Neptune Crescent London ON N6M 1A1 T: 519‑951‑9191  F: 519‑452‑3089 info@jfmel.com Contact: Frank Colozza, M.Sc., P.Geo., Principal & Senior Hydrogeologist

JOHANSSON ENGINEERING LTD. 16728 115 St Northwest Edmonton AB T5X 6G6 T: 780‑476‑9670 johanssonengineering@shaw.ca www.johansson.engineering Contact: Bob Johansson JOHN G. PAYNE & ASSOCIATES LTD. 7 Black Willow Ct Richmond Hill ON L4E 2M7 T: 905‑773‑0593  F: 905‑773‑0593 johnpayne@jgpa.ca Contact: John Payne, P.Eng, President KELLER ENGINEERING 1001 1 St Southeast Calgary AB T2G 5G3 T: 403‑471‑3492 info@kellerengineering.com www.kellerengineering.com Contact: Heinz Keller KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 200-4185A Still Creek Dr Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 T: 604‑294‑2088 www.kwl.ca KGS GROUP CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3rd Fl – 865 Waverley St Winnipeg MB R3T 5P4 T: 204‑896‑1209 www.kgsgroup.com KLOHN CRIPPEN BERGER LTD. 500-2618 Hopewell Pl NE Calgary AB T1Y 7J7 www.klohn.com KNIGHT PIESOLD LTD. 1400-750 Pender St W West Vancouver BC V6C 2T8 www.knightpiesold.comen

LEHDER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 210-704 Mara St Point Edward ON N7V 1X4 T: 519‑336‑4101  F: 519‑336‑4311 info@lehder.com | www.lehder.com Contact: Ron Regier, General Manager LEHDER is one of the largest air quality management companies in Canada. All air quality aspects – source testing, emission inventories, air dispersion modeling, data interpretation and approval applications – are managed internally by our highly skilled, multidisciplinary teams located in Point Edward (Sarnia), Ontario and Edmonton, Alberta. We provide integrated solutions for our clients to address complex problems – visit www. lehder.com for more information. LPT ENVIRO INC. 404-540 boul de l’Hopital Gatineau QC J8V 3T2 T: 819‑243‑5853

HYDROMANTIS ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, INC. 1601-1 James St South Hamilton ON L8P 4R5 T: 905‑522‑0012 ext 224  F: 905‑522‑0031 beres@hydromantis.com Contact: Robert P Beres, Executive VP


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LUMINULTRA TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 520 King St Fredericton NB E3B 6G3 T: 506‑459‑8777 MAAT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CORP. F2-1273 North Service Rd E Oakville ON L6H 1A7 T: 905‑829‑1749 MALROZ ENGINEERING INC. 308 Wellington St 2nd Fl Kingston ON K7K 7A8 www.malroz.com MATRIX SOLUTIONS 600-214 ‑ 11th Ave SW Calgary AB T2R 0K1 T: 403.237.0606  F: 403.263.2493 info@matrix-solutions.com www.matrix-solutions.com MAXXAM ANALYTICS 6740 Campobello Rd Mississauga ON L5N 2L8 T: 1 800‑563‑6266 enviro@maxxam.ca | www.maxxam.ca MCELHANNEY CONSULTING SVCS LTD. 100-402 – 11th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 0Y4 www.mcelhanney.com MCINTOSH PERRY 115 Walgreen Rd RR #3 Carp ON K0A 1L0 www.mcintoshperry.com MORRISON ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 1-1087 Meyerside Dr Mississauga ON L5T 1M5 T: 905‑564‑8944 MORRISON HERSHFIELD LTD. 2440 Don Reid Dr Ottawa ON K1H 1E1 MPE ENGINEERING LTD. 300-714 – 5th Ave South Lethbridge AB T1J 0V1 T: 403‑329‑3442  F: 403‑329‑9354 lethbridge@mpe.ca | www.mpe.ca Contact: Tannis Day MSR SOLUTIONS INC. 125-662 Goldstream Ave Victoria BC V9B 0N8 www.msrsolutions.ca MTE CONSULTANTS INC. 520 Bingemans Centre Dr Kitchener ON N2B 3X9 T: 519‑743‑6500 mail@mte85.com | www.mte85.com MYM CONSULTING SERVICES 617 Fothergill Blvd Burlington ON L7L 6E3 T: 905‑333‑3623 mymconsulting@sympatico.ca www.mymconsulting.ca Contact: Michael Mark NADINE INTERNATIONAL INC. 2325 Skymark Ave Mississauga ON L4W5A9 T: 905‑602‑1850  F: 905‑602‑1853 info@nadineintl.on.ca | www.nadineintl.on.ca

NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC) 4250 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1W5 T: 604‑221‑3157  F: 604-221-3001 dann.chow@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Contact: Dann Chow, Portfolio Business Advisor NEWFOUNDLAND DESIGN ASSOCIATES LTD. 280 Torbay Rd St John’s NL A1A 3W8

NOVUS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 105-150 Research Lane Guelph ON N1G 4T2 T: 226‑706‑8080 x202  F: 226‑706‑8081 info@novusenv.com | www.novusenv.com Contact: Nigel Taylor, Principal Novus specializes in the fields of noise and vibration, air quality, wind and climate, and sustainable water systems. We are qualified and experienced experts who solve complex environmental issues. Our experts have contributed to hundreds of projects ranging from environmental assessments, regulatory approvals and meteorological forecasting across Canada. At Novus we challenge ourselves to listen, innovate and offer a new spirit in consulting. OGEE SOLUTIONS INC. 501-77 City Centre Dr East Tower Mississauga ON L5B 1M5 oliver@ogeesolutions.com www.ogeesolutions.com Contact: Oliver U. Gonzalez, P.Eng. OHE CONSULTANTS 311 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga ON L4Z 1X8 T: 905‑890‑9000 Contact: Fred Atrash, Director

PARSONS INC. 100-1223 Michael St N Ottawa ON K1J 7T2 T: 613‑738‑4160 cori.lytle@parsons.com | www.parsons.com Contact: Cori Lytle, Senior Administrative Assistant Engineering expertise for the entire water cycle, including: strategic reports and environmental assessment; watershed planning; system modeling; plant optimization; preliminary and detailed design; and contract administration. PILOT PERFORMANCE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INC. PO Box 68584-25 Great Lakes Dr Brampton ON L6R 0J8 T: 905‑792‑3130 jpilot@pilotims.com Contact: Jayne Pilot, President PINCHIN LTD. 2470 Milltower Ct Mississauga ON L5N 7W5 T: 905‑363‑1396 ldrisdelle@pinchin.com | www.pinchin.com Contact: Linda Drisdelle PINTER & ASSOCIATES LTD. 710A 48th St East Saskatoon SK S7K 5B4 T: 306‑244‑1710  F: 306‑933‑4986 dustin.hicke@pinter.ca | www.pinter.ca Contact: Dustin Hicke – Saskatoon Office Manager PLURITEC LTEE. 1100 Place du Technoparc bur 200 Trois Rivières QC G9A 0A9 T: 819‑379‑8010

ORTECH ENVIRONMENTAL 804 Southdown Rd Mississauga ON L5J 2Y4 www.ortechconsulting.com P MODDLE CONSULTING LTD. 6460 Riverside Drive Melbourne ON N0L 1T0 phil@pmoddleconsulting.com www.pmoddleconsulting.com Contact: Phil Moddle, P. Geo., Senior Consultant PARACEL LABORATORIES LTD. 2-318 Neptune Cres London ON N6M 1A1 T: 1-800‑749‑1947 dvanbakel@paracellabs.com Contact: Dan Van Bakel PETO MACCALLUM LTD. 165 Cartwright Ave Toronto ON M6A 1V5 www.petomaccallum.com

Innovative, Fit-for-purpose Solutions www.stantec.com/water 72  |  February 2019

PGL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 1500-1185 Georgia St W Vancouver BC V6E 4E6 www.pggroup.com

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POLLUTECH ENVIROQUATICS LIMITED 122-704 Mara St Point Edward ON N7V 1X4 T: 519‑339‑8787  F: 519‑336‑6965 www.pollutech.ca Contact: Jenny Gough, P.Eng., President Pollutech EnviroQuatics Limited, based in Point Edward, Ontario, offers client-focused and industry-leading environmental consulting, engineering, technical and field services, as well as a CALA-accredited (ISO17025:2015) aquatic toxicity testing laboratory. Serving a wide range of sectors, we work closely with industry and government to deliver innovative solutions through applied scientific and technical expertise. Our key strengths include acute and chronic toxicity testing, site assessment and remediation, soil and groundwater programs, marine services, and regulatory assistance. PREVENTION AND REGULATORY SOLUTIONS LTD. PO Box 322 Maitland ON K0E 1P0 T: 613‑348‑3403  F: 613‑348‑1306 info@pandrs.com | www.pandrs.com Contact: John McGeough, President

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & LABORATORIES RJC ENGINEERS 500-1816 Crowchild Trail NW Calgary AB T2M 3Y7 T: 403‑283‑5073 info@rjc.ca | www.rjc.ca R.E. POISSON ENGINEERING INC. 200-55 Cork St E Guelph ON N1H 2W7 T: 519‑767‑2004  F: 519‑767‑2040 robert@repoisson.com | www.repoisson.com Contact: Robert Poisson, P.Eng., President R.E. Poisson Engineering has been providing engineering services to the municipal and industrial markets since 2001. Services include water and wastewater process design, process mechanical design, process controls, project management, environmental assessments and contract administration. We also have expertise in water and wastewater policy management, and sewer use bylaw administration. R.J. BURNSIDE & ASSOCIATES LIMITED 15 Townline Orangeville ON L9W 3R4 T: 519‑941‑5331

RAMBOLL ENVIRON CANADA INC. 100-2400 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 6S2 T: 289‑290‑0626  F: 905‑821‑3711 wallan@ramboll.com | www.ramboll-environ.com Contact: William Allan, Managing Principal RED LEA ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 14 Mintwood Court Brampton ON L6Z 3K2 T: 905‑495‑0926 kevin.ridley@redlea.ca | www.redlea.ca Contact: Kevin Ridley

RWDI 600 Southgate Drive Guelph ON N1G 4P6 T: 519‑823‑1311  F: 519‑823‑1316 Elaine.Farrow@rwdi.com | www.rwdi.com Contact: Elaine Farrow, Sr. Business Development Advisor

SANEXEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 200-9935 de Catania Ave Entrance 1 Brossard QC J4Z 3V4 kcote@sanexen.com SARAFINCHIN ASSOCIATES LTD. 238 Galaxy Blvd Toronto ON M9W 5R8 T: 416‑674‑1770  F: 416‑674‑1997 geoeng@sarafinchin.com Contact: Murray Sarafinchin, Dr Myint Win Bo SCHAEFFERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6 Ronrose Dr Concord ON L4K 4R3 www.schaeffers.com SCHEFFER ANDREW LTD. 12204 -145 St Edmonton AB T5L 4V7 www.schefferandrew.com SCO-TERRA CONSULTING GROUP LIMITED 321 Dufferin Ave London ON N6B 1Z3 T: 519‑434‑0278  F: 519‑434‑6820 rpellerin@scoterra.com | www.scoterra.com Contact: Richard J. Pellerin, P. Eng., Principal SGS CANADA INC. 185 Concession St Lakefield ON K0L 2H0 T: 289‑654‑5409 amanda.bottomley@sgs.com | www.sgs.com Contact: Amanda Bottomley, Account Executive

RICE RESOURCE TECHNOLOGIES 9333-41 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6E 6R5 T: 780‑469‑1356 www.riceresource.com RISKCHECK ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 2235 Sheppard Ave East Toronto ON M2J 5B5 T: 416‑640‑2444 tfischer@riskcheckinc.com www.riskcheckinc.com Contact: Tatiana Fischer


RUBIDIUM ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 845 Harrington Court Burlington ON L7N 3P3 T: 905‑635‑4063  F: 905‑635‑4874 info@rb-enviro.com | www.rb-enviro.com Contact: Robin Brown, President

SAFETECH ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED 14-3045 Southcreek Rd Mississauga ON L4X 2X7 T: 905‑624‑2722  F: 905‑624‑4306 pwarren@safetechenv.com Contact: Philip I. Warren, P.Eng (QP), PMP – Manager, Environmental Services Group

R.V. ANDERSON ASSOCIATES LIMITED 300-2001 Sheppard Ave E Toronto ON M2J 4Z8 T: 416‑497‑8600 toronto@rvanderson.com | www.rvanderson.com Contact: Shawn Scott, Vincent Nazareth, Peter Langan, Zoran Filinov, Nick Palomba Environmental and infrastructure specialists: planning and management, design and construction, operations and optimization services for water, wastewater, transportation and urban development. Branches: London, Niagara, Ottawa, Sudbury, Moncton, Fredericton, St. John’s and Mumbai, India.

RIVERCOURT ENGINEERING INC. 4 Beechwood Cres Toronto ON M4K 2K8 T: 647‑479‑4104 info@rivercourt.ca | www.rivercourt.ca Contact: Andrew Hellebust, President

ROBINSON CONSULTANTS INC. 350 Palladium Drive Ottawa ON K2V 1A8 T: 613‑592‑6060 ext 104  F: 613‑592‑5995 ajrobinson@rcii.com Contact: Andrew Robinson, Chairman

SIMULENT CONSULTING INC. 302-203 College St Toronto ON M5T 1P9 T: 416‑979‑5544  F: 416‑979‑5519 parizi@simulent.com | www.simulent.com Contact: Hamideh Parizi SIRATI & PARTNERS CONSULTANTS 12700 Keele St King City ON L7B 1H5 T: 905‑833‑1582  F: 905‑669‑4488 archie@sirati.ca | www.sirati.ca Contact: Archie Sirati SKELTON, BRUMWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. 107-93 Bell Farm Rd Barrie ON L4M 5G1 www.skeltonbrumwell.ca

SLR CONSULTING (CANADA) LTD. 1586 Ogilvie St Prince George BC V2N 1W9 slrconsulting.comna SNC-LAVALIN ENVIRONMENT 455 René-Lévesque Blvd W Montreal QC H2Z 1Z3 www.snclavalin.com SOIL ENGINEERS LTD. 100-90 West Beaver Creek Richmond Hill ON L4B 1E7 T: 416‑754‑8515 www.soilengineersltd.com SOLENT PROCESS SAFETY 99 Race St Princeton NJ 8542 solent.safety@gmail.com | www.solent-safety.com SOLINOV INC. 240-100 Rue Richelieu S Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC J3B 6X3 www.solinov.com SOLROC GROUP 4000 Griffith Montréal QC H4T 1A8 www.solroc.com SPRIET ASSOCIATES 155 York St London ON N6A 1A8 www.spriet.on.ca SRK CONSULTING 205-2100 Airport Dr Saskatoon SK S7L 6M6 www.srk.com

STANTEC 400-10220 103 Ave NW Edmonton AB T5J 0K4 T: 780‑917‑7112 dan.chernishenko@stantec.com www.stantec.com/water Contact: Dan Chernishenko, Regional Business Leader, Water We design with community in mind. Through the life cycle of capture, use, reuse, and discharge, our team works to optimize every facet of a water system. We deliver creative solutions to conveyance, wastewater treatment, water treatment, and water resources projects that minimize cost and maximize the sustainability of the resource. STIRLING ENGINEERING INC. PO Box 313 Ingleside ON K0C 1M0 T: 613‑362‑7847 www.stirlingengineering.ca STORY ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 332 Main St Haileybury ON P0J 1K0 T: 705‑672‑3324 STRATEGIES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 1 Yorkdale Rd Ste 411 Toronto ON M6A 3A1 T: 416‑789‑3713 info@strategies4enviro.com www.strategies4enviro.com TAVARES GROUP CONSULTING INC. 10620 Yonge St PO Box 32215 Richmond Heights Richmond Hill ON, L4C 4H0 T: 519-852-0253 info@tavaresgroupconsulting.com www.tavaresgroupconsulting.com, www.staarsoft.ca Contact: Sandra Tavares

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GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & LABORATORIES dgiugovaz@valdor-engineering.com www.valdor-engineering.com Contact: David Giugovaz, Senior Project Manager

VERITEC CONSULTING INC. 12-1495 Bonhill Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1M2 SUMMA ENGINEERING LIMITED 6423 North Drive Mississauga ON L4V 1J2 T: 905‑678‑3388  F: 905‑678‑0444 drubino@summaeng.com | www.summaeng.com Contact: Diana Rubino In-depth knowledge of water and wastewater processes and extensive experience with instrumentation and SCADA projects have allowed Summa Engineering Limited to provide quality goods and services to Canadian industrial and municipal markets continuously for over 37 years.

VIRTUAL ENGINEERS 302-3760 14th Ave Markham ON L3R 3T7 T: 905‑707‑0704  F: 905‑475‑1605 rawarner@virtual-engineers.com www.virtual-engineers.com Contact: R. Anthony Warner, President & CEO WADDELL ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Prince George BC T: 250‑640‑8088 waddellenvironmental@gmail.com Contact: Glenda Waddell, President

TECTA-PDS 382 King St East Kingston ON K7K 2Y2 T: 613‑546‑7696  F: 613‑531‑8929 tim.adams@tecta-pds.com www.ecolidetected.com Contact: Tim Adams, EVP Global Sales & Marketing

TESTMARK LABORATORIES LTD. Head Office: 7 Margaret St Garson ON P3L 1E1 T: 888‑282‑0422 sylvia.rennie@testmark.ca Contact: Sylvia Rennie Testmark Laboratories Ltd. has been providing licensed and accredited (ISO 17025) laboratory services for over twenty years. We offer full-service analytical testing capabilities in the area of organic, inorganic, metals, toxicology, metallurgy and microbiology for private and public sector clients, including the analysis of rock, soil, sludge, water, hazardous materials, transformer oil, biota and air. With five locations across Ontario: Sudbury – Mississauga – Kirkland Lake – Timmins – Thunder Bay.

WESTERN WATER ASSOCIATES LTD. 301–1095 McKenzie Ave Victoria BC V8P 2L5 T: 250‑704‑4428 info@westernwater.ca | www.westernwater.ca WPC SOLUTIONS INC. 119 Stonegate Cres Northwest Airdrie AB T4B 2P2 T: 587‑254‑4646 aww@wpcsolutions.ca Contact: A. Warren Wilson, President & CEO. XCG CONSULTING LTD. 820 Trillium Drive Kitchener ON N2R 1K4 T: 519‑741‑5774 www.xcg.com ZEPHYR NORTH LTD. 850 Legion Rd Unit 20 Burlington ON L7S 1T5 T: 905‑335‑9670 ZORIX ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 19-2861 Sherwood Heights Dr Oakville ON L6J 7K1 T: 905‑829‑3939

WATER FOR PEOPLE – CANADA 400-245 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 1R3 T: 416-499-4042 www.waterforpeople.org Water For People – Canada is a charitable nonprofit international humanitarian organization dedicated to the development and delivery of clean, safe water and sanitation solutions in developing nations. It is the Canadian equivalent of the US based charity, Water For People (WFP). Canadian water industry professionals established Water For People – Canada in 1995, to support and promote WFP’s mission in Canada among the public and the water community. WATERS ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES LTD. PO Box 4341 Sudbury ON P3Y 1N3 T: 705‑692‑0937  F: 705‑692‑0466 waters@on.aibn.com Contact: Peter Richards, President

THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. 200-8800 Dufferin St Vaughan ON L4K 0C5 T: 905‑738‑7500 ext. 278  F: 905‑738‑0065 info@tmig.ca | www.tmig.ca Contact: Katy Butters THURBER ENGINEERING LTD. 100-4396 W Saanich Rd Victoria BC V8Z 3E9 www.thurber.ca TRITON ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED 14-105 Queen St West Fergus ON N1M 1S6 Contact: Christine Furlong TRUE GRIT CONSULTING LIMITED Thunder Bay Ontario & Sioux Lookout Ontario T: 807‑626‑5640  F: 807‑623‑5690 communications@tgcl.ca Contact: Jennifer Mills, Manager, Public Affairs & Community Engagement URBAN SYSTEMS LTD. 304-1353 Ellis St Kelowna BC V1Y 1Z9 www.urbansystems.ca VALDOR ENGINEERING INC. 741 Rowntree Dairy Rd Vaughan ON L4L 5T9 T: 905‑264‑0054 x 224  F: 905‑264‑0069

74  |  February 2019

WSP 100 Commerce Valley Dr W Thornhill ON L3T 0A1 T: 905‑882‑1100 www.wsp.com WSP is one of the world’s leading professional services consulting firms. We are dedicated to our local communities and propelled by international brainpower. We are technical experts and strategic advisors including engineers, technicians, scientists, project managers, planners, surveyors and environmental specialists, as well as other design and program management professionals. We design and deliver lasting solutions in the Buildings, Transportation, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Environment, Geomatics, Energy, Resources and Industry sectors as well as project delivery and strategic consulting services. With over 8,000 talented people across Canada and 42,000 globally, we engineer projects that will help societies grow for generations to come.

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ES&E’S GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS To search the Directory and Buyers’ Guide by Product or Service visit: www.esemag.com/directory

ABB INC. 3450 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3W5 T: 905-333-7586  F: 905-333-7502 redir.a.obaji@ca.abb.com Contact: G.A. (Redir) Obaji ACCESS INDUSTRIAL INC. 5205 Timberlea Blvd Mississauga ON L4W 2S3 T: 905-602-4020  F: 416-557-1380 pveter@accessindustrial.com www.accessindustrial.com

ACG – ENVIROCAN 7-131 Whitmore Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 6E3 T: 905-856-1414  F: 905-856-6401 sales@envirocan.ca | www.acg-envirocan.ca Contact: Blake Tonogai or Greg Jackson Suppliers of water and wastewater treatment equipment for municipal and industrial applications, including AquaNereda® granular sludge process, headworks screens/compactors, septage receiving systems, sewage/sludge grinders, grit removal systems, fine and coarse bubble aeration systems, jet aeration and mixing, mechanical aerators, P.D., centrifugal and turbo type blowers, tertiary filters, DAF equipment, centrifuges, belt presses, ozone disinfection, tank covers, hatches, chain and flight clarifiers, circular clarifiers, shaftless and shafted screw conveyors, odour control systems, iron & manganese removal systems, open channel and insertion magnetic flow meters & data loggers. ACI INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED 5-14 Gormley Industrial Ave Gormley ON L0H 1G0 T: 905-888-0063  F: 905-888-6381 sales@aciltd.ca | www.aciltd.ca Contact: Angelo Valente ACLARUS OZONE WATER SYSTEMS 900 Major Bennett Dr Peterborough ON K9J 6X6 T: 888-705-8801  F: 705-745-3493 www.aclarus.ca ACME ENGINEERING PRODUCTS INC. 2330 State Route 11 PO Box 460 PMB 10 Mooers NY 12958-3725 T: 518-236-5659  F: 518-236-6941 info@acmeprod.com | www.acmeprod.com

ADS ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES 5-15 Connie Cres Concord ON L4K 1L3 T: 800-813-1068 thicks1@idexcorp.com www.adsenv.com/canada Contact: Timothy Hicks ADS is a flow monitoring and data management company: we specialize in real-time monitoring of sewage overflows and have helped thousands of communities and municipalities diagnose and correct water and wastewater infrastructure

problems. ADS offers flow monitoring field services, our own brand of open-channel flow meters and level-monitoring systems, and a comprehensive array of QA/QC and data analysis services including Sliicer for I&I.

ACUTE ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY SERVICES 3-730 Bridge St Waterloo ON N2V 2J4 www.acuteservices.com ADI SYSTEMS, AN EVOQUA BRAND 370 Wilsey Rd Fredericton NB E3B 6E9 T: 506-452-7307  F: 506-452-7308 systems@adi.ca www.evoqua.com/en/brands/adi-systems/ Contact: Shannon Grant



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Innovative, air-burst driven mixing HYDRO-LOGIC ENVIRONMEN Energy-efficient, up to 50% less power 762in-basin Upper St. James St., Suite 250, Hamilton, ON L9C 3A2 • Ph: 905-7 No moving parts Easy installation info@hydrologic.ca www.hydrolo

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ACO SYSTEMS, LTD. 1-2880 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 5S3 T: 877-226-4255 dfilip@aco-online.ca | www.acocan.ca Contact: Dinu Filip

Note: This guide is intended as a service for ES&E readers only. No claims are made that it is a comprehensive review. ES&E relies on information supplied by companies and reader information. www.esemag.com

HYDRO-LOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. T: 905-777-9494 • F: 905-777-8678 • info@hydrologic.ca • www.hydrologic.ca 762 Upper James Street, Suite 250, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 3A2

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AERATION INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4100 Peavey Rd Chaska MN 55318 T: 952-448-6789  F: 952-448-7293 aii@aireo2.com

ALFA LAVAL INC. 101 Milner Ave Scarborough ON M1S 4S6 T: 416-299-6101  F: 416-299-5476 www.alfalaval.ca ALLTORK ACTUATION 23-212 Wyecroft Rd Oakville ON L6K 3T9 T: 905-842-0244  F: 905-845-3009 jcarney@alltork.com Contact: John Carney

AERZEN CANADA 100-980 Rue Valois Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V 8P2 T: 450-424-3966 x226  F: 450-424-3985 info@aerzen.ca | www.aerzen.ca Contact: Scott McLeod Aerzen (Germany, founded 1864) is a world leading manufacturer of positive displacement blowers, screw compressors and high speed turbo blowers. Standard air duty as well as purpose built fully certified biogas machine packages find applications in aeration, filtration, soil remediation, and biogas conveying & compression systems. Our principal design goal is minimal life cycle cost, coupled to energy efficiency, low noise emission, and operating & maintenance simplicity. After sales service is ensured by a large inventory of spare parts and machines, and factory trained technicians. AESAC INC. (ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSORS OF CANADA INC.) PO Box 490 Kawartha Lakes ON K0M 1N0 T: 877-512-3722 erik@aesac.ca | www.aesac.ca Contact: Erik Luzak AGGREGATES EQUIPMENT, INC. 9 Horseshoe Rd Leola PA 17540 T: 717-656-2131 info@aeiscreens.com | www.aeiscreens.com Contact: David Stairs

ALBARRIE GEOCOMPOSITES LIMITED 85 Morrow Rd Barrie ON L4N 3V7 T: 705-737-0551  F: 705-737-4044 info@sorbwebplus.com | www.sorbwebplus.com Contact: Carla Smiderle Never send out another maintenance person again after a rainfall to empty out your secondary containment. Albarrie’s SorbWeb™Plus spill containment system allows water to pass through the floor area but seals on contact with hydrocarbons. Thanks to a revolutionary new hydrocarbon reactive geotextile capable of transforming from a permeable membrane into an impermeable one.

AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY 111 W Congress St Charles Town WV 25414 T: 877-777-9081 info@apus.edu | www.studyatAPU.com/ese AMETEK MOCON – BASELINE 19661 Highway 36 / PO Box 649 Lyons CO 80540 T: 303-823-6661  F: 303-823-5151 info.baseline@ametek.com www.baseline-mocon.com AMS INC. 105 Harrison St American Falls ID 83211 T: 800-635-7330  F: 208-226-7280 chanellem@ams-samplers.com www.ams-samplers.com ANACHEM LTEE/LTD. 255 Norman Lachine QC H8R 1A3 T: 514-481-8010  F: 514-481-6340 info@anachem.ca Contact: Jason Zieba or Andre Dionne ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY INC. 6 Iron Bridge Dr Collegeville PA 19456 T: 610-917-0991  F: 610-917-0992 bpopp@analyticaltechnology.com www.analyticaltechnology.com Contact: Bill Popp ANDRITZ LTD. 7660 Vantage Way Delta BC V4G 1A7 www.andritz.com ANGUIL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. 8855 North 55th St Brown Deer WI 53223 T: 414-365-6400  F: 414-365-6410 kevin.summ@anguil.com | www.anguil.com Contact: Kevin Summ APG-NEUROS 1270 Michele-Bohec Blainville QC J7C 5S4 T: 450-939-0799  F: 450-939-2115 Contact: Lina Balafoutis AQUA TECHNICAL SALES INC. 124 MacNab St S Hamilton ON L8P 3C3 T: 905-528-3807 Contact: Brian Gage, President AQUA-AEROBIC SYSTEMS 6306 N Alpine Rd Loves Park IL 61111 www.aqua-aerobic.com

ANTHRAFILTER MEDIA & COAL LTD. 20 Sharp Rd Brantford ON N3T 5L8 T: 519-751-1080  F: 519-751-0617 swildey@anthrafilter.net | www.anthrafilter.net Contact: Steve Wildey Filter media replacement across North America since 1976. Service to all types of filters including: gravity, pressure, traveling bridge and others. Removal, disposal, supply and installation. Anthracite filter media, filter sands and gravels, garnet, greensand, activated carbon, etc. Quality, efficiency, customer satisfaction. AQUABLAST CORP. 77 Orchard Rd Ajax ON L1S 6K9 T: 905-619-3009 x 215  F: 905-619-3638 john@aquablast.ca | www.aquablast.ca Contact: John Eecloo, President/General Manager AQUAFY WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC. 116 Glebemount Ave Toronto ON M4C 3S1 T: 416-487-2898 max.rao@aquafy-wt.com | www.aquafy-wt.com Contact: Max Rao AQUANOX WATER CONTROL PRODUCTS 26 Silverthorn Court Ottawa ON K2J 4Y2 T: 613-692-5959 michael.lawrence@iseaquanox.com Contact: Michael Lawrence AQUASMART TECHNOLOGIES INC. 7288 Progress Way Delta BC V4G 1L4 T: 888-294-3636 emily@aquasmart.com | www.aquasmart.com Contact: Emily Testa AQUATIC SENTRY CONTROLS INC. 62 Silver Birch Hills Sherwood Park AB T8B 1G6 T: 780-628-5400  F: 780-467-1567 ron.wagner@aquaticsentry.com www.aquaticsentry.com Contact: Ron Wagner ARIZONA INSTRUMENT LLC 3375 N Delaware St Chandler AZ 85225 T: 800-528-7411  F: 602-281-1745 sales@azic.com Contact: Rick Ervin ASL ROTEQ LTD. 12-253 Summerlea Rd Brampton ON L6T 5A8 T: 905-791-2406 Contact: Jeff Johnson ASSMAN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 300 N Taylor Rd Garrett IN 46738 T: 888-357-3181  F: 888-826-5329 ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS CANADA 5060 Levy Saint-Laurent QC H4R 2P1 T: 800-667-9875 compressors.canada@ca.atlascopco.com Contact: Marie-Josee Quessy

76  |  February 2019

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GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS BAKERCORP 450 Sherman Ave N Hamilton ON L8L 8J6 T: 905-545-4555 dnoble@bakercorp.com Contact: Darren Noble ATLAS DEWATERING CORPORATION 111 Ortona Crt Concord ON L4K 3M3 T: 905-669-6825  F: 905-669-4036 info@atlasdewatering.com www.atlasdewatering.com Atlas Dewatering Corporation, established in 1946, has well over sixty years of experience in construction dewatering and environmental groundwater/surface water management. Atlas also specializes in bypass pumping systems, providing full turn-key services, pump rentals, sales and service. Atlas is your local dealer for Godwin Dri-Prime pumps and Flygt dewatering submersibles and Aqua-Barrier dams. AVENSYS SOLUTIONS 422 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 1P8 T: 416-499-4421  F: 416-499-0816 info@avensys.com | www.avensys.com Contact: Pierre Michaud

BELL FLOW SYSTEMS Unit 7 Swan Business Park Osier Way Buckingham Buckinghamshire MK18 1TB T: +441280 817304 sales@bellflowsystems.co.uk Contact: Michael Davies

AWI (ANTHRATECH WESTERN INC.) 4450-46 Ave SE Calgary AB T2B 3N7 T: 403-255-7377  F: 403-255-3129 info@awifilter.com | www.awifilter.com Contact: Sonia Braganza, Marketing Assistant AWI’s innovative filter optimization products include the Phoenix Underdrain and Panel Systems. These custom-engineered solutions guarantee uniform backwash water flow distribution, ensuring sustainable filter performance and long-service life of your media bed. With AWI’s site-specific approach to filter optimization, you can expect improved filter performance and the training and technical support to maintain your filters in optimum condition. AWT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 39164 Cardinal Dr Squamish BC V8B 0V3 T: 604-390-1394  F: 403-770-8694 nigel@awt-technologies.com www.awt-technologies.com Contact: Nigel Slater AXINE WATER TECHNOLOGIES 108 – 2386 East Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3 T: 604-336-8900 info@axinewater.com | www.axinewater.com B.N.W. VALVE MANUFACTURING LTD. 524 6th Concession Rd W/PO Box 47 Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 T: 905-689-4713  F: 905-689-7402 sales@bnwvalve.ca | www.bnwvalve.com BABCOCK & WILCOX MEGTEC 830 Prosper St DePere WI 54115 T: 920-336-5715 info@megtec.com | www.babcock.com/megtec Contact: Charlie Schaffer


BARR PLASTICS INC A-31192 S Fraser Way Abbotsford BC V2T 6L5 T: 800-665-4499 info@barrplastics.com | www.barrplastics.com For over 45 years, BARR Plastics Inc. has been committed to learning as much as we can about our customers’ needs and the challenges they face. This has allowed us to become the leading supplier of environment-enhancing solutions for rainwater harvesting, stormwater management, wastewater treatment, potable water storage and certified safe food, beverage and chemical handling.

BIRKSCO 25 McCurdy Rd Guelph ON N1G 4Z9 T: 905-691-0981 candrews@birksco.com | www.birksco.com Contact: Claire Andrews Supplier and manufacturer of Aqualoader bulk water and septage stations, including the Attendant control system. Full start to finish, turn-key solutions. Custom designs and solar options available to suit all needs. Pre-paid, billing, and remote communication options available. Manufacturer Representative for Kupferle Foundry sampling stations. Also carry manual, automatic, and intelligent flushers and yard hydrants. Hot Box enclosures, Febco backflow preventers, and more. BIOMAXX WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS INC. 1-7163 Vantage Way Delta BC V4G 1N1 T: 855-940-5556  F: 604-940-5557 Contact: Chris Haley BIOREM TECHNOLOGIES INC. 7496 Wellington Rd 34 Puslinch ON N0B 2J0 www.biorem.biz

BELZONA GREAT LAKES HOLDINGS LTD. 51-588 Edward Ave Richmond Hill ON L4C 9Y6 T: 905-737-1515 lmendrek@belzona.com Contact: Laura Mendrek BESTOBELL AQUATRONIX 2880 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 7X8 T: 905-826-1953  F: 905-826-1778 salesdesk@bestobell.com | www.bestobell.com Contact: Maulik Shah BI PURE WATER, INC. 2 – 9790 190th St Surrey BC V4N 3M9 T: 604-882-6650  F: 604-882-6659 info@bipurewater.com | www.bipurewater.com Contact: Deanne Mould BIOAIR SOLUTIONS, LLC 303-110 Kresson-Gibbsboro Rd Voorhees NJ 8043 T: 856-258-6969 ext132  F: 856-258-6975 tdunaev@bioairsolutions.com www.bioairsolutions.com Contact: Timur Dunaev

BISHOP WATER TECHNOLOGIES 220 Carswell St Renfrew ON K7V 2G4 T: 343-361-0463  F: 844-272-6102 shelly@bishopwater.ca | www.bishopwater.ca Contact: Shelly Dean Bishop Water Technologies believes in ensuring the protection of water as the world’s most precious resource. Our focus is on offering low-energy, efficient, and cost-effective wastewater treatment solutions with a low environmental footprint. Providing a suite of turnkey nutrient removal and solids management solutions, we are challenging conventional thinking in the water sector. With a growing team of dedicated technicians, scientists, and engineers, we have a customer service oriented approach to support our clients.

BIOFORM SEWAGE MINING 5572-53 Ave SE Calgary AB T2C 5G8 T: 403-774-1396  F: 888-317-4640 jean@bioform.ca Contact: Jean Navert

Insitu Groundwater Contractors • • • • • P: 519-763-0700 F: 519-763-6684 • 48 Dawson Road Guelph, ON N1H 5V1

Dewatering systems Mobile groundwater treatment systems Well and pump installation and maintenance Pump, filter, generator rentals Sediment tank rentals Insitu groundwater remediation systems


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BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIES 5300 Business Dr Huntington Beach CA 92649 T: 714-893-8529  F: 714-894-9492 sales@blue-white.com | www.blue-white.com Contact: David Koch BLUE-WHITE® INDUSTRIES, located in Huntington Beach, California, USA, is in their 62nd year as a leading manufacturer of products used in: municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment; processing industries; rural water systems; agriculture and more. Product lines include: For chemical feed: CHEM-FEED® and Chem-Pro® Diaphragm Metering Pumps, ProSeries®, Proseries-M® and FLEXFLO® Peristaltic type Chemical Metering Pumps and Ultrasonic Chemical Feed Sensors. For flow measurement: Ultrasonic, Variable Area and Digital Flowmeters, Proportional Feed Systems and Skid Systems. Blue-White products are sold and serviced worldwide.

BOERGER, LLC 2860 Water Tower Place Chanhassen MN 55317 T: 612-435-7300  F: 612-435-7301 america@boerger.com | www.boerger.com Contact: Jeff Seaton Boerger specializes in reliable and cost-effective Rotary Lobe Pumps and Macerating Technology for the conveyance of low to high viscous and abrasive materials. Boerger's core product is the patented Rotary Lobe Pump, which is a selfpriming, valveless, positive displacement pump available in 20 different models with flows up to 5,000 gpm. All wear parts can be easily replaced without the removal of pipe or drive systems. BOWRIO WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC. 13488-63 Ave Surrey BC V3X 1J9 T: 604-592-2464  F: 604-592-2465 mblair@bowriowater.ca Contact: Murray Blair, Managing Partner BQE WATER 250-900 Howe St Vancouver BC V6Z 2M4 T: 604-685-1243  F: 604-685-7778 aconsigny@bqewater.com | www.bqewater.com Contact: Alain Consigny

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BROOK ONE CORPORATION 206-250 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 4V6 T: 416-901-0988 hanxicao@brookone.com | www.brookone.com Contact: Hanxi Cao

CALGARY ALARM 205-3515 32 St NE Calgary AB T1Y 5Y9 T: 403-242-2266 vince@unitedalarm.ca | www.calgaryalarm.com Contact: Vince Aiello

BSI GROUP CANADA 414-6205B Airport Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1E3 T: 800-862-6752  F: 416-620-9911 inquiry.canada@bsigroup.com www.bsigroup.com/en-ca

CAMBIUM ABORIGINAL 1109 Mississauga St Curve Lake ON K0L 1R0 T: 705-876-8523  F: 705-657-9231 m.jacobs@cambiumaboriginal.com Contact: Michael Jacobs, General Manager CAMERON INSTRUMENTS INC. 103-173 Woolwich St Guelph ON N1H 3V4 T: 519-824-7111 sonja@cameroninstruments.com www.cameroninstruments.com Contact: Sonja Bosshard

C&M ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1-2160 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 5M8 T: 905-612-8980 or 705-725-9377  F: 705-725-8279 info@cmeti.com | www.cmeti.com Contact: Rob Anderson, Tonia Van Dyk Representative of water and wastewater treatment equipment including: screens, grit removal, screenings washers/compactors, centrifuges, circular/rectangular clarifiers, clarifier covers, launder covers, chain and flight collectors, fine/coarse bubble and mechanical aeration, IFAS systems, lagoon systems, tertiary filters, filter underdrains, digester covers/mixers, screw conveyors, live bottom bins, silos, sludge thickeners, package treatment plants, tablet chlorinators/dechlor, tube and plate settlers, slide and sluice gates, FRP weirs and baffles.

CAMBRIDGE BRASS 140 Orion Place PO Box 249 Cambridge ON N1R 5V1 T: 519-621-5520  F: 519-621-8038 cbsales@cbrass.com | www.cambridgebrass.com Contact: Terri Mand With over 100 years of experience in the industry, Cambridge Brass is one of North America's leading designers, manufacturers and distributors of municipal waterworks products. Our Cambridge facility incorporates foundry, machining and assembly under one roof which allows us to control quality, design and delivery to meet customer needs in a timely and efficient manner. Our goal is to continuously lead and innovate to meet the changing needs of the water works industry.

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CAN-AM INSTRUMENTS LTD. 2851 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 T: 905-829-0030 support@can-am.net | www.can-am.net Contact: Mark Reeves, President Can-Am Instruments Ltd. provides sales, rental and installation of environmental monitoring equipment. As an authorized distributor of Hach and Telog, we sell/ rent samplers and flow meters with many options including wireless/web based monitoring. In addition to providing a wide range of monitoring equipment, Can-Am has specialty equipment for the removal and monitoring of oil in water by representing leading companies in this field like Highland and Arjay. CANADA UNLIMITED INC. (IFAT – MESSE MUENCHEN) 9-6975 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle Suite 418 Mississauga ON L5N 2V7 T: 905-813-1051  F: 905-824-5067 info@canada-unlimited.com www.canada-unlimited.com Contact: Neeta Correa

CANADIAN INFRASTRUCTURE PRODUCTS 905 Joseph Schoerg Pl Kitchener ON N2P 2X8 T: 519-212-9161 msmith@c-i-p.ca | www.c-i-p.ca Contact: Mark Smith Canadian Infrastructure Products specializes in stormwater quality products. We design and size systems to remove sediment from stormwater and oil from water. Our products are tested to industry standards (ETV and NJDEP) and come with inspection programs ensuring long service lives.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



CANADIAN PUMP SOLUTIONS 280 Portage Close Sherwood Park AB T8H 2R6 T: 855-210-4848 lane.miller@canadianpump.com www.canadianpump.com Contact: Lane Miller Canadian Pump Solutions leads the way in pump rental solutions servicing many sectors within Canada. CPS has the largest fleet of high performance pump products supported with technical know how and 24/7, 365 days-a-year service. Each customer & each project is unique to Canadian Pump Solutions. We pride ourselves in quality, customer service & excellence. When you’re operating around the clock, particularly in urban & residential areas, noise is a primary concern. We offer the quietest pumps on the market today, with our Super Silent package giving world-leading sound attenuation diesel motors. Our Super Silent options also offer protection against the elements and added security against theft or vandalism.

CANADIAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC. 114-2465 Cawthra Rd Mississauga ON L5A 3P2 T: 800-265-0182  F: 905-272-1866 ross@cdnsafety.com | www.cdnsafety.com Contact: Ross Humphry Canadian Safety Equipment specializes in confined space entry and rescue equipment including fall protection, gas detection, communication systems and respiratory protection. In addition, we offer the GRACE Lone Worker Monitoring Systems used to monitor lone workers, and in the event that they are hurt or rendered unconscious, will immediately call for assistance. Systems are available for water or wastewater treatment plant monitoring, pumping stations, and can also monitor mobile workers. CANADIANPOND.CA PRODUCTS LTD. 513 Knowlton Rd Lac-Brome QC J0E 1V0 T: 1-866-249-0976  F: 1-450-243-0976 info@canadianpond.ca Contact: Patrick Holmes CANATURE WATERGROUP 655 Park St Regina SK S4N 5N1 T: 1-877-288-9888 jon.sandomirsky@canaturewg.com www.canaturewg-cied.com Contact: Jon Sandomirsky CAPITAL H2O SYSTEMS, INC. 5040B 12A St SE Calgary AB T2G 5K9 T: 403-251-2438  F: 403-251-0428 paul@capitalh2o.com www.capitalh2o.com Contact: Paul Wong


CANCOPPAS LIMITED 2-2595 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 3N9 T: 905-569-6246  F: 905-569-6244 controls@cancoppas.com www.cancoppas.com Contact: Jake Alaica Marketing, sales and service of process control and environmental instrumentation throughout Canada. Specializing in technologies for flow, level, pressure, temperature and on-line analysis for water and wastewater processes. By focusing on products that employ leading edge and unique technologies, Cancoppas is able to provide solutions to problems where other suppliers fall short.

CB AUTOMATION INC. 2-110 Snow Blvd Vaughan ON L4K 4B8 T: 905-760-9399  F: 905-760-9319 sales@cbautomation.com www.cbautomation.com Contact: Larry McLean Representing Process Control and Automation products for over 35 years. Our product solutions include flow, pressure, temperature, level, density, heat trace, chemical feed systems, control, open channel level and flow, signal processing, I&I micro detectors and in-line flow meters for partially filled pipe. SCADA systems, software and HMI solutions. Solutions also include wireless (WI-Fi, Radio and Cellular), battery powered and solar options. CB Automation Inc provides product support, engineering services, customer training, field services and commissioning. CB SHIELD 39 Uplands Dr Brantford ON N3R 6H5 T: 519-212-9161 info@cbshield.com | www.cbshield.com CEMATRIX (CANADA) INC. 18075 Hurontario St Caledon ON L0N 1C0 T: 647-459-5564 robert.lee@cematrix.com | www.cematrix.com Contact: Robert Lee

CHEMLINE PLASTICS LTD. 55 Guardsman Rd Thornhill ON L3T 6L2 T: 800-930-2436  F: 905-889-8553 request@chemline.com | www.chemline.com Contact: Hassan Naji, Inside Sales Manager Chemline offers a complete line of corrosion resistant solid thermoplastic valves and controls, piping and tubing systems. The ChemFlare™ system, offers a leak free solution for chemical systems in waste and water treatment plants. Included are valves, fittings and tubing, either single or double contained. ChemFlare™ has had application success on sodium hypochlorite and other chemicals. Other environmental applications are landfill leachate and gas collection systems, soil remediation and air monitoring. Many products are NSF/ ANSI Standard 61 certified for drinking water.

CLARO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES & EQUIPMENT 4721 Louis-B-Mayer Laval QC H7P 6G5 T: 514-562-4575 info@claroglobal.com | www.claroglobal.com Contact: Peter Lipert Jr. Complete system design/equipment: screening and grit removal (fine screens, septage stations, washpresses, baggers, aerated grit extraction screws, classifiers, vortex); anaerobic digestion systems (Big bubble Gun™ gas mixers, Cannon retrofits, modular sludge heat exchangers, heat recovery, biogas compressors); solids handling (shaftless spiral conveyors, automated outloading, live-bottoms, challenging applications); 30+ years experience, OEM. CLEAN HARBORS CANADA, INC. 4090 Telfer Rd RR #1 Corunna ON N0N 1G0 T: 519-864-3836  F: 519-864-3866 parker.michaele@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com Contact: Michael Parker CLEARTECH 1500 QC Ave Saskatoon SK S7K 1V7 T: 800-387-7503 www.cleartech.ca

CITTO CORPORATION 303-170 The Donway West Toronto ON M3C 2P6 T: 437-886-5333 www.citto.ca Contact: Calvin L.Wang

CLOW CANADA 1757 Burlington St E Hamilton ON L8N 3R5 T: 800-561-9931  F: 905-547-0113 www.clowcanada.com Contact: Ray Miller, Sales

INTERPROVINCIAL CORROSION CONTROL Leaders in the Cathodic Protection Industry…Since 1957 CORROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS Burlington, Ontario Canada Regional Offices: Montreal, Calgary Lewiston, New York, USA

Tel: 905-634-7751 • Fax: 905-333-4313 www.Rustrol.com

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COLE TRAINING AND OPERATIONS 300-2620 Bristol Circle Oakville ON L6H 6Z7 T: 1-833-265-3434 carlaa@coletraining.ca | www.coletraining.ca Contact: Carla Andronico, Training Consultancy Manager COMPLIANCE365 INC. 156 Bullock Dr Markham ON L3P 1W2 www.compliance365.com Contact: Sipo Ching

COMPREVAC INC. 3067 Jarrow Ave Mississauga ON L4X 2C6 T: 905-624-4096  F: 905-624-4099 sales@comprevac.com | www.comprevac.com Contact: Jonathan Snook CompreVac is your one stop shop for quality compressed air and vacuum products and services since 1975. Elmo Rietschle vacuum pumps, blowers and systems; we design & build water priming systems. Atlas Copco rotary screw compressors & dryers; Keltec quality compressed air filters, separators and coalescers; Summit compressor lubricants; Thomas and Welch vacuum pumps; air & vacuum receivers; Champion & Techquip reciprocating compressors. Accessories – inline filter housings, pressure switches, vacuum gauges, check valves, auto drains and much more. CON CAST PIPE 299 Brock Rd South Puslinch ON N0B 2J0 T: 519-763-8655  F: 519-763-1956 jspencer@concastpipe.com www.concastpipe.com Contact: Jason Spencer CONCEPT CONTROLS INC. #1 2315-30 Ave Calgary AB N3H 4R7 T: 888-207-2212  F: 403-250-1011 abelp@conceptcontrols.com Contact: Birkley Elliot

CONSOLIDATED GIROUX ENVIRONMENTAL INC. CO/PO Box 2043 11 Reid St Charlo NB E8E 2W8 T: 506-684-5821 CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 400-9025 Centre Point Dr West Chester OH 45069 T: 800-338-1122 info@conteches.com | www.conteches.com CONTINENTAL CARBON GROUP 321-1100 S Service Rd Stoney Creek ON L8E 0C5 T: 905-643-7615  F: 905-643-5403 sales@continental-carbon.com Contact: Andy Lombardi, P.Eng. CORIX WATER PRODUCTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 19900-84 Ave Langley BC V2Y 3C2 T: 1-800-667-2445 info.waterproducts@corix.com www.corixwaterproducts.com


steel pipe institute

CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INSTITUTE 2A-652 Bishop St N Cambridge ON N3H 4V6 T: 519-650-8080  F: 519-650-8081 rjwilcock@cspi.ca | www.cspi.ca Contact: Raymond J. Wilcock At the CSPI, we are the information resource for water and soil management. CSPI continues to innovate in the areas of new materials which have successfully addressed durability and sustainability issues. Research with DOT’s have resulted in new coated bolts, field repair methods, an innovative fish baffle design and new rehabilitation techniques. There is much to share with all Civil Engineers. With budget constraints and municipalities looking for alternatives and savings, CSP products provide that and more. CTP AMERICA 4630 Delaware St Delaware OH 43015 T: 740-602-1159 dana.humfleet@ctp-us.com | www.ctp-us.com Contact: Dana Humfleet

CRANE PUMPS & SYSTEMS CANADA 83 West Dr Brampton ON L6T 2J6 T: 905-457-6223  F: 905-457-2650 cramage@cranepumps.com www.cranepumps.com Contact: Craig Ramage Crane Pumps & Systems is a world-class manufacturer of pumps, accessories, and services. CP&S provides solutions for Municipal, Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Military market segments. CP&S is a recognized leader in meeting the ever changing needs of today’s worldwide marketplace. Crane products include Brands-BARNES®, CROWN®, PROSSER®, BURKS®, DEMING®, WEINMAN® along with EcoTrans Pressure sewer systems. Submersible Solids handling pumps including XP versions, SITHE and BLADE along with split case pumps vertical and horizontally installed. CUSTOM SPRING CORPORATION 1249 Kamato Rd Mississauga ON L4W 2M2 T: 890-562-51504 customspringcanada@gmail.com www.customspring.ca DAVIS CONTROLS LTD. 2200 Bristol Circle Oakville ON L6H 5R3 T: 905-829-2000  F: 905-829-2630 bsmith@daviscontrols.com www.daviscontrols.com Contact: Barbara Smith DECAST 8807 County Rd 56 Utopia ON L0M 1T0 T: 705-734-2892 ext 2250  F: 705.734.2920 darcher@decastltd.com | www.decastltd.com Contact: David Archer, P.Eng. DELTA REMEDIATION 53015 Highway 60 Spruce Grove AB T7X 6B4 T: 250-575-2001 rlacey@deltaremediation.com www.deltaremediation.com Contact: Robert Lacey

DENSO NORTH AMERICA INC. 12-90 Ironside Cr Toronto ON M1X 1M3 T: 416-291-3435  F: 416-291-0898 sales@densona-ca.com | www.densona.com Contact: Stuart Reece, Sales Manager Denso – the global leader in corrosion prevention for over 130 years. Denso offers the highest quality, most economical, long-term corrosion protection for all above and below ground metal surfaces. The Denso petrolatum tape system consists of Denso paste as an initial corrosion inhibitor; Denso mastic fillers to eliminate localized corrosion cells; Denso petrolatum tape as the long-term corrosion barrier.

80  |  February 2019

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GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS DEVINE & ASSOCIATES LTD. 375 Steelcase Rd E Markham ON L3R 1G3 T: 905-479-2130  F: 905-479-9870 sales@devineassoc.com Contact: Peter Sucharda

DWG PROCESS SUPPLY LTD. 110-44 Riel Dr Bay St Albert AB T8N 3Z8 T: 780-460-8433  F: 780-418-2227 don.burgess@dwg-process-supply.com www.dwg-process-supply.com Contact: Don Burgess

DEWIND ONE PASS TRENCHING LLC 9150 96th Ave Zeeland MI 49464 T: 616-6875-7580  F: 616-875-7334 steve@dewindonepass.com Contact: Steve McCullick

E.R.E. INC. 8605 rue Champ D'eau Montreal QC H1P 3B8 T: 1-888-287-3732  F: 514-326-8961 sales@ereinc.com | www.ereinc.com Contact: Mary Baccari

DEZURIK/APCO/HILTON 250 Riverside Ave N Sartell MN 56377 T: 320-259-2000 info@dezurik.com

E.RIS 4-650 Woodlawn Rd W Block C Guelph ON N1K 1B8 T: 519-763-7774 www.yourinformationsmarter.com

DIRECTRIK INC. 18 & 19-405 Industrial Dr Milton ON L9T 5B1 T: 905-565-9606  F: 905-565-1358 sales@directrik.com | www.directrik.com Contact: Josie Morales Directrik Inc. has successfully designed, supplied and serviced water and wastewater equipment in municipal, industrial and food processing industries. With thousands of installations across Ontario from pumps, heat exchangers, gas compressors, screw conveyors, valves, Sludge and Scum Collection System and more – our relationship with you is the measure of our success! DN TANKS PO Box 696 El Cajon CA 92022-0696 T: 619-440-8181  F: 619-440-8653 info@dntanks.com | www.dntanks.com Contact: Galit Ryan DQE 8730 Commerce Park Place Indianapolis IN 46268 T: 800-355-4628 info@dqeready.com | www.dqeready.com Contact: Vern Jackson

DRAIN-ALL LTD. 1161 Liverpool Crt Ottawa ON K1B 4L1 T: 613-327-5906 stephen.huza@drainall.com | www.drainall.com Contact: Stephen Huza, Manager Sales & Business Development Drain-All Ltd. environmental service company, providing industrial wet/dry vacuuming, high pressure blasting and vacuum excavation. Emergency spill response and First Responder containment, removal and remediation; for truck rollovers or train derailments. Hazardous waste (liquid or solid) removal. Flush and camera-sewers-process and leachate lines. Confined space entry and cleaning.

ECHELON ENVIRONMENTAL 26-505 Hood Rd Markham ON L3R 5V6 T: 905-948-0000  F: 905-948-0577 www.echelonenvironmental.ca Contact: Rob Rainford, General Manager ECOFLUID SYSTEMS INC. 1800-200 Granville St Vancouver BC V6C 1S4 T: 604-662-4544  F: 604-662-4564 rjohnson@ecofluid.com | www.ecofluid.com Contact: Rick Johnson

EHS CANADA INC. 2964 South Grimbsy Rd 18 Smithville ON L0R 2A0 T: 905-643-3343  F: 905-643-3211 info@ehscanada.ca | www.ehscanada.ca Contact: Bill Abbott, Manager EHS Canada Inc. provides industry leading and cost-effective industrial standby rescue and occupational health and safety training services. Our professional confined space and high angle rescue teams are second to none. Comprised of highly trained and experienced rescue personnel, EHS Canada Inc. can supply your company with fully equipped and professional rescue teams. ELMRIDGE ENGINEERING INC. 15 Allaura Boulevard Aurora ON L4G 3N2 T: 905-726-7730  F: 905-726-2500 sales@elmridgejetapparatus.com www.elmridgejetapparatus.com Contact: Strachan Bowen

ELEMENTAL CONTROLS LIMITED 3230 Wharton Way Mississauga ON L4X 2C1 T: 866-544-9974  F: 905-282-9519 sales@elementalcontrols.com www.elementalcontrols.com Contact: Keith Grattan CANADIAN SALES AND RENTALS OF XRF ANALYZERS FOR 20+ YRS. Elemental Controls provides portable and benchtop analyzers from Thermo Scientific for lead paint, heavy metals in soil for remediation, and dust and air filters for occupational hygiene. Our new x-ray tube based XRF analyzers are required for lower lead levels found in new lead paint legislation. We also provide radiation protection systems from Radcomm Systems, which include both portable gamma detection and spectrometers for industrial and medical isotopes, vehicle and area radiation monitors for site and personnel protection. We provide the technical expertise your company requires, in both our rental and purchase or lease programs.

ENDRESS+HAUSER CANADA LTD. 1075 Sutton Dr Burlington ON L7L 5Z8 T: 905-681-9272  F: 905-681-9444 info@ca.endress.com | www.ca.endress.com Endress+Hauser – a global provider of complete solutions for industrial measurement technology and automation. The company supplies and services instruments and systems which acquire, transmit, control and record process information. Products include sensors, devices, systems, solutions and services for level, flow, pressure, temperature measurement and liquid analysis. ENGINEERED PUMP SYSTEMS LTD. 1635 Industrial Ave Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M9 T: 604-552-7900 www.engineeredpump.com

DUPERON CORPORATION 1200 Leon Scott Court Saginaw MI 48601 T: 800-383-8479 www.duperon.com Contact: Steve Aiken


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February 2019  |  81


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS ENVIRONMENTAL RENTAL SERVICE 99 Ellis Dr Barrie ON L4N 8Z3 T: 705-720-7368 rod.turnbull@ersvacrent.com www.ersvacrent.com Contact: Rodney Turnbull

ENV TREATMENT SYSTEMS INC. 70 High St Etobicoke ON M8Y 3N9 T: 416-503-7639  F: 416-503-8925 envinc@interlog.com | www.env-inc.ca Contact: Edward M. Pikovnik, Sales Manager; Lee Williams, Project Management Aeration (aspirating, submerged turbine, fine bubble); polymer feeders; hi-speed turbo blowers; clarifiers (rectangular/circular); U.V. disinfection; belt presses, centrifuges; SBR package plants; biofilters; plunger pumps; FRP covers; continuous sand and disk filters; ozonation systems; access hatches; Archimedes screw pumps; digester covers and mixers; PD blowers; traveling water screens; RBCs and package plants; oil grit separators, storm chambers, membrane dome and tube, fine and coarse aeration sytems; rectangular clarifiers; hosepumps; GAC odour control; flumes; bar screens, fine plate or perforated sceens; shaftless compactors and conveyors; scum troughs and submerged grit screws; septage receiving stations; vortex grit removal. ENVIRO HAZMAT EMERGENCY RESPONSE INC. Township Rd 280 Beiseker AB T0M 0G0 T: 403-947-2245  F: 1-888-799-5390 info@envirohazmat.ca | www.envirohazmat.ca Contact: Barry Lesiuk ENVIRONMENT ONE CORPORATION 2773 Balltown Rd Niskayuna NY 12309-1090 USA www.eone.com ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS 286 Mask Island Dr Barry’s Bay ON K0J 1B0 T: 613-756-0101 / 800-427-8591 (Canada)  F: 613-756-0909 info@enviro-analytical.com www.enviro-analytical.com Contact: Nigel Newing

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING MAGAZINE 30-220 Industrial Pkwy South Aurora ON L4G 3V6 T: 905-727-4666  F: 905-841-7271 steve@esemag.com | www.esemag.com Contact: Steve Davey, Publisher Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine (ES&E) has covered Canada’s multi-billion dollar a year water, wastewater and environmental protection sectors since 1988. In both print and online, ES&E is vitally important to some 15,000 readers and thousands of web visitors responsible for the design, construction and operation of water treatment and distribution systems, sewerage systems, and industrial and hazardous waste management systems. ES&E also produces the annual CANECT Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence Training event www.canect.net.

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ERIS – ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES 2-38 Lesmill Rd Toronto ON M3B 2T5 T: 416-510-5205, 403-305-1766 info@erisinfo.com | www.erisinfo.com Contact: Mike Chester (East), Carolyn Inglis (West) ERIS is a leading provider of environmental risk data and research for properties across North America including Canada, the US and Mexico. Our variety of data, coupled with our innovative tools like ERIS XPLORER and ERIS DIRECT, make Phase I ESAs and environmental risk research easier than ever. Database reports, physical setting reports, historical property information including fire insurance maps, aerial photos, topographic maps, city directories, land title searches are used for commercial real estate due diligence and environmental planning. EV FERN LTD. 5-1260 Terwillegar Ave Oshawa ON L1J 7A5 T: 905-404-0123 jpf@evfern.com | www.evfern.com Contact: JP Fernbach EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES 500 Horizon Dr Ste 503 Chalfont PA 18914 T: 616-499-6405  F: 215-712-0280 www.evoqua.com FABRICATED PLASTICS LIMITED, A DENALI COMPANY 2175 Teston Rd Maple ON L6A 1R3 T: 905-832-8161 ext 649  F: 905-832-2111 glandry@fabricatedplastics.com www.fabricatedplastics.com Contact: Greg Landry, V.P. Sales

FESTO INC. 5300 Explorer Dr Mississauga ON L4W 5G4 T: 905-614-2762 www.festo.ca FILAMAT COMPOSITES INC. 880 Rangeview Rd Mississauga ON L5E 1G9 T: 905-891-3993 x 6527 larry.pascucci@filamat.com | www.filamat.com Contact: Larry Pascucci FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS CANADA 400-5770 Hurontario St Mississauga ON L5R 3G5 T: 888-292-6265 lining@firestonebp.ca www.firestonebp.ca/geogard FLOMATIC VALVES 15 Pruyns Island Dr Glens Falls NY 12801 T: 518-761-9797  F: 518-761-9798 www.flomatic.com

FLOTTWEG SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY CANADA, ULC 500-7030 Woodbine Ave Markham ON L3R 6G2 T: 905-943-4258  F: 905-946-8971 fscriver@flottweg.net | www.flottweg.com Contact: Frank Scriver, Environmental Industry Manager Flottweg Separation Technology is a leading manufacturer of high solids thickening and dewatering centrifuges. Flottweg is known for high quality manufacturing, innovative features, stateof-the-art efficient drive systems and unparalleled customer service. Flottweg’s C Series decanter centrifuge is designed specifically for cost effective thickening and dewatering of municipal water and wastewater residuals and biosolids. FLOVAL EQUIPMENT LTD. 1-250 Rayette Rd Concord ON L4K 2G6 T: 905-669-4500 ext 318  F: 905-669-4905 kluegger@floval.com | www.floval.com Contact: Kris Luegger FLOWMETRIX TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 2088 Jetstream Rd London ON N5P 3P6 T: 519-495-0855 www.flowmetrix.ca

FCI – FLUID COMPONENTS INTERNATIONAL 1755 La Costa Meadows Dr San Marcos CA 92078 T: 760-744-6950  F: 760-736-6250 eflow@fluidcomponents.com www.fluidcomponents.com Contact: Mary Pund, Marketing Communications Manager FCI is a world leading manufacturer of air/gas flow meters, flow switches and level switches used in industrial and commercial applications. Rugged designs, international approvals and certifications, FCI products are ideal for industry's most demanding processes and environmental measurements. FCI products are calibrated in our NIST traceable flow laboratory to your exact specifications and conditions. Our products are installed and supported worldwide.

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FLUID METERING, INC. 500-5 Aerial Way Syosset NY 11791 T: 516-922-6050  F: 516-624-8261 herb.werner@fmipump.com www.fmipump.com Contact: Herb Werner FLUIDYNE CORPORATION D-5436 Nordic Dr Cedar Falls IA 50613 T: 319-266-9967  F: 319-227-6034 fluidyne@fluidynecorp.com www.fluidynecorp.com Contact: Erick Mandt FOCUS ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 3-35 Stone Church Rd Ste #369 Ancaster ON L9K 1S5 T: 905-690-7638  F: 905-690-7639 focusenv@on.aibn.com.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



FORCE FLOW 2430 Stanwell Dr Concord CA 94520 T: 925-686-6700  F: 925-686-6713 www.forceflowscales.com Contact: Christina Rumbel, Marketing Coordinator Force Flow is the leading manufacturer of scales for monitoring water treatment chemicals. Accurately track feed rate, amount used and remaining amount. See real-time chemical status locally at the vessel and remotely from your PLC or SCADA. Digital and hydraulic systems for day tanks, bulk storage tanks, volumetric feeders, ton containers and 150 lb cylinders. Automatic on-site chemical dilution systems, automatic dry tank refill systems. FORD HALL COMPANY INC. 301 Lower Hines Creek Rd Richmond KY 40475 T: 859-624-1077  F: 859-624-3320 jlowery@fordhall.com | www.fordhall.com Contact: Joy Lowery FORTERRA PIPE 2099 Roseville Rd Cambridge ON N1R 5S3 T: 226-220-3943 hal.stratford@forterrabp.com www.forterrabp.com Contact: Hal Stratford G.E.T. INDUSTRIES INC. 33 Cedar Dr Caledon ON L7K 1H5 T: 905-451-9900  F: 519-927-9315 get@grindhog.com | www.grindhog.com Contact: Tina Harrison GARDNER DENVER 2 Treefoil Dr Trumbull CT 06611 www.gardnerdenver.com GASMET TECHNOLOGIES INC. 956A The Queensway Toronto ON M8Z 1P5 mirja.maja@gasmet.com | www.gasmet.com Contact: Mirja Maja GENEQ INC. 10700 Secant St Montreal QC H1J 1S5 T: 514-354-2511  F: 514-354-6948 info@geneq.com | www.geneq.com Contact: René Parisé, President GEOENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGIES 103 E Lemon Ave Ste 210 Monrovia CA 91016 T: 626-305-0400 inquiries@geoenvtech.com www.geoenvtech.com Contact: Omar Abou-Sayed GEOMEMBRANE TECHNOLOGIES, AN EVOQUA BRAND 370 Wilsey Rd Fredericton NB E3B 6E9 T: 506-452-7304  F: 506-452-6625 covers@gticovers.com www.evoqua.com/en/brands/geomembranetechnologies/ Contact: Victor Cormier GEORISK ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 31 Haxby Pvt Ottawa ON K1T 3B5 www.georiskes.com Contact: Franck Diedro


GOLDEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 2015 INC. 2207 Simcoe Rd 93 Barrie ON L4M 4Y8 T: 705-726-3921  F: 705-721-1599 ron@goldenenviro.ca | www.goldenenviro.ca Contact: Ron Trivett, President Remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater of various contaminants. Provide mobile treatment units for water remediation (various sizes & contaminates). Provide multiphase extraction systems & high resolution site characterization tools. Provide mould and asbestos remediation services. High resolution site characterization (HRSC) tools. UVOST® – Petroleum LNAPL screening, TarGOST® – Coaltar and creosote screening, DyeLIF™ – Chlorinated DNAPL screening, Membrane interface probe (MIP) – VOC screening, Hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) – Hydrostratigraphic profiling.

GOSLYN ENVIRONMENTAL GREASE INTERCEPTORS CANADA 4-54 Viceroy Rd Doors 22-26 Concord ON L4K 2L8 T: 905-841-0990  F: 905-248-5222 angelo@goslyn.ca | www.goslyn.ca Contact: Angelo Mikrogiannakis Goslyn GRD Grease Interceptor delivers pollution prevention & wastewater sustainability for the foodservice sector. Municipalities are strengthening their position on wastewater effluent discharge limits. Foodservice operators must meet compliance or face paying fines and surcharges. The innovative Goslyn surpasses compliance; it delivers the highest efficiencies in grease & waste removal. Rated the best “GREASE TRAP SYSTEM” by foodservice operators! Easy to maintain, delivers significant cost savings. Specify Goslyn for your clients. NSF Certified CSA B481.

GRANDE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 3950 Montee Masson Laval QC H7B 1C4 T: 855-315-1115  F: 450-315-1355 info@grandeinc.com | www.grandeinc.com Contact: Francis Grande Grande Water Management Systems specializes in stormwater management, wastewater management and CSO abatement. Our products have been used in over 6000 installations around the world. We provide engineered systems for: tank and sewer flushing, overflow control, overflow screening, flow regulation and flood protection. Equipment types: tank & sewer flushing (tipping bucket, flushing gate), overflow control (bending weir), overflow screening (passive & active overflow screen), flow regulation (passive & active flow regulator), flood protection (flap), floatables retention (baffle), etc.

GOOD HARBOUR LABORATORIES 2596 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 1J5 T: 905-696-7276 gwilliams@goodharbourlabs.com www.goodharbourlabs.com Contact: Greg Williams GORMAN-RUPP CANADA 70 Burwell Rd St. Thomas ON N5P 3R7 T: 519-631-2870  F: 519-631-4624 rfurneaux@grcanada.com Contact: Robert Furneaux

GREAT-WEST LIFE retirementready@gwl.ca www.engineerscanadafsp.grsaccess.com Contact: Great-West Life Exclusive to you. You get typically lower fees on RRSP, non-registered savings plan, TFSA and retirement income products, which can add up to more future savings and more income in retirement. Visit www.engineerscanadafsp. grsaccess.com or email retirementready@gwl. ca for more information on the financial security program sponsored by Engineers Canada.

GREATARIO ENGINEERED STORAGE SYSTEMS PO Box 399 Innerkip ON N0J 1M0 T: 519-469-8169 / 866-299-3009  F: 519-469-8157 sales@greatario.com | www.greatario.com Contact: Scott Burn GREATARIO Engineered Storage Systems is the authorized CST Storage and CST Covers dealer for liquid storage and cover solutions for eastern Canada. We provide the complete line of Aquastore glass-fused-to-steel tanks, HydroTec tanks, aluminum covers and Hydraulic Mixing Systems for the municipal and industrial water and wastewater market. We offer many types of covers including aluminum domes and flat covers, glass-fused-to-steel covers, flexible membranes and floating covers. Greatario Services inspects, services and cleans all reservoir types. GREYLINE INSTRUMENTS INC. 16456 Sixsmith Dr Long Sault ON K0C 1P0 T: 613-938-8956 info@greyline.com | www.greyline.com Contact: Marlene Quenneville

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February 2019  |  83



GRUNDFOS CANADA INC. 2941 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 T: 905-829-9533  F: 905-829-9512 mpresement@grundfos.com www.grundfos.com Contact: Michael Presement, Business Development Manager Founded in 1945, Grundfos, one of the world's largest manufacturers of pumps and pumping systems, focuses on innovation and sustainability. Serving a wide variety of pumping applications, Grundfos' Water utility products cover the complete water cycle from raw water supply, water treatment, water distribution, wastewater transport and wastewater treatment in municipal and industrial processes. Supported by a global network of sales and service partners, Grundfos meets the needs of all your pumping requirements.

H2FLOW EQUIPMENT INC. 580 Oster Lane Vaughan ON L4K 2C1 T: 905-660-9775  F: 905-660-9744 info@h2flow.com | www.h2flow.com Contact: Michael Albanese, President H2Flow provides water & wastewater treatment equipment for industrial & municipal applications with start-up assistance, service, and spare parts. Equipment includes: grinders, screens, conveyors, grit removal, aerators, diffusers, blowers, clarifiers, sludge presses, centrifuges, digesters, mixers, thickeners, tertiary treatment, gravity and pressure filters, package plants, UV disinfection, drinking water plants, filters, underdrains, strainers, dissolved air floatation (DAFs), CSO, odour control biofilters, oil/water separators. Specialized in biological treatment with SBR, MBBR and MBRs. Containerized and remote treatment plants.

H2FLOW TANKS & SYSTEMS INC. 580 Oster Lane Vaughan ON L4K 2C1 T: 905-660-0649  F: 905-660-9744 tanks@h2flow.com | www.h2flowtanks.com Contact: Darrin Hopper, General Manager Sales and installation of PERMASTORE GlassFused-to-Steel tanks, typically used as anaerobic digesters, water tanks, water towers for wastewater, sludge & leachate storage, clarifiers. Custom engineered tanks with Published Quality Standards and Zero Defects. Stainless steel or powder coated steel material also available. Tank covers in aluminum, stainless & glass fused to steel. Complete treatment systems such as SBR, MBBR, MBRs, mixing and aeration systems integrated within tanks. Mixers to prevent ice formation in cold weather.

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HACH COMPANY PO Box 389 5600 Lindbergh Dr Loveland CO 80539 USA www.hach.com HALLIDAY PRODUCTS INC. 6401 Edgewater Dr Orlando FL 32810 T: 800-298-1027 ext 105 www.hallidayproducts.com Contact: Armond Bordeau

HALOGEN VALVE SYSTEMS 3C-1342 Bell Ave Tustin CA 92780 T: 925-686-6700  F: 925-686-6713 info@halogenvalve.com www.halogenvalve.com Contact: Christina Rumbel Emergency valve shutoff systems for chlorine, SO2, ammonia & other gases. Halogen Valve Systems is the leading manufacturer of electronically actuated emergency valve shutoff systems for chlorine and sulfur dioxide. Emergency chlorine valve shutoff systems from Halogen provide your plant with a critical extra measure of safety when feeding chlorine from cylinders or ton containers. Systems instantly stop a dangerous leak and confirm that valves were torqued closed to Chlorine Institute recommended standards.

HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTAL 1-1370 Wallace Rd Oakville ON L6L 2Y2 T: 289-837-0444 info@healthyenvironmental.ca Contact: Henry Kwasniak

HERON INSTRUMENTS INC. 447 Moxley Rd Dundas ON L9H 5E2 T: 800-331-2032 info@heroninstruments.com www.heroninstruments.com Contact: Mike Hare, Sales Manager Heron Instruments is dedicated to designing and manufacturing the finest groundwater monitoring systems for groundwater professionals and rural property owners worldwide. We have developed a broad range of water level measuring instruments to detect and continually monitor changes in water levels. Heron Instruments’ product line includes static and falling head water level meters, well casing indicators, well depth indicators, groundwater data loggers, remote monitoring systems, oil/water interface meters, conductivity meters, temperature meters, tag lines and downhole inspection cameras.

HANNA INSTRUMENTS CANADA INC. 3156 Industrial Laval QC H7L 4P7 www.hannacan.com

HARMSCO FILTRATION PRODUCTS 7169 49th Terrace N Riviera Beach FL 33407 T: 800-327-3248 arizopatron@harmsco.com | www.harmsco.com Contact: Alfredo Rizo-Patron Established in 1958, Harmsco Filtration Products manufactures innovative and cost-effective solutions for liquid filtration challenges. With 3 divisions and a global footprint, our Made In America, Family Owned Business provides energy savings, proven products and enduring value. As a pioneer in the filtration industry, Harmsco holds numerous U.S. Patents in the filtration industry offering the largest selection available of NSF certified filter housings and cartridges while maintaining our focus and commitment on quality and value for the end user. HAWKEYE BIRD & ANIMAL CONTROL 5048 Erin First Line Acton ON L7J 2L9 T: 416-429-5393  F: 1-866-281-5281 hawkeye@hawkeye.ca Contact: Dan Frankian

HM PIPE PRODUCTS INC. 129 Exeter Rd London ON N6L 1A4 T: 519) 652-5822 F: 519-652-5012 rhenry@hmpipeproducts.com www.hmpipeproducts.com Contact: Rick Henry, President

HOSKIN SCIENTIFIC LTD. 3735 Myrtle St Burnaby BC V5C 4E7 T: 604-872-7894 / 800-663-3023  F: 604-872-0281 salesv@hoskin.ca | www.hoskin.ca Contact: Shawn Ternan For over 70 years, Hoskin Scientific has been a supplier of testing and monitoring instrumentation to the Canadian market. We have offices in Vancouver, Burlington, and Montreal. Our Environmental Department provides solutions for monitoring and sampling biological and chemical parameters in the environment. Specific areas include: water quality, water quantity, soil moisture, plant science, weather stations, indoor air quality, aquatic sampling, and oceanography.

HAYWARD GORDON ULC 5 Brigden Gate Halton Hills ON L7G 0A3 T: 905-693-8595  F: 905-693-1452 info@haywardgordon.com Contact: Brent McConomy

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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



HUBER TECHNOLOGY, INC. 9735 Northcross Center Crt Ste A Huntersville NC 28078 T: 704-949-1010  F: 704-949-1020 marketing@hhusa.net www.huber-technology.com Contact: Sales Department Huber serves the municipal and industrial wastewater treatment market with high quality liquid-solid separation technology. Huber Technology offers the complete chain of screening, grit and sludge handling processes. The company is an original source manufacturer specializing in stainless steel fabrication of technologies for water and wastewater with proven experience and expertise with over 40,000 installations worldwide.

HYDRO INTERNATIONAL 140-2925 NW Aloclek Hillsboro OR 97124 T: 866-615-8130  F: 503-615-2906 questions@hydro-int.com | www.hydro-int.com Contact: Ben Paetel Hydro International supplies environmentally sustainable products that control and treat wastewater, stormwater, and combined sewer overflows, using advanced vortex and complementary technologies. Hydro International is the leading provider of municipal grit removal and CSO/wet weather management products to control flows within collection systems and wastewater treatment plants throughout Canada. Wastewater Products: HeadCell, TeaCup, SlurryCup, Hydro GritCleanse, Grit Snail, SpiraSnail, Hydro-Sludge-Screen, Hydro MicroScreen, and Grit King. Wet-Weather / CSO Products: Storm King, Hydro-Brake, Hydro-Brake Drop and a number of wet weather/CSO screens. HYDROVISION GMBH Gewerbestrasse 61a Kaufbeuren Bayern 87600 T: +49 8341 9662180  F: +49 8341 9666030 flowmeter@hydrovision.de | www.hydrovision.de ICON PROCESS CONTROLS Phoenix AZ 85005 T: 905-469-9283  F: 905-469-9159 sales@iconprocon.com | www.iconprocon.com IDEXX WATER 1 Idexx Dr Westbrook ME 4092 T: 1-800-321-0207 www.ca.idexx.com/en-ca/water/


HYDRO-LOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 250-762 Upper James St Hamilton ON L9C 3A2 T: 905-777-9494  F: 905-777-8678 george@hydrologic.ca | www.hydrologic.ca Contact: George S. Pastoric VENT-O-MAT “Anti-Shock/Anti-Surge” Air Release Vacuum Break Valves–Industry’s Best Design-lowest maintenance & 10 year warranty – ONLY VENT-O-MAT! PULSCO –Hydro-pneumatic Surge and Pressure Control Systems, Bladder or Air Over Water since 1922. Gummi-Jaeger Aeration–The “Original EPDM membrane manufacturer, since 1975” – manufacturer of fine bubble disk, tube & strip diffusers, fixedfilm reactors and more. NextTurbo designs and manufactures modern integrally-geared single stage turbo-compressors with the highest efficiency Turbo Advantages without Limitations. PHI Hydro-Pulse™ LARGE BUBBLE Mixing Systems – most energy efficient and no in-basin moving parts!

HYDROFLOW CANADA 4-3455 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3P2 T: 289-337-9390  F: 289-337-9390 info@hydroflowcanada.com www.hydroflowcanada.com Contact: Bill Carroll HydroFLOW Canada distributes Hydropath Technologies UK Patent line of Electronic Water Conditioners. 2017 WEF Innovative Technology Award Winner. The system is proven to eliminate/reduce LIMESCALE, STRUVITE, BIOFILM, and BACTERIA in Cooling Towers, Boilers, Steam Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Humidifiers, Water Heaters, WWTPs, WWRFs, Swimming Pools, Ice Makers, Dishwashers, Steam Ovens, and numerous agricultural applications. The system in non-intrusive, maintenance free, energy efficient, chemical free, environmentally friendly and has low power requirements. 25 years of proven, verified successes worldwide. Decrease input energy cost due to elimination of limescale insulation on heat transfer surfaces, spray nozzles, and mechanical systems. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTROL LIMITED 234 Clements Rd West Unit 1&2 Ajax ON L1S 3K5 T: 905-427-1193  F: 905-427-1461 norm.carr@iwcl.ca | www.iwcl.ca Contact: Norm Carr INDUSTRIALZONE 5201 Mitchelldale St Suite A8 Houston TX 77092 T: 713-395-1508 support@industrialzone.com www.industrialzone.com Contact: Eric Gadin

IMBRIUM SYSTEMS INC. 407 Fairview Dr Whitby ON L1N 3A9 T: 416-960-9900 info@imbriumsystems.com www.imbriumsystems.com Contact: Marc LeLong Imbrium® Systems is an engineered stormwater treatment company that designs and manufactures stormwater treatment solutions that protect water resources from harmful pollutants. By developing technologies to address the long-term impact of urban runoff, Imbrium ensures our clients’ projects are compliant with government water quality regulations. Imbrium is the only stormwater technology company in Canada to offer four stormwater treatment products with the ETV verification, including the Stormceptor® EF, Stormceptor® EFO, the Jellyfish® Filter, and the Filterra® Bioretention system.

INDACHEM INC. 4129 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7L 5M3 T: 905-637-8446 nick.pecoskie@indachem.com www.indachem.com Contact: Nicholas Pecoskie, GM & Sales Manager UGSI Chemfeed PolyBlend dry & liquid polymer feed systems, PSI Microclor – on site sodium hypo generation, Monoclor – chloramine management systems, Tank Shark & ChemLocker – reservoir mixing, monitoring and dosing. PRAB industrial wastewater, fluid filtration and material handling. ENCHLOR UV, chlorine gas feed and odour control. EMEC Dosing pumps, monitoring and control systems. REGAL Gas chlorination equipment. JCS Emergency closure systems for chlorine and other gas. STT Dry bulk chemical systems. Indachem On-Site, rentals, demos/pilots and Canadian Technical Service. INGU SOLUTIONS 104-1240 Kensington Rd NW Suite #304 Calgary AB T2N 3P7 T: 403-613-2510 john@ingu.co | www.ingu.co Contact: John van Pol INSITU CONTRACTORS INC. 48 Dawson Rd Guelph ON N1H 5V1 T: 519-763-0700  F: 519-763-6684 general@insitucontractors.com www.insitucontractors.com Contact: Harry Oussoren INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 5743 – 68th Ave NW Edmonton AB T6B 3P8 www.insituform.com

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GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS JURASSIC ACTIVATED CARBON INC. 161 Kingslake Rd Toronto ON M2J 3G4 T: 416-297-8876 rodgerlu88@gmail.com www.jurassiccarbon.com Contact: Rodger Lu

INTERNATIONAL WATER SUPPLY LTD. 342 Bayview Dr PO Box 310 Barrie ON L4M 4T5 T: 705-733-0111  F: 705-721-0138 iws@iws.ca | www.iws.ca Contact: John A Harris, P. Eng. President Groundwater Engineering and Hydrogeologic services which include: Well design, large diameter, high capacity well construction and testing. Pump Application Engineering, supply, installation and maintenance of line shaft and submersible turbine pumps. Performance testing of wells and pumps, well video inspection. Well maintenance rehabilitation and re-development programs. INTERPROVINCIAL CORROSION CONTROL 930 Sheldon Ct Burlington ON L7L 5K6 contact@rustrol.com | www.rustrol.com Contact: Ray Thoroski IPEC – JWC ENVIRONMENTAL 2889 Norland Ave Burnaby BC V5B 3A9 T: 604-291-7150  F: 604-291-7190 sales@ipec.ca Contact: Chuck Frappier

IPEX INC. 6810 Invader Cr Mississauga ON L5T 2B6 T: 905-670-7676 www.ipexna.com IPEX Inc. offers the world's most comprehensive range of thermoplastic piping systems for the municipal, industrial, mechanical and plumbing markets. Backed by more than 50 years experience and with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and distribution centers across North America, IPEX has established a reputation for product innovation, quality, enduser focus, and performance. IVEY INTERNATIONAL INC. Unit 7 19122 – 27th St Surrey BC V3Z 2W8 T: 604-538-1168 www.iveyinternational.com JACOBI CARBONS INC. 432 McCormick Boulevard Columbus OH 15001 T: 215-546-3900 ext 226 becky.sexton@jacobi.net Contact: Becky Sexton JNE ENVIRONMENTAL 925 Century Dr Burlington ON L7L 5J8 T: 905-537-8317  F: 905-537-8317 jmcintyre@jne.ca | www.jneenvironmental.ca Contact: Joe McIntyre JOHN BROOKS COMPANY LIMITED 2625 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 7X5 www.johnbrooks.ca

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JWC ENVIRONMENTAL 2850 Red Hill Ave Santa Ana CA 92705 T: 949-833-3888 kaileyh@jwce.com | www.jwce.com Contact: Kailey Habermann KAESER COMPRESSORS CANADA INC. 3760 La Verendrye St Boisbriand QC J7H 1R5 T: 450-971-1414 line.paquin@kaeser.com | www.kaeser.ca Contact: Line Paquin KEE SAFETY LTD. 40 North Rivermede Rd Concord ON L4K 2H3 T: 877-505 5003 ext 440  F: 905-669 4347 mkobe@keesafety.com | www.keesafety.ca Contact: Murray Kobe KEMIRA 3405 Marie-Victorin Blvd Varennes QC J3X 1P7 T: 800-465-6171  F: 450-652-7343 water@kemira.com | www.kemira.com Contact: Serge Chouinard KGO GROUP LTD. 52-1200 Speers Rd Oakville ON L6L 2X4 T: 905-847-1544  F: 905-847-1699 garry@kgogroup.com | www.kgogroup.com Contact: Garry O’Donnell, President KGS ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 3 Twelfth Concession Rd Scotland ON N0E 1R0 T: 855-378-3015  F: 888-245-5220 info@kgsenvironmentalgroup.ca www.kgsenvironmentalgroup.ca Contact: Kristofer Gaal, President and General Manager

KSB PUMPS INC. 5205 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L4W 3N8 T: 905-568-9200 info@ksbcanada.com | www.ksb.ca Contact: Anna Vezina KUSTERS WATER, DIVISION OF KUSTERS ZIMA CORP. 101 Zima Park Dr Spartanburg SC 29301 T: 800-264-7005 jim.weidler@kusterszima.com www.kusterswater.com Contact: Jim Weidler LAFARGE Calgary Edmonton Saskatoon and Winnipeg T: 780-410-3675 amir.azizi@lafargeholcim.com www.lafarge-na.com Contact: Amir Azizi, P. Eng, MBA

LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE 1-170 Columbia St West Waterloo ON N2L 3L3 T: 519-746-5995  F: 519-746-0793 sales@webLakes.com | www.webLakes.com Contact: Cheryl Porter Lakes Environmental is the world leading provider of state-of-the-science environmental air quality management software, meteorological data services, and hands-on training courses. Our clients include industries and regulatory agencies. Our extensively adopted desktop and cloud IT solutions comprise dispersion modeling, realtime and forecast modeling, emissions inventory systems, permitting, compliance and reporting. LAMBOURNE ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 51 Belich Cres Red Deer AB T4S 2K5 T: 403-348-8298 sales@lambourne.ca | www.lambourne.ca Contact: Blair Benn

KISTERS NORTH AMERICA 102-1520 Eureka Rd Roseville CA 95661 T: 916-723-1441  F: 916-774-1520 kna@kisters.net | www.kisters.net Contact: Steve Elgie KISTERS’ continuous and discrete data management system (WISKI) and web services allow you to implement and custom-configure OTS software resulting from 20-plus years of expertise in the water industry. Our software and hardware telemetry systems streamline management, analysis, reporting and sharing of surface water, groundwater, stormwater, wastewater, water quality, ecological, and meteorological data. Our IT solutions are commonly sought to address complex and collaborative projects. Integrate GIS data with Esri for more actionable insights. KONTEK ECOLOGY SYSTEMS, INC. 1-3250 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3W9 T: 877-332-8366  F: 905-332-8367 ipelve@kontekecology.com www.kontekecology.com Contact: Isabelle Pelve

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LAYFIELD GROUP LIMITED 17720 129 Ave Northwest Edmonton AB T5V 0B4 T: 800-840-2884 roxalana.dobransky@layfieldgroup.com www.layfieldgroup.com Contact: Roxalana Dobransky The Layfield Group is the only integrated organization that provides tailored polymer-based solutions that are proven to protect our families, communities and the environment. Organized within a matrix management construct, we strategically invest in two complementary business units; Geosynthetics and Flexible Packaging, each with their specialized market segments. LG WATER SOLUTIONS (LG CHEM., LTD.) 330-21250 Hawthorne Blvd Torrance CA 90503 T: 424-218-4041 nasales@lgchem.com | www.lgwatersolutions.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS M CON PIPE & PRODUCTS INC. PO Box 1191 2691 Greenfield Rd Ayr ON N0B 1E0 T: 866-537-3338 ext 201  F: 519-632-7440 skirby@mconpipe.com | www.mconproducts.com Contact: Scott Kirby LIMEGREEN EQUIPMENT INC. 1183 Barton St E / PO Box 47629 Hamilton ON L8H 7S7 T: 844-444-2100  F: 613-955-1005 kbailey@limegreeninc.com www.limegreeninc.com Contact: Kevin Bailey LimeGREEN Equipment Inc. Canadian owned and operated, environmental equipment rental house. With equipment yards in Hamilton, Barrie, Trenton and Ottawa, Ontario, and Saint John, New Brunswick, LimeGREEN specializes in storage tanks, filtration equipment, pumps, berms and flow meters, etc. Whether your application is industrial services, construction, remediation, pipeline, municipal, mining or emergency response, LimeGREEN's experience has you covered. Contact us to see how we can work with you, to help save you time, and money. LINK UTILITY TECHNOLOGIES 101-8500 Leslie St Markham ON L3T 7M8 www.linkut.ca LINKON TECHNOLOGY INC. 25 Southvale Dr Vaughan ON L6A 0X2 T: 647-724-6799 davidkim@linkontechnology.com www.linkontechnology.com Contact: David Kim LUMINOR ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 2-290 Southgate Dr Guelph ON N1G 4P5 T: 519-837-3800  F: 519-837-3808 mlupal@luminoruv.com Contact: Myron Lupal, President

LYSTEK INTERNATIONAL INC. 1-125 McGovern Dr Cambridge ON N3H 4R7 T: 226-444-0186 info@lystek.com | www.lystek.com Contact: Kevin Litwiller Lystek International Inc. is a leading provider of Thermal Hydrolysis solutions for the sustainable management of biosolids and organics. The multi-use, award-winning Lystek system reduces costs, volumes and GHGs by converting municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities into resource recovery centers. This is achieved by transforming organic waste streams into value-added products and services, such as the patented LysteMize® process for optimizing digester performance, reducing volumes and increasing biogas production; LysteGro®, a highvalue, nutrient-rich biofertilizer and LysteCarb®, an alternative source of carbon for BNR systems.


MAC & CO ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 469 Millhaven Rd Kingston ON K0H 2H0 T: 613-542-9421  F: 613-386-3036 len.mackenzie@macandco.ca www.macandco.ca Contact: Len Mackenzie

MANTECH 5473 Highway 6 N Guelph ON N1H 6J2 T: 519-763-4245 rmenegotto@mantech-inc.com www.mantech-inc.com Contact: Robert Menegotto MAPLE REINDERS GROUP LTD. 2660 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5V4 T: 905-821-4844  F: 905-821-4822 robb@maple.ca | www.maple.ca Contact: Rob Balamut

MADOK MANUFACTURING LIMITED 82 Morrell St Brantford ON N3T 4J5 T: 519-756-5760 ext 102  F: 519-756-5768 www.madok.ca.

MAKE-WAY ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 385 Andrew St Exeter ON N0M 1S7 T: 866-625-3929  F: 519-235-0570 bert@makeway.ca | www.makeway.ca Contact: Bert Knip, President Make-Way Environmental Technologies Inc., has been offering on-site wastewater treatment solutions for residential, commercial and communal applications since 1996. Our systems are very easy to design, install, and maintain and they are versatile and modular. The add-on unit for the reduction of Total Nitrogen is very simple, proven and efficient. We have a complete S.T.E.P. system for your next communal project; Collection, Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal, Single source with single responsibility at a competitive price.

MARKLAND SPECIALTY ENGINEERING LTD. 9-305 Armstrong Ave Georgetown ON L7G 4X6 T: 855-873-7791 markland@sludgecontrols.com www.sludgecontrols.com Contact: Scott Langstaff Instrumentation for water/wastewater plants: Sludge Blanket Level Detectors find your blanket, automating de-sludge pumps to operate only when necessary and helping prevent carryover, optimize feed density, reduce energy use; Suspended Solids Density Meters maintain your sludge concentration, automating underflow pumps to help optimize dosing and feed density; Automatic Duckbill Composite Sampling Systems move samples over high-lifts/long-runs, even in freezing temperatures; the Sludge Gun® measures sludge bed depth to help hit the target of eliminating unnecessary pumping/dredging and maintaining regulatory compliance.

MASTER METER CANADA 2045 de la Métropole Longueuil, QC J4G 1S9 T: 450-461-1535  F: 450-461-3720 www.mastermeter.com Master Meter Canada is a leading manufacturer of AWWA standard municipal water meters, AMR/AMI data collection systems and data management software. MCCUE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS 8291 92 St Delta BC V4G 1B5 T: 604-940-2828 info@mccuecontracting.com www.mccuecontracting.com Contact: Chris McCue MEDORA CORPORATION 3225 Highway 22 Dickinson ND 58601 T: 701-225-4495  F: 701-225-0002 info@medoraco.com | www.medoraco.com Contact: Joel Bleth, President & CEO MEGADOME BUILDINGS 1044 Principale St Saint-Thomas QC J0K 3L0 T: 866-610-0370 www.megadomebuildings.com MEMBRANE SPECIALISTS LLC 2 Rowe Court Hamilton OH 45015 T: 513-860-9490  F: 513-860-9492 lyle.henson@membranespecialists.com www.membranespecialists.com Contact: Dr. Lyle Henson MERSINO DEWATERING, INC. 10162 E Coldwater Rd Davison MI 48423 T: 810-658-3472 www.mersino.com METAFLO TECHNOLOGIES 4-1630 Sismet Rd Mississauga ON L4W 1R5 T: 888-862-4011 michael@metaflotech.com www.ca.metaflotech.com Contact: Michael MacDonald METCON SALES & ENGINEERING LIMITED 3-15 Connie Cres Concord ON L4K 1L3 T: 905-738-2355  F: 905-738-5520 metcon@metconeng.com www.metconeng.com

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MINDSPACE INC. 16-270 Esna Park Dr Markham ON L3R 1H3 T: 905-284-1000  F: 905-284-1082 info@mindspace.ca | www.mindspace.ca Contact: Cory Tse MINOTAUR STORMWATER SERVICES 566 Lynden Rd RR#8 Brantford ON N3T 5M1 T: 519-647-3729  F: 519-647-3198 service@minotaurltd.com www.minotaurltd.com Contact: Aaron Shaver, CEO MIP CEMTREX INC. 19 Engineers Ln Farmingdale NY 11735 T: 631-756-9116  F: 631-420-4985 rkaur@cemtrex.com Contact: Vikas Patel MIXANOX SYSTEMS INC. 285 Westvale Dr Waterloo ON N2T 2B2 T: 226-666-3055 ishin.kaya@mixanox.com | www.mixanox.com Contact: Ishin Kaya

MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS 1200 Abernathy Rd Suite 1200 Atlanta GA 30328 T: 705-719-9965 more-info@muellercanada.com www.muellerwaterproducts.com Contact: Deron Austin Mueller Water Products, Inc. (NYSE:MWA) is a leading manufacturer and marketer of products and services used in the transmission, distribution and measurement of water in North America. Our broad product and service portfolio includes engineered valves, fire hydrants, metering products and systems, leak detection and pipe condition assessment. MWP brands include Mueller®, Echologics®, Hydro Gate®, HydroGuard®, Krausz®, Jones®, Mi.Net®, Milliken®, Pratt®, Singer®, and U.S. Pipe Valve & Hydrant.

MLM CONVEYING SYSTEMS INC. 19609 96th Ave Langley BC V1M 3C9 www.mlmconveying.com MONITARIO TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 10 Alpine Ct Cambridge ON N1R 5S5 T: 519-748-8024 randy@monitario.com | www.monitario.com Contact: Randy McLean, President MONTECO LTD. 408-55 St Clair Ave West Toronto ON M4V 1L5 www.monteco.com MS FILTER SYSTEMS INC. 31 Graham Lane Fenelon Falls ON K0M 1N0 T: 905-713-7875  F: 416-981-3418 rlecraw@msfilter.com | www.msfilter.com Contact: Bob LeCraw

MSU MISSISSAUGA LTD. 300-2222 S Sheridan Way Building 3 Mississauga ON L5J 2M4 T: 800-268-5336 info@msumississauga.com www.msumississauga.com MSU is Canada’s premier manufacturer of access hatches, climbing rungs, ladders, railing systems, stairways and specialty hardware for the water and wastewater industries. Founded in 1977 MSU has an almost 40 year history of supplying quality products and services.

NCS FLUID HANDLING SYSTEMS INC. 530-280 Portage Close Sherwood Park AB T8H 2R6 T: 780-570-0051 ogilbert@ncsmanagement.ca www.ncsfluidsystems.ca Contact: Owen Gilbert NCS Fluid Handling Systems provides dewatering, sewer bypass, well pointing, sand pointing as well as API storage tank hydro-tests, pipeline pressure testing, site water management, specialized filtration (particulate or hydrocarbon removal), sewer / sanitary bypass, well pointing or sand pointing & dewatering services. NCS is dedicated to serving the industrial, construction, mining, municipal & all segments of the energy sector in both planned and emergency environments. The NCS Fluid Handling Systems focus is to offer a highest level of customer service, safely & adhere to a strong quality plan for all our clients needs / projects. NEOTHANE/MAGNASEAL 19 Sandwell Dr Toronto ON M9R 3P9 www.neothane.com Contact: Elliott Chewins NEPTUNE TECHNOLOGY GROUP (CANADA) LTD. 7275 West Credit Ave Mississauga ON L5N 5M9 T: 905-858-7480  F: 905-858-0428 rmassey@neptunetg.com Contact: Ruth Massey

MYRON L COMPANY 2450 Impala Dr Carlsbad CA 92010 USA T: 760-438-2021 info@myronl.com | www.myronl.com

NETT TECHNOLOGIES INC. 6154 Kestrel Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1Z2 T: 905-672-5453 sales@nettinc.com | www.nettinc.com

NAPIER-REID LTD. 10 Alden Rd Markham ON L3R 2S1 T: 905-475-1545  F: 905-475-2021 info@napier-reid.com | www.napier-reid.com Contact: Frank Li

NEW LEAF BIOLOGICS, INC. 49084 Mun 22E Ile des Chenes East MB R0A 0T4 T: 204-803-5728 natasha.klaponski@newleafbio.ca Contact: Natasha Klaponski

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NETZSCH CANADA INC. 500 Welham Rd Barrie ON L4N 8Z4 T: 705-797-8426  F: 705-797-8427 ntc@netzsch.com | www.pumps.netzsch.com Contact: George Balcerczyk NETZSCH, the world's largest manufacturer of Progressive Cavity Pumps offers a complete range of Progressive Cavity Pumps, Metering Pumps and Rotary Lobe Pumps, Twin Shaft Grinders, Macerators. Netzsch Canada specializes in Progressive Cavity retrofit parts for most manufacturers’ pumps. NEXOM 5 Burks Way Winnipeg MB R2J 3R8 T: 204-949-7500 www.nexom.com Contact: Martin Hildebrand NORDITECH PTY. LTD. 36-70 Holbeche Rd Arndell Park Sydney NSW 2148 T: 61+2 9622 6327  F: 61+2 9622 6340 info@norditech.com.au Contact: Bruno Nourdine NOVA FILTRATION TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1367 Osprey Dr Ancaster ON L9G 4V5 T: 905-304-8157 info@novafiltrationtech.com www.novafiltrationtech.com Contact: Matt Scruton

ONTARIO CLEAN WATER AGENCY 1700-1 Yonge St Toronto ON M5E 1E5 T: 416-775-0543 www.ocwa.com OCWA provides a full range of water and wastewater services to municipalities, First Nation communities, institutions and private sector companies across Ontario. We are a "Total Solutions Provider" offering a range of services, including operations and maintenance engineering, and other technical and advisory expertise. Our certified team of experts have the skills and knowledge to support you at every stage of the asset life cycle, ensuring the long-term sustainability of your water and wastewater infrastructure. If your business is water, you need to know OCWA. ORBINOX 2050 Dagenais Blvd West Laval QC H7L 5W2 T: 450-622-8775 r.field@orbinox.com | www.orbinox.com Contact: Rick Field

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS PENCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY F2-109 Thomas St Oakville ON L6J 3A7 T: 905-845-1727  F: 905-845-1792 jpenny@pencon.ca Contact: Brian Penny

ORIVAL WATER FILTERS 213 S Van Brunt St Englewood NJ 7631 T: 201-568-3311  F: 201-568-1916 filters@orival.com | www.orival.com Providing automatic self-cleaning filtration systems for the removal of suspended solids from water is more than a job for Orival – it's a way of life. For over 30 years, Orival has supplied thousands of filtration units for a wide variety of customers in over 85 countries around the world. Single units, flange-to-flange systems, complete skid mounted or containerized packages, and specifically fabricated filters are all common products for Orival.

PENTAIR CANADA 4-490 Pinebush Rd Cambridge ON N1T 0A5 T: 800-363-7867  F: 888-606-5484 orders.cacam@pentair.com | www.pentair.com Contact: Peter Reinhardt, Regional Sales Manager Global manufacturer of pumping, filtration and control equipment covering residential, commercial, industrial, oil and gas, mining and municipal markets. Pentair brands have been providing application solutions since 1870.

OSPREY SCIENTIFIC INC. 100-18232 105 Ave Edmonton AB T5S 2R5 T: 800-560-4402  F: 877-820-9667 sales@ospreyscientific.com Contact: Karen Schmidt OSTARA NUTRIENT RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES INC. 690-1199 West Pender St Vancouver BC V6E 2R1 T: 604-408-6697 info@ostara.com | www.ostara.com OVIVO USA LLC 2404 Rutland Dr Austin TX 78758 info@ovivowater.com | www.ovivowater.us OZONATOR INDUSTRIES LIMITED 1850 Industrial Dr/PO Box 26030 Regina SK S4R 8R7 T: 306-791-0900  F: 306-791-0905 pklaptchuk@ozonatorindustries.com Contact: Peter J. Klaptchuk, President & CEO PACWILL ENVIRONMENTAL 4-4516 Mountainview Rd Beamsville ON L0R 1B3 www.pacwill.ca Contact: Sean Miner

PARKSON CORPORATION 100-1401 W Cypress Creek Rd Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 T: 954-974-6610  F: 954-974-6182 technology@parkson.com | www.parkson.com Parkson is a supplier of equipment and solutions for potable water, process water, and industrial and municipal wastewater applications. Parkson designs, engineers and assembles products that provide customers with advanced screening, biological, filtration, and biosolids management solutions. Parkson also has a highly trained field service team capable of completely rebuilding aging equipment or retrofitting equipment to include the latest technological advancements. PAX WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC. 860 Harbour Way S Richmond CA 94804 www.paxwater.com


PICA CORPORATION 4909-75 Ave Edmonton AB T6B 2S3 T: 780-469-4463 drussell@picacorp.com | www.picacorp.com Contact: Dave Russell PICA provides condition assessment services for pipelines in water and wastewater services. We have in-line inspection tools in sizes from 2” to 78” for steel, cast and ductile-iron pipes. PICA also offers leak detection using “Nautilus” intelligent sphere. PIPE SPECIALTIES CANADA 661 Justus Dr Kingston ON K0K 1N0 T: 613-384-2500  F: 613-384-2900 psc@pipespecialties.com Contact: Gillian Carr POLY PROCESSING COMPANY PO Box 4150 Monroe LA 71211 T: 318-343-7565 bvenner@polyprocessing.com www.polyprocessing.com Contact: Bert Venner PRINCIPAL WATER FILTRATION LLC 4903 Southwark Dr N Jacksonville FL 32257 T: 904-403-6324 principalwater@gmail.com www.principalwaterfiltrationjacksonville.com PROMINENT FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 490 Southgate Dr Guelph ON N1G 4P5 T: 888-709-9933 sales@prominent.ca | www.prominent.ca Q-VAC AUTOMATIC PRIMING SYSTEMS 805 Oakwood Rd Lake Zurich IL 60047 T: 847-540-0054  F: 847-540-0513 experts@vacuumprimingsystems.com www.vacuumprimingsystems.com

PRO AQUA INC. 7-264 Bronte St S Milton ON L9T 5A3 T: 905-864-9311  F: 905-864-8469 scott@proaquasales.com www.proaquasales.com Contact: Scott Lenhardt Archimedes Screw Pumps, Screens, Washer Compactors, Conveyors, Grit Removal, Vortex Units, Septage Receiving, Thickening, Dewatering, Energy Recovery, Blowers, Aeration Diffusers, Diffuser Cleaning, Mixers, Clarifiers, Density Current Baffles, Launder Covers, SBR, RBC, MBR, Tertiary Filters, Disk Filters, Rotary-Lobe Pumps, Grinders, Polymer Systems, Strainers, Membranes, UF, Ion Exchange, Sludge Transport/ Storage, Sludge Dryers, Digesters, Biosolids, Biogas Conditioning, Intake Screens, Underdrains, Plate Settlers, Chlorine Gas Feed, Sluice/ Slide Gates, Stop Logs/ Bulkheads, Odour Control Systems, Aluminum Tank Covers, Stormwater Management, Tipping Buckets, Manhole Equipment, Watertight Doors, Waterchamp. QM ENVIRONMENTAL 3580 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Z7 T: 416-253-6000 marketing@qmenv.com | www.qmenv.com

R.E. MORRISON EQUIPMENT INC. 21-3615 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Z8 T: 905-828-6301  F: 905-828-3674 info@remequip.com | www.remequip.com Contact: Ray Ralph, Owner Canadian national distributor of Becker and Republic blowers, compressors and vacuum pumps. The company provides engineering, sales and service, inventory of parts, pumps with unique size and pressure capability. Becker rotary vane blowers and compressors work in small to mid-size aeration projects. Regenerative blower compact, quiet and dependable. Three stage units for up to 15 PSI. Compact high speed single stage centrifugal blower's volumes of 4000 CFM pressures to 4.5 PSI. RACO MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING CO 1400 62nd St Emeryville CA 94608 T: 800-722-6999  F: 510-658-3153 quotes@racoman.com | www.racoman.com Contact: James Brown REAL TECH INC. 1150 Champlain Ct Whitby ON L1N 6K9 T: 905-665-6888  F: 905-665-7025 info@realtechwater.com | www.realtechwater.com Contact: Melissa Driscoll REVOLMIX PROCESSING LTD. 72 Hawkdale Close Northwest Calgary AB T3G 3A6 T: 587-352-9652 li.wang@revolmixing.com | www.revolmixing.com Contact: Li Wang

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RITTAL SYSTEMS LTD. 6485 Ordan Dr Mississauga ON L5T 1X2 T: 800-399-0748 www.rittal.ca ROTATOR PRODUCTS LIMITED 101 Innovation Dr Vaughan ON L4H 0S3 T: 905-856-2653  F: 905-856-3407 ajay@rotatorproducts.com www.rotatorproducts.com Contact: Ajay Bajaj ROTORK CONTROLS 4-2850 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 8G4 www.rotork.com ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY 2005 Sooke Rd Victoria BC V9B 5Y2 T: 250-391-2600 linda.markowsky@royalroads.ca www.royalroads.ca Contact: Linda Markowsky RUNNALLS INDUSTRIES 1275 Cardiff Blvd Mississauga ON L5S 1R1 T: 905-453-4220 www.runnalls.com S2S ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 260-1099 Kingston Rd Pickering ON L1V 1B5 T: 416-410-4333  F: 416-410-4088 info@s2se.com | www.s2se.com Contact: Saleem Dedhar SAFE DRAIN 628 Hi Tech Pkwy #D Oakdale CA 95361 T: 800-764-5220  F: 408-273-6000 merissa@safedrainusa.com Contact: Merissa Lowe SANECOTEC 5636 Manotick Main St Ottawa ON K4M 1B3 www.sanecotec.com Contact: Joy Knowles SCARBOROUGH SUPPLY 154 Crown Court Whitby ON L1N 7B1 T: 905-579-4460  F: 905-579-4755 kwatson@scarboroughsupply.com www.scarboroughsupply.com Contact: Kevin Watson SCENTROID 7-70 Innovator Ave Stouffville ON L4A 0Y2 T: 416-479-0078 sales@idescanada.com | www.scentroid.com SCG INDUSTRIES LTD. 250 King William Rd Saint John NB E2M 5Y5 T: 506-674-1081  F: 506-674-1082 rkerr@scgindustries.com Contact: Russell Kerr SCHONSTEDT INSTRUMENT COMPANY 100 Edmond Rd Kearneysville WV 25430 T: 800-999-8280  F: 304-725-1095 schonstedt.info@spx.com www.schonstedt.com SCICORP INTERNATIONAL CORP. 13-3300 Ridgeway Dr Mississauga ON L5L 5Y6 T: 905-829-1749 derk@scicorp.net | www.scicorp.net Contact: Derk Maat

SCO-TERRA OPERATIONS GROUP INC. 321 Dufferin Ave London ON N6B 1Z3 T: 519-434-0278  F: 519-434-6820 rpellerin@scoterra.com www.scoterra.com Contact: Richard J. Pellerin, P. Eng., President SEALOGIC INNOVATIONS CORP. PO Box 23809 Belleville ON K8P 5J3 T: 613-966-4567  F: 613-966-9854 eng@seal-ogic.com Contact: Kevin Drumm SEEPEX, INC. 511 Speedway Dr Enon OH 45323 T: 937-864-7150 sales.us@seepex.com | www.seepex.com

SEI INDUSTRIES 7400 Wilson Ave Delta BC V4G 1H3 T: 604-946-3131 seisales@sei-ind.com | www.sei-ind.com Contact: Paul Reichard Using proprietary materials, SEI’s Arctic-Shield Insta-Berms are the first to be certified to Canada’s new national CAN/ULC-S668-12 standard. Arctic-Shield material is purpose-engineered for secondary containment in arctic climates and can be deployed in temperatures as low as -46C. Many operators working in remote, extreme conditions (including mining, construction and exploration companies), use these amazing climate-specific berms. SENSAPHONE 901 Tryens Rd Aston PA 19014 T: 877-373-2700 dbreisac@sensaphone.com Contact: Dave Breisacher

SENTRIMAX CENTRIFUGES INC. 9440-60th Ave Edmonton AB T6E 0C1 T: 780-434-1718  F: 780-434-1620 tim.maxwell@sentrimax.com www.sentrimax.com Contact: Tim Maxwell At Sentrimax, we’re proud of our solid history and vast experience in the service and repair of municipal decanter centrifuges. Our vertically integrated machine shop operations in both Canada and the U.S. provide a complete, in-house range of services that is second to none, and every aspect of a centrifuge repair is executed with the utmost regard for quality and reliability. This is what our customers continually expect and this is what Sentrimax consistently delivers. SERVICE FILTRATION OF CANADA LTD. 12-4141 Sladeview Cres Mississauga ON L5L 5T1 www.service-filtration.com

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SEW-EURODRIVE 210 Walker Dr Bramalea ON L6T 3W1 T: 905-791-1553  F: 905-791-2999 marketing@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sewcan.ca Contact: Suzanne Mamo No matter where you are located across Canada, SEW-EURODRIVE is there for you. With three assembly plants in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver we stock more product inventory than all our competitors combined. We also have 38 technical sales representatives and hundreds of distribution product specialists and industry specialist locations. Located regionally, our applications engineers understand the power transmission challenges your business and industry are facing – and how to optimize your drive application to meet them. Combined with our local product distribution, this leading expertise means we can get you up and running fast. SHAC ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS INC. PO Box 73 Medicine Hat AB T1A 7E5 T: 888-533-4446  F: 403-529-9334 sales@shac.ca | www.shac.ca Contact: Philip Fandrick SHERIDAN ELECTRIC SERVICES LTD. 34-966 Pantera Dr Mississauga ON L4W 2S1 T: 905-625-0265  F: 905-625-0268 ginaf@sheridanelectric.ca Contact: Gina Fitz-Andrews SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PROTECTIVE & MARINE COATINGS T: 216-292-4700 shunsberger@marcusthomasllc.com www.protective.sherwin-williams.com Contact: Scott Hunsberger SIEMENS CANADA LTD. 300 Applewood Cres Vaughan ON L4K 4E5 T: 905-305-5251 dola.andrawes@siemens.com | www.siemens.ca Contact: Dola Andrawes SIERRA SALES PETANKS 346 Kent Lane Perkasie PA 18944 T: 215-258-5602  F: 215-480-3507 cgorton@petanks.com | www.petanks.com Contact: Craig Gorton SIGMA ENGINEERING LTD. 400-1444 Alberni St Vancouver BC V6G 2Z4 T: 604-688-8271 ext 379 gmcdonnell@synex.com www.sigmaengineering.com Contact: Glenn McDonnell SIMPSON ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 2-1509 Upper Middle Rd Burlington ON L7P 4M5 T: 905-332-7669 dcooper@senvc.com | www.senvc.com Contact: Don Cooper SMARTCOVER SYSTEMS 2067 Wineridge Place Suite E Escondido CA 92029 T: 760-291-1980  F: 760-291-1980 sales@smartcoversystems.com www.smartcoversystems.com Contact: Melissa Fischer

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS SOURCE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL / FERNCO INC. 850 Phillip St East Sarnia ON N7T 1Z6 T: 519-332-6711 michael.otoole@fernco.com www.s1eonline.com Contact: Michael O'Toole SMITH & LOVELESS, INC. 14040 Santa Fe Trail Dr Lenexa KS 66215 T: 913-888-5201  F: 913-888-2173 www.smithandloveless.com Contact: William Flores, Vice President Municipal Division Smith & Loveless Inc. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of a complete line of pre-engineered water and wastewater treatment and pumping systems. With sales offices throughout Canada, and numerous installations over 40 years, we feature treatment plants, grit removal systems, pump stations and filtration systems.

SNF CANADA LTD. 5 Blueking Cr Westhill ON M1C 4V3 T: 416-286-4617  F: 416-286-6324 msimpson@snfcanada.com www.snf-canada.com Contact: Mark Simpson, Regional Manager SNF Canada is the world's largest manufacturer of organic coagulants and flocculants. SNF Canada specializes in providing flocculants and coagulants to the municipal water and wastewater treatment industry. Typical polymer applications include sludge dewatering, sludge thickening and primary/secondary clarification. SNF Canada's Equipment Division offers end-users dry and/or emulsion polymer preparation systems, solution tanks and feed pump packages. SOLAR ONTARIO LTD. 14-1290 Speers Rd Oakville ON L6L 2X4 T: 905-845-2433 info@solarontario.com Contact: Andrew McKegney

SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, INC. 2410 104th St Ct S Ste D Lakewood WA 98499 T: 253-588-7101  F: 253-588-7196 info@specialty-products.com www.specialty-products.com Contact: Joy Fish

STORMTRAP 6A-170 The Donway West Suite 1928 Toronto ON M3C 2E8 T: 815-941-4549 ext132 jsolomons@stormtrap.com Contact: Joseph Solomons

SONIC SOIL SAMPLING INC. 668 Millway Ave Units 15&16 Concord ON L4K 3V2 T: 905-660-0501  F: 905-660-7143 sonic@sonicsoil.com | www.sonicsoil.com Contact: Alan Archibald, VP Administration, Ted Nedelkopoulos, Operations Manager Sonic Soil Sampling Inc. is celebrating their 37th Anniversary. We have been providing contract services since 1981 to the Environmental, Geotechnical and Mining sectors throughout the world, offering a portable solution to your sampling and geotechnical needs. Our reputation for quality, workmanship and a willingness to help our customers has been our best promotional tool.

T. HARRIS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INC. 101-93 Skyway Ave Toronto ON M9W 6N6 T: 416-679-8914  F: 416-679-8915 rsingh@tharris.ca | www.tharris.ca Contact: Raj Singh TANK CONNECTION 3609 N 16th St Parsons KS 67357 T: 620-423-3010  F: 620-423-3999 sales@tankconnection.com Contact: Bransie Qualls TANKTEK ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 960 Concession 3 Rd Pickering ON L1X 2R4 T: 905-839-4400  F: 905-839-6600 tomburt@tanktek.com | www.tanktek.com Contact: Thomas Burt

STANMECH TECHNOLOGIES INC. 944 Zelco Dr Burlington ON L7L 4Y3 T: 905-631-6161  F: 905-631-1852 info@stanmech.com www.stanmech.com STERLING POWER SYSTEMS INC. 799 Rennie St Hamilton ON L8H 3R5 T: 1-800-809-0330  F: 905-547-2381 phil@sterlingpowersystems.com www.sterlingpowersystems.com Contact: Phil Davis

SOLINST CANADA LTD. 35 Todd Rd Georgetown ON L7G 4R8 T: 905-873-2255  F: 905-873-1992 chris.batt@solinst.com | www.solinst.com Contact: Chris Batt


SPD SALES LIMITED 3230B American Dr Mississauga ON L4V 1B3 T: 905-678-2882 ext 257  F: 905-293-9774 sales@spdsales.com | www.spdsales.com Contact: Frank Farkas For over two decades, the SPD Sales Ltd. team has remained dedicated to the promotion, supply and support of instrumentation and chemical feed products for the process control market. Our highly trained and qualified personnel provide full technical application and product support to industries and municipalities, putting forward the highest quality products and instrumentation solutions for our clients. Chemical feed systems; disinfection systems; flow meters; level meters; metering pumps, analyzers, turbidity, ozone generators, odour control; field service.

SYNTEC PROCESS EQUIPMENT LTD. 12-77 Pillsworth Rd Bolton ON L7E 4G4 T: 905-951-8000  F: 905-951-8002 info@syntecpe.com | www.syntecpe.com Contact: Roger Sinclair, President Syntec is a manufacturers’ representative in both municipal and industrial sectors. The combined expertise of Syntec and our manufacturing partners enables Syntec to provide solutions in all aspects of valving, controls and instruments. We provide competitively priced, quality products in an ethical and professional manner and deliver excellent service to our clients, from a knowledgeable, caring staff.

SUEZ 8007 Discovery Dr Richmond VA 23229 T: 804-756-7600  F: 804-756-7643 sales.usa@suez-na.com | www.suez-na.com SULZER PUMPS (CANADA) INC. 2-1401 Meyerside Dr Mississauga ON L5T 1G8 T: 905-670-4677  F: 416-881-1572 landy.lu@sulzer.com Contact: Landy Lu SYRINIX INC. 548 Market St #50208 San Francisco CA 94104-5401 T: 905-973-6117 cliff.jones@syrinix.com | www.syrinix.com Contact: Cliff Jones

TEAM-1 ACADEMY INC. 760 Pacific Rd #19 Oakville ON L6L 6M5 T: 905-827-0007 ext 122  F: 905-827-0049 brian@team1academy.com www.team1academy.com Contact: Brian Kovalcik Get trained by the experts. TEAM-1 Academy Inc. is an industry leader for the last 20 years, providing our services to renewable energy, Fortune 500 companies, industry, construction, health care, utilities, fire services, police, EMS, military, government and numerous others. TEKLEEN AUTOMATIC FILTERS, INC. 2672 South La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034 T: 310-839-2828  F: 310-839-6878 diana@tekleen.com www.tekleen.com TELDER ENGINEERING LTD. PO Box 1515 Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 T: 604-740-6128 btelder@telus.net www.telderengineering.com Contact: Bert Telder

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February 2019  |  91


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES 3020 Gore Rd London ON N5V 4T7 T: 519-457-3400 info@trojanuv.com Contact: Tania Testa

TERRAPURE ENVIRONMENTAL 1100 Burloak Dr Ste 500 Burlington ON L7L 6B2 T: 905-315-6300 info@terrapureenv.com | www.terrapureenv.com Contact: General Inquiries Terrapure is a leading, vertically integrated provider of essential environmental and industrial services in Canada for industrial, commercial and institutional end markets, including the manufacturing, mining, construction, refining and petrochemical, waste management and remediation, institutional, transportation, pulp and paper, utilities and oil and gas sectors. Headquartered in Burlington, Ontario, we employ over 2,100 people and operate an integrated network of over 70 locations, coast to coast. THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES 1900-5 Concourse Pkwy Atlanta GA 30328 Contact: Neil G. Goodman THE SWAMP SCHOOL 621 Starburst Lane Raleigh NC 27603 T: 1-988-479-2673 support@swampschool.org www.swampschool.org Contact: Marc Seelinger THOMAS NUTRIENT SOLUTIONS 70 Beach Rd Hamilton ON L8L 8K3 T: 877-479-1388 sgruber@thomassolutions.ca www.thomassolutions.ca Contact: Steve Gruber THOMPSON PUMP & MANUFACTURING CO., INC. 4620 City Center Dr Port Orange FL 32129 USA www.thompsonpump.com TITAN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAINMENT LTD. 777 Quest Blvd Ile des Chenes MB R0A 0T1 T: 1-866-327-1957 info@titanenviro.com | www.titanenviro.com Contact: Juice Lambert, VP Sales TRANS ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS INC. 1363 Wimbledon Way Charlottesville VA 22901 T: 434-975-2872  F: 434-975-2872 rambishop1@gmail.com Contact: Merrill Bishop TRI-PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 446 Hazelhurst Rd Mississauga ON L5J 2Z7 T: 905-823-7965  F: 905-823-7932 catrache@triphasegroup.com www.triphasegroup.com Contact: Camille Atrache TRIANGLE FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 399 College St E Belleville ON K8N 5S7 T: 613-968-1100  F: 613-968-1033 info@trianglefluid.com Contact: Mike Shorts TRIDENT PROCESSES INC. 101-2238 Queen St Abbotsford BC V2T 0B7 T: 604-330-2500 frank.engel@tridentprocesses.com www.tridentprocesses.com Contact: Frank Engel

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TROY-ONTOR INC. 121 Commerce Park Dr Units H – K Barrie ON L4N 8X1 T: 705-721-8246  F: 705-721-5851 martin.doyle@troy-ontor.ca www.troy-ontor.ca Contact: Martin Doyle TSI INCORPORATED 500 Cardigan Rd Shoreview MN 55126 T: 651-765-5203 kate.franssenhansen@tsi.com | www.tsi.com Contact: Kate Franssen-Hansen TULSAR CANADA LTD. 15 Worthington Dr Brantford ON N3T 5M1 T: 519-748-5055  F: 519-752-5077 tulsar@tulsar.com | www.tulsar.com Contact: Sherif Youssef UNIQAIR TECHNOLOGIES 2758 Eagle Mountain Dr Abbotsford BC V3G 0C4 T: 604-854-5628 www.uniqair.com UNITED MANUFACTURING INTERNATIONAL 2000 820 Kimball Rd Ste 1002 Red Bluff CA 96080-4586 T: 530-528-1361  F: 530-528-1361 activecarbon@jps.net | www.umi20001.tripod.com Contact: Laurence D'Alberti

UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2386 East Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3 T: 604-827-4136 apscpp@apsc.ubc.ca www.apscpp.ubc.ca/programs/mel/ Choose both. Expand your technical knowledge and business skills in just 12 months. The UBC Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) degree is for practicing professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage. With its unique combination of graduate-level UBC Faculty of Applied Science courses and UBC Sauder School of Business courses, this hybrid professional master’s degree will give you the skills and confidence to take your career in new directions. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 T: 519-888-4567 employerevents@uwaterloo.ca Contact: Eleanor Doe UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON 432 N Lake St Madison WI 53706 T: 800-462-0876  F: 608-263-3160 custserv@epd.wisc.edu Contact: Philip O’Leary

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UPONOR INFRA LTD. 6507 Mississauga Rd Mississauga ON L5N 1A6 T: 905-858-0206  F: 905-858-0208 grant.thornley@uponor.com www.infra.uponor.ca Contact: Grant Thornley

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH, MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 1265 Military Trail Toronto ON M1C 1A4 T: 416-287-7357  F: 416-287-7204 menvsc@utsc.utoronto.ca www.utsc.utoronto.ca/gradpes/programs-menvsc-0 Contact: Julie Quenneville The Master of Environmental Science program is a 12-month course-based professional program that aims to educate practitioners of environmental science to meet the needs of industry, government and NGOs. Students spend the last 4 months in a work place internship or carrying out an environmentally related research project. Students specialize in either: Conservation and Biodiversity, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, or Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems. Parttime studies are also available.

USABLUEBOOK PO Box 9006 Gurnee IL 60031 T: 800-548-1234  F: 847-377-5160 export@usabluebook.com www.usabluebook.com Contact: Dan Mantilla, International Sales Manager USABlueBook is the water and wastewater industry's primary source for equipment and supplies. With over 64,000 products available, it's easy to see why thousands of industrial, private and municipal operations rely on USABlueBook each year. Call 1-800-548-1234 Monday through Friday, 6 am to 7 pm CST, to speak with a live customer service representative who can answer your questions, place your order, quote pricing or track your shipment. Request your FREE 1,760-page catalog today! USF FABRICATION 3200 West 84th St Hialeah FL 33018 www.usffab.com/usffab VAL-MATIC VALVE & MFG. CORP. 905 South Riverside Dr Elmhurst IL 60126 T: 630-993-4056 ajk@valmatic.com | www.valmatic.com Contact: Alissa Kantola VANTON PUMP AND EQUIPMENT CORP 201 Sweetland Ave Hillside NJ 07205-1793 USA www.vanton.com VAUGHAN CO INC 364 Monte-Elma Rd Montesano WA 98563 USA www.chopperpumps.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



WASTE 'N WATERTECH LTD. #309 11979 40th St SE Calgary AB T2Z 4M3 T: 403-252-9056  F: 403-252-2538 dominic@watertech.ca | www.watertech.ca Contact: Dominic Janssen VECTOR PROCESS EQUIPMENT INC. 13-5160 Explorer Dr Mississauga ON L4W 4T7 T: 416-527-4396, 647-519-5225, 902-719-8245 info@vectorprocess.com www.vectorprocess.com Contact: André Osborne, Cynthia Nwabuokei, Raymond Pecoskie Gates, strainers, pumps, screens, rotary belt filters, screw conveyors, compactors, grit collectors, clarifier & thickener mechanisms, chain & flight collectors, tube settlers, DAFs, fine bubble diffusers, surface aerator & mixers, SBRs, MBBRs, MBRs, lagoon aeration, SAGR® cold water nitrification beds, sand filters, disk filters, biological filtration, UF & RO systems, blowers, air control valves, UV disinfection, digester covers & mixers, biogas safety equipment, waste gas burners, heat exchangers, centrifuges, presses, dryers, geodesic domes, bolted steel tanks, plastic tanks, TwinOxide® disinfection, odour control.

VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA INC. 4105 Sartelon Saint Laurent QC H4S 2B3 T: 905-286-4846 / 514-334-7230 salescanada@veolia.com www.veoliawatertech.com Contact: Nadine Mourad, Marketing & Communication Team Leader Veolia Water Technologies Canada has helped Canadian municipalities and industries solve water, wastewater and sludge treatment challenges since 1948. We design, manufacture and service over 350 proprietary technologies, offering solutions ranging from mobile and urgent temporary plants, to treatment equipment, to integrated systems delivered under a wide range of procurement methods, including Design Build. By delivering solutions that minimize resource consumption and maximize resource recovery we help customers achieve their sustainability targets.

VFOLD INC. 2-15700 Robins Hill Rd London ON N5V 0A4 T: 877-818-3653  F: 519-659-6941 sales@vfoldinc.com | www.vfoldinc.com Contact: Mark Thomas Manufacturer of sludge dewatering systems for industrial & municipal. Specializing in small – mid sized applications with equipment built for simplicity, low maintenance & cost-effectiveness. Dewatering systems capable of handling sludge produced from: Clarifier underflow, DAF float, biological treatment, MBRs, lagoons. Manufacturer of VFold folding belt press; rotating drum thickener; polymer make-down systems.


VICTAULIC 123 Newkirk Rd Richmond Hill ON L4C 3G5 T: 905-884-7444 www.victaulic.com Contact: Rhys Jardine Since 1919, Victaulic’s pipe joining and flow control solutions have optimized construction productivity and reduced risk, ensuring projects are completed safely, on time and within budget. Driven by a spirit of continuous innovation, Victaulic’s portfolio of 100,000+ products and patented technologies promote freedom of design, as well as simplified inspection and maintenance for the life of any system. Learn more at www.victaulic.com. VEGA AMERICAS INC. 1235 Fairview St Burlington ON L7S 2K9 T: 416-238-1235 b.dyer@vega.com Contact: Bill Dyer VIQUA 425 Clair Rd West Guelph ON N1L 1R1 T: 519-763-1032 info@viqua.com | www.viqua.com Contact: Josh Richardson

VISSERS SALES CORP. 20 – 220 Industrial Pkwy S Aurora ON L4G 3V6 T: 905-841-4073  F: 905-841-4018 greg@vissers.on.ca | www.visserssales.com Contact: Greg Vissers Vissers Sales Corp. serves a wide variety of industrial, municipal, power, oil & gas, and OEM customers. Focusing on liquid handling applications, our process specialists have years of experience in assisting our customers in making: – Manufacturing processes operate more efficiently. – Drinking water safe. – Wastewater safe for discharge. – Boilers and cooling towers scale-free. – Buildings more energy efficient. – Buildings more water efficient. – Commercial swimming pools clean and crystal clear. VL MOTION SYSTEMS INC. 212 Wyecroft Rd Oakville ON L6K 3S3 T: 905-842-0244  F: 905-845-3009 jcarney@vlmotion.com | www.vlmotion.com Contact: John Carney WALKER ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 2800 Thorold Townline Rd Niagara Falls ON L2E 6S4 T: 905-227-4142  F: 905-680-1916 contactweg@walkerind.com www.walkerind.com WALKERTON CLEAN WATER CENTRE 20 Ontario Rd Box 160 Walkerton ON N0G 2V0 T: 866-515-0550 inquiry@wcwc.ca | www.wcwc.ca WARREN'S WATERLESS PRINTING INC. 711 Clayson Rd Toronto ON M9M 2H4 www.warrenswaterless.com Contact: Glenn Laycock

WASTECORP PUMPS INC. 50 Shorncliffe Rd Toronto ON M8Z 5K1 T: 888-829-2783  F: 888-883-3320 info@wastecorp.com | www.wastecorp.com Contact: Sales/Engineering Wastecorp Pumps, an ISO 9001/14001:2015 certified company, is known worldwide for manufacturing heavy duty, high performance fluid process pumps in the areas of municipal, industrial, construction, chemical, food process, mining, oil and gas, refineries, environmental remediation and marine industries. Wastecorp's fluid process product line includes: Plunger, diaphragm, self-priming centrifugal, dry prime centrifugal, double disc and vacuum pumps. Power sources: Electric, engine, hydraulic, pneumatic mounting: Mobile & stationary.

WATERLOO BARRIER INC. PO Box 385 Rockwood ON N0B 2K0 T: 519-856-1352 robin@waterloo-barrier.com www.waterloo-barrier.com Contact: Robin Jowett Waterloo Barrier® is a containment wall for the control of contaminated groundwater or soil gases. The Barrier can also be used as a structural wall for construction dewatering or the excavation of contaminated soils. Formed of steel sheet piling with specially designed sealable joints, the Barrier offers a long service life, exceptionally low hydraulic conductivity, and documentable construction quality assurance/ control. Installation is clean and rapid with minimal site disturbance. Interlocking joints are sealed in place, in the ground. WATERLOO BIOFILTER SYSTEMS INC. PO Box 400 Rockwood ON N0B 2K0 T: 519-856-0757  F: 519-856-0759 info@waterloo-biofilter.com www.waterloo-biofilter.com WATERMARK SOLUTIONS LTD. PO Box 304 Station Main Alliston ON L9R 1V6 T: 519-217-3439 colin.powell@watermark.ca | www.watermark.ca Contact: Colin Powell WATERTAP 20 Adelaide St E 13th Fl Toronto ON M5C 2T6 T: 416-593-0303 www.watertapontario.com WATSON MARLOW CANADA INC. 383 Applewood Cres Concord ON L4K 4J3 www.wmpg.com

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February 2019  |  93



WATERRA PUMPS LIMITED 17-5200 Dixie Rd Mississauga ON L4W 1E4 T: 905-238-5242  F: 905-238-5704 sales@waterra.com | www.waterra.com Contact: John Newall Waterra has been providing simple and affordable technology for environmental groundwater monitoring applications around the world for over 30 years. We are the leading manufacturer of groundwater filters, and our product line includes the ubiquitous inertial pump, our own line of water level and interface meters, and a broad range of groundwater sampling devices including disposable bailers, submersible pumps and of course HDPE & LDPE tubing in a broad range of sizes. WAY COOL PRODUCT CO. LLC 4305 Luna Course Liverpool NY 13090 T: 315-569-9974 rsettembre@gmail.com Contact: Rich Settembre WEIR CANADA 2360 Millrace Ct Mississauga ON L5N 1W2 T: 905-813-8190  F: 905-813-8170 Contact: Tom Scott

WESCOR WASTEWATER & ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 2-15700 Robins Hill Rd London ON N5V 0A4 T: 866-952-6523, 519-659-6523  F: 519-659-6941 info@wes-cor.ca | www.wes-cor.ca Supplier of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment systems. Manufacturing innovative technologies to achieve compliance. All systems are designed for ease of operation, maintenance and durability, including: Industrial pre-treatment systems – continuous and batch, sludge dewatering equipment, clarifiers, dissolved air flotation, indexing filters, multimedia filters, customized chemical treatment programs. WESSUC INC. 1693 Colborne St E Brantford ON N3T 5L4 info@wessuc.com | www.wessuc.com WESTECH ENGINEERING INC. 3665 S West Temple Salt Lake City UT 84115 T: 801-265-1000 www.westech-inc.com WILDCAT WATER TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 2933-26 Ave SE Suite 411 Calgary AB T2B 0N5 T: 403-774-1396  F: 888-317-4640 jean.navert@wildcatwater.com Contact: Jean Navert

WESTECH INDUSTRIAL LTD. 4-1080 Clay Ave Burlington ON L7L 0A1 T: 905-812-3993  F: 905-812-3995 frank.szukits@westech-ind.com www.westech-ind.com Contact: Frank Szukits, Technical Sales Varec digester/landfill gas flame arresters, relief valves, enclosed burners, regulators, sediment/ drip traps, manholes, hatches. Westech emissions monitoring, gas detection & instrumentation equipment. WISE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS INC. 1115 Cathcart Blvd Sarnia ON N7S 2H4 T: 519-542-667  F: 866-277-3162 amanda@wiseenv.com | www.wiseenv.com Contact: Amanda Hubbard WOLSELEY CANADA INC. 210 Rexdale Blvd Rexdale ON M9W 1R2 T: 416-550-3675 linda.cooke-weaver@wolseleyinc.ca www.wolseleyinc.ca Contact: Linda Cooke-Weaver

XYPEX CHEMICAL CORPORATION 13731 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 T: 604-273-5265  F: 604-270-0451 enquiry@xypex.com | www.xypex.com Contact: Les Faure, Advertising & Promotion Director Xypex manufactures a range of concrete waterproofing and protection products used in the construction and restoration of water and sewage treatment plants, tunnels, manholes, and marine structures. Product line includes our crystalline waterproofing coatings and admixture as well as our Bio-San C500 antimicrobial additive and Megamix II repair material with Bio-San for the protection of concrete against microbial induced corrosion (MIC) in sanitary sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants. YORK FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 2 Westwyn Ct Brampton ON L6T 4T5 T: 905-454-4013.  F: 905-454-8423 Contact: M. Knapman, President/GM

WORLD WATER OPERATOR TRAINING COMPANY INC. (WWOTC) 202-1214 Ottawa St Windsor ON N8X 2E6 T: 866-622-6535  F: 519-974-9603 info@wwotc.ca | www.wwotc.com Contact: Simone Chisholm

WTP EQUIPMENT CORP. 83 Nuggett Ct Brampton ON L6T 5A9 T: 905-799-3403  F: 905-799-6638 sales@wtpcorp.com | www.wtpcorp.com Contact: Ken Argyle, Engineering Manager Canadian manufacturer of wastewater headworks equipment, including: mechanical bar screens, heavy duty deep well bar screens, continuously cleaned fine (to 1 mm) filter belt and perforated plate screens, conveyor screens, septage screens, screenings presses, screw conveyors, aerated tank and vortex chamber grit collectors and grit classifiers. Customer service is provided from our Brampton, Ontario, facility. XYLEM 300 Labrosse Ave Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4V5 T: 514-428-4875 bridgett.rousselle@xyleminc.com www.xylemwatersolutions.com Contact: Bridgett Rousselle

WILO CANADA INC. Bay 8 925-30th St NE Calgary AB T2A 5L7 T: 403-276-9456  F: 403-277-9456 info@wilo-canada.com Contact: Steffen Werner

94  |  February 2019

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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



ES&E’S GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES See ‘Suppliers’ Section (pg. 83) for address, etc., of any company listed in this section Access Hatches ACG - Envirocan BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Can-Am Instruments Corix Crane Pumps & Systems Engineered Pump Systems ENV Treatment Systems Filamat Composites Geomembrane Technologies Halliday Products MSU Mississauga Pro Aqua USF Fabrication Westech Industrial Wolseley Canada Activated Carbon Adsorbents Anthrafilter Media & Coal Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC BI Pure Water BioAir Solutions BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions Citto Corporation Continental Carbon Group E.R.E. ENV Treatment Systems Jacobi Carbons Jurassic Activated Carbon United Manufacturing Int. 2000 Veolia Water Technologies WESCOR Actuators ABB Alltork Actuation Avensys Solutions Cancoppas CB Automation Chemline Plastics Davis Controls DeZURIK/APCO/Hilton Festo Halogen Valve Systems Orbinox Rotator Products Troy-Ontor Wolseley Canada Adsorbents/Absorbents Absorbents Online Albarrie GeoComposites BioAir Solutions Canature WaterGroup Continental Carbon Group CTP America Drain-All E.R.E. EHS Canada ENV Treatment Systems Enviro Hazmat Golden Environmental Services Minotaur Stormwater Services Rotator Products Safe Drain Aeration Systems ACG - Envirocan Aeration Industries Int. Aerzen Canada Alfa Laval Aqua Technical Sales Aquafy Water Technologies AWT Technologies BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Canadianpond.ca Products Corix


Directrik ELMRIDGE Engineering ENV Treatment Systems Filamat Composites Fluidyne Corporation H2Flow Equipment Hydro-Logic Environmental KSB Pumps LimeGREEN Equipment Medora Corporation Metcon Sales & Engineering Napier-Reid Nexom Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Sulzer Pumps (Canada) USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Waste 'n WaterTech Way Cool Product Co. WesTech Engineering Aerobic Digestion ACG - Envirocan ADI Systems Aeration Industries Int. Aerzen Canada BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies CEMATRIX (Canada) ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation Greatario H2Flow Equipment KSB Pumps Layfield Group Lystek Int. Napier-Reid Ovivo USA Pro Aqua SHAC Environmental Products Air Emissions Testing Avensys Solutions BioAir Solutions BIOREM Technologies Cancoppas ENV Treatment Systems Gasmet Technologies MIP Cemtrex Norditech Pty. Pacwill Environmental T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. Air Filters BioAir Solutions CompreVac Davis Controls ENV Treatment Systems Jurassic Activated Carbon Pencon Equipment Company R.E. Morrison Equipment Rittal Systems WESCOR Air Pollution Control Equipment Anguil Environmental Systems Aquafy Water Technologies Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC BioAir Solutions BIOREM Technologies Can-Am Instruments Continental Carbon Group CTP America Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Fabricated Plastics FCI - Fluid Components Int. Gasmet Technologies

Geomembrane Technologies Indachem Kusters Water MIP Cemtrex Nett Technologies Norditech Pty. Scentroid Triangle Fluid Controls Uniqair Technologies United Manufacturing Int. 2000 Veolia Water Technologies Westech Industrial Air Strippers Anguil Environmental Systems Avensys Solutions ENV Treatment Systems Industrial Waste Control JNE Environmental Metcon Sales & Engineering SCG Industries Anaerobic Digesters ADI Systems Aerzen Canada Aqua Technical Sales Atlas Dewatering Corporation BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Capital H2O Systems Claro ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation H2Flow Tanks & Systems KSB Pumps Lystek Int. New Leaf Biologics Ovivo USA Pro Aqua SHAC Environmental Products Smith & Loveless SUEZ Tank Connection Vector Process Equipment Veolia Water Technologies WesTech Engineering Analytical Equipment ABB ACI Instrumentation Arizona Instrument Avensys Solutions Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix Cameron Instruments Can-Am Instruments Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Enviro-Analytical Geneq Hoskin Scientific KISTERS North America MANTECH Markland Specialty Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering MIP Cemtrex Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Sheridan Electric Services SPD Sales USABluebook Veolia Water Technologies Westech Industrial Analyzers ABB AMETEK MOCON - Baseline Aquafy Water Technologies Arizona Instrument Avensys Solutions Bestobell Aquatronix

BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Capital H2O Systems Concept Controls Davis Controls Elemental Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Enviro-Analytical Gasmet Technologies Hoskin Scientific Indachem KGO Group MANTECH Markland Specialty Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering MIP Cemtrex Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Prominent Fluid Controls Real Tech SPD Sales USABluebook Veolia Water Technologies Westech Industrial Aquifers Atlas Dewatering Corporation CEMATRIX (Canada) Insitu Contractors Arsenic Removal ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aqua Technical Sales BI Pure Water BQE Water C&M Environmental Technologies Canature WaterGroup Continental Carbon Group Drain-All H2Flow Equipment Indachem Metcon Sales & Engineering SUEZ Veolia Water Technologies Asbestos Removal Drain-All EHS Canada Healthy Environmental QM Environmental T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. TankTek Environmental Services Backflow Prevention Aquanox Water Control Products Cameron Instruments Chemline Plastics Corix Drain-All Grande Water Management Ipex Mueller Water Products Veolia Water Technologies Wolseley Canada Bacteria Avensys Solutions Bishop Water Technologies Canadianpond.ca Products Echelon Environmental Golden Environmental Services HydroFLOW Canada Int. Water Supply LUMINOR Environmental New Leaf Biologics SHAC Environmental Products Simpson Environmental USABluebook

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Biodegradable Products BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Golden Environmental Services Mac & Co Environmental Solutions New Leaf Biologics Rotator Products SciCorp Int. Corp. Biofilters ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales Aquafy Water Technologies BioAir Solutions BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BIOREM Technologies BowRio Water Technologies CEMATRIX (Canada) Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment Imbrium Systems Pro Aqua Simpson Environmental USABluebook Veolia Water Technologies Waste 'n WaterTech Waterloo Biofilter Systems Biological Treatment Processes ADI Systems Aeration Industries Int. Alfa Laval Aqua Technical Sales Aquafy Water Technologies AWT Technologies BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BIOREM Technologies Bishop Water Technologies BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies ECOfluid Systems ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation H2Flow Equipment KSB Pumps Kusters Water Layfield Group Lystek Int. Mac & Co Environmental Solutions MS Filter Systems New Leaf Biologics Nexom Ovivo USA Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua SciCorp Int. Corp. SHAC Environmental Products Smith & Loveless SUEZ Vector Process Equipment Veolia Water Technologies Waste 'n WaterTech Waterloo Biofilter Systems WesTech Engineering Bioreactor ADI Systems Aerzen Canada AWT Technologies BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Bishop Water Technologies BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies CEMATRIX (Canada) ENV Treatment Systems Greatario KSB Pumps Lystek Int. Metcon Sales & Engineering

continued overleaf... February 2019  |  95



Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Veolia Water Technologies Bioremediation Aerzen Canada BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Delta Remediation E.R.E. Focus Environmental Group Golden Environmental Services KGS Environmental Group Lystek Int. Mac & Co Environmental Solutions New Leaf Biologics SHAC Environmental Products Smith & Loveless Solinst Canada TankTek Environmental Services Terrapure Environmental Biosolids Management Aquafy Water Technologies Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC Bioform Sewage Mining BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BIOREM Technologies Bishop Water Technologies DWG Process Supply ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation GeoEnvironment Technologies Golden Environmental Services H2Flow Tanks & Systems Hydro Int. Kusters Water Lambourne Environmental Layfield Group Lystek Int. Markland Specialty Engineering MetaFLO Technologies Metcon Sales & Engineering Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Sco-Terra Operations Group SHAC Environmental Products Simpson Environmental Thomas Nutrient Solutions Trident Processes Veolia Water Technologies Walker Environmental Group Waste 'n WaterTech Wessuc

Con Cast Pipe DECAST ENV Treatment Systems Enviro Hazmat Imbrium Systems Ipex Lafarge M Con Pipe & Products Safe Drain Veolia Water Technologies Centrifuges ACG - Envirocan Alfa Laval Atlas Copco Compressors Canada BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions ENV Treatment Systems Flottweg Separation Technology Hoskin Scientific Indachem Metcon Sales & Engineering NCS Fluid Handling Systems Sentrimax Centrifuges USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Waste 'n WaterTech Chemical Mixers Aquafy Water Technologies ASL Roteq Directrik Echelon Environmental ELMRIDGE Engineering Hayward Gordon ULC Indachem JNE Environmental KGO Group KSB Pumps Metcon Sales & Engineering SPD Sales Vissers Sales Corp. WESCOR

Blowers Aerzen Canada Atlas Copco Compressors Canada BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies Canadian Safety Equipment CompreVac Directrik ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment Hydro-Logic Environmental Metcon Sales & Engineering Pencon Equipment Company Pro Aqua R.E. Morrison Equipment SCG Industries STANMECH Technologies Sulzer Pumps (Canada) USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Waste 'n WaterTech

Chemicals Aclarus Ozone Water Systems BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Bishop Water Technologies Brook One Corporation Citto Corporation DWG Process Supply Industrial Waste Control JNE Environmental Kemira KSB Pumps MetaFLO Technologies Sierra Sales PEtanks SNF Canada Trojan Technologies USABluebook Veolia Water Technologies VFold WESCOR

Borehole Clearing Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Heron Instruments Int. Water Supply

Chlorination Systems Aquafy Water Technologies Blue-White Industries C&M Environmental Technologies Cancoppas Capital H2O Systems Chemline Plastics ENV Treatment Systems Fluid Metering Grundfos Canada KGO Group Medora Corporation Metcon Sales & Engineering SPD Sales USABluebook Vissers Sales Corp.

Catch Basin Components ACO Systems Aquablast Corp. Canadian Infrastructure Products CB Automation CB Shield

Clarifiers ACG - Envirocan ACI Instrumentation Aqua Technical Sales Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation

96  |  February 2019

BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Capital H2O Systems Greatario H2Flow Equipment JNE Environmental Kusters Water Markland Specialty Engineering Napier-Reid Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless SUEZ Vector Process Equipment Veolia Water Technologies WESCOR Wessuc WesTech Engineering Clearwell Equipment Aquanox Water Control Products H2Flow Tanks & Systems Coagulation Systems BowRio Water Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems JNE Environmental KSB Pumps Metcon Sales & Engineering Napier-Reid Simpson Environmental Trident Processes Veolia Water Technologies WESCOR Coatings Aquablast Corp. Belzona Great Lakes Holdings CEMATRIX (Canada) Denso North America Interprovincial Corrosion Control Madok Manufacturing Sherwin-Williams Source One Environmental / Fernco Specialty Products Xypex Chemical Corporation Collectors Atlas Dewatering Corporation BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies CTP America ENV Treatment Systems KSB Pumps Kusters Water Pro Aqua Combined Sewer Overflow Equipment ADS Environmental Technologies Atlas Dewatering Corporation BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Can-Am Instruments Crane Pumps & Systems Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Flowmetrix Technical Services Grande Water Management Huber Technology Hydro Int. Ipex KSB Pumps Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless SPD Sales StormTrap SUEZ Uponor Infra Veolia Water Technologies Waste 'n WaterTech WesTech Engineering Comminutors/Grinders Directrik G.E.T. Industries Grundfos Canada

H2Flow Equipment JWC Environmental Napier-Reid Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless USABluebook Communications Can-Am Instruments Canadian Safety Equipment Cancoppas KISTERS North America Master Meter Canada Monitario Technical Services Norditech Pty. SPD Sales Compressed Gases Concept Controls KSB Pumps SPD Sales Compressors Aerzen Canada Atlas Copco Compressors Canada Canadian Safety Equipment Claro CompreVac Directrik Pencon Equipment Company R.E. Morrison Equipment Sheridan Electric Services USABluebook Computers & Control Systems Cancoppas CB Automation JNE Environmental KISTERS North America Norditech Pty. Sensaphone USABluebook Confined Space Entry Canadian Safety Equipment QM Environmental Terrapure Environmental Containment Walls Albarrie GeoComposites CEMATRIX (Canada) DeWind One Pass Trenching Enviro Hazmat Kee Safety SEI Industries Sierra Sales PEtanks Waterloo Barrier Contracting Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation BIOREM Technologies Focus Environmental Group Golden Environmental Services Int. Water Supply KGS Environmental Group Sheridan Electric Services Sonic Soil Sampling Control Equipment ABB Aquafy Water Technologies Aquanox Water Control Products Avensys Solutions AWT Technologies Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas CB Automation Chemline Plastics Crane Pumps & Systems CTP America Custom Spring Corporation Davis Controls ENV Treatment Systems FCI - Fluid Components Int. Greyline Instruments Icon Process Controls IndustrialZone Kemira

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Markland Specialty Engineering Mueller Water Products Norditech Pty. Rotator Products SCG Industries Sensaphone Sheridan Electric Services Smith & Loveless SPD Sales Troy-Ontor USABluebook Veolia Water Technologies Weir Canada Westech Industrial Control Panels ASL Roteq Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas CB Automation Engineered Pump Systems JNE Environmental Metcon Sales & Engineering MIP Cemtrex Napier-Reid Norditech Pty. Rittal Systems Rotator Products SCG Industries Sheridan Electric Services Sterling Power Systems Telder Engineering Troy-Ontor Vissers Sales Corp. Cooling Towers/Condensers Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC HydroFLOW Canada Corrosion Prevention Belzona Great Lakes Holdings Chemline Plastics Denso North America Filamat Composites HydroFLOW Canada Icon Process Controls Interprovincial Corrosion Control Ipex Madok Manufacturing Sherwin-Williams TankTek Environmental Services Covers/Enclosures (Digester Etc.) ACG - Envirocan C&M Environmental Technologies Geomembrane Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems Ovivo USA Pro Aqua Rittal Systems Sheridan Electric Services Tank Connection Vector Process Equipment Westech Industrial Wolseley Canada Culverts Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation CB Shield CEMATRIX (Canada) Con Cast Pipe Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute DECAST M Con Pipe & Products Titan Environmental Containment Uponor Infra Wolseley Canada Custom Metal Fabricating JNE Environmental Kee Safety Monitario Technical Services MSU Mississauga

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Nett Technologies Troy-Ontor USF Fabrication WESCOR Custom Plastic Fabricating Chemline Plastics Fabricated Plastics Filamat Composites Ipex Sierra Sales PEtanks Wolseley Canada Data ACG - Envirocan Avensys Solutions Bell Flow Systems Cancoppas CB Automation e.RIS Endress+Hauser Canada ERIS Flowmetrix Technical Services Geneq Heron Instruments KISTERS North America Lakes Environmental Software Master Meter Canada Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Real Tech SCG Industries Sensaphone USABluebook Watermark Solutions Dechlorinators Blue-White Industries C&M Environmental Technologies Canature WaterGroup Metcon Sales & Engineering Prominent Fluid Controls USABluebook Decommissioning Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation CEMATRIX (Canada) Focus Environmental Group Int. Water Supply KGS Environmental Group KSB Pumps Sierra Sales PEtanks TankTek Environmental Services Degritters Aqua Technical Sales BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Directrik Fluidyne Corporation Huber Technology Hydro Int. Napier-Reid Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Vector Process Equipment Veolia Water Technologies Waste 'n WaterTech WTP Equipment Corp. Demineralizers Canature WaterGroup Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Demolition CEMATRIX (Canada) Focus Environmental Group KGS Environmental Group QM Environmental T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. TankTek Environmental Services Dewatering Services Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bioform Sewage Mining Bishop Water Technologies


Canadian Pump Solutions Capital H2O Systems DeWind One Pass Trenching Drain-All DWG Process Supply E.R.E. Golden Environmental Services Grundfos Canada Insitu Contractors JNE Environmental KONTEK Ecology Systems KSB Pumps Kusters Water Lambourne Environmental Layfield Group LimeGREEN Equipment Mersino Dewatering MetaFLO Technologies Minotaur Stormwater Services NCS Fluid Handling Systems SCG Industries Simpson Environmental Terrapure Environmental Trojan Technologies VFold WESCOR Wessuc Dialers Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Metcon Sales & Engineering RACO SPD Sales USABluebook Digesters ADI Systems Atlas Dewatering Corporation BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Greatario H2Flow Tanks & Systems KSB Pumps Napier-Reid Ovivo USA Pro Aqua SHAC Environmental Products Smith & Loveless SUEZ Tank Connection Veolia Water Technologies Wessuc WesTech Engineering Disinfection Equipment ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales Aquafy Water Technologies BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies DWG Process Supply ENV Treatment Systems Fluid Metering Force Flow Grundfos Canada H2Flow Equipment Indachem KGO Group LUMINOR Environmental Metcon Sales & Engineering MS Filter Systems Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls SanEcoTec Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless SPD Sales SUEZ Trojan Technologies USABluebook VIQUA Vissers Sales Corp.

Dissolved Air Flotation ACG - Envirocan Aeration Industries Int. Aqua Technical Sales BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Capital H2O Systems ELMRIDGE Engineering ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment H2Flow Tanks & Systems JNE Environmental KONTEK Ecology Systems Kusters Water Markland Specialty Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Napier-Reid Ovivo USA Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless SUEZ Trident Processes Vector Process Equipment Waste 'n WaterTech WESCOR WesTech Engineering Dredges/Dredging Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bishop Water Technologies Lambourne Environmental Markland Specialty Engineering Mersino Dewatering SHAC Environmental Products Terrapure Environmental Way Cool Product Co. Drilling Services Int. Water Supply Mersino Dewatering Rittal Systems Sonic Soil Sampling Drinking Water Treatment Equipment ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aqua Technical Sales Aquafy Water Technologies AWI (Anthratech Western) BI Pure Water BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions Canature WaterGroup Cancoppas Capital H2O Systems Chemline Plastics Continental Carbon Group DECAST DWG Process Supply Fluid Metering H2Flow Equipment Hydro Int. Indachem KSB Pumps Markland Specialty Engineering McCue Engineering Contractors Medora Corporation Membrane Specialists Metcon Sales & Engineering Napier-Reid Osprey Scientific Ovivo USA Principal Water Filtration Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls SanEcoTec Sco-Terra Operations Group Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless SPD Sales SUEZ Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Tekleen Automatic Filters Triangle Fluid Controls Trojan Technologies

Veolia Water Technologies VIQUA Vissers Sales Corp. WesTech Engineering Dust Collection Aquablast Corp. Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC Cancoppas E-Waste Anachem ltee/ltd Education American Public University Royal Roads University University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of Waterloo University of Wisconsin-Madison Educational Materials American Public University Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute ES&E Magazine TEAM-1 Academy The Swamp School Eductors Anthrafilter Media & Coal Atlas Dewatering Corporation ELMRIDGE Engineering Mersino Dewatering Metcon Sales & Engineering Pro Aqua University of British Columbia USABluebook Vissers Sales Corp. Ejectors Aqua Technical Sales ELMRIDGE Engineering Metcon Sales & Engineering Smith & Loveless Vissers Sales Corp. Electric Motors ASL Roteq Int. Water Supply Pencon Equipment Company Rotator Products SEW-Eurodrive Sheridan Electric Services Sterling Power Systems USABluebook Emergency Gas Shutoff Systems Aquafy Water Technologies DWG Process Supply ENV Treatment Systems Halogen Valve Systems Indachem Emergency Response Anachem ltee/ltd Aquablast Corp. Belzona Great Lakes Holdings Canadian Pump Solutions Drain-All EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat Golden Environmental Services KGS Environmental Group LimeGREEN Equipment Mersino Dewatering NCS Fluid Handling Systems QM Environmental SCG Industries SEI Industries TankTek Environmental Services Terrapure Environmental Wessuc Environmental Site Assessments & Remediation Albarrie GeoComposites Avensys Solutions Cambium Aboriginal Can-Am Instruments

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CB Shield DeWind One Pass Trenching Drain-All EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat ERIS Georisk Environmental Solutions Golden Environmental Services Healthy Environmental KGS Environmental Group S2S Environmental SHAC Environmental Products T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. TankTek Environmental Services Way Cool Product Co. Environmental Software Can-Am Instruments ERIS Hoskin Scientific KISTERS North America Lakes Environmental Software Norditech Pty. Erosion Control Products Atlas Dewatering Corporation Belzona Great Lakes Holdings Corix DWG Process Supply Golden Environmental Services Layfield Group Titan Environmental Containment Evaporators Aquablast Corp. Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC H2Flow Tanks & Systems KONTEK Ecology Systems Madok Manufacturing Expansion Joints Aquablast Corp. Belzona Great Lakes Holdings Devine & Associates Pencon Equipment Company Runnalls Industries Source One Environmental / Fernco Wolseley Canada Fall Protection Concept Controls Kee Safety TEAM-1 Academy USF Fabrication Fans CTP America Rittal Systems Rotator Products Sheridan Electric Services Feeders (Chemical) Aquafy Water Technologies Blue-White Industries Canature WaterGroup Cancoppas Capital H2O Systems Echelon Environmental Indachem JNE Environmental KGO Group KSB Pumps Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls SPD Sales USABluebook WESCOR Filter Equipment ACG - Envirocan Acme Engineering Products Aqua Technical Sales Atlas Dewatering Corporation AWI (Anthratech Western) Bioform Sewage Mining BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies

continued overleaf... February 2019  |  97



C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions Canature WaterGroup CompreVac Continental Carbon Group DWG Process Supply ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation Goslyn H2Flow Equipment Harmsco Filtration Products Hoskin Scientific Imbrium Systems KGO Group KONTEK Ecology Systems LimeGREEN Equipment MS Filter Systems Napier-Reid NCS Fluid Handling Systems Nova Filtration Technologies Orival Water Filters Ovivo USA Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua R.E. Morrison Equipment SCG Industries Smith & Loveless Tekleen Automatic Filters Trojan Technologies USABluebook WESCOR Filter Media/Maintenance Albarrie GeoComposites Anthrafilter Media & Coal Aquablast Corp. AWI (Anthratech Western) BI Pure Water BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BIOREM Technologies Canature WaterGroup Continental Carbon Group E.R.E. HydroFLOW Canada Imbrium Systems LimeGREEN Equipment SCG Industries StormTrap

Financial Services Great-West Life Flocculators/Mixers ASL Roteq C&M Environmental Technologies Directrik Echelon Environmental Geneq Hayward Gordon ULC Indachem JNE Environmental Napier-Reid Ovivo USA Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Trident Processes Vector Process Equipment Vissers Sales Corp. WESCOR

Filter Presses Alfa Laval Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Industrial Waste Control KONTEK Ecology Systems Pro Aqua WESCOR Filter Underdrains ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies Continental Carbon Group Goslyn Pro Aqua Safe Drain Filters ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Albarrie GeoComposites Alfa Laval Aqua Technical Sales Aquasmart Technologies Atlas Dewatering Corporation AWI (Anthratech Western) BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions Canature WaterGroup Citto Corporation CompreVac Continental Carbon Group E.R.E. Echelon Environmental Fluidyne Corporation Forterra Pipe H2Flow Tanks & Systems

98  |  February 2019

Harmsco Filtration Products Imbrium Systems Insitu Contractors Jurassic Activated Carbon LimeGREEN Equipment Membrane Specialists MS Filter Systems Napier-Reid NCS Fluid Handling Systems Nett Technologies Nexom Nova Filtration Technologies Orival Water Filters Ovivo USA Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua R.E. Morrison Equipment Rittal Systems Safe Drain SCG Industries Sealogic Innovations Corp. Tekleen Automatic Filters Trojan Technologies USABluebook Vector Process Equipment VIQUA Vissers Sales Corp. Waterra Pumps WESCOR WesTech Engineering

Flotation Systems ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems JNE Environmental Kusters Water Napier-Reid Pro Aqua WESCOR Flow Meter Calibration Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix Cameron Instruments Concept Controls FCI - Fluid Components Int. Flowmetrix Technical Services Monitario Technical Services NCS Fluid Handling Systems SPD Sales Flow Meters ABB ACG - Envirocan ACI Instrumentation ADS Environmental Technologies Atlas Dewatering Corporation Avensys Solutions Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Blue-White Industries Can-Am Instruments Canadian Pump Solutions

Cancoppas CB Automation Chemline Plastics Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada FCI - Fluid Components Int. Flowmetrix Technical Services Geneq Greyline Instruments Hoskin Scientific Hydrovision GmbH Insitu Contractors LimeGREEN Equipment Master Meter Canada Monitario Technical Services Mueller Water Products Neptune Technology Group Osprey Scientific SEI Industries USABluebook Vissers Sales Corp. Watermark Solutions Wolseley Canada

USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Wolseley Canada

Flumes Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas CB Automation Claro ENV Treatment Systems Flowmetrix Technical Services Geneq Monitario Technical Services SPD Sales USABluebook

Geotechnical Services Albarrie GeoComposites Avensys Solutions Cambium Aboriginal S2S Environmental Sonic Soil Sampling T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. Titan Environmental Containment

Flushing Equipment Birksco Mueller Water Products Tekleen Automatic Filters Gas Detection ACI Instrumentation Acme Engineering Products Arizona Instrument Avensys Solutions Bestobell Aquatronix Cameron Instruments Canadian Safety Equipment Cancoppas Concept Controls Davis Controls E.R.E. EHS Canada Enviro-Analytical Gasmet Technologies Geneq Hoskin Scientific MIP Cemtrex Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Scentroid SPD Sales T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. Westech Industrial Gases (Calibration) ACI Instrumentation Bestobell Aquatronix Cancoppas Concept Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Gates (Shear Sluice Etc.) Alfa Laval Aquanox Water Control Products Avensys Solutions B.N.W. Valve Manufacturing BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Devine & Associates Floval Equipment Halliday Products Orbinox Pro Aqua

Generators (Electrical) Atlas Dewatering Corporation eV FERN Sheridan Electric Services Geomembranes Albarrie GeoComposites Firestone Building Products Geomembrane Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems Layfield Group Titan Environmental Containment Geosynthetics Albarrie GeoComposites Bishop Water Technologies Corix Lambourne Environmental Layfield Group Titan Environmental Containment

Geotextiles Albarrie GeoComposites Corix Layfield Group Titan Environmental Containment Wessuc Grit Collection/Removal ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales Aquablast Corp. BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies CB Shield Claro Directrik Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation Forterra Pipe H2Flow Equipment Huber Technology Hydro Int. IPEC - JWC Environmental KSB Pumps Kusters Water Ovivo USA Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless StormTrap Waste 'n WaterTech Wessuc WesTech Engineering WTP Equipment Corp. Groundwater Modeling CB Automation Flomatic Valves KISTERS North America Groundwater Monitoring Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bell Flow Systems CB Automation Concept Controls Heron Instruments Hoskin Scientific Int. Water Supply Real Tech S2S Environmental Solinst Canada T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. TankTek Environmental Services Waterra Pumps

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Groundwater Remediation/ Equipment Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Albarrie GeoComposites Anguil Environmental Systems Atlas Dewatering Corporation Continental Carbon Group DeWind One Pass Trenching E.R.E. ELMRIDGE Engineering Golden Environmental Services H2Flow Tanks & Systems Harmsco Filtration Products Hoskin Scientific HydroFLOW Canada Insitu Contractors KGS Environmental Group KSB Pumps LimeGREEN Equipment McCue Engineering Contractors Osprey Scientific QM Environmental R.E. Morrison Equipment Safe Drain SCG Industries Sensaphone Sierra Sales PEtanks Solinst Canada TankTek Environmental Services Waterloo Barrier WesTech Engineering Hazardous Waste Absorbents Online Anachem ltee/ltd Aquablast Corp. BI Pure Water Clean Harbors Canada DQE Drain-All EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat Ivey Int. Layfield Group QM Environmental SEI Industries Sierra Sales PEtanks T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. Terrapure Environmental Heat Exchangers Anguil Environmental Systems Aquablast Corp. Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC Bestobell Aquatronix C&M Environmental Technologies Claro CTP America Directrik HydroFLOW Canada Madok Manufacturing Napier-Reid Pro Aqua Rittal Systems Vector Process Equipment Hoses Atlas Dewatering Corporation Canadian Safety Equipment CompreVac LimeGREEN Equipment Runnalls Industries Wolseley Canada Hydropneumatic Surge Hydro-Logic Environmental Incinerator Systems/Equipment Aqua Technical Sales Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC CTP America Norditech Pty. SUEZ Instrumentation ABB ACI Instrumentation Aquafy Water Technologies Arizona Instrument

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Avensys Solutions Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix Blue-White Industries Cameron Instruments Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas CB Automation Concept Controls Davis Controls E.R.E. Elemental Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Enviro-Analytical FCI - Fluid Components Int. Flowmetrix Technical Services Geneq Greyline Instruments Heron Instruments Icon Process Controls Int. Water Supply KGO Group Markland Specialty Engineering MIP Cemtrex Monitario Technical Services Mueller Water Products Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific RACO Real Tech Schonstedt Instrument Company Siemens Canada Solinst Canada SPD Sales TSI orporated Westech Industrial Ion Exchange Systems Anguil Environmental Systems BI Pure Water BQE Water C&M Environmental Technologies H2Flow Equipment Jacobi Carbons KONTEK Ecology Systems Napier-Reid Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless SUEZ United Manufacturing Int. 2000 Iron Removal Plants ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales C&M Environmental Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Iron Removal Systems ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western) BI Pure Water Canature WaterGroup H2Flow Equipment KONTEK Ecology Systems Pro Aqua Safe Drain Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless SUEZ World Water Operator Training Co. ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Flomatic Valves Good Harbour Laboratories Laboratories (Analytical) Cancoppas Endress+Hauser Canada Good Harbour Laboratories Industrial Waste Control MANTECH T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. USABluebook


World Water Operator Training Co. Laboratory Supplies Cancoppas E.R.E. Fluid Metering Geneq HANNA Instruments Canada Hoskin Scientific IDEXX Water MANTECH Osprey Scientific Sierra Sales PEtanks USABluebook Lagoons Aquablast Corp. Aquanox Water Control Products AWT Technologies Bishop Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies CEMATRIX (Canada) DWG Process Supply Geomembrane Technologies Golden Environmental Services Hydro-Logic Environmental HydroFLOW Canada Lambourne Environmental Layfield Group Markland Specialty Engineering MetaFLO Technologies Nexom SciCorp Int. Corp. SHAC Environmental Products Titan Environmental Containment Vector Process Equipment Wessuc World Water Operator Training Co. Landfill CEMATRIX (Canada) Clean Harbors Canada Layfield Group Norditech Pty. Scarborough Supply Sco-Terra Operations Group SHAC Environmental Products Sheridan Electric Services Terrapure Environmental Titan Environmental Containment Walker Environmental Group Leak Detection ACI Instrumentation Arizona Instrument Bell Flow Systems Cameron Instruments Can-Am Instruments Cancoppas Davis Controls FCI - Fluid Components Int. Flowmetrix Technical Services Ingu Solutions Ipex Master Meter Canada Mueller Water Products Norditech Pty. Rittal Systems Sensaphone USABluebook Watermark Solutions Level Controls ABB ACI Instrumentation ADS Environmental Technologies Aquatic Sentry Controls Avensys Solutions Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments CB Automation Chemline Plastics Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Engineered Pump Systems FCI - Fluid Components Int. Grande Water Management

Greyline Instruments Markland Specialty Engineering Mueller Water Products Rotator Products SmartCover Systems SPD Sales USABluebook Westech Industrial Xylem Lime Slakers Aquafy Water Technologies Capital H2O Systems DWG Process Supply Indachem Smith & Loveless Liners Belzona Great Lakes Holdings BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies CEMATRIX (Canada) Geomembrane Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems SEI Industries Titan Environmental Containment WISE Environmental Solutions Locators Cameron Instruments Interprovincial Corrosion Control Rotator Products Schonstedt Instrument Company Sonic Soil Sampling Watermark Solutions Lone Worker Monitors Canadian Safety Equipment Maintenance Holes Aquablast Corp. CEMATRIX (Canada) Con Cast Pipe DECAST Lafarge M Con Pipe & Products Manganese Removal Systems ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western) C&M Environmental Technologies Canature WaterGroup Continental Carbon Group H2Flow Equipment Napier-Reid Pro Aqua Simpson Environmental SUEZ World Water Operator Training Co. Material Handling ACG - Envirocan Aerzen Canada Claro DWG Process Supply Rotator Products Trantec Solids Handling Wessuc WTP Equipment Corp. Measurement Systems Avensys Solutions Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix CB Automation Endress+Hauser Canada FCI - Fluid Components Int. Hoskin Scientific KISTERS North America Markland Specialty Engineering MIP Cemtrex Monitario Technical Services Scentroid Mechanical Transmission Equipment Rotator Products SEW-Eurodrive

Sterling Power Systems VL Motion Systems Membranes ACG - Envirocan ADI Systems Albarrie GeoComposites Alfa Laval Aqua Technical Sales Aquablast Corp. Belzona Great Lakes Holdings BI Pure Water BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies DWG Process Supply ECOfluid Systems H2Flow Equipment Huber Technology Imbrium Systems KONTEK Ecology Systems LG Water Solutions (LG Chem.) Membrane Specialists Nova Filtration Technologies Ovivo USA Pro Aqua Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Wildcat Water Technologies World Water Operator Training Co. Meter Testing Equipment Master Meter Canada Neptune Technology Group Meters (Equip.) ABB ADS Environmental Technologies Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments Chemline Plastics Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada FCI - Fluid Components Int. Geneq Greyline Instruments Hoskin Scientific Icon Process Controls KGO Group Markland Specialty Engineering Master Meter Canada Monitario Technical Services Mueller Water Products Neptune Technology Group Osprey Scientific Real Tech SEI Industries Sheridan Electric Services Watermark Solutions Waterra Pumps Westech Industrial Wolseley Canada Meters (Service & Installation) ADS Environmental Technologies Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments Endress+Hauser Canada Flowmetrix Technical Services Master Meter Canada Neptune Technology Group Sheridan Electric Services Watermark Solutions World Water Operator Training Co. Mixers/Agitators ACG - Envirocan Aeration Industries Int. Aquablast Corp. ASL Roteq BowRio Water Technologies Capital H2O Systems Claro Directrik ELMRIDGE Engineering Engineered Pump Systems Fluidyne Corporation

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Greatario H2Flow Tanks & Systems Hayward Gordon ULC Hoskin Scientific Hydro-Logic Environmental Medora Corporation Ovivo USA Pro Aqua Revolmix Processing Sulzer Pumps (Canada) USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Vissers Sales Corp. WESCOR Xylem Monitoring Well Supplies Atlas Dewatering Corporation E.R.E. Heron Instruments Int. Water Supply Osprey Scientific Solinst Canada Waterra Pumps Monitors ABB Acme Engineering Products ADS Environmental Technologies Aquatic Sentry Controls Arizona Instrument Atlas Copco Compressors Canada Avensys Solutions Can-Am Instruments Chemline Plastics Davis Controls Flowmetrix Technical Services Markland Specialty Engineering MIP Cemtrex Monitario Technical Services Norditech Pty. Real Tech Sensaphone SmartCover Systems Sonic Soil Sampling Syrinix T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. USABluebook Xylem Mould Removal EHS Canada Golden Environmental Services Healthy Environmental Simpson Environmental T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. Noise Control Aerzen Canada CEMATRIX (Canada) Concept Controls Nett Technologies Occupational Health & Safety Products Avensys Solutions Canadian Safety Equipment Concept Controls DQE Enviro-Analytical MSU Mississauga TEAM-1 Academy Odour Control ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aeration Industries Int. Anguil Environmental Systems Aquafy Water Technologies Aquanox Water Control Products Arizona Instrument Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC BioAir Solutions BIOREM Technologies BowRio Water Technologies Capital H2O Systems Citto Corporation

continued overleaf... February 2019  |  99

PRODUCTS Continental Carbon Group CTP America Echelon Environmental Engineered Pump Systems ENV Treatment Systems Geomembrane Technologies Golden Environmental Services Greatario H2Flow Equipment Hydro-Logic Environmental Indachem Ipex Jurassic Activated Carbon Kemira Kusters Water Mac & Co Environmental Solutions Medora Corporation Scentroid SciCorp Int. Corp. SHAC Environmental Products Simpson Environmental Trojan Technologies Uniqair Technologies USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Waste 'n WaterTech Oil Clean-Up Equipment Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Boerger Can-Am Instruments Canadian Safety Equipment EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat KGS Environmental Group NCS Fluid Handling Systems Rotator Products Sierra Sales PEtanks Oil In Water Detectors Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments E.R.E. Endress+Hauser Canada Heron Instruments Imbrium Systems MIP Cemtrex Osprey Scientific Oil/Water Separators ACG - Envirocan ACO Systems Albarrie GeoComposites Alfa Laval Anguil Environmental Systems Bestobell Aquatronix BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Can-Am Instruments Canadian Infrastructure Products CB Shield CompreVac Con Cast Pipe E.R.E. Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Filamat Composites Forterra Pipe Good Harbour Laboratories Goslyn H2Flow Equipment H2Flow Tanks & Systems Imbrium Systems Indachem JNE Environmental KGS Environmental Group Lafarge M Con Pipe & Products Minotaur Stormwater Services Parkson Corporation Rotator Products Safe Drain SCG Industries Smith & Loveless StormTrap WESCOR WesTech Engineering

GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Ozonization Equipment ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems BowRio Water Technologies ELMRIDGE Engineering ENV Treatment Systems H2Flow Equipment KGO Group OZONATOR Industries Simpson Environmental SUEZ Xylem

Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls SEEPEX Sheridan Electric Services Sierra Sales PEtanks Smith & Loveless SUEZ Vissers Sales Corp. Waste 'n WaterTech WESCOR WesTech Engineering Wildcat Water Technologies

Package Effluent Control Systems Engineered Pump Systems KSB Pumps McCue Engineering Contractors NCS Fluid Handling Systems Smith & Loveless WESCOR

PCB Treatment/Storage KGS Environmental Group LimeGREEN Equipment

Package Sewage Lift Stations Aqua Technical Sales ASL Roteq Atlas Dewatering Corporation Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Gorman-Rupp Canada Grundfos Canada KSB Pumps Smith & Loveless Uponor Infra Vissers Sales Corp. Weir Canada Package Sewage Treatment Plants ACG - Envirocan Alfa Laval Aqua Technical Sales Atlas Dewatering Corporation AWT Technologies BI Pure Water BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Capital H2O Systems DWG Process Supply Echelon Environmental ECOfluid Systems ENV Treatment Systems KSB Pumps Kusters Water Lystek Int. Make-Way Environmental McCue Engineering Contractors Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless Waste 'n WaterTech Waterloo Biofilter Systems WesTech Engineering Wildcat Water Technologies Package Water Treatment Systems ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aqua Technical Sales AWI (Anthratech Western) BI Pure Water BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions Capital H2O Systems Continental Carbon Group Crane Pumps & Systems DWG Process Supply HydroFLOW Canada JNE Environmental KGO Group KSB Pumps McCue Engineering Contractors Membrane Specialists MS Filter Systems Parkson Corporation

Pipe Design Con Cast Pipe DECAST Ipex Lafarge SCG Industries Sigma Engineering Uponor Infra Victaulic Pipe Equipment Chemline Plastics DECAST Mueller Water Products Runnalls Industries Triangle Fluid Controls USABluebook Victaulic Pipe Fittings Atlas Dewatering Corporation Cambridge Brass Chemline Plastics Con Cast Pipe Corix DECAST Ipex Mersino Dewatering Mueller Water Products Pipe Specialties Canada Runnalls Industries Scarborough Supply Source One Environmental / Fernco Victaulic Wolseley Canada Xylem Pipe Rehabilitation Atlas Dewatering Corporation CEMATRIX (Canada) DECAST Denso North America HydroFLOW Canada Ipex Source One Environmental / Fernco Uponor Infra Xypex Chemical Corporation Pipe Rentals Atlas Dewatering Corporation Canadian Pump Solutions NCS Fluid Handling Systems Pipeline Inspection DECAST Drain-All Ingu Solutions NCS Fluid Handling Systems PICA Corporation Source One Environmental / Fernco Piping Atlas Dewatering Corporation Chemline Plastics CompreVac Con Cast Pipe Corix Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute DECAST Fabricated Plastics Filamat Composites Ipex Lafarge

M Con Pipe & Products Nett Technologies Pipe Specialties Canada Runnalls Industries Scarborough Supply Victaulic Wolseley Canada Plant Operations DECAST HydroFLOW Canada Lystek Int. McCue Engineering Contractors Sco-Terra Operations Group Sheridan Electric Services World Water Operator Training Co. Plate Settlers ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies ENV Treatment Systems Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Vector Process Equipment WESCOR Pneumatic Lift Stations Aqua Technical Sales Smith & Loveless Polymer Blend & Prep Systems Aquafy Water Technologies Bishop Water Technologies BowRio Water Technologies Directrik DWG Process Supply Hayward Gordon ULC HydroFLOW Canada Indachem JNE Environmental Netzsch Canada Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls Simpson Environmental SNF Canada SPD Sales VFold Waste 'n WaterTech WESCOR Pressure Control Systems Flomatic Valves Hydro-Logic Environmental Icon Process Controls Pump Design ASL Roteq Canadian Pump Solutions Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Fluid Metering Gorman-Rupp Canada Int. Water Supply KSB Pumps Netzsch Canada Smith & Loveless Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Xylem Pump Drives Canadian Pump Solutions Crane Pumps & Systems Davis Controls Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Grundfos Canada Int. Water Supply Netzsch Canada Rotator Products SEW-Eurodrive Sheridan Electric Services Sterling Power Systems Syntec Process Equipment USABluebook Wilo Canada Xylem

100  |  February 2019 Search online or add your company at: esemag.com/ese-directory

Pump Motors ASL Roteq CompreVac Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik Int. Water Supply Rotator Products SEW-Eurodrive Sheridan Electric Services Sterling Power Systems USABluebook Wilo Canada Xylem Pump Protection Systems ASL Roteq Belzona Great Lakes Holdings Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik KSB Pumps Syntec Process Equipment Xylem Pump Rentals ASL Roteq Atlas Dewatering Corporation Canadian Pump Solutions CompreVac DeWind One Pass Trenching Engineered Pump Systems Gorman-Rupp Canada Hoskin Scientific Int. Water Supply Mersino Dewatering NCS Fluid Handling Systems Netzsch Canada Xylem Pump Repairs ASL Roteq Atlas Dewatering Corporation Belzona Great Lakes Holdings CompreVac Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Gorman-Rupp Canada Hayward Gordon ULC Int. Water Supply KSB Pumps Netzsch Canada Sealogic Innovations Corp. Smith & Loveless Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Vissers Sales Corp. World Water Operator Training Co. Xylem Pump Replacement Parts ASL Roteq Atlas Dewatering Corporation Canadian Pump Solutions CompreVac Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Gorman-Rupp Canada Grundfos Canada Hayward Gordon ULC KSB Pumps Netzsch Canada Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless Wilo Canada Xylem Pump Stations & Components Crane Pumps & Systems DECAST Directrik Engineered Pump Systems Filamat Composites Fluid Metering Gorman-Rupp Canada KSB Pumps Mersino Dewatering MSU Mississauga Netzsch Canada

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Sco-Terra Operations Group Smith & Loveless Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Uponor Infra Xylem

Solar Ontario TEAM-1 Academy Trojan Technologies Walker Environmental Group WesTech Engineering

Pumps Aqua Technical Sales Atlas Copco Compressors Canada Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bell Flow Systems BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Boerger Cameron Instruments Canadian Pump Solutions Canadian Safety Equipment Claro Corix Crane Pumps & Systems Directrik E.R.E. ELMRIDGE Engineering Engineered Pump Systems ENV Treatment Systems Fluid Metering Gorman-Rupp Canada Grundfos Canada Hayward Gordon ULC Insitu Contractors Int. Water Supply KGO Group KSB Pumps LimeGREEN Equipment Mersino Dewatering NCS Fluid Handling Systems Netzsch Canada Pro Aqua Prominent Fluid Controls R.E. Morrison Equipment Sealogic Innovations Corp. SEEPEX SEI Industries Smith & Loveless Solinst Canada SPD Sales Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Syntec Process Equipment USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Vissers Sales Corp. Wastecorp Pumps Waterra Pumps Weir Canada Wilo Canada World Water Operator Training Co. Xylem

Rescue Equipment Canadian Safety Equipment

Rainwater Harvesting Crane Pumps & Systems DWG Process Supply Harmsco Filtration Products StormTrap Uponor Infra Vissers Sales Corp. Waterloo Biofilter Systems Recorders ABB ACI Instrumentation Cameron Instruments Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Int. Water Supply Monitario Technical Services Solinst Canada USABluebook Watermark Solutions Renewable Energy ADI Systems Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC Bioform Sewage Mining Claro eV FERN Geomembrane Technologies Huber Technology Lystek Int. SciCorp Int. Corp.


Research Good Harbour Laboratories Royal Roads University University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of Waterloo University of Wisconsin-Madison Reverse Osmosis BowRio Water Technologies Canature WaterGroup DWG Process Supply HydroFLOW Canada KONTEK Ecology Systems KSB Pumps McCue Engineering Contractors Membrane Specialists Nova Filtration Technologies Simpson Environmental SUEZ USABluebook WesTech Engineering Safety Equipment Albarrie GeoComposites Aquafy Water Technologies Canadian Safety Equipment DQE E.R.E. EHS Canada Indachem Kee Safety Rotator Products Safe Drain TEAM-1 Academy USABluebook Samplers & Sampling Equipment Bell Flow Systems BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Birksco Can-Am Instruments E.R.E. ELMRIDGE Engineering Endress+Hauser Canada Enviro Hazmat Fluid Metering Industrial Waste Control Markland Specialty Engineering Monitario Technical Services Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Solinst Canada USABluebook SCADA Systems CB Automation e.RIS KONTEK Ecology Systems Mueller Water Products Norditech Pty. RACO Sensaphone SmartCover Systems Tulsar Canada USABluebook Xylem Scales Capital H2O Systems Force Flow Hoskin Scientific Vissers Sales Corp. Screenings ACG - Envirocan C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Duperon Corporation ENV Treatment Systems

Evoqua Water Technologies H2Flow Tanks & Systems Huber Technology IPEC - JWC Environmental Kusters Water Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua WTP Equipment Corp. Screens ACG - Envirocan Aggregates Equipment Aqua Technical Sales Aquablast Corp. BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Claro Duperon Corporation Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Evoqua Water Technologies Grande Water Management Huber Technology Hydro Int. Int. Water Supply IPEC - JWC Environmental JWC Environmental Kusters Water Parkson Corporation Pro Aqua Smith & Loveless StormTrap SUEZ Tekleen Automatic Filters Vector Process Equipment Waste 'n WaterTech WesTech Engineering WTP Equipment Corp. Scrubbers/Washers Aquablast Corp. Aquafy Water Technologies Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC CTP America ELMRIDGE Engineering ENV Treatment Systems Indachem JNE Environmental KSB Pumps Smith & Loveless Trantec Solids Handling Westech Industrial Seals Atlas Dewatering Corporation Directrik Rotator Products Sealogic Innovations Corp. Triangle Fluid Controls Xylem Secondary Containment Albarrie GeoComposites Atlas Dewatering Corporation EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat Geomembrane Technologies Greatario H2Flow Tanks & Systems Ipex Layfield Group LimeGREEN Equipment Safe Drain Tank Connection Titan Environmental Containment Security Products Calgary Alarm Safe Drain Sedimentation Systems Aqua Technical Sales Atlas Dewatering Corporation C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Infrastructure Products CB Shield Claro Directrik

Good Harbour Laboratories Hydro Int. Imbrium Systems Insitu Contractors Kusters Water LimeGREEN Equipment Safe Drain Smith & Loveless StormTrap Separators ACG - Envirocan Boerger Canadian Infrastructure Products Can-Am Instruments CompreVac Filamat Composites Goslyn Hydro Int. Imbrium Systems KGS Environmental Group Kusters Water Smith & Loveless Westech Industrial WTP Equipment Corp. Septage Receiving Systems ACG - Envirocan Birksco BowRio Water Technologies Claro Directrik ENV Treatment Systems Huber Technology IPEC - JWC Environmental KGS Environmental Group Parkson Corporation Waste 'n WaterTech WTP Equipment Corp. Septic Tanks & Equipment Engineered Pump Systems KGS Environmental Group Lafarge SHAC Environmental Products Waterloo Biofilter Systems Wildcat Water Technologies Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) ACG - Envirocan ADI Systems Aeration Industries Int. Alfa Laval AWT Technologies BowRio Water Technologies Capital H2O Systems ENV Treatment Systems Fluidyne Corporation Markland Specialty Engineering Parkson Corporation Xylem Service Contracting ACI Instrumentation Aquablast Corp. Cambium Aboriginal Continental Carbon Group CTP America Drain-All Endress+Hauser Canada Golden Environmental Services Good Harbour Laboratories Greatario Industrial Waste Control KGS Environmental Group Sheridan Electric Services WTP Equipment Corp. Sewage Gas Equipment Can-Am Instruments Norditech Pty. Westech Industrial Sewer Equipment & Products Aquanox Water Control Products Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bioform Sewage Mining Canadian Safety Equipment

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CB Automation Goslyn KSB Pumps Monitario Technical Services SHAC Environmental Products Source One Environmental / Fernco Wildcat Water Technologies Wilo Canada Shredders/Compactors ACG - Envirocan Boerger BowRio Water Technologies Directrik IPEC - JWC Environmental Sheridan Electric Services WTP Equipment Corp. Site Remediation Albarrie GeoComposites Atlas Dewatering Corporation Continental Carbon Group Drain-All Focus Environmental Group Georisk Environmental Solutions Golden Environmental Services KGS Environmental Group S2S Environmental SCG Industries T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. TankTek Environmental Services Trojan Technologies Sludge - Level Control ABB ACI Instrumentation Aeration Industries Int. Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Mac & Co Environmental Solutions Markland Specialty Engineering SciCorp Int. Corp. SHAC Environmental Products SPD Sales Syntec Process Equipment Terrapure Environmental Sludge Dewatering ACG - Envirocan Alfa Laval Anguil Environmental Systems Aqua Technical Sales Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bioform Sewage Mining BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Bishop Water Technologies Boerger BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions DWG Process Supply E.R.E. ENV Treatment Systems Flottweg Separation Technology Golden Environmental Services Huber Technology HydroFLOW Canada Indachem IPEC - JWC Environmental JNE Environmental KONTEK Ecology Systems KSB Pumps Kusters Water Lambourne Environmental Layfield Group Linkon Technology Medora Corporation MetaFLO Technologies NCS Fluid Handling Systems Netzsch Canada Parkson Corporation Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless

continued overleaf... February 2019  |  101

PRODUCTS SNF Canada SUEZ Terrapure Environmental Trident Processes Trojan Technologies VFold Waste 'n WaterTech WESCOR Wessuc WISE Environmental Solutions Xylem Sludge Disposal Anachem ltee/ltd Aquablast Corp. Bioform Sewage Mining Clean Harbors Canada Drain-All IPEC - JWC Environmental KSB Pumps Lambourne Environmental Linkon Technology Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies SHAC Environmental Products Terrapure Environmental Way Cool Product Co. Wessuc Sludge Drying ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales Bioform Sewage Mining C&M Environmental Technologies Huber Technology HydroFLOW Canada Indachem IPEC - JWC Environmental KSB Pumps Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies Parkson Corporation SUEZ Terrapure Environmental Vector Process Equipment Walker Environmental Group Sludge Handling Equipment ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales AWT Technologies Boerger BowRio Water Technologies C&M Environmental Technologies Canadian Pump Solutions Claro Directrik DWG Process Supply Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Huber Technology IPEC - JWC Environmental KGO Group KSB Pumps Lambourne Environmental Linkon Technology Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies Netzsch Canada Ovivo USA SEEPEX Trojan Technologies Waste 'n WaterTech Weir Canada Wessuc WTP Equipment Corp. Sludge Removal Equipment ACG - Envirocan Aquablast Corp. Bioform Sewage Mining Directrik ENV Treatment Systems Hydro-Logic Environmental IPEC - JWC Environmental Kusters Water Lambourne Environmental Linkon Technology

GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Netzsch Canada Parkson Corporation Terrapure Environmental Wessuc WTP Equipment Corp. Soil Remediation Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Anguil Environmental Systems Atlas Dewatering Corporation DeWind One Pass Trenching Drain-All E.R.E. Elemental Controls Enviro Hazmat Focus Environmental Group Ivey Int. KGS Environmental Group Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies New Leaf Biologics QM Environmental SCG Industries SHAC Environmental Products T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. Terrapure Environmental Soil Stabilization Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies Source One Environmental / Fernco Solvent Recovery Systems Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC Drain-All Solvent Recycling Services Anachem ltee/ltd Jurassic Activated Carbon Terrapure Environmental Spill Containment Albarrie GeoComposites Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Canadian Infrastructure Products Canadian Safety Equipment DQE Drain-All EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat Imbrium Systems KGS Environmental Group Neothane/Magnaseal Rotator Products Safe Drain SCG Industries SEI Industries Trans Environmental Systems USABluebook Wessuc WISE Environmental Solutions Spill Response Anachem ltee/ltd Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Canadian Safety Equipment Continental Carbon Group EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat KGS Environmental Group LimeGREEN Equipment NCS Fluid Handling Systems QM Environmental Safe Drain TankTek Environmental Services Trans Environmental Systems Way Cool Product Co. Wessuc Spill Response Equipment Albarrie GeoComposites Atlas Dewatering Corporation Can-Am Instruments Canadian Pump Solutions DQE EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat

NCS Fluid Handling Systems Neothane/Magnaseal Osprey Scientific Safe Drain SCG Industries SEI Industries TEAM-1 Academy Wessuc Spill Response Training Drain-All EHS Canada Enviro Hazmat SCG Industries TEAM-1 Academy Terrapure Environmental Stand Pipes Filamat Composites H2Flow Tanks & Systems VIQUA Storage Buildings Can-Am Instruments Megadome Buildings Storage Containers Enviro Hazmat Filamat Composites LimeGREEN Equipment SEI Industries Sierra Sales PEtanks Tank Connection Storage Tanks Albarrie GeoComposites Aquablast Corp. Assman Corporation of America Atlas Dewatering Corporation Can-Am Instruments Canadian Pump Solutions Drain-All Engineered Pump Systems Enviro Hazmat Fabricated Plastics Filamat Composites Focus Environmental Group Greatario H2Flow Tanks & Systems Indachem KGS Environmental Group Lafarge Layfield Group LimeGREEN Equipment Poly Processing Company SCG Industries SEI Industries Sierra Sales PEtanks Tank Connection TankTek Environmental Services Titan Environmental Containment USABluebook Vector Process Equipment Vissers Sales Corp. WISE Environmental Solutions Stormwater Management ACO Systems Albarrie GeoComposites Aquanox Water Control Products Atlas Dewatering Corporation C&M Environmental Technologies Can-Am Instruments Canadian Infrastructure Products Canadian Pump Solutions CB Shield Continental Carbon Group Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute Duperon Corporation Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Enviro Hazmat Filamat Composites Forterra Pipe Good Harbour Laboratories Grande Water Management Greyline Instruments Hoskin Scientific Hydro Int.

Imbrium Systems Ipex KISTERS North America Lafarge Layfield Group M Con Pipe & Products Minotaur Stormwater Services NCS Fluid Handling Systems Safe Drain Sco-Terra Operations Group SmartCover Systems Smith & Loveless StormTrap Tulsar Canada Uponor Infra USABluebook Weir Canada Strainers Acme Engineering Products Bestobell Aquatronix Claro Devine & Associates Directrik Flomatic Valves Goslyn Hayward Gordon ULC Orival Water Filters Syntec Process Equipment Wolseley Canada Tank Cleaning Aquablast Corp. Atlas Dewatering Corporation Drain-All EHS Canada Focus Environmental Group Grande Water Management Greatario Ivey Int. KGS Environmental Group QM Environmental TankTek Environmental Services Terrapure Environmental Way Cool Product Co. Wessuc Tank Design Albarrie GeoComposites Canature WaterGroup CEMATRIX (Canada) Filamat Composites Greatario Indachem KGO Group Poly Processing Company SEI Industries Sierra Sales PEtanks Sigma Engineering Tank Connection TankTek Environmental Services Uponor Infra Tank Inspection Greatario NCS Fluid Handling Systems Poly Processing Company SEI Industries Tank Connection TankTek Environmental Services Way Cool Product Co. Telemetering Equipment ADS Environmental Technologies Can-Am Instruments Devine & Associates Endress+Hauser Canada Flowmetrix Technical Services KISTERS North America Monitario Technical Services RACO Sensaphone Tulsar Canada Watermark Solutions Thickeners ACG - Envirocan Aqua Technical Sales BowRio Water Technologies

102  |  February 2019 Search online or add your company at: esemag.com/ese-directory

C&M Environmental Technologies Echelon Environmental ENV Treatment Systems Flottweg Separation Technology Huber Technology IPEC - JWC Environmental Kusters Water Ovivo USA Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless Trident Processes Trojan Technologies VFold Waste 'n WaterTech WESCOR WesTech Engineering Training AESAC American Public University Cole Training and Operations Compliance365 EHS Canada Endress+Hauser Canada Enviro Hazmat ES&E Magazine Flowmetrix Technical Services Lakes Environmental Software Prominent Fluid Controls Royal Roads University Source One Environmental / Fernco T. Harris Environmental Mgmt. TEAM-1 Academy The Swamp School University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of Wisconsin-Madison Walkerton Clean Water Centre Watermark Solutions World Water Operator Training Co. Xylem Trenchless Technology Atlas Dewatering Corporation M Con Pipe & Products Mersino Dewatering Mueller Water Products Source One Environmental / Fernco Utility Locating Cameron Instruments Schonstedt Instrument Company Sonic Soil Sampling Vacuum Equipment Aquablast Corp. Atlas Copco Compressors Canada CompreVac ELMRIDGE Engineering Environmental Rental Service Insitu Contractors NCS Fluid Handling Systems R.E. Morrison Equipment SCG Industries Terrapure Environmental Wessuc WISE Environmental Solutions Valve Accessories Alltork Actuation Canature WaterGroup Chemline Plastics Devine & Associates DeZURIK/APCO/Hilton Festo Flomatic Valves Ipex Mueller Water Products Syntec Process Equipment Troy-Ontor USABluebook Wolseley Canada Xylem Valve Servicing Chemline Plastics Devine & Associates DeZURIK/APCO/Hilton Flomatic Valves

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


GUIDE TO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Syntec Process Equipment Troy-Ontor Valves B.N.W. Valve Manufacturing Bestobell Aquatronix Cambridge Brass Canature WaterGroup Chemline Plastics CLOW CANADA Corix Devine & Associates DeZURIK/APCO/Hilton Engineered Pump Systems Festo Flomatic Valves Floval Equipment Hydro Int. Hydro-Logic Environmental Ipex Mueller Water Products Orbinox Runnalls Industries Safe Drain Syntec Process Equipment Tekleen Automatic Filters Triangle Fluid Controls Troy-Ontor USABluebook Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. Victaulic Waterra Pumps Weir Canada Westech Industrial Wilo Canada Wolseley Canada World Water Operator Training Co. Variable Speed Drives ACG - Envirocan ASL Roteq Atlas Dewatering Corporation CB Automation Crane Pumps & Systems Davis Controls Grundfos Canada Int. Water Supply Rotator Products SEW-Eurodrive Sterling Power Systems USABluebook WesTech Engineering Waste Disposal And Recycling ACG - Envirocan Anachem ltee/ltd Aquablast Corp. Clean Harbors Canada Drain-All Enviro Hazmat GeoEnvironment Technologies Goslyn KGS Environmental Group Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies Sheridan Electric Services Terrapure Environmental Waste Management Anachem ltee/ltd Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC Clean Harbors Canada DECAST Drain-All Enviro Hazmat Focus Environmental Group Ford Hall Company GeoEnvironment Technologies Goslyn KSB Pumps Lystek Int. MetaFLO Technologies OZONATOR Industries QM Environmental Sheridan Electric Services Sierra Sales PEtanks TankTek Environmental Services Terrapure Environmental


Walker Environmental Group WISE Environmental Solutions World Water Operator Training Co. Waste Removal Equipment Aquablast Corp. DECAST Goslyn GeoEnvironment Technologies MetaFLO Technologies Sheridan Electric Services Waste-to-Energy Huber Technology Rotator Products Simpson Environmental Wastewater Collection Systems Atlas Dewatering Corporation DECAST DeWind One Pass Trenching Engineered Pump Systems Flowmetrix Technical Services GeoEnvironment Technologies Goslyn Grande Water Management Greatario KGS Environmental Group KSB Pumps LimeGREEN Equipment Mac & Co Environmental Solutions Make-Way Environmental Sco-Terra Operations Group SEI Industries SHAC Environmental Products Sheridan Electric Services Smith & Loveless Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Tekleen Automatic Filters World Water Operator Training Co. Wastewater Neutralizing Bioform Sewage Mining Golden Environmental Services JNE Environmental KSB Pumps Lystek Int. Vissers Sales Corp. WESCOR Wastewater Treatment Systems ACG - Envirocan Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Acme Engineering Products ADI Systems Aeration Industries Int. Alfa Laval Anguil Environmental Systems Aqua Technical Sales Aqua-Aerobic Systems Aquanox Water Control Products Atlas Dewatering Corporation AWI (Anthratech Western) AWT Technologies Axine Water Technologies Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC BIOREM Technologies Bishop Water Technologies Blue-White Industries Boerger BowRio Water Technologies BQE Water C&M Environmental Technologies Capital H2O Systems Chemline Plastics Claro Continental Carbon Group DWG Process Supply E.R.E. Echelon Environmental ECOfluid Systems ENV Treatment Systems Flomatic Valves Fluidyne Corporation Ford Hall Company GeoEnvironment Technologies Goslyn Greatario

Harmsco Filtration Products Huber Technology Hydro Int. HydroFLOW Canada Industrial Waste Control JNE Environmental Kemira KONTEK Ecology Systems KSB Pumps Kusters Water LimeGREEN Equipment Lystek Int. Mac & Co Environmental Solutions Make-Way Environmental McCue Engineering Contractors Medora Corporation MetaFLO Technologies Napier-Reid NCS Fluid Handling Systems Nexom Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Ovivo USA Parkson Corporation Prominent Fluid Controls QM Environmental Sco-Terra Operations Group Sheridan Electric Services Sierra Sales PEtanks Simpson Environmental Smith & Loveless SUEZ Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Tank Connection Tekleen Automatic Filters Telder Engineering Trident Processes Trojan Technologies Tulsar Canada United Manufacturing Int. 2000 Uponor Infra VFold VIQUA Vissers Sales Corp. Waste 'n WaterTech Waterloo Biofilter Systems Way Cool Product Co. WESCOR WesTech Engineering Wildcat Water Technologies Wilo Canada World Water Operator Training Co. Water Conservation/ Management BQE Water Can-Am Instruments CB Shield Forterra Pipe Mueller Water Products SciCorp Int. Corp. SHAC Environmental Products Telder Engineering The Swamp School Watermark Solutions Water Level Indicators ABB ACI Instrumentation Aquatic Sentry Controls Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments CB Automation Chemline Plastics Davis Controls Endress+Hauser Canada Flowmetrix Technical Services Geneq Greyline Instruments Heron Instruments Hoskin Scientific Icon Process Controls Int. Water Supply Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Solinst Canada

USABluebook Watermark Solutions Waterra Pumps Water Meters ABB ACI Instrumentation Atlas Dewatering Corporation Bell Flow Systems Bestobell Aquatronix Can-Am Instruments Endress+Hauser Canada Flowmetrix Technical Services Heron Instruments Hoskin Scientific Icon Process Controls Insitu Contractors Master Meter Canada Neptune Technology Group Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Prominent Fluid Controls Real Tech Tulsar Canada Watermark Solutions Wolseley Canada World Water Operator Training Co. Water Quality Monitors ABB Bell Flow Systems Can-Am Instruments Capital H2O Systems E.R.E. Enviro-Analytical Flowmetrix Technical Services HANNA Instruments Canada Hoskin Scientific IDEXX Water Industrial Waste Control Int. Water Supply KISTERS North America MANTECH Norditech Pty. Osprey Scientific Real Tech Solinst Canada USABluebook

Tulsar Canada Wildcat Water Technologies Wilo Canada World Water Operator Training Co. Waterproofing Aquablast Corp. Belzona Great Lakes Holdings Denso North America KGS Environmental Group Weirs Aquablast Corp. Aquanox Water Control Products Bell Flow Systems C&M Environmental Technologies Can-Am Instruments Claro Filamat Composites Flowmetrix Technical Services Grande Water Management Monitario Technical Services Sigma Engineering Smith & Loveless Zebra Mussel Control Aquafy Water Technologies CEMATRIX (Canada) Prominent Fluid Controls

Water Quality Test Kits Bell Flow Systems Canature WaterGroup Geneq HANNA Instruments Canada Hoskin Scientific IDEXX Water MANTECH Osprey Scientific USABluebook Water Towers Greatario Harmsco Filtration Products KSB Pumps Tank Connection Water Use & Treatment Optimization Aclarus Ozone Water Systems Aquasmart Technologies AWI (Anthratech Western) BQE Water DECAST HydroFLOW Canada Industrial Waste Control Markland Specialty Engineering Medora Corporation Membrane Specialists MS Filter Systems Mueller Water Products NCS Fluid Handling Systems Ovivo USA SCG Industries SciCorp Int. Corp. SHAC Environmental Products StormTrap Tekleen Automatic Filters Trojan Technologies

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February 2019  |  103

May 7 – 9, 2019 | Vaughan, Ontario



For more information visit: www.canect.net Stay up to date with new regulations and best practices and connect with Canada’s leading environmental professionals.

CANECT Courses May 7

May 8

May 9

• Environmental Regulation & Compliance 2019

• Environmental Due Diligence for Supervisors and Managers

• Environmental Management System Synergies

• Brownfields Regulation and Compliance: The New Regime

• Managing Industrial Emissions: Air, GHGs, Odour, and Noise

• Environmental Impact Assessments, Approvals and Permitting

• Dealing with Spills and Environmental Emergencies

• Water & Wastewater: Regulation and Compliance 2019

CANECT Chairs Jill Baker

Brad Bergeron

Janet Bobechko

Sean Capstick

Rosanna DiLabio

Albert Engel

John Georgakopoulos

Fogler, Rubinoff LLP

Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

Sarah Gilbert

Len Griffiths

Randy Sinukoff

Julie Abouchar

Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

Bennett Jones LLP

Sarah Gilbert Sean Capstick

Golder Associates Ltd.


Bennett Jones LLP Golder Associates Ltd.

Golder Associates Ltd.

Stantec Consulting Ltd.



Pinchin Ltd.

Bennett Jones LLP








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GET YOUR SPRING MARKETING PLANS OFF TO A GREAT START BY ADVERTISING IN ES&E’S APRIL 2019 ISSUE Thousands of environmental decision-makers are expected to attend the conferences listed below. ES&E’s April issue will be distributed at these events—a special bonus to advertisers in this issue.       

Water Environment Association of Ontario Ontario Water Works Association British Columbia Water & Waste Association Maritime Provinces Water & Wastewater Association Northeastern Ontario Waterworks Association Water Week at Blue ES&E rea ch 4 0,000 ‡ C es over CANECT Environmental Compliance And anad consultin Due Diligence Training Event g, munic ian ipal industria l enginee and rs, contracto rs governm and key ent staf f.

PRELIMINARY ARTICLE LINE UP* • The growing importance and necessity of asset management professionals • Regulating what is ‘flushable’ to help the fight against wipes • Determining the effectiveness of watermain flushing to reduce total coliform counts • Improving data management and reporting in treatment plants • Environmental isotopes: An advanced tool to solve groundwater issues

• Medicine Hat deploys permanent watermain leak detection system • The challenges of cold climate nitrification • Deeper ponds improve biosolids dewatering centrifuge performance • Odour control with plant based micronutrients • Ex-situ treatment cyanide contaminated soils • Stormwater management • Pumping and valve upgrades


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Sales Representative 905-727-4666 ext. 21 denise@esemag.com * Subject to change

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COMPANY PAGE ACG-Envirocan................................ 108, 109 ADS Environmental Technologies...........58 Aerzen .......................................................13 Americana.................................................61 Associated Engineering...........................19 AWWA ......................................................106 BCWWA....................................................105 Bishop Water Technologies.....................28 Blue-White.................................................11 Boerger, LLC..............................................55 Canadian Infrastructure Products..........49 Canadian Safety Equipment.................... 51 CANECT..............................................64, 104 Chemline Plastics.....................................18 Cole Engineering Group...........................30 Crane Pumps & Systems..........................31 Denso ........................................................ 17 Endress+Hauser........................................26 FCI – Fluid Components International... 51 Flottweg....................................................23 Force Flow................................................. 17 Great West Life..........................................21 Greatario...................................................49 H2Flow Equipment ..................................30 Harmsco Filtration Products...................28 Hoskin Scientific.......................................29 Huber Technology....................................38 HydroFLOW Canada.................................20 Hydro International.................................45 Imbrium Systems.......................................2 International Water Supply.....................36 IPEX............................................................33 Layfield Group.......................................... 47 Markland Specialty Engineering.............32 Mueller.........................................................3 Myron L......................................................35 NETZSCH Canada......................................53 Ontario Clean Water Agency..................110 Ontario Water Works Association.........105 Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association.58 Orival Water Filters...................................15 Pro Aqua......................................................9 RV Anderson..............................................36 Service Filtration......................................63 Smith & Loveless .......................................7 SPD Sales...................................................63 Stantec......................................................39 TRIECA....................................................... 47 University of British Columbia................27 Victaulic.....................................................37 Waterra.................................... 12, 25, 41, 59 WSP..............................................................5 WTP Equipment........................................43 Xypex Chemical Corporation...................57

February 2019  |  107

Advertiser INDEX


OZONE: SAFE AND SIMPLE. Aqua ElectrOzone® M-Series Modular Ozone Generation System

The Aqua ElectrOzone® M-Series is the ideal solution for safe and reliable ozone production for municipalities requiring contaminant oxidation, control over disinfection byproducts or taste and odor issues. The system’s modular design is up to 85% smaller than conventional ozone generators of the same capacity. The M-Series features QuadBlock® dielectric cell technology, capable of handling the most rugged environments with virtually no cleaning or maintenance. Units ship fully assembled and are easily installed with seven simple connections at most sites. QuadBlock® Dielectric Cell Technology Each cell is a fully independent ozone generator • Dedicated microprocessor based control board • High-frequency power supply • Ceramic dielectric elements reduce failure • Easily upgrade by adding additional blocks




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ADVANCED TREATMENT FOR PRIMARY WASTEWATER AND WET WEATHER APPLICATIONS The new AquaPrime® filtration system utilizes OptiFiber® pile cloth media in a disk configuration with three zones of solids removal to effectively filter high solids waste streams without the use of chemicals. This system is designed to handle a wide range of flows in a fraction of space compared to conventional clarifiers. AquaPrime® is ideal for primary wastewater treatment and wet weather applications due to its proven removal efficiencies and high quality effluent, even under varying influent conditions. • Lower energy costs in the secondary process • Dual use options for tertiary and wet weather applications • More solids for increased anaerobic digester gas production • Simple start-up with unattended operation for remote locations Primary Filtration

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PRIMARY TREATMENT • Complete line of fine screening equipment • Self-cleaning perforated plate screens • FlexRake® front-raked fine screens • FlexRake® front-raked bar screens • FlexRake® Low Flow • Self-Cleaning trashracks • Muffin Monster® grinder (for sludge, scum, septage, screenings & wastewater) • Channel Monster® grinder for pump stations and sewage treatment plant headworks • Honey Monster® septage receiving station • Auger Monster® fine screen system • Monster® fine screen & band screen perforated plate fine screens with 2, 3 & 6mm perforations • Screenings washer/compactors • Rotating drum screens (down to 2mm perfs) • Raptor screenings washer press • Grit removal • Rotary drum screens SECONDARY TREATMENT • AquaNereda® Activated Granular Sludge Technology • Aqua-Jet® direct drive floating aerator • Aqua DDM mechanical floating mixer • Fine bubble aeration systems using membrane or ceramic diffusers with gas cleaning systems • Stainless steel coarse bubble aeration systems • Multi stage activated biological process (MSABP) • Two & three rotary lobe P/D blowers • Centrifugal multistage blowers • Hybrid screw/lobe compressors • Floating diversion curtains (for aerated lagoons, activated sludge systems & clear wells) • Subsurface jet aeration/mixing systems • Spiraflo & Spiravac peripheral feed clarifiers • Closed loop reactor oxidation ditch systems • Rotary brush aerators • High efficiency single stage integrally geared blowers • Direct drive turbo type blowers • Aeration system controls & instrumentation • Chain & flight clarifier systems & components (plastic, cast iron or stainless steel) • Half bridge, centre feed, circular clarifiers • Spiral blade clarifiers TERTIARY TREATMENT • AquaDisk® - cloth media tertiary filter • AquaDiamond® tertiary cloth media for traveling bridge filters • Filter Underdrain Systems HIGH EFFICIENCY MIXING TECHNOLOGY • High Performance Centrifugal Dispersing Impeller (HPCDI™) mixers


ADJUSTABLE SPEED DRIVES • Eddy current drives

TANK COVERS & DOMES • Aluminum geodesic domes • Flat aluminum and FRP tank covers • Aluminum channel and launder covers • Aluminum hatch covers DISINFECTION • UV disinfection systems • Package & custom ozone systems BIOSOLIDS PROCESSING/HANDLING • Sludge storage bins & live bottom dischargers • Rotary Drum Thickeners • Gravity Belt Thickeners • Belt filter presses & screw presses • Centrifuges for thickening & dewatering ODOUR CONTROL • Biofilters • Bioscrubbers • Carbon adsorbers • Chemical wet scrubbers • Ionized air BULK MATERIAL HANDLING • Shaftless & shafted screw conveyors • Screw pumps (open & closed designs) • Industrial grinders FLOWMETERS • Open channel flow metering (portable & permanent); wireless data transmission • Non-contact radar & submerged sensor area velocity flow metering (portable & permanent); wireless data transmission • Insertion mag flow meters with wireless data transmission • Data loggers with wireless data transmission INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT • PCl Series DAF with corrugated plates • PWl Series DAF low profile, from 20·800 GPM • Pipe flocculators • Industrial wastewater treatment systems • Coalescing oil/water separators • Inclined plate clarifiers PACKAGE TREATMENT PLANTS • Package potable water treatment plants • Package sanitary wastewater treatment plants • Package industrial wastewater treatment plants • Package industrial process water treatment plants WATER TREATMENT • Pressure filtration systems (removal of iron & manganese, arsenic, fluoride, radium, uranium) • Filter Underdrain Systems

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