Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine | February 2024

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CONSULTANTS AND EQUIPMENT/SERVICE SUPPLIERS Monitoring PFAS in municipal wastewater treatment systems Asset management in remote and extreme environments First Nations safe drinking water bill tabled

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February 2024 • Vol. 37 No. 1 • ISSN-0835-605X

Editor and Publisher STEVE DAVEY steve@esemag.com Managing Editor PETER DAVEY peter@esemag.com Contributing Editor DAVID NESSETH david@esemag.com Sales Director PENNY DAVEY penny@esemag.com Sales Representative DENISE SIMPSON denise@esemag.com Accounting SANDRA DAVEY sandra@esemag.com



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TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD Archis Ambulkar, OCT Water Quality Academy Gary Burrows, City of London Patrick Coleman, Stantec Bill De Angelis, Metrolinx Mohammed Elenany, Urban Systems William Fernandes, City of Toronto Marie Meunier, John Meunier Inc., Québec Tony Petrucci, Black & Veatch Environmental Science & Engineering is a bi‑monthly business publication of Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. An all Canadian publication, ES&E provides authoritative editorial coverage of Canada’s municipal and industrial environmental control systems and drinking water treatment and distribution. Readers include consulting engineers, industrial plant managers and engineers, key municipal, provincial and federal environmental officials, water and wastewater plant operators and contractors. Information contained in ES&E has been compiled from sources believed to be correct. ES&E cannot be responsible for the accuracy of articles or other editorial matter. Articles in this magazine are intended to provide information rather than give legal or other professional advice. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Second Class Mail Product Agreement No. 40065446 Registration No. 7750 Subscription Changes? Please email reader subscription changes to ese@mysubscription.ca, or call 705-502-0024. Advertising Penny Davey Sales Director 416-807-3812, penny@esemag.com

Denise Simpson Sales Representative 905-960-4064 denise@esemag.com

Environmental Science & Engineering 220 Industrial Pkwy. S., Unit 30 Aurora, Ontario L4G 3V6 Tel: (905)727-4666 www.esemag.com

FEATURES 6 Quiet flows the not so dirty Don 8 Long-awaited new First Nations safe drinking water bill tabled in Ottawa 10 Study reveals effectiveness of replicating beaver dams for flood mitigation 12 USask and UWaterloo make global top 25 list for academic water resource programs 14 WWTP upgrade will help Orangeville reach GHG target 16 Tests show surfactant-based technology effective in removing PFAS from soil and groundwater 19 Security agencies warn of hacks into Israeli-made logic controllers 20 Burlington pumping station commissioned after successfully navigating supply chain delays 22 Moncton upgrades the fire protection system at its water treatment facility 24 Understanding different kinds of stormwater data 26 Emergency water reservoir refill needed for Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik River Region 30 Creating a new water and wastewater infrastructure system for Fort McMurray 468 First Nation

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35 Delivering a reliable water supply in all weather conditions using active tank mixing 37 Asset management strategies in remote and extreme environments 40 California moves one step closer to direct potable reuse of wastewater 42 Shifting from groundwater to surface water treatment 44 Best practices for energy-efficient evaporation processes 48 Naturally-elevated metals concentrations are resulting in less beneficial reuse of soils 52 Evaluating the results of 12 years of monitoring PFAS in municipal wastewater treatment systems 56 Canadian researchers take on 6PPD‑quinone in stormwater runoff 59 Alberta’s Rainbow Lake set to be Canada’s first geothermal town 94 Genome BC launches SAFEGUARD to expand wastewater tracking DEPARTMENTS

88 Professional Cards 89 Product Showcase 94 Ad Index

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Quiet flows the now not so dirty Don


he February 1st edition of the Toronto Star newspaper reported on a milestone event in the decades long $1.354 billion Port Lands Flood Protection Project, which is part of Toronto’s Don River rehabilitation project. Reading it made me recall a January 1970 article written by ES&E Magazine’s co-founder Tom Davey, who was editor of Water & Pollution Control Magazine (W&PC) at the time. (Tom and I would later work together editorially on W&PC Magazine from 1982 to 1986, but that is another story). In his article, entitled “Quiet flows the dirty Don”, about Pollution Probe staging a mock funeral for the Don River, Tom reported that the funeral procession wound its way along the river to the mournful strains of Chopin’s funeral march. Earlier a 100-car cavalcade, including a hearse, had driven from the University of Toronto (U of T) to the east bank of the river, just north of the Prince Edward Viaduct (Bloor Street). Then, dressed in period costumes, which reflected a bygone era when the river was pure, members of Pollution Probe held a mock service to dramatize the death of the Don. This mock funeral was attended by the Reverend James Cunningham, Chaplain of the U of T’s Hart House. Toasting the future of the Don with a cup of pure water, he predicted that the younger generation’s concern about pollution would lead to the restoration of rivers like the Don. It is heartwarming to know now that the Reverend’s optimism about the future of the Don River was not in vain. In the 1980s, a citizens group launched the Task Force to Bring Back the Don in 1989. One of their first projects was to create a book called Bringing Back the Don.

6 | February 2024

Published in 1991 by the City of Toronto, the book sketched a vision for how the river could be revived. Plans to revitalize the mouth of the Don River and protect the surrounding area from flooding became formally known as the Don Mouth Naturalization and Port Lands Flood Protection Project, a name that was later shortened to the Port Lands Flood Protection Project. For over a decade now, work has been done to reroute the Don, clean polluted soil, create new parks and flood-proof the area to unlock a swath of land, including the old Unilever plant site, for redevelopment. As reported in the aforementioned Toronto Star article, “one of North America’s largest infrastructure projects in the Port Lands includes the long-awaited naturalization of the mouth of the Don River, with a goal to reconnect it to Lake Ontario. The new river valley will be filled from the west end, drawing water from Lake Ontario through the Polson Slip.” As of February 1, pumps will deliver 300 cubic metres of water an

hour everyday, 24/7, until the water reaches a depth of about two to three metres. The natural landscape of the 700acre river valley will become home to diverse plants and wildlife. With the threat of flooding removed, development can now begin on new places to live, work and play in the Port Lands. The approved Villiers Island Precinct Plan will guide development of a new mixed-use community. However, poor water quality still plagues the Don River. In the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) most recent water quality report card, the most heavily urbanized portion of it scored an “F” for its elevated levels of phosphorus, nutrients, chlorides, salt and e coli. A significant source of these pollutants are the numerous combined sewers, which discharge storm runoff with raw sewage into the Don during significant rain events. To counter this, the city is spending $3 billion over 15 years to build three tunnels that will route untreated sewage away from the river, which will end such sewer overflows. I am sure that the founders of Pollution Probe would be pleased to know that their efforts to bring attention to the polluted Don River began a 50-year process to revitalize it. For more information visit www. portlandsto.ca Steve Davey is the editor and publisher of ES&E Magazine. Please email any comments you may have to steve@esemag.com

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Long-awaited new First Nations safe drinking water bill tabled in Ottawa By ES&E Staff

S Patty Hajdu, Canada’s Minister of Indigenous Services, said the legislation is also expected to lead to the application of minimum standards for clean drinking water in every First Nation. Credit: Patty Hajdu

8 | February 2024

everal First Nations chiefs have announced that they look forward to providing committee testimony to refine a new safe drinking water and wastewater bill introduced in the House of Commons. Atlantic leaders such as Chief Bob Gloade expressed support for Bill C-61 and the opportunity to finally have a detailed framework to guide processes around First Nations water infrastructure. “The proposed legislation is a great start and a unique opportunity for First Nations to take control of a service critical to the social, economic, and environmental well-being of our communities,” announced Chief Gloade, who is also Co-Chair of the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat. Canada’s Minister of Indigenous Ser-

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

vices, Patty Hajdu, introduced the bill on December 11, 2023, more than a year after the government repealed the 2013 Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act, which was heavily criticized by many Indigenous communities. Hajdu explained that Bill C-61 would affirm the inherent right of First Nations to self-government, and hold the federal government accountable to continued funding investments in water infrastructure. The draft bill states that First Nations persons must receive water services comparable to those received by persons in non-Indigenous communities. “Created with First Nations, this legislation is the foundation of clean and safe drinking water for generations to come,” Hajdu announced when tabling the bill. She said that it establishes the rights and supports that should have always been there for First Nations. Also that it creates the tools First Nations need to manage their water systems and ensure the water they draw from is safe. Hajdu said the legislation is also expected to lead to the application of minimum standards for clean drinking water in every First Nation, and lay the groundwork for the creation of a First Nations-led water commission to support communities. The draft bill states that the commission could, in part, be responsible for “providing advice to First Nations in relation to drinking water and wastewater, including by obtaining legal advice and coordinating its provision to First Nations.” The new legislation, called the First Nations Clean Water Act, was also part of the terms of the $8 billion drinking water

Created with First Nations, this legislation is the foundation of clean and safe drinking water for generations to come.

class action settlement for First Nations in December 2021. Hajdu told the House of Commons that all First Nations were provided with a draft of the legislation, as well as the amendments that arose during community consultations. There are currently 28 long-term drinking water advisories across 26 reserve systems in Canada, according to federal

For more information, email: editor@esemag.com

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monitoring. The federal government has lifted 144 drinking water advisories in First Nations since 2015.


February 2024 | 9


Researchers analyzed the effectiveness of the low-cost, nature-inspired barriers, which greatly slow but do not completely stop streamflow. Credit: Ronnie Howard, stock.adobe.com

Study reveals effectiveness of replicating beaver dams for flood mitigation By ES&E Staff


recent study reveals data from 105 man-made “leaky barriers” that mimic the logs-andbranches-style engineering of dams constructed by beavers. Researchers want to understand how effectively the barriers operate when exposed to flood waters, and whether communities could benefit from them. Led by scientists from Cardiff University in Wales, and the University of Worcester in England, the study analyzed the effectiveness of the nature-inspired barriers, which greatly slows but does not completely stop streamflow. Previously, scientists have only used numerical modelling based on multiple assumptions to measure the impact of these barriers. Now, researchers were able to monitor the barriers over a distance of about five kilometres with pressure transducers, rain gauges, flow meters, and drone-based photogrammetry. The engineered leaky barriers, which sometimes had logs secured to the 10 | February 2024

University environmental scientist and study co-author, in a statement about the study. “This tells us that they are a valuable addition to existing flood management strategies. Not only that, but leaky barriers also offer a low-cost solution and are a sustainable flood defense which increases biodiversity in our rivers and on nearby land.” Wilson added that the study’s findings can be used by government and industry to develop flood defences for smaller, more frequent storms, and help create an approach for modelling leaky barriers for large storms. Ian Maddock, professor of river science at the University of Worcester, and one of the study’s co-authors, said that the results of the study have helped to inform work with local authorities who want to identify new sites for natural flood management. “It’s enabled us to target sites where the installation of leaky barriers will have the greatest impact in reducing flood risk to communities and landowners downstream,” Maddock said in a statement. In particular, the study’s findings indicate that to maximize the magnitude of backwater rise, leaky barriers should have a large vertical extent and be located in deeper, confined cross-sections along a stream reach. The U.K. Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has been funding the investigation of similar flood protection research. It has implemented some 4,500 green infrastructure measures nationwide, providing approximately 1.6 million m3 of additional stormwater storage space. In early 2023, the Canadian Standards Association released a report designed to help governments shift from traditional grey or engineered infrastructure, such as walls and dikes, to nature-based solutions like restoring forests and wetlands, to manage flooding and erosion. One of the largest beaver dams in the world is located in northeastern Alberta’s Wood Buffalo National Park. The front of it runs approximately 775 metres in length and the entire perimeter is close to 2,000 metres.

banks with wooden pegs or rebar, controlled flooding behind the barriers and created temporary pools of water, says the study recently published in the Journal of Hydrology. The barriers were able to store enough water to fill at least four Olympic-sized swimming pools during some 15 storms. This prompted researchers to want to further understand the feasibility of communities implementing such low-cost, soft-engineering solutions. During the study, researchers recorded raised water levels up to 0.8 metres at each barrier. These areas took between seven to nine days to return to normal, and could protect communities from flooding downstream. Spacing between barriers varied from 11 to 50 metres, while the vertical gap below the barriers varied between zero to 0.75 metres. “Leaky barriers are most effective in narrow channels with steep banks and better at reducing flooding during smaller storm events than during larger For more information, email: ones,” said Catherine Wilson, Cardiff editor@esemag.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


USask and UWaterloo make global top 25 list for academic water resource programs By ES&E Staff


he University of Waterloo and the University of Saskatchewan have both placed in the top 25 on a list of the best water resource programs from around the world. The ShanghaiRanking is one of the leading annual publications of world university rankings, and includes a wide range of subjects, including water resources. More than 1,900 universities, across 104 countries and regions, were included in the recent rankings. Chinese schools filled the top five spots on the water resources ranking, with Hohai University leading the way at number one. The University of Saskatchewan (USask) ranked in all possible subjects on the list, moving up significantly in multiple science and engineering subject areas, ultimately placing 17th for water resources. The school hosts the Global Institute for Water Security.










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12 | February 2024

The University of Waterloo established the Water Institute in 2009 to provide an on-campus network of excellence in water research, education, and innovation. Credit: University of Waterloo

“USask continues to make significant strides on the international stage through our successes in research,” said USask VP of Research, Dr. Baljit Singh, in a statement from the university. “To be recognized so highly alongside fellow institutions for our ongoing dedication to excellence in research, scholarly and artistic works is a remarkable achievement.” The university also achieved a top 150 rank in the areas of agricultural sciences, energy science and engineering, as well as environmental science and engineering. The University of Waterloo jumped nine places on the list to place 25th globally for water resources in the most recent ranking of academic subjects. In a statement, executive director of the University of Waterloo’s Water Institute, professor Roy Brouwer, said “this outstanding achievement is the result of the research excellence and impact of our world-class faculty members.” The University of Waterloo established the Water Institute in 2009 to provide an on-campus network of excellence in water research, education and innovation. Water Institute researchers represent a wide breadth of disciplinary expertise with a membership of over 170 faculty members and 300 graduate students, who collectively span all six Waterloo academic faculties. The school’s Collaborative Water Program recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. Just prior to the release of the academic rankings, the University of Calgary was named home to the world’s first United Nations University (UNU) hub. The UNU hub at UCalgary on empowering communities to adapt to environmental change is a partnership between UCalgary and the UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). The UN think tank on water is based in Hamilton, Ontario. For more information, email: editor@esemag.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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WWTP upgrade will help Orangeville reach GHG target By ES&E Staff


he Ontario Town of Orangeville recently announced a series of upgrades to its water pollution control plant that local officials say will improve performance and reduce emissions. In 2021, town council adopted an emissions reduction target of net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050, so the plant’s rehabilitation project will explore opportunities for energy recovery from the wastewater treatment process, local officials announced, as the plant accounts for a significant portion of Orangeville’s emissions. “For example, the design of the roof replacement on the digester that uses anaerobic digestion to treat solids. The anaerobic digestion creates an environmentally-friendly renewable fuel called biogas,” explained Tim Kocialek, Orangeville’s general manager of Infrastructure Services, in a statement. “We’ll be exploring how this biogas could be used for on-site energy recovery.” The water pollution control plant consists of an old and new


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14 | February 2024

The Ontario Town of Orangeville has announced a series of upgrades to its water pollution control plant. Credit: Town of Orangeville

portion for separate extended aeration facilities. Both sections treat wastewater generated by approximately 11,300 households within town limits. The plant is an activated sludge plant with a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) denitrification process, effluent filtration, chlorine disinfection, and dechlorination. Kocialek said that a plant shutdown will be required to perform work on the detritor grit removal system and clarifier #3, but will not impact how wastewater is processed for the community. Work that requires any systems to be shut down will be completed during the summer, when low flow conditions occur, mitigating any impact to services, he said. The detritor system, explained Kocialek, removes grit-like sand, fine gravel, and other solids from the raw sewage, while clarifier #3 removes particles and solids from liquid. “Both systems were built as part of the upgrade and facility expansion in 1974,” he said. “Once the project is complete, the upgrades and changes will increase performance, capacity, and efficiency, improve the lifespan of different buildings, and lower maintenance and operating costs related to heat loss.” Planned updates include: • Replacement of secondary clarifier #3. • Upgrades and replacements in digester #2. • Replacement of two heat exchangers. • Structural rehabilitation of the detritor, digestor #2, and the secondary clarifier #3. • Replacement of the digester building complex roof. • Electrical, instrumentation, and control upgrades related to equipment. In recent years, Orangeville completed a series of upgrades at the new portion of the plant with engineering and environmental consulting company R.J. Burnside. Part of the work expanded the facility’s average capacity from 14,000 m³/day to 17,500 m³/day. Local officials said work on the new round of upgrades for the older portion of the facility will continue into 2024. For more information, email: editor@esemag.com

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Tests show surfactant-based technology effective in removing PFAS from soil and groundwater By George (Bud) Ivey, David Holmes, and Cecilia MacLeod


n recent years, several major corporations, including 3M, DuPont, and Chemours (a DuPont spinoff), have reached major settlements with municipal governments and other plaintiffs, agreeing to spend billions of dollars to remove PFAS from their production processes, products and the environment. A substantial amount of these settlement funds will go towards helping water treatment facilities to remove PFAS from drinking-water supplies. But significant dollars will also have to be spent to remediate PFAS-contaminated soil, bedrock, and groundwater. The potential markets for PFAS remediation are numerous, ranging from chemical and other product manufacturing to electric power, wastewater treatment, real estate development, retail petroleum, landfill operations, mining, ports and harbours, federal facilities, and more (Environmental Business Journal, Vol. XXXII, No. 5/6, 2019). All face significant future liabilities as the regulatory net and public awareness around PFAS grows and tightens. However, remediation contractors can face these future liabilities as well if their PFAS cleanup solutions prove inadequate to the task. The traditional pump-and-treat solution has been applied to the remediation of PFAS-impacted groundwater, but it is expensive and can take decades to achieve any significant levels of removal. Additionally, contamination in the more mobile, high-permeability groundwater zone can migrate into immobile, low-permeability subsurface zones, and pump-and-treat is not effective in removing contamination from those low-permeability zones. This can lead to future releases and back-diffusion into the high-permeability zone, and thereby failure to meet regulatory standards. Some chemical and biological removal methods are being tested, but satisfactory results have not emerged. Methanol solvent extraction is used in laboratory soil extraction, and some small-scale testing. However, regulators are not likely to look approvingly at injecting many of these impactful chemicals into the ground. One potential solution, however, has been shown to be effective in recently completed tests. Ivey International Inc. (IVEY) has developed a new formulation from its Ivey-sol surfactant enhanced remediation (SER) technology to address PFAS contamination in groundwater, soil, and bedrock regimes. Tests of the PFAS-SOL formulation conducted in the United Kingdom (UK) in collaboration with the University of Greenwich, with analysis by ALS, have shown significant PFAS mass



16 | February 2024

The PFAS family consists of nearly 15,000 chemicals.

PFAS-SOL can selectively remove PFAS from sorbed soil and bedrock surfaces.

removal rates. This formulation is non-toxic, biodegradable, and pH neutral. It is based on non-ionic formulations, with a novel additive, that can selectively desorb contaminants and render sorbed, globular and non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) soluble in the aqueous phase. This means it forms a non-emulsified mixture with water and can thus be more easily controlled and removed from impacted soil, fractured bedrock, groundwater, and surface water while maintaining plume control. The PFAS-SOL surfactant structure consists of a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. The hydrophobic tail is by design, selectively attracted to the organic functional groupings on target contaminant molecules, while the hydrophilic head is attracted to groundwater. Based on this modulated structure, these surfactants offer multiple properties that improve the effectiveness of most continued overleaf…

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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PFAS remediation strategies, predominantly by overcoming the limitations associated with contaminant sorption and low solubility. In addition, they lower the relative surface tension of water and overcome interfacial tension, thereby improving its wetting and associated hydraulic properties across broader soil textures. PFAS-SOL can selectively remove PFAS from sorbed soil and bedrock surfaces, from globule and/or NAPL phase-partitioned layers, to make them more available for enhanced physical, biological, and/or chemical remediation. For the column tests, one metre by 14 centimetre diameter columns were filled with a mineral sand (a building sand), with 10% activated carbon to act like natural organic carbon absorptive content within the soil. The columns were then slowly saturated with water from the base and drained to a set volume. They were next spiked with 250 mg each of PFOA and PFOS to mimic a PFAS source zone and then drained and filled, with the effluent sampled to show contaminant recovery in water. The columns were filled again, one with methanol at a 50% concentration in water, the other with the PFAS-SOL surfactant formation at a 4% concentration. They were then drained, with the increased concentration in the effluent in the PFAS-SOL column showing a large increase in PFAS concentration. The columns were then slowly taken

apart to deliver a moisture profile and obtain soil samples to measure retained PFAS. The results showed significant mass PFAS removal from the PFAS-SOL flushes. Flushes with water alone yielded PFAS recovery of approximately 5 micrograms per litre (μg/L), whereas surfactant flushes exhibited improved recovery of up to 30.45 micrograms per litre (μg/L). This meant an average improvement in PFAS removal of 240%, with concentration spikes of up to 622%. PFOA recovery averaged 160%, with best results of 185%. PFOS recovery averaged 297%, with best results of 732%. Total PFAS recovery averaged 242%, with best results of 622%. Subsequent tests have shown similarly impressive results, suggesting a bright future for this surfactant-based PFAS remediation compared with other methods that are time-consuming and costly, and don’t provide assurances against future back-diffusion risks liability associated with new technologies. Ivey International Inc. won the 2023 M&A Today Global Awards “Best Environmental Technology Company” in recognition for their innovative technology developments.

The two test column tubes were spiked with 250 mg each of PFOA and PFOS to mimic a PFAS source zone.

Dr. David Holmes is with Geosyntec (UK). Email: david.holmes@geosyntec.com Dr. Cecilia MacLeod is with the University of Greenwich (UK). Email: c.macleod@greenwich.ac.uk

George (Bud) Ivey is with Ivey International Inc. Email: budivey@iveyinternational.com

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18 | February 2024



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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


Security agencies warn of hacks into Israeli-made logic controllers By ES&E Staff


group of U.S. agencies has issued a joint statement warning of recent cyberattacks by an Iranian military organization “actively targeting and compromising” Israeli-made Unitronics Vision Series programmable logic controllers (PLCs) commonly used in water and wastewater systems. The Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, recently shared a photograph of a hacked human-machine interface from a compromised Unitronics programmable logic controller at a pump boosting station. The screen displayed the hacker’s electronic calling card: “Every equipment made in Israel is Cyber Av3ngers legal target.” The authority reported the hackers were able to gain control of the remote booster station that monitors and regulates pressure for two townships, but stressed there is no known risk to the drinking water or water supply. A joint statement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Israel National Cyber Directorate, suggested there have been several PLC hacking victims targeted across multiple U.S. states. The authorities linked the cyberattacks to the Iranian Government Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “The PLCs may be rebranded and appear as different manufacturers and companies,” the joint statement warned. In a statement following the Aliquippa hack, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security also issued an alert about the potential exploitation of Unitronics PLCs. Sami Khoury, head of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, issued a statement on Twitter, however, which suggested that “the risk to industrial control systems accessible from the Internet is not limited to Unitronics devices or the water and wastewater systems sector.” Khoury added that, “connecting industrial control systems directly to the internet without appropriate security controls is a huge risk.” The U.S.-based non-profit Water Information Sharing & Analysis Center, better known as WaterISAC, issued an advisory and guidance to water utilities following the Aliquippa hacking incident. Echoing the security protocols suggested by the authority agencies in terms of increased password protection, WaterISAC went further in its recommendations for safe use of Unitronics devices. It advised utilities to utilize a TCP port other than the default port TCP 20256. Additionally, users are advised to update the device’s PLC/HMI to the latest version provided www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

The Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa reported that hackers were able to gain control of the remote booster station that monitors and regulates pressure for two townships. Credit: MrPanya, stock.adobe.com

by Unitronics, and implement a firewall or VPN in front of the programmable logic controller to control network access to the remote system. WaterISAC stated that Cyber Av3ngers claims to be an active group focused on targeting Israeli water and energy sites, including 10 water treatment stations in Israel, according to their Twitter (X) page. For more information, email: editor@esemag.com

February 2024 | 19


Burlington pumping station commissioned after successfully navigating supply chain delays By Anna Comerton


alton Region is a growing municipality in southwestern Ontario with a population of approximately 600,000. It provides drinking water to residents and businesses, and maintains an active program to continuously improve its system. The Bailie Booster Pumping Station and Reservoir supply water to the Burlington area. As part of its asset management program, Halton Region retained Associated Engineering (AE) to upgrade and rehabilitate the pump station and reservoir. The pumping station upgrades include replacing the plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, booster pumps and piping/valving, chlorine storage and dosing system, motor control centre, standby power and electrical systems, instrumentation and SCADA system. Structural rehabilitation was also required. The two-celled, underground concrete reservoir has a storage capacity of 17.5 million litres. Its top is grassed, creating a park-like setting. Structural rehabilitation of the reservoir involved removing the existing grass surface and waterproofing system and installing a new hot applied rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane system on the reservoir roof slabs. After membrane replacement, landscaping over the roof was reinstated. The main goal of the waterproofing replacement was to update the reservoir to meet new potable water storage guidelines and minimize the risk of contaminant infiltration. Site drainage design and sizing of the reservoir subdrain system considered climate change and anticipated increased frequency of and heavier precipitation events. More extreme seasonal temperatures and an increase in relative humidity were considered in the design of the pump station heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. All process piping was insulated to address an expected increase in humidity. These upgrades to the pumping station had to be staged to allow continued operation of the station, as it is an integral part of the Burlington water supply system and could not be taken out of service for an extended period. Interruption or reduction of service was performed during low demand season to accommodate overall distribution system needs. Careful planning and communication with all stakeholders were required, so that individual equipment was replaced and commissioned in a phased manner to minimize any impact on operations. For example, one booster pump and its associated piping/valving system was replaced at a time. Similarly, replacing the main reservoir fill/draw header was done in sections so that the period required for station shutdown was minimized (e.g., less than 24 hours) and occurred 20 | February 2024

New booster pumps and piping were part of the station upgrade.

during low demand season when an alternate station could handle the demand. Residences surround the project site on three sides in this quiet neighbourhood. Construction was planned to restrict working hours, mitigate noise and dust, identify location of soil stockpiling, provide privacy screening, limit the number and location of construction vehicles, and prohibit idling trucks on residential streets. The Region also had a project ambassador assisting with communicating updates to the community and addressing questions. AE completed the preliminary and detailed design and tendering for the project, along with the required approvals and permits. The project was tendered in July 2020 and the general construction contract was awarded in November 2020. Adding to the scheduling and work-phasing challenges were supply chain delays due to the global pandemic that delayed delivery of the booster pumps by nine months. In collaboration with Region operations and the contractor, AE developed a plan to commission the pumps and ancillary system individually as they were delivered. After navigating significant delays in delivery of the new pumps and other major equipment, the upgrades to the Bailie Booster Pumping Station were commissioned in August 2023. Anna Comerton is with Associated Engineering. Email: comertona@ae.ca

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Moncton upgrades the fire protection system at its water treatment facility By John Sheehan and Matthew Quick


hen a fire breaks out at a critical infrastructure facility, its impact can stretch well beyond the building occupants. In fact, it can potentially disrupt tens of thousands of lives. So, when it came time for the City of Moncton, New Brunswick, to upgrade the fire protection system at its water treatment facility, a solution was needed to keep the plant operational in the event of an emergency. Tweedie & Associates Consulting Engineers, the project’s engineer, was tasked with specifying a system to protect the facility’s chemical room, electrical room and diesel backup power generator. Traditional sprinklers would potentially damage controls and critical electrical equipment. “We started to explore alternative methods, with the understanding that this project needed an environmentally-friendly, cost-effective solution,” said Tweedie Principal Stephen Tweedie. The Victaulic Vortex System™ discharges a dual agent of water and nitrogen to extinguish fires. The technology’s patented hybrid emitter creates sub

22 | February 2024

The hybrid emitter creates water droplets that remain suspended in the air, keeping sensitive equipment safe and rooms protected with nearly net-zero wetting. The system’s small footprint enabled engineers to fit the equipment and route piping to adjacent rooms. Ultra Alarm Services connected distribution piping throughout different building areas, such as the diesel generating room.

10-micron water droplets that remain equipment remains safe and can consuspended in the air to provide cool- tinue to operate while the system puts ing. With nearly zero wetting, sensitive out the fire.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

“If the water treatment facility goes offline, residents are left without water. The Vortex system will help prevent shutdowns when there are fires and allow the plant to get back to normal operation quickly,” Tweedie said. “The system can also run on battery power for 48 hours, which made it appealing to us for this specific application. Even if the facility experiences a power outage, the fire protection system will function as needed, and the city will still be able to deliver water to its residents.” Other chemical fire suppression products on the market use PFAS substances that can concentrate in a water supply and affect its quality. The Vortex system uses 100% green, non-toxic agents to extinguish fires. This design prevents environmental contamination and ensures no trace of chemicals in the air so the space maintains safe breathing levels, helping ensure employee safety and minimize downtime.

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ing agent and ensure proper operation. Ultra Alarm Services is a fire alarm The City of Moncton’s water treat- services company and longstanding ment plant has been in operation since Victaulic Vortex integrator. As the proj1967. Tweedie & Associates needed to ect’s fire contractor, they oversaw the design a system that would effectively installation of the Vortex system in a protect three rooms with different fire centrally located storage room. The hazards and risks: Class B, Class C and contractor also ran distribution piping volatile chemical fires. to the adjacent electrical and generator Traditional systems would require rooms and basement chemical room, multiple systems to be installed, each using Victaulic’s grooved couplings and dedicated to protecting the separate fittings. From its base station, the facilielectrical and fuel hazards. Room integ- ty’s Vortex system is sized to protect the rity would also be required in each area largest space and can extinguish fires in to work effectively, which the existing the three separate zones. building was not readily equipped for. Once the Vortex and piping compoBy selecting the Victaulic Vortex sys- nents arrived on-site, it took mere weeks tem, Tweedie & Associates were able to for Ultra Alarm to install, test and comprotect all these hazards using a single mission the new system. system with different hybrid emitters that change the mix of droplets to effec- John Sheehan and Matthew Quick are tively and rapidly extinguish each hazard with Victaulic. For more information type. Sealing each room would need to email: john.sheehan@victaulic.com, be considered, had a traditional chem- matthew.quick@victaulic.com, or visit ical system been used, as they must be www.victaulic.com airtight to prevent the loss of extinguish-

February 2024 | 23


Understanding different kinds of stormwater data By Michael Rosh


with actual scaled duplication of the site, to data replication using large amounts of stimated data is an inference data to mimic conditions of the real world. Modelled data takes electronic data from incomplete data. It can be as simple as a guess from past and compiles it into a computer or mathexperiences, to using complex ematical model. For stormwater this is software tools to determine best-in- typically done for drainage basins, floodferred unknowns. plain analysis, dams, culverts, etc. It can Collected data has been physically use dozens to tens of thousands, or poscollected from a location or device. This sibly millions, of data points to come to can be from a sensor, meter, probe, etc., a range of outcomes. but typically is done with a mechanical device, or through physical collection of HISTORICAL DATA the material for analysis. These can be Historical data is information that has as complex as a SCADA network, or as been collected previously for specific simple as a tape measure or grab sample. reasons. For stormwater, this is typically Collected data will usually have higher data that was collected prior to the curaccuracy vs. estimated data. rent quarter of the year and may go back Simulated data can come from a phys- in time several or even dozens of years. ical model of a stream, culvert, dam, etc., The importance of historical data can-

Collected data has been physically collected from a location or device. Credit: chatchawal, stock.adobe.com

not be expressed enough. Knowing what happened yesterday and any changes since then can be applied to what is happening today. For example, understanding how the stormwater network was developed over time, how and where ponds, culverts, etc., were sized, helps to understand the previous actions and also provides the data that was used for these decisions. Accuracy of historical data does need to be confirmed prior to any new events if it is to be used for decision-making.

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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

It’s also important to consider the data that was used to develop any existing structures to determine if redesign or replacement is needed, based on current storm data and future projections. CALIBRATION OF DATA

Calibration of data typically refers to matching the same situations repeatedly to get the same results, or the process of adjusting parameters to confirm the model will output accurate data, based on input parameters, and match empirical data as closely as possible. Calibration data can take several forms, using calibration solutions to readjust instruments for additional field measurements to add more data points. The purpose of calibration is to ensure that the data being utilized collates as closely to the real world as possible. This can be a very simple process for the mechanical calibration of equipment, or could require hundreds of additional data points to check datum against. Calibration of data points can be very challenging, as identical simulations or situations are needed to properly compare them to one another. Calibration of any data or field instrument is vital to ensure data accuracy. Without calibration of equipment, the data collected will not be accurate and decisions made using the data will suffer. Likewise, uncalibrated data can mislead decision-makers and cost money to make corrections later on.

first starting with topographic maps to try and determine the watershed boundaries. These can then be divided into sub-basins as runoff characteristics are identified and applied to the data. There are key questions to ask during data analysis: • Is the data time-dependent, such as a storm gauge? • Is it a static or dynamic reading? • Is it recurring data?

• Can recurring data be parsed into smaller pieces? • What were the field and weather conditions? • Which areas need the most/least attention? • Are you dealing with historical data vs. current data? No matter how much data you have or continued on page 67


The drive towards automation and advancement in low-cost sensor technology has many organizations overwhelmed with data and not knowing where to start. More data has been collected in the last several years than in all of previous human history. Knowing where to start and how to proceed are the hardest parts of data management. Some basic rules of thumb are to understand the overall picture of the system of data you have collected. Is it a watershed? A distribution system? What is it, first and foremost? Then try and choose a logical starting point from your understanding of the objective. If it’s a watershed, maybe start at a sample location furthest away and work across it. Watershed delineation may involve www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

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Emergency water reservoir refill needed for Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik River Region, Northern Quebec By Chris Keung, Ken Johnson, Luc Malo, Alfred Tsui, and Hossein Shafeghati


angiqsualujjuaq, formerly known as George River, is a remote Inuit village in the Nunavik Region of northern Quebec, located 1,500 kilometres north of Montreal at 59 degrees north latitude. The community is located at the mouth of the George River on the east coast of Ungava Bay in Arctic Canada and has a population of approximately 1,000 people. Kangiqsualujjuaq is Inuktitut for “the very large bay”. The community is only accessible year-round by air, and by sealift from Montreal during the limited ice-free period from late July through October. Kangiqsualujjuaq’s current water source is an elevated water supply lake north of the community, referred to as Imirtaviup Tasinga Lake. The lake has a capacity of 360,000 cubic metres at an elevation of approximately 140 metres above sea level. Raw water is conveyed from the lake by gravity approximately 1,900 metres to the existing water treatment plant. The water supply is a two-pipe system consisting of a main water supply pipeline and a recirculation line. The recirculation line provides freeze protection to the water supply line via kinetic energy generated by continuously recirculating flow from the water treatment plant to the lake. In the early summer of 2023, following the snow melt, the community operating staff observed a significant leak from the buried water recirculation pipe from the raw water lake to the water treatment plant. The break in the line was not discovered earlier in the winter, as the leak was not apparent beneath the snow cover. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the break caused an unexpected draining of the lake. It was determined that a refill was necessary to provide enough water supply to the com26 | February 2024

The Kangiqsualujjuaq refill emergency pipeline laid out on a constructed trail. The source lake (Ellasie Lake) is in the background, with the pump visible on the shore.

munity over the winter. The situation created a water supply emergency in the community and EXP was retained by the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) to plan, organize and assist in the execution of the emergency water reservoir refill. Main tasks for emergency refill of the

lake included refill water source identification and selection, equipment design and selection, procurement, logistics and transportation of the equipment 1,600 kilometres north to the community, and execution of a 100,000 cubic metre refill of the lake before the onset continued overleaf…

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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of cold temperatures in October. After the consideration of several water sources in reasonable proximity to the lake reservoir, Ellasie Lake was selected as the most appropriate source for the refill. It is 1,400 metres north of Imirtaviup Tasinga Lake. Following the source decision, all efforts focused on the logistics for executing the refill, which was up against the coming Arctic winter, where October temperatures can fall to -10°C. The refill from Ellasie Lake required a pumping system and a 1,400-metre overland piping system that would have to be mobilized by air. The community is not accessible by road and as the project progressed at the end of the summer, the sealift was not an option. In addition, the community airfield is not long enough to land larger aircraft. Given the mobilization requirements and limited time for on-site construction, a pumping system comprised of flexible piping and diesel pumps was selected as the most appropriate design. Based on the project timelines, the pumping operation was assumed to take place over 30 days (24/7 operation). This required a pumping system with a flow rate of approximately 40 litres per second, while providing a static lift to overcome approximately 65 metres of static head. Various equipment suppliers were contacted to find equipment that was readily available and could be procured and transported given the numerous logistical challenges. This included sourcing flexible hosing that was both durable enough to withstand the pressure requirements, and light enough to be installed and handled by a local crew to minimize on-site construction efforts. Following this exercise, two high-head pumps, 1,400 metres of flexible 200-millimetre hose and associated materials were procured and specially modified to meet the strict dimensional requirements of the cargo aircraft. Discussions occurred with various cargo and logistic companies to organize transportation options for the equipment. The weight and dimensions of the diesel pumps were close to all the limitations of available aircrafts and pushed the logistics crew to be creative. As the 28 | February 2024

(Top) Arrival of the pump at Kangiqsualujjuaq on a fishing boat, after a 200 km voyage from Kuujjuaq. (Bottom-left) The pump and intake system in place on Ellasie Lake, connected to the refill pipeline. (Bottom-right) Discharge into Imirtaviup Tasinga Lake at the start of the refill process.

final solution, a plane was chartered from Montreal to the nearby community of Kuujjuaq, which has a longer airfield and could land a larger Boeing 737 aircraft. From Kuujjuaq, the equipment and materials were transferred to a locally-hired fishing boat and transported the remaining 200 km to Kangiqsualujjuaq. Once the equipment was on site, the main challenge was to install the flexible pipe along a hastily-constructed trail from Ellasie Lake to the raw water lake. Appropriate selection for the flexible hose allowed construction crews to transport, lay and install the coupling connections with locally available equipment and in a timely manner. Other site works included the construction of a pad for the pumps, installation of a temporary intake, installation

of a fuel tank and 24,000-litre fuel supply and maintenance and operation of the pumps during the refill. Pumping began in late September 2023 and the refill was successfully completed 35 days later. Chris Keung, Ken Johnson and Luc Malo are professional engineers from EXP, who assisted the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) with the planning, engineering and execution of the emergency resupply project. Alfred Tsui and Hossein Shafeghati are the project managers from the KRG who supported the project. KRG is responsible for the community infrastructure for the entire Nunavik Region. For more information, Email: ken.johnson@exp.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Creating a safe and reliable water and wastewater infrastructure system for Fort McMurray 468 First Nation By Andrea de Vries


uilding cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability is foundational to any community, and the Fort McMurray 468 First Nation (FMFN) wanted to build a future that would serve community members for generations to come. In the early 2010s, FMFN undertook a series of community engagement and planning exercises to help them document and articulate their membership’s vision for the future. In 2013, they completed a Community Comprehensive Plan followed by an Economic Sustainability Master Plan (ESMP). After a year-long participatory process of data collection, research, site visits, surveys, and community engagement, the ESMP team produced a shortlist of conceptual plans for opportunities that would manifest FMFN’s vision for a vibrant future. The shortlist featured several opportunities ranging from community health and wellness centres to new commercial opportunities. Yet each of these opportunities was dependent on the final initiative on the list: reliable and safe water and wastewater infrastructure. Prior to 2023, FMFN’s water and sewage servicing was provided through an aging truck haul system. Every serviced building was constructed with both a water and a wastewater tank, and trucks would frequently fill and empty these tanks. Although well intended, the truck haul system had some quality of life drawbacks. It could be unreliable, had capacity limitations, and increased health and environmental risks due to extensive handling requirements. It was also a pervasive source of noise and smells in the community. Without a modernized system, opportunities to manifest FMFN’s vision would remain limited. So, FMFN’s leadership 30 | February 2024

New pumphouse and water reservoir facilities.

ture project in motion. McElhanney was engaged to provide civil engineering and infrastructure expertise, and to support early-stage service agreement negotiations. In collaboration with Sandrex Project Management, who served as grant co-writer, finance reporter, and community liaison, the preliminary designs of the ESMP were refined into the first full concepts of the eventual project. At the same time as FMFN was activating their early project planning stages, the neighbouring Regional Municipality BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) approached Building on the relationships forged FMFN to discuss collaboration opporin the delivery of the ESMP, FMFN and tunities for a regional wastewater systhe FMFN’s Industry & Government tem. The prospect of integrating the Relations Corporation (IGRC) set the efforts of these two projects would not early planning stages of their commu- only strengthen the existing relationnity water and wastewater infrastruc- ship between FMFN and RMWB, but

set out to provide centralized water and sewer services to their community’s more than 600 residents. Retroactively installing a centralized water and wastewater system into an existing urban area would be a challenge, but the generational benefits would be worthwhile. Most importantly, the project’s success would require partnership. Innovative, multi-jurisdictional relationships had to be established to manage immediate project needs and champion long-term community interests.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

would also allow FMFN to focus on the collection and distribution of water and wastewater within their community which mitigated some of the Nation’s long-term operational risk. With this regional servicing concept in place, the project team began lobbying Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) in earnest for a funding plan to bring this enormous undertaking to life. SECURING AREA 1 FUNDING

Due to the complexity of the project, it was broken down into seven areas. The first grant aimed to unlock funding for Area 1, which would contain the central components of the greater system, including: • New water and sewage connections to the RMWB regional systems. • New potable water reservoir and pump station. • Connection of all existing buildings to the new, centralized water and wastewater system. • New wastewater lift station to discharge sewage to RMWB regional system. • Improvement of existing roads and stormwater drainage ditch system during the deep utilities installation process. In 2019, the initial funding grant was secured from ISC to undertake Area 1 and the relationship with ISC switched from lobbying to collaboration. ISC funding enabled the project scope to include specific features that would benefit the community for generations to come, including: • Fire pumping capacity, which meant the community would have fire protection for the first time. • A natural gas backup generator, which delivered water and sewer servicing in times of emergency and required less maintenance and environmental risk than diesel tank-supplied alternatives. • A fully concrete pump station building structure, which provided noise abatement, security and longevity. • An inline grinder upstream of the sewage lift station, which would protect the lift station pumps from large solids in the future wastewater stream. Once total project funding was secured, construction was awarded to Chandos Construction. Together with www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

Operators stand by the community’s welcome sign.

their subcontractors, Chandos entered As part of the detailed design phase, FMFN’s innovative relationship net- McElhanney completed a 3D model of work as an equal team member. continued overleaf…

February 2024 | 31


the pumphouse design, using Autodesk’s Revit building information software. This 3D model was delivered to the construction team, who relied on it to identify assembly efficiencies and resolve them before pumphouse construction, reduce construction costs and schedule, and improve quality control by pre-fabricating all facility piping. Despite a global pandemic, significant geo-political world events, and unprecedented supply chain challenges, Chandos completed construction in the fall of 2023. BUILDING A DEPARTMENT

As project construction proceeded, FMFN turned their focus to facility operations and the creation of a new water and wastewater operations division. Because it would own and operate the new water and wastewater system, staff from the community would need to be trained and certified for specialized work. Hiring community members was a priority for FMFN to reduce

labour flight risk, simplify infrastructure troubleshooting, and create permanent, skilled careers in the community. First, the skills and qualifications required to operate the pumphouse, reservoir, and linear infrastructure were identified. Next, the project team lobbied ISC for a reliable funding stream to cover a qualified operator salary. Finally, operations staff were hired. New operators received direct mentorship with “set-up-for-success” initiatives, including technical orientations and attendance to industry-leading networking conferences. A $25K training fund through McElhanney Cares , McElhanney’s social responsibility program, was also established. Distributed in annual $5K increments, this fund secures important training not covered by ISC, such as provincial operator certification and project management training. Corey Wiltzen, FMFN member and a water plant operator trainee, says he is proud of the collaborative efforts

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32 | February 2024

that have led to his new career. “It is a major accomplishment for the Nation to complete a project of this scope and magnitude. Not only are we securing safe drinking water for our present and future generations, but we are also providing Nation members like myself with the opportunity to start a career in a vitally important field.” REGIONAL RELATIONSHIPS

As early as 2003, the Fort McMurray 468 First Nation was approached by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo to construct a regional drinking water system that would extend water pipes between RMWB communities. This system included a new right of way on FMFN lands and laid the foundation to integrate efforts again in the future. When RMWB approached FMFN in 2018 for a second right of way, as part of the construction of a regional sewage system in the area, both organizations saw the opportunity to collaborate.

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One of the most significant ways RMWB showed collaborative engagement was through the support of FMFN’s new McElhanney and ISC-funded water and wastewater operator programs. In 2020, FMFN hired water and sewer operators in anticipation of the activation of Area 1. But when both RMWB and FMFN projects experienced scheduling adjustments, a deal was struck for the new FMFN operator staff to work embedded in the RMWB water and wastewater department team. This arrangement remained in place until Area 1 activation in 2023. It also deepened the relationship between RMWB and FMFN, while providing valuable technical expertise to the new FMFN operator staff. Operation staff checking one of the many new low pressure residential sewage connections.


FMFN is building out community water and wastewater linear infrastructure through project Areas 2, 3, and 4. With additional funding in hand from ISC, Areas 2, 3, and 4 are As a condition of both rights of way, FMFN negotiated con- tying in 42 more residences. After Areas 5, 6, and 7 are tied in, nections to the RMWB regional system. These connections over 200 buildings will be serviced. allowed FMFN to focus on collection and distribution, leaving While it is always a challenge to retroactively install major treatment to RMWB. But collaborations create dependencies, civil works into an existing residential area, there are strategies and both FMFN and RMWB accepted schedule adjustments that minimize impact on the community. McElhanney’s linwhen the unprecedented world events of 2020-2022 affected ear infrastructure design leans on industry-leading and relaeach other’s progress. continued overleaf…

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February 2024 | 33


tionship-based strategies that will speed up construction and reduce impacts on community members. Both water distribution and sewage collection systems are jointless. High density polyethylene piping (HDPE) systems, which permit all mainlines to be installed using a less-invasive horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method, minimize disruptions on the community, decrease impact on existing roads and landscaping, and reduce installation schedules. FMFN selected a low-pressure wastewater collection system, which permits flexibility in how connections are made to existing houses and minimizes plumbing modifications. Services to each building are delivered through HDPE systems, again allowing extensive HDD installations and flexibility with system routing. System routing was an important consideration, as McElhanney plans were made with awareness of FMFN’s shared knowledge of the land, significant cultural burial sites, and other unique features. Today, fire hydrants can be spotted throughout the community for the first time. The promise of fire protection extending from FMFN’s new pumphouse provides a sense of security previously unknown to community members.

Operation staff gained invaluable experience mentoring under RMWB staff.

The Fort McMurray 468 First Nation’s vision, to thrive through economically sustainable opportunities that create self-sufficiency and a vibrant, healthy community, is being realized. Because of the dreams of FMFN leadership, a decades-old truck haul system has been replaced with reliable and safe water and wastewater infrastructure. However, this dream activated more than infrastructure. It also gener-

ated these developments: • An innovative network of multi-jurisdictional relationships was established and nurtured. • The difficulty and complexity of starting a water and wastewater operator division was tackled, to the long-term economic and social benefit of the community. • Opportunities for future development that manifest FMFN’s vision, including a health centre and a Band administration/ community centre, have already been unlocked because this foundational water and sewage infrastructure is in place. Perhaps most tellingly, remote community members have sensed the energy on the reserve. There is an increased demand to return home, evidenced by a growing backlog of FMFN members on the community’s housing wait list. The innovative network of relationships that FMFN built to support this project is a model that other communities can look to for inspiration and project success. Within FMFN, the relationship network is already being applied to further new growth and opportunities. Andrea de Vries is with McElhanney. Email: adevries@mcelhanney.com

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34 | February 2024



Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


Ice can also cause significant additional maintenance costs when it damages the tank as it scrapes along the sides.

Delivering a reliable water supply in all weather conditions using active tank mixing


any northern water utilities ing work could commence. This not only damages the interior of the face the challenge of ice forIce can also cause significant addi- tank but can also damage internal mainmation within their water tional maintenance costs when it dam- tenance ladders. storage tanks. When ice ages the tank as it scrapes along the sides. continued overleaf… forms in a water tank, pressure in the system can be adversely affected and residents can experience issues with their water supply as a result. Water operators know that to guarantee a consistent supply of water over the winter, the tanks need to be managed properly. In addition to adversely affecting water pressure, ice formation also leads to two other major problems: increased maintenance costs, and the risk of structural damage to the tanks.



When ice forms within a water tank, it can prevent routine maintenance from being carried out. One utility experienced an issue when planned maintenance to recoat the interior of a tank had to be delayed. Due to ice forming within the tank, a specialized diving team had to spend a week breaking up the ice and removing it. This resulted in a lot of additional work and cost before recoatwww.esemag.com @ESEMAG

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February 2024 | 35


In a worst-case scenario, ice formation can cause a water tank to burst. This not only poses a threat to the local community but creates physical damage to the water tank, leading to costly financial implications. Because the water within tanks is also used for firefighting, ice prevention is crucial. When ice forms across the sur-

face water of a tank, it also adheres to the edges of the tank. When a large volume of water is rapidly pulled out of a tank during a firefighting operation, it can leave a “cake” of ice hanging at the top. This is a very dangerous situation that can cause irreparable structural damage if the ice breaks and falls. However, the formation of ice in water

tanks can be prevented by using a combination of “active mixing” and regular maintenance. Active mixing circulates the water at regular intervals, using a motor-driven impeller. This pulls warmer water from the bottom of a tank into the upper layers, which get colder during winter, and prevents ice from forming. Kasco’s CertiSafe mixers can be installed in a day through a tank’s centre roof vent. Divers attach chains near the vent and set the mixer at the correct level for optimum operation, using a SM100 suspension mount. A SCADA control panel allows for remote operation and monitoring. Ice prevention isn’t the only benefit of active mixing. This technique can also solve water quality issues such as thermal stratification, chlorine residuals, improving water quality, reducing sediment accumulation, lowering the rate of disinfection byproducts, eliminating chemical stratification and reducing differences in water taste and odour. CertiSafe mixers come in multiple sizes, with NSF approval for potable water tanks as small as 76,000 litres and models designed for mixing tanks over 3.8 million litres. They are fully submersible up to a depth of 15.25 metres and can be mounted using a floor, suspension, or pipe mount. For more information, email: aquatic.aeration.solutions@gmail.com, or visit aquatic-aeration-solutions.com

Mixers can eliminate thermal stratification, preventing damage from ice formation. 36 | February 2024

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


Asset management strategies in remote and extreme environments By Tacoma Zach


t was an unusually warm March in Southern Ontario. There had been several warmer days with the associated freeze-thaw cycles between night and day. One of my duties as a young engineer in the contract operations business was to check on various remote, unmanned customer sites. I performed inspections, bump-start tests and general functionality testing. When required, I scheduled the emptying of various waste storage tanks with the designated haulers. It had been about two weeks since my last visit to a landfill leachate site where its tanks were due to be emptied. This client had acquired and repurposed three large stainless steel beer tanks to function as interconnected leachate storage tanks. These were some of the best-looking storage tanks I’d ever seen. Each shiny tank was over 12 metres long and more than three metres in diameter. This particularly warm morning there was lots of moisture in the air with fog and mist - something we paid no mind to as we were more concerned about heavy freeze temperatures. As the waste hauler’s truck connected to the transfer header, we went through the established safety and functional check list, opened all the tank vents, and began what was supposed to be a routine transfer, as we had done hundreds of times before. Since the tanks were fairly full, we decided to open the interconnecting valves to equalize the pressures and drain them in unison. About four minutes into the transfer, we heard some distant but deep thumps, like a dump truck a half a kilometre down the road getting a load. This seemed normal and we didn’t react. A few seconds later the noise grew louder and in rapid succession we heard three massive bangs, like giant kettle drums right beside us. We shut off the pumps and the power to the pump system and quickly scanned www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

When assets are operating in remote and/or harsh environments, asset management strategies must be adjusted to reflect the impact of different stressors and considerations.

the area for an explosion or fire, the worst-case scenario. Everything was calm with dim but ambient light. Nothing. Then we walked around and discovered what had happened. All three massive, beautiful, stainless steel, horizontally-mounted tanks, had caved in and looked like giant squished water bottles on their side. The vents were all open and since the tanks were interconnected if one had stuck, another vent would facilitate the breathing of the tank. How could this happen? ADJUSTING ASSET STRATEGIES IN REMOTE AND EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS

Appropriate asset management strategies are essential for achieving asset management goals and delivering value from assets. When assets are operating in remote and/or harsh environments these strategies must be adjusted to reflect the impact of different stressors and considerations. A great friend and mentor of mine used to say, “assets are a collection of failure modes, and our job is to manage

the failure modes, if warranted.” This was a strategy defining statement on so many levels. He meant that assets can only fail based on what they are made of and the way they are assembled. As such, we need to pay attention to how those components fail and what causes them to fail. If possible, measure for both internal and external stressors, and intervene appropriately when warranted. When operating assets in remote and cold environments, here are three principal considerations for adjusting asset strategies: UNDERSTAND HOW ASSETS FAIL: PAY ATTENTION TO THE PHYSICS OF FAILURE

In our industry, there can be a bit of ambiguity about what is an actual failure mode. For example, the often recorded or cited “failure mode” of a stopped shaft is “it seized”. We intuitively know what is meant, but ”seized” is a result and not a failure mode. In Reliability-Centered Maintenance: RCMII, John Moubray links the failure continued overleaf… February 2024 | 37


mode to the asset’s functional failure and defines a failure mode as “events which are reasonably likely to cause each failed state.” He goes on to include both mechanical reasons as well as human factors as causes. The causes could be lack of greasing, the wrong grease, or water contamination in the grease due to a leaking seal, etc.

get start up capacitor failure modes in a valve assembly. For example, assuming all other things are equal, an incorrectly sized pump and wet well for the expected volumes at certain times of the year can cause too many stop-starts. This stress on a motor will manifest electronic-related failures long before corrosion-related failures. Both are possible failed states, but one will manifest earlier THE IMPACT OF STRESS AND CONTEXT ON AN ASSET’S based on the local context. FAILURE MODES As such, it is very important to conFailure modes are unique to the sider asset-specific failure states, as they nature of an asset and its components. will define the related failure modes. It The failure modes of a control panel is also vital to consider whether you can are not typically seen on the volute of a even detect the early onset of failure pump, with the rare exception of corro- when selecting preventive maintenance sion such as in H2S environments. Con- strategies and setting priorities for routrol panels fail in control panel ways: tine inspection, monitoring, and replenmeaning a control panel can only fail in ishment. The goal of a preventive maintenance ways that a control panel is made of and what it is subject to. You will not get cav- strategy is to focus on maintaining asset itation pitting like on a pump impeller performance. In this example a regular on a control panel. Similarly, you won’t motor inspection and meggering (using

38 | February 2024

an insulation tester resistance meter) would be warranted more frequently than a corrosion inspection. The failure modes also inform other aspects of the asset management strategies: what local spare parts should be stored in inventory; how many levels of protection should be applied; redesign considerations or installed spares; acceptability of run to failure or not. These later decisions are usually influenced by riskbased decisions supporting the overarching operation service level objectives. UNDERSTAND THE LOCAL CONTEXT: EVALUATE STRESSORS AND CONDITION

Since different stressors on an asset will target different parts of it and cause certain failure modes to manifest earlier than others, it is possible to design an inspection regime tailored not only to detection of the asset’s typical failure modes, but specifically to those modes more likely to occur given the predominant local conditions. Having worked in both very cold and very hot desert climates, I have seen how important it is to at least try to anticipate which failure modes will be revealed by the local context and stressors. Typical known stressors like temperature, vibration, pressure deltas, stop-starts, corrosivity, abrasiveness, contamination of oil or grease, incorrect grease or oil, UV radiation, lack of environmental control and stray current, are well known. Some of these stressors may be linked, causal, or just concurrent with one another. Extreme temperatures, wide seasonal swings or very rapid swings in temperature can have a serious impact on an asset’s performance. Some materials have a large enough coefficient of thermal expansion that extremes cause parts to be “just-out-of-spec” on a regular basis. They may lose mechanical suitability at the extremes, or their insulative ability means they change more slowly than their mated metal parts. This can exacerbate tolerance issues, causing leaking or cracking prematurely. A material’s elastic modulus may become too high at extreme cold and result in cracking, or total failure, even under normal stress loads. Without proEnvironmental Science & Engineering Magazine

tective mitigation, plastic valves or pipes, and even poorly-welded and low-grade metal pipes under the right load will typically fail as the temperature drops. In this case, seasonal heat trace or insulation installation and inspection should become part of a preventive maintenance program during winter months. Similarly, oil can “wax” at extremes of lower temperature, or low temperature oil can be too thin at higher operating temperatures. This may require a different grade of oil in summer versus winter and would be articulated in a seasonal preventive maintenance program. Any of these conditions may foster consequential damage and accelerate declining asset condition sooner than expected. Always double check that the specs you are following reflect the environment you are operating in. It is important to remember that there is no such thing as inventing a new failure mode for an asset. Instead, the manifestation of that specific failure mode is driven by the local context and must be considered in adjusting and managing asset strategies. Understanding these stressors is critical for effective preventive maintenance and broader asset management programs.

Or a more robust asset could be selected, or additional layers of protection/mitigation applied to safeguard asset performance under extreme conditions. In remote situations, the strategy moves away from frequent intervention and preventive maintainance programs to a more robust overall design to manage the extremes of temperature. Strategic decisions on how to provision the plant inventory, how to change the design, or add layers of protection are all influenced by the local remote context and the impact on the organization’s risk profile. CONCLUSION

ture in the atmosphere, had filled the canister and both downcomer pipes with enough water such that when the tanks were being emptied, the water was drawn up the feed vent pipe until the tank walls caved in, responding to the pressure differential. Force builds up very quickly over large surfaces, and these tanks were very big. While we had been concerned about deep freeze events and checked for frozen pipes and leaks, the practice of checking for water in the carbon canister was a summer job. We didn’t recognize that the operating environment had changed. A summer failure mode showed up in winter. Fortunately, the tanks were resilient. They didn’t leak and were still pretty and shiny, albeit pretty and shiny giant stainless steel squished Twinkies.

Back to our crushed tanks. What went wrong? In the setup, the tank vent lines came to a common header that came from the roof area down to an activated carbon 210 litre drum canister and back up to the roof line for venting. Tacoma Zach is with MentorAPM. It turned out that the numerous Email: tacoma.zach@mentorapm.com freeze-thaw cycles, with elevated mois-


Preventive maintenance and asset management strategies are also affected by the remoteness of an operation. Are the assets in a remote location co-located with staff, or are they remote as well as unstaffed? While placing monitors and sensors on critical equipment is standard procedure (or should be), the ability to intervene quickly, or at all, will determine the broader asset management strategies, as well as some of the logistics of the maintenance strategies. Either way, remote assets will require a larger spare parts inventory given the extra time for supply chain delivery issues. Additionally, remote, unstaffed assets may also require further strategic decisions if time to proximity is greater than the speed with which the asset can fail. Additional redundancy could be the right strategy. For example, installing five pumps when only three are needed. www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

February 2024 | 39


California moves one step closer to direct potable reuse of wastewater By ES&E Staff


alifornia’s State Water Resources Control Board has voted in favour of adopting direct potable reuse regulations that would allow municipalities to blend purified wastewater into a local drinking water supply. The push to utilize wastewater as a drinking source has been some 13 years in the making for the Golden State, over which time it has struggled with several extreme droughts and dwindling reservoirs. But the state board approval will still need to be accepted by California’s Office of Administrative Law, which could add up to a year before the process of building new water recycling plants becomes a reality for the state’s nearly 40 million residents. Regulators said wastewater treatment will consist of “no less than four separate treatment processes” for each of the following pathogens: enteric viruses, Giardia lamblia cyst, and Cryptosporidium oocyst. Treatment mechanisms will also have to include one membrane physical separation mechanism, one chemical inactivation mechanism, and one UV inactivation mechanism, according to the regulations. Other processes include a reverse osmosis membrane process and an advanced oxidation process. Agencies in charge of direct potable reuse (DPR) will also need to establish a total organic carbon chemical control point and a control point monitoring location that provides representative sampling of the advanced treated water prior to distribution. “Direct potable reuse projects, when implemented, may allow public water systems access to water sources formerly discharged into the ocean as municipal wastewater, which would reduce the dependence of these water systems on other sources of water and result in more water available for uses, such as the protection and enhancement of nat40 | February 2024

The new California regulations create additional flexibility by allowing advanced purified water to be added directly into drinking water systems where it isn’t feasible to first blend it into a larger body. Credit: Brian Jackson, stock.adobe.com

ural resources and the environment,” states the DPR regulation. The new California regulations create additional flexibility by allowing advanced purified water to be added directly into drinking water systems where it isn’t feasible to first blend it into a larger body. Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment adopted DPR regulations last January, though no utilities have announced any actions as yet around the opportunity. Arizona, Texas and Florida also have regulations in the works. WateReuse California said it has collaborated with the Water Board and other stakeholders for over a decade to reach the DPR milestone. While California has used recycled wastewater for things such as ice hockey rink surfaces, and some crop irrigation, the ability to develop infrastructure to utilize advanced-treated wastewater as a drinking source is a first. After mul-

tiple reviews by independent panels of scientists, state law required the California Water Resources Control Board to approve regulations by the end of 2023. Many studies have shown that highly-treated wastewater is essentially “purer” than standard tap water. Minerals are often stripped and then added back to the water. In 2020, the University of Calgary’s Advancing Canadian Water Assets program formed a partnership with Alberta’s Village Brewery to sell limited edition beer brewed with treated wastewater. For more information, email: editor@esemag.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine





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Shifting from groundwater to surface water treatment By Annmarie Delfino


n many areas, groundwater resources are being depleted faster than they can recharge. Consequences of groundwater withdrawal were observed in the Houston, Texas area as early as 1918. Fissures observed at the Goose Creek Oil Field near Galveston Bay prompted investigations into the cause. This and many future studies The WHCRWA selected two In-Situ Inc. UV 2250 ChemScan analyzers for chloramination. established subsidence as a direct result of oil and water extraction. In the early 1970s, groundwater draw dropped three metres. The coastal neighIn response to growing subsidence caused subdivisions southeast of Hous- borhood experienced frequent flooding and threat of further aquifer depleton to sink. While some areas dropped by and was eventually declared unlivable tion, the Texas Legislature created the about 13 centimetres, one neighborhood after a 1983 hurricane. Harris Galveston Subsidence District

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42 | February 2024

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

(HGSD) in 1975 to monitor groundwater extraction and implement more sustainable practices. In 1999, HGSD released a regulatory plan that would require Houston and surrounding areas to shift their drinking water supply from groundwater to surface water. The West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA) was founded in 2001 to carry out HGSD’s regulations. As population grows, HGSD’s policy aims to prevent subsidence by reducing draw from groundwater in three stages. Stage one, completed in 2010, required 30% of drinking water supply to come from surface water instead of groundwater. The next stage, scheduled for completion in 2025, increases that requirement to 60%. The final stage, projected for a 2035 completion, will see surface water make up 80% of the Houston area’s drinking water supply.

treated water they receive meets requirements for total chlorine residuals. Bryan Thomas, area manager at Inframark, the private utility that operates the WHCRWA, says the two new pump stations will put more emphasis on WHCRWA’s role. Blending water from different sources makes retreatment both more complex and more important, as the water from each of the new pump stations could contain different levels of chemicals. WHCRWA will need to manage these levels to continue to stay in compliance. RELIABLE ANALYZERS PROVE KEY TO SUCCESS

“It took up a lot of our time.” The demand on facilities will only increase as they process a larger volume of water. Right now they treat about 106 million litres of water a day. After the expansion, it will be 430 million litres per day. After comparing several options, the WHCRWA selected two In-Situ Inc. UV 2250 ChemScan analyzers for chloramination. They provide continuous measurements of nitrate and ammonia to verify that WHCRWA meets residual limits after retreatment. “We were expecting a little bit of a challenge, adapting to something new,” says Thomas of the transition, adding that “we were given all the information we needed and the two new ChemScan analyzers do the job of the six analyzers we had before.” Though the expansion project will change operations for the plant, the new analyzers bring some peace of mind. “It’s nice to know that if we did have issues where we weren’t getting a consistent residual, that we have something that can actually give us a real number. It’s not something that we have to guess at or constantly keep an eye on,” says Thomas. “Having reliable analyzers is going to help us maintain residuals and not have to worry about levels being too low or high.”

Anticipating this, WHCRWA started looking for replacement analyzers in 2019. It needed equipment to provide accurate, continuous data, in order to blend several water sources successfully and maintain consistent residuals. MIXING WATER SOURCES ADDS “The old analyzers required constant COMPLEXITY maintenance,” says Thomas. “When we In order to accommodate more sur- did need to make an adjustment, there face water coming in from different was a 30-minute wait time in between areas, WHCRWA is building two new when we made the adjustment and when pump stations in the next two years. As we could see if it was actually working.” the regional water authority serving the With a small staff of three operators, county west of Houston, WHCRWA is the time and effort to maintain the anaresponsible for making sure drinking lyzers made working with them unsuswater treated at 116 plantsCin the city ofPANTONE Hous- tainable. “We were maintain PANTONE p179-15 U having 7” Xto 3.25” ton goes through a thorough retreatment these things basically every week to keep process before reaching customers in them in a running state and then they’d Annmarie Delfino is with In-Situ Inc. the surrounding area. They verify that fail after a couple of days,” says Thomas. Email: adelfino@in-situ.com



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February 2024 | 43


Best practices for energyefficient evaporation processes By Arnold Kleijn


vaporation is a process where a material moves from its liquid state to a vapour (or gas). The most common example of evaporation seen in everyday life is the transfer of water from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere as part of the water cycle. When liquids evaporate, and materials which they contain in solution or suspension are left behind, this becomes a useful process to concentrate solutions or to help separate materials. Evaporation is different from dehydration or drying because the product is a concentrated liquid, rather than a dry solid. However, evaporation and drying

processes can be combined: an evaporation process first removes the bulk of the water, and a final dryer eliminates the last bit, to obtain the final dried product. As evaporation plants are usually more energy-efficient than dryers, it makes sense to combine the two technologies. Evaporation is different from distillation: a distillation process separates two or more liquids that have different boiling points (and which normally contain no solids). In contrast, evaporation eliminates water from a solution that contains dissolved and/or suspended solids, thus obtaining a more concentrated solution. In general terms, the rate of evaporation

Evaporation is an efficient way of reducing the volume of effluents and wastes.

depends on the temperature (the warmer it is, the faster the rate of evaporation), but the boiling point of a material varies with pressure (water boils at a lower temperature as pressure reduces), and so industrial


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Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

processes often use a reduction in pressure to speed up the evaporation process. Evaporation is used for different purposes in multiple industries and sectors. In the food industry, some products are concentrated to increase shelf life, reduce volume or weight, or reduce storage and transport costs. In contrast, in the pharmaceutical sector, evaporation is often used to create concentrated solutions which can then be dried to create powdered products. In each sector, the basic principles of evaporation remain the same – the removal of water (or another solvent) from a solution by converting that water or solvent into its vapour phase. Different techniques (using different temperature and pressure conditions) can be applied in different situations. The type of evaporation which is most suitable for a particular purpose depends on a large number of factors, including the nature of the solvent and the solution, the required end products, and the energy available for the process.


evaporate multiple volumes of water. In such systems, the pressure of each conEvaporation may be carried out in secutive stage is lower than the previous batches or as a continuous process. Evap- one, which also lowers the boiling point. oration actually consists of two elements: For example, in a three-effect system, a heating phase (bringing the product to each evaporation stage takes care of one a boil) followed by an evaporation phase third of the total evaporation duty, and (where molecules leave the liquid phase the three condensate streams (100°C, and become gaseous). There are several 75°C and 50°C) can be combined and types of evaporators used to perform used to preheat the raw incoming prodthese processes, including jacketed tank, uct prior to evaporation in the first effect. forced recirculation and falling film. A vacuum/pressure control system is required for precisely adjusting the IMPROVING EVAPORATION evaporation pressure in each stage, makEFFICIENCY ing sure there is an optimal driving force Evaporation processes can be opti- between each effect. Multi-effect evapomized in terms of energy use, by reusing ration is used to significantly increase the energy (latent heat) contained in the the thermal efficiency of the process. For example, going from one stage to water that is evaporated from the product, or the use of steam compression devices. two stages reduces the thermal energy In a multi-effect evaporator, the evap- consumption by half. Adding a third orated steam generated in the first stage stage reduces energy consumption by two of evaporation is used as the thermal thirds compared to a one stage process. In a thermal vapour recompression energy source for the next stage. This can be repeated several times over where (TVR) compressor, part of the evapothe same quantity of steam is reused to continued overleaf…

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February 2024 | 45

ENERGY EFFICIENCY rated steam is mixed with “fresh” steam from the boiler and this combined steam flow is then used as the thermal energy for that evaporation stage. The reuse of evaporated steam increases the energy efficiency of the plant. For example, if a TVR compressor is applied to a one stage evaporation plant, reusing 50% of the evaporated steam, this will then double the energy efficiency, compared to the system without the TVR compressor. TVR compressor can be combined within multi-effect evaporation plants, further optimizing the energy consumption. Mixing evaporated steam and boiler steam in a TVR device usually gives a net steam which is much closer to the boiling point than pure boiler steam. This makes TVR processes difficult to apply for liquids with high boiling point elevation, and unsuitable for products with high viscosities and lower rates of heat transfer. Where thermal energy (steam or hot water) is not available but electrical power is, a lobe or fan compressor can be used to recompress the steam which has been generated. By compressing the evaporated steam, the temperature and pressure is increased to a point where it can provide useful energy for evaporation. This way, the same kg of steam which is evaporated from the product is reused as the thermal energy source for the same evaporation stage. The use of mechanical vapour recompression (MVR) compressors is one of the most economical evaporation techniques,

Evaporation is a process where a material moves from its liquid state to a vapour (or gas).

with one of the lowest operational costs per ton of water evaporated. A final condenser is not required as the evaporated

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46 | February 2024

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

steam is condensed on the service side of the evaporator itself, also eliminating the cost of a cooling tower and corresponding cost of water for condensation. However, MVR systems often have higher capital costs due to the need for a larger evaporator and the lower supply temperature. As with TVR systems, MVR compressor systems are less suitable for products with high boiling point elevations or products with increased In a multi-effect evaporator, the evaporated steam generated in one stage of evaporation is used viscosities. as the thermal energy source for the next stage to reduce overall energy requirements.


Perhaps the ultimate use of evaporation technology is for zero liquid discharge systems, which combine evaporation systems with solids precipitation or crystallization to achieve a net-zero liquid output from a process. The evaporator section concentrates the product as much as possible, typically to the point of saturation, before it is sent to the crystallization section where the solids are suspended and separated from the saturated solution. This saturated

solution (supernatant) is recycled back into the evaporator and the process is repeated or continued. For products with a steep solubility curve (high concentration at high temperature and low at low temperature) additional cooling to the solid’s precipitation tank will help the solids to precipitate quicker and settle out. ZLD systems are complex processes which are specifically designed for each application. In most cases product trials are required to

establish the correct process parameters. Corrugated tube evaporators offer high heat transfer solutions for low to medium viscosity fluids. Plate and falling film evaporators can be applied for low viscosity fluids that are easier to concentrate. Arnold Kleijn is with HRS Heat Exchangers. Email: info@us.hrs-he.com, www.hrs-heatexchangers.com


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February 2024 | 47


Naturally-elevated metals concentrations are resulting in more landfilling and less beneficial reuse of soils By Allan Clifford Lawton and Christopher Gerard Paré


he Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) set background standards for metals in soil in 1993 (Ontario Typical Range [OTR] adopted as Table 1 metals standards). Values were based on native soil samples collected and analyzed throughout Ontario. Natural metals concentrations are not uniformly distributed throughout Ontario. Naturally-occurring metals in soils derived from bedrock containing elevated concentrations of select metals can exceed the Ontario background standards in certain regions and have been documented by the MECP With the introduction of the Excess Soil Regulation (Ontario Regulation 406/19) and Rules, contractors in Ontario must identify local reuse sites to accept the excess soils generated during and consultants. excavation activity. Credit: Siggy Nowak. Pixabay


With the introduction of the Excess Soil Regulation (Ontario Regulation 406/19) and Rules, contractors in Ontario must identify local reuse sites to accept the excess soils generated during excavation activity. The project area may not have a history of past anthropogenic activities that would impact soil, but naturally-occurring metals concentrations above provincial background standards may be identified in soil samples and dictate reuse options. Under this regulation, excess soils containing specific metals within the range of natural background concentrations may be prevented from beneficial reuse. Additionally, Excess Soil Quality Standards (ESQS) have created limitations that prevent the use of statistical analysis because ceiling values are set lower than local natural background concentrations. In the Windsor-Essex region of Southwestern Ontario, data collected from soils not impacted by anthropogenic activities may contain concentrations of metals above background. These metals 48 | February 2024

concentrations are within natural ranges of the region, but they are above background standards. Thus, they are characterized as “impacted” above Table 1 ESQS (Agricultural Use). Therefore, these excess soils are not acceptable at Table 1 Standard Reuse Sites. Consequently, alternative reuse sites need to be identified. In some cases, these excess soils are directed to landfills, increasing project costs and reducing landfill capacity.

is naturally occurring at the reuse site and that does not exceed the naturally occurring range of concentrations typically found within the area of the reuse site; and (ii) documented evidence of the naturally occurring parameter concentrations is provided to the reuse site owner or operator and retained by the reuse site owner and qualified person.” DISCUSSION

Incorporation of bedrock into glacial sediments, and ultimately soils, is SOLUTION not a new concept. Use of till tracing to Allowing the use of local natural back- identify mining targets has been utilized ground values could divert soils from since the 1970s. Some regions in Ontario unnecessarily filling landfill capacity or have bedrock-derived sources of metals open more options for reuse sites while that have resulted in naturally-increased maintaining protection of human health local soil background concentrations and the environment. that exceed the OTR. In “Rules for Soil Management and The MECP has acknowledged this Excess Soil Quality Standards” (Decem- occurrence: “Numerous problems with ber 8, 2020; MECP), it states, “an excess beryllium concentrations in shales and soil quality standard is deemed to be soils derived from shales exceeding surmet if the following criteria are met (i) a face soil background concentrations qualified person has demonstrated that have been reported.” the excess soil contains a parameter that continued overleaf… Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine



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EXCESS SOILS A 1998 Ministry of Environment report titled “Investigation into Chemical Composition of Shales in Ontario” noted “beryllium concentrations to be elevated above normal surface soil background.” As a result, an exception to the use of the OTR is being used for beryllium, as SDB (Standards Development Branch) is proposing to use 2.5 mg/kg as the background concentration for beryllium for all land use categories. Black shales have been recognized in scientific literature as containing significant concentrations of metals and other elements. In Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8452, additional data is provided with respect to metals in black shale. It says that in areas underlain by black shale near Sarnia-Windsor and the Ottawa Valley east of Ottawa, till is relatively enriched in As, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, U, Sb, and Sr. It also states, “In the area west of London, for example, Mo is generally enriched in comparison with adjacent regions.” Based on a review of maps presented in this report regarding till geochemistry, arsenic and molybdenum are enriched in the Sarnia-Windsor area. These maps indicate that soil arsenic and molybdenum concentrations in excess of the Table 1 Agriculture background value could be present in Essex, Kent, Lambton, and the western portions of Middlesex and Elgin Counties. The MECP recognized that surface

Naturally occurring metals concentrations such as arsenic and molybdenum across Southwestern Ontario need evaluation on a project-by-project basis. These concentrations need to be evaluated to determine the possibility of anthropogenic influence.

ues are as follows: arsenic 11 micrograms per gram (µg/g), copper 120 µg/g, lead 90 µg/g, molybdenum 2 µg/g, nickel 74 µg/g, uranium 3.8 µg/g, vanadium 86 µg/g, and zinc 590 µg/g. It is important to note that ceiling values for arsenic and molybdenum are the same as MECP Table 1 background conBEDROCK CHEMISTRY Based on a review of a bedrock geology centrations. If natural concentrations of Southwestern Ontario map (“Rocks of metals in soil exceed ceiling values, and Minerals of Ontario;” Hewitt, 1972), a qualified person cannot use statistics Windsor to west of London is underlain as presented under Excess Soil Rules to by Devonian Aged bedrock. Of partic- meet Table 1 ESQS. Without the ability to use statistiular interest is Kettle Point Formation black shale (bedrock in the Chatham/Sar- cal tools and MECP acknowledgement nia area). It contains significantly higher of these natural metals concentrations, concentrations of arsenic, molybdenum, soils containing arsenic and/or molybdenum at concentrations above the nickel, and vanadium over OTR values. Table 1 ESQS cannot be placed at agricultural sites or placed at Table 1 ESQS SOIL CHEMISTRY Table 1 ESQS agricultural ceiling val- reuse sites in the same region.

soils west of London, and especially in the Windsor-Sarnia region have, naturally-elevated concentrations of molybdenum. This recognition of elevated molybdenum in soil is based on a regional geochemical survey (Sharp et al, 2019).

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50 | February 2024

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

A review of bedrock sampling results shows that Kettle Point Formation black shales are enriched in several metals, including arsenic and molybdenum. Additionally, in Southwestern Ontario soils, natural upper range concentrations of arsenic and molybdenum exceed their respective OTR (Table 1 agriculture standards).

denum is 4.01 µg/g. Combined with two standard deviations, molybdenum is 8.72 µg/g. The Southern Ontario mean for arsenic is 3.63 µg/g. Combined with two standard deviations, arsenic is 12.172 µg/g. However, the average arsenic value of Windsor/Sarnia region data is 13.42 µg/g, and the average molybdenum value of the Windsor/Sarnia region data OPINION AND SUMMARY is 8.94 µg/g. It should be noted that the OTR values are based on samples col- maximum concentrations of arsenic and lected throughout the province (only a molybdenum collected in this region are few samples from each region). There 21 and 18.53 µg/g, respectively (Sharp et is a natural variability in the data, with al, 2019). some regions having metals concentrations well above OTR values. BENEFICIAL OUTCOME Naturally occurring metals concenPlacement of excess soils not impacted trations such as arsenic and molybde- by anthropogenic activities in landfills is num across Southwestern Ontario need undesirable and contrary to aims of the evaluation on a project-by-project basis. Excess Soil Regulation. Use of higher natThese concentrations need to be eval- ural background concentrations in select uated to determine the possibility of regions has the potential to divert excess anthropogenic influence. soils away from landfills and allows for Based on a review of Sharp et al, 2019, the beneficial reuse of excess soils. the Southern Ontario mean for molybApplication of Table 1 background

standards for arsenic have resulted in complex excavation plan modifications in the Windsor-Essex region. Activities such as delineation and segregation of excavated soil have resulted in delays and additional costs that may not be necessary. The use of higher natural background concentrations in select regions will reduce the need for delineation, simplify excavation plans, provide a more costeffi​cient method for handling excess soil, and provide construction companies with increased reuse sites. Allan Clifford Lawton and Christopher Gerard Paré are with Dragun Corporation. For more information, email cpare@dragun.com

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February 2024 | 51


Evaluating the results of 12 years of monitoring PFAS in municipal wastewater treatment systems By Sarah B. Gewurtz, Alexandra S. Auyeung, Amila O. De Silva, Steven Teslic, Shirley Anne Smyth

52 | February 2024


Concentration (pmol/L)



Sum Long−chain PFCAs Sum Long−chain PFSAs


Sum Short−chain PFCAs Sum Short−chain PFSAs

6:2 FTS 5:3 FTCA













0 N


unicipal wastewater effluent discharges and land application of treated biosolids are important pathways of perand polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the environment, as municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are not designed to remove these or other chemical substances. Previous research has shown only partial removal and, in some cases, apparent formation of PFAS during some wastewater treatment processes, which was attributed to transformation of unmeasured PFAS precursors. Some PFAS have been subjected to various industrial production phaseouts and regulatory actions beginning in the early 2000s. In May 2023, the Government of Canada published a draft State of PFAS report and a Risk Management Scope for PFAS. It proposed to conclude that the broad class of PFAS meets the criteria for toxic to the environment and human health under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Using the results of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Wastewater Monitoring Program, we recently evaluated trends of PFAS concentrations in 27 representative Canadian WWTPs, assessed changes during treatment, and evaluated time trends in influent, effluent and biosolids between 2009 and 2021. The results were published in Science of the Total Environment. Two PFAS, perfluoroethylcyclohexane sulfonate (PFECHS) and perfluorobutane sulfonamide (FBSA), were analyzed at ECCC in the laboratory of Dr. Amila De Silva. The other 40 PFAS included in this study were analyzed by SGS AXYS Analytical Services Limited (SGS AXYS).

Figure 1. Median concentrations (pmol/L) of the sum of short- and long-chain PFCAs and shortand long-chain PFSAs as well as three dominant PFAS precursors, 6:2 FTS, 5:3 FTCA, and N-MeFOSE, in influent at the WWTPs evaluated between 2018 and 2021. PFCAs and PFSAs are indicated with solid colours while the precursors are indicated with patterns. The WWTP colours indicate treatment type with pink, orange, green, blue, and purple showing facultative lagoons, aerated lagoons, primary, secondary, and advanced treatment types, respectively. Arrows indicate WWTPs that receive landfill leachate.


5:3 perfluoroctanoate (5:3 FTCA), as well as perfluorobutanoate (PFBA) and PFOS. Of the 42 PFAS analyzed in this study, Relatively high detection frequencies of those with the highest maximum concen- the long-chain PFAS were observed in trations in influent and effluent between biosolids compared to influent and efflu2018 and 2021 corresponded to short-chain ent, due to their greater tendency than PFAS as well as perfluorooctanesulfonate short-chain PFAS to sorb to solids. (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). For the majority of the PFAS evaluExcept for PFOS and PFOA, these PFAS ated, higher concentrations were generare currently unregulated in Canada ally observed in WWTPs that use anaerunder the Prohibition of Certain Toxic obic and aerobic sludge digestion, comSubstances Regulations, 2012 (PCTSR). In pared to dewatering and alkaline stabigeneral, higher concentrations of PFAS lization. The generally elevated PFAS were observed in the influent of WWTPs concentrations in biosolids treated using that receive landfill leachate. anaerobic and aerobic digestion could In biosolids, PFAS with the highest be due to transformation of unmeasured maximum concentrations between 2018 precursors, which has been shown under and 2021 were the short-chain precursor continued overleaf… Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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WASTEWATER ent, or biosolids. Some of these chemicals, such as GenX, have received a lot of publicity due to elevated concentrations found near manufacturing facilities in the United States. However, these substances are not on the Government of Canada’s Domestic Substances List and have never been listed for use in Canada.

Concentration (pmol/g)







Sum Short−chain PFCAs Sum Short−chain PFSAs

Sum Long−chain PFCAs Sum Long−chain PFSAs

5:3 FTCA 7:3 FTCA


















V/ H









Figure 2. Median concentrations (pmol/g) of the sum of short- and long-chain PFCAs and shortand long-chain PFSAs as well as six dominant PFAA precursors, 5:3 FTCA, 7:3 FTCA, MeFOSAA, EtFOSAA, N-MeFOSE, and N-EtFOSE, in biosolids at the WWTPs evaluated between 2018 and 2021. PFCAs and PFSAs are indicated with solid colours while the precursors are indicated with patterns. The WWTPs colours indicate solids treatment type with orange, green, blue, and purple showing dewatering, alkaline stabilization, anaerobic digestion, and aerobic digestion, respectively.

aerobic conditions but could also be occurring under anaerobic conditions. Any chemicals not degraded during aerobic and anaerobic digestion will instead become concentrated because volatile solids in the sludge are reduced during treatment. Alkaline treatment is typically associated with reduced contaminant concentrations as a result of dilution from the alkaline admixture. Dewatering is not typically associated with effective removal of contaminants, compared to other sludge treatment types. In addition to the factors discussed above, concentrations of PFAS in biosolids are dependent on the type of wastewater treatment that preceded the biosolids treatment, the blend of primary versus waste biological sludge, and the transformation of PFAS precursors during both wastewater and solids treatment. Most biosolids collected between 2018 and 2021 as part of our study contained PFOS concentrations below the proposed Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) interim standard of 50 ng/g, except for one plant where some samples contained PFOS concentrations greater than 50 ng/g. Land application of biosolids has many 54 | February 2024

Results indicate that Canadian biosolids are generally suitable for application to agricultural fields, with respect to PFAS.

benefits, such as enhanced soil health, improved nutrient recycling, reduction of costly fertilizer use, strengthened farm economies, and improved carbon sequestration which helps combat climate change. Our samples were collected from a large cross-section of municipal WWTPs. Therefore, these results indicate that Canadian biosolids are generally suitable for application to agricultural fields, with respect to PFAS, when they are not impacted by industrial sources of this class of chemicals. Several emerging PFAS were not detected in wastewater influent, efflu-

The extent of PFAS removal during wastewater treatment is the balance of two competing processes: partitioning to solids and transformation of precursors. Removal and formation patterns varied highly within and between treatment types, indicating that the extent of removal and formation depends highly on factors beyond general treatment type. PFAS TIME TRENDS IN WASTEWATER AND BIOSOLIDS

The concentrations of long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs) (including PFOA) decreased over time in influent, effluent and biosolids, which reflects industrial production phase-outs and regulations. The concentrations of long-chain perfluoroalkane sulfonates (PFSAs), which consist primarily of PFOS, increased with time in wastewater influent. This was unexpected because PFOS was phased-out of production by North American industry in the early 2000s and is subject to prohibition under the PCTSR in Canada. We believe that the time trends of PFOS in influent observed in this study was an artifact of changes to the analytical methods. The samples were filtered prior to 2018, but analyzed as whole water samples between 2018 and 2021. Therefore, the concentrations measured prior to 2018 in influent samples reflect the dissolved and not particulate phases and may be underestimated. Filtering would have less of an effect on short- compared to long-chain PFAS and precursors because short-chain PFAS are often not detected in suspended particulate matter and they are typically found predominantly in the dissolved phase. Long-chain PFSA and PFOS concentrations did not change with time in either effluent or biosolids. Biosolids were anaEnvironmental Science & Engineering Magazine

lyzed as whole samples throughout the sampling period and effluent contained total suspended solids concentrations that were much less than in influent. Therefore, it is unlikely that the time trends of PFAS in biosolids and effluent would be affected by filtering. This suggests that while the apparent increase of PFOS concentrations in influent was related to changes to the filtering protocol, the response time of PFOS to industrial phase-outs and regulations is slower than other regulated PFAS. In comparison, PFOS concentrations were observed to decrease with time in Canadian surface water and drinking water. Wastewater matrices are more complex compared to other media, which could lead to more variability in data and relatively low power to detect trends. Perfluorohexanesulfonate (PFHxS), classified as a long-chain PFSA, is of interest because it was listed in Annex A under the Stockholm Convention in 2022 and was phased-out of industrial production in the early 2000s. The concentrations of PFHxS decreased significantly (p<0.05) in wastewater effluent, but did not change significantly (p>0.05) with time in either influent or biosolids. Concentrations of short-chain PFAS in wastewater influent and effluent increased consistently between 2009 and 2021. These increasing patterns reflect the use of short-chain PFAS as replacements for phased-out and regulated longer-chained PFAS. Short-chain PFAS were not consistently detected in biosolids. FUTURE DIRECTIONS

Although we quantified 42 PFAS in this study, this is a small number of the total substances in the PFAS class. Phosphate-ester surfactants, such as fluorotelomer phosphate diesters, made up a substantial fraction of PFAS in the particulate phase of wastewater and biosolids collected from WWTPs in the United States and Nordic countries. However, they were not measured in this current study. Further work is needed to expand the PFAS routinely targeted in wastewater monitoring programs and/or to apply techniques that better evaluate PFAS as a class, such as the total oxidizable prewww.esemag.com @ESEMAG

Patent Pending




BREAKTHROUGH PFAS REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY FOR PFAS MASS REMOVAL FROM SOIL, BEDROCK AND GROUNDWATER REGIMES... PFAS-SOL® Sub CMC Selective Surfactant Desorption Technology Our testing has shown that PFAS-SOL can reproducibly increase PFAS recovery from soil, and groundwater, several fold (>200% to >700%) when combined with in-situ soil flushing Our R&D results confirmed the following improved capacity: > PFOA Mass recovery of 160% to 185%

Shirley Anne Smyth collecting a sample as part of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Wastewater Monitoring Program.

> PFOS Mass recovery of 297% to 732% > TOTAL PFAS Mass recovery of 242% to 622%

cursor assay, extractable organofluorine analysis, or non-target analysis. Wastewater treatment processes were not designed to remove PFAS and any risk management would be most effective on upstream sources. Continued periodic monitoring of PFAS in wastewater matrices is recommended to track the effectiveness of the Government of Canada’s intent to move forward with activities to address the broad class of PFAS and to assess the impact of the 3M Company’s decision to phase out all PFAS by 2025. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This study was published under a Creative Commons license, is open access, and is available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168638

The data used in this study are available at: https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/ c6bbdf52-e5e4-43db-b1be-813bb4651ba3 Sarah B. Gewurtz, Alexandra S. Auyeung, Amila O. De Silva, Steven Teslic, and Shirley Anne Smyth are with Environment and Climate Change Canada. For more information, email: shirleyanne.smyth@ec.gc.ca

Improves physical, biological and chemical availability of PFOA and PFAS for remediation Technology overview and its capacity to resolve Forever Chemicals from the Environment

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February 2024 | 55


Researcher Cassandra Humes and Dr. Rachel Scholes investigate a rain garden in Vancouver, B.C. Credit: Dr. Timothy Rodgers

Canadian researchers take on 6PPD‑quinone By David Nesseth


he deaths of some 40 coho salmon in Brothers Creek near West Vancouver, British Columbia in late 2023 returned Canada’s attention to the risks of a tire preservative, now identified as a toxic roadway runoff chemical, which the B.C. government and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have signaled moves to regulate. Discovered three years ago by Washington-based researchers trying to solve the mystery of annual pre-spawn coho salmon die-offs after heavy autumn storms in the Pacific Northwest, 6PPD and one of its problematic transformation products, 6PPD-quinone, have since been the focus of intense study at several Canadian universities and drawn the attention of scientists at Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Both are busy collecting data and testing ways to mitigate the effects of the antidegradant that flakes off with rub56 | February 2024

ber onto roadways, activates as a toxin by sunlight, then washes into stormwater drains through rain and snow. The specific chemical signature associated with particles shed from vehicle tires in motion was discovered in late 2020. A mystery that lasted decades, over which time some species of salmon became endangered, was solved. After ruling out high temperatures, low dissolved oxygen, or any known contaminant such as high zinc levels, the researchers isolated and tested thousands of molecules found in tire-wear particles. “We then spent about two-and-a-half years separating this complex mixture to finally generate a chemically simple extract that was lethal to coho salmon. There were four chemicals detected out of the more than 2,000 present, initially,” said University of Washington Tacoma engineering professor, Edward Kolodziej in an interview with ES&E Magazine “Here, through the incredi-

bly hard work of Dr. Zhenyu Tian, we finally identified the primary causal toxicant for coho mortality events as a chemical called 6PPD-quinone. It is a previously unknown chemical product of the common tire rubber antioxidant and antiozonant 6PPD that’s generated when 6PPD reacts with atmospheric ozone on tire rubber surfaces.” When it came to 6PPD-quinone, salmon died during their tests within five hours of exposure to concentrations as low as 0.8 micrograms per litre. What stands out to Kolodziej now is just how toxic and ubiquitous 6PPD-quinone really is. “Tire rubber-derived chemicals like 6PPD-quinone are just everywhere,” he says. “While many fish seem to be insensitive to 6PPD-quinone, its high toxicity to coho salmon makes 6PPD-quinone the second most toxic compound to aquatic organisms ever identified.” In Canada, the discovery of 6PPD-quinone sent researchers into motion. Two avenues emerged: one to find safer alternatives to prevent tires from cracking, and another to better manage stormwater. Almost immediately, research scientist Tanya Brown with the Ocean Sciences Division of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) was on the phone with First Nations and conservation groups in B.C. “I think in a month I was reaching out to people,” recalls Brown, when speaking with ES&E Magazine. “We were trying to leverage funds within DFO to start up the project so we didn’t get on the ground sampling until that September, but we were actively speaking to and meeting people and basically visiting a number of sites leading up to that.” Brown’s team is currently monitoring for roadway runoff chemicals in 70 salmon-bearing creeks around coastal B.C. The work is being used to create a map of toxic B.C. hotspots where local governments can apply mitigation techniques to protect fish. Monitoring sites are located around Metro Vancouver, Squamish, and all over Vancouver Island, including Brothers Creek, the site of the recent fish die-off in November. While Brown’s team found low levels of 6PPD-quinone related to the die-off, their monitoring station was quite a bit downstream from the event. They have since added additional equipment closer Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

to the highway to see if their monitoring data changes. Brown, who is also involved in controlled lab exposures to learn more about the levels at which 6PPD-quinone can be fatal to certain fish, says the B.C. government is developing environmental quality guidelines for either soil or water, based on 6PPD-quinone lab findings and monitoring data. This may ultimately progress into a provincial regulation to help better protect aquatic life. “I think it’s great the amount of energy and attention that this chemical is being given right now. But, I also don’t want people to forget that we are dealing with a cocktail of chemicals out there, and it’s not only 6PPD that’s toxic in terms of road runoff,” says Brown. “But, I think we can use this chemical to help clean up our receiving environment and put a little bit more pressure on.” One of the first Canadian explorations of 6PPD-quinone occurred at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), which hosts an Aquatic Toxicology Research Facility. The university partnered with the City of Saskatoon to understand the chemical’s potential impact on other aquatic life in the South Saskatchewan River, as well as unknowns about how extreme cold temperatures affect the chemical’s degradation derivative. Researchers like USask assistant professor, Markus Brinkmann, used samples taken from snow facilities, snowmelt puddles, and about a dozen outfall sites along the South Saskatchewan River within the city in 2019 and 2020. Some of the research utilized a new chemical hazard assessment tool called EcoToxChip, recently developed as part of a large Genome Canada initiative to identify early toxicity indicators, and predict the vulnerability of target fish species. Brinkmann has also been involved in federal grant research projects on 6PPD-quinone, as well as other tire byproducts and antimicrobials that have also posed a threat to aquatic species. His research proved that rainbow and brook trout are also vulnerable to the effects of 6PPD-quinone, as the fish died after just four days of exposure to stormwater runoff events, even in small concentrations. Another researcher at USask, Dr. Jafar Soltan, professor of chemical and biolog-

biochar, a carbon-rich material produced during pyrolysis that is a thermochemical decomposition of biomass. University of British Columbia (UBC) researchers, Timothy Rodgers and Rachel Scholes, have also been exploring ways to stop 6PPD-quinone from spreading to waterways. Through the use of rain gardens, also known as bioretention cells, which are engineered to reduce flooding and soak up contaminants, the researchers say that the majority of the chemical could be blocked from entering waterways during an average year under typical storm conditions. A study published by Rodgers, Scholes and a team of other researchers, details a 6PPD-quinone spike (adding the chemiAnalyzing samples of runoff from the rain cal) and recovery test on a full-scale biogarden. Credit: Dr. Timothy Rodgers retention cell in Vancouver over 2021 and 2022. A truck pumped 14,000 litres ical engineering, is investigating differ- of water spiked with 6PPD-quinone onto ent ways to mitigate toxic roadway run- a garden for four hours and researchers off. Some of the various methods being tested the water draining from beneath explored include treatment systems using the garden at frequent intervals. They Water products plus PERIPROcells, 4.5 x 4.875 agriculturalWaste residue, bioretention orHolistic.pdf 1 1/19/2023 3:40:41 PMcontinued overleaf…










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February 2024 | 57

STORMWATER found only about 2% to 5% of the chemical made it through, with about 75% captured by the soil and plants. A month after the Brothers Creek fish kill, UBC’s Department of Civil Engineering received $1.8 million in funding to assess the prevalence of stormwater contaminants in salmon-bearing streams in B.C. and identify opportunities for green infrastructure interventions to protect salmon populations from toxic road runoff contaminants. “Although finding safer alternatives to 6PPD will provide the most complete protection for salmonids and other potentially sensitive aquatic organisms, the efficacy of bioretention systems means that in the short term, stormwater managers can protect sensitive populations by redirecting runoff away from streams and toward engineered systems such as bioretention,” the UBC study states. Finding that safer alternative has been underway since the discovery of 6PPD’s toxic byproduct. In October 2023, California’s Department of Toxic Substances

Control added tires containing 6PPD to its Safer Consumer Products Regulations. Manufacturers are now forced to list their tires as “priority products” that require an “alternatives analysis” and determine how best to limit exposures or the level of adverse public health and environmental impacts posed by 6PPD. The state says it’s working with the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) to navigate the process. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intends to amend emission standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for rubber tire manufacturing, as required by the Clean Air Act. It is a move that will cost the industry an estimated $20.8 million per year to address, according to the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada. The USTMA has pledged to work with the U.S. EPA and is currently evaluating whether there is an available alternative to 6PPD for tire preservation. “At present, 6PPD presents a critical and essential use in tires,” announced

the USTMA in a recent statement. “While many potential alternatives are being considered, none has been demonstrated to be technically feasible for meeting federal safety requirements. Any premature prohibition on the use of 6PPD in tires would be detrimental to public safety and the national economy.” Since the discovery of 6PPD-quinone, the U.S. EPA has been actively studying the threat to aquatic life. It recently announced plans to change the Toxic Substances Control Act to address the environmental risks of 6PPD-quinone. The signal to action followed outcry from a petition on behalf of several U.S.based First Nations tribes to ban 6PPD due to its proven lethality for coho salmon and other fish. The agency plans by this fall to begin gathering more information that could inform proposed regulations. David Nesseth is with ES&E Magazine. Email: david@esemag.com

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58 | February 2024

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


Alberta’s Rainbow Lake set to be Canada’s first geothermal town By ESE Staff


he Alberta Town of Rainbow Lake is trying to become Canada’s first municipality to be powered completely by geothermal energy, and says it will capitalize on existing oil and gas infrastructure to help accomplish

the feat. The three-phase pilot project led by E2E Energy Solutions (E2E) is expected to be completed by 2028. It will utilize the company’s enhanced geothermal reservoir recovery system (EGRRS), which upgrades the temperature of saline aquifers to be commercially viable when conventional exploitation methods do not work, the Calgary-based company says. “We see the incredible potential for geothermal in Canada, especially where we can repurpose existing oil and gas infrastructure to produce renewable energy,” explained E2E Founder, Domenico Daprocida, in a statement. The three project phases will be the EGRRS pilot, the construction of a surface geothermal facility, and the design and installation of the required infrastructure within the community. E2E says its patent-pending EGRRS process targets both non-producing and producing oil and gas reservoirs for conversion into large-scale geothermal power plants capable of producing 50 to 100 megawatts. E2E says it uses a directional drilling rig to bore down and through oil and gas reservoirs to find locations where temperatures reach above 200°C. The drilling then moves horizontally towards a recovery well. Once completed, a perforated pipe is installed to create an injection well. The process is repeated several times to create what the company calls a “deep earth radiator”. “At the surface, the hot brine has passed through a separator where it flashes into steam,” explains a demonstration video from E2E. “The steam is then used to drive a turbine to generate electricity. Condensed steam and water are then treated and sent to a hydrogen electrolysis process. A concentrated brine is created after the steam is separated from the reservoir brine.” E2E says the brine can be treated and sent to a lithium extraction process. According to E2E, the process also produces recovered natural gas from the utilized reservoirs, that can be sold to market or converted into hydrogen, using energy from the geothermal plant. Rainbow Lake Mayor, Michelle Farris, said her community of about 800 residents has been studying its “vast geothermal potential” in the northwest corner of Alberta for the past six years. Rainbow Lake gained the support of the Dene Tha’ First Nation for the geothermal pilot project. Lands Department www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

E2E says its process targets both non-producing and producing oil and gas reservoirs for conversion into large-scale geothermal power plants. Credit: E2E Energy Solutions, YouTube

Director, Fred Didzena, said the geothermal project will “provide new opportunities and economic benefits” for the region as a whole. “It will greatly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and a net-zero sustainable future,” Didzena announced in a statement. E2E says geothermal energy is an “underutilized” renewable energy source in Canada due to economic and technical limitations associated with conventional geothermal extraction processes. For more information, email: editor@esemag.com


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NOTE: This guide is intended as a service for ES&E readers only. No claims are made that it is a comprehensive review. ES&E relies on information supplied by companies and reader information. Guide to Environmental Consultants & Laboratories

A & A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC. 16 Young St Woodstock ON N4S 3L4 T: 519-266-4680 www.aaenvironmental.ca ABSOLUTE RESOURCE ASSOCIATES 124 Heritage Ave Portsmouth NH 03801 T: 603-436-2001 info@absoluteresourceassociates.com www.absoluteresourceassociates.com

ACTEMIUM TORONTO SUMMA 401-1875 Buckhorn Gate Mississauga ON L4W 5P1 T: 905-678-3388 diana.rubino@actemium.com | www.actemium.ca Contact: Diana Rubino In-depth knowledge of water and wastewater processes and extensive experience with instrumentation and SCADA projects have allowed Actemium Toronto Summa to provide quality goods and services to Canadian industrial and municipal markets for over 44 years. ACTIVE EARTH ENGINEERING LTD. 201 – 3989 Henning Dr Burnaby BC V5C 6P8 T: 778-737-3488 www.activeearth.ca AECOM CANADA LTD. 105 Commerce Valley Dr W Markham ON L3T 7W3 T: 905-886-7022 www.aecom.ca AEL ENVIRONMENT 302-2233 Argentia Rd East Tower Mississauga ON L5N 2X7 T: 800-267-4797 info@aelenv.com | www.aelenv.com

AET GROUP INC. 531 Wellington St Kitchener ON N2H 5L6 T: 519-576-9723 jmckenzie@aet98.com | www.aet98.com Contact: Janet McKenzie, Director, Environmental Services AET Group is a multi-disciplinary environmen62 | February 2024

tal consulting, auditing and scientific services company providing professional services to the built and natural environments in the following core service areas: Air, Audits, Building Sciences, Compliance, Energy, GHG, Home Flood Protection, Management Systems, Mitigation, Sustainability, Waste, and Water.

AGAT LABORATORIES 2910-12 St NE Calgary AB T2E 7P7 www.agatlabs.com AINLEY GROUP 280 Pretty River Pkwy Collingwood ON L9Y 4J7 T: 705-445-3451 communications@ainleygroup.com www.ainleygroup.com AIRZONE ONE LTD. 222 Matheson Blvd East Mississauga ON L4Z 1X1 T: 905-890-6957 info@airzoneone.com | www.airzoneone.com ALLNORTH CONSULTANTS LTD. 1200-1100 Melville St Vancouver BC V6E 4A6 T: 866-614-7200 www.allnorth.com ALL-TECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 162 Trider Crescent Dartmouth NS B3B 1R6 T: 902-835-3727 www.toalltech.com ALPHA ADROIT ENGINEERING LTD. 17816-105 Ave NW Edmonton AB T5S 2H5 T: 1-844-423-7648 info@alphaadroit.ca | www.alphaadroit.ca ALTECH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING LTD. Morneau Shepell Centre II 895 Don Mills Rd, Suite 400 Toronto ON M3C 1W3 T: 800-323-4937 www.altech-group.com ARCADIS CANADA 12-121 Granton Dr Richmond Hill ON L4B 3N4 T: 905-764-9380 www.arcadis.com

ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING 500-9888 Jasper Ave Edmonton AB T5J 5C6 T: 780-451-7666 mahl@ae.ca | www.ae.ca Contact: Lianna Mah, Vice President, Business Development


At Associated Engineering, our vision is to shape a better world for future generations by creating sustainable and resilient solutions. This is our commitment to building better communities. Sustainability is part of every project we undertake, including how we operate our business. We provide consulting services in the water, infrastructure, environmental, transportation, energy, and building sectors. Our services include planning, engineering, landscape architecture, environmental science, project management, asset management, and strategic advisory services. We have twice received Canadian consulting engineering’s highest honour, the Schreyer Award, for technical excellence and innovation, and have also been recognized with the Tree for Life Award for outstanding environmental stewardship.

AUREUS SOLUTIONS INC. 224-120 Clarence St Kingston ON K7L 1X4 T: 613-893-3680 info@aursi.ca | www.aursi.ca AZURA ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL INC. 300-22 King St South Waterloo ON N2J 1N8 T: 1-877-298-7288 info@azuraassociates.com www.azuraassociates.com Contact: David Ellis, Principal Engineer B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 62 North St Goderich ON N7A 2T4 T: 519-524-2641 www.bmross.net BANTREL Suite 2800 700 2nd St SW Calgary AB T2P 2W2 T: 403-290-5000 www.bantrel.com BCI ACADEMY 2201-250 Yonge St Toronto ON M5B 2L7 T: 416-206-0366 clients@bci-academy.com | www.bci-academy.com BCL ENGINEERING LTD. 200-302 Wellman Lane Saskatoon SK S7T 0J1 bcl@bcl-eng.ca | www.bcl-eng.ca BECKINGHAM ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 1206 20 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 1M8 T: 403-775-6059 info@beckinghamenviro.com www.beckinghamenviro.com BFC TECHNOLOGIES 145 Gibraltar Rd Vaughan ON L4H 4P9 T: 905-761-0599 www.bfc-tech.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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BGC ENGINEERING 500-980 Howe St Vancouver BC V6Z 0C8 T: 604-684-5900 www.bgcengineering.ca

C5 ENGINEERING LTD. 519 Diamond Dr SE Calgary AB T2J 7B5 T: 403-271-2045 kmanly@c5engineering.com

CIVICA INFRASTRUCTURE INC. 330 Rodinea Rd Vaughan ON L6A 4P5 T: 905-417-9792 www.civi.ca

BINNIE 300-4940 Canada Way Burnaby BC V5G 4K6 T: 604-420-1721 www.binnie.com

CALA 102-2934 Baseline Rd Ottawa ON K2H 1B2 T: 613-233-5300 communications@cala.ca | www.cala.ca

CLA EXPERTS-CONSEILS INC. 629 Rue Notre-Dame Repentigny QC J6A 2V5 T: 450-581-8070 www.claing.com

BINPAL ENGINEERING LTD. 215-8232 120 St Surrey BC V3W 3N4 T: 604-596-3815 info@binpaleng.com | www.binpaleng.com Contact: Jas Binpal

CAMBIUM INC. 194 Sophia St Peterborough ON K9H 1E5 T: 705-741-4109 www.cambium-inc.com

CLEANEARTH TECHNOLOGIES INC. 203 Aerotech Dr Halifax NS B2T 1K3 T: 902-835-9095 www.cleanearthtechnologies.ca

CAMBIUM INDIGENOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1109 Mississauga St Curve Lake First Nation ON K0L 1R0 T: 705-657-1126 spirit@indigenousaware.com www.indigenousaware.com

CLEARTECH CONSULTING LTD. 1345 Salsbury Dr Vancouver BC V5L 4B4 www.cleartechconsultingltd.com

BIO-LIMNO RESEARCH & CONSULTING, INC. 28 Stone Gate Dr Halifax NS B3N 3J2 T: 902-425-8989 magbeti@bio-limno.com www.bio-limno.com Contact: Michael Agbeti, PhD, President Bio-Limno Research & Consulting is an environmental consulting firm that provides a variety of services related to water quality. We specialize in algal analysis (including diatom algae), zooplankton analysis, interpretation of water quality data, and writing of scientific reports. BIONEST 55 12th St PO Box 10070 Shawinigan QC G9T 5K7 T: 1-866-538-5662 www.bionest-tech.com BIOREX INC. 295 Ch Sainte-Foy Quebec QC G1R 1T5 T: 418-522-4945 www.biorex.com BIOTHERMICA 426 Sherbrooke Est Montréal QC H2L 1J6 T: 514-488-3881 www.biothermica.com BLACK & VEATCH CANADA 501-50 Minthorn Blvd Markham ON L3T 7X8 T: 905-747-8506 www.bv.com BLUMETRIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 1682 Woodward Dr Ottawa ON K2C 3R8 T: 613-839-3053 www.blumetric.ca BPA 8580 De L’Esplanade Ave Suite 200 Montreal QC H2P 2R8 www.bpa.ca/en BROWN ASSOCIATES LIMITED 171 King St W Dundas ON L9H 1V3 T: 416-779-7743 bruce@brownassociates.ca BUREAU VERITAS 6740 Campobello Rd Mississauga ON L5N 2L8 T: 905-817-5700 www.bvna.com



CANDETEC INC. 12–111 Fourth Ave Suite 325 St. Catharines ON L2S 3P5 T: 905-516-9009 dgregor@candetec.ca | www.candetec.ca Contact: Dennis Gregor CATTERALL & WRIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1231 8th St East Saskatoon SK S7H 0S5 T: 306-343-7280 cw@cwce.ca | www.cwce.ca CBCL LIMITED PO Box 20040 14 King St Suite 420 Saint John NB E2L 5B2 T: 506-633-6650 www.cbcl.ca CDM SMITH 675 Cochrane Dr East Tower 6th Floor Markham ON L3R 0B8 www.cdmsmith.com CEGP CONSULTANTS LTD. T: 647-987-1384 rakesh@cegp.ca | www.cegp.ca CENTRE FOR ADVANCEMENT OF WATER AND WASTEWATER TECHNOLOGIES (CAWT) AT FLEMING COLLEGE 200 Albert St South Lindsay ON K9V 5E6 cawt@flemingcollege.ca | www.cawt.ca CF CROZIER & ASSOCIATES 200 1 First St Collingwood ON L9Y 1A1 T: 705-446-3510 www.cfcrozier.ca CHAMARD STRATEGIES ENVIRONNEMENTALES 5593 Rue Fullum Montreal QC H2G 2H5 www.chamard-env.com/welcome CHISHOLM, FLEMING & ASSOCIATES 301-317 Renfrew Dr Markham ON L3R 9S8 T: 905-474-1458 cfa@chisholmfleming.com www.chisholmfleming.com Contact: R.G. Chisholm, P.Eng. CIMA+ 500-5935 Airport Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1W5 T: 905-695-1005 troy.briggs@cima.ca | www.cima.ca Contact: Troy Briggs, Executive Vice-President, Infrastructure

CLEARVIEW GEOPHYSICS INC. 12 Twisted Oak St Brampton ON L6R 1T1 T: 905-458-1883 www.geophysics.ca CLIFTON ENGINEERING GROUP 10509–46 St SE Calgary AB T2C 5C2 T: 403-263-2556 www.clifton.ca COBIDE ENGINEERING INC. 517 10th St Hanover ON N4N 1R4 T: 519-506-5959 www.cobideeng.com COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS 2720 Iris St Ottawa ON K2C 1E6 T: 613-820-6610 www.colliersprojectleaders.com COLUCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 37 Bellevue Terrace St. Catharines ON L2S 1P4 T: 647-273-0230 tom@colucentenvironmental.com www.colucentenvironmental.com Contact: Tom Hilditch, Founder and President CONCENTRIC ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED 307-700 Richmond St London ON N6A 5C7 T: 519-452-7700 www.concentriceng.com CONDELAND ENGINEERING LIMITED 350 Creditstone Rd Unit 200 Concord ON L4K 3Z2 T: 905-695-2096 rob@condeland.com | www.condeland.com D&G ENVIRO-GROUP INC. 5745 Place Turcot Suite 200 Montreal QC H4C 1W1 T: 514-932-1688 www.dgenviro.com DEAN ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 955 Meadow Valley Rd Summerland BC V0H 1Z8 T: 250-494-0314 admin@deanenvironmental.com www.deanenvironmental.com Contact: Laura Dean, Office Manager DIAMETER SERVICES 300-1315 Pickering Pkwy Pickering ON L1V 7G5 T: 416-305-3409 www.diameterservices.com DILLON CONSULTING LIMITED 800-235 Yorkland Blvd Toronto ON M2J 4Y8 T: 416-229-4646 www.dillon.ca

February 2024 | 63


DLW ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED T: 905-822-0163 www.dlwengineering.ca DRAGUN CORPORATION 2996 Deziel Dr Unit B Windsor ON N8W 5H8 T: 519-948-7300 cpare@dragun.com | www.dragun.ca Contact: Christopher Pare, P. Geo ECOH MANAGEMENT INC. 1-75 Courtneypark Dr W Mississauga ON L5W 0E3 T: 905-795-2800 www.ecoh.ca ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 2395 Speakman Dr Mississauga ON L5K 1B3 T: 1-888-786-7555 contact.us@element.com | www.element.com EMSL ANALYTICAL INC. 200 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 T: 1 800-220-3675 www.emsl.com ENGINEERS AND GEOSCIENTISTS BC 200-4010 Regent St Burnaby BC V5C 6N2 T: 604-430-8035 www.egbc.ca ENGLOBE Unit 7 1821 Albion Rd Toronto ON M9W 5W8 T: 416-213-1060 www.englobecorp.com/canada ENVIRO-ACCESS 268 Rue Aberdeen Bureau 204 Sherbrooke QC J1H 1W5 T: 819-823-2230 www.enviroaccess.ca ENVIROCHEM SERVICES INC. 206-267 Esplanade West Vancouver BC V7M 1A5 T: 604-986-0233 www.envirochem.com ENVIROLUM CONSULTING INC. Kitchener ON www.envirolum.com ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS, INC. Encino CA T: 818-907-6565 www.techstuff.com Contact: Bart B. Sokolow, D.Env., P.E. ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 33 Wanita Rd Mississauga ON L5G 1B3 T: 647-836-4064 john.nicholson@ebccanada.com Contact: John Nicholson ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICS INC. 3810–18th Ave Prince George BC V2N 4V5 T: 250-562-5412 www.edynamics.com ENVIRONMENTAL ODOUR CONSULTING 1492 Wallace Rd Unit 5 Oakville ON L6L 2Y2 T: 647-988-5814 www.environmentalodourconsulting.com ENVIROPASS EXPERTISE INC. 220–5473 Royalmount Town of Mount-Royal QC H4P 1J3 T: 514-887-7871 contact@getenviropass.com www.getenviropass.com

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ENVIROSIM ASSOCIATES LTD. 107-7 Innovation Dr Flamborough ON L9H 7H9 T: 905-481-2607 bye@envirosim.com | www.envirosim.com Contact: Christopher Bye

FILTRUM CONSTRUCTION 430 Rue Des Entrepreneurs Quebec City QC G1M 1B3 T: 418-687-0628 www.filtrum.ca

ENVIROTECH ASSOCIATES LIMITED 217 Consortium Crt London ON N6E 2S8 T: 519-601-8130 www.envirotechbiz.com

FIRST NATIONS ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. PO Box 280 1786 Chiefswood Rd Ohsweken ON N0A 1M0 T: 519-445-0040 www.fnesl.ca

ENVIROVISION INC. 3-196 Drumlin Circle Concord ON L4K 3E5 T: 905-761-1783 info@envirovision-inc.com www.envirovision-inc.com

FNX-INNOV 433 Chabanel St West 12th Fl Montréal QC H2N 2J8 T: 514-982-6001 www.fnx-innov.com

ENVIROWEST CONSULTANTS INC. 2000 Hartley Ave Coquitlam BC V3K 6W5 T: 604-944-0502 www.envirowest.ca

FUNDY ENGINEERING & CONSULTING LTD. 27 Wellington Row Saint John NB E2L 3H4 T: 506-635-1566 www.fundyeng.com G3 CONSULTING LTD. 206-8501 162 St Surrey BC V4N 1B2 T: 604-598-8501 www.g3consulting.com

ERAMOSA ENGINEERING INC. 4-650 Woodlawn Rd W Block C Guelph ON N1K 1B8 T: 519-763-7774 david.chamberlain@eramosa.com www.eramosa.com Contact: David Chamberlain Since 1998 Eramosa has been providing our clients with specialists in the areas of SCADA, process control, instrumentation, automation, information technology, and networking. We have expertise in planning, project management, conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design, as well as in the implementation of technology solutions using both traditional and alternative delivery methods. Through dedicated attention to our clients we strive to develop long-lasting relationships based on trust, mutual respect, integrity, and technical excellence. ETCOS ENVIRONMENTAL & INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SERVICES 96 Terrosa Rd Markham ON L3S 1G2 T: 905-471-3332 info@etcoscanada.com | www.etcoscanada.com Contact: Ravi Sharma ETO ENGINEERING 9030 Leslie St Richmond Hill ON L4B 1G2 T: 289-637-2700 www.etoengineering.ca EUROFINS ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING CANADA 8-146 Colonnade Rd Ottawa ON K2E 7Y1 T: 613-727-5692 infocanada@eurofins.com | www.eurofins.ca EXP 100-2650 Queensview Dr Ottawa ON K2B 8H6 T: 613-688-1899 ken.johnson@exp.com | www.exp.com Contact: Ken Johnson, Director of Arctic Engineering FDI ACOUSTICS INC. 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW Calgary AB T3G 0B4 T: 403-547-9511 www.fdiacoustics.com

GEMTEC 124 Greenview Dr Hanwell NB E3C 0M7 T: 506-453-1025 www.gemtec.ca GHD 455 Phillip St Waterloo ON N2L 3X2 T: 519-884-0510 www.ghd.com GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INC. 10312 N Holly Rd Holly MI 48442 T: 231-360-3971 www.global-env.com GM BLUEPLAN 2-650 Woodlawn Rd W Block C Guelph ON N1K 1B8 www.gmblueplan.ca GROUNDWATER ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. 9-150 Rivermede Rd Concord ON L4K 3M8 T: 905-907-3077 www.gemservicesinc.com GROUPE ADF INC. 300 Rue Henry-Bessemer Terrebonne QC J6Y 1T3 GROUPE BERLIE-FALCO 1245 Industrielle La Prairie QC J5R 2E4 www.berliefalco.com GUNNELL ENGINEERING LTD. 1110 Stellar Dr Unit 106 Newmarket ON L3Y 7B7 T: 905-868-9400 www.septicdesign.ca H.H. ANGUS & ASSOCIATES LIMITED 1127 Leslie St Toronto ON M3C 2J6 T: 416-443-8200 www.hhangus.com HATCH LTD. 2800 Speakman Dr Mississauga ON L5K 2R7 T: 905-855-7600 www.hatch.com HATFIELD CONSULTANTS LTD. 200-850 Harbourside Dr North Vancouver BC V7P 0A3 T: 604-926-3261 www.hatfieldgroup.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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T: 289-799-9655 ray.laqua@leancompliance.ca www.leancompliance.ca

HEROLD ENGINEERING LTD. 3701 Shenton Rd Nanaimo BC V9T 2H1 www.heroldengineering.com T: 250-751-8558

JADE ACOUSTICS INC. 411 Confederation Parkway Concord ON L4K 0A8 T: 905-660-2444 www.jadeacoustics.com

HGC ENGINEERING 203-2000 Argentia Rd Plaza 1 Mississauga ON L5N 1P7 T: 905-826-4044

JFM ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED 318 Neptune Crescent Unit 1 London ON N6M 1A1 T: 519-951-9191 www.jfmel.com

HLC CONSULTING LTD. 400 St. Mary’s Rd Winnipeg MB R2H 1J9 T: 204-793-9762 info@hlcconsultingltd.ca www.hlcconsultingltd.ca

JNE CONSULTING LTD. 176 Shaw St Hamilton ON L8L 3P7 T: 905-529-5122 www.jnegroup.com

MAPLE KEY LABS, INC. London ON chris.degroot@maplekeylabs.com maplekeylabs.com Contact: Christopher DeGroot, CEO

JOHANSSON ENGINEERING LTD. 9-16728 115 St NW Edmonton AB T5X 6G6 T: 780-476-9670 johanssonengineering@shaw.ca www.johansson.engineering

MATRIX SOLUTIONS Suite 600 214‑11th Ave SW Calgary AB T2R 0K1 T: 403-237-0606 info@matrix-solutions.com www.matrix-solutions.com

JOHNSTON-VERMETTE GROUPE CONSEIL INC. 6110 Rue Christophe-Pelissier Trois-Rivieres QC G9A 5C9 T: 819-373-3550 www.johnston-vermette.com

MCELHANNEY 100, 402 – 11th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 0Y4 www.mcelhanney.com

HSE INTEGRATED LTD. 2200-645 7th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 4G8 T: 403-266-1833 www.hseintegrated.com

HYDRATEK & ASSOCIATES 3901 Highway 7 Suite 500 Vaughan ON L4L 8L5 T: 416-238-7681 Ext 480 d.radulj@hydratek.com | www.hydratek.com Contact: Djordje Radulj, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. (ON, AB) HydraTek specializes in hydraulic and energy investigations in water and wastewater systems. With its roots in hydraulic transient analysis, its service offering has expanded into field testing and data collection, pump performance and efficiency testing, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling, amongst other specialized activities. In addition, HydraTek also offers education, training and research services, enjoying strong linkages with the University of Toronto. Based in the Toronto area, HydraTek has provided analytical and field services on assignments throughout Ontario, across Canada, and internationally since its origination in 1988. HYDROMANTIS ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, INC. 1 James St South, Suite 1601 Hamilton ON L8P 4R5 T: 905-522-0012 www.hydromantis.com ICF CANADA 700 200 Laurier Ave West Ottawa ON K1P 6M7 T: 613-523-0784 www.icf.com INTUITIVE WATER SYSTEMS INC. 1375 Kirk Rd Binbrook ON L0R 1C0 T: 403-254-0544 www.intuitivewater.com ISL ENGINEERING 4015 7 St SE Calgary AB T2G 2Y9 www.islengineering.com J.L. RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 1000-343 Preston Street Tower II Ottawa ON K1S 1N4 T: 613-728-3571 www.jlrichards.ca JACOBS 400-245 Consumers Rd Toronto ON M2J 1R3 T: 416-499-9000 www.jacobs.com



KELLER ENGINEERING 1001 1 St Southeast Calgary AB T2G 5G3 T: 403-471-3492 info@kellerengineering.com www.kellerengineering.com

MALROZ ENGINEERING INC. 308 Wellington St 2nd Fl Kingston ON K7K 7A8 T: 613-548-3446 www.malroz.com

MCINTOSH PERRY 115 Walgreen Rd RR 3 Carp ON K0A 1L0 www.mcintoshperry.com MONTROSE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP LTD. Suite 210 704 Mara St Point Edward ON N7V 1X4 T: 519-336-4101 www.montrose-env.com

KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 200-4185A Still Creek Dr Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 T: 604-294-2088 www.kwl.ca

MORRISON ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 1-1087 Meyerside Dr Mississauga ON L5T 1J4 T: 905-564-8944 www.morrison-environmental.com

KGS GROUP CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3rd Fl 865 Waverley St Winnipeg MB R3T 5P4 T: 204-896-1209 www.kgsgroup.com

MORRISON HERSHFIELD LTD. 300–125 Commerce Valley Dr W Markham ON L3T 7W4 T: 416-499-3110 www.morrisonhershfield.com

KLOHN CRIPPEN BERGER LTD. 500-2618 Hopewell Pl NE Calgary AB T1Y 7J7 T: 403-274-3424 www.klohn.com KNIGHT PIÉSOLD LTD. 1400-750 Pender St W West Vancouver BC V6C 2T8 T: 604-685-0543 www.knightpiesold.com LAPORTE EXPERTS CONSEILS INC. 2320–400 Ave Sainte-Croix Montréal QC H4N 3K4 T: 514-733-1073 LDS CONSULTANTS INC. 2323 Trafalgar Street London ON N5V 0E1 T: 226-289-2952 www.ldsconsultants.ca LE GROUPE FORCES 531 Boul Manseau Joliette QC J6E 3E3 T: 450-756-8040 www.legroupeforces.ca GROUPE GÉNITIQUE INC. 480–2655 Boul Du Royaume Jonquiere QC GYS 4S9 T: 418-548-4626 www.genitique.com LEA CONSULTING LTD. 625 Cochrane Dr 9th Fl Markham ON L3R 9R9 T: 905-470-0015 www.lea.ca LEAN COMPLIANCE CONSULTING, INC. 3 Valleyview Court Dundas ON L9H 4A5

MPE ENGINEERING LTD. 300-714 5th Ave South Lethbridge AB T1J 0V1 T: 403-329-3442 lethbridge@mpe.ca | www.mpe.ca MSR SOLUTIONS INC. 125-662 Goldstream Ave Victoria BC V9B 0N8 T: 250-479-5164 www.msrsolutions.ca MTE CONSULTANTS INC. 520 Bingemans Centre Dr Kitchener ON N2B 3X9 T: 519-743-6500 www.mte85.com NADINE INTERNATIONAL INC. 2325 Skymark Ave Mississauga ON L4W 5A9 T: 905-602-1850 info@nadineintl.on.ca | www.nadineintl.com NEEGAN BURNSIDE LTD. 307 Commerce Dr Winnipeg MB R3P 1B3 T: 800-595-9149 www.neeganburnside.com NORTH SHORE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 134-12143 40 St SE Calgary AB T2Z 4E6 T: 403-228-3095 www.northshoreenv.com NORTHWEST HYDRAULIC CONSULTANTS 9819 12 Ave SW Edmonton AB T6X 0E3 T: 780-436-5868 www.nhcweb.com

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OGEE SOLUTIONS INC. 501-77 City Centre Dr East Tower Mississauga ON L5B 1M5 T: 647-588-7660 ORTECH ENVIRONMENTAL 804 Southdown Rd Mississauga ON L5J 2Y4 www.ortechconsulting.com T: 905-822-4120 PARACEL LABORATORIES LTD. 318 Neptune Crescent Unit 2 London ON N6M 1A1 T: 800-749-1947 www.paracellabs.com PARKLANDGEO LTD. 189 Pembina Rd Sherwood Park AB T8H 2W8 T: 780-416-1755 www.parklandgeo.com PARSONS INC. 1223 Michael St North Suite 100 Ottawa ON K1J 7T2 T: 613-738-4160 www.parsons.com PETO MACCALLUM LTD. 165 Cartwright Ave Toronto ON M6A 1V5 T: 416-785-5110 www.petomaccallum.com PGL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 1500-1185 Georgia St W Vancouver BC V6E 4E6 T: 604-682-3707 www.pggroup.com PILOT PERFORMANCE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INC. 7-27111 0 Ave Aldergrove BC V4W 2S9 T: 604-381-3313 jpilot@pilotims.com | www.pilotims.com Contact: Jayne Pilot, President

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trial markets since 2001. Services include water and wastewater process design, process mechanical design, process controls, project management, environmental assessments and contract administration. We also have expertise in water and wastewater policy management, and sewer use bylaw administration.

R.J. BURNSIDE & ASSOCIATES LIMITED 15 Townline Orangeville ON L9W 3R4 T: 519-941-5331 www.rjburnside.com R.V. ANDERSON ASSOCIATES LIMITED 300-2001 Sheppard Ave E Toronto ON M2J 4Z8 T: 416-497-8600 toronto@rvanderson.com | www.rvanderson.com RAMBOLL CANADA INC. 100–2400 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 6S2 T: 289-290-0600 www.ramboll.com RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 617-18 Wynford Dr Toronto ON M3C 3S2 T: 416-495-1314 www.rea.ca RICE RESOURCE TECHNOLOGIES 9333-41 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6E 6R5 T: 780-469-1356 www.riceresource.com RISKCHECK 2235 Sheppard Ave East Toronto ON M2J 5B5 T: 416-640-2444 www.riskcheckinc.com RIVERCOURT ENGINEERING INC. 4 Beechwood Cres Toronto ON M4K 2K8 T: 647-479-4104 info@rivercourt.ca | www.rivercourt.ca

PINCHIN LTD. 2-2360 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 6S2 T: 905-363-1396 achan@pinchin.com | www.pinchin.com Contact: Andrew Chan, Operations Manager

RJC ENGINEERS 1816 Crowchild Trail NW Suite 500 Calgary AB T2M 3Y7 T: 403-283-5073 info@rjc.ca | www.rjc.ca

PINTER & ASSOCIATES LTD. 710A 48th St East Saskatoon SK S7K 5B4 T: 306-244-1710 www.pinter.ca

ROBINSON CONSULTANTS INC. 350 Palladium Dr Ottawa ON K2V 1A8 T: 613-592-6060 www.rcii.com

PLURITEC LTEE. 1100 Place Du Technoparc Bur 200 Trois Rivières QC G9A 0A9 T: 819-379-8010 www.pluritec.qc.ca PREVENTION AND REGULATORY SOLUTIONS LTD. PO Box 322 Maitland ON K0E 1P0 T: 613-348-3403 info@pandrs.com | www.pandrs.com

R.E. POISSON ENGINEERING INC. 784 Scottsdale Dr. Guelph ON N1G 3L8 T: 519-767-2004 robert@repoisson.com | www.repoisson.com Contact: Robert Poisson, P.Eng., President R.E. Poisson Engineering has been providing engineering services to the municipal and indus66 | February 2024

ROY CONSULTANTS 548 King Ave Bathurst NB E2A 1P7 T: 506-546-4484 www.royconsultants.ca RWDI 600 Southgate Dr Guelph ON N1G 4P6 T: 519-823-1311 ext 2342 www.rwdi.com SAFETECH ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED 14-3045 Southcreek Rd Mississauga ON L4X 2X7 T: 905-624-2722 www.safetechenv.com SAL ENGINEERING LTD. 2220 Ave C N Saskatoon SK S7L 6C3 T: 306-653-4511 www.salengineering.ca SANEXEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 200-9935 de Châteauneuf St 200 Brossard QC J4Z 3V4 T: 450-466-2123

SARAFINCHIN ASSOCIATES LTD. 238 Galaxy Blvd Toronto ON M9W 5R8 T: 416-674-1770 www.sarafinchin.com SASKATCHEWAN RESEARCH COUNCIL Bay 2D, 820 51St St E Saskatoon SK S7K 0X8 T: 306-933-5400 info@src.sk.ca | www.src.sk.ca SCHAEFFERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6 Ronrose Dr Concord ON L4K 4R3 T: 905-738-6100 www.schaeffers.com SCHEFFER ANDREW LTD. Commerce South Office Park Building E Suite 310 4803 87 St NW Edmonton AB T6E 0V3 www.schefferandrew.com SCO-TERRA CONSULTING GROUP LIMITED 321 Dufferin Ave London ON N6B 1Z3 T: 519-434-0278 www.scoterra.com SDK ET ASSOCIES INC. Bur 2120–1751 Rue Richardson Montreal QC H3K 1G6 T: 514-938-5995 www.sdkstructure.com SGS CANADA INC. 185 Concession St Lakefield ON K0L 2H0 T: 705-652-2000 www.sgs.com SIMULENT CONSULTING INC. 203-460 College St Toronto ON M5G 1A1 T: 905-826-554 www.simulent.com SIRATI & PARTNERS CONSULTANTS 160 Konrad Cres Markham ON L3R 0GB T: 905-833-1582 www.sirati.ca SKELTON, BRUMWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. 107-93 Bell Farm Rd Barrie ON L4M 5G1 T: 705-726-1141 www.skeltonbrumwell.ca SLR CONSULTING (CANADA) LTD. 1586 Ogilvie St Prince George BC V2N 1W9 T: 250-562-4452 www.slrconsulting.com SOIL ENGINEERS LTD. 100-90 West Beaver Creek Richmond Hill ON L4B 1E7 T: 416-754-8515 www.soilengineersltd.com SOLINOV INC. 90 chemin Grand-Pré Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC J2W 2Z5 T: 450-348-5693 www.solinov.com SOLROC GROUP 4000 Griffith Montréal QC H4T 1A8 T: 514-737-6541 www.solroc.com SPRIET ASSOCIATES 155 York St London ON N6A 1A8 T: 519-672-4100 www.spriet.on.ca

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SRK CONSULTING 600-350 3rd Ave North Saskatoon SK S7K 2J1 T: 306-955-4778 www.srk.com STANTEC 400-10220 103 Ave NW Edmonton AB T5J 0K4 T: 780-917-7000 www.stantec.com/water STEEPER ENERGY CANADA LTD. 700- 999 8th St SE Calgary AB T2R 1J5 T: 825-509-3307 www.steeperenergy.com STIRLING ENGINEERING INC. 14935 County Road 2 Ingleside ON K0C 1M0 T: 613-362-7847 www.stirlingengineering.ca STRATEGIES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 1 Yorkdale Rd Suite 411 Toronto ON M6A 3A1 T: 416-789-3713 info@strategies4enviro.com www.strategies4enviro.com SYLVIS ENVIRONMENTAL 427 Seventh St New Westminster BC V3M 3L2 T: 604-777-9788 www.sylvis.com T. HARRIS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INC. 101-93 Skyway Ave Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N6 T: 1-888-ASK-THEM (275-8436) info@tharris.ca | www.tharris.ca TAGISH ENGINEERING LTD. 104 230 Lake St Red Deer AB T4E 1B9 T: 403-346-7710 www.tagish-engineering.com TATHAM ENGINEERING 200-115 Sandford Fleming Dr Collingwood ON L9Y 5A6 T: 705-444-2565 info@tathameng.com www.tathameng.com TAVARES GROUP CONSULTING INC. PO Box 28091 London RPO Oakridge ON N6H 5E1 T: 519-852-0253 www.tavaresgroupconsulting.com

Understanding different kinds of stormwater data continued from page 25

how it was collected, the human element can’t be removed from the equation. Software can accurately simulate and even forecast the future, but it is limited by the controls or alerts imposed by the user. Software can give users alerts for numbers outside of a specific range. However, what about when a number stays within that tolerance and is a probwww.esemag.com


Contact: Sandra Tavares

TBT ENGINEERING 1918 Yonge St Thunder Bay ON P7E 6T9 T: 807-624-5160 www.tbte.ca

T: 250-300-0720 www.ultratekehs.com

URBAN SYSTEMS LTD. 304-1353 Ellis St Kelowna BC V1Y 1Z9 T: 250-762-2517 www.urbansystems.ca

TERRAPEX 90 Scarsdale Rd Toronto ON M3B 2R7 T: 416-245-0011 environment@terrapex.com www.terrapex.com

VALDOR ENGINEERING INC. 4-571 Chrislea Road 2nd Fl Vaughan ON L4L 8A2 T: 905-264-0054 www.valdor-engineering.com

TERRAPROBE INC. 11 Indell Lane Brampton ON L6T 3Y3 T: 905-796-2650 www.terraprobe.ca

VIRTUAL ENGINEERS 3760 14th Ave, Suite 302 Markham ON L3R 3T7 T: 905-707-0704 www.virtual-engineers.com

TESTMARK LABORATORIES LTD. Head Office: 7 Margaret St Garson ON P3L 1E1 T: 888-282-0422 sylvia.rennie@testmark.ca Contact: Sylvia Rennie

WADDELL ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Prince George BC T: 250-640-8088

TETRA TECH CANADA INC. 6835A Century Ave Mississauga ON L5N 7K2 T: 905-369-3000 www.tetratech.com

WATERLINE RESOURCES INC. Suite 210 4129 8 St SE Calgary AB T2G 3A5 T: 403-243-5611 info@waterlineresources.com www.waterlineresources.com

THURBER ENGINEERING LTD. 2302-4464 Markham St Victoria BC V8Z 7X8 www.thurber.ca

WESTERN WATER ASSOCIATES LTD. 301–1095 McKenzie Ave Victoria BC V8P 2L5 T: 250-704-4428 info@westernwater.ca | www.westernwater.ca

TRINITY CONSULTANTS 306-885 Don Mills Rd Toronto ON M3C 1V9 T: 416-391-2527 www.trinityconsultants.com

WILLIAMS ENGINEERING INC. 200-10065 Jasper Ave Edmonton AB T5J 3B1 T: 780-424-2393 www.williamsengineering.com

TRITON ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED 14-105 Queen St, West Fergus ON N1M 1S6 T: 519-843-3920

WOOD PLC 100-3450 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3W5 T: 905-335-2353 www.woodplc.com

TRUE CONSULTING 2089 Falcon Rd Kamloops BC V2C 4J2 T: 250-828-0881 www.true.ca TULLOCH ENGINEERING 80 Main St W Huntsville ON P1H 1W9 T: 705-789-7851 www.tulloch.ca ULTRATEK INDUSTRIES INC. 114 1795 Country Club Dr Kelowna BC V1V 2V9

lem outside of the set tolerances? It can be easy to picture this using pH or other parameters, but for stormwater, it’s really about the control structures. For example, a culvert that was sized and installed in the 1980s, while entirely accurate for that time frame may now be undersized based on current weather conditions. In this case, the software may find this problem. However, it is just as likely that the new tailwater (located immediately downstream from a hydraulic structure, such as a dam, spillway, bridge or culvert) conditions will be outside the purview of the software. This means the tailwater conditions are calculated but where the tailwater goes

WSP 100 Commerce Valley Dr West Thornhill ON L3T 0A1 T: 905-882-1100 www.wsp.com XCG CONSULTING LTD. 820 Trillium Dr Kitchener ON N2R 1K4 T: 519-741-5774 www.xcg.com

is outside the software conditions. In this example, a human would understand the tailwater conditions and can act accordingly to offset any potential damage. Understanding the differences, pitfalls, and potential of data is critical to ensuring communities are protected from big weather events. Tools are only as good as the humans that oversee them, so the more you know about your data, the better your analytics will be. Michael Rosh is with Vancouverbased Aquatic Informatics. For more information, email: info@aquaticinformatics.com, or visit www.aquaticinformatics.com February 2024 | 67


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ES&E’s Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers To search the Directory and Buyers’ Guide by Product or Service visit www.esemag.com/directory NOTE: This guide is intended as a service for ES&E readers only. No claims are made that it is a comprehensive review. ES&E relies on information supplied by companies and reader information.

ABB INC. 3450 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3W5 T: 905-639-8840 redir.a.obaji@ca.abb.com Contact: G.A. (Redir) Obaji ABB is a technology leader in electrification and automation, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. The company’s solutions connect engineering know-how and software to optimize how things are manufactured, moved, powered and operated. ACCESS INDUSTRIAL INC. 5205 Timberlea Blvd Mississauga ON L4W 2S3 T: 905-602-4020 pveter@accessindustrial.com www.accessindustrial.com ACCU-FLO METER SERVICE 4024 7th St SE Calgary AB T2G 2Y8 T: 403-874-3762 rschnell@accuflo.com | www.accuflo.com Contact: Rod Schnell ACCUWORX INC. 220 Superior Blvd Mississauga ON L5T 2L2 T: 416-410-7222 info@accuworx.ca | www.accuworx.ca

ACG-ENVIROCAN INC. 7-131 Whitmore Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 6E3 T: 905-856-1414 sales@acg-envirocan.ca | www.acg-envirocan.ca Contact: Blake Tonogai or Greg Jackson Suppliers of water and wastewater treatment equipment for municipal and industrial applications, including AquaNereda® granular sludge process, headworks screens/compactors, septage receiving systems, sewage/sludge grinders, grit removal systems, fine and coarse bubble aeration systems, lagoon aeration systems, lagoon cold weather nitrification technology, jet aeration and mixing, mechanical aerators, P.D., centrifugal and turbo type blowers, tertiary filters, DAF equipment, centrifuges, belt presses, ozone disinfection, tank covers, hatches, chain and flight clarifiers, circular clarifiers, shaftless and shafted screw conveyors, odour control systems, iron & manganese removal systems, open channel and insertion magnetic flow meters & data loggers, package water treatment plants for municipal and industrial applications, SL-RAT acoustic sanitary sewer condition instrumentation, leak detection.

68 | February 2024

ACI INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED 5-14 Gormley Industrial Ave Gormley ON L0H 1G0 T: 905-888-0063 sales@aciltd.ca | www.aciltd.ca Contact: Angelo Valente

ACLARUS OZONE 1901 Fisher Dr Peterborough ON K9J 6X6 T: 888-705-8801 adoran@aclarus.ca | www.aclarusozone.com Contact: Adam Doran Aclarus Ozone designs and builds advanced water and wastewater systems focused on ozone technology. There are over 900 installations from industrial to municipal with solutions for drinking water, wastewater, groundwater, rainwater/reuse, sanitation/CIP and more. This technology works on demand to disinfect and treat the worst contaminants naturally without chemicals. Aclarus modular, automated system solves water, operational and regulatory issues with proven end-user and environmental benefits. Aclarus works with leading OEMs across Canada and the U.S., advancing sustainable solutions for the sector. Follow us on Instagram!

ACME ENGINEERING PRODUCTS INC. 5706 Royalmount Ave Montreal QC H4P 1K5 T: 514-342-5656 info@acmeprod.com | www.acmeprod.com Contact: Robert Presser Acme Engineering is a Canadian company founded in 1956. We provide customized engineering solutions to simplify our clients’ complex product requirements. We have operations in Canada, the United States, India and China and a worldwide network of representatives for our product lines. Products: Acme Engineering manufactures three distinct product lines: Gas detection systems for building ventilation control; Electric process heating equipment for large commercial and industrial applications; Automatic scraper-strainers for intake, process, and effluent filtration.

ACO SYSTEMS, LTD. 2910 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 5S3 T: 877-226-4255 info@acocan.ca | www.acostormbrixx.ca Contact: Dinu Filip ACO StormBrixx® is a unique and patented plastic geocellular stormwater management system designed for surface water storage and infiltration. Its versatility allows it to be used in applications across all construction environments as a standalone solution or as part of a Low Impact Development (LID) design. ACO Stormbrixx can be brick bonded and cross bonded during installation for optimal stability and maximum strength.

ACUTE ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY SERVICES 3-730 Bridge St Waterloo ON N2V 2J4 info@acuteservices.com www.acuteservices.com Contact: Rob McManus ACUTE is committed to partner with our customers to exceed corporate and legislative requirements by providing our services from motivated and knowledgeable people. ACUTE assists our customers with health and safety services for more than just legal compliance, but to help their employees stay safe and work successfully. ACUTE believes in developing strong partnerships with our clients to ensure that we are meeting their health and safety requirements and exceeding their corporate safety goals.

ADS ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES 1 Whitmore Rd Unit 27 Vaughan ON L4L 8G4 T: 203-725-4062 adsinfo@idexcorp.com | www.adsenv.com Contact: Eric Lott ADS empowers our customers to See, Understand, and Act. We visualize that which our customers cannot normally see to prevent problems that they normally cannot anticipate. ADS is the proven industry leader for bringing the most comprehensive and integrated platform of technology, support services, experience, and Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


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expertise to our customers for understanding their collection system behavior.

AERATION INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4100 Peavey Rd Chaska MN 55318 T: 952-448-6789 aii@aireo2.com

AERZEN CANADA INC. 100-980 Rue Valois Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V 8P2 T: 450-424-3966 – Montreal canada@aerzen.com | www.aerzen.com Contact: Scott McLeod 2101-6027 79th Ave SE Calgary AB T2C 5P1 T: 587-316-0155 – Calgary canada@aerzen.com | www.aerzen.com Contact: Steve Grueber AERZEN manufactures positive displacement blowers, hybrid blowers, turbo blowers, and compressors for many applications. The company provides service coverage throughout Canada with facilities in Montreal and Calgary. AESAC INC. (ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSORS OF CANADA INC.) PO Box 490 Kawartha Lakes ON K0M 1N0 T: 877-512-3722 www.aesac.ca ALBARRIE GEOCOMPOSITES LIMITED 85 Morrow Rd Barrie ON L4N 3V7 T: 705-737-0551 www.albarrie.com ALFA LAVAL INC. 101 Milner Ave Scarborough ON M1S 4S6 T: 416-299-6101 anup.jagadeesh@alfalaval.com | www.alfalaval.ca Contact: Anup Jagadeesh or Marc Hunt ALLTORK ACTUATION 212 Wyecroft Rd Unit 23 Oakville ON L6K 3T9 T: 905-842-0244 jcarney@alltork.com | www.alltork.com Contact: John Carney, President ALL-WELD COMPANY LIMITED 49 Passmore Ave Toronto ON M1V 4T1 T: 416-299-3311 www.allweld.ca AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY 111 W Congress St Charles Town WV 25414 T: 877-777-9081 info@apus.edu | www.studyatapu.com/ese AMG ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 494 Veterans Dr Unit 12 Barrie ON L4N 9J5 T: 1-866-212-6717 info@amgenvironmental.com www.amgenvironmental.com AMICUS 717 Safari Rd Millgrove ON L8B 1S3 T: 905-659-9604 info@amicus.bz | www.amicus.bz Contact: Sandra Campbell ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY INC. 6 Iron Bridge Dr Collegeville PA 19456 T: 610-917-0991 www.analyticaltechnology.com www.esemag.com


ANDRITZ SEPARATION INC. 1010 Commercial Blvd South Arlington TX 76001 T: 817-465-5611 separation.us@andritz.com www.andritz.com/separation

ANGUIL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. 8855 North 55th St Milwaukee WI 53223 T: 414-365-6400 kevin.summ@anguil.com | www.anguil.com Contact: Kevin Summ Anguil Environmental provides highly engineered, environmental equipment and service solutions that help solve complex industrial air and water challenges across the globe. From thermal and catalytic oxidizers for air pollution control applications, to custom integrated solutions for wastewater treatment projects. Anguil is committed to protecting the environment with unmatched engineering, innovative equipment, guaranteed compliance and reliable service. ANNACIS RESEARCH AND EVENT CENTRE 1400 Lindsey Place Delta BC V3M 6V1 T: 604-395-2325 arec@metrovancouver.org www.annacisresearchcentre.ca

AQUA TECHNICAL SALES INC. 55 Undermount Ave Hamilton ON L8P 3Z7 T: 905-528-3807 brian.gage@aquatsi.com | www.aquatsi.com Contact: Brian Gage Aqua Technical Sales Inc. is a sales representative company covering the province of Ontario for companies located outside of Ontario that provide advanced wastewater treatment technologies and systems for both the municipal and industrial marketplace. Located in Hamilton, ATSI represents Lemna Environmental Technologies, Smith & Loveless and SUEZ Treatment Technologies (formerly Degremont Infilco). AQUA-AEROBIC SYSTEMS 6306 N Alpine Rd Loves Park IL 61111 www.aqua-aerobic.com AQUABLAST CORP. 77 Orchard Rd Ajax ON L1S 6K9 T: 905-619-3009 ext 215 john@aquablast.ca | www.aquablast.ca Contact: John Eecloo, President/General Manager AQUABLOK, LTD. 175 Woodland Ave Swanton OH 43558 T: 419-825-1325 www.aquablok.com AQUAFY WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC. 116 Glebemount Ave Toronto ON M4C 3S1 T: 416-487-2898 max.rao@aquafy-wt.com | www.aquafy-wt.com Contact: Max Rao

ANTHRAFILTER MEDIA & COAL LTD. 20 Sharp Rd Brantford ON N3T 5L8 T: 519-751-1080 swildey@anthrafilter.net | www.anthrafilter.net Contact: Steve Wildey Filter media replacement across North America since 1976. Service to all types of filters including: gravity, pressure, traveling bridge and others. Removal, disposal, supply and installation. Anthracite filter media, filter sands and gravels, garnet, greensand, activated carbon, etc. Quality, efficiency, customer satisfaction. ANUE WATER TECHNOLOGIES 5123 S Royal Atlanta Dr Tucker GA 30084 T: 760-727-2683 info@anuewater.com | www.anuewater.com APEX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 293 Saunders Rd Barrie ON L4N 9A3 T: 705-725-6262 fapollinaro@apexservices.ca www.apexservices.ca Contact: Frank Apollinaro APG-NEUROS 1270 Michele-Bohec Blainville QC J7C 5S4 T: 450-939-0799 APMIXING LTD. 72 Hawkdale Close NW Calgary AB T3G 3A6 info@apmixing.com | www.apmixing.com

AQUATECH DEWATERING COMPANY 331 Rodinea Rd Maple ON L6A 0C8 T: 905-907-1700 info@aquatd.com | www.aquatechdewatering.com

AQUATIC AERATION SOLUTIONS 4270 County Rd 45 Cobourg ON K9A 0X2 T: 905-269-6518 aquatic.aeration.solutions@gmail.com www.aquatic-aeration-solutions.com Contact: Denis Orendt Aquatic Aeration Solutions has been in business for ten years designing and installing aeration systems. More than twenty years of experience in the water and wastewater industry adds to our existing expertise. From design and installation services to repairs and maintenance, we deliver quality products and services to you. Contact us to arrange a site visit to discuss your specific aeration needs. AQUATIC INFORMATICS T: 604-873-2782 www.aquaticinformatics.com AQUATIC SENTRY CONTROLS INC. T: 780-628-5400 www.aquaticsentry.com

February 2024 | 69


ASAHI/AMERICA 655 Andover St Lawrence MA 01843 T: 800-343-3618 asahi@asahi-america.com www.asahi-america.com Contact: Kristin McLeod Asahi/America, Inc. is a diversified ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer and leading supplier of corrosion resistant thermoplastic valves and piping systems. Headquartered in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Asahi/America maintains a vast inventory of valves, actuation, pipe and fittings, which can be shipped directly to customers or incorporated into custom spools and skids by our fabrication department. What makes Asahi/America special is our ability to provide fluid handling solutions individualized to meet any customer’s need. ASL ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES INC. 1-6703 Rajpur Place Victoria BC V8M 1Z5 jbuermans@aslenv.com | www.aslenv.com Contact: Jan Buermans, Vice President ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS CANADA 5060 Levy Saint-Laurent QC H4R 2P1 T: 800-667-9875 compressors.canada@ca.atlascopco.com ATLAS DEWATERING CORPORATION 111 Ortona Crt Concord ON L4K 3M3 T: 905-669-6825 info@atlasdewatering.com www.atlasdewatering.com

AVENSYS SOLUTIONS 5 – 3280 South Service Rd Oakville ON L6L 0B1 T: 416-499-4421 info@avensys.com | www.avensys.com Contact: Pierre Michaud Avensys Solutions Inc. is an industry leader providing instrumentation and integrated solutions for the monitoring of industrial processes and environmental surveillance applications for air and water in the Canadian marketplace. Avensys’ team of highly knowledgeable professionals is committed to providing cost-effective, customer-driven solutions, and high quality products, from single instrument to integrated customized systems. We offer solutions for the following sectors: Water and wastewater; Industrial processes; Air quality and pollution control; Power generation; Waste to energy; Natural resources monitoring; Hydrological and meteorological monitoring; Research.

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AWI (ANTHRATECH WESTERN INC.) 432 2880–45 Ave SE Calgary AB T2B 3M1 T: 403-255-7377 info@awifilter.com | www.awifilter.com Contact: Sonia Braganza, Marketing Specialist AWI’s innovative filter optimization products include the Phoenix Underdrain and Panel Systems. These custom-engineered solutions guarantee uniform backwash water flow distribution, ensuring sustainable filter performance and long-service life of your media bed. With AWI’s site-specific approach to filter optimization, you can expect improved filter performance and the training and technical support to maintain your filters in optimum condition. AWT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 39164 Cardinal Dr Squamish BC V8B 0V3 T: 604-390-1394 nigel@awt-technologies.com www.awt-technologies.com Contact: Nigel Slater

ing, thickening, and composting equipment with hundreds of installations throughout the world. The company’s main products include Belt Filter Presses, Screw Presses, Gravity Belt Thickeners, Rotary Drum Thickeners, and in-vessel Composting Systems. Complete system packages are also available, both skid and trailer mounted.

BELZONA GREAT LAKES HOLDINGS LTD. 51-588 Edward Ave Richmond Hill ON L4C 9Y6 T: 905-737-2225 BERGHOF MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY T: +31 58 810 0110 alfredo.crespo@berghof.com www.berghofmembranes.com Contact: Alfredo Crespo BESTOBELL AQUATRONIX 2880 Argentia Rd Unit 3 Mississauga ON L5N 7X8 T: 800-668-3979 salesdesk@bestobell.com | www.bestobell.com Contact: Nick Hribar BI PURE WATER, INC. 2–9790 190th St Surrey BC V4N 3M9 T: 604-882-6650 www.bipurewater.com

AXINE WATER TECHNOLOGIES 108–2386 East Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3 T: 604-336-8900 info@axinewater.com | www.axinewater.com B.N.W. VALVE MANUFACTURING LTD. 524 6th Concession Rd W/PO Box 47 Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 T: 905-689-4713 sales@bnwvalve.ca | www.bnwvalve.com BAKELITE SYNTHETICS information@cldmarcomm.com www.bakelite.com

BARR PLASTICS INC. Unit A–31192 S Fraser Way Abbotsford BC V2T 6L5 T: 800-665-4499 chris.canziani@barrplastics.com www.barrplastics.com Contact: Chris Canziani Focused on Stormwater Management, Rainwater Harvesting and Wastewater Treatment Systems, BARR Plastics is committed to being the leading supplier of environment-enhancing solutions. Our approach is centered on our customers’ needs and challenges they face, consistently reviewing our processes and the products we supply. Check out our website for our entire lineup of products and systems.

BDP INDUSTRIES 354 State Route 29 PO Box 118 Greenwich NY 12834 T: 518-796-1440 dan@bdpindustries.com | www.bdpindustries.com Contact: Dan Fronhofer BDP Industries is a leading supplier of dewater-

BIO PRO DISTRIBUTIONS LIMITED 103-287 Lacewood Dr Suite 236 Halifax NS B3M 3Y7 www.bio-pro.ca Contact: Colin Brushett, President Bio Pro Distributions Limited is a company dedicated to bringing municipal operators the best bioaugmentation products. Our product range is custom developed to assist Canadian municipalities, towns, and cities treat their wastewater in an environmentally conscious manner. We supply NSF certified products that digest dead organic waste (including grease), are 100% harmless to living organisms, and most importantly the environment. BIOAIR SOLUTIONS, LLC 303-110 Kresson-Gibbsboro Rd Voorhees NJ 08043 T: 856-258-6969 x132 www.bioairsolutions.com BIOMAXX WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS INC. 1-7163 Vantage Way Delta BC V4G 1N1 T: 855-940-5556 BIOREM TECHNOLOGIES INC. 7496 Wellington Rd 34 Puslinch ON N0B 2J0 www.biorem.biz

BIOWORKS COMPOST SYSTEMS INC. 9962 Chapman Rd Chilliwack BC V0X 1X2 T: 604-794-3628 info@bioworkscompostsystems.com www.bioworkscompostsystems.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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Contact: Dirk M. Kerkhoff For composting to be conducted efficiently and with minimal odours, temperature and oxygen levels need to be maintained at optimum levels throughout the process. Bioworks’ Airfloor® aeration and leachate collection system supplies the oxygen necessary for aerobic metabolism and moisture removal. Since 2004 the proprietary and patented Airfloor® technology has been a key element in effective and odour free composting. The in-slab system enables heavy equipment to operate on the compost floor, with no work-flow interruption and minimal maintenance.

BIRKSCO 25 McCurdy Rd Guelph ON N1G 4Z9 T: 905-691-0981 candrews@birksco.com | www.birksco.com Contact: Claire Andrews Supplier and manufacturer of Aqualoader bulk water and septage stations, including the Attendant control system. Full start to finish, turn-key solutions. Custom designs and solar options available to suit all needs. Pre-paid, billing, and remote communication options available. Manufacturer Representative for Kupferle Foundry sampling stations. Also carry manual, automatic, and intelligent flushers and yard hydrants, Hot Box enclosures, Febco backflow preventers, and more. BISHOP WATER TECHNOLOGIES 203-16 Edward St S Arnprior ON K7S 3W4 T: 343-361-0463 info@bishopwater.ca | www.bishopwater.ca

BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIES 5300 Business Dr Huntington Beach CA 92649 T: 714-893-8529 info@blue-white.com | www.blue-white.com Contact: Danny Sanders, Director of Sales BLUE-WHITE® INDUSTRIES, located in Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A., is entering into their 67th year as a leading manufacturer of products used in municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment; processing industries; rural water systems; agriculture, swim pool and more. Product lines include: Several types of Chemical Feed Pumps which are designed and engineered to meter exact doses of chemical into treatment systems. Included are our diaphragm and peristaltic lines, FLEXFLO® and CHEM-FEED®. In addition the company manufactures complete and fully assembled single pump, dual pump and triplex pump Skid Systems. Flow measurement equipment includes Variable Area Flowmeters, Digital Paddlewheel Flowmeters, and Ultra Sonic Flow Measurement. Blue-White Industries products are sold and serviced worldwide.



BOERGER, LLC 2860 Water Tower Place Chanhassen MN 55317 T: 612-435-7300 america@boerger.com | www.boerger.com Contact: Jeff Seaton Boerger specializes in reliable and cost-effective Rotary Lobe Pumps and Macerating Technology for the conveyance of low to high viscous and abrasive materials. Boerger’s core product is the patented Rotary Lobe Pump, which is a self-priming, valveless, positive displacement pump available in 20 different models with flows up to 5,000 gpm. All wear parts can be easily replaced without the removal of pipe or drive systems.

BOOST ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS T: 604-987-4153 dsm@civil.ubc.ca | www.boostenviro.com Contact: Don Mavinic ZERO SLUDGE TECHNOLOGY. Boost Environmental Systems offers a patented Microwave-based technology for the treatment of sewage sludge, agricultural wastes and other biodegradable organic slurries. The Boost Solution is an Integrated Waste Treatment System that significantly reduces the amount of sludge and allows for enhanced energy and nutrient recovery from waste streams which can be a source of revenue. Municipal wastewater treatment plants can lower operational costs with this compact, modular system that is easy to retrofit into existing facilities. BQE SOFTWARE, INC. 3825 Del Amo Blvd Torrance CA 90503 T: 310-602-4020 sales@bqe.com | www.bqe.com BQE WATER Suite 250–900 Howe St Vancouver BC V6Z 2M4 T: 604-685-1243 info@bqewater.com | www.bqewater.com BRISTOL INSTRUMENTS 90 Canal St Boston MA 02114 T: 877-866-8500 techsales@bristolinstruments.com www.bristolinstruments.com Contact: Mark Hersum BROOK ONE CORPORATION 250 Consumers Rd Unit 206 Toronto ON M2J 4V6 T: 416-901-0988 sales@brookone.com | www.brookone.com Contact: Sam Francella BSI GROUP CANADA 6205B Airport Rd Suite 414 Mississauga ON L4V 1E3 T: 800-862-6752 inquiry.canada@bsigroup.com www.bsigroup.com/en-CA


C&M ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. PO Box 424 Barrie ON L4M 4T7 T: 905-612-8980 or 705-725-9377 info@cmeti.com | www.cmeti.com Contact: Tonia Van Dyk, Rob Anderson Representative and distributor of water and wastewater treatment equipment including: screens, grit removal, screenings washers/compactors, centrifuges, circular/rectangular clarifiers, clarifier covers, launder covers, chain and flight collectors, fine/coarse bubble and mechanical aeration, IFAS systems, lagoon systems, tertiary filters, filter underdrain systems, odour control, digester covers/mixers, screw conveyors, live bottom bins, silos, sludge screens, sludge thickeners, package treatment plants, tablet chlorinators, tube settlers, slide and sluice gates, FRP weirs and baffles. CAMERON INSTRUMENTS INC. 173 Woolwich St Unit 103 Guelph ON N1H 3V4 T: 519-824-7111 sonja@cameroninstruments.com www.cameroninstruments.com Contact: Sonja Bosshard CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITORS 35 Lakeshore Blvd Gilford ON L0L 1R0 T: 705-456-1255 oldjeepsteer@gmail.com Contact: John Sciberras, President CANADIAN INFRASTRUCTURE PRODUCTS 905 Joseph Schoerg Pl Kitchener ON N2P 2X8 T: 519-212-9161 msmith@c-i-p.ca | www.c-i-p.ca Contact: Mark Smith

CANADIAN PLASTICS PVF PO Box 172 Campbellville ON L0P 1B0 T: 905-864-8910 sales@canadianplasticspvf.com www.canadianplasticspvf.com Contact: P.J. Miller Canadian Plastics PVF Inc. is an approved and certified Asahi/America valve distributor in Canada. Along with Asahi valves, Canadian Plastics complements its offerings with AGRU piping and fittings and provides a full fleet of available welding tools for rental or purchase. Canadian Plastics focuses on providing outstanding customer service through our years of experience and expertise in the plastics market. We pride ourselves on educating engineering firms and end-users on best practices while prioritizing safety through innovation and product development. Canadian Plastics along with our world class manufacturers can provide solutions and best practices for all plastic valve and piping markets. Our team strives to be your application specialist for any solution-based needs across Canada.

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CANADIAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC. 3-2865 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 8G6 T: 800-265-0182 info@cdnsafety.com | www.cdnsafety.com Contact: Ross Humphry Canadian Safety Equipment specializes in confined space entry and rescue equipment including fall protection, gas detection, communication systems and respiratory protection. In addition, we offer the GRACE Lone Worker Monitoring Systems used to monitor lone workers, and in the event that they are hurt or rendered unconscious, will immediately call for assistance. Systems are available for water or wastewater treatment plant monitoring, pumping stations, and can also monitor mobile workers. CANADIANPOND.CA PRODUCTS LTD. 570 Knowlton Rd Lac-Brome QC J0E 1V0 T: 1-866-249-0976 info@canadianpond.ca

CAN-AM INSTRUMENTS 2851 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 T: 905-829-0030 support@can-am.net | www.can-am.net Contact: Mark Reeves Can-Am Instruments provides sales, service, rental, and installation of environmental monitoring equipment. As the Authorized Distributor for Hach, we sell/rent samplers and flow meters with many options including wireless/web based monitoring. Additionally as the Canadian Rep for Arjay Engineering, Atlantium UV, and Highland Tank, we provide specialty equipment for the monitoring and removal of oil in water as well as HOD UV water treatment systems. Our experts are here to help with your application. Give us a call today.

CANCOPPAS LIMITED 2-2595 Dunwin Dr Mississauga ON L5L 3N9 T: 905-569-6246 controls@cancoppas.com | www.cancoppas.com Contact: Jake Alaica Marketing, sales and service of process control and environmental instrumentation throughout Canada. Specializing in technologies for flow, level, pressure, temperature and on-line analysis for water and wastewater processes. By focusing on products that employ leading edge and unique technologies, Cancoppas is able to provide solutions to problems where other suppliers fall short. CANLON LTD. 977 Melsetter Way London ON N6G 0S5 T: 519-649-7578 sales@canlon.ca | www.canlon.ca Contact: Nathan Orr, President

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CANNON WATER TECHNOLOGY T: 916-315-2691 csd@cannonwater.com | www.cannonwater.com Contact: David Cannon

CB AUTOMATION INC. 110 Snow Blvd Unit 2 Vaughan ON L4K 4B8 T: 905-760-9399 ext 236 lmclean@cbautomation.com www.cbautomation.com Contact: Larry McLean Process Instrumentation includes flanged in-line and insertion magnetic flow meters, ultrasonic and area velocity flow meters, flow meters for partially filed pipes, open channel ultrasonic level and flow, pressure and temperature transmitters, PID control, signal processing, alarms, barriers, remote I/O, purge systems, heat trace cables and electric heaters. Packaged chemical feed systems, peristaltic, diaphragm and hose pumps. Process Automation includes SCADA, HMI solutions, OPC connectivity, change management data historian and report software, WIN-911 notification and reporting with web service. Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Collection System includes micro sensors and monitoring software, field service and training.

T: 613-225-9510 info@centralprecast.com www.centralprecast.com

CENTURY WELL SOLUTIONS LLC 800 Country Place Dr Unit 1007 Houston TX 77079 www.centurywellsolutions.com Contact: Kate Jurick

CHEMLINE PLASTICS LTD. 55 Guardsman Rd Thornhill ON L3T 6L2 T: 800-930-2436 request@chemline.com | www.chemline.com Contact: Eric Benoit, Vice President of Sales Canada’s trusted source of thermoplastics since 1968. Chemline offers a complete line of corrosion resistant solid thermoplastic valves and controls, piping and tubing systems. The ChemFlare™ system, offers a leak free solution for chemical systems in waste and water treatment plants. Included are valves, fittings and tubing, either single or double contained. ChemFlare™ has had application success on sodium hypochlorite and other chemicals. Other environmental applications are landfill leachate and gas collection systems, soil remediation and air monitoring. Many products are NSF/ANSI Standard 61 certified for drinking water. CHEMSCAN, INC. 2325 Parklawn Dr Suite I Waukesha WI 53186 T: 800-665-7133 wei@chemscan.com | www.chemscan.com Contact: Wei Zhang

CB SHIELD 39 Uplands Dr Brantford ON N3R 6H5 T: 226-802-1749 hal.stratford@cbshield.com | www.cbshield.com Contact: Hal Stratford A CB Shield® turns a regular street catch basin into a reliable stormwater quality treatment device. Existing streets can be retrofitted in minutes without disturbance, providing immediate and effective sediment and nutrient control. Existing maintenance programs can benefit overall, with longer intervals between cleanings and just minimal adjustments. ETV Verification (ISO 14034:2016) ensures approvals, backed up by many field studies. Also see SWM Shield™ which is an effective way to manage pond cleanout costs. LID Shield™ is an at grade life-cycle extender for bioswales and other SWM practices. CD NOVA LTD. 110-19353 22 Ave Surrey BC V3Z 3S6 T: 800-663-0615 sales@cdnova.com | www.cdnova.com CENTAXIA INDUSTRIAL AIR SOLUTIONS INC. 4-250 Harry Walker Parkway N Newmarket ON L3Y 7B4 T: 1-888-656-0444 sales@centaxia.com | www.centaxia.com Contact: Yaser Husain, General Manager, Yasir Taki, Account Manager CENTRAL PRECAST INC. 25 Bongard Ave Ottawa ON K2E 6V2

CLARO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES & EQUIPMENT 3065 Rue Peugeot Suite 100 Montreal QC H7L 5C4 T: 514-562-4575 info@claroglobal.com | www.claroglobal.com Contact: Peter Lipert Jr. Complete system design/equipment: screening and grit removal (fine screens, septage stations, washpresses, baggers, aerated grit extraction screws, classifiers, vortex); anaerobic digestion systems (Big bubble Gun™ gas mixers, Cannon retrofits, modular sludge heat exchangers, heat recovery, biogas compressors); solids handling (shaftless spiral conveyors, automated outloading, live-bottoms, challenging applications); 30+ years experience, OEM. CLEAN HARBORS CANADA, INC. 4090 Telfer Rd RR 1 Corunna ON N0N 1G0 T: 519-864-3836 parker.michaele@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com Contact: Michael Parker CLEARTECH 1500 Quebec Ave Saskatoon SK S7K 1V7 T: 800-387-7503 www.cleartech.ca CLOW CANADA 1757 Burlington St E Hamilton ON L8N 3R5 T: 800-561-9931 Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


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www.clowcanada.com Contact: Ray Miller, Sales

COMPLETEWATERS T: 905-818-5272 info@completewaters.com www.completewaters.com Contact: Blake Spittle COMPLIANCE365 INC. 156 Bullock Dr Markham ON L3P 1W2 www.compliance365.com Contact: Sipo Ching

CONVAL PROCESS SOLUTIONS INC. D 1-3 3375 North Service Rd Burlington ON L7N 3G2 T: 416-665-8960 info@convalpsi.com | www.convalpsi.com

T: 905-829-2000 info@daviscontrols.com | www.daviscontrols.com

COOPER PUMP AND POWER 21 Rodinea Rd Unit 3 Maple ON L6A 1R3 T: 1-833-360-PUMP jbunston@cooperequipment.ca www.cooperpumpsolutions.ca Contact: Jason Bunston, General Manager

DELTA REMEDIATION 53015 Highway 60 Spruce Grove AB T7X 6B4 T: 250-575-2001 rlacey@deltaremediation.com www.deltaremediation.com Contact: Robert Lacey

CORROSION PROBE INC. 12 Industrial Park Rd Centerbrook CT 6409 T: 860-767-4402 info@cpiengineering.com www.cpiengineering.com COMPREVAC INC. 3067 Jarrow Ave Mississauga ON L4X 2C6 T: 905-624-4096 sales@comprevac.com | www.comprevac.com Contact: Jonathan Snook CompreVac is your one stop shop for quality high pressure compressed air, low pressure blowers and vacuum products and services since 1975. Elmo Rietschle vacuum pumps and systems, we design & build water priming systems; Gardner Denver PD bare blowers and blower packages; Atlas Copco rotary screw compressors & dryers; Keltec quality compressed air filters, separators and coalescers; Summit compressor lubricants; Thomas and Welch vacuum pumps; air & vacuum receivers; Champion & Techquip reciprocating compressors. Vacuum pump priming systems. Accessories – inline filter housings, pressure switches, vacuum gauges, check valves, auto drains and much more. CON CAST PIPE 299 Brock Rd South Puslinch ON N0B 2J0 T: 519-763-8655 www.concastpipe.com


steel pipe institute

CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INSTITUTE 100 Idle Creek Dr Kitchener ON N2A 4H3 T: 519-591-1260 rjwilcock@cspi.ca | www.cspi.ca Contact: Raymond J. Wilcock At the CSPI, we are the information resource for water and soil management. CSPI continues to innovate in the areas of new materials which have successfully addressed durability and sustainability issues for culverts, storm sewers and buried bridges. Research with DOTs has resulted in new coated bolts, field repair methods, and new rehabilitation techniques. With budget constraints and municipalities looking for alternatives, savings, and lowering their environmental footprints, CSP products provide that and more. For information on what we are doing on climate change, please contact CSPI at rjwilcock@cspi.ca.

CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 400-9025 Centre Point Dr West Chester OH 45069 T: 800-338-1122 info@conteches.com | www.conteches.com CONTINENTAL CARBON GROUP 321-1100 South Service Rd Stoney Creek ON L8E 0C5 T: 905-643-7615 sales@continental-carbon.com www.continental-carbon.com

CON-V-AIR 1191 Rue Nobel Sainte-Julie QC J3E 1Z4 info@con-v-air.com | www.con-v-air.com Contact: Frédéric Noël CON-V-AIR is a leader in the design and manufacturing of storage systems (silos, hoppers, tanks) and systems for handling, dosing, and pneumatic transfer of dry bulk products. Our mission is to provide systems for the storage and handling of dry bulk in the most demanding industries in terms of quality, performance, monitoring and complexity. Our systems combine a maximum of standardized characteristics in tailor-made applications. www.esemag.com


CRANE PUMPS & SYSTEMS CANADA 83 West Dr Brampton ON L6T 2J6 T: 905-457-6223 cramage@cranepumps.com www.cranepumps.com Contact: Craig Ramage Crane Pumps & Systems is a world-class manufacturer of pumps, accessories, and services. CP&S provides solutions for Municipal, Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Military market segments. CP&S is a recognized leader in meeting the ever changing needs of today’s worldwide marketplace. Crane products include– Brands-SITHE®-BLADE®-RAZOR® BARNES®, CROWN®, PROSSER®, BURKS®, DEMING®, WEINMAN® along with EcoTrans Pressure sewer systems. Submersible Solids handling pumps including Class 1, Groups C & D, Div 1 X Pruf®, versions, along with split case pumps vertical and horizontally installed. DAVIS CONTROLS LTD. 2200 Bristol Circle Oakville ON L6H 5R3

DECAST 8807 County Rd 56 Utopia ON L0M 1T0 www.decastltd.com

DENSO NORTH AMERICA INC. 12-90 Ironside Cr Toronto ON M1X 1M3 T: 416-291-3435 sales@densona-ca.com | www.densona.com Contact: Glen Grundberg, General Manager Denso – the global leader in corrosion prevention for over 130 years. Denso offers the highest quality, most economical, long-term corrosion protection for all above and below ground metal surfaces. The Denso petrolatum tape system consists of Denso paste as an initial corrosion inhibitor; Denso mastic fillers to eliminate localized corrosion cells; Denso petrolatum tape as the long-term corrosion barrier. DEZURIK, INC. (DEZURIK, APCO, HILTON, WILLAMETTE, RED VALVE, TIDEFLEX, RKL CONTROLS) 250 Riverside Ave N Sartell MN 56377 T: 320-259-2000 info@dezurik.com | www.dezurik.com

DIRECTRIK INC. 405 Industrial Dr Units 18 & 19 Milton ON L9T 5B1 T: 905-565-9606 sales@directrik.com | www.directrik.com Contact: Josie Morales Directrik Inc. has successfully designed, supplied and serviced water and wastewater equipment in municipal, industrial and food processing industries. With thousands of installations across Ontario from pumps, heat exchangers, gas compressors, screw conveyors, valves, Sludge and Scum Collection System and more – our relationship with you is the measure of our success! DIVERSIFIED SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS 3439 Fulton Rd Victoria BC V9C 3N2 T: 250-391-4878 rgbowen2@gmail.com | www.dssolutions.bc.ca Contact: Robert Bowen, Principal DUCKS UNLIMITED CANADA PO Box 1160 Stonewall MB R0C 2Z0 T: 1-800-665-DUCK (3825) www.ducks.ca DUPERON CORPORATION 1200 Leon Scott Court Saginaw MI 48601 T: 800-383-8479 www.duperon.com Contact: Steve Aiken February 2024 | 73


DÜRR SYSTEMS, INC. 830 Prosper St De Pere WI 54115 T: 920-336-5715 sales.cts@durrusa.com | www.durr.com DWG PROCESS SUPPLY LTD. 44 Riel Dr Bay 110 St Albert AB T8N 3Z8 T: 780-460-8433 don.burgess@dwg-process-supply.com www.dwg-process-supply.com Contact: Don Burgess EARTHMASTER ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES INC. 200-358 58th Ave SW Calgary AB T2H 2M5 T: 403-201-5111 general.inquiries@earthmaster.ab.ca www.earthmaster.ca ECHELON ENVIRONMENTAL 26-505 Hood Rd Markham ON L3R 5V6 T: 905-948-0000 www.echelonenvironmental.ca Contact: Rob Rainford, General Manager

ECO CANADA 400 – 105 12 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 1A1 T: 403-233-0748 info@eco.ca | www.eco.ca At ECO Canada, we act as the steward for the Canadian environmental workforce across all industries. From job creation and wage funding, to training and labour market research, we champion the end-to-end career of all environmental professionals. We aim to promote and drive responsible, sustainable economic growth, while also ensuring that environmental best practices remain a priority. We challenge the status quo by existing outside the typical activist mentality.

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cost-effective industrial standby rescue and occupational health and safety training services. Our professional confined space and high angle rescue teams are second to none. Comprised of highly trained and experienced rescue personnel, EHS Canada Inc. can supply your company with fully equipped and professional rescue teams.

ELEMENT WATER SYSTEMS 445 Quebec St Regina SK S4R 1K8 T: 306-206-1778 www.elementwater.ca Contact: Randy Schatz ELMRIDGE ENGINEERING INC. 15 Allaura Blvd Aurora ON L4G 3N2 T: 905-726-7730 sales@elmridgejetapparatus.com www.elmridgejetapparatus.com Contact: Strachan Bowen ELODE USA, INC. 97 Oak St Norwood NJ 07648 T: 201-568-7778 elodeusa@gmail.com | www.elodeusa.com Contact: Alex Min, President EMO3 945 Newton Suite 134 Quebec City QC G1P 4M3 T: 866-805-8003 info@emo3.com | www.emo3.com Contact: Dave Gilbert ENDRESS+HAUSER CANADA LTD. 1244 International Blvd Burlington ON L7L 0K2 T: 800-668-3199 info.ca@endress.com | www.ca.endress.com ENDUSTRA FILTER MANUFACTURERS 1145 Birch Dr Schererville IN 46375 T: 800-521-1008 www.endustra.com ENGINEERED PUMP SYSTEMS LTD. 1635 Industrial Ave Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M9 T: 604-552-7900 www.engineeredpump.com

EHS CANADA INC. 2964 South Grimbsy Rd 18 Smithville ON L0R 2A0 T: 905-643-3343 info@ehscanada.ca | www.ehscanada.ca Contact: Bill Abbott, Manager EHS Canada Inc. provides industry leading and 74 | February 2024

ENVIRONMENT ONE CORPORATION 2773 Balltown Rd Niskayuna NY 12309-1090 T: 518-346-6161 eone@eone.com | www.eone.com ENVIRONMENTAL RENTAL SERVICE 99 Ellis Dr Barrie ON L4N 8Z3 T: 705-720-7368 www.ersvacrent.coml

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING MAGAZINE 30-220 Industrial Parkway S Aurora ON L4G 3V6 T: 905-727-4666 steve@esemag.com | www.esemag.com Contact: Steve Davey, Publisher Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine (ES&E) has covered Canada’s multi-billion dollar water, wastewater and environmental protection sectors since 1988. In both print and online, ES&E is vitally important to ~14,000 readers and thousands of web visitors responsible for the design, construction and operation of water treatment and distribution systems, sewerage systems, and industrial and hazardous waste management systems. ES&E also organizes the CANECT Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence Training Event. EPCON INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LP 17777 I-45 South Conroe TX 77385 T: 936-273-3300 epcon@epconlp.com | www.epconlp.com Contact: Tasha Jamaluddin EPCOR WATER SERVICES, INC. 20th Fl EPCOR Tower 2000-10423 101 St NW Edmonton AB T5H 0E8 www.epcor.com

ECOFLUID SYSTEMS INC. 1800-200 Granville St Vancouver BC V6C 1S4 T: 604-662-4544 rjohnson@ecofluid.com | www.ecofluid.com Contact: Rick Johnson EDI (ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICS INTERNATIONAL) 5601 Paris Rd Columbia MO 65202 T: 573-474-9456 patrick.ely@wastewater.com www.wastewater.com Contact: Patrick Ely

ENVIRO-ANALYTICAL 286 Mask Island Dr Barry’s Bay ON K0J 1B0 T: 613-756-0101 info@enviro-analytical.com www.enviro-analytical.com Contact: Nigel Newing

ENV TREATMENT SYSTEMS INC. 70 High St Etobicoke ON M8Y 3N9 T: 416-503-7639 envinc@interlog.com | www.env-inc.ca Contact: Edward M. Pikovnik, P.Eng. Sales Manager; Lee Williams, Project Management Aeration (Aspirating, Submerged Turbine, Fine Bubble); Polymer Feeders; Hi-Speed Turbo Blowers; Clarifiers (Rectangular/Circular); Belt Presses; Centrifuges; SBR Package Plants; Biofilters; Plunger Pumps; Headworks; Deep Well screens; Fine perforated screens; Live bottom bins; FRP grating, ladders & platforms, covers, density baffles; Continuous Sand & Disk Filters; Access Hatches; Archimedes Screw Pumps; Digester Covers & Mixers; PD Blowers; Membrane Dome & Tube, Fine & Coarse Aeration Systems; Rectangular Clarifier; GAC Odour Control; Flumes; Bar Screens, Fine Plate or Perforated Screens, Shaftless Compactors & Conveyors, Scum Troughs & Submerged Grit Screws, Septage Receiving Stations, Vortex Grit Removal.

ERE INC. 8605 Rue Champ D’Eau Montreal QC H1P 3B8 sales@ereinc.com | www.ereinc.com Contact: Mary Baccari, Manager ERE INC is a leader in the environmental industry providing equipment solutions for Sampling, Monitoring, Filtration & Treatment for Air, Water & Soil. Our highly-trained staff will ensure you receive the best instruments or treatment systems for your projects. We make sure your projects go off without a hitch! Let us help you on your next project.

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ERIS – ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INFORMATION SERVICES 38 Lesmill Rd Unit 2 Toronto ON M3B 2T5 T: 416-510-5243 info@erisinfo.com | www.erisinfo.com Contact: Brayden Ford, Director of Sales ERIS is Canada’s #1 resource for environmental risk information. Since 1999, ERIS has been a leading provider of environmental risk data and historical products for properties in Canada, and in the United States since 2013. Our depth, accuracy and variety of data, coupled with our innovative digital tools like ERIS XPLORER, and our new MOBILE field app, make Phase I ESAs and other environmental due diligence easier than ever.

FLOTTWEG SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY CANADA, INC. 503 Carlingview Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 5H2 T: 647-947-7979 x 108 TF: 888-718-6885 aquesnel@flottweg.net | www.flottweg.com Contact: André Quesnel, Environmental Industry Manager Flottweg Separation Technology is a leading manufacturer of high solids thickening and dewatering centrifuges. Flottweg is known for high quality manufacturing, innovative features, stateof-the-art efficient drive systems and unparalleled customer service. Flottweg’s C Series decanter centrifuge is designed specifically for cost-effective thickening and dewatering of municipal water and wastewater residuals and biosolids.

EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 2045 Drew Rd Mississauga ON L5S 1S4 T: 905-944 2800 www.evoqua.com

FLOVAL EQUIPMENT LTD. 250 Rayette Rd Unit 1 Concord ON L4K 2G6 kluegger@floval.com | www.floval.com Contact: Kris Luegger

FCI – FLUID COMPONENTS INTERNATIONAL 1755 La Costa Meadows Dr San Marcos CA 92078 T: 760-744-6950 eflow@fluidcomponents.com www.fluidcomponents.com Contact: Mary Pund FCI is a world leading manufacturer of air/gas flow meters, flow switches and level switches used in industrial and commercial applications. Rugged designs, international approvals and certifications, FCI products are ideal for industry’s most demanding processes and environmental measurements. FCI products are calibrated in our NIST traceable flow laboratory to your exact specifications and conditions. Our products are installed and supported worldwide. FESTO INC. 5300 Explorer Dr Mississauga ON L4W 5G4 T: 905-614-2762 www.festo.ca FILAMAT COMPOSITES INC. 880 Rangeview Rd Mississauga ON L5E 1G9 T: 416-200-7541 larry.pascucci@filamat.com | www.zurn.com/ innovation-efficiency/filamat-composites-inc Contact: Larry Pascucci, Business Development Manager FISHCULVERT T: 519-212-1252 penny@fishculvert.com | www.fishculvert.com Contact: Dave Penny, BES FLOMATIC VALVES 15 Pruyns Island Dr Glens Falls NY 12801 T: 518-761-9797 www.flomatic.com



FLOWFINITY WIRELESS INC. 206–1275 West 6th Ave Vancouver BC V6H 1A6 T: 604-878-0008 ext 2101 wastewater@flowfinity.com www.flowfinity.com/solutions/water-wastewater.aspx Contact: Marc Simms FLOWPOINT ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 8703–98 St Morinville AB T8R 1K6 T: 877-655-5585 kmontgomery@flowpointsystems.com www.flowpointsystems.com Contact: Kris Montgomery FLOW-TRONIC SA T: 867-445-6432 v.favre@flow-tronic.com | www.flow-tronic.com Contact: Vincent Favre FLUID METERING, INC. 5 Aerial Way Suite 500 Syosset NY 11791 T: 516-922-6050 www.fmipump.com FLUIDYNE CORPORATION Suite D-5436 Nordic Dr Cedar Falls IA 50613 T: 319-266-9967 fluidyne@fluidynecorp.com www.fluidynecorp.com

FORCE FLOW 2430 Stanwell Dr Concord CA 94520 T: 925-686-6700 www.forceflowscales.com Contact: Christina Rumbel, Marketing Coordinator Force Flow is the leading manufacturer of scales for monitoring water treatment chemicals. Accurately track feed rate, amount used and remaining amount. See real-time chemical status locally at the vessel and remotely from your PLC or SCADA. Digital and hydraulic systems for day tanks, bulk storage tanks, volumetric feeders, ton containers and 150 lb cylinders. Automatic on-site chemical dilution systems, automatic dry tank refill systems.

FORD HALL COMPANY INC. 301 Lower Hines Creek Rd Richmond KY 40475 T: 859-624-1077 www.fordhall.com FRANKLIN EMPIRE INC. 550 Braidwood Ave Unit 4 Peterborough ON K91 1W1 T: 705-745-1626 todd.rogers@franklinempire.com www.franklinempire.com/en Contact: Todd Rogers, General Manager Process Instrumentation FRANKLIN MILLER INC. 60 Okner Pkwy Livingston NJ 7039 T: 973-535-9200 www.franklinmiller.com FRESH WATER SOLUTIONS CANADA (FWS) 1643 Jalna Blvd London ON N6E 3K7 T: 519-854-2283 gary@fwscanada.ca | www.fwscanada.ca Contact: Gary Fricke G.E.T. INDUSTRIES INC. 33 Cedar Dr Caledon ON L7K 1H5 T: 905-451-9900 get@grindhog.com | www.grindhog.com Contact: Tina Harrison GARDNER DENVER 1800 Gardner Expressway Quincy IL 62305 T: 217-222-5400 www.gardnerdenver.com

GENEQ INC. 10700 Secant St Montréal QC H1J 1S5 T: 514-354-2511 info@geneq.com | www.geneq.com Contact: René Parisé, President GENEQ has been a Canadian Distributor of Environmental Instruments since 1972. We offer a wide range of instruments for sampling, monitoring and measuring air, water and soil. Geneq also sells High Precision GPS/GNSS Receivers and General Laboratory products. If you are looking for Weather Stations or Water Quality Instrumentation and much more. GENEQ is the place to go. Also located in Vaughan, Ontario, see listing in this directory. GENEQ INC. – ONTARIO LOCATION 15-910 Rowntree Dairy Rd Vaughan ON L4L 5W5 T: 365-527-2508, 1-855-527-5808 GEORG FISCHER www.gfps.com GEORISK ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 31 Haxby Pvt Ottawa ON K1T 3B5 www.georiskes.com Contact: Franck Diedro GLOBAL TREATMENT SOLUTIONS 10312 N Holly Rd Holly MI 48442 T: 810-238-9190 akorreck@globaleei.com www.global-treatmentsolutions.com Contact: Alaina Zeigler

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GOLDEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. 2207 Simcoe Rd 93 Barrie ON L4M 4Y8 T: 705-726-3921 ron@goldenenviro.ca | www.goldenenviro.ca Contact: Ron Trivett, President Soil and Groundwater Remediation Contractors. In-situ, ex-situ, permeable reactive barriers, soil mixing, mobile treatment units. Wide array of injection and soil mixing applications. Provides oxidants and biological amendments for ISCR/ ISCO and bioremediation programs. Residential, Commercial, and Industrial contaminated sites. Mobile ECA. GORMAN-RUPP CANADA 70 Burwell Rd St. Thomas ON N5P 3R7 T: 519-631-2870 www.grpumps.ca

GOSLYN CANADA Aurora ON T: 905-841-0990 angelo@goslyn.ca | www.goslyn.ca Contact: Angelo Mikrogiannakis Goslyn GRD Grease Interceptor delivers pollution prevention & wastewater sustainability for the foodservice sector. Municipalities are strengthening their position on wastewater effluent discharge limits. Foodservice operators must meet compliance or face paying fines and surcharges. The innovative Goslyn surpasses compliance; it delivers the highest efficiencies in grease & waste removal. Rated the best “GREASE TRAP SYSTEM” by foodservice operators! Easy to maintain, delivers significant cost savings. Specify Goslyn for your clients. NSF Certified CSA B481.

GRANDE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 3950 Montee Masson Laval QC H7B 1C4 T: 855-315-1115 info@grandeinc.com | www.grandeinc.com Contact: Francis Grande Grande Water Management Systems specializes in stormwater management, wastewater management and CSO abatement. Our products have been used in over 6000 installations around the world. We provide engineered systems for: tank and sewer flushing, overflow control, overflow screening, flow regulation and flood protection. Equipment types: tank & sewer flushing (tipping bucket, flushing gate), overflow control (bending weir), overflow screening (passive & active overflow screen), flow regulation (passive & active flow regulator), flood protection (flap), floatables retention (baffle), etc.

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GREATARIO ENGINEERED STORAGE SYSTEMS 715647 Oxford Rd 4 Innerkip ON N0J 1M0 T: 866-299-3009 info@greatario.com | www.greatario.com Contact: Jeff Rodger GREATARIO Engineered Storage Systems is the leading provider for Liquid Storage and Covers solutions in Canada. We provide a complete line of glass-fused-to-steel and factory coated epoxy tanks, aluminum covers and Hydraulic Mixing Systems for the Municipal and Industrial water and wastewater market. We can provide many types of covers including aluminum domes and flat covers, glass-fused-to-steel covers, flexible membranes and floating covers. Greatario’s Service Team also inspects, services and cleans all reservoir types. In addition, we are the Exclusive dealer for IXOM Watercare products in Canada; including the complete GridBee™ and SolarBee™ line-up and THM Removal Systems. Let’s Build Something GREAT!

GRUNDFOS CANADA INC. 2941 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 T: 905-829-9533 jgauthier@grundfos.com | www.grundfos.com Contact: Jamie Gauthier, Senior Sales Engineer Founded in 1945, Grundfos, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of pumps and pumping systems, focuses on innovation and sustainability. Serving a wide variety of pumping applications, Grundfos’ water utility products cover the complete water cycle from raw water supply, water treatment, water distribution, wastewater transport and wastewater treatment in municipal and industrial processes. Supported by a global network of sales and service partners, Grundfos meets the needs of all your pumping requirements.

H2FLOW EQUIPMENT INC. 580 Oster Lane Vaughan ON L4K 2C1 T: 905-660-9775 info@h2flow.com | www.h2flow.com H2Flow provides water & wastewater treatment equipment for industrial & municipal applications with start-up assistance, service, and spare parts. Equipment includes: grinders, screens, conveyors, grit removal, aerators, diffusers, blowers, clarifiers, sludge presses, centrifuges, digesters, mixers, thickeners, tertiary treatment, gravity and pressure filters, package plants, UV disinfection, drinking water plants, filters, underdrains, strainers, dissolved air flotation (DAFs), CSO, odour control biofilters, oil/water separators. Specialized in biological treatment with SBR, MBBR and MBRs. Containerized and remote treatment plants.

H2FLOW TANKS & SYSTEMS INC. 580 Oster Lane Vaughan ON L4K 2C1 T: 905-660-0649 tanks@h2flow.com | www.h2flowtanks.com Contact: Darrin Hopper, General Manager Sales and installation of PERMASTORE GlassFused-to-Steel tanks, typically used as EQ tanks, biosolids storage tanks, water reservoirs/standpipes, anaerobic digesters, aerobic digesters, leachate storage, etc. Custom engineered tanks with Published Quality Standards and Zero Defects. Stainless steel or powder coated steel material also available. Tank covers in aluminum, stainless & glass fused to steel. Complete treatment systems such as SBR, MBBR, MBRs, mixing and aeration systems integrated within tanks. Mixers to prevent ice formation in cold weather. HACH SALES & SERVICE CANADA LTD. 3020 Gore Rd London ON N5V 4T7 T: 800-665-7635 HALLIDAY PRODUCTS INC. 6401 Edgewater Dr Orlando FL 32810 T: 800-298-1027 ext-105 www.hallidayproducts.com

HALOGEN VALVE SYSTEMS 1342 Bell Ave Suite 3C Tustin CA 92780 T: 925-686-6700 info@halogenvalve.com | www.halogenvalve.com Contact: Christina Rumbel Emergency valve shutoff systems for chlorine, SO2, ammonia and other gases. Halogen Valve Systems is the leading manufacturer of electronically actuated emergency valve shutoff systems for chlorine and sulfur dioxide. Emergency chlorine valve shutoff systems from Halogen provide your plant with a critical extra measure of safety when feeding chlorine from cylinders or ton containers. Systems instantly stop a dangerous leak and confirm that valves were torqued closed to Chlorine Institute recommended standards. HAMILTON BOILER WORKS LIMITED 105 Cascade St Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 T: 905-561-4233 smbeale@hamiltonboilerworks.com www.hamiltonboilerworks.com HANNA INSTRUMENTS CANADA INC. 3156 Industrial Laval QC H7L 4P7 www.hannacan.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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water quality, water quantity, soil moisture, plant science, weather stations, indoor air quality, aquatic sampling, and oceanography.

HARMSCO FILTRATION PRODUCTS 7169 49th Terrace N Riviera Beach FL 33407 T: 800-327-3248 sales@harmsco.com | www.harmsco.com Contact: Joel Holzberg Established in 1958, Harmsco Filtration Products manufactures innovative and cost-effective solutions for liquid filtration challenges. With three divisions and a global footprint, our Made In America, Family Owned Business provides energy savings, proven products and enduring value. As a pioneer in the filtration industry, Harmsco holds numerous U.S. Patents in the filtration industry, offering the largest selection available of NSF certified filter housings and cartridges while maintaining our focus and commitment on quality and value for the end user. HAYWARD GORDON ULC 5 Brigden Gate Halton Hills ON L7G 0A3 T: 905-693-8595 info@haywardgordon.com HBR INDUSTRIES 2261-B Fortune Dr San Jose CA 95131 T: 408-988-0800 sales@hbrindustries.com | www.hbrindustries.com HERON INSTRUMENTS INC. 447 Moxley Rd Dundas ON L9H 5E2 T: 905-628-4999 info@heroninstruments.com www.heroninstruments.com Contact: Terri Kernaghan, Sales Manager HEXION INC. T: 888-443-9466 service@hexion.xom | www.hexion.com HM PIPE PRODUCTS INC. 129 Exeter Rd London ON N6L 1A4 T: 519-652-5822 Contact: Rick Henry

HOSKIN SCIENTIFIC LTD. 3735 Myrtle St Burnaby BC V5C 4E7 With locations in Edmonton, Oakville and Montreal T: 604-872-7894 / 800-663-3023 sales@hoskin.ca | www.hoskin.ca Contact: Shawn Ternan For over 70 years Hoskin Scientific has provided expert consultative support to find the right product to fit your application needs. Whether you require monitoring or testing instrumentation, rentals or service, we are where you need us to be across Canada. Our Environmental Department provides solutions for monitoring and sampling biological and chemical parameters in the environment. Specific areas include: www.esemag.com


HRS HEAT EXCHANGERS 740-1395 S Marietta Pkwy SE Building 700 Marietta GA 30067 T: 770-726-3540 info@us.hrs-he.com www.hrs-heatexchangers.com/us Contact: Waly Niane, Senior Technical Sales Manager With over 40 years’ experience specializing in the design and manufacture of an extensive range of turnkey systems and components, incorporating our corrugated tubular and scraped surface heat exchanger technology, HRS units are compliant with global design and industry standards. HUB INTERNATIONAL 130 King St W Toronto ON M5X 1E4 T: 416-564-9813 shane.mccarthy@hubinternational.com www.hubinternational.com Contact: Shane McCarthy, Vice President, Complex Risks Unit

HYDRO INTERNATIONAL 2925 NE Aloclek Suite 140 Hillsboro OR 97124 T: 866-615-8130 questions@hydro-int.com | www.hydro-int.com Contact: Ben Paetel Hydro International supplies environmentally sustainable products that control and treat municipal and industrial wastewater and stormwater using advanced vortex and complementary technologies. Hydro International is the leading provider of municipal grit removal and stormwater treatment technologies to control flows within collection systems and wastewater treatment facilities throughout Canada. Wastewater Products: HeadCell, Grit King, OpTeaCup, TeaCup, SlurryCup, Hydro GritCleanse, Grit Snail, SpiraSnail, Hydro-Sludge-Screen, and Storm King. Compact line of Advanced Grit Removal systems tailored to the needs of smaller treatment facilities. Stormwater products: Downstream Defender, First Defense, and Up-Flo Filter. IBI GROUP TRAINING AND OPERATIONS T: 1-833-265-3434 training@ibigroup.com www.training.ibigroup.com Contact: Carla Andronico, Manager, Training and Operations Water & Wastewater ICON PROCESS CONTROLS T: 905-469-9283 sales@iconprocon.com | www.iconprocon.com

HUBER TECHNOLOGY, INC. 1009 Airlie Parkway Denver NC 28037 T: 704-949-1010 marketing@hhusa.net www.huber-technology.com Contact: Sales Department HUBER Technology services the US & Canadian municipal and industrial wastewater treatment markets with high quality liquid-solid separation technology. HUBER Technology offers the complete chain of screening, grit and sludge handling processes. Manufactured and sourced in the USA at its Denver NC facility, the company is a BABA compliant original source manufacturer specializing in stainless steel fabrication of technologies for water and wastewater with proven experience and expertise with over 40,000 installations worldwide.

ICONIX WATERWORKS 7065 Auburn Rd Unit A Milton ON L9E 0T6 T: 905-693-0008 cal.reaume@iconixww.com | www.iconixww.com Contact: Cal Reaume, P.Eng. IDEXX WATER One Idexx Dr Westbrook Maine 04092 T: 1-800-321-0207 www.idexx.com/en/water INDUSCONTROL INC. Unit 11 3170 Ridgeway Dr Mississauga ON L5L 5R4 T: 905-608-0070 info@indus-control.com | www.indus-control.com INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS FABRICATORS LTD. 75 Selby Rd Brampton ON L6W 1K5 T: 905-454-7632 sales@ipflimited.com | www.ipflimited.com

HYDRATECH ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, LLC. 10448 Chester Rd Cincinnati OH 45215 T: 513-827-9169 www.hydratechllc.com HYDROFLOW CANADA 4-3455 Harvester Rd Burlington ON L7N 3P2 T: 289-337-9390 mike@hydroflow.ca | www.hydroflowcanada.com Contact: Mike Skinner

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IMBRIUM SYSTEMS INC. 407 Fairview Dr Whitby ON L1N 3A9 T: 416-960-9900 info@imbriumsystems.com www.imbriumsystems.com Contact: Marc LeLong Imbrium® Systems is an engineered stormwater treatment company that designs and manufactures stormwater treatment solutions that protect water resources from harmful pollutants. By developing technologies to address the long-term impact of urban runoff, Imbrium ensures our clients’ projects are compliant with government water quality regulations. Imbrium is the only stormwater technology company in Canada to offer four stormwater treatment products with the ETV verification, including the Stormceptor® EF, Stormceptor® EFO, the Jellyfish® Filter, and the Filterra® Bioretention system.

INFINITII AI INC. 488 – 1090 West Georgia St Vancouver BC V6E 3V7 T: 778-379-0275 info@infinitii.ai | www.infinitii.ai Contact: Nathan Rudyk Predictive analytics software from infinitii ai ensures Smart City and Smart Industry infrastructure facilities keep water, raw materials and energy resources flowing while meeting compliance goals. For operations that rely on time series data, infinitii ai supports reliable engineering decisions that sustain human life and commerce. The company serves its customers via a trusted partner network that includes engineering services companies like AECOM, Core & Main, Kerr Wood Leidal, and SCG Flowmetrix. INGU SOLUTIONS 209 8 Ave SW Suite 402 Calgary AB T2P 1B8 T: 403-613-2510 john@ingu.com | www.ingu.com Contact: John van Pol INOVAIR 14801 W 114th Terrace Lenexa KS 66215 T: 913-469-7244 sales@inovair.com | www.inovair.com

IN-SITU 221 East Lincoln Ave Fort Collins CO 80524 T: 800-446-7488 (800-4INSITU) sales@in-situ.com | www.in-situ.com/en In-Situ manufactures superior measurement and analysis equipment for in-plant and environmental applications. Solutions for drinking water and wastewater include our industrial-grade UV and mini analyzers, industry-leading 78 | February 2024

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water quality sensors, rugged multiparameter water quality instruments, and user-friendly monitor and telemetry to help you control costs and energy use, optimize operations and stay in compliance. From intake to finished water, inlet to final effluent, In-Situ makes it easy to collect decision-quality data and access it in real-time.

INSITU CONTRACTORS INC. 48 Dawson Rd Guelph ON N1H 5V1 T: 519-763-0700 general@insitucontractors.com www.insitucontractors.com Contact: Harry Oussoren INTELEX TECHNOLOGIES INC. 800-70 University Ave Toronto ON M5J 2M4 T: 416-599-6009 www.intelex.com

INTERNATIONAL WATER SUPPLY LTD. 342 Bayview Dr PO Box 310 Barrie ON L4M 4T5 T: 705-733-0111 iws@iws.ca | www.iws.ca Contact: John A Harris, P. Eng. President Groundwater Engineering. Pump Application Engineering. Municipal/Industrial line shaft and submersible turbine pumping equipment, sales, installation, inspection, testing and maintenance. Municipal/Industrial well design, construction, and performance testing. Well video inspection using colour dual view camera. Well maintenance rehabilitation and re-development programs. INTERPROVINCIAL CORROSION CONTROL COMPANY LTD. 930 Sheldon Court Burlington ON L7L 5K6 T: 905-634-7751 contact@rustrol.com | www.rustrol.com Contact: Ray Thoroski, Manager, Customer Service

IPEX INC. 6810 Invader Cr Mississauga ON L5T 2B6 T: 905-670-7676 www.ipexna.com IPEX Inc. is a leading supplier of thermoplastic piping systems, offering complete systems of pipe, valves and fittings for a broad range of markets and applications including plumbing and mechanical, municipal and industrial process piping. Backed by over 50 years of experience, the IPEX name is synonymous with quality, innovation and performance. ISLAND WATER TECHNOLOGIES 65 Watts Ave Charlottetown PEI C1E 2B7 T: 902-894-1366 pkiely@islandwatertech.com www.islandwatertech.com Contact: Patrick Kiely

IVEY INTERNATIONAL INC. Unit 7 19122 27 Ave Surrey BC V3Z 5T1 T: 604-538-1168 budivey@iveyinternational.com www.iveyinternational.com Contact: George (Bud) Ivey Ivey International Inc. is an Award Winning Remediation Technology Company that has developed and patented several innovative remediation technologies including: Ivey-sol® (Surfactant Remediation), DECON-IT® (Surface Decontamination) and PFAS-SOL® (PFAS mass-removal). The company has gained global recognition for the capacity to improve Physical, Biological and Chemical Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated Solvents, to PFAS. Client testimonials, journal papers, case studies, and international awards, speak to our role and commitment to sustainable environmental remediation for >30 years!

J.J. DOWNS INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS INC. 243 Bering Ave Toronto ON M8Z 3A5 T: 416-236-1884 corporate@jjdowns.com | www.jjdowns.com Contact: Elizabeth Barker Distributor of thermoplastic and fluid handling products, piping systems, tubing, hose & fittings, valves & actuation, pumps, tanks, sheet rod & tube. 54 years providing our customers precision parts. With decades of material knowledge and experienced in-house machinists and technicians who can build anything from custom tanks to complete custom plastic assemblies, including machining services, extrusion welding, cut to size materials, heat bending, hot air welding, socket and butt welding methods, CNC routing, custom plastic fabrication and repairs. JC TECHNOLOGIC T: 860-501-9651 fayc@jctechnologic.com | www.jctechnologic.com Contact: Fay Chen JNE ENVIRONMENTAL 925 Century Dr Burlington ON L7L 5J8 T: 905-537-8317 jmcintyre@jne.ca | www.jneenvironmental.ca Contact: Joe McIntyre

JOHN BROOKS COMPANY 2625 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 7K5 T: 1-877-624-5757 industrialsales@johnbrooks.ca Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine


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www.johnbrooks.ca Contact: John Brooks Company John Brooks Company has been proudly serving Ontario municipalities and process industries with fluid handling equipment, systems, service and projects for over 85 years. With our diverse selection of quality pumps, spray nozzles, valves, filtration equipment, along with our extensive experience, we can assist our customers with innovative and cost-effective solutions to their most challenging applications. We also provide comprehensive aftermarket field and shop services to improve the efficiency or extend your rotating equipment’s life.

JWC ENVIRONMENTAL 2850 Red Hill Ave Santa Ana CA 92705 T: 949-833-3888 www.jwce.com KAESER COMPRESSORS CANADA INC. 3760 La Verendrye St Boisbriand QC J7H 1R5 T: 450-971-1414 www.ca.kaeser.com/en KEE SAFETY LTD. 40 North Rivermede Rd Concord ON L4K 2H3 www.keesafety.ca KELLER AMERICA 351 Bell King Rd Newport News VA 23606 T: 757-596-6680 KEMIRA 3405 Marie-Victorin Blvd Varennes QC J3X 1P7 T: 800-465-6171 water@kemira.com | www.kemira.com

Canadian owned. KGS has successfully completed thousands of remediation and excavation projects Ontario wide. Projects include but are not limited to environmental site remediation, facility decommissioning and demolition, underground storage tank decommissioning, excavating, earth moving, grading, aggregate compaction, soil relocation/disposal and aggregate supply.

KISTERS NORTH AMERICA 180-2999 Douglas Blvd Roseville CA 95661 T: 916-723-1441 kna@kisters.net | www.kisters.net KROHNE 55 Cherry Hill Dr Beverly MA 01915 T: 978-535-6060 ext 531213 r.lowrie@krohne.com | www.krohne.com Contact: Richard Lowrie KSB PUMPS INC. 5205 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L4W 3N8 T: 905-568-9200 canada@ksb.com | www.ksb.ca Contact: Anna Vezina KUSTERS WATER, DIVISION OF KUSTERS ZIMA CORP. 101 Zima Park Dr Spartanburg SC 29301 T: 800-264-7005 www.kusterswater.com LAFARGE Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, And Winnipeg T: 780-410-3675 www.lafarge-na.com

Software KGO GROUP LTD. 2172 Wyecroft Rd Units 4 & 5 Oakville ON L6L 6R1 T: 905-847-1544 info@kgogroup.com | www.kgogroup.com Design, fabricate and service chemical feed, liquid and dry polymer systems, mineral dispersing, biogas pump systems and equipment, tanks and mixers.

KGS ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 3 Twelfth Concession Rd Scotland ON N0E 1R0 T: 855-378-3015 info@kgsenvironmentalgroup.ca www.kgsenvironmentalgroup.ca Contact: Kristofer Gaal, President and General Manager KGS ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP is a fully licensed, insured, bonded and experienced environmental remediation firm that services Ontario, Canada. Our firm has been in business since 2005. The company is 100% privately and www.esemag.com


LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE 1-170 Columbia St West Waterloo ON N2L 3L3 T: 519-746-5995 sales@webLakes.com | www.weblakes.com Contact: Cheryl Porter Lakes Environmental is recognized internationally for its advanced environmental modeling software and data products. Since 1995 we remain dedicated to providing industry and the regulatory community with exceptional service and cost-effective environmental IT solutions. Our products increase productivity and provide unique solutions to the challenges encountered in a regulatory constrained world. Expertise includes software solutions for dispersion modeling, real-time/forecast modeling, emissions inventory, ambient air monitoring and reporting along with meteorological data services and hands-on training. LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1022 East Devon Ave Bartlett IL 60103 T: 630-837-5640 www.lakeside-equipment.com LAMBOURNE ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. T: 403-348-8298 sales@lambourne.ca | www.lambourne.ca Contact: Blair Benn

roxalana.dobransky@layfieldgroup.com www.layfieldgroup.com Contact: Roxalana Dobransky

LG WATER SOLUTIONS (LG CHEM., LTD.) 21250 Hawthorne Blvd Suite 330 Torrance CA 90503 T: 424-218-4041 nasales@lgchem.com | www.lgwatersolutions.com

LIMEGREEN EQUIPMENT INC. 1183 Barton St E / PO Box 47629 Hamilton ON L8H 7S7 T: 844-444-2100 kbailey@limegreeninc.com www.limegreeninc.com Contact: Kevin Bailey LimeGREEN Equipment Inc. Canadian owned and operated, environmental equipment rental house. With equipment yards in Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Hamilton, Trenton and Ottawa, ON, and Saint John, NB, LimeGREEN specializes in storage tanks, filtration equipment, pumps, berms and flow meters, etc. Whether your application is industrial services, construction, remediation, pipeline, municipal, mining or emergency response, LimeGREEN’s experience has you covered. Contact us to see how we can work with you, to help save you time, and money. LINK UTILITY TECHNOLOGIES 101-8500 Leslie St Markham ON L3T 7M8 T: 416-300-5165 admin@linkut.ca | www.linkut.ca Contact: Matthew Nicolak LINKON TECHNOLOGY INC. 25 Southvale Dr Vaughan ON L6A 0X2 T: 647-724-6799 davidkim@linkontechnology.com www.linkontechnology.com Contact: David Kim LOTIC TECHNOLOGIES 3912 77 Ave Leduc AB T9E 0B6 T: 587-352-0032 www.lotictech.ca Contact: info@lotictech.ca

LUMINOR ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 80 Southgate Dr Unit 4 Guelph ON N1G 4P5 T: 519-837-3800 sales@luminoruv.com | www.luminoruv.com Contact: Brock Lupal, President and CEO LUMINOR Environmental is a Canadian manufacturer of ultraviolet disinfection solutions for home, industry, and regulated markets around the world.

LAYFIELD GROUP LIMITED 17720 129 Ave Northwest Edmonton AB T5V 0B4 T: 800-840-2884 February 2024 | 79


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MAPLE REINDERS GROUP LTD. 2660 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5V4 T: 905-821-4844 www.maple.ca LYSTEK INTERNATIONAL 125 McGovern Dr Unit 1 Cambridge ON N3H 4R7 T: 226-444-0186 info@lystek.com | www.lystek.com Contact: Mike Beswick Lystek is North America’s leading provider of Thermal Hydrolysis solutions for sustainable biosolids and organics management. The Lystek THP® technology transforms residuals into value-added products to enhance resource recovery and optimize wastewater treatment processes. These products include LysteGro®, a nutrient-rich Class A quality fertilizer; the LysteMize® process for enhancing digestion, and increasing renewable biogas production; and LysteCarb®, an alternative carbon source. Lystek offers design-build services, regional processing solutions, and comprehensive LysteGro product management services. M CON PIPE & PRODUCTS INC. PO Box 1191 2691 Greenfield Rd Ayr ON N0B 1E0 T: 866-537-3338 ext 201 skirby@mconpipe.com | www.mconproducts.com Contact: Scott Kirby MADOK MANUFACTURING LIMITED 82 Morrell St Brantford ON N3T 4J5 T: 519-756-5760 www.madok.ca

MAKE-WAY ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 385 Andrew St Exeter ON N0M 1S7 T: 866-625-3929 bert@makeway.ca | www.makeway.ca Contact: Bert Knip, President Make-Way Environmental Technologies Inc. has been offering advanced wastewater treatment solutions for residential, commercial and communal applications since 1996. In 2018 Make-Way became the Ontario representative for the Graf line of products offering stormwater management solutions and rainwater harvesting systems for detention, LID and reuse. For wastewater inquiries call Bert at 519-709-0681. For Stormwater or Rainwater inquiries call Roddy at 613-314-7597. MANTECH 5473 Highway 6 N Guelph ON N1H 6J2 T: 519-763-4245 rmenegotto@mantech-inc.com www.mantech-inc.com Contact: Robert Menegotto MAPLE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT INC. 2660 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5V4 T: 289-804-5923 rcrane@maple.ca | www.maple.ca/services/ operations-and-maintenance-facility-management Contact: Bob Crane 80 | February 2024

MARKLAND SPECIALTY ENGINEERING LTD. 9-305 Armstrong Ave Georgetown ON L7G 4X6 T: 855-873-7791 markland@sludgecontrols.com www.sludgecontrols.com Contact: Scott Langstaff MASTER METER CANADA 217-3275 Chemin De L’Industrie Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil QC J3G 0M8 T: 905-896-5956 www.mastermeter.ca MCCUE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS 102-7187 Progress Way Delta BC V4G 1K8 T: 604-940-2828 info@mccuecontracting.com www.mccuecontracting.com Contact: Chris McCue MCMASTER UNIVERSITY W. BOOTH SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, PRACTICE AND TECHNOLOGY www.mcmaster.ca/sept/learninghub MEMBRANE SPECIALISTS LLC 2 Rowe Court Hamilton OH 45015 T: 513-860-9490 www.membranespecialists.com MENTORAPM 2416 E Goldenrod St Phoenix AZ 85048 T: 602-492-6212 dave.stadelmann@mentorapm.com www.mentorapm.com Contact: Dave Stadelmann, Sales Executive METAFLO TECHNOLOGIES 1630 Sismet Rd Unit 4 Mississauga ON L4W 1R5 T: 647-217-5625 amcnabb@metaflotech.com www.metaflotech.com Contact: Andrew McNabb MET-CHEM, INC. 837 East 79th St Cleveland OH 44103 T: 216-881-7900 info@metchem.com | www.metchem.com MEUNIER TECHNOLOGIES 14-216 Poirier St Saint-Eustache QC J7R 6B1 T: 450-413-1311 info@meuniertechnologies.com www.meuniertechnologies.com Contact: Vincent Tremblay-Meunier MICHELS CANADA 1102-16 Ave Nisku AB T9E 0A9 T: 780-955-2120 www.michelscanada.com MINOTAUR STORMWATER SERVICES 566 Lynden Rd RR 8 Brantford ON N3T 5M1 T: 519-647-3729 service@minotaurltd.com | www.minotaurltd.com Contact: Aaron Shaver, CEO MLM 19609 96th Ave Langley BC V1M 3C9 T: 416-277-4262 info@mlmconveying.com www.mlmconveying.com

MOBILTEX DATA LTD. 36-56 Freeport Cres NE Calgary AB T3J 0T7 T: 844-689-3282 info@mobiltex.com | www.mobiltex.com MOBILTEX Data Ltd. is proud to serve hundreds of industrial, municipal, and commercial customers around the globe – delivering mission-critical integrity monitoring solutions on over 260,000 km of pipeline assets. The MOBILTEX CorTalk and GCRTech brands are built on over 35 years of cathodic protection system monitoring innovation and technical instrumentation engineering experience. MOBILTEX’s innovative field and cloud-connected technologies deliver significant benefits to Water Utilities, Energy, and Critical Infrastructure operations. MOBILTEX is widely recognized for innovation, reliability, and world-class service and support. MS FILTER SYSTEMS INC. 31 Graham Lane Fenelon Falls ON K0M 1N0 T: 905-713-7875 rlecraw@msfilter.com | www.msfilter.com Contact: Bob LeCraw MSU MISSISSAUGA LTD. 300-2222 S Sheridan Way Building 3 Mississauga ON L5J 2M4 T: 905-823-4340 www.msumississauga.com

MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS 1200 Abernathy Rd Atlanta GA 30328 T: 800-423-1323 www.muellerwaterproducts.com Mueller Water Products, Inc. (NYSE:MWA) is a leading manufacturer and marketer of products and services used in the transmission, distribution and measurement of water in North America. Our broad product and service portfolio includes engineered valves, fire hydrants, metering products and systems, leak detection and pipe condition assessment. MWP brands include: Mueller®, Echologics®, Hydro Gate®, HydroGuard®, HYMAX®, i2O®, Jones®, Krausz®, Mi.Net®, Milliken®, Pratt®, Pratt Industrial®, Singer®, and U.S. Pipe Valve & Hydrant.

MYRON L COMPANY 2450 Impala Dr Carlsbad CA 92010 T: 760-438-2021 www.myronl.com Since the 1960s, the Myron L. Company has established itself as the leading manufacturer of high quality and simple to operate conductivity and pH instrumentation for municipal, commercial and industrial water quality control, chemical concentration testing and process control.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers Search online or add your company at esemag.com/ese-directory


NAPIER-REID LTD. 95 Mary St Aurora ON L4G 1G3 T: 905-475-1545 info@napier-reid.com | www.napier-reid.com Contact: Frank Li NATIONAL STORAGE TANK 4137 Santa Rosa Ave Santa Rosa CA 95407 www.nationalstoragetank.com NEOTHANE/MAGNASEAL 19 Sandwell Dr Toronto ON M9R 3P9 www.neothane.com Contact: Elliott Chewins NEPTUNE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CANADA CO. 7275 West Credit Ave Mississauga ON L5N 5M9 T: 905-858-4211

NETZSCH CANADA INC. 500 Welham Rd Barrie ON L4N 8Z4 T: 705-797-8426 ntc@netzsch.com | www.pumps.netzsch.com Contact: Jason Balcerczyk NETZSCH, the world’s largest manufacturer of Progressive Cavity Pumps offers a complete range of Progressing Cavity Pumps, Metering Pumps, Rotary Lobe Pumps, Hose Pumps, Multiple Screw Pumps, Twin Shaft Grinders, Macerators. NEUBREX ENERGY SERVICES (US), LLC 11125 Hwy 159 W Bellville TX 77418 www.neubrex.com Contact: James Lemaux NEWTERRA 1291 California Ave Brockville ON K6V 7N5 T: 800-420-4056 ext 1160 www.newterra.com NEXOM 5 Burks Way Winnipeg MB R2J 3R8 T: 204-949-7500 info@nexom.com | www.nexom.com Contact: Martin Hildebrand NIAGARA COLLEGE CENTRE FOR ENV. TRAINING 100 Niagara College Blvd Welland, ON L3C 7L3 www.niagaracollege.ca NIMONIK INC. 602-6445 Ave De Gaspe Montreal QC H2T3B2 T: 888-608-7511 info@nimonik.com | www.nimonik.com NOVA FILTRATION TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1367 Osprey Dr Ancaster ON L9G 4V5 info@novafiltrationtech.com www.novafiltrationtech.com Contact: Matt Scruton ONTARIO CLEAN WATER AGENCY 500-2085 Hurontario St Mississauga ON L5A 4G1 T: 905-491-4000 ocwa@ocwa.com | www.ocwa.com



ORIVAL WATER FILTERS 213 S Van Brunt St Englewood NJ 07631 T: 201-568-3311 filters@orival.com | www.orival.com Providing automatic self-cleaning filtration systems for the removal of suspended solids from water is more than a job for Orival – it’s a way of life. For over 35 years, Orival has supplied thousands of filtration units for a wide variety of customers in over 85 countries around the world. Single units, flange-to-flange systems, complete skid mounted or containerized packages, and specifically fabricated filters are all common products for Orival. ORTHOS LIQUID SYSTEMS, INC. 596 Browns Cove Rd Ridgeland SC 29936 T: 1-843-987-7200 info@orthosfilters.com | www.orthosfilters.com OSPREY SCIENTIFIC INC. 18232 – 105 Ave Edmonton AB T5S 2R5 T: 780-487-4334 sales@ospreyscientific.com www.ospreyscientific.com OSTARA NUTRIENT RECOVERY TECHNOLOGIES INC. 690 – 1199 West Pender St Vancouver BC V6E 2R1 T: 604-408-6697 info@ostara.com | www.ostara.com OVIVO USA LLC 2404 Rutland Dr Austin TX 78758 info@ovivowater.com | www.ovivowater.us

OZ LIFTING PRODUCTS 5455 West 6th St Winona MN 55987 T: 507-474-6250 sales@ozliftingproducts.com www.ozliftingproducts.com Contact: Richard Miller OZ Lifting Products is a trusted partner for safe, efficient material handling in wastewater and environmental infrastructure. From sludge dewatering to tank installation, our wide range of lifting solutions tackle any challenging application. Headquartered in Winona, Minnesota, our lifting equipment has been handling material globally for over 19 years. Our products are expertly engineered with innovation, safety and quality in mind. Our team of experts will find the right lifting solution for your specific application.

PARKSON CORPORATION 100-1401 W Cypress Creek Rd Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 T: 954-974-6610 technology@parkson.com | www.parkson.com Parkson Corporation is a prominent wastewater and water treatment equipment supplier. We provide numerous, cost-effective solutions for potable water, process water, and industrial and municipal wastewater applications. Parkson designs, engineers and manufactures products that provide customers with advanced solutions for: screening, aeration, biological treatment, clarification, filtration, enhanced nutrient removal, pumps, and biosolids management. Parkson also has a highly trained field service and aftermarket team capable of completely rebuilding aging equipment or retrofitting equipment to include the latest technological advancements. Our Water Research Facility can additionally provide laboratory analysis and pilot testing. PAX WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC. 860 Harbour Way South Richmond CA 94804 T: 866-729-6493

PENTAIR CANADA 490 Pinebush Rd Unit 4 Cambridge ON N1T 0A5 T: 800-363-7867 orders.cacam@pentair.com | www.pentair.com Contact: Peter Reinhardt, Regional Sales Manager Global manufacturer of pumping, filtration and control equipment covering residential, commercial, industrial, oil and gas, mining and municipal markets. Pentair brands have been providing application solutions since 1870.

PICA CORPORATION 4909-75 Ave Edmonton AB T6B 2S3 T: 780-469-4463 drussell@picacorp.com | www.picacorp.com Contact: Dave Russell PICA provides condition assessment services for pipelines in water and wastewater services. We have in-line inspection tools in sizes from 2 "to 78 "for steel, cast and ductile-iron pipes. PICA also offers leak detection using “Nautilus” intelligent sphere. PFAS-SOL 7-19122 27 Ave Surrey BC V3Z 5T1 T: 250-203-0867 budivey@iveyinternational.com www.iveyinternational.com

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PINE ENVIRONMENTAL 6580 Kestrel Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1Z9 T: 905-795-9700 www.pine-environmental.com POLLARD WATER 521 Butler Farm Rd Hampton VA 23666 T: 516-746-0842

Guide to Environmental Equipment & Service Suppliers

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Transport/ Storage, Sludge Dryers, Digesters, Biosolids, Biogas Conditioning, Intake Screens, Underdrains, Plate Settlers, Chlorine Gas Feed, Sluice/ Slide Gates, Stop Logs/ Bulkheads, Odour Control Systems, Aluminum Tank Covers, Stormwater Management, Tipping Buckets, Manhole Equipment, Watertight Doors, Waterchamp.

PROCO PRODUCTS PO Box 590 Stockton CA 95201-0590 T: 209-943-6088 PROMINENT FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 490 Southgate Dr Guelph ON N1G 4P5 T: 888-709-9933 sales@prominent.ca | www.prominent.ca

POLY PROCESSING COMPANY PO Box 4150 Monroe LA 71211 T: 866-765-9957 sales@polyprocessing.com www.polyprocessing.com Poly Processing is the leader in innovative and cost-effective storage systems. We continually develop new and better storage systems that meet our customers’ expectations for ease of use, longevity, and environmental responsibility. Our tanks are NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified for 38 of the most popular chemicals. Come check us out. www.polyprocessing.com

PROTECTOLITE COMPOSITES INC. T: 416-444-4484 www.protectolite.com Contact: Karl Szasz PULSAR MEASUREMENT 16456 Sixsmith Dr Long Sault ON K0C 1P0 T: 855-300-9151 northamerica@pulsarmeasurement.com www.pulsarmeasurement.com PUREFLOW FILTRATION DIV. 6739 Washington Ave Whittier CA 90601 T: 562-945-3425 info@waterbypureflow.com www.waterbypureflow.com QM ENVIRONMENTAL 3580 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Z7 T: 416-253-6000 marketing@qmenv.com | www.qmenv.com

PREMIER TECH WATER AND ENVIRONMENT 1 Ave Premier Rivière-du-Loup QC G5R 6C1 T: 800-632-6356 info.ptwe.na@premiertech.com www.pt-waterenvironment.com Premier Tech Water and Environment brings sustainable local septic and rainwater harvesting solutions to life. Around the world and in your backyard, our people and technologies make a difference. We proudly offer Ecoflo, the most sustainable septic solution on the market. It has a renewable, compostable filter and needs no energy for treatment. We are also experts in large-scale decentralized systems, including our moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR), membrane bioreactor (MBR), and sequence batch reactor (SBR) technologies.

PRO AQUA INC. 7-264 Bronte St S Milton ON L9T 5A3 T: 905-864-9311 scott@proaquasales.com | www.proaquasales.com Contact: Scott Lenhardt Archimedes Screw Pumps, Screens, Washer Compactors, Conveyors, Grit Removal, Vortex Units, Septage Receiving, Thickening, Dewatering, Energy Recovery, Blowers, Aeration Diffusers, Diffuser Cleaning, Mixers, Clarifiers, Density Current Baffles, Launder Covers, SBR, RBC, MBR, Tertiary Filters, Disk Filters, Rotary-Lobe Pumps, Grinders, Polymer Systems, Strainers, Membranes, UF, Ion Exchange, Sludge 82 | February 2024

R.E. MORRISON EQUIPMENT INC. 21-3615 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Z8 T: 905-828-6301 info@remequip.com | www.remequip.com Contact: Ray Ralph, Owner Canadian national distributor of Republic blowers, compressors and vacuum pumps. The company provides engineering, sales and service, inventory of parts, pumps with unique size and pressure capability. Rotary vane blowers and compressors work in small to mid-size aeration projects. Regenerative blower compact, quiet and dependable. Three stage units for up to 15 PSI. Compact high speed single stage centrifugal blower’s volumes of 4000 CFM pressures to 4.5 PSI. RACO MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING CO 1400 62nd St Emeryville CA 94608 T: 800-722-6999 quotes@racoman.com | www.racoman.com RAIN FOR RENT CANADA 115 West Dr Brampton ON L6T 2J6 www.rainforrent.com

RATS INC. (RAPID ASSESSMENT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES) 7B – 131 Whitmore Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 6E3 T: 647-245-8800 anthony@ratsinc.ca | www.ratsinc.ca Contact: Anthony Abbruscato RATS Inc. is Eastern Canada’s premier provider of acoustic sewer line assessments. Our industry leading experts have years of real-world practical experience. REDUX NUTRITION LTD. 44370 Simpson Rd Chilliwack BC V2R 4B7 T: 604-858-8118 reduxnutritionltd@gmail.com www.reduxprogram.com Contact: Jared Girman

Technology-Based Solutions for the Environment

REGENESIS T: 949-218-0630 kmunsey@regenesis.com | www.regenesis.com Contact: Keith Munsey, Northwest District Technical Manager REGENESIS is the global leader in the research, development and commercialization of technology-based solutions for the environment. Specializing in scientifically proven product and service-based solutions for groundwater, soil remediation and vapour intrusion mitigation, REGENESIS works with key stakeholders to treat contaminated sites worldwide. Offering a full suite of patented, cost-effective in-situ solutions, REGENESIS is able to address a wide range of contaminants including PFAS. RICE EARTH SCIENCES, A DIVISION OF RICE RESOURCE TECHNOLOGIES 9333 41 Ave Northwest Edmonton AB T6E 6R5 T: 1-855-474-2378 sales@riceresource.com es.riceresource.com

RINKER MATERIALS 2099 Roseville Rd Cambridge ON N1R 5S3 T: 519-622-7574 www.rinkerpipe.com Rinker Materials is a leading manufacturer of pipe and precast products for use in water-related infrastructure, as well as stormwater management solutions and specialty precast products. We employ a specialized technical force, which enables us to deliver a high degree of customer service and create tailored solutions. Rinker Materials responsibly delivers industry-leading service, quality, and innovation with passion and commitment, as we pursue our mission to build the longest lasting foundations for our communities’ infrastructure, today and tomorrow. Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. 1201 South Second St Milwaukee WI 53204 T: 888-382-1583 www.rockwellautomation.com ROKVAL 3 Kirkhollow Dr Brampton ON L6P 2V5 info@rokval.com | www.rokval.com ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2005 Sooke Rd Victoria BC V9B 5Y2 T: 250-391-2600 learn.more@royalroads.ca www.royalroads.ca/environment-sustainability

RTS COMPANIES INC. T: 800-663-2803 info@rtscompaniesinc.com | www.rtsplastics.com Contact: Graham Lobban RTS Plastics is recognized as a leader in plastic tank manufacturing and the distribution of storage tanks for industrial and agricultural markets. We have a wide variety of fiberglass tanks, polyethylene tanks (poly tanks) and double wall tanks, as well as the option of custom fabrication. RTS polyethylene tanks are manufactured in Ontario to strict ISO 9001:2015 quality guidelines, ensuring years of customer satisfaction. RUBICON SAFETY INC. 1439 Legion Rd Burlington ON L7S 1T6 T: 416-999-9304 info@rubiconsafety.ca | www.rubiconsafety.ca Contact: Lorraine Kearsey-Carter RUNNALLS INDUSTRIES 1275 Cardiff Blvd Mississauga ON L5S 1R1 T: 905-453-4220 www.runnalls.com SANECOTEC 5636 Manotick Main St Ottawa ON K4M 1B3 www.sanecotec.com

SCADALLIANCE 6855 Ave De L’Epee Suite 303 Montreal QC H3N 2C7 T: 514-448-4422 rbonfils@scadalliance.com www.scadalliance.com/en Contact: Robert Bonfils SCADALLIANCE offers innovative instrumentation and telemetry solutions. Its specialty is to offer global expertise, from measurement sensors to supervision systems. It allows the company to design comprehensive and efficient solutions that guarantee the profitability and sustainability of our customers’ investments. Our range of solutions include: Various sensors and biosensors, flow meters, water quality monwww.esemag.com


itors and analyzers, oil on water detectors, sewage overflow monitors, autonomous data loggers, controllers, telemetry units, industrial gateways and routers, SCADA software, sewer inspection systems, geolocation equipment.

SCARBOROUGH SUPPLY 154 Crown Court Whitby ON L1N 7B1 T: 905-579-4460 kwatson@scarboroughsupply.com www.scarboroughsupply.com Contact: Kevin Watson SCENTROID 70 Innovator Ave Unit 7 Stouffville ON L4A 0Y2 T: 416-479-0078 www.scentroid.com

SCG FLOWMETRIX 15 Connie Crescent Concord ON L4K 1L3 T: 416-919-6828 www.scgflowmetrix.com SCG Flowmetrix enables public works departments, industrial facilities and consulting engineers to capture highly accurate flow measurement-related data for capacity assessments, inflow and infiltration studies, water loss control, metering calibration, preventative and reactive maintenance requirements, installation and commissioning of new equipment, and engineering consultation and services.

SCG PROCESS 19855-98 Ave Langley BC V1M 2X5 T: 866-394-5574 www.scgprocess.com At SCG Process, we can help you implement more solutions to support your municipal and industrial facility’s process performance and aging infrastructure needs including chemical feed, measurement & control, disinfection, filtration, packaged treatment systems, rebuild services for large pumps/blowers and process equipment part rebuilds to extend the life of old assets. SCHONSTEDT INSTRUMENT COMPANY 100 Edmond Rd Kearneysville WV 25430 T: 800-999-8280 schonstedt.info@spx.com | www.schonstedt.com SCICORP INTERNATIONAL CORP. 13-3300 Ridgeway Dr Mississauga ON L5L 5Y6 T: 905-829-1749 derk@scicorp.net | www.scicorp.net Contact: Derk Maat SCIENCETECH INC. 1450 Global Dr London ON N6N 1R3 sales@sciencetech-inc.com www.sciencetech-inc.com SEAMAN CORPORATION 1000 Venture Blvd Wooster OH 44691


T: 800-927-8578 info@seamancorp.com | www.seamancorp.com

SEEPEX, INC. 511 Speedway Dr Enon OH 45323 T: 937-864-7150 sales.us@seepex.com | www.seepex.com SENTRIMAX CENTRIFUGES INC. 9440-60th Ave Edmonton AB T6E 0C1 T: 780-434-1718 tim.maxwell@sentrimax.com | www.sentrimax.com Contact: Tim Maxwell

SERVICE FILTRATION OF CANADA LTD. 2172 Wyecroft Rd Unit 1 Oakville ON L6L 6R1 T: 800-565-5278 sales@service-filtration.com www.service-filtration.com Contact: Chadi Halahel Service Filtration of Canada has been successfully supplying thousands of companies across Canada for over 35 years by supplying the best equipment available on the market. We stock, distribute, assemble, and repair: pumps, filtration equipment, liquid heaters, and much more. We represent industry leading manufacturers and have a team dedicated to your liquid handling needs. Authorized distributor and service centre for: Serfilco, Process Technology, Finish Thompson, Iwaki, Price Pump, Goulds Water Technology, Harmsco, Shelco, Hanna, Pentair, and more!

SEW-EURODRIVE 210 Walker Dr Bramalea ON L6T 3W1 T: 905-791-1553 marketing@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sewcan.ca Contact: Suzanne Mamo No matter where you are located across Canada, SEW-EURODRIVE is there for you. With three assembly plants in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver we stock more product inventory than all our competitors combined. We also have 38 technical sales representatives and hundreds of distribution product specialists and industry specialist locations. Located regionally, our applications engineers understand the power transmission challenges your business and industry are facing – and how to optimize your drive application to meet them. Combined with our local product distribution, this leading expertise means we can get you up and running fast. SHAC SOLUTIONS INC. PO Box 73 Medicine Hat AB T1A 7G6 T: 888-533-4446 sales@shac.ca | www.shac.ca Contact: Philip Fandrick SHELTER WORKS 2616 S 3rd St St. Louis MO 63118-1918 www.shelterworks.com February 2024 | 83


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SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PROTECTIVE & MARINE COATINGS T: 216-292-4700 shunsberger@marcusthomasllc.com www.protective.sherwin-williams.com Contact: Scott Hunsberger

SOURCE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL / FERNCO INC. 850 Phillip St East Sarnia ON N7T 1Z6 T: 519-332-6711 kate.stephenson@fernco.com www.s1eonline.com Contact: Kate Stephenson

SHORELINE DISTRIBUTION LTD. 33 Willow Lane Grimsby ON L3M 5P6 T: 905-637-8446 joanne@shorelinedistribution.com www.shorelinedistribution.com Contact: Joanne Penney

SPARTAN RESPONSE 41 Brockley Dr Hamilton ON L8E 3C3 T: 905-573-1010 info@spartanresponse.com www.spartanresponse.com Contact: Kevin Wallace, P.Eng.

SIEMENS CANADA LTD. 1577 North Service Rd East Oakville ON L6H 0H6 T: 905-305-5251 dola.andrawes@siemens.com | www.siemens.ca Contact: Dola Andrawes SIMPSON ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 2-1509 Upper Middle Rd Burlington ON L7P 4M5 T: 905-332-7669 dcooper@senvc.com | www.senvc.com Contact: Don Cooper SL SONIC SOIL LIMITED 441 Carlingview Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 5G7 T: 905-660-0501 sonic@sonicsoil.com | www.sonicsoil.com Contact: Ted Nedelkopoulos SMARTCOVER SYSTEMS 2110 Enterprise St Escondido CA 92029 T: 760-291-1980 sales@smartcoversystems.com www.smartcoversystems.com SMITH & LOVELESS, INC. 14040 Santa Fe Trail Dr Lenexa KS 66215 T: 913-888-5201 www.smithandloveless.com Contact: William Flores, Vice President Municipal Division

SNF CANADA LTD. 4 Director Crt Suite 101 Vaughan ON L4L 3Z5 T: 416-486-7853 gbunjevac@snfcanada.com | www.snfcanada.com Contact: Gojko Bunjevac, Area Manager SNF is the world’s largest manufacturer of organic coagulants and flocculants and focuses on the supply of these products to the municipal and wastewater treatment industry. Polymer applications include sludge dewatering, thickening and primary/secondary clarification. SNF Canada’s equipment group offers end users dry and emulsion polymer preparation systems, solution tanks and feed pump packages designed specifically for use in industrial and municipal applications. SOILFLO 2-1552 Bayview Ave Toronto ON M4G 3B6 T: 833-967-7645 info@soilflo.com | www.soilflo.com SOLINST CANADA LTD. 35 Todd Rd Halton Hills ON L7G 4R8 T: 905-873-2255 instruments@solinst.com | www.solinst.com

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SPD SALES LIMITED 6470 Viscount Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1H3 T: 905-678-2882 ext 257 sales@spdsales.com | www.spdsales.com Contact: Frank Farkas For over two decades, the SPD Sales Ltd. team has remained dedicated to the promotion, supply and support of instrumentation and chemical feed products for the process control market. Our highly trained and qualified personnel provide full technical application and product support to industries and municipalities, putting forward the highest quality products and instrumentation solutions for our clients. Chemical feed systems; disinfection systems; flow meters; level meters; metering pumps, analyzers, turbidity, ozone generators, odour control; field service. SPECTRA SCIENTIFIC INC. 6380 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1Z9 T: 905-565-1888 www.spectrascientific.com STANMECH TECHNOLOGIES INC. 944 Zelco Dr Burlington ON L7L 4Y3 T: 905-631-6161 info@stanmech.com | www.stanmech.com STERLING POWER SYSTEMS INC. 799 Rennie St Hamilton ON L8H 3R5 T: 1-800-809-0330 www.sterlingpowersystems.com STORMTRAP 6A-170 The Donway West, Suite 1928 Toronto ON M3C 2E8 T: 815-941-4549 SUEZ 8007 Discovery Dr Richmond VA 23229 T: 804-756-7600 sales.usa@suez-na.com | www.suez-na.com SULZER PUMPS (CANADA) INC. 151 Superior Blvd Unit 3-7 Mississauga ON L5T 2L1 T: 905-670-4677 landy.lu@sulzer.com Contact: Landy Lu

SYNTEC PROCESS EQUIPMENT LTD. 77 Pillsworth Rd Unit 12 Bolton ON L7E 4G4 T: 905-951-8000 info@syntecpe.com | www.syntecpe.com

Contact: Roger Sinclair, President Syntec is a manufacturers’ representative in both municipal and industrial sectors. The combined expertise of Syntec and our manufacturing partners enables Syntec to provide solutions in all aspects of valving, controls and instruments. We provide competitively priced, quality products in an ethical and professional manner and deliver excellent service to our clients, from a knowledgeable, caring staff.

TANK CONNECTION 3609 N 16th St Parsons KS 67357 T: 620-423-3010 sales@tankconnection.com TANKTEK ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. 970 Third Concession Rd Pickering ON L1V 2P8 T: 905-839-4400 inquiries@tanktek.com | www.tanktek.com Contact: Thomas Burt TAPFLO CANADA INC. 12464 Odette-Oligny Montréal QC H4J 24R canada@tapflo.com | www.tapflo.com TEAM-1 ACADEMY INC. 760 Pacific Rd 19 Oakville ON L6L 6M5 T: 905-827-0007 ext 122 brian@team1academy.com www.team1academy.com Contact: Brian Kovalcik THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES 5 Concourse Parkway Suite 1900 Atlanta GA 30328 T: 404-634-9100 www.quikrete.com Contact: Wanda Graves THOMAS NUTRIENT SOLUTIONS 70 Beach Rd Hamilton ON L8L 8K3 T: 877-479-1388 www.thomassolutions.ca THOMPSON PUMP & MANUFACTURING CO., INC. 4620 City Center Dr Port Orange FL 32129 T: 386-767-7310 THORDON BEARINGS INC. 3225 Mainway Burlington ON L7M 1A6 T: 905-335-1440 www.thordonbearings.com TITAN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAINMENT LTD. 777 Quest Blvd Ile des Chênes MB R0A 0T1 T: 1-866-327-1957 info@titanenviro.com | www.titanenviro.com Contact: Juice Lambert, VP Sales TORCAN LIFT EQUIPMENT T: 416-743 2500 info@torcanlift.com | www.torcanlift.com TRIDENT TNZ 446 Harrison St Sumas WA 98295 T: 1-800-799-3740 info@tridenttnz.com | www.tridenttnz.com TRI-PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 446 Hazelhurst Rd Mississauga ON L5J 2Z7 T: 905-823-7965 catrache@triphasegroup.com www.triphasegroup.com Contact: Camille Atrache TRIPLEPOINT ENVIRONMENTAL Suite 503 1010 West Lakest Oak Park IL 60301 T: 800-654-9307 www.triplepointwater.com Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES 3020 Gore Rd London ON N5V 4T7 T: 519-457-3400 info@trojanuv.com www.trojantechnologies.com/en

TROY-ONTOR INC. 121 Commerce Park Dr Units H – K Barrie ON L4N 8X1 T: 705-721-8246 martin.doyle@troy-ontor.ca | www.troy-ontor.ca Contact: Martin Doyle Specialists in valve automation for all new and retrofit applications, for all industries and all types of valves and gates, offering electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, and manual actuators. Field service team available for site assessment for retrofits, as well as startup, commissioning and operation and maintenance training. All adaptation design and fabrication is done in our Barrie location. TULSAR CANADA LTD. 15 Worthington Dr Brantford ON N3T 5M1 T: 519-748-5055 tulsar@tulsar.com | www.tulsar.com UNIQAIR TECHNOLOGIES 2758 Eagle Mountain Dr Abbotsford BC V3G 0C4 T: 604-854-5628 www.uniqair.com UNITED RENTALS, INC. 100 First Stamford Place Ste 700 Stamford CT 06902 T: 562-544-7744 cplamann@ur.com | www.unitedrentals.com Contact: Chris Plamann UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2386 East Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3 T: 604-827-4136 apscpp@apsc.ubc.ca www.apscpp.ubc.ca/programs/mel UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO: MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALTH 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego CA 92110 T: 619-260-4600 msesh@sandiego.edu | www.sandiego.edu

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH, MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 1265 Military Trail Toronto ON M1C 1A4 T: 416-287-7205 dpes-menvsc-program.utsc@utoronto.ca www.utsc.utoronto.ca/gradpes/programs-menvsc-0 Contact: Alanna Biason The Master of Environmental Science program is a 12-month course-based professional program that aims to educate practitioners of environmental science to meet the needs of industry, government and NGOs. Students spend the last 4 months in a work place internship or carrying out an environmentally related research project. Students specialize in either: Conservation and www.esemag.com


Biodiversity, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, or Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems. Part-time studies are also available. Follow us on Instagram.

USABLUEBOOK Po Box 9005 Gurnee IL 60031 T: 800-548-1234 export@usabluebook.com www.usabluebook.com Contact: Alejandro Ontiveros USABlueBook is the water and wastewater industry’s primary source for equipment and supplies. With over 64,000 products available, it’s easy to see why thousands of industrial, private and municipal operations rely on USABlueBook each year. Call 1-800-548-1234 Monday through Friday, 6 am to 7 pm CST, to speak with a live customer service representative who can answer your questions, place your order, quote pricing or track your shipment. Request your FREE 1,760-page catalog today! USF FABRICATION 3200 West 84th St Hialeah FL 33018 www.usffab.com/usffab VAHN-TECH INTERNATIONAL INC. 2608-88 Bluejays Way Toronto ON M5V 0L7 T: 416-342-0001 www.vahn-tech.com VALLEY INTEGRATION INC. 12-3170 Ridgeway Dr Mississauga ON L5L 5R4 T: 905-930-1100 sales@valley-int.com | www.valleyintegration.com VAL-MATIC VALVE & MFG. CORP. 905 Riverside Dr Elmhurst IL 60126 T: 630-941-7600 valves@valmatic.com | www.valmatic.com

VANTON PUMP AND EQUIPMENT CORP. 201 Sweetland Ave Hillside NJ 07205-1793 T: 908-688-4216 mkt@vanton.com | www.vanton.com Since 1950, Vanton Pump and Equipment Corp. has been manufacturing the most comprehensive line of non-metallic, thermoplastic pumps the industry has to offer. Vanton’s product line includes: Sump-Gard vertical centrifugal sump pumps; Chem-Gard horizontal centrifugal pumps; Flex-I-Liner® rotary pumps. The wetends of all Vanton pumps are constructed of injection molded, homogenous, corrosion-resistant, thermoplastic materials that are chosen for their inert characteristic to fluids across the full pH range. These materials are available in polypropylene, PVC, CPVC, PVDF among others.

VAUGHAN COMPANY, INC. 364 Monte Elma Rd Montesano WA 98563 T: 360-249-4042


info@chopperpumps.com www.chopperpumps.com Contact: Derek Vaughan Established in 1960, Vaughan Company is the industry leader in reliable chopper pumps and mechanical hydraulic mixing systems. With more than 60 years of experience, Vaughan Company remains committed to giving their customers outstanding service and the most dependable product solutions in the world. All Vaughan products are proudly made in the USA at our factory in Montesano, WA. Find your reliable pumping solution by calling 888-249-CHOP or by visiting www.chopperpumps.com

VECTOR PROCESS EQUIPMENT INC. 5889 Summerside Dr Mississauga ON L5M 6L1 T: 416-527-4396, 647-519-5225, 902-719-8245 andre@vectorprocess.com www.vectorprocess.com Contact: André Osborne, Cynthia Nwabuokei, Raymond Pecoskie Centrifugal pumps, rotary lobe pumps, screw pumps, peristaltic hose pumps, pump stations, slide gates, weir gates, knife gate valves, strainers, bar screens, screw conveyors, washer-compactors, grit collectors, clarifier & thickener mechanisms, chain & flight collectors, tube settlers, DAF, SAF, fine bubble diffusers, tank mixers, SBR, MBBR, membranes, turbo blowers, PD blowers, air control valves, UV disinfection, digester covers & mixers, biogas safety equipment, waste gas burners & flares, heat exchangers, sludge dewatering presses, centrifuges, dryers, odour control equipment, bolted steel tanks, geodesic domes, thermoplastic tanks, lime slakers, lime hydration systems, vacuum chemical feeders, emergency actuators, digital scales, chlorine dioxide solution generators, chemical feed systems, polymer makedown systems, composting systems.

VEGA INSTRUMENTS, CANADA LTD. 501-2235 Sheppard Ave East North York ON M2J 5B5 T: 833-538-8342 canadaquotes@vega.com Contact: Ivelisse Garcia VEGA’s full product line of level, pressure, density, and weight measurement solutions allows us to provide one of the most complete ranges of measurement solutions in the industry. We are proud to apply our products and solutions to serve a wide variety of industries, including energy, petrochemical, chemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, mining, plastics, food and beverage, bulk solids, and water and wastewater. We believe the future of instrumentation lies in the ability to produce high quality, innovative products that keep pace with technology, and provide service and value to our customers.

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VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA INC. 4105 Sartelon Saint Laurent QC H4S 2B3 T: 905-286-4846 / 514-334-7230 salescanada@veolia.com www.veoliawatertech.com Contact: Nadine Mourad, Marketing & Communication Team Leader Veolia Water Technologies Canada has helped Canadian municipalities and industries solve water, wastewater and sludge treatment challenges since 1948. We design, manufacture and service over 350 proprietary technologies, offering solutions ranging from mobile and urgent temporary plants, to treatment equipment, to integrated systems delivered under a wide range of procurement methods. By delivering solutions that minimize resource consumption and maximize resource recovery we help customers achieve their sustainability targets.

VFOLD INC. 65 Gerald Parkway Thorndale ON N0M 2P0 T: 877-818-3653 sales@vfoldinc.com | www.vfoldinc.com Contact: Mark Thomas Manufacturer of sludge dewatering systems for industrial & municipal. Specializing in small to mid-sized applications with equipment built for simplicity, low maintenance & cost-effectiveness. Dewatering systems capable of handling sludge produced from: Clarifier underflow, DAF float, biological treatment, MBRs, lagoons. Manufacturer of VFold folding belt press; rotating drum thickener; polymer make-down systems.

VICTAULIC 500 Deerhurst Dr Brampton ON L6T 5H9 T: 905-884-7444 www.victaulic.com Contact: Rehman Khan Since 1919, Victaulic’s pipe joining and flow control solutions have optimized construction productivity and reduced risk, ensuring projects are completed safely, on time and within budget. Driven by a spirit of continuous innovation, Victaulic’s portfolio of 100,000+ products and patented technologies promote freedom of design, as well as simplified inspection and maintenance for the life of any system.

VISSERS SALES CORP. 20 – 220 Industrial Pkwy S Aurora ON L4G 3V6 T: 905-841-4073 greg@vissers.on.ca | www.visserssales.com Contact: Greg Vissers 86 | February 2024

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Vissers Sales Corp. serves a wide variety of industrial, municipal, power, oil & gas, and OEM customers. Focusing on liquid handling applications, our process specialists have years of experience in assisting our customers in making: Manufacturing processes operate more efficiently; Drinking water safe; Wastewater safe for discharge; Boilers and cooling towers scale-free; Buildings more energy efficient; Buildings more water efficient; Commercial swimming pools clean and crystal clear.

VL MOTION SYSTEMS INC. 212 Wyecroft Rd Oakville ON L6K 3S3 T: 905-842-0244 jcarney@vlmotion.com | www.vlmotion.com Contact: John Carney WALKER ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 2800 Thorold Townline Rd Niagara Falls ON L2E 6S4 T: 905-227-4142 contact@walkerind.com | www.walkerind.com

WALKERTON CLEAN WATER CENTRE 20 Ontario Rd, Box 160 Walkerton ON N0G 2V0 T: 866-515-0550 inquiry@wcwc.ca | www.wcwc.ca/en The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (the Centre) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, established in 2004, to help safeguard drinking water across Ontario. The Centre provides education, training and information to owners, operators and operating authorities of drinking water systems, with a focus on small systems, throughout the province. Through partnerships, the Centre also provides training and continuing education to operators of First Nations drinking water systems. The Centre’s Technology Demonstration Facility is an effective platform for hands-on training and pilot testing. WARREN’S WATERLESS PRINTING INC. 711 Clayson Rd Toronto ON M9M 2H4 www.warrenswaterless.com Contact: Glenn Laycock

WASTECORP PUMPS INC. 50 Shorncliffe Rd Toronto ON M8Z 5K1 T: 888-829-2783 info@wastecorp.com | www.wastecorp.com Contact: Sales/Engineering Wastecorp Pumps, an ISO 9001/14001:2015 certified company, is known worldwide for manufacturing heavy duty, high performance fluid process pumps in the areas of municipal, industrial, construction, chemical, food process, mining, oil and gas, refineries, environmental remediation and marine industries. Wastecorp’s fluid process product line includes: Plunger, diaphragm, self-priming centrifugal, dry prime centrifugal, double disc and vacuum pumps. Power sources: Electric, engine, hydraulic, pneumatic. Mounting: Mobile & stationary.

WASTE’N WATERTECH LTD. 309-11979 40th St SE Calgary AB T2Z 4M3 T: 403-252-9056 dominic@watertech.ca | www.watertech.ca Contact: Dominic Janssen

WATERLOO BARRIER INC. 180 Bayfield St Meaford ON N4L 1G6 T: 519-856-1352 robin@waterloo-barrier.com www.waterloo-barrier.com Contact: Robin Jowett Waterloo Barrier® is a containment wall for the control of contaminated groundwater or soil gases. The Barrier can also be used as a structural wall for construction dewatering or the excavation of contaminated soils. Formed of steel sheet piling with specially designed sealable joints, the Barrier offers a long service life, exceptionally low hydraulic conductivity, and documentable construction quality assurance/ control. Installation is clean and rapid with minimal site disturbance. Interlocking joints are sealed in place, in the ground. WATERLOO BIOFILTER SYSTEMS INC. Po Box 400 Rockwood ON N0B 2K0 T: 519-856-0757 info@waterloo-biofilter.com www.waterloo-biofilter.com WATERMARK SOLUTIONS LIMITED 117 George St Oakville ON L6J 3B8 T: 647-494-3003 colin.powell@watermark.ca | www.watermark.ca Contact: Colin Powell WATERRA PUMPS LIMITED 5200 Dixie Rd, Unit 17 Mississauga ON L4W 1E4 T: 905-238-5242 sales@waterra.com | www.waterra.com Contact: John Newall WATSON MARLOW CANADA INC. 383 Applewood Cres Concord ON L4K 4J3 T: 289-588-1988

WESCOR WASTEWATER & ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 65 Gerald Parkway Thorndale ON N0M 2P0 T: 866-952-6523 info@wes-cor.ca | www.wes-cor.ca Supplier of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment systems. Manufacturing innovative technologies to achieve compliance. All systems are designed for ease of operation, maintenance and durability, including: Industrial pre-treatment systems – continuous and batch, sludge dewatering equipment, clarifiers, dissolved air flotation, indexing filters, multimedia filters, customized chemical treatment programs. WESSUC INC. 1693 Colborne St E Brantford ON N3T 5L4 info@wessuc.com | www.wessuc.com

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WESTECH ENGINEERING INC. 3665 S West Temple Salt Lake City Utah 84115 T: 801-265-1000 www.westech-inc.com WESTLAKE EPOXY INC. 100-12650 Directors Dr Stafford TX 77477 T: 614-986-2484 service@hexion.com | www.westlakeepoxy.com

WILLRICH PRECISION INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. 80 Broadway Cresskill NJ 07626 T: 866-945-5742 info@willrich.com | www.willrich.com WILO CANADA INC. Bay 8, 925-30th St NE Calgary AB T2A 5L7 T: 403-276-9456 info@wilo-canada.com Contact: Steffen Werner

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WOLSELEY CANADA INC. 210 Rexdale Blvd Rexdale ON M9W 1R2 T: 416-550-3675 linda.cooke-weaver@wolseleyinc.ca www.wolseleyinc.ca Contact: Linda Cooke-Weaver WORLD WATER OPERATOR TRAINING COMPANY INC. (WWOTC) 202-1214 Ottawa St Windsor ON N8X 2E6 T: 866-622-6535 ctaylor@wwotc.ca | www.wwotc.com Contact: Chase Taylor

WTP EQUIPMENT CORP. 83 Nuggett Ct Brampton ON L6T 5A9 T: 905-799-3403 sales@wtpcorp.com | www.wtpcorp.com Contact: Ken Argyle, Engineering Manager Canadian manufacturer of wastewater headworks equipment, including: mechanical bar screens, heavy duty deep well bar screens, continuously cleaned fine (to 1 mm) filter belt and perforated plate screens, conveyor screens, septage screens, screenings presses, screw conveyors, aerated tank and vortex chamber grit collectors and grit classifiers. Customer service is provided from our Brampton, Ontario, facility. XYLEM 300 Labrosse Ave Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4V5 T: 514-428-4875 bridgett.rousselle@xyleminc.com www.xylem.com Contact: Bridgett Rousselle XYPEX CHEMICAL CORPORATION 13731 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 T: 604-273-5265 enquiry@xypex.com | www.xypex.com

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88 | February 2024

YORK FLUID CONTROLS LTD. 2 Westwyn Crt Brampton ON L6T 4T5 T: 905-454-4013 sales@yorkfluid.com | www.yorkfluid.com Contact: Mike Knapman, President Established in 1960, York Fluid Controls Limited is a leading stocking distributor of transfer, sludge, chemical feed and process pumps, positive displacement and centrifugal pumps, tank and tote mixers. York offers an extensive range of services, including repair and test facilities, application engineering, custom fabrication, and a machine and assembly shop. York serves organizations of all sizes and from all industries and municipalities, throughout Canada. Reliability, service excellence, and a desire to solve customers’ problems underpin this family-owned company.

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ACG-Envirocan Inc. offers innovative solutions for sanitary, storm and combined sewer flow monitoring. Our RadarSens technology enables cost-effective level measurement to measure flow to reduce the frequency and impact of pollution overflow events. With permanent installations of remote monitoring equipment, our system ensures timely alerts for operations, pinpointing immediate problem sites. ACG-Envirocan Inc. T: 905-856-1414 E: sales@acg-envirocan.ca W: www.acg-envirocan.ca


Combining experience with innovation, AERZEN’s Delta Hybrid ingeniously merges 155 years of blower design expertise and 80 years of screw compressor technology. Operating at up to 1,500 mbar, it efficiently caters to diverse needs, ensuring cost efficiency, reduced maintenance, and expanded versatility – all while prioritizing energy efficiency. This revolutionary assembly seamlessly blends expertise and cutting-edge technology for optimal performance. AERZEN Canada Inc. T East: 450-424-3966 T West: 587-316-0155 E: canada@aerzen.com W: www.aerzen.com

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AERZEN introduced its air bearing turbo blower in 2010, now installed globally in over 2500 locations, proving its superior reliability and energy efficiency. As a leading high-speed turbo blower manufacturer since 1911, AERZEN prioritizes reliability and cost-effectiveness. AERZEN's compact turbo blowers power various applications, from wastewater treatment and yeast production to providing oxidation air for lime and cement production. AERZEN Canada Inc. T East: 450-424-3966 T West: 587-316-0155 E: canada@aerzen.com W: www.aerzen.com


Asahi/America, Inc. introduces the new J-Switch® manual limit switch, compatible with Asahi/America’s Type-21/21a ball valves and Type-23 Multiport™ ball valves. The new limit switch is a low-cost manual valve position indication solution. Available in 1/2 ", 3/4 "– 1 ", and 1-1/2 "– 2 "sizes, the J-Switch features a compact profile, direct mount, and a glass-filled polypropylene enclosure that requires no tools for simple field installation. It also features 0-180 AC/DC multi-voltage capabilities, a corrosion-resistant, NEMA 4X enclosure, and a cable gland with 2-meter flying leads. It operates at up to 150° F. Asahi/America T: 800-343-3618 F: 800-787-6861 E: asahi@asahi-america.com W: www.asahi-america.com


Asahi/America’s Chem Proline® advanced polyethylene (PE) piping system offers excellent physical and mechanical properties. UV resistant, lightweight, and heat fused, Chem Proline is perfect for most chemicals found in water treatment. It offers a greater value over metal, FRP, lined steel, PVC and CPVC. Available in ½ "– 12 "; larger sizes are also available upon request. Now H2 certified. Asahi/America T: 800-343-3618 F: 800-787-6861 E: asahi@asahi-america.com W: www.asahi-america.com


CHEM-FEED MD3 technology will help mitigate problems and ensure smooth, accurate, and dependable chemical dosing. The MD3 is equipped with our exclusive Dual Diaphragm Hyperdrive Technology for smooth, near continuous feed, like a peristaltic pump, but with no tube to change. It is outfitted with DiaFlex® Diaphragms, which are designed to last the life of the pump. Blue-White Industries T: 714-893-8529 F: 714-894-9492 E: info@blue-white.com W: www.blue-white.com February 2024 | 89



FLEXFLO M3 Peristaltic Pump has long been a favorite because of its ease of operation and low maintenance. We’ve made things even easier with the M3’s redesigned roller assembly. The 3 series roller is a modular roller that allows for simple tube change without needing a tool. The modular design allows each roller to be replaced when worn, saving both downtime and expense. Blue-White Industries T: 714-893-8529 F: 714-894-9492 E: info@blue-white.com W: www.blue-white.com


Chemline’s V Series actuators are CSA approved and have all the important features for municipal applications: hand wheel manual override, mechanical travel stops, position feedback and available control station and bluetooth module for remote operation, programming and reporting of actuator diagnostics. They are lightweight, compact and corrosion resistant, ideal for Chemline plastic valves, ball to 6 "and butterfly up to 20 ". Chemline Plastics Ltd. T: 800-930-CHEM (2436) E: request@chemline.com W: www.chemline.com

90 | February 2024


Backed by 85 years of conservation and research leadership, Ducks Unlimited Canada’s consulting division provides practical, science-based, sustainable landscape solutions – addressing water quality and land management challenges in urban, developed and remote locations across Canada. We offer naturalized stormwater systems, green infrastructure, remediation and reclamation of altered landscapes, restoration services, habitat offsets, treatment wetland systems, and more. Ducks Unlimited Canada T: 800-665-DUCK (3825) E: services@ducks.ca W: www.ducks.ca/services


The SpillSafe LX™ Drum Scale from Force Flow accurately monitors amount of chemical used, remaining, and provides protection against uncontained chemical spills. An automatic deploying spill bladder keeps overall platform height to a minimum for easy drum change-out, while still allowing up to 250 litres of spill containment. The SpillSafe LX helps you comply with Environment Canada spill containment requirements. Force Flow T: 925-686-6700 E: info@forceflow.com W: www.forceflowscales.com


EzyFlow™ Water Sampling Pump provides precision in obtaining undisturbed samples, aligning with the EPA’s protocols for Low-Flow Groundwater Sampling from monitoring wells. It provides accurate and consistent flow rates, variable speed control, gentle handling of fluids, an IP54-rated control panel. It is easy to clean and maintain, portable and compact, with no contamination. ERE Inc. (Environmental Remediation Equipment Inc.) T: 514-326-8852 Toll Free: 1-888-287-3732 E: sales@ereinc.com W: www.ereinc.com


The Radiation Alert Ranger® offers maximum performance in a lightweight, rugged nuclear radiation detector for surveying at the facility or in the field. Though designed with industrial environments in mind, it still has all of the features you’ve come to love in the lab. The Radiation Alert Ranger is a small, handheld, digital survey meter that offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. GENEQ Inc. T: 800-463-4363 E: sales@geneq.com W: www.geneq.com

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Operating lift station wet wells can be tough – “flushable” wipes and fats, oils and grease (FOG) can cause ongoing problems. A GridBee© AP500 Air-Powered Wet Well Mixer will keep materials in suspension for easier grinder pump pass-through. Constant mixing also helps minimize grease layer formation, prolonging the time between vac and cleaning! Ask about the FREE TRIAL! Greatario T: 866-299-3009 W: www.greatario.com/greatwater


The Gemini™ Emergency Shutoff System adds a new level of safety to your gas chlorine feed system. Designed specifically for dual 150lb chlorine cylinder applications, the Gemini System, with its two Terminator™ actuators, stops a chlorine leak within seconds of detection by automatically closing the cylinder valves. The actuators are simply placed on top of the valves and protection begins. Halogen Valve Systems T: 949-261-5030 W: www.halogenvalve.com


The new Stormceptor® EF is an oil grit separator (OGS)/hydrodynamic separator that effectively targets sediment (TSS), free oils, gross pollutants and other pollutants that attach to particles, such as nutrients and metals. The Stormceptor EF has been verified through the ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verification (ETV). Imbrium Systems T: 800-565-4801 E: info@imbriumsystems.com W: www.imbriumsystems.com


H2Flow Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) clarifies water and wastewater in food, oil & gas, mining, pulp & paper, industrial, and municipal plants. DAF can remove most TSS, FOG, and insoluble BOD. H2Flow carries rectangular and circular units. DAFs are in stock. Available pilots, rentals, and complete treatment systems. Service technicians ready for assistance. H2Flow Equipment Inc. T: 888-575-8642 E: info@h2flow.com W: www.h2flowDAF.com

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Harmsco offers the industry’s largest Carbon Block Cartridges – with the greatest throughput per cartridge. The dual-stage cartridge features a solid activated carbon block, followed by 5-micron nominal pre-filtration to reduce taste, odour and chlorine, as well as PFOS/PFOA. Harmsco’s activated carbon technology was selected as a finalist in The Water Council’s Fall 2023 Tech Challenge for PFAS remediation. Harmsco Filtration Products T: 800-327-3248 F: 561-845-2474 E: sales@harmsco.com W: www.harmsco.com


Inspection and maintenance are fundamental to the long-term performance of any stormwater quality treatment device. The Stormceptor EF/EFO design makes inspections and maintenance an easy and inexpensive process conducted at grade. Once serviced, the Stormceptor EF/EFO is functionally restored as designed, with full pollutant capture capacity. Learn more at: www.imbriumsystems.com Imbrium Systems T: 800-565-4801 E: info@imbriumsystems.com W: www.imbriumsystems.com

February 2024 | 91



IPEX TerraBrute® CR is available in an industry leading range of 4 "to 24 "sizes. Engineered for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and other trenchless applications, it is a 100% non-metallic, AWWA C900 PVC pressure pipe system. Non-corroding and installation friendly, TerraBrute CR allows you to standardize on PVC throughout your potable water and sewer infrastructure. IPEX T: 866-473-9462 W: www.ipexna.com


The IPEX Vortex Flow™ Insert (VFI) is a revolutionary technology for eliminating odorous emissions and minimizing corrosion in vertical sewer drops. With no moving parts and requiring no maintenance, VFIs have delivered significant cost savings in installations for municipalities across North America. IPEX T: 866-473-9462 W: www.ipexna.com

92 | February 2024



Introducing the HYMAX® Clamp with an added outlet option, offering a comprehensive solution for preventing leaks and repairing water pipelines. This advanced clamp features a mat-type gasket and stab-fit design, allowing for effortless modification of your pipeline system without the need for welding. With a convenient wrap-around design secured by just two to four bolts, it saves valuable time during repairs. The outlet provides accessibility for service connections or temporary bypass creation. Mueller T: 800-423-1323 E: marketing@muellerwp.com W: www.hymaxusa.com


NETZSCH’s maintenance-friendly Full Service-in-Place (FSIP®) NEMO® progressive cavity pump has a large inspection cover. Open the pump cavity on-site, dismantle all rotating parts and replace them without removing the pump from the pipe assembly. Capacities and pressures are equal to the same size classic NEMO progressing cavity pump – known for continuous, pressure-stable, gentle and low-pulsation conveyance of almost any substance. NETZSCH Canada T: 705-797-8426 F: 705-797-8427 E: ntc@netzsch.com W: www.netzsch.com

Orival Water Filters remove unwanted organic and inorganic suspended solids to protect nozzles, RO and ion exchange units, ozone and UV treatment systems or chlorination systems. With models from ¾ "to 24 "and filtration degrees from 5 to 3,000 microns, Orival Automatic Self-Cleaning Filters are designed to withstand the day-in and day-out rigours of POTWs and stay on-line during the rinse cycle, providing uninterrupted flow of clean water. Orival E: filters+ese@orival.com W: www.orival.com


OZ Lifting Products LLC has launched a Wheel Base that can be used with its full range of davit cranes up to 1,200 lb. capacity. It is adjustable and has four different length positions: it measures from 56.57 "to 77.57 "long; 32.44 "wide; and 36.87 "high. It weighs 140 lbs when fully assembled. Offering durable steel construction with powder-coat finish, oversized casters make rolling the base and moving the crane easy. The Wheel Base features a patented floor anchoring system, which allows the davit to rotate 360 degrees, even when under load. OZ Lifting Products T: 507-474-6250 E: sales@ozliftingproducts.com W: www.ozliftingproducts.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine




Huber, a proven German manufacturer, now provides watertight doors that allow safe access to tanks for construction and/ or maintenance. Doors can be provided as round or rectangular for installation onto existing concrete surfaces or cast-inplace in new concrete. They can handle heads up to 30 m and hold pressure in seating and unseating directions. Huber’s watertight doors can greatly reduce construction and maintenance costs and dramatically improve safety/access. Pro Aqua, Inc. T: 647-923-8244 E: aron@proaquasales.com W: www.proaquasales.com


Invent Environment is the manufacturer of hyperboloid mixers which have revolutionized anoxic and swing zone mixing. Invent provides low-shear, efficient mixers with no submerged motors or gear boxes for easy access for maintenance. They have now released the Hyperclassic Mixer Evo 7 which has increased the number of motion fins and adjusted the geometry of the mixer to maximize mixer efficiency, reducing operation costs even further. Pro Aqua, Inc. T: 647-923-8244 E: aron@proaquasales.com W: www.proaquasales.com www.esemag.com @ESEMAG

Vanton Chem-Gard CGM-ANSI magnetically driven end suction pumps are seal-less, single-stage process pumps which meet ANSI B73.1 specifications and conform to Hydraulic Institute Standards. All wet-end components are homogenous, injection-molded polypropylene (PP) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), eliminating metal-to-fluid contact, making them ideally suited for handling corrosive, hazardous and ultrapure fluids. Flows to 450 GPM, heads to 180 ft, and temperatures to 225°F. Vanton Pump & Equipment Corporation T: 908-688-4216 F: 908-686-9314 E: mkt@vanton.com W: www.vanton.com


There are 3 key considerations for dosing pumps in the water industry. 1. Dosing accuracy – consistency is key to meet treatment objectives and regulatory standards, avoiding over- or under-dosing scenarios. 2. Low maintenance design to ensure continuous and reliable operation, reducing downtime and operational disruptions. 3. Adaptive monitoring – integration with monitoring technologies, such as IoT, enables a quick response to variations in pump parameters, ensuring optimal treatment outcomes. The Verderflex DS500+ peristaltic is the pump of choice. York Fluid Control Ltd. T: 905-454-4013 E: sales@yorkfluid.com W: www.yorkfluid.com


Vanton cantilevered vertical thermoplastic SGK pumps are engineered for the dependable handling of corrosive process fluids, plant effluents and wastewater, over broad pH ranges. Available in polypropylene, PVC, CPVC or PVDF, these rugged pumps are widely used across various manufacturing industries and water treatment facilities. Every Vanton pump is performance tested to the specified service condition intended. Vanton Pump & Equipment Corporation T: 908-688-4216 F: 908-686-9314 E: mkt@vanton.com W: www.vanton.com February 2024 | 93

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ABB....................................................................... 3 ACG-Envirocan................................................95 ACO Systems....................................................58 AERZEN Canada..............................................33 American Water Works Association ACE24.........................................60 Aquatic Aeration Solutions.........................14 Asahi/America.................................................19 Associated Engineering...............................17 BARR Plastics...................................................24 BCWWA..............................................................87 Blue-White.......................................................... 7 Boerger..............................................................50 Boost Environmental Systems..................45 Canada Life......................................................27 Canadian Safety Equipment......................35 CAN-AM Instruments.....................................39 CANECT 2024.............................................. 9, 49 CB Shield...........................................................11 Chemline Plastics..........................................22 Crane Pumps & Systems..............................15 Environmental Remediation Equipment........................................................43 Environmental Science & Engineering Webinar................................51 Force Flow .......................................................31 Geneq.................................................................12 Greatario...........................................................38 H2Flow Equipment........................................23 Harmsco............................................................45 HRS Heat Exchangers....................................59 Imbrium............................................................96 In-Situ................................................................47 International Water Supply........................46 IPEX....................................................................... 2 Ivey International..........................................55 IWA 2024............................................................53 J.J. Downs Industrial Plastics....................34 KGO Group........................................................25 Mueller...............................................................13 NETZSCH Canada...........................................57 Niagara College...............................................32 Orival..................................................................18 OWWA................................................................87 OZ Lifting Products........................................36 Poly Processing..............................................46 Pro Aqua.............................................................. 5 Source to Stream............................................61 SPD Sales..........................................................44 Syntec................................................................29 Troy-Ontor........................................................42 Vanton Pump...................................................21 Vissers Sales....................................................41 WTP Equipment................................................ 8 York Fluid..........................................................47 94 | February 2024

Genome BC has generated more than $1.3 billion to invest in more than 520 genomics research and innovation projects, including over 1,200 collaborations with partners across BC and internationally. Credit: Genome BC.

Genome BC launches SAFEGUARD to expand wastewater tracking By ES&E staff


The wastewater surveillance initiative will connect experts from the BC Centre for Disease Control, the University of British Columbia, the BC Provincial Health Officer, the BC Ministry of Health, and the National Microbiology Laboratory. Dr. Natalie Prystajecky, program head for the Environmental Microbiology program at the BC Centre for Disease Control’s Public Health Laboratory, said that SAFEGUARD will help to address the “immediate challenge of characterizing circulating respiratory viruses at the community scale, which is so important at this time of year.” The pilot project is also expected to develop a wastewater preparedness toolkit for emerging threats across Canada. The toolkit will guide method validation, laboratory and analytical training, data interpretation and provide resources to put the research findings into practical use, according to Genome Canada. Over some 23 years, Genome BC has generated more than $1.3 billion to invest in more than 520 genomics research and innovation projects, including over 1,200 collaborations with partners across British Columbia and internationally.

ritish Columbia is looking to expand its wastewater surveillance with a new initiative designed to better prepare the province for future public health challenges. Dubbed SAFEGUARD by Genome BC and Genome Canada, the new project will utilize federal and provincial funding to connect a wide range of experts and target a wide range of respiratory pathogens beyond SARSCoV-2, which propelled wastewater surveillance to mainstream levels. The new three-year pilot project monitoring will integrate genomic data with epidemiological information, enabling advanced statistical modelling to guide crucial public health decision-making, explains Genome BC. “Genomics was a key tool for surveillance during the pandemic and will continue to be crucial in understanding future public health trends,” announced Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer for BC, in a statement. “By leveraging the power of this technology, we aim to provide earlier detection, more precise data, and improved public health strategies for a range of pathogens, all things essential to providing effective, For more information, email: evidence-based public health guidance.” editor@esemag.com

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

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