Volume 66, Issue 5

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April 3, 2012

Volume 66, Issue 5

Cultural Cross-Section: Ireland Yoga & Sex Pet Monster! Spring in the Smokies

The Hunger Games The Removal of the Hackberries The Legend of the Robinhood Oak Putin & Russia

Letter From The Editor


is the State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry’s exclusive monthly student publication. The contents of the publication include recent and upcoming event coverage, interviews, editorials, opinion articles, political cartoons, artwork, poetry, club announcements, and much more. SUNY-ESF students are able to make submissions at The Knothole office in 12D Bray Hall (BraySpace) or by email at esfknothole@gmail.com before 6:00PM on Tuesdays the week before the next issue is published. The

Knothole meets every other Tuesday at 4PM in the basement of Bray Hall. If you are interested in attending, please send us an email at esfknothole@ gmail.com so we can expect you! Co-Managing Editors Heather Helman Sean Fagan Layout & Design Alice Gallagher Marley Walker Meg Callaghan Treasurer Frannie Monasterio

Advisor Karen Moore

Editorial Staff Alex Mottern Jane Zhu Brigitte Moneymaker Printer Scotsman Press


he mission of The Knothole is to provide its readers with writings that are both stimulating and contemporary: to inform its students of clubs, events, and off-campus happenings, to challenge a world driven by progress to uncover the truth about current environmental policies and innovations, and to express such ideas, ingeniously and collectively. We are not a newspaper; we are not a magazine; we are not The Daily Orange. We are simply created by Stumpies, for Stumpies... and we like it that way. The views and opinions expressed are those of the writers only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publication’s staff or anyone affiliated with the State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry.


To our beloved readers, It’s getting to that point in the semester when you’re having trouble squeezing in your studying between your partying. And for those of you who are seniors, commence the quarter life crisis. I know I’ve been freaking out about what I’m doing as I get turned down almost daily. Maybe you’re wondering if you have been lied to the past four years? Don’t fret, as one (many) door(s) closes another one opens, right!? Whether that’s a door to Mcdonald’s is another thing. Anyways, there’s some pretty interesting stuff in this issue. Spring is here and everything is having sex. So, check out page 4 to learn how to deal with those awkard one-night stands. Also, check out Tyler’s column on living with a Tegu lizard and Cecilia’s spring break spent in the Smokey Mountains. If you haven’t been living under a rock and noticed the demise of the quad, get the lowdown on page 10. Don’t forget Earth Week is coming up very soon. I’ve heard rumors about a silent rave on the quad. We will be posting a schedule of events on our Facebook as soon as we can. Hopefully we will have a repeat of that slice of summer we experienced! Take care, Sean

Inside Issue #5: Environmental News...................................................................pg. 3 Columns By Crazies....................................................................pg. 4 Idiom Ridiom Sex to Meditate On Cultural Cross Section.................................................................pg. 5 Mind & Body.................................................................................pg. 6 Yoga & Sex Purvottanasana DIY..................................................................................................pg. 7 Make-a-Danket Aromatherapy Spring in the Smokies..................................................................pg. 8 The Hunger Games......................................................................pg. 9 Around the Quad.......................................................................pg. 10 Removing the Hackberries The Legend of the Robinhood Oak ...And Beyond the Hill...............................................................pg. 11 The Fantastical Lorax Environmentally Friendly Tattoos? Politika................................................................................pg. 12 & 13 KONY 2012 Putin Regains Presidency in Russia Hank the Cat for Senate Pet Monster!................................................................................pg. 15 Mindspill.....................................................................................pg. 16 Cover Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9761147@N06/4543222877/

THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

Environmental News

Environmental News Hui Xian Lin, 2013

Green Infrastructure in New York City

Rooftop farming.


n New York City, the sewage systems are relatively old, and can cause major problems during heavy rainstorms. Storm water’s tendency to overflow can increase chances of untreated water infiltrating residential and commercial spaces. Even with the existence of water treatment plants, recreational activities may suffer. 2 million dollars is going towards environmental techniques with the hope of improving untreated sewage systems in NYC. Implementation in the form of porous pavements (think of Moon Library’s walkway) will be utilized to retain storm water. A rooftop farm in Queens is in the works; this project will not only act as a significant storm water retention center, it will also provide a local source of fresh produce. The Department of Environmental Protection started to design infrastructure for sites with high water pollution. By 2030, the city hopes to be able to remove about 1.5 billion gallons of untreated water annually with green infrastructure.

Deepwater Oil Drilling Resumes


wo years after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, deep water oil drilling is still lobbied for by oil companies. These behemoths are trying to expand into Mexican and Cuban waters and also in new

areas off the coast of East Africa and the eastern Mediterranean. The demand for oil is high, and companies are choosing to look the other way in terms of losses. With more than 400 drilling permits approved by the government for 20 million acres of federal waters, environmentalists are challenging the auction of exploration rights. Deep water drilling has its consequences: the high temperatures and high pressures of drilling 6,000 feet or more under the sea floor can lead to spills and disasters. Gulf oil production will increase from 1.3 million barrels a day (2011) to 2 million barrels a day by 2020. Amy Jaffe, associate director of Rice University’s energy program stated that “the industry will have to improve and regulators will have to adjust, but the public will have to deal with the risk of drilling in deep waters or get out of their cars.” But what about alternative and sustainable sources of energy?

years later, when British scientists discovered that there was a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. The 1987 Montreal Protocol was passed to ban chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone depleting compounds. Along with colleague and fellow Nobel Prize laureate Mario Molina, they provided a great insight for the scientific world: UV light can react with CFCs to liberate chlorine radicals which can deplete about 100,000 ozone molecules and linger for long periods of time. Although Rowland and Molina were met with doubt ,even from their colleagues, they led the way to further chemistry research and to gain a better understanding of the Earth’s atmosphere.

“Polar City Red”, a “cli-fi” novel to be released by Earth Day 2012


F. Sherwood Rowland, left, receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995.

F. Sherwood Rowland, Aerosols depleting Ozone layer, Dead at 84


owland, Nobel Prize laureate for the discovery of the dangers of aerosols in 1974, died March 11, 2012 from Parkinson ’s disease. Rowland’s findings were disputed until 11

li-fi” is the genre of climate fiction. Jim Laughter, author of “Polar City Red,” is no scientist. He is a family man and retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant who served for 20 years. Concerned for the environment, Laughter has divulged into climate change studies and is writing a cli-fi about it. His target audience is the general public but focused towards politicians (and other civic leaders) and science fiction fans. Laughter states that he “had a man tell me yesterday that global warming is just a myth. He saw a program on television, so it must be true, that said it’s a scare tactic to direct people’s attention away from truly serious issues such as the economy and the state of international affairs. He’s right about one thing; it’s a scary subject. And if projections are correct about the amount of carbon dioxide polluting our atmosphere, and about the oceans and forests losing their ability to absorb nitrogen from the air and produce oxygen, we’d better be scared.”

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •


Columns by Crazies

Idiom Ridiom

Sex to Meditate On:

dealing with one-night stands

Gavin Cohen, 2014


n case you missed it last time, here is what this article is about: There are many situations in life that the English language does not have words for; this column is my attempt to solve this issue. My intention is to define these events with new words of my own creation. These new words not only appropriately fit the situation, but also help to make our lives slightly easier in the process. I encourage you, if they meet your fancy, to add these to your lexicon and proliferate. Without further adieu:

Shumble (verb) “sH-uhhm-Bil” When someone is singing along to a song, but does not know the lyrics to said song, so instead they just mumble similar sounding sounds. For example: “I was in the car with Jack when my favorite song came on; I was embarrassed because I was shumbling the entire song.”

Slunk (verb) “sl-Uhn-K” When you are walking and you see someone you know coming towards you and they are too far away to initiate a greeting, but close enough to make awkward eye contact. This usually


ends in neither party acknowledging each other. Ana Linguist onday morning finds For example: you rolling out of bed “Whenever Heidi walks and bumping into those past she always slunks hangover-heavy memories me. I guess it was only (mistakes) made Saturday a one night stand.” night. Your weekday self reflects on the uninhibited, wild-weekend monster that rampaged through six packs, backyards, and pants zippers - specifically those belonging to that random dude/chick in your When an Meteorology class, whom you individual has a have never acknowledged. Rewind. Saturday Bluetooth headset on evening at Chuck’s - a and is carrying out their conversation and someone pitcher of beer and a couple of crack bombs (holla believes that the person atcha Cindy) finds you and wearing the headset is your Rando (i.e. random speaking to them, when human) furiously bonding in fact they are not. over that one time you For example: “In passed a handout to each the supermarket yesterday other. “I hate how he never someone behind me asked double-sides his papers!” if I knew what the capitol and “Omg! That’s also my of Switzerland was, when favorite table in Moon!” were I turned around I realized exchanged through slurred tongues. You guys have never I had been bluethed.” spoken, but right now, no one else matters more. Transition into the bedroom, the same passion that enveloped the handout conversation was reflected under bed sheets. A fake façade of intimacy When an is drawn as you two cuddle individual in a public and hold hands with, place hears background *gasp*.. .interlaced fingers. noise that sounds like A woozy and heavy sleep someone has called their drugs the both of you. What happens name, only to discover now that the flame of that it was only their your intoxicated romance imagination. is extinguished? Here For example: is how you should “Chris was eating approach the situation: lunch by himself, like Morning after- Hopefully, normal, when he thought you two brought it back to someone called his name. Rando’s place. This way, you Looking up, his heart SHOULD leave as soon as sank when he found it you wake up. Slowly, you inch was only a falsinym.” your every limb off of the body next to yours, moving


Bluethed (noun) “bl-oo-TH-ed”

Falsinym (noun) “fall-si-nhhym”

THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

a micrometer a minute. This is crucial. The slower you move the less likely it is for the other person to be disturbed, so you DO want to ninja your way out. Gather your clothes- DO NOT even bother putting them on- and run like a bat outta hell. (If you thought ahead, clothes should be ripped off before going into the bedroom. Advice for the next time.) If Rando is awakened, just say you’re going to the bathroom. Forever. If you brought the rendezvous back to your apartment, no need to fret. Wake the other person up and say, “Hey you. Fun night. I’ve got a yoga class in half an hour. I’ll walk out with you.” This may require you to put on some bogus yoga clothes and walk with them to a pseudo yoga studio where you pretend to ring the doorbell, but it is a polite and foolproof escape plan. For dudes, pretend you have a super macho karate lesson, or some practice that has to do with knives. That is, unless male yoga is actually your thing. No judgment. Then, when Rando turns the corner, run back home and sleep the morning away with your bed all to yourself. Congratulations, you have officially had a one night stand, and professionally dealt with the morning after. Too bad it is not over yet. The ghost of onenight-stands past may haunt you, especially at our delightfully small school.

Continued on opposite page

Cultural Cross Section

Irish Modern Myths, Explained Meg Callaghan, 2014


ead Mile Failte,” pronounced “kay-d miley fahl-cha” in the accents of southwestern Irish Gaelic, literally means “One hundred thousand welcomes.” This phrase was a greeting that could truly become the definition for the magical land that is Ireland. And yes, I was welcomed around a hundred thousand times on my trip to Ireland last May. I travelled over to the “Fatherland” with my four best friends from high school, ready to abuse Irish hospitality and the hostel system all throughout the southern part of the country. Staying mainly in County Kerry (Contae Ciarrí, once again in the Gaelic), I lived for three weeks in the countryside on a family farm of one of my besties, and then randomly travelled by bus from city to city, enjoying the hostels, pubs, castles, and natural beauty. There were a few things I realized while traveling amongst the Irish, mainly the biggest shocker is that they were just like us – except Irish. Okay, let me explain. While in Ireland, we listened to great American hits like “Mr. Saxo Beat” and “Yo No Speak Americano” and even got to watch Jerry Springer Relaxing during the trip to Ireland. on basic cable. When we were the Irish had to begin with. This is not not enjoying an American classic, we always the case, but it hit me hard to were absorbing some sort of British realize that the people I had idolized were creation. What you have to realize is dying to be just like us. One friend we that throughout years of oppression, met in a pub in Cork City was convinced the Irish learned to cement their own that America was the most amazing place unique heritage and culture. When that in the world, while we Americans were oppression was lifted, the scramble for convinced that Ireland was paradise (I modernity did not always treasure what am still not convinced that she was right).

Another thing I learned about the Irish was that most stereotypes have a lot of truth in them. They have the craziest sense of hospitality I have ever witnessed, are the funniest realists I have ever met, and the most poetic dreamers that I have ever shared a pint with. The whole island is crammed full of history, while the cities are bursting with modern life. They also may have some of the greatest accents in the world and some of the most handsome of men. Everything is not all sunshine and flowers, however. Most of the time, the weather was overcast and gray. I like to think that the grey skies just bring out the earth-bound colors so much more. Yes, there is poverty and heartache in Ireland, but there is also a lot of beauty – in its landscapes, in its people and in its history. Though the recession has knocked Ireland back down the economic ladder once again, the people are happy for the end of the troubles that rocked the North and the Republic for generation upon generation, leaving so much violence and blood behind them. When a country can come to peace agreements over religious wars, you truly know that there must be some sun shining down on them, be it what it will. I recommend that everyone should visit this land filled of magic and beguilement, because I know that as soon as I get the chance again – I am there, and I am sure the Callaghan clan would be proud.

Sex, cont’d.

scope out the situation. As for the staircase of awkwardness that is Marshall hall, touch luck. And if you are both lunching it at the Gallery, time to settle for those $2 vending machine sandwiches. One night stands are only as fun as the painful dance that is choreographed in the aftermath. But at least it keeps you on your toes and hones your ninja skills!

Here is what you should/should not do: DO NOT skip the class you have together and hide out in Moon. I know you only sit two rows behind him/her, but your absence will make you look like a weirdo. The walkway in front of Moon has become paranoia central. DO walk facing the ground so you will not accidentally see Rando and spaz out.

When you do eventually cross paths, DO NOT make eye contact. Sing to yourself, pinky out some earwax, tug at a wedgie, anything but eye contact. If you are both Moon frequenters, DO change study locale. Nifkin lounge, Baker computers, and even the SciTech Library are lovely alternatives. DO keep a lookout as you walk into communal spaces such as a Baker computer lab. Even better, peer in through the doors to

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •


Mind & Body

Something to Meditate On: Yoga and Sex Jane Zhu, 2012

Natarajasana Dancer’s Pose


ou’re breathing heavily, sweating profusely, blood flowing towards the genitals. Deep in the throes of passionate love making? Or holding Natarajasana Dancer’s Pose in a hotass room dripping with perspiration from 30 armpits? If you’re me, it’s most likely the latter. Yoga actually roots back to Tantra, an inter-religious spiritual movement (simplified to the context of this article) that practices a variety of sexual rituals. Hatha yoga- the parent of the many styles practiced globallybegan as a branch of Tantra. Tantricism seeks a sense of unity throughout the cosmos; yoga and sexual intercourse are methods of obtaining a non-dualist existence. Yoga, as perceived by new age and western cultures, is dedicated to an asana, or posture, practice. Bodies are worshipped through intense poses, deep breathing, and pulsating blood

vessels. The origin centered on sexual debauchery was beguiled under a pretext of spirituality and did not surface in the modern yoga movement. An emphasis is put on health and fitness, and the ancient eroticism was muted. Though the branching off of yoga from Tantric ideals is swept under the mat, it is hard to refute the sexual arousal one may discover from his/her personal practice. Let me draw you a picture. It’s an extraordinarily warm day in early spring, and you’re in an even warmer room. There are a dozen other bodies scantily clad, each emitting its own atmosphere rich in scent, sweat, pain, and pleasure. The instructor has everyone holding that twist for what feels like eternity. The breath travels throughout the body, building up in places of pain and flowing gently through limbs at peace.

See Yoga, pg. 14

The Health Benefits of Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose) Laura Briel, 2014


rom Sanskrit to English, purvottanasana means “intense eastward facing stretch”. Each day, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; hence, the east is known as the direction of new beginnings. We draw on the strength of our core and leg muscles while in Upward Plank, using the support of our shoulders beneath the heart. If you are a beginner Upward Plank Pose yogi struggling with this with your legs stretched out in front. pose, try practicing on a chair. Sit near Both your legs and spine should be the front edge of the seat and wrap straight so that your body forms a your hands around the back edge. 90-degree angle. Take a deep, full Inhale as you lift your pelvis, then breath here and relax your shoulders straighten each leg with an inhale. down youe back. Place your hands Getting Into Upward Plank Pose: Begin in a seated position


behind your hips with the tips of your fingers right behind your buttocks.

THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

Either point your fingers towards your body, which is more common, or away from your body. If you point them towards your body, your shoulders will be less open, but it’s a great stretch for your wrist flexors. For those with limited range of motion of the wrist, this posture may hurt and is not recommended. If you point your fingers away from your body, your shoulders will be more open and will allow a greater stretch in your chest, but it is more likely for your elbow to hyperextend. This posture may be uncomfortable for anyone who has trouble with hyperextension

See Upward Plank, pg. 14


Make-a-Danket: Spinach and Goat Cheese Quinoa Sean Fagan, 2012

Ingredients: 1 ½ cup quinoa 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. Butter 1 onion, finely chopped 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped Cayenne pepper 3 cups broth (chicken or vegetable) ½ cup white wine 1 lb. spinach 4 oz. goat cheese Shaved parmesan, parsley, and lemon zest for garnish Directions: 1. Rinse quinoa in a fine metal sieve until your water turns clear. 2. Spray a skillet with cooking spray. Sauté spinach until tender. Set aside. 3. Heat butter and olive oil over me-

dium heat. Add onion and sauté until 8. Crumble remaining goat cheese, tender. Add garlic and cook for one parsley, lemon zest and Parmesan over minute. the quinoa. 4. Add quinoa, wine and cayenne pepper. Cook until the wine is almost -adapted from Wendy Polisi evaporated, stirring frequently. 5. Add enough broth to cover quinoa. Simmer uncovered over medium heat. Add broth as the liquid absorbs and stir frequently. Cooking quinoa will take about 15 minutes 6. Stir in spinach in last two minutes of cooking. 7. Remove from heat and add salt, pepper and 3 ounces of the goat cheese. Mmmmmmm...creamy. Stir.


Morning and Evening Blends to Share with Friends Cayla Naranjo, 2014


here are various ways to de-stress, cure headaches, and relax muscles. Massages, Reiki, pharmaceutical drugs, hallucinogenic drugs, and meditation are different types of therapy - just to name a few. However, my absolute favorite form of treatment is aromatherapy. My creativity gets a jolt that nothing else can stimulate as well! Once I got into aromatherapy, I tried applying it to everything: aromatic compresses, moisturizers, footbaths, incense, and even cleaning supplies. Aromatherapy has healed me from headaches, congestion, insomnia and tiredness/laziness. Some oils are more stimulating than others, causing us to feel a certain way when we smell it. A moisturizer I used to wake me up in the mornings consisted of rosemary and peppermint, which are two very potent, distinct smelling essential oils. Wake Up! Moisturizer - 6 drops of Rosemary essential oil

- 4 drops of Peppermint essential oil - 400 IU’s Vitamin E (About 4 capsules) - ¾ cup of Olive Oil (or any other carrier) In a container, add the oils and cut open the Vitamin E capsules, adding the contents to the mixture. After showering in the morning, massage this moisturizer onto your skin. You are indulged in a little personal time. I dedicate 2 minutes every morning just to pamper myself by basking in the lovely smells and loving my body. This is a lively way to start the day. Here is something soothing to end your day. End of the Day De-Stress Footbath - 6 drops of lavender - 3 drops of Clary Sage essential oil or ¼ cup of sage herbs - A container you can put both feet in filled with warm water

In a dim room with incense lit, place your feet into the footbath while deeply inhaling. Make sure to keep a towel close by to dry your feet when you take them out. They come out so soft and fresh! Do your homework like a boss with your feet in a footbath. As I am writing this, I have my feet in this footbath and I couldn’t be happier! A great thing about aromatherapy is that it is affordable and good for you! Your body and mind will thank you after a few minutes of practicing aromatherapy. Some oils may be poisonous when used in excessive amounts so make sure to look up the toxicity of the oils you are using if you are not sure!!! Get creative and make personalized mixtures. I usually read up about certain herbs or oils and see how I like them together. Send your favorite alternative medicine recipes to the Knothole at esfknothole@gmail. com

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •


Spring in the Smokies Cecelia Walenza, 2013


his past spring break, I had the honor of being 1 of 30 students to visit the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee for the second NPS Academy, hosted by the Student Conservation Association (SCA) and the National Park Service (NPS). For those of you who don’t know what these are, the SCA is a conservation corps that protects and restores national parks, marine sanctuaries, cultural landmarks and community green spaces in all 50 states. Its mission is to build the next generation The view from Chimney Tops. of conservation leaders and inspire prescribed burners, wildlife biologists lifelong stewardship of our environment and natural interpretation. and communities by engaging young We hiked, waded through people in hands-on service to the rivers and dug in the soil, among land. NPS is a bureau under the other things. But the best part US Department of the Interior. It was getting to know the 29 other “preserves unimpaired the natural students, who all shared a love for the and cultural resources and values environment and came from a variety of the national park system for the of different backgrounds and states. enjoyment, education and inspiration Despite the fact that we of this and future generations.” The were warned to bring layers, it felt like Great Smoky Mountains alone receives spring. Every day we were introduced about 9 million visitors a year. to a new aspect of National Parks, the The NPS Academy’s goal Great Smokies in particular, and were is to ”provide diverse students with treated to beautiful views and exciting an experiential opportunity which activities. Many were things that ESF exposes them to various career paths students, especially those in the EFB within he National Park Service, major, have done: electroshocking fish, while participating in a variety of collecting insects in leaf litter, and workshops, field trips and recreational learning about species reintroduction activities.” We had the opportunity and invasive pests. My biggest to visit different NPS workers, accomplishment was climbing to the including IT, law enforcement, top of a mountain called Chimney Tops,


THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

a two mile hike up a somewhat steep terrain that changed from soil and roots to a gigantic rock to scale at its peak. The estimated time for the hike was 2-3 hours. Although I cannot honestly say that I paid much attention to the time it took me to finish, it was a long hike, but well worth it. The view was amazing, allowing me to see the surrounding mountains from a high peak in a way that I’ve never seen anything before. I felt on top of the world, with the sun shining down on me and nothing in my view but nature in all her glory. And I wasn’t the only one. Besides the other 29 I was with, an 8 year old boy and his mother were also there. It was his birthday, and he climbed to the top faster than anyone else. All in all, it was an unforgettable experience, and one I’d highly recommend to any ESF student, no matter what major you’re in.

The Hunger Games Hits Theaters Kristen Howard, 2014


e’ve all felt the excitement tries to control the 12 districts. I of sitting in a movie theater, also didn’t understand why they waiting for a movie to start playingdidn’t include story of the Avox especially when that movie was first that Katniss recognized, although a New York Times bestseller. After there were Avoxes in the film. talking the book up so much, I was I did like that the movie worried to see how Hollywood would included things that are mentioned put its spin on The Hunger Games. in the second novel. And I also liked Going into the theater, I knew that they showed a lot of what was that the movie could not possibly be as amazing as the book. There’s no point in bashing actor choices because you’re never going to get an actor that perfectly matches your imagination. Also, clothing and makeup choices are never what you expect them to be (especially that one sweater Peeta wore). Since The Hunger Games is written in first person, through the eyes of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, I knew they’d have to change up scenes that were only Katniss’ thoughts. But, I didn’t expect them to nearly dismiss the death of Katniss’ father. And I was shocked they did not include the fact that District 11 sent Katniss bread after she helped out Rue. There are a few storylines I wished the movie explained better. The Capitol’s projects called Muttations (Jabberjays, tracker jackers) would have Katniss Everdeen, played by Jennifer Lawrence. helped explain how the Capitol

happening in the Capitol, along with the struggle between Seneca Crane and President Snow. Overall, I think Hollywood did a good job interpreting the main focuses of the book. There are a few things I would have changed and elaborated on, but it was mostly true to the novel.

Pet Monster! Check out page 15 to learn about Taco, the Tegu lizard

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •


Around the Quad...

Removing the Hackberry Trees Hui Xian Lin, 2013


he Quad is a haven for ESF students, especially when it’s warm and sunny. It’s what greets you when you walk onto campus. As everyone returned from Spring Break, it may have been a surprise to see the Quad stripped of the Celtis occidentalis, the hackberry trees. What happened and why? ESF Physical Plant’s grounds staff removed 13 hackberry trees on ESF campus during Spring Break in March. All that’s left of the hackberry trees that once lined the Quad. For those who have not missing something central to its exisnoticed the “What is wrong with the tence. hackberries?” signs, the following hypothesis explains what may have led What is going to happen to the to the trees’ decline: their root systems quad? were constrained by the sidewalks I interviewed the Associate and the impacts of the dry season last Professor in Department of Landscape spring. The removal of the trees was Architecture, Timothy R. Toland, a long process due to the live tissue about the landscape plan for the Quad. in the upper parts of the canopy. The According to Toland, there is no exact waiting period was to see if the trees plan so far, but a “vision to convert could grow new leaves. turf grass areas with trees and shrubs; The hackberries were first planting natives and not exclusively planted in 1971 after the deaths of the natives for ESF teaching courses”. This previously planted Acer saccharum, is perceived as a teaching landscape sugar maples. It is heartbreaking to that is ecologically well behaved. There see these hackberries go. Our ESF won’t be any invasive plant species on campus looks a little bare, like it’s the quad. Toland reports that the plan

is in the early stages, and within a few months, the committee will have more details as to what will happen to the quad. The hackberry trees won’t be replaced with other trees, according to Toland. Toland responded that “for the short term [within the next month], there is going to be more bike racks due to popular demand and temporary plantings.” To paraphrase Toland, the quad is an attachment to students- highly visible and at the “heart” of ESF. Any improvements to the quad will be carefully considered. Look for to a follow-up article on the changing quad landscape. What does the Quad mean to you? What do you think about these changes? Reply to esfknothole@gmail.com or send a message to the Knothole’s Facebook page. A special thanks to Ragan SquireSecretary to the President, Christine Langlois- Assistant Director of the Physical Plant, and Timothy R. Toland- Associate Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture.

The Legend of the Robin Hood Oak Isaac Black, 2014


e are all familiar with the beautiful Oak that has come to represent our school, the Robin Hood Oak, but little know this trees true history. It is believe that the Oak was planted here at the inception of our school 100 years ago, but this is a sinister cover-up. Our Oak’s lineage actually stems back to the very first Europeans to come to the new world. After the Mayflower brought the first batch of pilgrims over, the next ship, the Mapleleaf, came from England bring-

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ing a group of impoverished treedwelling people. These tree house lovers came from the area known as Sherwood Forest where the famous tale of Robin Hood supposedly took place. They loved their old home, but because of prosecution from the anti-arborians and the English royalty they had to leave their majestic woodlands and set sail. When they set sail, they took with them the acorns from the mightiest of their trees. When the Tree-people came

THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

to the new world, they landed at the already established colony at Plymouth. The pilgrims there were disgusted by these Tree-loving people and banished them from living by their settlement. The Tree-people then began a dangerous and perilous journey inland where no colonists had gone before. Along the way they met and traded with the indigenous people that inhabited the lands, trading their beloved acorns for supplies to keep them going in search of a homeland. See Oak, pg. 15

...and beyond the hill

The Fantastical Lorax Christian Hill, 2014


f you have taken General Chemistry with Professor Donaghy, then you know the story of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax and all of its less than subtle conservationist themes. The Lorax tells the story of the Once-ler and his creation of the thneed, a metaphor for any meaningless commercial item we, as consumers, will buy to keep us happy for a short while. I loved this book as a child and love it even more as a college student. Dr. Seuss has always told his stories in a wonderful and illustrative way while still carrying subtle messages that everyone can relate to. The Lorax, in particular, is something I can imagine all ESF students can connect with on a deeper level. Unfortunately, after having just recently seen the movie, I was thoroughly unimpressed with the way it was portrayed on the big screen. It was not presented in the usual peaceful and mindful way that Dr. Seuss was so famous for. Think back a couple years to when “How The Grinch Stole Christmas”, directed by Ron Howard, hit theaters. This version was a massive Hollywood production that was way too busy for me to enjoy, let alone pulling some deeper meaning out of it. When compared to the animated television short directed by Chuck Jones and Ben Washam, it was a busy, overproduced

piece of junk. It was far from being something a family would sit down and watch by the fire on Christmas Eve year after year, if you catch my drift. Fast forward to the recent release of “The Lorax”, directed by Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda. It is not that I did not enjoy the film, the animation was spectacular, and the casting could not have been much better. Having said that, it was also very much another product of our fast moving, consumerism society. It seemed to try too hard to appeal to a generation that must be constantly entertained and busy. Along with stereotypical characters, car chases, and a lot of loud musical numbers, a romance was brought into the plotline. I am not necessarily opposed to this, but in the case of “The Lorax,” it seems to be adding to the unnecessary clutter that further buries the story of someone fighting for what they believe in and protecting the environment. The marketing campaign seemed to follow the same busy commercial path that the writers did. The film was used to promote a new crossover SUV from Mazda. The SUV is not even a hybrid, but rather has a gas-powered combustion engine. Mazda has reportedly partnered with both the movie and the National Education Association for the Read Across America program. “The

automobile maker has agreed to give a $1,000 donation to 21 schools in 20 cities to support their libraries, and an additional $25 every time a kid convinces their parents to go take a Mazda for a test drive,” reports Kate Sheppard of Mother Jones. This seems more than a bit backwards for a movie containing thick environmentalist themes. The movie also marketed through massive corporations like IHOP, Hewlett-Packard, and many more. Although Universal Pictures argues that it was conscious about what brands it partnered with, I can assure you that this was not the dream of Dr. Seuss. I can only hope that the next inevitable release of a Dr. Seuss film will stay to true to its nature, not conform to our hectic modern society.

Environmentally Friendly Tattoos? Brigitte Moneymaker, 2014


f you are reading this right now, chances are you probably have a tattoo, or at least know someone who does. My mom once told me that it was the popular joke around her office that if your kid came back from college without a tattoo or dyed hair, it was considered a success. Oops, sorry mom… As much as older generations might disagree, tattoos have become considerably more accepted in mainstream society. But I am not here to write about how your parents should really start accepting the peace sign tattooed across your wrist. I am here to inform an extremely ecologically minded campus that the ink in your tree of life tattoo may not be as environmentally friendly as your lifestyle. For anyone who is considering a

tattoo, it may be worth your while to know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has “not approved any tattoo pigments for injection into the skin.” The FDA has even stated “many ink pigments used are industrial strength colors suitable for printers’ ink or automobile paint.” This alone does not sound like something that you would want injected into your skin for the rest of your life. And, unfortunately, it gets worse. Some of these pigments can contain toxic metals or even animal substances, such as glycerin from animal fats or black ink derived from burning animal bone. Not only is this against many vegan and vegetarian beliefs, it also contributes to the copious amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The best way to find out if

your tattoo is environmentally friendly is to do prior research and to contact establishments directly. If your potential tattoo artist is not willing to share information about the source of their ink, then you may want to find someone who is not afraid to be honest to their customers. After all, a tattoo is a decision that will, literally, be with you your entire life. If you are already considering tattoo removal, you will be happy to know that there are now several ecologically friendly methods of tattoo removal sans toxic substances. Next time you consider going under the gun, make sure that tattoo of Oakie you are dying to get is compatible with the same commitment to sustainability we practice every day on campus.

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •



KONY 2012 Kelsey Adler, 2014


f you have access to the internet, you that the many children in Central have probably seen something about Africa are subjected to at the hands of a new viral movement called Kony Joseph Kony and the LRA. Invisible 2012 popping up everywhere. Additionally, if you have a Facebook, your newsfeed is probably still exploding with status updates and video posts all about Kony. The point of this article is to explain exactly what the Kony 2012 movement is all about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about Kony 2012, but one thing cannot be disputed: the facts. Kony 2012 surrounds the life of one man, Joseph Kony. Kony is the leader of the Ugandan guerilla group called the Lord’s Resistance Army, also known as the LRA. Joseph Kony created the LRA to take over the Ugandan government. Once the LRA grew violent and lost many supporters, Kony decided to The KONY 2012 “campaign” poster. abduct innocent children, and force them to become soldiers Children has sponsored many and sex slaves. Using mysticism and different campaigns over the years, but threats, Kony and the LRA scare the none of these have received as much captive children into killing other attention as the Kony 2012 campaign people, even family members. has in such a short amount of time. Kony 2012 is a movement The movement began with created by the non-profit group a short thirty-minute documentary Invisible Children. Formed in 2006, that presents information about the Invisible Children’s main goal is to campaign. The goal of Kony 2012 is educate the masses on the situation to make Joseph Kony famous, not in

Hank the Cat for US Senate Hui Xian Lin, 2013


ophisticated and clever, Hank is a popular candidate for the US Senate. With more than 15,000 “likes” on Facebook, Hank has a strong army of followers. Hank is also a cat. A 9 year old Maine Coon, to be exact. “In each of us, we have the power to improve our own lives, to improve the lives of our neighbors, our state, and our country.” Hank believes that when we start locally and work upwards, great changes can happen. Hank’s popularity may be due

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to his humble origins; he came from the streets with nothing to his name. This feline is a strong and dedicated candidate. He is passionate about spay and neuter programs, animal rescue groups, and making politics more civil. Yes, Hank running for senator is legitimate. If a black LabradorRottweiler named Bosco Ramos served as the mayor of Sunol, California from 1981-1990, why not a cat for senator?

THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

a way that glorifies him, but in a way that holds him accountable for his crimes. Before the campaign, only 1% of the world knew who Joseph Kony was. Invisible Children hopes to raise awareness about Joseph Kony so that people all over the world know who he is and what he is doing. If you have not seen the video yet and want to know more about what all the fuss is about, you can go to Invisible Children’s website at www. invisiblechildren.com. The site also offers information on the other campaigns and programs that they sponsor. If you also want to spread the word and get involved, there are many different groups in Syracuse that are gathering together on the evening of April 20th to hang up posters all over the city, an event named “Cover the Night,” that can be found on countless Facebook invites. Together, we can make a difference and impact the people around us. By spreading the word, we can make Joseph Kony famous. You may not agree with Invisible Children’s mission and message, but no matter where you stand on the issue, we can all agree on one thing: that Joseph Kony is an evil man, and he must be stopped.


Putin Regains Presidency in Russia Meg Callaghan, 2014


arch 4th held no surprises for the Russian people when Vladimir Putin was once again elected president after a four-year hiatus. Putin stepped down after his years of presidential office from 2000-2008, complying with the limit of only two consecutive 4-year terms. Instead, he and his political party- United Russia-supported independent Dmitry Medvedev as president of Russia in the interim. In this last election, Putin won on a landslide with 64 percent of the vote. All other candidates won less than 15 percent of the votes, coming nowhere close to Putin’s grasp on voters. This was unsurprising; many polls across Russia and the world expected Putin to win by at least 45 percent of the vote. Yet not all are happy with this outcome in the former soviet state. Tens of thousands flooded the streets of Moscow for days after the elections, participating in mass protests over the results. Two days after the election, Russian protestors gathered outside the Kremlin, defying police and troops to protest. Others rallied in Pushkin Square and were met by batons, dogs, and 12,000 police and soldiers. Fifty activists from the radical Other Russia movement, including its leader, were arrested in Moscow. One hundred activists were arrested at the St. Petersburg protests. With so much opposition, how was it that Putin won by such a landslide? Dirty voting tactics

Putin has been re-elected as president of Russia.

seem to be at play. Many western leaders were cautious to respond to Putin’s victory, while the British government called the voting “decisive,” despite allegations of foul play. One voting method that the government is accused of using is called “carousel voting,” where crowds of bribed citizens are bussed from one polling station to another, while casting votes at each station. There were reports that some voters had been brought to Moscow from as far as 600 miles away. Other than those accusations, there have been over 3,000 reports of voter intimidation through bribery, threats, and physical violence. Following these accusations, ballot stuffing is

A protestor at a rally in St. Petersburg. The words on her mask read “No Voice.”

presumed throughout the country. These dirty voting tactics are not the only way the United Russia party has, yet again, gained the presidency. Putin has worked to mold his perfect presidential image, through teary-eyed speeches and publicity stunts consisting of him “half-naked galloping on a steed, him half-naked holding a rifle with telescopic sights, him showing off his prowess at martial arts, him clad in the uniform of the Russian special forces – in short, him being the strong leader that makes most Russians…swoon from excitement,” the Daily Mail reports. In his teary-eyed speeches, Putin uses the bicentennial of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia as metaphor for Russia’s modern day battle against “traitors.” Putin is the strength that will hold Russia against the opposition and hard times, or at least that is what his image tells his people and the international community. Though the modernity of Russia seems to be stuck in the soviet past, hope is in the hearts and minds of the protestors, braving 10°F chills to march in defiance, reporting the ballot rigging of March 2012, standing up to the bullying and fear-mongering, and most importantly, voting and having their voices heard in modern day Russia. Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, publicly criticized Putin with a quote and a cast of his ballot: “These are not going to be honest elections, but we must not relent.”

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •


Articles Continued Upward Plank, cont’d from pg. 6 in the elbows. As you move into purvottanasana, you may have someone press the outside of your arms inward to stabilize your elbows. Now, your legs should still be extended along the mat unless you need to modify. If so, bend your knees and place feet flat on the floor. Exhale and lift your bottom off the ground, pressing hips upward. Push through your thumbs and big toes. Straighten your legs one at a time

Yoga, cont’d from pg. 6 An internal cognition of your physical embodiment is awakened. A sense of heat builds up in your loins, thanks to all the blood flow. External stimulants are also inevitable. A bead of sweat rolls down the chiseled shoulder blade of the hottie next to you, and you’re

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and avoid hardening your buttocks. Ideally, your torso should be parallel to the floor, but it can take some time to become that flexible. Support the lift of your chest by firming your shoulder blades against your back. As you move into posture, you will want to keep your neck elongated (you will be fighting gravity from pulling your head down). When you’re comfortable in purvottanasana, lower the crown of your head towards the floor keeping a slight chin tuck. You don’t want to feel any compression in your spine as you do this. Relax and breath steadily,

holding pose for 30 seconds. On your final exhale, sit down and bring your posture back to a 90-degree angle.

feeling slightly aroused. The pose itself already has you all hot and bothered, and this, well, this isn’t helping your balance. As the vinyasa transitions into ardha chandrasana, half-moon pose, your muscles clench up and you feel your breath moving to your nether regions as one leg is raised into the air. You ache for a cold shower after class. As you become more aware of your body, you subconsciously gain an understanding of the bodies around you, on and off the mat. You become acquainted with your pelvic muscles and collarbones. Flexibility is gained along with a salient understanding on how to use it, which proves quite fruitful in the bedroom. As a very sensual practice, yoga produces a significant rise in blood pressure, heart rate and tolerance for pain, which are signature elements of an orgasm. The diver-

gence of yoga from its sexual origin has been muddled as the practice was introduced to the western world, but the reunion of the two has resurfaced. An irrefutable correlation between yoga and sexual stimulation exists. Better orgasms, enhanced energy level, sensitivity, flexibility, knowing/experimenting more positions, and simply an overall intimacy with the human body. What are you waiting for? Practice away!

THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

Benefits of Upward Plank Pose: -Opens your chest and heart -Strengthens your triceps, wrists, shoulders, back, and legs -Stretches your deltoids (front shoulders), intercostal muscles, and front ankles -Relieves stress and tension -Improves posture -Helps keep you open to new possibilities

Editor’s note: Jane will be teaching Yoga on the Quad during Earth Week, April 16-20. Her sessions will be held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30-9:30 am.

Pet Monsters

Giant Lizards and College Apartments Tyler Mack, 2013


f you happen to be a freshman “cage” is 4x2 dog kennel, who’s only or sophomore this year and are real function is a place for him to itching to have an awesome pet bask under a heat lamp and lock for your new apartment next year, him into before he goes to sleep. you should seriously think about He does not stay in there for long. what you might be getting yourself For those of you who think into. I happened to be one of those that it might be cool to have a freshmen two years ago too, and giant lizard walking around your with hindsight I probably should apartment, it isn’t. There are serious have thought my decisions through practicality issues involved, including more carefully. A couple of weeks before my fall sophomore semester began I bought myself a baby Tegu [Tupinambis merianae] named Taco. Two years ago, he was an adorable eight inch long baby who lived happily in a very manageable 20-gallon tank. Today he is a 4ft monster who gets the run of my room, eats five chicks in one sitting and demolishes a five-pound package of chicken breast in about one and a half weeks. He’s not yet fully grown either. Pretty cute for a monster. When I first bought him, I assumed that I can handle housing the shed skin and occasional pile him and building a bigger cage for of excrement he leaves for me. He him as the need came. Well, the gets a warm bath daily to try and need has come and I have discovered control his excretory functions, that I am a terrible carpenter (my but this doesn’t always work. One project to build him a bigger cage is of the worst things you can do to not going well). Currently his official a giant lizard pet is to disturb it

while it sleeps. If Taco happens to fall asleep under my sheets or in my pillowcase before I get him back into the kennel, it means I’m sleeping on the couch downstairs. His climbing, clawing, and digging habits can also be... damaging. It is extremely difficult to move him between school and home, and it can be hard to accommodate a regular bathroom/ feeding/sleep schedule for him with irregular class hours. Worst of all, my landlords don’t know about him. I hope they don’t happen to read The Knothole. If nothing else, he certainly seems content with this arrangement. From a raw practicality standpoint, keeping Taco is possibly among the worst decisions I have ever made, but in spite of everything he has an endearing personality and I’ve grown far too attached to him to even fathom surrendering him. With hindsight though, I should have gotten an Ackie Monitor instead. If you want a giant lizard as a pet, wait until you graduate. The novelty of big lizards wears off very fast and you may end up stuck with something that you’re really not ready for.

Oak, cont’d from pg. 10

Tree-dwellers to be among them and drove them off as well. Even though the people are gone, their trees still linger around as silent memorials to these forgotten people and the hardships they faced. Our very own Robin Hood Oak is what is left of these magnificent trees, and of their people.

The Tree-dwellers kept moving west in the new world until they reached as far as their supplies could last, and had left only one precious seed from their stock from Sherwood. So, the Tree-dwellers decided to plant their last remaining seed and begin a colony where they planted it. Unknowingly the Treedwellers placed their town in the heart of the native populations’

hunting land. When the natives discovered these people, they found their mentality to be very much in line with their own way of living and began helping them survive. The Tree-dwellers and the natives traded, conversed and eventually began interbreeding. After this, little is known of what happened to these people, but when settlers from the east began coming further and further inland and driving off the native peoples they took the

Student Life & The Environment • THE KNOTHOLE •


She’s got me

by Pedro She’s got a way of pleasing, and I don’t know why but I don’t need a reason, She’s got those eyes that pierce me, just one look and she’ll convince me, She’s got a smile that kills me, and that same smile could resurrect me, She fills me up with star shine, and when she’s gone, she’s still on my mind, She can make my heart race, make my blood rush to my face, She’s got me asking questions, like “am I manly muppet or just a muppet of a man?” She’s got a way of talking, I’ll never forget where we’ve been walking

Letter in Thanks to the California Coast; Notes on a Sacred Place by Marley Walker

To a Cabin- IV

Only space for those in need of sea and sky; Only room for those in need of infinity. Fennel Lupine Sage ripen on tumbles of rocks. Cormorant King Fisher Gull Glide on waves of foam. Splashing against a life distilled; a spare sanctuary— To a cabin, we must go.

To a Cabin- III

A narrow road: the gate, the ridge, the bridge only space, only room, for those in need of clarity. Run through Brush

Bracken Poppies. Comb Cut Kill out complexities, Setting and Soothing, Reminding and Replacing with lessons in simplicity— Survival.

To a Cabin- II

Every night chasing sidewalks another moon covered in fog waits without fail for our return. Our desire names them: Whale rock, Wildflower ridge Lower meadow Crescent stone Vista Boulder— our meeting place with windows facing the sea where waves have different voices lurching against incomparable rocks—

Photo by Meg Callaghan

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THE KNOTHOLE • Student Life & The Environment

altered off-beat— a variety of sounds— of rumble wheeze and whir— To a cabin, we must go.

To a Cabin- I

Tonight, climbing Sea-Scarred boulders is not enough. Nor is toe-tag or footfighting with the surf— sand against salty flesh, along the scalloped border. Tonight— my hands are on fire from fringed surf crisp on knees, thighs and torso. Tonight, must be enough to run back to the grain of stone and pebbles, pressed into the Sea-Scarred boulder sinking into the silent, still-warm-from-daylight stone hands gliding along glistening, numb skin resting and rising against my chest.

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