Renaissance Day

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Oman: A nation with deep roots



renaissance day

Thank you for making Sultanate a symbol of safety and security!


Shahzad Raza

Sultanate of Oman A bastion of tolerance


A bridge between Asia and GCC


t’s 23rd July today and the whole country is celebrating the resounding success of Omani Renaissance that started under the benevolent rule of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said in 1970. Forty six years on, the journey of such remarkable progress and building a nation is going on in full swing. The story of Sultanate of Oman finding its feet and standing tall in a matter of just four decades continues to fascinate one and all. “The Omani ‘model’ embraces coexistence, tolerance and cultural excellence; it sees no contradiction between Islam and being modern; its foreign policy is amenable and peaceable, and all of its acts are directed to keep the region out of war,” wrote a prominent American journalist Georgie Anne Geyer in an article on Oman in which she called the country as ‘the emerging Switzerland of the Middle East’. Women empowerment has been the cornerstone of government policies focussing on developing a capable and efficient work force. This is precisely why we see Omani women playing an equally important role in their country’s march towards continued progress. That’s how His Majesty the Sultan had exhorted the daughters of the

soil in one of his speeches: “We call upon Omani women everywhere, in the villages and the cities, in both urban and Bedu communities, in the hills and mountains, to roll up their sleeves and contribute to the process of economic and social development. We have great faith in the educated young Omani women to work devotedly to assist their sisters in their local communities to develop their skills and abilities, both practically and intellectually, in order to contribute to our Omani Renaissance which demands the utilisation of our entire national genius, for the realisation of our country’s glory and prosperity. We call upon Omani women to shoulder this vital role in the community and we are confident that they will respond to this call.” His vision has now translated into a heart-warming reality with Omani women working hard to play an active role in every walk of life. Steering the nation from strength to strength, His Majesty the Sultan has led the country with aplomb. No wonder he is counted among the leading statesmen in the world and is widely respected for his efforts to promote peace and harmony. The Sultanate is seen as a hub of peace and security in a region infested with strife and conflict. Oman and its people will remain eternally grateful to His Majesty the Sultan for making the country a symbol of safety and security.

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