Times of Oman - August 2, 2016

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August 2, 2016 28 Shawwal 1437 AH



On the occasion of the 10th National Day, 1980

‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’ It has long been our intention that our economy should be so diversified that our dependence on the one resource - oil - is reduced.

Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 136 | 36 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group


Calls for more education after crash

Five died, including two police officers

TEEN CAUSED HORROR CRASH In the wake of the accident, safety experts are demanding stricter rules for granting of driving licences, including raising age limit



tariqh@timesofoman.com reji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: A horror crash that claimed five lives was caused by a 17-year-old with no driving licence, prompting calls for awareness campaigns in the Sultanate. The young driver, allegedly drunk behind the wheel, lost control and ploughed into four people, killing them and a friend who was in the passenger seat of his own car. The tragedy has prompted road safety campaigners and motoring experts to call for awareness programmes and increased patrols by the Royal Oman Police (ROP). The accident happened around midnight Sunday in SQU St, Al Khoudh, Muscat. The teenage driver had knocked a delivery driver off his motorcycle then fled the scene in panic, according

years is the legal age for the award of driving licence to citizens and expats in the Sultanate

to officers. He was contacted and told to return to the scene of what officers described as a minor accident. In the meantime, two ROP officers arrived at the scene as well as a second delivery driver from a local fast food restaurant. When the teenager returned to the scene, he lost control of his vehicle and ploughed it into all four people, killing them and a friend of his in the passenger seat of the car. The young driver is in a serious

but stable condition in hospital, according to police. As he is 17, he will be tried in juvenile court and is under the legal age to even hold a licence, which is 18 in Oman. More awareness programmes must be conducted in schools for students who are on the verge of obtaining driving licences, campaigners say. Daryl Hardie, CEO of Safety First, said that this accident is unfortunate and that raising awareness and educating young people about safe driving must be a priority. “Obviously obtaining a licence properly is paramount. There is a law that you should not drive without a licence no matter if you are an Omani or an expat, but I think the largest element is alcohol and as far as I know there is zero tolerance for drink driving in the Sultanate,” said Hardie. “The younger the generation, you must teach them that they are responsible for their actions and they are responsible for other people. If you are in an accident it’s very rarely it’s just you involved,” he added. The 17-year-old was allegedly drunk and could face several charges due to the accident. According to the ROP Traffic Law, Article 23: “To be issued a driver’s licence, the applicant must be at least 18 years old.” >A6 TOP THREE INSIDE STORIES


New financial disclosure forms


New financial disclosure forms were issued by the State Audit Institution for all government officials. >A3


Chief minister of Gujarat resigns


The chief minister of Indian state of Gujarat quit, as protests by the Dalit community intensified.>A8

MARKET Plan to hold all Muscat Festival events at one place


Orpic’s projects to make Sohar a top site


Orpic’s $9b worth of projects will make its Sohar site one of the best integrated refining sites. >B1


Spending on health up 50% since 2013

M91 fuel to be launched in November

Times News Service


MUSCAT: Spending on health in Oman has increased by 50 per cent since 2013, the ministry has revealed. A report taking the pulse of the nation has detailed spending plans and various quality of life factors across the Sultanate. In 2013, Oman spent OMR593.7 million on health. Last year that figure increased to OMR892.2m. The number of doctors, nurses and hospitals in Oman have all increased between 2013 and 2015, according to the report. The health funding figures reveal that per capita, spending on each and every Omani has grown from OMR154 to OMR214.5 in the two years covered by the report. The number of in-patients increased and bed occupancy rates stood at just over 60 per cent in 2015 and almost 3,000

MUSCAT: M91, a new type of petrol, which will have an octane level between the existing M90 and M95, will be launched in November, the Ministry of Oil and Gas said. “The M91 will not be available in market now. Due to technical reasons, the new fuel will be introduced in the Oman market only in November,” the Ministry of Oil and Gas tweeted on his official Twitter handle. The ministry had announced earlier that the M91 fuel will replace the existing M90 and will be available in the market in early August. In March, the Times of Oman had first reported that Orpic is considering introducing a new grade of Octane petrol in the market, which will fall between the regular and super grades. >A6


more babies cried their way into the world in Oman’s maternity hospitals. The population increased by more than 300,000 between 2013 and 2015 and expats made up 43.6 per cent of that, down slightly from the 2013 rate. The spike in the birth rate has not been matched by the death rate, which has remained static. >A4

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