TUESDAY September 6, 2016 4 Dhul Hijja 1437 AH
At the Opening Session of the 6th Summit of the Cooperation Council of the Gulf States
‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’
We meet today under crucial regional and international circumstances which requires us to restate the role of our Council as a stabilising factor in the region.
Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 166 | 36 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group
Airfares shoot up ahead of Eid break
HM receives thanks from Theresa May
Times News Service MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has received a cable of thanks from Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK) in reply to His Majesty’s congratulatory cable on the occasion of her being named as the prime minister. In her cable, May expressed her deep thanks and utmost appreciation for His Majesty the Sultan’s congratulations, hailing the strong bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries in all fields. -ONA TOP THREE INSIDE STORIES
No loss of life in Hamriyah house fire
A fire broke out in a house in Hamriyah area in Ruwi on Monday, but no death or causalities were reported. The fire broke out in wood items and electronic devices stored in one of the houses inhabited by expats. The fire resulted in the loss of property. >A3
Ninth plan takes into account oil price dip
Oil being the main source of public revenues and the mainstay of economy in the GCC countries, the drop in prices in the second half of 2014 had significant effect on the economies of this region. The Sultanate is not insulated from such effects. >A6
MID-DAY BREAK VIOLATIONS Flexible timings will
Article 16 of the occupational safety and health regulations says that workers must not work at construction sites or in open and elevated areas from 12:30pm to 3:30pm during June, July and August.
be a boon for workers
From June 1 until August 31, 2016
who are flooding hospitals with heat related ailments
2,332 inspections
254 firms
Disadvantages for small units under VAT
Oman’s micro business units, which do not come under voluntary threshold limit for value added tax (VAT) registration, will be in a disadvantageous position once the government introduces the new tax scheme by January 2018. >B1
Warning letters
After the holiday announcement, a travel agent said that a one-way ticket to Mumbai normally costs around OMR35, but currently a September 9 ticket costs around OMR200
now the return fares to Bratislava have touched OMR400,” he said. Country Manager of Mihin Lanka - Oman, Deepal Pallegangoda, however, claimed that the fares have not been hiked because of Eid. “Rather, it is the way the system works and people are only getting the higher class economy fares as the people have already brought lower class fares a long time back,” he explained. Speaking about the price fluctuation, another official from a leading airline said that a lot of people want to travel during this peak holiday season. “Airlines have four to five grades of seats whose prices change with demand. Fares fluctuate as a result of this system,” he added.
3 Violations per year
MUSCAT: Holidaymakers who have waited until the last minute to book flights for the Eid Al Adha break will probably end up paying more than 300 to 400 per cent for their ticket, according to travel agents in the Sultanate. “Besides the regular destinations, there is huge demand for Georgia and Dubai this time,” said a flydubai official, adding that more people are now travelling to Dubai with e-visa. “There has been a rise of around 10 to 15 per cent more applications for e-visa to Dubai ever since the holidays have been announced,” the official said. This is simply because the Dubai e-visa is getting processed quickly. “Earlier we had some problems but now the e-visa is working well,” he said. Citing example of the high air fares, a travel agent said a ticket to Mumbai costs around OMR35 (one way) on a normal day, but if you want to fly on September 9, you have to pay around OMR200 (one way). “Most of the flights which leave Muscat on September 9 and arrive on September 16, 2016 are either sold out or have touched stratospheric heights. Those who have booked in advance are gainers,” a travel agent said. For instance a round trip ticket from Muscat to London will cost travellers OMR600, while a return ticket to Singapore will cost OMR400 and to Paris about OMR450 this Eid. “For Istanbul it will cost you a little more than OMR350 – if you are not willing to compromise on your dates,” he said. During the off peak season, the price of flying to Istanbul is around OMR120. An Omani national, Fahad who was desperate a to book a ticket to Bratislava in flydubai said: “The fares were hovering around OMR100 before the Eid announcement on Sunday, but
MUSCAT: Mid-day breaks for workers in open areas should be linked to temperature rather than over a set period of time, according to trade union leaders and workers. Medics have reported treating 1,000 patients in three months who are suffering from heat related illnesses and conditions as many employers do not give sun protection products to their workers. “The implementation of a mid-day break should be linked to weather conditions. It should not be for a stipulated time. It should be made flexible,” Mohammed Al Khaldi, a trade
Source: Aon Hewitt’s
union leader in the oil sector and an official at the General Federation of Oman Trade Union, said. According to a global meteorologist, September and October will be warmer than usual in Oman and residents will have to wait until November for a more pleasant climate. “September and October look like warmer-than-normal months. It will be more seasonal in November,” Jason Nicholls, a senior meteorologist and international forecasting manager at Accuweather, said.
Fines range between OMR100 and OMR500, or a jail term of not more than one month, or both. The penalty is doubled for repeat violations. Graphics
The mid-day break is announced every year in accordance with Article 16 of the Oman Labour Law for occupational safety and health regulations, which states that workers must not work at construction sites or in open and elevated areas from 12:30pm to 3:30pm during June, July and August. “This ministerial decision was put in place to protect workers from the scorching heat during the summer. It was implemented on humanitarian grounds,” said the trade union leader. >A5
Omani unfurls flag at 18,380 feet in India
FUN-FILLED AL HOOTA CAVE TOUR FOR CHILDREN A lion, a fish and a bat mesmerised delighted Omani schoolchildren as Al Hoota Cave reopened its doors to the public. The three characters - each representing an educational component of one of the Sultanate’s tourism jewels - gave the tiny VIPs a fun-filled guided tour as the new cave centre re-opened its doors. >A4
Denied gratuity, nurses wait for response from their embassies REJIMON K
reji@timesofoman.com MUSCAT: A number of expatriate medical staff in Oman who have alleged that their severance packages have been cut or withheld are waiting for their embassy’s response to resolve their issues. A senior official from the Philippine embassy said that they have forwarded the nurses claim to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) in Oman and the embassy will be meeting the nurses on coming Wednesday. “We had received a letter from at least 40 nurses. The Philippines ambassador to Oman has forwarded the same to MoFA. We are waiting for their response. Meanwhile, we will be meeting the nurses too,” Nasser Mustafa, labour attaché at the Philippines Embassy in Oman, told the Times of Oman.
A few weeks ago, hundreds of Indian paramedical staff and medics had approached the Indian embassy with the same claim. According to the expat medical staff, a majority of them, who have joined services in Oman between 1985 and 1994 are being reportedly denied full service gratuity. 12-year gratuity payment, They have been told to take 12year gratuity payment, even though they have worked for more than 25 years in Oman. This has left many in the lurch as banking on the eventual payment of gratuity money they had many plans, including paying off loans. Talking to the Times of Oman earlier, Indra Mani Pandey, India’s ambassador to Oman, said: “The embassy has been working in close cooperation with the concerned authorities in Oman to address the
grievances of Indian professionals and workers brought to the attention of the embassy.” Many, who took loans from local banks hoping to get full service gratuity to meet family needs, are now struggling to repay them as banks have issued notices. Meanwhile, speaking on the condition of anonymity, a nurse said she was denied full service gratuity initially but later found her name on the list of full entitlement. “I was denied full service gratuity. I had 25 years of service, but was only given 12 years gratuity. I filed a case. However, after pursuing the matter further with the ministry, I found that I had signed a document, which enables me to be eligible for full service gratuity. Now, I have approached legal advisors on this issue too,” she added. >A6