Times of Oman - July 11, 2016

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MONDAY July 11, 2016 6 Shawwal 1437 AH


On the Occasion of 7th National Day, 1977

‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’ Oman is playing and will increasingly play an important role in world affairs; the growing impact of the 20th century on every aspect of the life of our country is evident to every one of us.

Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 117 | 40 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group



HM sends greetings MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has sent a cable of congratulations to President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of the Republic of Mongolia on the occasion of his country’s National Day. In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has expressed his sincere congratulations along with his best wishes to President Elbegdorj and the people of his country. -ONA

HM receives thanks MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has received a cable of thanks from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia in reply to His Majesty’s condolences cable on the death of Princess Lulwa bint Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. In his cable, King Salman expressed his thanks for His Majesty’s noble feelings and sincere prayers, praying to Allah the Almighty to rest the deceased’s soul in peace and protect His Majesty against all harms. -ONA TOP THREE INSIDE STORIES


Healthcare cost to rise by 12.9% annually


Oman’s healthcare expenditure is expected to reach $4.3b by 2020, from $2.3b in 2015, which translates into a five-year Compound Annual Growth Rate of 12.9 per cent. >A3


China accounts for 50% of Oman exports


China purchases 50 per cent of Omani exports every year, according to the Foreign Trade Statistics Report 2015. Exports to China in 2015 stood at OMR 5304,689,889. >A5


Osama’s son seeks revenge against US


The son of slain Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has threatened revenge against the United States. >A7

Economy fares well despite oil price fall: CBO Staff Reporter

Debtors in jail as campaigning group mothballed With rise in default cases in Oman due to the economic downturn, many debtors are languishing in jails as donations from companies to rescue them have dried up DEEBA HASAN

deeba@timesofoman.com Muscat: A campaign to free loan defaulters from prison has been mothballed, as banks report that more Omanis and expats are falling into the debt trap. Fak Kurbah has not been active in 2016 because companies cannot afford donations, according to Moham-

med Al Zadjali, head of the campaign and also head of the legal committee at the Majlis Al Shura. Fak Kurbah was launched in 2012 by the lawyers committee in Oman in coordination with the Supreme Committee for Judiciary to help those imprisoned over money troubles. “Although it was not able to operate this year because of

the economic situation, the campaign has so far managed to secure the release of 44 prisoners in its first phase in 2012 and improved in its second phase in 2014 to end the struggles of 304 prisoners. “Next year we are planning for a better and bigger campaign and another session of Fak Kurbah. This year we couldn’t make it because of the current situation, as we can foresee that the number of companies which support the campaign will be less,” he added. “Fak Kurbah helped almost 500 prisoners in the past two sessions. We help those who were sentenced by the court to be imprisoned for failing in paying some financial dues. We have nothing to do with criminal cases.

“Our only condition was to pay not more than OMR5,000 for one case, Al Zadjali added. Recovery officials at Omani banks report that the Sultanate has witnessed a rise in default cases thanks to the economic downturn with many banks being forced to go to court to chase debtors. One bank official, who declined to be named, said there has been an increase in defaults in the past 12 months, as the downward spiral of the economic slump continues. “There has been a huge increase in the number of debtors and this has been happening from the second half of last year. Some people are just burdened with so much debt and we - as humans - feel sorry for them,” the official added . >A6

MUSCAT: Executive President of the Central Bank of Oman (CBO), Hamood bin Sangoor Al Zadjali, said the “sharp and sustained decline” in oil prices since mid-2014 has put significant pressure on the economy of Oman. In his address following the publication of the Central Bank’s annual report, Al Zadjali said that despite this, the economy of Oman had “fared fairly well and without much damage.” He said this had been made possible because Oman had proactively kept high fiscal buffers, higher capital requirements for banks, low government debt, and flexible wage contracts. Al Zadjali added: “A turnaround may be achieved by fiscal consolidation combined with relaxing counter-cyclical measures adopted earlier. Nevertheless, the prevalent imbalances in the global economy and diminished fiscal space in oil exporting countries, including Oman are a cause for some concern. The developments on both of these fronts are being vigilantly monitored by the CBO and fiscal authorities.” “As a result of the twin deficit during 2015 and subsequent rating downgrades, Oman has introduced fiscal reforms to consolidate its fiscal position in the medium term,” he said. >A6



Drive to ease delays at Oman’s airports TARIQ ZIAD AL HAREMI



MUSCAT: A series of campaigns planned to be launched by the Oman Airports Management Company (OAMC) will help prevent a chain of recurring delays at Oman’s airports due to negligence of passengers and provide tips for a safe and hassle-free travel. On June 1, 2015, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) implemented a new rule saying expatriates must pay their traffic fines prior to departing Oman. The ROP has set up traffic fines clearance operations at airports and borders for expats leaving the

country, both permanently and temporarily. Yet some expats fail to pay their fines, which result in delaying the departure of their flights. Similarly, some passengers do not adhere to the norms of airline travel as some arrive at the check-in counter with large boxes weighing more than the standard weight of 30kg. Additionally, every ticket has a luggage limit, which you can check in at the counter, as well as individual carry-on luggage that should not weigh more than 10 kg. >A6


ROP declares parking at bus stops illegal HASAN SHABAN AL LAWATI

hassan@timesofoman.com MUSCAT: Motorists who park their cars at public bus stops will be fined, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) has warned. The warning follows a complaint made by the Oman National Transport Company (Mwasalat) saying car drivers were found blocking the company’s desig-

nated parking lots during the Eid holiday. “Mwasalat has appealed to the Royal Oman Police to take necessary action against vehicles that hinder (space for) bus stops,” the company said in tweet. In less than two hours, the ROP’s Traffic Department responded to the tweet, saying the act is illegal and will be considered a traffic violation. The fine for parking at a public

bus stop is OMR15, according to an ROP source. The ROP later shared an image of a police patrol near a bus stop in Muscat with a caption that read, “Police officers are keeping a close eye on the bus stops for motorists who hinder the buses’ movement.” Social media users in the Sultanate hailed the “quick and transparent” communication between the two government bodies. >A6

OOC chairman praises Barakat ahead of Rio


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