August 14, 2016 10 Dhul Qa’ada 1437 AH
On the occasion of the 11th National Day, 1981
‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’ We call upon all our brother Arabs to cast aside their differences and to work together, utilising all their resources, to serve the common cause.
Founded 1975 . Volu Volume ume 41 um 41 No. No. 146 | 44 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group
HM sends greetings
18 die on road in 2 weeks as drivers ignore warnings
MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has sent a cable of greetings to President Mamnoon Hussain of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on his country’s Independence Day anniversary. In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has expressed his sincere greetings and wishes of good health and happiness to the President Mamnoon Hussain and his country’s people further progress and prosperity. —ONA
With so many fatalities in accidents recently, safety experts in the Sultanate have urged motorists to follow the traffic rules and thus help save precious lives on roads
Omanis scale Mount Kilimanjaro
MUSCAT: Motorists are failing to heed warnings after the Sultanate witnessed 18 deaths on the roads in just a few weeks, safety campaigners say. Eleven Omanis, including mechanical engi“It’s both saddening and frustrating to see that so many neers, educational consultants, students, and people have lost their lives in road traffic incidents. The computer programmers, set aside their profesnumber of people dying in single incidents is shocking sional obligations for a few days and scaled Mount and suggestive of the fact that the wearing of seat belts, Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa.>A5 adhering to the speed limit and appropriate overtaking are being ignored,” Mark Pudwell, Business Development and Training Manager at Competence HR LLC and a safety expert, told Times of Oman. In the latest in a series of death crashes, in Adam yesterday, five more Omanis were killed in a road accident. At least 10 children were killed and 21 injured in northern According to a Royal Oman Police official, Yemen on Saturday, aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres three vehicles were involved in the accident. said, in what the country’s dominant Houthi group said was “Five lost their lives and six are admitted to a Saudi-led air strike on a school. The tragedy occurred as Yemen’s hospital with injuries,” the official added. parliament convened for the first time in almost two years, in a move On July 31, five people, including two that bolsters the Houthi movement. >A7 police officers, were killed in a horror smash in Al Khoud by a ‘drunk’ driver, on August 1, two Emiratis, a son and father, died in a Haima crash. On August 2, an Indian salesman lost his life in an accident near Sur, and on August 9, four Omanis and Oman’s Olympic sprinter Barakat Al Harthi is out of the Rio games an Ethiopian housemaid were after a qualifying heat time that failed to land him a place in the finals. killed in an accident in Haima. Barakat recorded 10.22 and finished third in the heat six qualifying sprint According to Pudwell, the in the Men’s 100m event at the Rio Olympics. Although he put up an excellent most important tool in the show against the likes of Jamaica’s Yohan Blake, who finished first in the same box for any driver is common heat with a time of 10.11, Barakat couldn’t qualify for the next stage. >C1
10 children killed, 21 injured in air strike
Rio dream ends for sprinter Barakat Al Harthi
BANKING ON NEW RULES: Safety experts hope the new traffic law which will come into force on September 1, can somehow help in the reduction of violations.
sense and sadly that is often forgotten. Neelesh Sogani, another road safety expert in Oman, said every single life is important and nonreplaceable for the families and dependents. “The new law, which will come into force on September 1, can somehow help in the reduction of violations but it cannot achieve goal zero until the individuals recognise the importance of following rules. The habit and culture of playing with rules and ignorance do not go away,” Neelesh said. This year in June, 72 people were killed in road accidents and the number was 54 in May
and 50 in April. July statistics are not yet available. Since the beginning of 2016 until the end of June a total of 2,100 accidents took place which left 336 people dead. During the same period in 2015, the number of deaths was only 310. That translates to two deaths per day, according to data from the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI). The number of deaths has increased by 8.4 per cent. Omani deaths registered a 4.3 per cent rise with 219 recorded while expatriate deaths due to road accidents rose by 17 per cent with 117 during the first half of this year. >A5
Omani explorers discover new caves
Expats being fired on oil price pretext TARIQ ZIAD AL HAREMI MUSCAT: Expats are being let go by some companies on the pretext of low oil prices, said a board member of the General Federation of Oman Trade Union (GFO-
Residents’ demand fuels Oman gold import bill to OMR325m REJIMON K MUSCAT: Oman spent more than OMR300 million in 2015 to feed expats’ craving for the yellow metal in 2015, according to latest data. Expatriates tend to buy gold while returning to their countries of origin to benefit from the price difference, jewellers say, adding the dip in global prices and people’s trust in the yellow metal have led to a boom in sales in 2015 and surge in its imports. A latest report from National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) revealed that in 2015, Oman imported 1,500 tonnes of jewellery, including natural and artificial pearls, precious stones, semiprecious stones, precious metals, normal-coated metals, traditional jewellery and coins. “The value of such jewellery items stood at OMR324.90 million and the Sultanate’s imports of such items surged by 88.2 per cent,
compared with 2014 (300 tonnes worth of OMR172.6 million),” NCSI’s data revealed. Najeeb K, regional head, Malabar Gold & Diamonds in Oman, said expatriates buying gold while returning home to take advantage of the price difference can be seen as one of the main reasons for the sales surge, which has prompted the import numbers to go up. Gold coins “Expatriates returning home for good are buying gold coins and biscuits, rather than transferring the money through banks, as when
Eight pages special supplement on Pakistan Independence Day with this edition
they resell it in their home country; they can save a good amount. In India, gold from here (bought in Oman) is valued well due to its quality and purity. Moreover, it’s cheaper here too,” Najeeb said, adding that they are going to open a few more showrooms in Oman as they see potential in Oman. Basheer Ahmed, Middle East director of Dubai Gold, said customers can save INR150 (OMR0.863) for 1 gram of gold bought from Oman, when compared with the same quantity purchased in India. “When expatriates (Indians, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis) return home for good from Oman, they purchase gold up to the maximum limit they can carry while flying, and they save a good amount of money. This has prompted a sales surge, which will eventually boost imports,” Ahmed said, adding that he feels confident about the Oman market and his firm is working on expansion plans in Oman.
TU). As the year progresses, many companies are losing business, but more importantly staff retention is not being widely practiced as many skilled workers are being forced to leave and return almost empty handed to their homes, while many Omani job seekers in the market are also not getting the chances they deserve. >A4