MONDAY August 22, 2016 18 Dhul Qa’ada 1437 AH
6 085010 120010 On the occasion of the beginning of the second term of the State Consultative Council, 1983
‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’ We entrust you with the responsibility of giving advice in various matters connected with our development, we hope that you will co-operate in discharging your duty with unquestionable honesty and sincerity and that you will make a tangible contribution which will enrich the development of our good land.
Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 153 | 36 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group
Man falls in sewage pit, dies
To cut costs, companies are going for cheaper packages
Without cover, onus of paying medical bills falls on social activists
Staff Reporter MUSCAT: One person died after he fell in a sewage pit at an under-construction site in the Dhofar Governorate on Sunday, the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance (PACDA) reported. His body was recovered by the rescuers, PACDA tweeted.
Muscat University to open soon
Dr. Rawya Saud Al Busaidi, Minister of Higher Education issued a decision on Sunday for opening of Muscat University. The Times of Oman had reported that the higher education institution will open its doors on September 25 for its first batch of students in Pathway Programmes (Foundation and Pre-Masters).>A5
Tender for building dairy farm floated
Mazoon Dairy Company, which plans to build a major dairy farm with a capital expenditure of OMR100 million to achieve selfsufficiency in dairy production in Oman, has started major initiatives to build the project in a large area in Buraimi. >B1
ACC non-Test playing full status for Oman
Oman Cricket has been upgraded as a non-Test playing full member of the Asian Cricket Council (ACC), according to information provided by Oman Cricket. A decision to this effect was taken during the 2016 ACC General Assembly, which is being organised in Sri Lanka capital Colombo. >C3
Insurance coverage for chronic ailments like diabetes & hypertension are being excluded
REJIMON K MUSCAT: Private sector companies are excluding chronic and common medical conditions from health insurance plans due to austerity measures, say hospital doctors and insurers. Insurance agents have also recorded a drop in the number of staff health plans being renewed by companies so far this year. Where plans are renewed, they say, they are smaller and some
common medical conditions which require monthly medication are being dropped. “We are witnessing a worrisome trend. We have found that some companies are excluding insurance coverage for chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension and blood pressure because it needs constant medication and treatment,” Dr Rohil Raghavan, director at Lifeline Hospitals in Oman, said. “Even though we have not come across full package cut cases, we
of a company’s existing clients have not renewed policies this year and others have opted for inhouse management
are seeing that coverage for some diseases are excluded,” the hospital official added. Dr Basheer A, senior internist at Badr Al Samaa Hospital, also said that he has noticed the same trend in recent months. “Companies, which used to provide chronic diseases treatment for workers have taken it out.
Some workers who come to me don’t have coverage for chronic diseases, which they used to get earlier,” the medic said, adding that to control costs companies may be going for smaller packages. Senior officials from insurance companies across Muscat said that companies are following a trend of renewing the medical in-
surance of their employees with fewer benefits – to save some money. “We have seen a trend of renewal of medical insurance at lesser benefit or introducing deductible for premium reduction,” one official said. Another confirmed that they are seeing a change in attitude from some private employers regarding health plans. “Yes, it is a general trend in the market due to current economic conditions,” the official said, adding that 5 per cent of the company’s existing clients have not renewed policies this year and many others have opted for in-house management. An official from an insurance company also added that the employers have become cost conscious due to economic conditions. >A6
Under the knife 70 times, to undergo 71st surgery soon REJIMON K MUSCAT: Vijayan Manicketh, an Indian expatriate in Muscat, is 63 years old but he has been on the surgical table 70 times at different hospitals in Oman and India. Now, he is getting ready for his 71st surgery. Vijayan is suffering from Rhinosporidiosis, a rare disease, which primarily affects the mucosa of the nose. Its manifestation is a mass growing inside the affected cavity and the only treatment is surgical excision. “From my toes to skull, unwanted growth happens regularly and the disease has been haunting me ever since I was 18 years old. Last year, I had three surgeries,” Vijayan added. According to Vijayan, a single
Vijayan Manicketh.
doctor in Kerala has done 30 surgeries on him. “Doctors said many patients have cell growth, but that they have not encountered anyone with systematic growth like mine,” he said, adding that it started as nasal Rhinosporidiosis
and spread to other parts of the body. According to medical reports, the number of surgeries is going up as his immune system is weakening with age. Vijayan has tried various forms of medicines – allopathy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, naturopathy, Yoga and alternative medicines. “The only solution, though temporary is laser surgery to burn the body growth,” he added. “It is like a small berry growing throughout my body and comes out of the body and people find it odd, and I try to hide it by putting cotton in my nose,” he said. “As the treatment is expensive in Muscat, I go to India three to four times every year for surgeries. Each surgery costs me about Rs50,000 and it has financially ruined me as well,” Vijayan added. >A6
51 killed in Turkey suicide attack
IMAX theatres to redefine movie viewing in the Sultanate RAHUL DAS MUSCAT: An IMAX cinema screen, featuring crystal clear big screen viewing, is set to open in Oman next month. IMAX is an acronym of ‘image maximum’. Speaking to Times of Oman, a senior official of VOX Cinemas said IMAX projectors will be installed at VOX, City Centre Qurum. “It will be opening in September 2016, and the first movie that is likely be screened is called Sully,” a spokesperson of VOX Cinemas said. Sully is a soon-to-be-released American drama, directed and coproduced by Clint Eastwood and written by Todd Komarnicki. The film stars Tom Hanks, with Aaron Eckhart, and will open on September 9, 2016.
Film star Tom Hanks.
Clint Eastwood.
Hudson River The story of Sully is based on veteran US Airways pilots Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenburger, who became a hero after landing his crippled plane in the Hudson River, saving Flight 155’s crew and passengers.
IMAX is a technology that allows greater size and resolution of films, resulting in higher quality, sharper image and exceptional clarity. “We are very excited, as far as we know, IMAX is quite different from the regular multiplex expe-
rience,” says S Kapoor, an Indian expat who is a regular cinema buff. Owing to its larger-than-life picture and sound format, the IMAX experience “involves” the viewer with crystal clear images projected onto an enormous screen, and with powerful sound emanating from state-of-the-art digital surround sound systems. In a tweet, VOX Cinemas Oman said on Sunday that the trailer for Sully was filmed using IMAX cameras and will be seen in Oman beginning September 8. Eastwood used the new ALEXA IMAX 65mm cameras to film the movie. This camera is a next-generation 2D digital camera developed through a partnership between ARRI and IMAX for use by today’s leading filmmakers working in the IMAX format.