Times of Oman - October 23, 2016

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October 23, 2016 21 Muharram 1438 AH


At the 4th Session of the Arab Gulf States’ Foreign Ministers’ Conference in Muscat, 1976

‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’ The Sultanate of Oman clearly recognises that it is important there should be mutual understanding so that agreement can be reached on a formula for cooper operation between the states of our region.


Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 201 | 36 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | IISO SO 9001:2008 SO 900 9 00 0 011::2 20 00 08 8 Certified Ceerrttiifi fieed Company Coomp C om mp paan ny | C Ch Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: hai airm rmaan n //E Ed diitor-in-Chief: Mohamed M Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group


Saarab AR app to augment I love the Sultan Times News Service


New system takes into account the time taken to travel between two points and compares it with the average road speed limit

MUSCAT: Speed cameras that can track the average speed of drivers, putting an end to breaking to avoid being flashed, are being actively considered by the Royal Oman Police (ROP). The point-to-point radars, also known as ‘Average Speed Cameras’, have the ability to measure the time taken for a vehicle to travel from one radar to the next. They are programmed to capture a picture of the vehicle if it reaches the second radar faster than the aver-

age expected for the speed limit. Speaking exclusively to Times of Oman, Captain Muthir Al Mazroui from the Directorate General of Traffic said, “As a technology, it is available already and could be used. Our system could implement these radars. It is only a matter of making a decision and beginning the process.” “This is one of the plans that we want to implement, by God’s will, but I can’t say when,” said Cpt. Al Mazroui reiterating that “there is a plan”. He said it will help in enhanc-

ing safety on Oman roads and prevent drivers from speeding. “It is a very subtle and excellent system. It could, at least, regulate the speed between two radars. As you can see a lot of people drive at high speeds and rapidly reduce their speeds when they are approaching a radar, and speed up after passing it,” said Cpt. Al Mazroui. However, he added that “people could bypass the system by taking the service roads before the first radar, speed up, and enter the main highway after the second radar.” >A6

MUSCAT: Following the resounding initial success of the Times of Oman’s ‘I Love the Sultan’ campaign, a new augmented reality application (app) has been launched in order to make it easier for people to participate in this campaign. Entitled ‘Saarab,’ the app is an extension of the ongoing campaign and works with both Android and Apple-operated phones. Contrasting styles The app reflects the contrasting styles of Oman, and fuses the traditional love that the people have always had for His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said with the latest technological advancements in augmented reality. To participate in the ‘I Love the Sultan’ campaign via the Saarab app, users need to download it from the Play Store or App Store, and then scan His Majesty’s picture on any Omani currency bill. This first-hand experience of augmented reality will then allow users to compose a creative mes-





91% Oman divorces among nationals

Iraqi troops storm into Mosul suburb

Transport cost drives up Oman inflation




Data issued by the NCSI showed that 91 per cent of the total divorces in the Sultanate took place between Omani men and women, with the remaining percentages distributed between expat couples, Omani men who are married to expatriates, and GCC women and vice versa. >A3

Iraqi army troops stormed into a Christian area that has been under IS control since 2014 as part of US-backed operations to clear the entrances to Mosul, the militants’ last major stronghold in Iraq. The advance took place as US Defence Secretary arrived on a visit to Baghdad. >A7

Growing transport cost in the aftermath of fuel subsidy removal has jacked up inflationary pressures in Oman. The Sultanate has registered a yearon-year inflation rate of 1.33% in September 2016, mainly driven by a 6.57% rise in prices in transport sub-segment. >B1

39 women experience the joys of desert safari


sage dedicated to His Majesty, which should be no more than 45 words in length. After posting their messages, users can share their messages on Facebook, and then invite others to post, like and share them. To post messages via the app, users will need to register and login. At the end of the campaign on November 18, the user who has the largest number of likes and shares will be announced. >A6

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