WEDNESDAY November 23, 2016 23 Safar 1438 AH
On the occasion of the 21st National Day, 1991
‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’
Our aim is to achieve an industrial basis which will confer on our country selfreliance wherever possible, through a cost - effective competitive effort in both quality and quantity.
| C Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 228 | 24 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified errti tifi fieed Company Co Co Ch Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: haaiirm rman an //E Ed diito torr--iin n-Ch -Chi -C hieefff:: Mohamed Mooh M haam meed Issa Issa Is sa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group
HM sends condolences MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has sent a cable of condolences to President Pranab Mukherjee of India for the victims of train accident which derailed in the state of Uttar Pradesh. In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to Indian President Mukherjee, families of the victims and the Indian people, wishing the injured speedy recovery. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has also sent a cable of condolences to President Prokopis Pavlopoulos of Republic of Greece on the death of the former Greek President, Costis Stephanopoulos. In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to President Pavlopoulos, the deceased family and the Greek people. -ONA
Born with a cleft palate, Zahra could only be fed a liquid diet, until doctors spent eight months rebuilding her smile
REJIMON K CHIEF REPORTER MUSCAT: An Omani girl born with a cleft palate can now finally smile, thanks to doctors in India. Zahra Adham, from Muscat, was born with a severe cleft lip. Even the act of eating was too much for her and her family fed her liquids through a straw. Now, after eight-months of treatment and surgeries in India, Zahra has got back her beautiful smile. “Zahra had an isolated cleft palate. In layman terms, she had a hole in the roof of her mouth, which made it very difficult for her to eat. These cases need to be treated within 13 to 18 months otherwise they can hinder speech development,” Dr Sathish Vasistha, who heads the Cleft Clinic at the Rainbow Children’s Hospital in Andhra Pradesh, told Times of Oman. “We started her treatment in
HM receives greetings
A SMILE WORTH THOUSANDS: Zahra Adham with her parents after successful surgery in India . – Jun Estrada
March this year and completed it last week successfully. We were happy to see a smiling Zahra,” the medic added. The condition was due to an opening between her nose and mouth that made it almost impossible for her to eat. When fed, the food would slip out through her nose. Folic acid deficiency “Lip and palate clefting, similar to Zahra’s, is a result of a number of causes, but the biggest reason is a folic acid deficiency in pregnant women,” the medic said, adding that other reasons include genet-
ic abnormalities. Adham Khan, Zahra’s father, told Times of Oman that he is very happy to see Zahra smiling. “I am very happy with the treatment at the hospital. All thanks to the Bahwan family who funded and supported us,” he said, adding that in Oman, the hospital suggested cutting her tongue to fix her problem and so he decided to travel to Bangalore and show the doctors. “Whenever she had milk it was coming out of her nose,” he said, explaining that she improved after the first surgery. >A2
MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has received more cables of congratulations from a number of leaders of friendly countries and senior international figures on the occasion of the 46th Glorious National Day. In their cables, they expressed their sincere congratulations along with their best wishes of good health, happiness and a long life to His Majesty, and the Omani people further progress and prosperity under His Majesty’s wise leadership. >A2 W E AT H E R F O R E C A S T
Sandstorms expected in Oman Staff Reporter
Indian School Darsait sweeps ‘I Love the Sultan’ campaign GUIDELINES
No power banks in checked-in baggage: Airlines RAHUL DAS
Conmen target phone subscribers
Despite repeated warnings, phone subscribers continue to be the target of conmen, and some of them fall prey to the scam. >A2 MUSCAT: After prohibiting the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on flights, a large number of airlines, including the national carrier Oman Air, are no longer allowing fliers to carry power banks in checked-in baggage. “Carrying power banks in check-in baggage is not allowed in Oman Air. However, each passenger is allowed to carry two power banks in the carry-on bags (hand baggage),” a spokesperson of Oman Air said. Mannu Anand, general manager of Jet Airways in Oman, also confirmed that passengers cannot carry power banks in checked-in baggage but can carry them in cabin bags. He said that this was done after the airline received guidelines from its flight operations team. “We have enforced this new guideline from early November 2016, and the airport has been instructing all the travellers on this issue,” Anand said. A notice from Indigo, a lowcost carrier from India, said, “Leave your power bank in your hand baggage and your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 at home.” Officials said that airlines took
Life sentence against Morsi overturned The IATA has labelled power banks as “dangerous item” in its flight regulations.
the decision after the International Air Transport Association labelled power banks as a “dangerous item” in its flight regulations. “Battery packs are hazardous objects. A lithium battery can catch fire if the temperature exceeds the limit. For the safety and protection of passengers, we have decided to enforce this,” a senior airline official said. Officials said that the United States had notified a long time back that spare lithium batteries were dangerous items on flights after reports that they could overheat, catch fire, and explode. However, power banks are batteries, officials said, so they do not pose much risk in cabin baggage as they can be monitored.
Egypt’s Court of Cassation overturned on a life sentence against deposed President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. >A4
5% of banks’ lending should be for SMEs
Commercial banks should ensure by endDecember that at least 5% of their commercial lending is directed to SMEs. >B1
MUSCAT: Northern parts of Oman are likely to be hit by dust and sandstorms, Oman Meteorology department has tweeted on its official twitter handle. “Parts of Muscat, including Muscat City, Baushar, Amerat and Quriyat will be hit by sandstorm. Sandstorm is also expected to hit Khasab, Sohar, Qalhat, Masirah,
Dibba, Sur, Suwaiq, Ras Al Hadd, Mhada and Saham,” the meteorology department has said in a latest report. In a notice uploaded on its website on Sunday, the department said that the Sultanate may get affected by a trough of low pressure with chances of advection cloud and light isolated rain over the governorates of Musandam,North Al Batinah, South Al Batinah, Mus-
cat and South Al Sharqiya starting from the evening of November 21 until November 24. “Strong northeasterly winds will result in drop of temperature and reduce horizontal visibility due to dust. The condition of sea is expected to be rough along the coastal areas of Musandam and Sea of Oman with maximum wave height ranging between 2.5 and 3 metres,” the notice added