Times of Oman - July 31, 2016

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July 31, 2016 26 Shawwal 1437 AH



On the occasion of the 10th National Day, 1980

‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’

A Bangladeshi-Canadian was on Saturday identified as the mastermind of Bangladesh’s worst terror attack at a cafe in Dhaka’s diplomatic zone. >A11

If we had shrunk from the great tasks that faced us, then the future would have been dark indeed. But, my dear countrymen, we did not fail. Our sacrifices were not in vain.

Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 134 | 36 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group


Rare surgery on 6-year-old Omani girl Staff Reporter MUSCAT: A six-year old Omani girl has been given a new lease of life after a struggle with rare genetic disorders. Lyaan, who suffered from Crouzon Syndrome, underwent surgery at Fortis Healthcare in India to be freed from deformities caused by this rare genetic disorder, which is seen in 1 in 60,000 live births. Crouzon syndrome causes a severely deformed upper face among children suffering from it. “Lyaan looked normal when she was born, but when she became four and five months old her upper face started showing deformities, with a retruded upper jaw,”

said Ali Halthy, Lyaan’s father. “She developed breathing problems and had to be tracheostomised at a local hospital in Oman, and she had to undergo cranial surgery as an infant at the age of one, since her head size was not increasing,” he added. A senior team of specialists from Fortis Healthcare, including Dr Rashmi Taneja, Senior Consultant, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Dr Gagan Sabharwal, Maxillofacial Surgeon, and Dr Amitabh Singh, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, performed the complex surgery in February this year. “Crouzon syndrome is characterised by distinctive malformations of the skull and facial region. Such abnormalities may

vary greatly in range and severity from case to case, including among affected family members,” Dr Taneja said. Mid-face was detached “In Lyaan’s case, we performed the Lefort III Osteotomy, where the mid-face was detached from the skull bone with application of rigid external distractors, also called RED Device, as part of the treatment on the patient,” the doctor added. Lyaan recovered well and recently her distractor was removed, the doctors added. “After a consolidation period of four days following the surgery at FMRI, the mid-face and upper jaw was pulled forward 1 mm a

day. The distraction was done by her mother,” Dr Sabharwal said. “The upper jaw was pulled 35 mm in 35 days, after which the family returned to their home for the bones to heal completely,” he added. “They were asked to come back for a follow-up checkup and distractor removal after a couple of months, by which time the distracted bone would have healed,” Dr Singh said. “The Fortis ENT team has also removed her tracheostomy and Lyaan has started breathing normally through her nose, like any other child,” he added. She will also have to undergo another set of surgeries at the age of 16 to align her jaws, according to the doctors.

New Muscat airport construction on track

New move will help officials in monitoring violations as well as in keeping track of labour market FAHAD AL GHADANI


Currently, contracts of only Omanis are compulsorily registered with the ministry



48 Brucellosis cases reported in Oman

MUSCAT: Expat work contracts could soon have to be registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MoM), an official from the Oman Trade Union said. Currently, it is compulsory to register work contracts for Omanis, but not for expats, but some companies which employ a large number of expats could find they soon have to have those contracts approved by the ministry, along with the national work contracts. At present, some companies issue two copies of the expat work contracts and get them signed internally by the company and employee without getting any approval from MoM. “We are working with the Ministry of Manpower to make it compulsory for all companies to register



National Museum of Oman opens


National Museum of the Sultanate of Oman opened its doors to the people on Saturday. The entry fee is OMR1 for Omani and GCC nationals. >A3


PDO’s Miraah solar project costs reduced


Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) confirmed that the cost of the Miraah project for generating solar steam has been reduced. >B2

both national and expat work contracts in the ministry,” said Nabhan Al Battashi, chairman of the General Federation of Oman Trade Union (GFOTU). He explained that such a move will enable the concerned authorities to better monitor the market and track the violating firms. “Once work contracts are approved by the ministry, several issues and violations will be avoided in future. Violations, such as paying expat employees different salaries than the ones stated in the company document will be avoided. This will make the work atmosphere better for everyone,” said Al Battashi, adding that some companies send a statement to the ministry, including details of the contract, which will no longer be accepted if this decision is announced. “The rule is still under discussion between us and the Ministry of Manpower as we expect it to be announced after the announcement of the new Labour Law. Such rules are announced in ministerial decisions following the new Labour Law announcement,” said Al Battashi. Ahmed Al Hooti, an Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) member, said such a move once regulated will make things proper. “The number of expat workforce in the private sector is huge and such a move will create a better atmosphere for the expat workforce in the Sultanate,” he said. >A3


Motorists await new fuel rates FAHAD AL GHADANI


fahadnews@timesofoman.com A total of 48 Brucellosis positive cases have been confirmed in North Al Batinah. Joint efforts have led to epidemiological surveillance and source tracking. >A2


MUSCAT: Drivers in Oman are eagerly waiting to know the revised price for a new type of fuel: M91, which the Ministry of Oil and Gas said will become available in the market in August. The ministry had announced earlier that the M91 fuel will replace the existing M90 and will be available in the market in early August. The revised petrol and diesel prices, which will be effective from August 1, are expected to be announced on Sunday. The topic was discussed by the public on social media, with many wondering if the price will be between that of the usual Super and Regular grade petrol. Mohammed Khalfan, who switched to Regular grade fuel after the increase in the Super grade fuel price, said there shouldn’t be a big gap between the Regular grade and the M91. “I understand the quality difference but I have switched from the Super to the Regular due to the price rise,” said Khalfan. In July, the cost of Super grade petrol was 180 baisas per litre, 170 baisas for Regular grade petrol


Close data roaming while abroad: TRA and 188 baisas for diesel per litre, compared with 185 in June. It is expected that the new revised price for the fuel for August will be announced on Sunday, leaving the public eager to find out if the new type of fuel price remains the same as Regular or will edge nearer to the price of Super grade fuel. Earlier, a senior official at one of the largest oil companies in Oman revealed to the Times of Oman that the company is considering introducing a new grade of Octane petrol in the market, which will fall between Regular and Super at the oil pumps. The official explained that the

company is currently studying the possibility of introducing the M92 fuel in Oman. “We see a demand for it in the market. The M92 fuel will have the quality and price that is between the present price of the M90 (Regular) and M95 (Super grade).” Most vehicles in Oman require the M92 fuel. However, as it’s not available, motorists go for M95 and some compromise with M90. The National Centre for Statistics and Information’s February data on fuel consumption at retail outlets in Oman showed that while 1.9 million barrels of M95 were sold, only 640,000 barrels of M90 fuel were sold. >A6

Staff Reporter MUSCAT: As more people are travelling during the holiday season, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has advised travellers to switch off the data roaming service in their mobile phones to avoid unnecessary expenses. “You may not be aware that you maybe consuming data even when you are not using your phone,” the TRA warned. In an awareness video, the TRA said that data roaming service must be used carefully as this “one small action can save

you a lot of unforeseen expenses”. The video explains that allowing data roaming outside Oman will keep a user connected with any available network. “If a mobile user has the postpaid data package in Oman, the package will not be active in other countries even if the user has a credit limit applied in Oman as a part of the package,” TRA informed. “Hence, you will be charged according to the data roaming prices abroad, which are higher than the local bills,” the video said, adding that forgetting to do so may cause you a shock when arriving back and receiving the mobile bill.>A6

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