Avec “ Independence ”, l’exposition imaginée pour Espace Muraille, Arik Levy, artiste israélien (né en Israël, 1963), créateur protéiforme et prolifique, questionne la relation de dépendance et d’indépendance des objets, qu’il a conçus et mis en scène in situ, sous différents angles. Cette approche entremêle art et technique, car il faut s’assurer de l’équilibre des forces réunies, comme dans la monumentale sculpture qui occupe toute la surface du 1er niveau de la galerie ( LogFormationDependence ), mais aussi de la relation des œuvres avec les limites de l’espace. Ce faisant, il nous invite à réfléchir sur notre propre rapport visuel, physique, corporel, sinon émotionnel, à notre environnement. Chaque sculpture présentée dans l’espace, remet en cause notre perception et nous incite à nous confronter à toute sa complexité spatiale, mais aussi sa force et sa fragilité, sa dépendance voulue et nécessaire à son équilibre, que ce soit dans sa forme, son positionnement ou dans les matériaux qui la composent. Arik Levy pense que “ le monde est fait de gens, pas d’objets ”. En tant qu’artiste et créateur, il nous invite à déchiffrer le sens que ces pièces revêtent pour nous et à le suivre dans son questionnement. “ Être ou ne pas être ”, dépendance ou indépendance, affinités électives, ou encore “ Minimal Maximal ”, par allusion à ces récentes chorégraphies de Ioannis Mandafounis, Andonis Foniakadis et Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, montrées au Grand Théâtre de Genève, il est dans le propre de l’homme d’être au monde, d’y trouver sa place et d’en changer, de faire des choix, tout en étant conscient des rapports de dépendance et d’indépendance qui se créent ainsi. Dans le programme du spectacle “ Minimal Maximal ” précité, Ioannis Mandafounis, interviewé sur sa création chorégraphique “ Fearful Symmetries ”, déclare que par le mouvement des danseurs, il a cherché à renverser les effroyables symétries, car, comme il le dit lui-même, “ On ne mesure pas seulement l’espace en ressentant ou en faisant du mouvement, on doit aussi se mesurer à l’espace. L’espace est tellement infini et nous sommes tellement définis par notre corps. Je ne ressens pas l’espace de la même manière si je regarde un objet lointain ou si je regarde ma main. Comment renverser cela ? ”.
Arik Levy, dans sa pratique artistique plasticienne, joue avec ces notions, mais sa chorégraphie s’applique à des objets inanimés qui n’ont pas le langage du corps pour s’exprimer. Sa démarche me fait également penser à une magnifique et récente exposition de l’artiste Edmund de Waal (exposé à l’Espace Muraille début 2017) à la Frick Collection de New York, intitulée “ Elective Affinities ”, où l’artiste fait dialoguer à la perfection in situ ses installations de porcelaine avec sa passion pour l’architecture, l’espace et le son, à la recherche d’un équilibre volontaire et idéal, à l’instar des “ Affinités électives ” du roman de Goethe, où les équilibres scientifiques et chimiques sont bouleversés par ceux de l’amour et de la création littéraire. Les choix cornéliens qui nous habitent, auxquels l’exposition d’Arik Levy rend magnifiquement hommage, s’inscrivent parfaitement dans l’air du temps, celui de l’ “ en même temps ”, comme il le dit lui-même : “ Nous luttons pour notre indépendance. Mais, en même temps que nous désirons la liberté et l’indépendance, nous souhaitons faire partie de quelque chose, avec quelqu’un, quelque part ”. Nous, les hommes, sommes encombrés de trop d’instincts, comme le relève Sylvain Tesson dans son dernier puissant récit consacré à la panthère des neiges, couronné du prix Renaudot 2019. Après avoir cité la fulgurance d’Aristote : “ Chaque animal réalise sa part de vie et de beauté. ”, il en conclut que “ Les bêtes occupent leur juste place, sans dépasser les parapets institués par les tâtonnements de l’Evolution, puissance d’équilibre. ”. Les objets inanimés, de leur côté, comme ceux que crée Arik Levy, en leur insufflant beauté et équilibre, sont les dépositaires de ses concepts et réflexions philosophiques, et prennent tout à coup présence et vie à l’aune d’une nouvelle échelle à prendre en perspective, grâce au souffle inspiré qui les anime. Que ce catalogue permette au lecteur de prolonger la visite de cette exposition au choix de son agrément, de son humeur et de ses réflexions, guidé par les pensées et visions fondamentales qu’Arik Levy nous donne à voir et à ressentir. Caroline Freymond Novembre 2019
/ 2015 / sculpture, painted metal bar and stone L260 x W5 x H5 cm
/ 2019 / installation, mixed media L36 x W14,2 x H50,6 cm each element
Definitions The word independent means “not dependent”, or not having to depend on anyone or anything else. It also means being strong and able to survive alone. Anything can be dependent or independent. When people talk about independence, it may be about people or countries, where it is often being spoken about as a good thing. For places, it may mean sovereignty or autonomy. In science, as in independent variable the word does not mean it’s good or bad. A dependant ( British English ) or dependent ( American English ) is a person who relies on another as a primary source of income. For example, minors ( children who are under the age of majority ) are dependent of their parents or legal guardians. A common-law spouse who is financially supported by their partner may also be included in this definition. In some jurisdictions, supporting a dependent may enable the provider to claim a tax deduction. Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. Despite the involvement of a number of psychosocial factors, a biological process — one which is induced by repeated exposure to an addictive stimulus — is the core pathology that drives the development and maintenance of an addiction. The two properties that characterize all addictive stimuli are that they are reinforcing ( i.e., they increase the likelihood that a person will seek repeated exposure to them ) and intrinsically rewarding ( i.e., they are perceived as being inherently positive, desirable, and pleasurable ). Addiction is a disorder of the brain’s reward system, which arises through transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms and develops over time from chronically high levels of exposure to an addictive stimulus ( e.g., eating food, the use of cocaine, engagement in sexual activity, participation in high-thrill cultural activities such as gambling, etc. ). Synonyms Ability, Autonomy, Self-determination, Self-government, Self-reliance, Self-rule, Self-sufficiently, Separation, Sovereignty, Aptitude, Autarchy, License, Qualification, Home Rule…
/ 2015 / installation, painted metal bar and ceramic vases L145 x W5 x H5 cm (bar)
LogFusionWall 102 Bronze
/ 2018 / sculpture, patinated bronze L102 x W37 x H73 cm
Dependance 01
/ 2014 / painting, acrylic on hand made paper L80 x W60 x 3 cm
Dependance 03
/ 2014 / painting, acrylic on hand made paper L80 x W60 x 3 cm
Dependance 04
/ 2014 / painting, acrylic on hand made paper L80 x W60x3 cm
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
IndependenceMotherHand / 2019 / photography, print
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
ChemicalPlate GeneticIntimacy
/ 2012 / wall sculpture, engraved Hi-Macs® natural acrylic stone L59,4 x W42 x H1,2 cm
ChemicalPlate UncontrolledMuscleMakeUsBeAlive
/ 2012 / wall sculpture, engraved Hi-Macs® natural acrylic stone L59,4 x W42 xH1,2 cm
It feels like an uncontrolled muscle… I wake up in the morning and my entire space of mind re-opens to these paradoxical questions, existential or not, social, emotional, physical such as “ what is my gravity compared to the earth gravity of which we all depend ? ” etc..
A tree is independent above ground, but dependent on its roots underground: this observation awakens a reflexion about balance and imbalance: is physical balance a guarantee to mental balance?
I investigate the notion of independence and dependence, support and care, above-ground and underground, which all have personal and social references as well as botanical. This subject defines not only a state of mind but also the situation of a person, people, society, spirit, animals, speech, thoughts etc..
To have a counter balance is being dependent of a relationship, but there is a beauty in this juxtaposition of opposites. Words fix images in our mind, create a context that is influenced by social experiences or personal conditions: we sometimes might give the most important thought to the action, but not to the reason or the path of an experience, while even the most unsignificant moment can overpower a lifetime of existence and passion.
We fight for our independence, but we wish to be part of something somewhere, of someone, while we yearn for freedom and independence. The anchor that frees the mind is also its retainer: it takes a tantric discipline to shift the mind to all the positive aspects and impact of the very understanding that there is a cord there somewhere.
With relationships come empowered fragility, conflicts of oppositions, but also support and stability: it is the fine balance and tension that I am experiencing with these works, that seek to open a window on these empathic channels, a tension one can feel and measure with one’s own physical abilities and metaphysical tools of life.
Dependence and independence are like action and reaction: you are independent when you choose, but you are dependent with your choice; they also express a condition of relationships: you might be independent as you are supported by your partner, but you are dependent on this support.
The works in the exhibition express all of these concepts in many ways. While working on these materials and discovering the space during my different visits to the gallery, I focused on the notion to which many of my ideas converge, like a beam radiating from a concentrated source. The gallery space evoked several ideas: having to be inside the old city walls that provided protection, but also a frame one cannot go beyond, as well as having an above ground and underground, like an inside-out. I also wanted to change the dimensions of the space by investigating the scale and proportion of the works and physical perception, its position and orientation, so as to give an affronting encounter with ourselves, body and mind.
I see the balance between these points as a ground zero from where we can take any direction towards what we feel can help us advance. Sculptures and paintings are expressions of this moment, that might either take a fraction of a second or a lifelong reflection, a moment where we associate with one of the elements in view.
Arik Levy IndependenceUpsideDown / 2019 / photography, print
MicroRockFormationBronze 003
/ 2016 / sculpture, fixed formation, patinated bronze L39 x W20 x H63 cm
MicroRockFormationWood (2 Rocks)
/ 2018 / sculpture, fixed formation, oakwood L23 x W32 x H55 cm
MicroRockFormationWoodFire 103
/ 2019 / sculpture, fixed formation, fired oak wood L53 x W42 x H103 cm
MicroRockFormationBronze 4
/ 2014 / sculpture, fixed formation, mirror polished bronze L26 x W22 x H78 cm
RockFormationTower 305
/ 2018 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine Grade stainless steel L113 x W129 x H305 cm
RockFormationTower 350 Corten / 2019 / sculpture, Corten steel L189 x W131 x H350 cm
/ 2019 / installation view, exhibition Intersection of Existence
SpaceFacet ( detail)
/ 2016 / sculpture, glass 10 mm, rope
/ 2019 / installation view, exhibition Intersection of Existence
GlassBlock Reflection 33
/ 2019 / sculpture, polished bronze, glass L33 x W20 x H24 cm each element
GlassBlock 33 installation
/ 2019 / sculpture, polished bronze, patinated bronze L33 x W20 x H24 cm each element
GlassBlock 34
/ 2019 / sculpture, patinated bronze L25 x W22,5 x H34
GlassBlock Reflection 33
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror polished bronze and glass L34 x W27 x H45 cm
GlassBlock Reflection 34
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished bronze and glass L25 x W22,5 x H34 cm each element
MicroRockFormationWoodFire 71
/ 2019 / sculpture, fixed formation, fired oak wood L49 x W43 x H71 cm
RockStoneShift 235
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L120 x W 115 x H235 cm Installation view Blickachsen 12 (2019) in Frankfurt
RockQuake 66 BronzeRaw / 2018 / sculpture, raw bronze L35 x W35 x H65 cm
RockQuake 66
/ 2016 / sculpture, patinated bronze L35 x W35 x H65 cm
RockQuake 56
/ 2016 / sculpture, patinated bronze L36 x W40 x H56 cm
RockFusionGiant 420
/ 2017 / sculpture, fine textured blue painted stainless steel L210 x W221 x H420 cm
RockFormationTower 350
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished and patinated bronze L122 x W113 x H350 cm
RockGrowthCube 53 Wood
/ 2015 / sculpture, matte black-painted natural oakwood L53 x W53 x H53cm
RockGrowth 115 Root
/ 2018 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L40 x W48 x H115 cm
BarbedWire Yes
/ 2017 / wall sculpture, handmade barbed wire in brass plated 24 carats gold and wooden frame L65 x W6 x H47 cm
BarbedWire LoveMeTender
/ 2014 / wall sculpture, handmade barbed wire in brass plated 24 carats gold and wooden frame L52,5 x W6 x H52,5 cm
BarbedWire LoveMeTenderInverted
/ 2014 / wall sculpture, handmade barbed wire in brass plated 24 carats gold and wooden frame L52,5 x W6 x H52,5 cm
RockGrowthCube 150
/ 2017 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L150 x W150 x H150 cm
RockStoneFusionVertical 170
/ 2017 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L108 x W110 x H170 cm
/ 2016 / mirror-polished and patinated bronze L27 x W27 x H37 cm
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel 316 L L135 x W300 x H1300 cm Installation view Blickachsen 12 (2019) in Bad Homburg
/ 2018 / sculpture, mouth-blown colored and silvered artistic glass L45 x W20 x H35 cm
SocialSkinBronze A4
/ 2016 / sculpture, mirror-polished bronze L30 x W21 x H29 cm
/ 2012 / intersecting dimmable LED lights, coated medium wood base and chromed iron stick L180 x W90 x H140 cm
/ 2016 / intersecting dimmable Led lights strips, 2 x 4 power units, acrylic stone disc and mirror-polished stainless steel balance bar L180 x W90 x H140 cm
IndependencePassport 2020
BarbedWire Love
/ 2015 / wall sculpture, handmade barbed wire in brass plated 24 carats gold and wooden frame L89 x W6 x H64 cm
/ 2014 / acrylic on hand made paper L68 x W48 cm
/ 2014 / acrylic on hand made paper L68 x W48 cm
/ 2014 / acrylic on hand made paper L68 x W48 cm
BarbedWire Merci
/ 2015 / wall sculpture, handmade barbed wire in brass plated 24 carats gold and wooden frame L114,5 x W6 x H45 cm
installation view
/ 2012 / video 6minutes 42 seconds
/ 2019 / photographic print
Sparkler 49sec
/ 2019 / photographic print
Sparkler 17sec
/ 2012 / photographic print
Sparkler 39sec
/ 2012 / photographic print
/ 2019 / photographic print
/ 2019 / photographic print
/ 2019 / photographic print
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
Exhibition studies / 2020 / drawing
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cm
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cmi
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cmi
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cmi
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cmi
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
RockQuake 39
/ 2016 / patinated bronze L43 x W37 x H39 cm
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten / 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm
RockGrowth 280 Root
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L116 x W97 x H28 cm
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
RockGrowth 280 Root
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L116 x W97 x H28 cm
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten / 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
RockGrowth 280 Root
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L116 x W97 x H28 cm
RockQuake 39
/ 2016 / patinated bronze L43 x W37 x H39 cm
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten / 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm
installation view, simulation exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Arik Levy would like to thank the members of Arik Levy Studio for their dedication and support: Aymeric Audouin Raffaella J. Cattaneo Lucile Clowez Néhémy Goguely Vadim Konstantinov Vincent Levrey Special thanks to: Caroline Freymond Eric Freymond
ARTWORK Arik Levy ART DIRECTION Arik Levy GRAPHIC DESIGN Arik Levy Studio Vadim Konstantinov & Arik Levy TEXTS Caroline Freymond Arik Levy TEXT EDITING Raffaella J. Cattaneo
IMAGES CREDITS Arik Levy Studio pages: 4-9, 12-29, 36-47, 50-51, 54-65, 67-69, 73-119 courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery pages: 33-35 courtesy Galerie Scheffel pages: 49, 66, 70-71 courtesy Ilan Engel Gallery page: 9 courtesy Tom Fecht, photographer pages: 10-11, 53 courtesy Pilevneli Gallery pages: 36-37, 39
PRINTED IN TURKEY by Ofset Yapimevi http://www.ofset.com Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the necessary arrangements will be made at the first opportunity.
All opinions expressed within this publication are those of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of Arik Levy SARL and Arik Levy.
© 2020 Arik Levy Studio Arik Levy and authors
© 2020 Espace Muraille
All rights reserved. Arik Levy Studio
Espace Muraille Caroline et Eric Freymond Nicolas Christol
29, rue des Panoyaux 75020 Paris France www.ariklevy.fr www.instagram.com/arik_levy contact@ariklevy.fr
5, place de Casemates CP 3166 / 1211 Geneva 3 / Switzerland T.: +41 (0)22 310 4292 info@espacemuraille.com www.espacemuraille.com
ISBN 978-2-9562950-3-7
Avec “ Independence ”, l’exposition imaginée pour Espace Muraille, Arik Levy, artiste israélien (né en Israël, 1963), créateur protéiforme et prolifique, questionne la relation de dépendance et d’indépendance des objets, qu’il a conçus et mis en scène in situ, sous différents angles. Cette approche entremêle art et technique, car il faut s’assurer de l’équilibre des forces réunies, comme dans la monumentale sculpture qui occupe toute la surface du 1er niveau de la galerie ( LogFormationDependence ), mais aussi de la relation des œuvres avec les limites de l’espace. Ce faisant, il nous invite à réfléchir sur notre propre rapport visuel, physique, corporel, sinon émotionnel, à notre environnement. Chaque sculpture présentée dans l’espace, remet en cause notre perception et nous incite à nous confronter à toute sa complexité spatiale, mais aussi sa force et sa fragilité, sa dépendance voulue et nécessaire à son équilibre, que ce soit dans sa forme, son positionnement ou dans les matériaux qui la composent. Arik Levy pense que “ le monde est fait de gens, pas d’objets ”. En tant qu’artiste et créateur, il nous invite à déchiffrer le sens que ces pièces revêtent pour nous et à le suivre dans son questionnement. “ Être ou ne pas être ”, dépendance ou indépendance, affinités électives, ou encore “ Minimal Maximal ”, par allusion à ces récentes chorégraphies de Ioannis Mandafounis, Andonis Foniakadis et Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, montrées au Grand Théâtre de Genève, il est dans le propre de l’homme d’être au monde, d’y trouver sa place et d’en changer, de faire des choix, tout en étant conscient des rapports de dépendance et d’indépendance qui se créent ainsi. Dans le programme du spectacle “ Minimal Maximal ” précité, Ioannis Mandafounis, interviewé sur sa création chorégraphique “ Fearful Symmetries ”, déclare que par le mouvement des danseurs, il a cherché à renverser les effroyables symétries, car, comme il le dit lui-même, “ On ne mesure pas seulement l’espace en ressentant ou en faisant du mouvement, on doit aussi se mesurer à l’espace. L’espace est tellement infini et nous sommes tellement définis par notre corps. Je ne ressens pas l’espace de la même manière si je regarde un objet lointain ou si je regarde ma main. Comment renverser cela ? ”.
Arik Levy, dans sa pratique artistique plasticienne, joue avec ces notions, mais sa chorégraphie s’applique à des objets inanimés qui n’ont pas le langage du corps pour s’exprimer. Sa démarche me fait également penser à une magnifique et récente exposition de l’artiste Edmund de Waal (exposé à l’Espace Muraille début 2017) à la Frick Collection de New York, intitulée “ Elective Affinities ”, où l’artiste fait dialoguer à la perfection in situ ses installations de porcelaine avec sa passion pour l’architecture, l’espace et le son, à la recherche d’un équilibre volontaire et idéal, à l’instar des “ Affinités électives ” du roman de Goethe, où les équilibres scientifiques et chimiques sont bouleversés par ceux de l’amour et de la création littéraire. Les choix cornéliens qui nous habitent, auxquels l’exposition d’Arik Levy rend magnifiquement hommage, s’inscrivent parfaitement dans l’air du temps, celui de l’ “ en même temps ”, comme il le dit lui-même : “ Nous luttons pour notre indépendance. Mais, en même temps que nous désirons la liberté et l’indépendance, nous souhaitons faire partie de quelque chose, avec quelqu’un, quelque part ”. Nous, les hommes, sommes encombrés de trop d’instincts, comme le relève Sylvain Tesson dans son dernier puissant récit consacré à la panthère des neiges, couronné du prix Renaudot 2019. Après avoir cité la fulgurance d’Aristote : “ Chaque animal réalise sa part de vie et de beauté. ”, il en conclut que “ Les bêtes occupent leur juste place, sans dépasser les parapets institués par les tâtonnements de l’Evolution, puissance d’équilibre. ”. Les objets inanimés, de leur côté, comme ceux que crée Arik Levy, en leur insufflant beauté et équilibre, sont les dépositaires de ses concepts et réflexions philosophiques, et prennent tout à coup présence et vie à l’aune d’une nouvelle échelle à prendre en perspective, grâce au souffle inspiré qui les anime. Que ce catalogue permette au lecteur de prolonger la visite de cette exposition au choix de son agrément, de son humeur et de ses réflexions, guidé par les pensées et visions fondamentales qu’Arik Levy nous donne à voir et à ressentir. Caroline Freymond Novembre 2019
/ 2015 / sculpture, painted metal bar and stone L260 x W5 x H5 cm
/ 2019 / installation, mixed media L36 x W14,2 x H50,6 cm each element
Definitions The word independent means “not dependent”, or not having to depend on anyone or anything else. It also means being strong and able to survive alone. Anything can be dependent or independent. When people talk about independence, it may be about people or countries, where it is often being spoken about as a good thing. For places, it may mean sovereignty or autonomy. In science, as in independent variable the word does not mean it’s good or bad. A dependant ( British English ) or dependent ( American English ) is a person who relies on another as a primary source of income. For example, minors ( children who are under the age of majority ) are dependent of their parents or legal guardians. A common-law spouse who is financially supported by their partner may also be included in this definition. In some jurisdictions, supporting a dependent may enable the provider to claim a tax deduction. Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. Despite the involvement of a number of psychosocial factors, a biological process — one which is induced by repeated exposure to an addictive stimulus — is the core pathology that drives the development and maintenance of an addiction. The two properties that characterize all addictive stimuli are that they are reinforcing ( i.e., they increase the likelihood that a person will seek repeated exposure to them ) and intrinsically rewarding ( i.e., they are perceived as being inherently positive, desirable, and pleasurable ). Addiction is a disorder of the brain’s reward system, which arises through transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms and develops over time from chronically high levels of exposure to an addictive stimulus ( e.g., eating food, the use of cocaine, engagement in sexual activity, participation in high-thrill cultural activities such as gambling, etc. ). Synonyms Ability, Autonomy, Self-determination, Self-government, Self-reliance, Self-rule, Self-sufficiently, Separation, Sovereignty, Aptitude, Autarchy, License, Qualification, Home Rule…
/ 2015 / installation, painted metal bar and ceramic vases L145 x W5 x H5 cm (bar)
LogFusionWall 102 Bronze
/ 2018 / sculpture, patinated bronze L102 x W37 x H73 cm
Dependance 01
/ 2014 / painting, acrylic on hand made paper L80 x W60 x 3 cm
Dependance 03
/ 2014 / painting, acrylic on hand made paper L80 x W60 x 3 cm
Dependance 04
/ 2014 / painting, acrylic on hand made paper L80 x W60x3 cm
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
IndependenceMotherHand / 2019 / photography, print
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
ChemicalPlate GeneticIntimacy
/ 2012 / wall sculpture, engraved Hi-Macs® natural acrylic stone L59,4 x W42 x H1,2 cm
ChemicalPlate UncontrolledMuscleMakeUsBeAlive
/ 2012 / wall sculpture, engraved Hi-Macs® natural acrylic stone L59,4 x W42 xH1,2 cm
It feels like an uncontrolled muscle… I wake up in the morning and my entire space of mind re-opens to these paradoxical questions, existential or not, social, emotional, physical such as “ what is my gravity compared to the earth gravity of which we all depend ? ” etc..
A tree is independent above ground, but dependent on its roots underground: this observation awakens a reflexion about balance and imbalance: is physical balance a guarantee to mental balance?
I investigate the notion of independence and dependence, support and care, above-ground and underground, which all have personal and social references as well as botanical. This subject defines not only a state of mind but also the situation of a person, people, society, spirit, animals, speech, thoughts etc..
To have a counter balance is being dependent of a relationship, but there is a beauty in this juxtaposition of opposites. Words fix images in our mind, create a context that is influenced by social experiences or personal conditions: we sometimes might give the most important thought to the action, but not to the reason or the path of an experience, while even the most unsignificant moment can overpower a lifetime of existence and passion.
We fight for our independence, but we wish to be part of something somewhere, of someone, while we yearn for freedom and independence. The anchor that frees the mind is also its retainer: it takes a tantric discipline to shift the mind to all the positive aspects and impact of the very understanding that there is a cord there somewhere.
With relationships come empowered fragility, conflicts of oppositions, but also support and stability: it is the fine balance and tension that I am experiencing with these works, that seek to open a window on these empathic channels, a tension one can feel and measure with one’s own physical abilities and metaphysical tools of life.
Dependence and independence are like action and reaction: you are independent when you choose, but you are dependent with your choice; they also express a condition of relationships: you might be independent as you are supported by your partner, but you are dependent on this support.
The works in the exhibition express all of these concepts in many ways. While working on these materials and discovering the space during my different visits to the gallery, I focused on the notion to which many of my ideas converge, like a beam radiating from a concentrated source. The gallery space evoked several ideas: having to be inside the old city walls that provided protection, but also a frame one cannot go beyond, as well as having an above ground and underground, like an inside-out. I also wanted to change the dimensions of the space by investigating the scale and proportion of the works and physical perception, its position and orientation, so as to give an affronting encounter with ourselves, body and mind.
I see the balance between these points as a ground zero from where we can take any direction towards what we feel can help us advance. Sculptures and paintings are expressions of this moment, that might either take a fraction of a second or a lifelong reflection, a moment where we associate with one of the elements in view.
Arik Levy IndependenceUpsideDown / 2019 / photography, print
MicroRockFormationBronze 003
/ 2016 / sculpture, fixed formation, patinated bronze L39 x W20 x H63 cm
MicroRockFormationWood (2 Rocks)
/ 2018 / sculpture, fixed formation, oakwood L23 x W32 x H55 cm
MicroRockFormationWoodFire 103
/ 2019 / sculpture, fixed formation, fired oak wood L53 x W42 x H103 cm
MicroRockFormationBronze 4
/ 2014 / sculpture, fixed formation, mirror polished bronze L26 x W22 x H78 cm
RockFormationTower 305
/ 2018 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine Grade stainless steel L113 x W129 x H305 cm
RockFormationTower 350 Corten
/ 2019 / sculpture, Corten steel L189 x W131 x H350 cm
/ 2019 / installation view, exhibition Intersection of Existence
SpaceFacet ( detail) / 2016 / sculpture, glass 10 mm, rope
/ 2019 / installation view, exhibition Intersection of Existence
GlassBlock Reflection 33
/ 2019 / sculpture, polished bronze, glass L33 x W20 x H24 cm each element
GlassBlock 33 installation
/ 2019 / sculpture, polished bronze, patinated bronze L33 x W20 x H24 cm each element
GlassBlock 34
/ 2019 / sculpture, patinated bronze L25 x W22,5 x H34
GlassBlock Reflection 33
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror polished bronze and glass L34 x W27 x H45 cm
GlassBlock Reflection 34
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished bronze and glass L25 x W22,5 x H34 cm each element
MicroRockFormationWoodFire 71
/ 2019 / sculpture, fixed formation, fired solid oakwood L49 x W43 x H71 cm
RockStoneShift 235
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L120 x W 115 x H235 cm Installation view Blickachsen 12 (2019) in Frankfurt
RockQuake 66 BronzeRaw / 2018 / sculpture, raw bronze L35 x W35 x H65 cm
RockQuake 66
/ 2016 / sculpture, patinated bronze L35 x W35 x H65 cm
RockQuake 56
/ 2016 / sculpture, patinated bronze L36 x W40 x H56 cm
RockFusionGiant 420
/ 2017 / sculpture, fine textured blue painted stainless steel L210 x W221 x H420 cm
RockFormationTower 350
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished and patinated bronze L122 x W113 x H350 cm
RockGrowthCube 53 Wood
/ 2015 / sculpture, matte black-painted natural oakwood L53 x W53 x H53cm
RockGrowth 115 Root
/ 2018 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L40 x W48 x H115 cm
BarbedWire Yes
/ 2017 / handmade brass barbed wire plated 24 carats gold, wooden frame L65 x W6 x H47 cm
BarbedWire LoveMeTender
/ 2014 / handmade brass barbed wire plated 24 carats gold, wooden frame L52,5 x W6 x H52,5 cm
BarbedWire LoveMeTenderInverted
/ 2014 / handmade brass barbed wire plated 24 carats gold, wooden frame L52,5 x W6 x H52,5 cm
RockGrowthCube 150
/ 2017 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L150 x W150 x H150 cm
RockStoneFusionVertical 170
/ 2017 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L108 x W110 x H170 cm
RockStoneFusionVertical 175
/ 2016 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L96 x W76 x H175 cm
/ 2016 / mirror-polished and patinated bronze L27 x W27 x H37 cm
/ 2019 / sculpture, mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel 316 L L135 x W300 x H1300 cm Installation view Blickachsen 12 (2019) in Bad Homburg
/ 2018 / sculpture, mouth-blown colored and silvered artistic glass L45 x W20 x H35 cm
SocialSkinBronze A4
/ 2016 / sculpture, mirror-polished bronze L30 x W21 x H29 cm
/ 2012 / intersecting dimmable LED lights, coated medium wood base and chromed iron stick L180 x W90 x H140 cm
/ 2016 / intersecting dimmable Led lights strips, 2 x 4 power units, acrylic stone disc and mirror-polished stainless steel balance bar L180 x W90 x H140 cm
IndependencePassport 2020
BarbedWire Love
/ 2015 / handmade brass barbed wire plated 24 carats gold, wooden frame L89 x W6 x H64 cm
/ 2014 / acrylic on hand made paper L68 x W48 cm
/ 2014 / acrylic on hand made paper L68 x W48 cm
/ 2014 / acrylic on hand made paper L68 x W48 cm
BarbedWire Merci
/ 2015 / handmade brass barbed wire plated 24 carats gold, wooden frame L114,5 x W6 x H45 cm
installation view
/ 2012 / video 6minutes 42 seconds
/ 2019 / photographic print
Sparkler 49sec
/ 2019 / photographic print
Sparkler 17sec
/ 2012 / photographic print
Sparkler 39sec
/ 2012 / photographic print
/ 2019 / photographic print
/ 2019 / photographic print
/ 2019 / photographic print
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
/ 2019 / unique photographic print
exhibition studies / 2020 / drawing
installation view,
exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cm
LogFormationDependence 595 (detail)
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cm
installation view, exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cm
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten / 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm
RockGrowth 280 Root
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L116 x W97 x H28 cm
RockGrowth 60
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L54 x W42 x H60 cm
installation view, exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
RockGrowthCube 53 Wood
/ 2015 / sculpture, matte black-painted natural oakwood L53 x W53 x H53cm
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten / 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm
RockGrowth 280 Root
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L116 x W97 x H28 cm
RockQuake 66 Bronze Raw
/ 2018 / natural bronze soft brushing on facet surfaces and patinated cavities L35 x W35 x H65 cm
RockQuake 39
/ 2016 / patinated bronze L43 x W37 x H39 cm
installation view, exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
RockQuake 66 Bronze Raw
/ 2018 / natural bronze soft brushing on facet surfaces and patinated cavities L35 x W35 x H65 cm
RockQuake 39
/ 2016 / patinated bronze L43 x W37 x H39 cm
installation view, exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten / 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm
RockGrowth 304 Root Corten /DependenceGlass 2019 / Corten steel L521 x W303 x H304 cm / 2015 / glass and various materials L31,5 x W26 x H16,5 cm
installation view, exhibition installation Independence, view, exhibition 2020 Espace Independence, Muraille, 2020 Geneva, Espace Switzerland Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
/ 2020 / pencil on tracing paper L26 x W35 x H4,5 cm framed
RockGrowth 280 Root
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel L116 x W97 x H28 cm
MicroRockFormationWoodFire 103
/ 2019 / sculpture, fixed formation, fired solid oakwood L53 x W42 x H103 cm
/ 2007 / turned solid oakwood, pyrex glass and stainless steel ø22 x H28 cm
installation view, exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
/ 2010 / concrete block, wooden ax L36 x W24 x H33 cm
LogFormationDependence 595
/ 2019 / mirror-polished Marine-Grade stainless steel and painted steel, polished bronze L595 x W84 x H68 cm - L141 x W59 x H42 cm
BarbedWire Merci
/ 2015 / handmade brass barbed wire plated 24 carats gold, wooden frame L114,5 x W6 x H45 cm
installation view, exhibition Independence, 2020 Espace Muraille, Geneva, Switzerland
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Arik Levy would like to thank the members of Arik Levy Studio for their dedication and support: Aymeric Audouin Raffaella J. Cattaneo Lucile Clowez Néhémy Goguely Vadim Konstantinov Vincent Levrey Special thanks to: Caroline Freymond Eric Freymond
ARTWORK Arik Levy ART DIRECTION Arik Levy GRAPHIC DESIGN Arik Levy Studio Vadim Konstantinov & Arik Levy TEXTS Caroline Freymond Arik Levy TEXT EDITING Raffaella J. Cattaneo
IMAGES CREDITS Arik Levy Studio pages: 4-9, 12-29, 36-47, 50-51, 54-65, 67-69, 73-103, 116, 118 courtesy Espace Muraille pages: 104-115, 117, 119 courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery pages: 33-35 courtesy Galerie Scheffel pages: 49, 66, 70-71 courtesy Ilan Engel Gallery page: 9 courtesy Yvan Grubski, photographer page: 31 courtesy Tom Fecht, photographer pages: 10-11, 53 courtesy Pilevneli Gallery pages: 36-37, 39
PRINTED IN TURKEY by Ofset Yapimevi http://www.ofset.com Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the necessary arrangements will be made at the first opportunity.
All opinions expressed within this publication are those of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of Arik Levy SARL and Arik Levy.
© 2020 Arik Levy Studio Arik Levy and authors
© 2020 Espace Muraille
All rights reserved. Arik Levy Studio
Espace Muraille Caroline et Eric Freymond Nicolas Christol
29, rue des Panoyaux 75020 Paris France www.ariklevy.fr www.instagram.com/arik_levy contact@ariklevy.fr
5, place de Casemates CP 3166 / 1211 Geneva 3 / Switzerland T.: +41 (0)22 310 4292 info@espacemuraille.com www.espacemuraille.com
ISBN 978-2-9562950-3-7