Espiral_ Dossier EDU 2017 (English Version)

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About us 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

00 – About us is an initiative of Espiral, Educación y Tecnología, an association which integrates teachers of all educational levels, fields and stages, researches in the field of educational technology, designers of educational materials and companies and institutions related to information technologies in the area of education. Espiral, with the Project, is commited to Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applied to education and therefore, up to now, has developed different lines of action, particularly the Congress

The objective is to spread the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality in education, to offer models of relevant experiences and good practices that allow to know the possibilities offered by these technologies in the educational field. This event, which has been consolidated as an annual

Espiral Aumentame EDU.

reference in the educational landscape, has already is an annual meeting point to exchange

history, there have been numerous institutions and



reached 5 years since its first edition. Throughout its projects




developments in Augmented and Virtual Reality in education; to offer models of outstanding experiences and good practice that show the possibilities this technology offers in the field of education.

companies that have decided to bet on us, collaborating so that the Congress may be possible. With this presentation dossier we would like to show a small sample of what EDU means and how we can contribute to the future of education

Aumentaty Toledo City Council Zaragoza City Council CC&P Celworking Chromville CTouch Deputation of Toledo EdiamSistemas Educación 3.0 Hewlett Packard Homido Intel Obra Social La Caixa On Granada Tech City Seabery Smart Castilla-La Mancha University …

AUMENTAME EDU16 Location Technological Campus Toledo Fábrica de Armas

Date October 1, 2016

Speakers Alejandro López, Ana María Rico, Andrea Plaza, Armand Segarra, Bernat Llopis, Carlos Alonso, Carmen Montoya, Cati Navarro, Cristian Ruiz, Elena Olmos, Esteban Anguita, Eusebio Córdoba, Ferrán Mas, Goyo Rosa, Iban de la Horra, Javier J. Maquilón, Jesús Arbúes, Juan Francisco Álvarez, Juan Miguel Muñoz, Magdalena Harasiewicz, Manuel Ángel Jiménez, Maria Luisa Walliser, Miguel Lázaro, Pedro Lozano, Rafael Pérez, Raquel Aliaga, Salomé Recio, Salvador Carrión, Sergio García, Xavier Suñé, Yolanda Marco.

Sponsors and collaborators Aumentaty Ayuntamiento de Toledo Celworking Centro de Comunicación y Pedagogía Chromville CTouch Educación 3.0 Hewlett Packard Intel Junta Castilla La Mancha Obra Social La Caixa Universidad Castilla La Mancha


¿Qué es? Nos permite introducir elementos virtuales en el mundo real. A diferencia de la Realidad Virtual que sumerge al usuario en un ambiente completamente artificial, la Realidad Aumentada permite al usuario mantener contacto con el mundo real mientras interactúa con objetos virtuales. Se utiliza en diversas áreas de aplicación: medicina, entretenimiento, mantenimiento de maquinaría, arquitectura, robótica, industria, marketing y publicidad, turismo, salud, etc. Por tanto, un sistema de Realidad Aumentada es aquel que enriquece el mundo real con elementos virtuales, generados mediante ordenador, que coexisten en un mismo espacio con los objetos reales.

¿Para qué se usa?


Aumentar y ampliar información de productos. Desde el papel (diarios, catálogos, libros...) a un

Etopia, Center of Art and Technology of Zaragoza Aumentaty VSearch es una herramienta de reconocimiento de imágenes que te permite asociar el contenido que tú quieras a tus propias imágenes. Una revista, un folleto, un rótulo, una marquesina, un póster, un libro, un catálogo... Cualquier soporte es válido para VSearch.

AUMENTAME EDU15 Location Etopia, Center of Art and Technology of Zaragoza

Date May 9, 2015

Speakers Agapito Muñiz, Alba Escobar, Alicia Cañellas, Aura P. Pérez, Bernat Llopis, Cati Navarro, Cristian Ruiz, Cynthia Gálvez, Dorian Gálvez, Elena Olmos, Enric Camacho, Esteban Anguita, Francesc Nadal, Hendrys Tobar, Iban de la Horra, Jesús Arbués, Jordi Martos, Jorge Luis Bacca Acosta, Juanmi Muñoz, Loli Iborra, Carmen Montoya, Marina Masferrer, Pau Nin, Rafael Pérez, Ramón Fabregat, Raúl Reinoso, Rubén Béjar, Salomé Recio, Silvia Baldiris, Sonia Vivero y Xavier Suñé

Sponsors and collaborators All VR Edu Aumentaty Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza Café Contínuo Celworking Centro de Comunicación y Pedagogía Chromville Colegio Juan de Lanuza CTouch Educación 3.0 Etopia, Centro de Arte y Tecnología Homido

03 -AUMENTAME EDU14 Headquarters of the Grenadian Confederation of Employers

AUMENTAME EDU14 Sede Headquarters of the Grenadian Confederation of Employers

Date May 17, 2014

Speakers Agapito Muñiz, Antonia Cascales, Basilio Marquínez, Begoña Codesal, Bernat Llopis, Carmen Fernández, David Delgado, Esteban Anguita, Francesc Nadal, Iban de la Horra, Isidro Navarro, Javier Ayala, Javier Campos, Jesús Arbués, José Miguel Martínez, Juan Antonio Juango, Juanmi Muñoz, Luis Carlos Hernández, Raúl Reinoso, Salvador Castillo, Soledad Gómez, Sonia Vivero, Verónica Iglesias, Xavier Suñé y Yolanda Hernández

Sponsors and collaborators Aumentaty Celworking Ediamsistemas Educación 3.0 On Granada Tech City Qpertin Seabery

04 - AUMENTAME EDU13 Polytechnic City of Innovation of Valencia

AUMENTAME EDU13 Location Polytechnic City of Innovation of Valencia

Date April 20, 2013

Speakers Antonia Cascales, Bernat Llopis, David Codina, Esteban Anguita, Esther Subías, Francesc Nadal, Iván Carballo, Javier Ferrer, Javier Sánchez, Jesús Arbúes, Jorge de la Torre, José Luis Saorín, Josefina Ferrés, Juan Miguel Muñoz, Juan Padrós, Loli Iborra, Manuel Alonso, Manuel Contero, Mariano Alcañíz, Mario Ortega, Marta Reina, Meritxell Estebanell, Miquel Fitó, Norena Martín-Dorta, Oscar Guerrero, Ramón Palau, Raúl Reinoso, Rosa Molina, Sara Reina, Txema Aguiriano, Xavier Rosell y Xavier Suñé

Sponsors and collaborators America Learning & Media Aumentaty EdiamSistemas Educación 3.0 Entornos Innovadores LabHuman Smart Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

05 -AUMENTAME EDU12 Rovira and Virgili University of Tarragona

AUMENTAME EDU12 Location Rovira and Tarragona




Date April 28, 2012

Speakers Carlo López, Esteban Anguita, Ferran Mas, Isabella Torrealba, Javier Campos, Javier González, Jesús Arbués, Jordi Adell, Josep Maria Silva, Juan Miguel Muñoz, Laura de la Morena, Magda Murillo, Mercé Gisbert, Miquel Duran, Narcís Vives, Olga Abadías, Raúl Reinoso, Sergio García, Sonia Hurtado, Susanna Abadías, Toni Úbeda, Víctor Valbuena y Xavier Suñé

Sponsors and collaborators Universidad Rovira i Virgili Aumentaty Fundación Telefónica Educación 3.0 Tiching Smart Grupo Comm Asocciació Empresarial Química de Tarragona Ediamsistemas

Espiral means this and much more The key to the future of a society is found in the education their children and teenagers receive. This is what most of us do, in one way or another. However, sometimes we have to deal with this task on our own facing setbacks we have to overcome. New times require new ways of learning and teaching. We are committed to the use of new technologies. The challenges ahead are easier to overcome if we face them with other people we share the same interests and doubts with. Espiral are meetings that connect people, ideas and projects to get feedback from. Espiral are seminars that will help you to discover new ways and working methods. But, above all, Espiral is a community of people that live and feel education, collaborating in innovation projects to adapt education to the needs of present society. We are looking forward to see you!

CONTACT INFORMATION Web Email Phone number 935327829 Address Asociación Espiral, Educación y Tecnología Espacio CIEMEN Rocafort, 242 bis, despacho D16 1er piso 08029 Barcelona Opening hours for the public from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 to 13:30.

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