exploring pathways to inner peace, health & healing
Featuring Pain Management • Holistic therapies effectively treat pain • Get to the root of back pain • Directory of Pain Management resources, and more!
march 2010
staff TO ADVERTISE: Dee LaFroth, Sales Manager, 715.259.3047, sales@esswellness.com Charge cards accepted.
inside march 2010
Managing Pain
Production/ Ad Liaison Melissa May, amayz@comcast.net Editorial Info Lynn S. LaFroth, Managing Editor, info@esswellness.com Writers Guidelines: www.esswellness.com Art Director Sunshine Sevigny, info@esswellness.com www.EssWellness.com 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 Š 2010. Essential Wellness is published by Twin Cities Wellness and was founded by Dee and Lynn LaFroth in 1995. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publishers and does not imply endorsement. Views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments, policies, or editorial opinion of Essential Wellness. Please request copyright reprint rights directly from the author. If permission is granted, please attribute Essential Wellness and the date of the issue.
4 From the Editor: Holistic therapies effectively treat pain by Lynn S. LaFroth 5
Get to the root of back pain by KATHLEEN HIGGINS
hronic pain kills C by MASON MCCLELLAN
eep your spine healthy K by UNA FORDE
12 New method alleviates fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions by SUSAN BOSER 13-14 CALENDAR
march 2010
from the editor
by lynn s lafroth
Holistic therapies effectively treat pain
ANAGING PAIN. This month’s issue focuses a tiny spotlight on a few of the many ways to deal with chronic
pain. Pain is like the weather; it can surprise us like a sudden rainstorm, passing quickly, or it can persist like low-lying clouds that seem to never end. Pain is sourced physically, mentally, and emotionally and who is to say which is worse. EMOTIONAL PAIN The pain that comes from loss—be that a person, a relationship, a job, a place, or some thing you hold dear—we name grief. Some deny grief wherein it eventually leaks into our lives as anger or depression or addiction of some kind. Most grief (and other) counselors advise to move into the heart of the emotional pain we feel and fully embrace it with awareness; eventually this kind of pain will move out of our lives on its own natural timing. Mental Pain Mental pain. This kind of pain usually comes from needing to adapt our thoughts and beliefs to distorted circumstances from our childhoods or from some past trauma. Mental pain can be disabling—creating dysfunction in many sectors of our lives.
This kind of hurt usually requires professional therapists of a wide variety from psychiatrists and mental health counselors to energy and bodyworkers. I believe this kind of pain, if not dealt with, keeps us on an insane treadmill of negative thought patterns that debilitate us from fully enjoying life, often leading to physical pain. PHYSICAL PAIN I believe physical pain is the simplest and the most complicated. Simple—if it’s a bump or bruise that time heals. Complicated—if it has been inadequately dealt with on all the levels of healing: Physical, mental, emotional. Our injured and disabled troops coming home from war are a perfect example of the complication of physical pain. We can treat the physical injuries of war but the pain of war trauma, loss of buddies, or no longer having an arm or a leg must be treated as well. Whatever the type of or duration of pain, one goal we all seek is to be rid of it. Everyone wants to get back to feeling “normal,” i.e., feeling no pain. Depending on your personality type, you may self-medicate with drugs, alcohol, food, etc., not knowing when addiction has set in, creating another dimension to the pain. The articles in this issue deal with a few ways to alleviate physical pain. However, many effective methods of dealing
Pain is like the weather; it can surprise us like a sudden rainstorm, passing quickly, or it can persist like low-lying clouds that seem to never end.
with pain are not mentioned in this issue such as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine, the infinite variety of massage, energy and body work, meditation and biofeedback, movement therapies, and so many more holistic methods. Getting rid of pain in the long haul is a worthy goal because life is too short to endure a life half-lived; it is how we manage our pain that is the key. Lynn S. LaFroth is managing editor/co-publisher of Essential Wellness magazine. She can be reached at info@esswellness.com
If you are a “Green Living” provider, you’ll want to advertise your services & eco-friendly accommodations in the April issue. Other earth-friendly & green related services, products, etc. also qualify for special rates. For special ad rates & deadlines: www.esswellness.com/monthlyrates/ Dee LaFroth, 715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com
Get to the root of back pain
VER WONDER why you can exert and strain sometimes without resulting neck or back pain but other times, it seems to come out of nowhere? Did you know some of the worst back pain occurs suddenly when a person simply bends over to pick something off the floor or tie their shoes? Let’s explore how this might happen. Subluxation First a quick anatomy lesson. Pain occurs when neck or back muscles become too tight and pull the spinal bones that the muscle attaches to, out of alignment. This is called subluxation and irritates nerves. Often people are surprised to learn subluxations can range from zero to extreme pain and even organ dysfunction. This is because only 10 percent of our nerves detect pain, yet it can feel like 100 percent are upset depending on which pain nerve fibers are irritated and how close they are to the spinal cord. Ever heard of a disc bulging or herniating? When these pain nerves press directly on the spinal cord it can leave us bedridden and moaning! One might wonder if only 10 percent of our nerves feel pain, what are the other 90 percent doing? Good question!
They have the huge job of running every organ and function in our body; nothing happens without nerves receiving a message from the brain and sending that message to the end point for a result. This is true whether it relates to simple functions like moving our little finger or blinking our eyes, to high priority jobs like making sure we breathe or our hearts beat. Thank goodness our nerves stay on the job even when we sleep! irritated nerves Sometimes people ask “If we have no pain, are we healthy”? It depends. This is where things can get tricky unless you know the secret code. The other 90 percent of nerves that run our body organs and functions can’t send direct pain messages to alert you they are on the blink, but all irritated nerves either speed up or slow down whatever their normal job is. Irritated nerves going to a muscle can cause the muscle to tighten up if the nerve speeds up its normal function or feel weak if it slows down. Similarly you can see how irritated nerves can affect your colon causing constipation or its opposite and if the nerves going to your heart are irritated you could experience flutter or pounding…these are if you are lucky. Back Pain continued page 6 march 2010
Back Pain from page 5 forward head posture Old fender benders, muscle weakness, subluxations and poor posture at computers can lead to Forward Head Posture. This type of strain can cause irritation of nerves right below the neck that run the heart. A disconcerting study in the New York Times researched by a physician at the University of Minnesota showed about 60 percent women and 40 percent men will die from heart attacks with no previous symptoms. This is why I recommend everyone get checked by a chiropractor trained to look for this condition. Use cold for swelling If you experience neck or back pain, try cold packing midline on the spine for 20 minutes to reduce swelling and pain by numbing the nerves. When the nerves
get numb, the muscle can relax sometimes enough to get relief. When people have severe pain, I recommend cold packing every two hours for 20 minutes. Heat can feel better at the time, but can lead to swelling in the area where there’s already pain so I don’t recommend it. Stretches and strengthening can help but need to be determined which are most appropriate for the specific condition. Doctors of Chiropractic are specialists in subluxation detection and gently help people relieve pain without invasive surgery or drugs. Dr. Kathleen Higgins’, DC, TCN, Cert. Acu., (chiropractor, traditional certified naturopath, certified acupuncturist), background in healthcare spans 30 years. She was voted “Best Chiropractor in Roseville” three different years by Lillie newsreaders and has practiced in
BY KATHLEEN HIGGINS Roseville since 1986, doing chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathic health coaching and teaching health related workshops. All Ways Health Center, PA, offers massage therapy, a lending library and classroom for group health and wellness workshops. 651-631-9488. www.allwayshealthcenter.com
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march 2010
directory for pain management ACUPUNCTURE Complete Oriental Medical Care 612-866-4000 5841 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN www.orientalmedcare.
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE HFA Alternative Medicine Clinic 612-347-6238 825 So 8th St., Suite 1106, Minneapolis, MN 55404 www.hennihs.com
ROLFING® Structure For Life, Inc Erin Herdina, Certified Advanced Rolfer 612-532-6930 4111 Auburn Dr., Minnetonka, MN 55305 www.structureforlife.com
TMJ DISORDERS Minnesota Craniofacial Center Midway, P.A. Roy Hakala D.D.S. 651-642-1013; info@mncranio.com 1690 University Ave. West, Suite 390 St Paul, MN 55104 www.mncranio.com
Do you suffer from chronic pain and other health problems? Maybe you’ve already talked with your MD, gone to physical therapy, had chiropractic treatments and you still have pain. At our Minneapolis acupuncture clinic, pain relief usually occurs in seconds and long lasting relief over a series of treatmets is at least 80%. Call for our FREE REPORT or free 15 minute consultation.
Hennepin Faculty Associates has one of the largest and longest standing alternative medicine clinics in the United States. It is a holistic clinic staffed with chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and body workers with decades of experience. Specialty areas include neck pain and back pain after injuries, joint pain, and soft-tissue pain. Our Chinese medicine practitioners also have extensive experience with internal disorders. Rolfing works with the connective tissue to release holding patterns and helps balance the body, alleviate pain, improve body structure and performance. Advanced Rolfing • Spinal Mechanics • Craniosacral • Reconnective Therapy • Visceral.
Minnesota Craniofacial Center Midway is dedicated to effective nonsurgical treatment of TMJ disorders, including treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. If you suffer from tension headaches, migraine, facial pain, jaw pain or TMJ clicking or grinding; or if you are troubled by snoring, restless sleep, chronic fatigue, or have been unsuccessful with CPAP, call us today. Most treatment is done with FDA-approved oral appliances that fit entirely inside the mouth. Oral sleep apnea appliances can replace CPAP.
march 2010
Chronic pain kills
HERE ARE many dynamics that go along with chronic pain. The pain and discomfort itself, the psychological consequences of long-term suffering, the actual tissue or physiological dysfunction, the usual pharmaceutical regiment and side-effects, the social cost of missed opportunities and happiness. With so many things going on, not one scenario paints the whole picture of the patient. By definition, pain hurts. Enough said.
want To advertise in Essential wellness? Dee can help. 715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com
relentless Now take that physical pain and deal with it day-in-day-out. The sun doesn’t look so bright, work is longer, sleep is shorter. Wash, rinse, repeat…24/7/365/ years? Drudgery sets in, activities aren’t so fun, life is one crappy day after another. You have already had multiple surgeries to correct the issue. You have been to PT, many times. All you know is that every activity hurts and it doesn’t hurt in a good way. Things that were fun are now beset by anger and frustration. And tomorrow, well I guess there is tomorrow. Life gets to the point of one prescription pain-killer to the next. You are either alleviating the pain or alleviating the hangover.
At this point most people are pretty broken. And most people don’t get the help they need. You see, as I write this article. I have a special motivation. Someone I know had had enough. They killed themselves this past week (February 2010) due to the chronic pain. She was a lady in my building who was extremely friendly and had two beautiful dogs (that she had no control of, but oh well it was a good stare down between her boys and mine) but she suffered and must have suffered in silence for a long time. She was too young and too successful. I don’t know her whole story but man it just wasn’t right. Part of the issue is the frustration in dealing with all the pain. Nothing seems to help, the winter is unrelenting, and the person is just plain tired, I guess. It bothers me to no end to think that maybe I could have maybe helped, even just a little. Got her past the brink, who knows? compassion I think the point of my article is to keep that person in mind who is dealing with some chronic issues. Whether it be fibromyalgia, trauma, cancer, any number of diseases, keep a close eye on how they are coping.
this lady needed a hero and we all missed it…I’m sorry
How many narcotics are they taking and how long have they been on them? Is that going up or down? Make sure they stay in touch with their healthcare providers and especially their mental health care therapists. It is a tough issue and it is the first time I have seen such tragic results. frustration I am disappointed in myself—that yet I was so close, I was of no help. This one case would have made my career worth it. If my treatments were successful enough this story wouldn’t even had been written. I know this isn’t a rational or controllable situation by any stretch. I have spent how many dollars and how many hours of life to be there for people in need? But this lady needed a hero and we all missed it…I’m sorry. Mason McClellan, LAc, is founder of the Minnesota Clinic of Integrated Medicine in Chanhassen, MN. For questions, comments, speaking engagements, or inquires please visit www. mnacupuncture.com or call me at 952.294.9978
Keep your spine healthy
HEN WE are born and enter the world, we are blessed with a spine that is very flexible. We start out curled up in a very small space in our Mommy’s tummy and then squeeze ourselves out of the birth canal and into the world. The bones of our skull and spine are still mostly cartilage and allow us to easily contort ourselves. As we grow, our bones become more solid, some fuse together, and become the adult spine.
As children grow, we suffer falls, injure ourselves in sports, and in the process cause minor (or major) misalignments to our spines. If left untreated, these minor misalignments create wear and tear on the vertebra and discs, just like when our car needs an alignment and starts to wear our tires unevenly. Twenty years later, this process creates bone spurs, disc herniations or tears, compression on the nerves and can lead to loss of mobility, inflammation in the joints, and pain. These are all problems associated with osteoarthritis.
osteoarthritis As we get older, one of the most common complaints is a lack of mobility caused by musculoskeletal problems like osteoarthritis. After age 50, one in every three people suffers from neck pain, and 85 out of a hundred suffer from back pain. So, how do we stop or slow down this process, and allow our spines to remain as healthy and flexible as possible throughout our lives? Well, like anything else, the sooner you start to take care of your spine, the better and more long term results you will have. However, it is also never too late to start, as you can prevent further degeneration, and improve your flexibility at whatever stage you begin. Sometimes babies can suffer from neck and back pain from the birth process that goes unrecognized and untreated, such as after a difficult labor. We may have been stuck in a weird position, or come out feet first, instead of head first. Gentle chiropractic adjustments and massage can relieve tight muscles and pain caused from nerves irritated by misaligned vertebra even in babies.
irritated nerves One of the lesser known or recognized effects of this process, is the impact this has on our nervous system. Irritated or compressed nerves do not function as well as they are supposed to. Since the nervous system controls all of the functions in our bodies, this means that when our vertebrae are in this misaligned state, we are not functioning at our full capacity. We may be tired, have poor digestion, poor ability to remember or focus and lots of other symptoms that we do not realize are coming from our spines because we are not yet in pain. staying healthy So what can we do to keep our spines healthy? Here are a few suggestions: • Regular stretching and strengthening exercises. Yoga and range of motion exercises for the neck and lower back are great. Hold your stretches for 15 to 30 seconds for the best results. • Good ergonomics. Make sure that when you are at your computer your monitor is directly in front of you and at the
by UNA FORDE right height. Lumbar support pillows can help to keep your spine erect. • Good arch supports or custom made orthotics help maintain a balanced posture when you stand, walk or exercise. • Sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress with a cervical support pillow; a good night’s sleep is very important! • Keep a positive mental attitude and use good stress management techniques like deep breathing exercises. • And last, but by no means least: Regular chiropractic care! Take care of minor falls and injuries right away. They can become bigger problems later. Dr. Una Forde graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1991, where she also received additional certification in Acupuncture. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Montana State University, in 1986, in Bio-Medical Sciences. She has also taken additional training in nutrition, Health Kinesiology, Brain Gym, as well as other alternative healing techniques. She practices in St. Louis Park, at Golden Sun Chiropractic Wellness Center, PLLC. www. goldensunchiro.com. march 2010
BY susan boser
New method alleviates fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions
HERE IS a new, innovative energy healing program called Cleansing FlowTM that can relieve your symptoms from fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions (e.g., lupus, MS) in as little as six sessions. Michael Rocheford was guided to create this method in 2005 based on the idea that fibromyalgia is the result of the body not properly cleansing debris which slowly builds up over time. “It’s like the body has forgotten how to cleanse itself and it needs to be re-educated,” said Rocheford. The technique worked so well on his first client, Susan Nelson Boser (his cousin who is now fibromyalgia free) that they co-founded a company called Healing CrucibleTM to help others. Together they have started the Healing CrucibleTM Wellness Clinic and they’re leading workshops to teach Cleansing FlowTM to energy practitioners. “Our mission is to build a worldwide community of energy practitioners to help people who are in so much pain they can’t help themselves, at least not yet,” explains Boser. The Cleansing FlowTM Program works similar to a visit to other health care professionals; you call for an appointment, consult with your Cleansing FlowTM practitioner, come back
for follow-up appointments (usually six weekly sessions), and take your medicine as prescribed, only your medicine is energy, and your prescription is a self-healing plan. One key to this program is that it’s firmly rooted in self-care that takes just takes 15 to 20 minutes a day. By the end of the program you will be confident in your ability to take control of your health. Tim McConville, a practitioner with Healing CrucibleTM, shares two client stories: fibromyalgia 55-year-old male with fibromyalgia. Diagnosis is two years old, but he has been suffering since middle school years. Pain has been constant for years and he had limited his physical activity. Pain level at first meeting was a level 6 out of 10, with no good days. Each week the number of good days increased and the frequency of pain diminished. The pockets of debris became smaller and fewer with overall less muscle tension each week. After the third session he found that most of his pain was the result of overdoing things physically because he felt so good. The client has not had a session since the sixth week and he reports that he continues to improve and is virtually pain free. He is confident he has the skills to keep going himself and will stay with the self work. He no longer dreads climbing stairs and has started an
michael rocheford exercise program to become more physically fit. He is very pleased with the work and considers it a wonderful gift. Lupus and cirrhosis 55-year-old female with lupus and primary biliary cirrhosis. Lupus diagnosis was within the last year. Liver diagnosis was more recent. Primary biliary cirrhosis is an autoimmune disease with supposedly no known cure and a dire prognosis. The client’s pain had been up and down for months. Pain level at first meeting was 0, although it had been as high as 8 a week earlier. Good days fluctuated after the first couple sessions, but by week four almost all pain was gone. She is now feeling much better physically and to her surprise she has found the self-healing work to be spiritual and quieting in a way she had not previously experienced. She continues to do the self work and reports after two months that she is pain free and her liver enzymes are completely normal. To learn to take control of your health, call 612-805-5478 for an appointment or visit www.HealingCrucible.com for more information.
To list in calendar • Print: $1 per word: minimum of 25 words, maximum 50 words • Online: $15 for up to 100 words at www.esswellness.com with one image and link; automatically expires on calendar date FFI: Dee, sales@esswellness.com, 715.259.3047
MARCH Mar. 13
Shiatsu Basics Workshop
Mar. 26 & 27
The Balm of Gilead— A Program on Reconciliation & Forgiveness
Discover how simple & effective Shiatsu Therapy is for relieving headaches, backaches, & stiff necks. Learn the basics to share with family & friends, or to explore a new career. 10 am–5 pm. $75. Register: 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com
Presenters: Zara Renander & Rev. Michele H. Morgan. Friday, Mar. 26, 7-9 pm & Saturday, Mar. 27, 9 am–12:30 pm. $45. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. 651-696-2788. Registration: http://wisdomwayscenter. org/balmingilead.aspx
Mar. 13, 16, 18, 30
Mar. 27–28
Discover how you can have a rewarding career. CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School offers programs for you to become a professional bodywork therapist. Mar. 13: 10 am; Mar. 16, 18, 30: 6 pm. Shawn, 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com
Noon-6 pm both days. Special discounted rates on services/products including psychic readings, astrology/numerology, reflexology, ear candling, bodywork, flower essences, eco-friendly gifts, clothing, jewelry, artwork, candles, soaps, & more! Free admission. The Historic Mounds Theater, 1029 Hudson Rd., St. Paul, MN. 651- 772-2253. www. mnshadowsfaire.com
Massage & Shiatsu Career Info Sessions
Mar. 20
Peace is Possible, It Needs To Be Felt
Video event introducing, Prem Rawatt, who speaks about the possibility of finding peace within. Free. 2 pm. Washburn Library, 5244 Lyndale Ave S., Mpls. www. minnesotaconnect.net
Minnesota Shadows Faire
Mar. 27 & 28
a national leader in massage, author, & a pioneer in treating injuries with massage. 9 am–5 pm. Register: 612-617-9090. Visit www.CenterPointMN.com
APRIL Apr. 2-4
Know Yourself, Beyond Your Body, Mind, & Emotions
Spiritual seminar. Get tools for spiritual upliftment. (Sat. free) Apr. 2–4, Hilton Minneapolis (1001 Marquette Av. S.). ECKseminars.org, ECKANKAR, 952380-2200, 1-888-LOVE GOD. Apr. 3
Keys to Secret Worlds
Explore past lives, dreams, & Soul Travel. Free spiritual event, Saturday, Apr. 3, 2–4 pm, Hilton Minneapolis (1001 Marquette Av. S., Marquette V, Second Floor). ECKANKAR spiritual seminar, Apr. 2–4. ECKseminars.org, 952- 380-2200, 1-888LOVE GOD.
Assess & Treat Shoulder Injuries with Ben Benjamin
Massage therapists! Discover how to assess & treat the most common shoulder injuries with success. Ben, from Boston, is
Calendar continued page 14
march 2010
calendar Apr. 3
Apr. 3
Past Lives, Dreams, & Soul Travel
You hold the keys to the vast worlds of God within. Free spiritual event, Saturday, Apr. 3, 2–4 pm, Hilton Minneapolis (1001 Marquette Av. S., Marquette V, Second Floor). ECKANKAR spiritual seminar, Apr. 2–4. ECKseminars.org, 952- 3802200, 1-888-LOVE GOD. Apr. 3
Modern Spiritual Guide Speaks
How can you help yourself in all areas of life? Be our guest to hear God-Realized teacher Sri Harold Klemp speak in person. Saturday, Apr. 3, 7 pm, Hilton Minneapolis (1001 Marquette Av. S., Salon D, Third Floor). ECKANKAR spiritual seminar, Apr. 2–4. ECKseminars.org, 952- 3802200, 1-888-LOVE GOD.
Introduction To Animal Communication
Class covers the basic principles of telepathic communication. Class includes: skill-building exercises, sending/receiving telepathic images, listening/hearing what your animals have to say, practice using photos of your animals. Saturday, Apr. 3, 10 am–4 pm, Meta Institute, Edina. $75. Ilga Cimbulis 612- 385-3005, ilga@ ilgacimbulis.com, www.ilgacimbulis.com Apr. 7
Men’s Spirituality Series: Where is the Spirit Taking Us?
Ed Sellner, 7:15-9am. $25 includes continental breakfast. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. Visit with author & Professor of Theology, Ed Sellner, to learn what it means to be a “spirit person.” 651-696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter. org/mens_spirituality.aspx
Apr. 10
Massage Basics Workshop
Learn a variety of basic massage techniques for the head, neck, back, & legs. Great for stress reduction & relaxation. Take this workshop if you are considering a career in massage or enjoy working on family & friends. 10 am–5 pm. $75. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com.
MAY May 22
Psychic Symposium
9:30-6pm, Earle Brown Center. Keynote speakers: Sunny Dawn Johnston, Lena Swanson & Troy Parkinson. 45 exhibitors featuring intuitive readers, aura photos, animal communicators, stones/crystals, unique jewelry, healing therapies & more. Free Parking. For tickets & FFI: www. edgelife.net, 1-877-776-5244. To exhibit: dee@ edgelife.net, 715-259-3047.
GREEN LIVING If you are a “Green Living” provider, you’ll want to advertise your services & eco-friendly accommodations in the April issue. Other earth-friendly & green related services, products, etc. also qualify for special rates. For special ad rates & deadlines: www.esswellness.com/monthlyrates/ Dee LaFroth, 715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com
With special features on home funerals and green burials, coming in the April issue of Essential Wellness Also, read about healing the earth, herbalism, and all things green
march 2010