exploring pathways to inner peace, health & healing
Moving the Chi Also this issue: p8-10 PSYCHIC SYMPOSIUM May 22
may 2010
staff TO ADVERTISE: Dee LaFroth, Sales Manager, 715.259.3047, sales@esswellness.com Charge cards accepted.
inside may 2010
moving the chi
Production/ Ad Liaison Melissa May, amayz@comcast.net Editorial Info Lynn S. LaFroth, Managing Editor, info@esswellness.com Writers Guidelines: www.esswellness.com Art Director Sunshine Sevigny, info@esswellness.com www.EssWellness.com 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 Š 2010. Essential Wellness is published by Twin Cities Wellness and was founded by Dee and Lynn LaFroth in 1995. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publishers and does not imply endorsement. Views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments, policies, or editorial opinion of Essential Wellness. Please request copyright reprint rights directly from the author. If permission is granted, please attribute Essential Wellness and the date of the issue.
4 Move the ch’i; keep your Feng Shui current by CAROLE HYDER 5
Three techniques for moving your qi by CHUNYI LIN
6 Dear Grace by JANET HOVDE 7
et in the game with acupuncture G by STEVEN SONMORE
ll about the PSYCHIC SYMPOSIUM A May 22, Earle Brown Center, Brooklyn Center, MN
et real by balancing your chi G by LYNN LAFROTH
Sada Sat Kaur performs sacred chants in concert
13, 15
may 2010
Move the chi; keep your Feng Shui current By CAROLE HYDER
HEN THE outside changes, the inside makes a corresponding change. When the weather warms up, we live differently than when the weather is cold. During one season we’ll have sleigh rides and during another picnics. We wear one kind of clothing when the temperatures are hot and another kind when the temperatures drop below zero. Our lives can’t help but follow the change of seasons. I argue that our homes should mark the changes of time as well. When my sister’s kids were little, they decorated their home for each and every holiday—hearts on the windows on Valentine’s Day, shamrocks in March, tulips in the spring, etc. It was always fun to visit their home because you knew what month it was. Holiday decorations are another expression of this concept. The importance of this action is that the house is included in a time-relevant event—it’s staying current with the seasons.
Change with the seasons One of my clients has a summer furniture arrangement and a winter furniture arrangement. She has a corresponding rug and pillows that she changes as well. In the end, her home reflects her intention of wholeness filtered through the appropriate season. Another client acquired 12 silk wreaths over the years. On the first of each month, she places a new wreath on her front door to mark the change of time. A couple that I’ve worked with have an “artwork exchange” ritual that they do on each solstice and equinox. Every three months they replace a painting over their fireplace with another one, which provides them an internal clock that is in step with nature. The idea of a summer bedroom and a winter bedroom is not a new one, marking the change of seasons with different comforters, maybe different curtains. Lift the energy Feng Shui is often called “acupuncture for the home.” As acupuncture enhances and lifts the ch’i of an individual, Feng Shui can do the same for a home. The advantage in moving the energy in a space is that it
will correspondingly lift the energy of those who live there. One way to move the ch’i of a home is by moving the physical items around. In doing so, the visual as well as tactile influences become different. You will walk through your space in a new way and see the accessories of your life in a new context. Besides keeping your home “on time,” another argument for changing the space in accordance with the seasons is that the occupants themselves embrace the change in a whole different way. Keeping track of days and months on a calendar is a linear way of witnessing the passage of time; changing your home is a visceral way of doing so. We have taken the cycle of nature and moved it into our home. We are reminded of where we are on the continuum. A lot of homes have been set up with one look regardless of the season. Just as we would be bored wearing the same clothes, your home may be bored and boring if day in and day out it looked the same. If the ch’i in your home is keeping time, you and your home are both staying current. Carole Hyder has been a Feng Shui consultant since 1992. She has published two books and two DVDs, and is the founder and lead faculty of the Wind & Water School of Feng Shui. This article is an excerpt from her third book called House Alive: Conversations with Your Home due out in 2010. www.carolehyder.com l
Three techniques for moving your Qi By CHUNYI LIN
ASTER LIN, what is the best way for moving my qi?” I have been asked that many times in my Spring Forest Qigong classes. There is no simple answer, no “best” way for everyone. There are many techniques for enhancing the flow of your body’s energy. But the key is to put them to use. What is probably the “best” way—the best technique for you—is the way you will actually practice every day. Keep in mind that your qi, your energy, is always moving. It may be blocked in places but as long as you are alive your qi is always moving. Everything you do, every action you take, every thought you have, affects that movement either for better or for worse.
All you really need is one technique that will help direct the flow of your qi for the better and even undo the worse. You need a technique you’re comfortable with and, most importantly, that you will make time to use every day. With that in mind I want to share with you some simple things you can do. You can get wonderful results with very simple techniques. Simple is usually much more effective than complicated. And you’re more likely to put them to use. 1) BREATHE! The single best thing you can do is breathe. Breathe slowly, gently, and deeply. Count “one-thousand and one, one-thousand and two, one-thousand and three” as you breathe in; pause and then do the same as you breathe out. If you can breathe more slowly, that’s even better. Breathing slowly opens your lungs more fully and allows you to uptake more oxygen, and oxygen is your body’s basic fuel. Breathing this way also helps your mind and body relax, which is absolutely necessary for balancing your qi. 2) USE YOUR WHOLE BODY TO BREATHE Now double the benefit by adding the power of your mind. As you breathe in imagine you are using your whole body to breathe. Visualize energy flowing in through every part of your body and collecting in your lower energy center, your lower dantian, which is behind your navel. As you breathe out imagine any pain or sickness, injury, or worries, are changing into air or smoke and shooting out of your
body, out into the universe. Do this for just a few minutes several times a day, and you will find it very helpful. The longer you can do it without a break— say 30 minutes or more—the more beneficial it will be. 3) MOVE YIN AND YANG To enhance the benefits even more add a simple movement I call Moving of Yin & Yang. Open your hands and spread your fingers. This stimulates six key energy channels. Six of the body’s 12 main energy channels begin or end in your hands. Now raise your right hand to your upper chest and your left hand to your lower stomach, palms facing your body without touching. Hold this position for 30 seconds. As you raise your hands visualize an energy column of beautiful light in the middle of your torso from the top of your head to the bottom of your torso. Slowly move your right hand out and down to your lower stomach, and your left hand in and up to your upper chest in an oval pattern at a pace of three to five cycles per minute. There are key energy points connected with all 12 major channels running down the center of your torso. Moving your hands in this way continuously stimulates the flow of energy throughout your entire body. Very simple, yet very powerful. And very beneficial as long as you practice every day. Chunyi Lin is a certified international qigong master. He is the creator of Spring Forest Qigong and director of the Spring Forest Center in Eden Prairie, MN. www.SpringForestQuigong.com l may 2010
Dear Grace
Readers may submit questions to Janet Hovde for the “Dear Grace” column by emailing them to deargrace@janethovde.com. Questions/ answers are printed as space allows. Although her advice is not meant to displace conventional healthcare knowledge and diagnosis, Hovde can offer a different slant, an intuitive perspective, regarding the “energy” of your healthcare issue. Please see a health practitioner for chronic health problems.
Dear Grace: I have been having gastrointestinal problems for about three months. My symptoms are stomach cramping, especially right after eating, diarrhea and loose stools, and fatigue. I’m concerned as everything goes right through me after eating and am unsure if my body is taking in the nutrition. I’ve had some weight loss. My physician has instructed me to quit caffeine and dairy products. Blood tests and stool samples are normal and celiac disease has been ruled out. What do you think?—Mimi Mimi, when I look at your energy system, I see tangled lines of energy between your solar plexus and heart chakras. You are invited to bring your attention to the center of your chest and invite a softening of your heart chakra. Anodea Judith, author of Awakening the Global Heart, speaks about
our culture being in a transition from a solar plexus chakra orientation to a heart chakra orientation. It appears you, as well as many others, are feeling this shift in your physical body. The recommendation for you, from an energetic perspective, is to engage in heart-chakra-softening activity. Suggestions: Spend time with your attention at the center of your chest. Bring the gentlest energy possible to this area of your body, and then shift into an even gentler, softer mode. Do this in the sunlight, do it under a soft blanket, or do it with a dog with his head in your lap. Dear Grace: I just had a bike accident and broke my ankle, badly enough to require surgery to put things back together. I’m only able to put my weight on my good leg for now. Any suggestions on what I can do to help my recovery process?—Charles Charles, first, notice the benefits of your current situation. What do you appreciate about this experience—i.e., strangers, friends, surgeons providing exactly what is needed, spending more time with loved ones or extra opportunities to give and receive love? Second, you may be energetically tapping into and weighed down by the
BY JANET HOVDE burden of the collective, by others who are experiencing medical trauma and limited mobility. Saying a prayer for all in a similar situation to you, that everyone would have exactly what they need in this moment, releases the heaviness of your experience. Third, another issue for you is that it sounds as though you will be literally standing on one leg for a while. Consciously “grounding” your energy will increase your stability. Grounding your energy means intentionally connecting it to the energy of the earth. One way to do this is to imagine that you are a tree sending roots down into the earth. Notice who supports your feeling grounded. This is a time to observe which of your relationships are mutually supportive and deserve your ongoing investment. In addition to the questions already raised, if there is learning for you in this situation, what might it be? Janet Hovde, MA, OTL, CHTP, is celebrating the 12th year of her healing practice, with appointments available in Roseville, MN & Hudson, WI. She enjoys watching her clients learn to care for their energy system and access their own inner wisdom. Visit www. janethovde.com. Email your Dear Grace questions to deargrace@janethovde.com. 651-487-2744. l
Get in the Game with Acupuncture By STEVEN SONMORE
F YOU’RE like most golf and tennis players, you play to win. But is the condition of your body standing in your way? The truth is that your body is the most important piece of sports equipment you own. You can have the finest set of golf clubs that money can buy, for example, but if pain and stiffness are holding back your swing, those clubs will do you no good. You might be surprised to learn that acupuncture can help you to bring your golf or tennis game to the next level. First of all, acupuncture is especially effective in treating tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. These conditions, which are due to repetitive overuse of your elbow’s extensor and flexor muscles, are rarely treated satisfactorily by conventional methods. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs and steroid injections can cause numerous side effects, and surgery is invasive and often largely ineffective.
ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY SUCCESSFULLY TREATS ELBOW AND BACK PAIN Within the last 20 years, studies have shown that acupuncture is more effective in the treatment of elbow pain than drugs, injections, or surgery. In one compelling study published in the journal, Pain (1983), 21 out of 34 patients who were treated with acupuncture became completely pain-free or had significant reduction of pain. Many of these patients had been given one or more steroid injections without improvement. Numerous studies have also shown that acupuncture reduces or eliminates back pain. In fact, researchers recently analyzed 33 studies and concluded that acupuncture was very effective in treating lower back pain. A British study also found that acupuncture’s effects are longer term than most other treatments.
BENEFITS OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR GOLF AND TENNIS PLAYERS What does acupuncture do for someone who plays golf or tennis—whether or not you suffer from elbow or back pain? • Relaxes muscle spasms. • Releases your body’s natural steroids which reduce inflammation. • Releases endorphins which kill pain. • Improves blood flow and speeds healing. • Calms nerve irritation. • Elevates your mood. • Improves your memory. • Regulates hormones and body functions. • Eliminates stress and improves your sleep. • Enhances your immune system. • And most importantly: It improves your performance on the court or on the green.
Acupuncture continued on page 8
may 2010
Visit these exhibitors at the Psychic Symposium May 22! Earle Brown Center, Brooklyn Center Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Booth 8:
CHERYL HILTIBRAN, CMH Healing Arts and CMH Consulting & Coaching, LLC 952-486-1298, cheryl@goinggenius.com www.goinggenius.com Divinely guided to follow your soul’s intentions through 20 years’ experience raising people’s consciousness, Cheryl has developed a heart-centered interactive approach that integrates body, mind, and spirit. Clients say they feel more like themselves after an energy healing. Embrace more of your optimal life now! Sample energy healings available. Booths 9 & 10:
www.kistones.com Ki Stones offers nearly 200 types of tumbled stones, mineral specimens, and jewelry with semi-precious stones as well as information about energetic properties of all stones we carry. We will also be giving brief Magnified Healing treatments. Booth 20:
JANICE & JINJER www.janicecarlson.com www.jinjerstanton.com Stop by for a FREE sample psychic reading with nationally known psychic-medium, Janice Carlson. Foresee your future or talk to deceased loved ones. Author, Jinjer Stanton will be selling autographed copies of her book, Yoga For Every Room In Your House.
Psychic Symposium 2010 comes to Brooklyn Center May 22
EARN ABOUT the world of spirit and psychic phenomena! Edge Life Expos & Events presents its Annual Psychic Symposium 2010 on Saturday, May 22 at the Earle Brown Heritage Center at 6155 Earle Brown Drive in Brooklyn Center. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. and doors close at 6 p.m. Exhibitors include intuitive readers, wellness products, healing resources, animal communicators, aura photos,
Gary Beckman, producer of Edge Life Expos and Events.
jewelry, crystals and other unique gift items. Keynote speakers offer valuable insight and advice for living well. Get keynote speaker tickets in advance online for a discounted rate at www. edgelife.net; this includes exhibit area admission price. Tickets for keynoters also available at the door. “This event is the only ‘true’ psychic symposium in the greater Twin Cities area with free parking and easy access,” said Edge Life Expos & Events Producer Gary Beckman. “This is probably the
Kathryn Harwig and Troy Parkinson present a psychic gallery event.
largest event with intuitive consultants and psychic readers under one roof than anytime during the year. It’s a good place for those unfamiliar with this area to get a reading in a safe place at introductory rates.” Keynote speaker Kathryn Harwig said, “I will be on stage with Medium Troy Parkinson. We have worked together before, with his receiving messages from Spirit while I tune in (on the same person or question) and receive my messages from my guides and intuition. Symposium continued on page 10
Lena Swanson talks about Sunny Dawn Johnston animal communication. offers information to connect with the other side.
may 2010
Symposium from page 9 The fascinating thing is how similar the information is and how what he and I get often dovetails to give the questioner a complete and useful answer. It is intriguing to watch the two of us converse with the Spirit realm in different fashions but end up in the same place.” Sunny Dawn Johnston, another keynoter, presents “A Psychic Investigator’s Journey to the Other Side!” Johnston offers information on how to connect and communicate with spirit. She’ll discuss and explain how psychics and mediums receive divine guidance and the tools you can use to tap in and recognize your own abilities. As a psychic detective Johnson will share with you the tools she uses to work “real” cases, bringing closure to families of missing loved ones. Sunny will teach specific techniques and exercises to enhance your abilities to connect with spirit. Lena Swanson, professional animal communicator and healer, will present a workshop: “Do Animals Have Souls?” She says if you’ve ever wondered what lies beyond the beautiful eyes of your animal companions, this workshop is for you. Lena will share the incredible experiences she’s had speaking with animals and will answer questions such as: Do animals have souls? What are they like? Are they different or the same as human souls? Can an animal have a past life as a human or a human as an animal? Lena will do short telepathic animal communication sessions with a few participants whose names are randomly drawn. Admission is $7 at the door—or more than two in your party—$5 each. For more info go to www. edglife.net; get special rate online advance tickets or call 1.877.776.5244. Every hour two door prizes will be offered. For general event information: Gary Fricke, 763-493-8448 or garyfricke@edgelife.net. Producer Gary Beckman, 888-776-7616 or gary@edgelife.net. Essential Wellness magazine is a sponsor of this event.
Psychic Symposium 2010 Discount Tickets & Info:
www.edgelife.net 1-877-776-5244 10
Acupuncture from page 7 ACUPUNCTURE IS COMPLETELY NATURAL Acupuncture and Oriental medicine are holistic approaches to health recovery that are more than 5,000 years old and have helped billions of people become well and stay healthy. Unlike drugs and steroid injections, acupuncture does not cause side effects or toxicity, and acupuncture is a virtually pain-free treatment. The needles are so small and inserted so superficially under the skin that you’ll barely know they’re there. An experienced, seasoned acupuncturist balances and activates your body’s natural healing potential by treating the root cause of your health problem, not just suppressing the symptoms. Your diagnosis creates a clear picture of the specific systems in your body that are out of balance. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine play a vital role in the reduction or elimination of pain by reducing recovery time and preventing a chronic condition from developing. They go far beyond just treating pain. They affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. And let’s face it: All three need to be working well in a successful golf or tennis match. Schedule your appointment for greater sports performance today. Call 612-866-4000. ©2010 Complete Oriental Medical Care, LLC For more than 24 years, Steven Sonmore, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), has helped people transform health problems into solutions for attaining better health. Steven is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. He is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 612-866-4000 or visit www.orientalmedcare.com. l
may 2010
Get real by balancing your chi
OVING INTO original thinking requires that our chi moves throughout our minds and bodies in a balanced way. I believe that one way we can tell that our chi is stuck is when we replay old patterns, walk old paths, and spin the same record over and over in our minds. Looping the same program repeatedly does not allow us to spiral into new ways of thinking and original ways of being. Being who we really are requires that we stop, drop into the silence, and roll our ball in a new direction. Will and patience Dropping into the Silence requires will—not forced will, but rather a gentle persuasion. Gentle persuasion promises that if we take this first step, the next steps unfold naturally over time. Patience then becomes key. Once we’ve developed patience, we can see our lives from a more expanded perspective. Seeing our lives
from this wider viewpoint allows us to live more authentically. Living authentically is living in honesty and on purpose. Living on purpose means following what we’ve come to do with our lives on earth. Balanced chi draws us naturally to our soul service.
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Living authentically We live in the best of times and the worst of times—the worst of times because of the chaos worldwide. The best of times because so many people are rising up to meet their true soul’s destiny—what they’ve come to do in this lifetime. And what they’ve come to do in this lifetime is to help others in whatever way is unique to them—be that flying into volcanoes, healing war traumas, or balancing people’s energy meridians. Look around and observe the miraculous work your friends and family are doing when they are living authentically. Just ignore those who are still working towards being “real.” They are on their way and will soon catch up. Let’s honor the evolutionary strides humankind has made and is making in these times we live in. My advice: Get help to balance your chi so you can evolve to your highest potential. Lynn S. LaFroth is managing editor/ co-publisher of Essential Wellness magazine. She can be reached at info@esswellness.com l
To list in calendar • Print: $1 per word: minimum of 25 words, maximum 50 words • Online: $15 for up to 100 words at www.esswellness.com with one image and link; automatically expires on calendar date FFI: D ee, sales@esswellness.com, 715.259.3047
May 3
Peace is Possible, It Needs To Be Felt
New classes in pure, classical hatha yoga for physical, psychological, & spiritual health begin this week. Gentle, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Yoga. Eight weeks: $80 or $75 pre-registered. Call IHT: 651645-1291, www.ihtyoga.org
May 15
Hatha Yoga
May 6
Video event introducing, Prem Rawatt, who speaks about the possibility of finding peace within. Free. 2 pm. Washburn Library, 5244 Lyndale Ave S., Mpls. www. minnesotaconnect.net
Healing with Sound & Tuning Forks
With Lisa Moriarty. 7-9 pm. $25, Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. Celebrate Mother’s Day & nature’s seasonal rebirth with story, creative exercises, & the labyrinth. 651696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/ wholabyrinth.aspx
Using sound & vibration in a bodywork session enhances the effects. Our nervous system vibrates to the sound of the tuning forks. Learn to layer relaxation & healing with the use of tuning forks, bells, chimes, & singing bowls. 9 am–4 pm. 6 CE hrs. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com.
May 8
May 16
Who Would Be Our Mothers
Introduction to the This special, important yoga day will clean us Trager Approach Kriya Yoga
inside & out, body & mind. We will drink fresh juices, practice stretching, & slowly work on simple postures. We will learn about & then practice the major kriya yoga techniques. $25. Must pre-register. 7:30-11 am. Call IHT: 651-645-1291, www.ihtyoga.org May 9
Mother’s Day Gift Idea
May 22: Partner Yoga from 4-5:30 pm. Combine it with a gift certificate for a massage. Cost $15 or $10 if prepaid by 5/15. www.IndigaArt.com. 763 413-0612 May 15
Shiatsu Basics Workshop
Discover how simple & effective Shiatsu Therapy is for relieving headaches, backaches, & stiff necks. Learn the basics to share with family & friends, or to explore a new career. 10 am–5 pm. 6 hrs, $75. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com.
The Trager Approach is gentle & pleasurable bodywork with deep & lasting effects. Trager is performed without lubricants & promotes relaxation, personal growth, increased feelings of joy, & manages many health conditions & limitations. This CE course is for bodyworkers, manual therapists & health professionals. 9 am–4 pm. 6 CE hrs. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www.CenterPointMN.com. May 21–23
IET Practitioner Certification —St. Cloud Area
Join Bonny & Carl—Master Instructors— for this safe-effective method of cellular release in partnership with the angels. Releasing pain of the past, into power of the present, bringing about eternal joy. Preregister 928-300-0359 www.learniet.com/ bonny_kraus.asp
May 22
Psychic Symposium
9:30 am–6 pm, Earle Brown Center. Keynote speakers: Sunny Dawn Johnston, Lena Swanson & Kathryn Harwig with Troy Parkinson. 45 exhibitors featuring intuitive readers, aura photos, animal communicators, stones/crystals, unique jewelry, healing therapies & more. Free Parking. For tickets & FFI: www.edgelife. net, 1-877-776-5244. May 22, June 12
Preparing/Eating Alkalarian Raw Foods
Learn to prepare Alkalarian Raw entrees, soups, desserts. Alkalize, energize, lose weight, gain strength, youthen. 9-Noon. Dr. Bridget Bagley’s Lake Minnetonka home. RSVP 952-473-1234. Rejuvenating Recipes. $25. May 26
Sacred Chanting With Sada Sat Kaur
Kirtan singer Sada Sat Kaur brings us a transcendent evening of joyful & energetic sacred chanting. 7 pm. $25. Where: LHSC. www.yogasoul-center.com 651-452-8759
JUNE June 12
Massage Basics Workshop
Learn a variety of basic massage techniques for the head, neck, back, & legs. Great for stress reduction & relaxation. Take this workshop if you are considering a career in massage or enjoy working on family & friends. 10 am–5 pm. 6 hrs, $75. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com.
Calendar continued on page 14
may 2010
Sada Sat Kaur performs sacred chants in concert
N T E R N AT I O N A L LYRENOWNED mantra artist Sada Sat Kaur appears in concert May 26 at 7 p.m. at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community in Minneapolis. “Join Sada Sat Kaur for a transcendent evening of joyful and energetic kirtan,” said Myra Godfrey, spokesperson for The YogaSoul Center in Eagan, MN, who is sponsoring this event. “Experience the devotion and power of mantras that can transform and inspire your life.” Sada Sat Kaur has traveled worldwide for over 30 years sharing the power and transformational energy of Mantra and Kundalini Yoga. She began studying Kundalini Yoga and Naad Yoga directly with Yogi Bhajan in 1970. Sada Sat has
performed in ashrams, schools, public parks and concert halls all over the world as has played to audiences of nearly 200,000 people while performing in India. Godfrey said, “Sada Sat Kaur’s powerful musical styling combined with her passion for the Naad (sound current) make this an event you won’t want to miss.” Tickets can be purchased in advance at The YogaSoul Center or at the door. Ticket prices are $25 for general seating at the door or $20 in advance. Balcony seating: $30 at the door or $25 in advance. Premium seating: $35 at the door or $30 in advance. For more information, visit The YogaSoul Center located at 1121 Town Center Dr., Suite 100, Eagan, MN 55123, or call 651-4525789. FFI: www.yogasoul-center.com
COMING IN JULY The healthy life expo is coming Oct & Jan At the Minneapolis Convention Center Exhibit/Attend: (952)238-1700 See it all at www.ExpoGuys.com
Essential Wellness Holistic Directory
Reach more than 60,000 people! • In print • Online digital www.esswellness.com • Online wellness directory FFI: 715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com
calendar JUNE June 12–14
IET Practitioner Certification— Minneapolis
Learn to remove “issues from the tissues” permanently with self, distant, & client healing. Three spiritual DNA attunements, three comprehensive manuals, Advanced Practitioner certification, experience Angels of the Healing Ray, International registry listing. 24 CEUs. Pre-register 928300-0359 www.learniet.com/bonny_kraus.asp June 27
Tadpole Parade in Circle Pines!
Family Festival, Sunday 1-6 pm includes Parent + Child Yoga from 2:30-3:30. 9201 Lexington Av N. (DMV mall). FFI: www.IndigaArt.com. 763 413-0612
JULY July 12-16
Peace Camp
Week long day camp exploring & re-imagining ways to be every day peacemakers with musicians, artists, storytellers, spiritual guides, gardeners, & other creative facilitators. Children ages 8-12. 9 am-4 pm. 651-696-2788. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. http:// wisdomwayscenter.org/childrens_spirituality.aspx
OCTOBER Oct 2 & 3
2nd Annual Duluth Holistic Expo
At the DECC, Duluth, MN. Over 90 exhibitors include: holistic healers, intuitive readers, health products, unique gifts & more! 5 keynote speakers, 36 free workshops. To exhibit: dee@edglife.net or 715-259-3047. For tickets or FFI: www.edgelife.net Oct 16 & 17
Healthy Life Expo
Minneapolis Convention Center. Hundreds of exhibitors, three stages of speakers, demonstrations & entertainment. This is the largest show of its kind, don’t miss the opportunity to exhibit or attend. See it all at: www.ExpoGuys.com or for exhibitor information call 952-238-1700.
Want to advertise in print or online with Essential Wellness? Dee: tcwellness@centurytel.net or 715.259.3047. may 2010