May 2011 Essential Wellness

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resources for inner peace, health and healing

art &sound healing may 2011 Cover art: Richard Bonk


may 2011



may 2011

art & sound healing through

6–7 The voice can heal the planet An interview with Jonathan and Andi Goldman, sound healing teachers BY LYNN S. LAFROTH 8–9 Art is essential! By RICHARD BONK

14–15 Painting myself healed The story of how artist and storyteller Sarah Schaleger painted her way from illness to transformation and healing. BY SARAH SCHALEGER 16 CALENDAR

10 What is Sound Healing? BY KAY GRACE

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may 2011



The voice can heal th

An interview with Jonathan and Andi Goldman, sound healin




healing modality began about 30 or 35 years

Monroe who demonstrated that synchroniz-

describe the day they met:

ago with a small group of individuals who

ing the left and right hemispheres of the brain

A Summer Solstice, a triple

where guided to learn about and work with

alters states of consciousness using sound,

rainbow, an introduction

sound as a healing modality and bring this

and Alfred Tomatis, M.D., whose Electronic

by friend and fellow sound

work to the planet.”

Ear proved effective in working with learn-

healer Mozart Effect® author Don Campbell.

ing disabilities and emotional imbalances.

“We developed a beautiful friendship that

individual with sound to heal and transform

evolved into a beautiful love and romantic

themselves. When I can teach and enable a

peutic and transformational uses of sound

marriage,” said Andi Goldman about her

non-trained singer to use sound to shift their

and music have appeared in many publica-

relationship with Jonathan Goldman.

lives and to make a better existence for them-

tions. Books he’s written include The Divine

selves, that’s very important,” said Jonathan.

Name, Healing Sounds, Shifting Frequencies,

The Goldma ns —Jonatha n, a

renowned writer, musician, and teacher on the healing power of sound, and wife Andi, a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in holistic counseling and sound therapy— are the Soundsation Conference keynoters at the May 20 “Principles of Sound” presentation at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, MN. Cyndi Dale will

“My greatest purpose is to empower the

Named One of Most Spiritually Influential on the Planet

This spring 2011, Jonathan was named

as one of The Watkin’s Review Magazine’s “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living

Jonathan’s pioneering work in thera-

Tantra of Sound (co-authored with wife Andi), and The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing. Jonathan has also produced many sound healing recordings.

People on the Planet.”

Bringing a World Back to Balance

“It is an extraordinary honor to be

When asked how sound can bring our

included with such great people as Eckhart

current world of crisis back into balance he

Tolle, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra,

said, “First and foremost, sound is simply

and Oprah,” said Jonathan. “It is quite an

the easiest and most powerful way one can

Purpose: To Heal and Transform Through Sound

affirmation that my work has a real effect.”

manifest and feel the effects of healing. In

This tribute comes well-earned. Jona-

this time of great turmoil, by working with

“When I met Andi, I thought she was

than is considered by many to be one of the

sound, every individual can place them-

the finest, kindest person I’d ever met. What

premier sound healing experts in the world.

selves in a state of harmony and balance

most people don’t know about Andi is that

He has studied the “masters” in this field

by removing some of the stress through

years before she met me she was a pioneer in

including pioneers Sir Dr. Peter Guy Man-

sound.” He believes that sound can affect

the field of coaching,” said Jonathan.

ners, M.D., inventor of the Cymatic Instru-

us on the physical, emotional, mental, and

It is well-known that Jonathan himself

ment that uses direct application of specifi-

spiritual levels. “Self-created sound goes

is also a pioneer—in the field of sound heal-

cally tabulated sound frquencies on the body

directly into our nervous system and our

ing. Andi explains, “The field of sound as a

for healing, Hemi-Sync founder Robert

bodies. Through working with these sounds

join the Goldmans on May 21 for an all-day “Sound Healers Seminar.”



he planet

ng teachers we do have the ability to calm ourselves

of stress-related hormones,” said Jonathan.

down and reduce stress—so important for

“And, when we sound together with another

maintaining health,” he said.

person, we get the release of oxytocin—

From his writings he says, “I teach how

the trust hormone. Sounds breaks down

to create and use vocal harmonics, which are

any barriers that exists between us. That’s

sounds within sounds, in order to resonate

remarkable!” He said that sound can affect

our body and our brain. It is my belief that

the chakra energy systems at a deeper level

we will find out in the very near future that

bringing those frequencies into alignment.

these self-created sounds may be one of the

“Many years ago I developed a technique for

primary ways we can actually stimulate dif-

deep and profound meditation using self-

ferent parts of the brain causing direct reso-

created sounds and mantras that we’ll be

nance of the brain using our own sounds.

sharing at the conference. It’s my belief that

These sounds not only energize our body

we humans have an extraordinary ability—if

and our brain, but can potentially used for

we work with our own intentions and sound

healing—creating new neural synaptic con-

to create an interface with the noosphere, or

nections. The implications are astounding.”

the sphere of all human thought—to learn

Andi continues, “When we come to

to shift and create miracles on the planet,”

Minneapolis, we’ll be focusing on what we

said Jonathan. He refers us to the Global

consider to be the most powerful aspect of

Consciousness Project who studies this con-

sound—the human voice. It may just be the

cept and presents scientific data about cer-

most powerful healing instrument on the

tain events influencing the entire planet.

planet. We have a saying: ‘We Heal Our-

selves, We Heal the Planet; We Heal the

called,” said Andi. “We work with sound to

Planet, We Heal Ourselves.’”

create healing for the planet.”

Physiological Effects of Sound on the Body

“Self-created sounds have major physi-

“Global harmonization is what this is

“This idea that we can interface with

our unified consciousness (the noosphere) and can co-create reality through sound is

our focus on holding that vision,” said Andi. “Our single most important message is that the true sound of healing is Love and if we can bring love to our planet that is the best thing we could possibly do to be of service, and to helping people make this earth walk a better one for each person.”

“Everyone has the ability of rediscov-

ering the power of self-created sounds for healing and transformation. It’s an extraordinary gift we are trying to reawaken for planetary healing,” said Jonathan.

Jonathan and Andi Goldman have a

website: Look for Chakra Frequencies, Andi and Jonathan’s

an extraordinary reality!” said Jonathan.

new book coming out soon.

lower blood pressure and heart rate, increase

True Sound of Healing is Love

Lynn S. LaFroth is editor/co-publisher of Essen-

in lymphatic circulation and levels of mela-

“Jonathan and I both embrace the love

tial Wellness e-magazine and www.esswellness.

and the light around our planet and we put

com. She can be reached at

ological benefits including increased oxygen,

tonin, and among other things—reduction

may 2011




Art is essential! Evolutionary impulse to create comes with self-awareness


WON’T make a claim that

are wearing, the furniture we are sitting on,

I entered a college biology class only to

art has saved my life or in any

the room we are in, cars, buildings, and cit-

sadly discover something was missing: The

specific way dramatically trans-

ies—our entire civilization is dependant on

artful images of nature were replaced by

formed me, but I feel that I am

creativity, art and design. It is how we know

scientific classification, concepts and mea-

honest in stating that my life

cultures; it is what survives and informs; it

surements. I felt what had attracted me to

has arisen out of and is sustained through

is our legacy from the past, the foundation

nature and sustained me was mysteriously

creativity. In my experience, it cannot be

of our future, and the form and function

absent. I decided to end my pursuit of a sci-


upon which our present moment rests.

ence career, and not knowing what direc-

Yet in our world of craving, aversion

tion to turn decided to try a drawing class.

and delusion, we devalue art; it is typically

Though this did not make sense in terms

the first to go when we slash curricula in

of practical career ambitions, I felt at home

our anxious reactions to a downturn in

again, able to examine and express the pat-

the economic cycle. Making these obser-

terns, textures, and forms in nature. Con-

vations and reacting from the heart, it is

current with my adolescent involvement

my desire to align with nature in a direct,

with nature was a blossoming interest in

intimate, and conscious manner—to serve

philosophy, spirituality, and consciousness

the evolutionary creative impulse—to be

and the art that reflected and expressed

one of nature’s artists and to advocate for

such “inner nature.”

As Humanity Evolved So Did Art

A fundamental process in our expe-

rienced universe is that of the creative process. Whether cosmic, chemical, biological, psychological or social, there seems to be a ubiquitous, impersonal impulse to experiment, innovate and evolve—to create. As living beings we have been instruments of nature’s creative process and more recently as humans, the creative impulse has taken on an additional dimension. As self-awareness dawned, conscious art making accompanied.

the arts as a necessary, sustaining, growth engendering and healing element in the lives of individuals, communities and the

Art Flows Through Me

It seems that no matter what my

natural world.

circumstances are in life and despite the

utilized our growing mental capacities to

My Relationship With Art

reflect on and communicate our perceptions

creative, art-making process continues to

Personally, my relationship with art

assert itself. It feels that it is something that

began as a child as an attempt to cap-

flows naturally through me and something

ture, understand, and express what I was

I am compelled to honor. It is my direct

attracted to in nature, specifically animals

experience that art is nature expressing

and their habitats. I felt an affinity with

itself as the evolutionary creative impulse

these creatures and wanted this inter-

through the human vehicle—in this case

est to be my life’s pursuit so I planned to

through me. I am humbled and feel awe as

become a zoologist. To fulfill this purpose

nature expresses herself through me.

From the early cave paintings which have

of our outer and inner worlds, to that rapid rise of civilization and now technology, art making and the creative process have served as fundamental and essential tools.

We have but to look around to affirm

that design is everywhere, from the computer we sit at to read this, to the clothes we


challenges that present themselves, the


“Acceptance Holds All� BY RICHARD BONK This piece is a recent commission for the Virginia Piper Cancer Institute of Unity Hospital, Fridley, MN. It results from collaborative mandala making with staff and artist Richard Bonk. Richard is one of the founding members of the Midwest Arts in Healthcare Network:

Richard Bonk, M.Ed,,

panding techniques including meditation,

healing and growth. He is available for per-

is a life long artist, wellness coach, counselor,

yoga, hypnosis, flotation tank therapy, dream

sonal art commissions and workshops and

teacher, and workshop facilitator. He utilizes

work, guided imagery, visual and literary

is a founding member of the Midwest Arts

traditional counseling and consciousness ex-

arts to facilitate client awareness, learning,

in Health Network, may 2011




What is Sound Healing?


OUND HEALING is a specialized form of energy medicine based on vibrational frequencies. Everything in the universe is made of energy which vibrates at its own

unique speed or frequency. If a person is ill, in physical pain or feels out of balance mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, the system is not “in harmony” or vibrating at its optimal level.

Sound healing effectively induces a state

of calm, slows and regulates breathing, lowers blood pressure, alleviates pain, and reduces stress—all of which boost the function of the immune system. Sound can take your brain

Intention Is Critical To Sound Healing

lar activity move toward greater order, the

tively. More complex music affects us on a

What you and the person receiving

the sound intend, combined with the state of being you’re in encodes itself onto the sound. Sound contains information, and we decode it all the time. Even if we are unaware of this consciously, our bodies and subconscious minds recognize and respond to this information.

Sound healing tools and techniques

include voice (toning, chanting, singing, overtone or harmonic singing), drums, Tibetan and Himalayan singing bowls and chimes, crystal singing bowls, tuning

waves from active to alpha, as if you were med-

forks, music, and laughter.

itating, or even into a theta brain wave state,

where very deep healing often occurs just below the surface of your conscious awareness.

• Dissolving a block by matching its frequency, like an opera singer who shatters

We are whole systems, like an orchestra

playing a symphony. Instead of cellos, violins, and trumpets, we have our physical bodies, our emotions, our thoughts and our spiritual selves. What happens in one area affects all

a glass with her voice. • Releasing through sound, which creates a pathway for unwanted energy to leave. • Making the sound of a stored energetic trauma left in your system is another

the others, just like a wrong note throws the whole orchestra out of harmony.

Sound healing brings the entire system

kind of releasing. • Entrainment which uses specific sounds

mony, using tools, intention


order to release whatever causing issue.


is the

mental and emotional level because it is acting in the nervous system, specifically, the parts of our brain responsible for emotion, memory, and non-verbal communication.

Masuru Emoto, a Japanese researcher,

has studied the effects of music, chants, thoughts, and words on the shape and pattern of water as it forms into crystals. “Thank You” creates a beautiful crystal, while “I hate you,” creates a dark, chaotic mess. He theorizes that since humans are made up of mostly water, sounds, including the inaudible frequencies of words and thoughts have an effect on us, both positive and negative.

I encourage you to explore music and

sound for better health, reducing unhealthy sounds (including your own thoughts!) in your environment, and replacing them with more harmonious ones, and to seek out experienced sound healers and healing music to assist you on your journey to greater health and happiness.

and intention to bring you into a par-

back toward more order and hartechnique and

There are 3 basic ways this happens:

body can do its own job much more effec-

ticular state of being, such as relaxed,

Kay Grace has an established private practice

focused or energized.

offering Sound Healing and Energy Work. A

Even a single tone sung at the proper

graduate of a four year certification program

frequency, can effect change in our bod-

in advanced energy work from Inner Focus

ies. Scientists believe this may be possible

School, she has also studied Sound Healing

because our bodies are made up of about

extensively with Jonathan Goldman and Sound

80 percent water and water is a major con-

Accord Healing School.,

ductor of sound. If sound helps the cellu-


may 2011



may 2011



Painting myself heale

The story of how artist and storyteller Sarah Schaleger pai




eye, so to speak. As I put on the dark cop-

embodies the archetype of

per paint, I was struck by the insight that

the wounded healer. A 2001

the copper was not light (as gold paint is),

diagnosis of stage IV thyroid

nor did it represent light. It felt instead

cancer led to many surgeries,

like darkness masquerading as light. This

chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and depression.

realization was electrifying, because deep

Using varied modalities, especially paint-

down I carried a belief that cancer could

ing, Sarah transformed her life, moving

solve all my problems. I could give up.

from client to practitioner. She works with

No one would blame me.

individuals and groups using art, visualiza-

tion, sound, and healing touch to connect

willing to face death I was showing brav-

others to themselves and to their healing

ery, I suddenly realized it would actually

source. This is the story of how artist and

be far more courageous to stick around

storyteller Sarah Schaleger painted her way

and face my life—to look life straight in

from illness to transformation and healing.

the eye—than it would be to die. I could

Can Art Heal, And If So, How?

I was recently divorced and suffering

from chronic pain, depression and fibromyalgia related to my thyroid cancer. Someone suggested to me that I “paint myself completely healed.” The thought amazed and challenged me. “Of course!” I thought, and then, “How can I do that?” I realized it would be wise to start by painting my current illness.

With my mind as blank as the can-

vas, I began painting an image of an eyeshaped black hole, surrounded by shiny copper paint. The hole was complete nothingness—a void—(terror). I was painting my experience of cancer, looking it in the


Believing all along that by being

now fully grasp the meaning of darkness masquerading as light: cancer masquerading as a solution in my life.

This insight helped me become will-

ing to make the choice to accept my circumstances. I asked myself how it would feel if I were to stand in darkness and be present to the emptiness of the void. I didn’t blame myself for having cancer but I realized that my depression wanted me to slide out of life through it, which didn’t feel

face my fear of nothingness, of the void; I could stand in it, and live with it.

very honest. This helped me form a new

Painting Myself Healed

relationship to the cancer and to my life. I

recognized that while I was not in charge of

my next painting—the image of myself as

the cancer, I had every right to support my

completely healed. Surprisingly, I painted

health, which included being emotionally

the void again, but this time it was totally

honest with myself. I could recognize and

changed. This time it was full of radiant

These experiences carried me into



inted her way from illness to transformation and healing

light. The void had become a channel.

painting it. I was amazed by the release and

an invitation to embrace what is. The tem-

I realized that I had painted an image

profound transformation I experienced as I

plate for wholeness is within us, and we

of myself connecting to my life-source

continued painting.

can access it in many ways, including—

energy! The process of standing in the void

and especially—art.

and facing my fear transformed the void

to many people. Showing individuals their

into a channel of light and healing. This

inner landscape can bring to light unex-

Sa ra h S c h a l e g e r c a n b e re a c h e d a t

transformative experience was integrated

amined beliefs while creating access to

s a ra h @ s a ra h s c h a l e g e r. c o m o r v i s i t

into my awareness through the process of

intrinsic strength and wholeness. It offers

Since then I’ve brought this method

may 2011


calendar MAY May 7 Bagua Flow Introductory Workshop 3-5 pm. Register at Yoga Prairie in Eden Prairie, MN. This is the prerequisite for BaGua Flow outdoor classes. May 15 Bagua Flow Introductory Workshop 2:30-4:30 pm. Register at Yoga Prairie in Eden Prairie, MN. This is the prerequisite for BaGua Flow outdoor classes. May 20-22 Harvesting Women’s Wisdom Retreat In Stanchfield, MN. If you long to discover the “wise and wild woman” within, join our circle of women in the heart of the Tuscan countryside! Sign up by June 1st for Sept. 17-24, 2011 Retreat: Celebrating Midlife and Beyond, A Tuscany Retreat for Women of a Certain Age (45+).

SEPTEMBER Sept. 10 Fargo Psychic Symposium Fargo Civic Center, 10-6. Intuitive readers, holistic healers, wellness products, unique gifts. Keynote speakers. To exhibit:, 715-259-3047. FFI, Tickets:


may 2011



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