June 2010 Essential Wellness

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On the cover: Sage Lewis with Java

exploring pathways to inner peace, health & healing

Pets Issue june 2010




staff TO ADVERTISE: Dee LaFroth, Sales Manager, 715.259.3047, sales@esswellness.com Charge cards accepted. Production/Ad Liaison Melissa May, amayz@comcast.net Editorial Info Lynn S. LaFroth, Managing Editor, info@esswellness.com Writers Guidelines: www.esswellness.com Art Director Sunshine Sevigny, info@esswellness.com www.EssWellness.com 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 Š 2010. Essential Wellness is published by Twin Cities Wellness and was founded by Dee and Lynn LaFroth in 1995. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publishers and does not imply endorsement. Views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments, policies, or editorial opinion of Essential Wellness. Please request copyright reprint rights directly from the author. If permission is granted, please attribute Essential Wellness and the date of the issue.

inside june 2010

PETS issue 4 From the Editor The tale of the tail by LYNN S. LAFROTH 5 Tellington TTouchÂŽ trains pets (and people) through touch by SAGE LEWIS 6 D ear Grace by JANET HOVDE 7 H ow do you know if your pet needs chiropractic care? by ANNIE SEEFELDT 8 P ets need whole foods too! by ENRIQUE PALMA 9

Do animals have souls? by LENA SWANSON

13 True spiritual community is about sharing authentically by FATHER PETER BOWES 14 CALENDAR

june 2010



The tale of the tail BY LYNN S. LAFROTH


ET ME tell you about my furry child Izzy. The little guy, as pictured here, was about a year old when I found him at the area Humane Society. As I cruised the caged aisles, a little gray paw beckoned me. He was waving to me, choosing me! It was love at first sight and I was a goner. He was just one big bundle of love. I don’t believe in declawing and a good thing because he loved to be outdoors and

needed to be able to defend himself or climb a tree if needed. He insisted on going out every morning to do his business (just like a dog) and remain out for his hunting forays. I live in the northwoods of Wisconsin so I would whistle for him every 20 minutes or so to check on his whereabouts. And, yes, like a dog, he came running, checked in with me, and was on his way again, bringing back a mouse or vole to the patio door for my morning breakfast. I was always cognizant of the many wild animals that roamed the woods and



was only slightly concerned because he was a really big cat, about 18 pounds of gray fur and flesh. He was generally in and out all day during the warm months, sometimes going out only to appear at the patio door moments later. I’d tire of the “out/in” game by the fifth time during a period of 10 minutes. Or if someone else was around, they’d pick up the slack. He was the boss! His curfew was sundown which caused some anxiety-ridden moments for me because that was his best hunting time and he was as often as not opposed to this curfew. Sometimes I’d have to track him down, round him up, and bring him in. He was not a happy camper during those escapades, nor was I. My favorite moments were when he’d settle in next to me on the sofa, curled up on his blanket, loving my touch. And he’d sleep with me every night. I particularly loved the homecomings I would receive after being gone for a few hours or a day: He’d come running down the stairs, roll on his back with pure joy to see me. Everyone loved Izzy because he greeted everyone with love and friendliness. He was just “that kind of cat.” And then he was gone. I let him out for his normal morning romp and since it was late fall and the temp was pretty cold, I whistled for him to come in after a short time. He didn’t come. I didn’t think it was too unusual since I knew this was his early morning hunting time. I left for some errands and placed his food and water on the deck since he’d not yet eaten.

When I got back, there was no Izzy rolling on his back in the driveway to greet me. I could see his food had not been touched. I could feel he hadn’t come home at all. I had a sick feeling. A mom just knows. I searched a half mile perimeter around the house. Nothing. The next day I sent out a mass emails to everyone in my area, posted missing posters, sent the posters to the shelters in the area, and asked everyone I knew if they’d seen the little guy. Nothing. I suspected it was a fisher that got him. It was the only animal in this area big and vicious enough to take him down. I looked for blood in the yard and a body in the woods and there was no evidence. A few days later it snowed and as I went to the mailbox I could see the tracks. My tracker book identified these prints as a fisher. It was apparent this fisher had been stalking, hanging around the house for some time even after he’d allegedly taken the boy. Just after the snow melted and as I was getting out of my car, I just about stepped on it! It was gray and furry. Was it a squirrel’s tail or some other animal tail? I picked it up and compared it to past photos I’d taken of my best friend. Yep, it was Izzy’s tail. The mystery of the magical appearance was like a gift from the universe. I knew for sure he was gone and I could now bury something, do a ceremony of remembrance for the little guy that I loved. Lynn S. LaFroth is managing editor/ co-publisher of Essential Wellness magazine. She can be reached at info@esswellness.com

PETS issue

Tellington TTouch trains pets (and people) through touch ®


E ARS AGO I didn’t know that working with animals from a place of love rather than fear could make such a huge difference. I found that gentle, respectful touch on the body along with guiding rather than forcing created amazing behavior shifts, increased the bond and overall well-being, and deepened the understanding. It’s been nine and one-half years since

my angel dog, Java, showed up in my life, encouraging me to find a new way of being with animals, a gentler, more compassionate, more heart centered way with Tellington TTouch® (tee-touch) Training (www. TTouch.com)—a simple method of touch and movement. Java was a fearful puppy—afraid of slight movements, pulled hard on a leash, was tense in her body, fearful of anything new, barked at moving objects, jumped at visitors, and had separation anxiety. Within the first six months of her life she

was attacked by a group of dogs—leaving her reactive to dogs, and within the first six years she was attacked again—this time by a person—leaving her more fearful of people. Without Tellington TTouch®, Java didn’t stand a chance at becoming more confident and less fearful. This past spring, Java had an unfortunate run in with barbed wire while she was running on 340 acres. Tellington TTouch® not only helped her stay calm and out of shock during a life and death situation, as well as assisting her throughout the surgery and healing process, it also helped to keep my partner, James, and I calm during a very stressful situation. Te l l i n g t o n TTouch ® works and it’s so simple anyone can do it. First developed in the 1970s by Linda TellingtonJones, Tellington TTouch ® Training began as a way to further the bond between people and horses through touch and positive training. The technique has evolved into a valuable tool for all companion animals—even humans!


Using circular touches, lifts and slides of varying pressure and degrees of contact with the hand, TTouch awakens the body on a cellular level, reduces stress, engages the brain, and improves body awareness. TTouch also employs movement exercises and various equipment to help an animal find a deeper place of physical, emotional and mental balance—utilizing special leashes and equipment, body wraps, and low level obstacles to encourage animals to become more aware and consider all of the options available to them. TTouch to page 11

june 2010


Dear Grace

Readers may submit questions to Janet Hovde for the “Dear Grace” column by emailing them to deargrace@janethovde.com. Questions/answers are printed as space allows.

DEAR GRACE: What can I do to open my third eye? —Terry Terry, when people ask that question, they usually are interested in improving their intuition. Opening your third eye might give you more sensory information, but opening your third eye alone doesn’t help you to discern the meaning of the information or provide you with the stability to deal with the extra information. So I will answer your question differently than you might expect. The first step is to strengthen your ability to “ground” your energy. This is about connecting to or plugging in to the supportive energy of the planet earth. The earth has a pulse of electromagnetic waves, called Schumann waves, which pulse at a rate of 7.83 cycles per second. One study measured the brain waves of healers around the world while they were doing healing work. The brain wave patterns of these healers were all 7.8-8 Hertz (hertz = cycles per second). Not



only did healers have the same frequency as the earth, but they synchronized with the phase of the Schumann waves. Their brains pulsed at the same rate and at the same time as the pulsing of the earth (Light Emerging, Brennan, 1993). Being grounded improves coherence, focus, and clarity. Grounding supports balanced energy for the practitioner of intuition. In my observation of intuitive practitioners, their knowledge and skill in grounding has a strong correlation to the integrity of their work. So your next question might be “how do I ground my energy?” One effective technique is to visualize yourself as a tree, with roots going down deep into the earth. Open the tips of the roots to release any stress and then to receive nourishing earth energy all the way up into the trunk of your tree. Another way of grounding your energy is to pay attention to the lower part of your body, perhaps being grateful to your feet, your ankles, your legs, and your root chakra. And some people find it useful to carry a small rock in their pocket, to remind them of their connection to the earth. There are stones, such as hematite, obsidian, lodestone, tiger’s eye, and smoky quartz, that specifically support root chakra and grounding energy. Last, one of the simplest


ways to ground your energy is to say, aloud or silently, “I am grounded.” Our energy follows our thoughts, so giving ourselves a direct, simple statement is an effective way to align our energy with a grounded state. I ask my clients and students to ground their energy daily. The next step in receiving intuitive information is to focus on the physical body. Intuitive information comes through all of the senses and through all of the chakras, including the brow chakra, or the third eye. An effective way to improve intuition is to become friendly with your own body and your own chakra system . . . which is a giant and rich topic to explore! There are many resources to do this on your own, and there is also great value in exploring these topics within a group. A group of people with similar intention creates greater ease in grounding your energy, and a faster acquisition of your new skills. Janet Hovde, MA, OTL, CHTP, is celebrating the 12th year of her healing practice, with appointments available in Roseville, MN & Hudson, WI. She enjoys watching her clients learn to care for their energy system and access their own inner wisdom. See website for her classes and fiber art: www.janethovde. com. Email your Dear Grace question to deargrace@janethovde.com.651-487-2744.

PETS issue

How do you know if your pet needs chiropractic care?


HIROPRACTIC CARE is a drug-free approach to relieving pain, restoring function, and optimizing health. Chiropractors remove nerve interference, allowing the body to heal itself more thoroughly, naturally. Now this powerful, holistic modality is available to your entire family, even your animal companions! Chiropractors perform adjustments to subluxated joints. A subluxated joint is one that is not moving properly. A well-delivered adjustment restores normal anatomical motion. Why is this important? Because

normal anatomical motion decreases pain and keeps the central nervous system healthy by allowing accurate, abundant neurological input from the body. 1, 2 Surprisingly enough, the ultimate effect of a chiropractic adjustment is not on the joint itself, but within the central nervous system. Many animals hide pain or dysfunction as long as they can. So, how do you know when your companion needs adjusting? If something has changed about your animal’s activities or abilities, or they are “aging” quickly, chiropractic may be the key.


Has your animal discontinued activities that used to be commonplace? Reluctance to sit, play, or jump to favorite perches can be indicators of pain. Is your animal less willing or able to perform? Dogs lag behind on walks, lameness or incoordination becomes evident, competitive performance suffers. Horses resist being saddled, or riders notice irregular gaits or reluctance to take correct leads. Is your animal “missing the litterbox” or “going in the house?” Changes in bathroom behaviors (in the absence of an infection or Chiropractic to page 12

june 2010


PETS issue


Pets need whole foods too!


HEN IT comes to pet discussion topics in the media, nutrition always takes a back seat to beauty and behavioral training. We often forget that our pets’ health, vitality, balance, longevity, and happiness all begin with what we feed them. In zoos for instance, wild cats and dogs (or wolves) are fed fresh carcasses to ensure their optimal health. Yet in the Western world, what we feed our pets is a lot of highly processed, unfit for human-consumption, pet food.

A Growing Epidemic Holistic veterinarians believe that



commercial pet food is one of the major causes of a lot of health problems in today’s pets—obesity, allergies, diabetes, urinary tract infections, thyroid diseases, digestive diseases, skin infections, cancer, etc. According to a Colorado State University study, the number one reason for surrendering a pet is disease. About 50 percent of pets in the Western world are overweight or obese according to Veterinary Pet Insurance. In the United Kingdom, diabetes is occurring 1 out of 230 pets. In the ’40 to ‘60s, pets could live up to 15 to 20 years. Nowadays, we are looking at life expectancy almost half that. The Morris Animal Foundation estimates that nearly 50 percent of pets will die from cancer.

In other parts of the world where pets are fed their natural diets, pets do not have diseases in epidemic proportions. Unfortunately, this pet health crisis gets drowned by the millions of dollars spent by pet food companies on marketing. By continuing to feed our pets with commercial pet food, especially the dry variety, we are unknowingly weakening the entire feline and canine species. Studies (Dr. Francis Pottenger’s experiment with cats, for example) show that pets on poor diets produce deficient offspring as health problems are passed generation to generation with each succeeding generation getting worse. Whole foods to page 11

PETS issue

Do animals have souls?


F YOU’VE ever wondered what lays beyond the beautiful eyes of your animal companions you are not alone. People have always been fascinated looking into the eyes of an animal and wondering what they’re thinking and what they would say given the opportunity to be understood by humans. Fortunately we now have animal communicators such as me who are able to converse with them telepathically. The development and expansion of human beings’ innate capacity for telepathic communication is one of the foundational aspects of the great awakening and opening to higher consciousness. More people are learning telepathic communica-

By LENA SWANSON tion and exploring this realm of greater connectedness with all of life.  As a full time professional animal communicator and shamanic healer I have had some incredible experiences while communicating with and healing animals over the past eight years. A recurrent theme often arises during an animal communication session, especially when speaking with those whose have made the transition to the other side. Do animals have souls? What are they like? Are they different or the same as human souls? Can an animal have a past life as a human or a human as an animal? Can our companion animals, both living and deceased, function as our spirit guides?

Every animal communicator and healer experiences the connection with their clients in a unique way based on education and training, personal experience, beliefs and the lens through which that individual “sees” reality and its many variations. My experiences with animals on a soul level are unique as well and should not be taken as doctrine but as interesting anecdotes that may or may not resonate. Souls to page 10

june 2010


Soul from page 9 With that in mind the following are some of the things I have been shown or have experienced as a result of my work: Chosen incarnation Animals not only have souls but they are the same as human souls. The only difference is that the soul of an animal has chosen to incarnate this time around as an animal in order to explore specific experiences and lessons as a part of their evolution as a soul. A cat may choose to come back as a dog or vice versa. A person may choose to reincarnate as an animal to be reunited with their human family more quickly and easily. A dog may come back to his/her person/ people in an almost identical form and personality to continue their life together where they left off. I have had specific experiences with all of the above, either personally or through my clients and their animals. As the great awakening and opening to higher consciousness broadens so does the speed with which animals who transition are returning. A client’s guinea pig who passed away reincarnated into another guinea pig and has the record so far, coming back in a mere four weeks! Spirit guides Many of my clients feel strongly that one of their animal companions, either



living or deceased, is functioning as a spirit guide in their life. I have done animal communication sessions with many of these special guides and it never ceases to amaze me how thoughtful and accurate the information they share with their people can be. Life direction, moving, traveling, job/career changes and relationship issues are just some of the topics that have been covered in sessions with animal spirit guides.  Our animal companions are here, in part, to help us open to a greater connectedness with all of life because they have never lost that relationship. Through our animal companions we are able to deepen our human experience and live more consciously by awakening and opening up to them as souls who have simply taken a different form this time around. Lena Swanson has been a full time professional animal c o m m u n i c a t o r, s h a m a n i c healer, past life regression facilitator, Reiki master, and consultant in the use of flower essences and essential oils for the past eight years. Her holistic healthcare practice focuses on achieving and maintaining wellness for both people and animals. She also teaches a variety of animal communication and shamanic journeying classes. www.lenaswanson.com or call 651.206.0644 for more information.


Whole foods from page 8 Why Whole Foods? Like us humans, our pets maximize benefits from food only when nutrients come in their whole natural form. Most commercial pet foods are mixes of isolated nutrients, fillers, preservatives, and artificial flavorings. They lack the most vital of nutrients: Life. Our pets’ physiology is in harmony with meat-based whole foods. Evolution has not prepared them for highly-processed, grainbased commercial pet foods. Commercial pet food creates inflammation in the body making our pets prone to disease. Whole foods ensure digestive balance, from food breakdown to assimilation and excretion. Highly-processed

commercial pet foods destroy this balance. Benefits of Whole Foods Feeding is believing! The changes you will see when feeding your pet real food are not imaginary. A lot of them are in fact very tangible: • Clear eyes and ears • Easy digestion, no loose stools • Muscular, toned body • Smooth, pliable, odor-free skin • Shiny, soft, full-bodied coat • Healthy teeth and gums • More energy, calmer, less nervous • Joint flexibility • Healthy immune system Changing your pet’s diet will need

planning. A pet on a dry food diet will lack the enzymes needed to process real food. To avoid digestive upsets, a transition plan, where real food is slowly introduced to the pet, is necessary. For multi-pet households or for bigger pets, even doing a 50-50 mix of commercial pet food and whole foods will still reap significant benefits and can give your pet longevity, a better quality of life, and save you in vet bills. Enrique Palma, M.A., is the pet chef at Woody’s Pet Food Deli, a health food store for pets, located in Minneapolis (www. woodyspetdeli.com). He can be contacted at enrique@woodyspetdeli.com.

TTouch from page 5 Tellington TTouch teaches animals how to act instead of react and their habits begin to change. In short, you’re helping your animal relax so they can think and make better choices. Anyone can do TTouch. You can attend a workshop with a certified practitioner, have a private session, read books, or become certified. Once you learn some basic touches, lifts and leading exercises, you can start helping your pets with everything from anxiety and aggressive behavior to thunderstorm phobias, aging, behavior, grooming, and so much more.

Through Tellington TTouch® Training, Java has learned to cope with many stressors, and I’ve learned about patience, awareness, and love. She continues to settle into a calmer, more focused dog who’s much healthier and happier than the little ball of stress I brought home from the shelter years ago. In return for the lessons I’ve learned from working with Java, the animals I work with professionally thank me for taking the time to learn how to be respectful with them as well. Tellington TTouch® Training may be just what you’re looking for!

Sage Lewis is the creature teacher with Dancing Porcupine and is a Level 3 Certified Tellington TTouch® practitioner, animal communicator, certified life coach and shamanic practitioner. She is the author of, JAVA: The True Story of a Shelter Dog Who Rescued a Woman and host of The Pet Playground on AM950— Sundays 6 pm. FFI: Tellington TTouch® classes, private sessions and certification trainings, contact Sage at 612-817-4473; www.DancingPorcupine.com

Want to advertise in print or online with Essential Wellness? Dee: tcwellness@centurytel.net or 715.259.3047. june 2010


Chiropractic from page 7 parasite infestation) can indicate discomfort. Animals that have become fearful, aggressive, or anxious may be reacting to chronic pain. Subluxated ribs can cause pain with every inhalation. Over time this may affect an animal’s confidence or behavior. Even animals with pre-existing conditions such as arthritis, disc herniations, degenerative myelopathy, or hip dysplasia, can benefit from chiropractic care. All of these conditions can cause, or be aggravated by, subluxations elsewhere in the body. Although chiropractic will not necessarily eliminate these conditions, it can often help the body cope with them better. 3, 4 All of the body’s systems, like the immune, vascular, digestive, respiratory and endocrine, get their marching orders from the central nervous system. Human chiropractic patients often become less reliant on medications for asthma, hypertension, endocrine disorders, etc. 5, 6, 7 Improvements



also occur in some patients with incontinence, because the root cause is often neurological.8 How does all this happen from simply adjusting the spine? Because the internal organs receive input from the same spinal nerves that supply the muscles and joints. A treatment from a qualified chiropractor is a full-body tune up! Many owners choose regular maintenance care for their animals to keep them in top-notch condition. Maintenance visits are generally one to three months apart. Healthy animals seem to need less maintenance than people do. Perhaps because they don’t drive cars, work at computers, or worry about anything other than squirrels in the yard. Chiropractic is a powerful modality. As stated before, its ultimate effect occurs within the central nervous system. Even a wellintended attempt at adjusting, if performed by untrained hands, can have devastating effects on your animal. Be certain that you fully understand the credentials of your service provider. Find a chiropractor or veter-

inarian that has completed a post-doctorate training course approved by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association or the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association. These courses train chiropractors to recognize situations that require immediate veterinary intervention or co-management. Annie Seefeldt, DC, CVSMT, is Minnesota’s first Board Registered Animal Chiropractor. For additional information, owner testimonials, and contact information for Dr. Seefeldt and other Board Registered Animal Chiropractors visit www. MNAnimalChiro.org (Minnesota Animal Chiropractic Care). 1

ickar, J.G. Wheeler, J.D. (2001) ‘Response of Muscle Proprioceptors P to Spinal Manipulative-like Loads in the Anesthetized Cat’ Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol 24, Part: 1: pp. 2-11 2 Cramer, G.D., Lecture Notes. Healing Oasis Wellness Center, Basic Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy, Module 2, November 2007. 3 Huff, L. and Brady, D.M. Instant Access to Chiropractic Guidelines and Protocols. 2nd ed. Elsevier Mosby, St. Louis, MO, 2005. 4 Gatterman, M.I. Foundations of Chiropractic: Subluxation. 2nd ed. Elsevier Mosby, St. Louis, MO, 2005. 5 Gibbs, A.L. (2005) ‘Chiropractic Co-management of Medically Treated Asthma’ Clinical Chiropractic, Vol 8, Part: 3: pp. 140-144 6 DeNoon, D.J. (2007) ‘Chiropractic Cuts Blood Pressure’ WebMD Health News, March 16, 2007, [online] Available at: <http://www. webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/news/20070316/ chiropractic-cuts-blood-pressure> [Accessed 12/15/2008] 7 Ali, S. et al. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Spinal Manipulation. 8 Bagley, R.S. Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Neurology. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, 2005.


True spiritual community is about sharing authentically


AV I N G A s p i r i t u a l community accelerates your personal growth in ways you cannot imagine. The idea of being with spiritually-minded people who care about the same things and are dedicated to deepening their relationship to God is exciting for some and possibly scary for others. It can be exhilarating and inspiring because it increases the chances that you will see reflected in the eyes of others the real impact of your feelings, motives, and intentions. It is almost impossible to not be noticed when people are dedicated to being real and honest in relationship. Your actions and feelings are registered by others and known in ways you may not be used to in other group situations. People dedicated to grow and learn spiritually are intent on awareness, consciousness, and responsible interactions so they are not inclined to be fake or phony. Fakeness is typical in most non-spiritual communities since easy cordialities are the norm while deep, meaningful interchanges are rare and may be even feared. Some people can be frightened when anyone probes deeply into what they are feeling or thinking. Most people live in such isolated recesses that friendly interest is seen as an unwelcome intrusion into the substantially imagined privacy of their inner world.

In spiritual community, individuals are welcomed to share their true feelings in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. Patience is the overriding norm where people are given the freedom to grow and change without feeling pressured or forced to conform to other people’s concepts of how they are to be. The focus of spiritual community is centeredness on God, the Divine Source, and peaceful relationship with sisters and brothers. The most important feature of spiritual community is honesty. Honesty about one’s feelings and motives is essential to the health of the community. Honesty means you tell it like it is without being mean to yourself or others. Honesty with oneself involves speaking openly about your feelings and having the courage to accept the feedback from members of the community in return. Honesty means you are saying how it is for you at the moment and not glossing things over to make them look better or tearing things down to get sympathy from other people. Since everyone is dedicated to being genuine and honest, there is no backstabbing or power trips displayed for or against members of the community. Only in an atmosphere of honesty and mutual respect can real spiritual community thrive. The spiritual communities that seem most successful are those where there is a central, defining leadership with


clear expectations of boundaries and spiritual aspirations. Spiritual community is not for the weak or unstable as they will make other members into their parents or demonize those who are confident. People who have not worked through the basics of how to take care of themselves and be responsible are actually not ready for a real spiritual community. For those who are ready, it can be tremendously life-changing and transformative. Father Peter Bowes is an ordained Priest and Master Teacher in the Order of Christ/Sophia. He was trained by the Holy Order of MANS in the 1970s and was ordained a minister in 1974. He started four Christian Communities in Indianapolis; Santa Barbara; San Luis Obispo; California; and Bloomington, Indiana. In 1979, he left the Holy Order of MANS, and on April 11, 1982, Master Raeson Ruiz from that Order ordained him a Priest and Teacher. He has been teaching and training people ever since. In 1999, he co-founded the Order of Christ/Sophia and began the Centers of Light with Mother Clare Watts, who is also a Priest and Master Teacher in the Order. In 2008, the two began wearing purple robes to signify their spiritual mastery as “Western Gurus.” FFI on Center of Light, Minneapolis visit www.centersoflight.org or call 612-226-9200.

june 2010



JUNE Beginning June 7

Massage & Shiatsu Career Info Sessions at CenterPoint

June 7, 15, 21 & 29 at 6 pm. June 19 at 10 am. Discover how you can have a rewarding career. CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School offers programs for you to become a professional bodywork therapist. Call Shawn at 612-617-9090. Visit www.CenterPointMN.com. June 12

Massage Basics Workshop

10 am–5 pm. Learn a variety of basic massage techniques for the head, neck, back, & legs. Great for stress reduction & relaxation. Take this workshop if you are considering a career in massage or enjoy working on family & friends. 6 hrs, $75. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com. June 12

Preparing/Eating Alkalarian Raw Foods

Learn to prepare Alkalarian Raw entrees, soups, desserts. Alkalize, energize, lose weight, gain strength, youthen. 9-Noon. Dr. Bridget Bagley’s Lake Minnetonka home. RSVP 952-473-1234. Rejuvenating Recipes. $25. June 12–14

IET Practitioner Certification—Minneapolis

Learn to remove “issues from the tissues” permanently with self, distant, & client healing. Three spiritual DNA attunements, three comprehensive manuals, Advanced Practitioner certification, experience Angels of the Healing Ray, International registry listing. 24 CEUs. Pre-register 928-3000359 www.learniet.com/bonny_kraus.asp



June 24-27

North Shore Mindfulness & Yoga Retreat

With Milissa Link. Gentle yoga, hiking, relaxation. Lake Superior views & access. $420. Tree of Life Yoga, 612-616-9793 orwww.tolifeyoga.com. June 27

Tadpole Parade in Circle Pines!

July 17

Ethics & Archetypes

10 am–5 pm. Are you a Seeker, Magician or Sage? Discover how your life’s experiences form the pathway to your highest potential as a healer, therapist, or bodyworker, & how to best work with clients. NCBTMB/NCCAOM approved. 6 hrs. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www.CenterPointMN.com.

Family Festival, Sunday 1-6 pm includes Parent + Child Yoga from 2:30-3:30. 9201 Lexington Av N. (DMV mall). FFI: www. IndigaArt.com. 763 413-0612


June 29

Oct 2 & 3

Home Funerals/Green Burials 2nd Annual Duluth Holistic Interested in more natural, intimate, Expo economical funerals? Rep. Carolyn Laine explains new law. FREE. 6:30-8 pm, Washburn Library 5244 Lyndale S., Mpls. mnthresholdnetwork.wordpress.com.

JULY July 12-16

Peace Camp

Week long day camp exploring & re-imagining ways to be every day peacemakers with musicians, artists, storytellers, spiritual guides, gardeners, & other creative facilitators. Children ages 8-12. 9 am-4 pm. 651-696-2788. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/ childres_spirituality.aspx July 17

Shiatsu Basics Workshop

10 am–5 pm. Discover how simple & effective Shiatsu Therapy is for relieving headaches, backaches, & stiff necks. Learn the basics to share with family & friends, or to explore a new career. 6 hrs, $75. Register at 612-617-9090. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com.

At the DECC, Duluth, MN Over 90 exhibitors include: holistic healers, intuitive readers, health products, unique gifts & more! 5 keynote speakers, 36 free workshops. To exhibit: dee@edgelife.net or 715-259-3047. For tickets or FFI: www. edgelife.net Oct 16 & 17

Healthy Life Expo

Minneapolis Convention Center. Hundreds of exhibitors, three stages of speakers, demonstrations & entertainment. This is the largest show of its kind, don’t miss the opportunity to exhibit or attend. See it all at: www.ExpoGuys.com or for exhibitor information call 952-238-1700.

To list in calendar • Print: $1 per word: minimum of 25 words, maximum 50 words • Online: $15 for up to 100 words at www.esswellness.com with one image and link; automatically expires on calendar date ee, sales@esswellness.com D 715.259.3047

june 2010


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