June-July 2014 Essential Wellness

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MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS: MASTERS Experiencing Your Past Lives September 6, 2014 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Chicago. IL

Learn to Release All Anxiety and Fears by Unlocking the Doors to your Past! Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian is the nation’s foremost expert in this field. This highly experiential intensive workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy. When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die—and our possible future lives—we awaken from the constrictions of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.

During this all-day event, you will have an opportunity to: •

Discover extraordinary details about your past

Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes

Practice revolutionary healing visualizations and meditations

Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life

Understand about your soul mates and soul companions

Discover new tools for developing your intuition and psychic abilities

Seats Limited – Register Early and Save!

Join Brian Weiss, M.D. as he opens unexpected doors into the astonishing realm of past-life regression, while he guides participants through the process!

To reserve your seat or for more information Call 800-654-5126 or visit www.hayhouse.com/events and register today! www.hayhouse.com® www.healyourlife.com®

june-july 2014


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ENERGY MEDICINE MENTORSHIP WITH CYNDI DALE A Practicum Experience In this true mentorship process, you’ll be supported in developing your own unique abilities and gifts. Each month’s workshop will be different, reflecting the needs and interests of the students present. These classes are intended for people with previous energy work experience. June 21, July 12 and August 9 • 9:00 am - noon $65/ class, or $165/series Innovative Integrative Health and Wellness courses Normandale.edu/ce/classes • 952-358-8343

Achieve harmony between your mouth and body

6100 Excelsior Blvd, Suite East, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 (952) 929 4545 www.kingtooth.com june-july 2014


staff essential wellness digital magazine Twin Cities Wellness aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 PUBLISHERS Dee & Lynn LaFroth ADVERTISING Dee LaFroth sales@esswellness.com 715.259.3047 EDITOR Lynn LaFroth info@esswellness.com ART DIRECTION Soleil Graphics WRITING SUBMISSIONS Click here for Writers Guidelines RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL Send us your email to receive twice-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness info@esswellness.com 6 www.esswellness.com

june-july 2014

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Heal through sacred sound therapy BY CAROLYN VINUP


Art that propels us to inner dimensions, the “invisible world” of magic



Computer-generated mandala art supports healing BY RICHARD BONK


Heal through sacred sound therapy


EREMONY AND traditions enrich our lives and help us make sense of the ups and downs, the confusion and chaos that surrounds us. In today’s world we need sanctuary, we need energy healers, and we need ceremony and sacred traditions. Over the past decade, my journey with sacred sound has expanded my awareness, enhanced my intuitive skills, deepened my relationship with source and touched my heart so it’s in full bloom. The ancient traditions like sacred sound, reminds us that we are part of something bigger, and when we embrace traditions, rituals and ceremony, we are able to participate in the energy of vibra-

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tional alignment where we can experience guidance, divine wisdom, peace, love, healing, delight, amusement, surprise, joy, bliss, compassion, and forgiveness. When we are in alignment with who we are and what we share with the world, we dance in the magic of possibilities and open our lives up for something wonderful to happen. I love working with sacred sound and sharing the blessings, attunements and ceremonies with others.


session will ignite your inner radiance and fill your heart with joy. You will feel peace and expansiveness. My favorite sacred sound ceremonies are the following: • The Blessing, inspired by the Prayer of Jabez • Ringing in New Beginnings • Divine Will Attunement • I AM LIGHT • Awakening Your Abundant Heart • A Sound Health Tune Up and Energy Balancing

Sound acts like a massive transmitter as our thoughts, sighs, hums, songs and words I invite you to gift yourself communicate to our physical, a sacred sound session. Each emotional, mental and spiritual session lasts for 1-2 hours. Your selves. life will be blessed and touched CONTINUED PAGE 10... by goodness. A sacred sound

june-july 2014



By engaging sacred sound in simple, yet conscious ways you develop a powerful self-help tool and expand positive energy around you, which attracts opportunities your way. If you are ready to anchor manifestations, be honored, blessed, and touched by angelic sounds, then contact Carolyn for a sacred sound session.

Her sacred sound ceremonies, blessings and attunements have touched thousands of people’s lives. Carolyn enjoys the magic that unfolds when wishes, intentions and will join forces with sacred sound. Transformational experiences are the norm. Contact Carolyn today for a sacred sound experience that will touch your heart, spirit and soul. Carolyn Vinup is inspired by F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : the healing sounds of crystal Carolyn Vinup singing bowls. She has Sacred Sound Ceremonies been a sound health www.sacredsound.carolynvinup.com practitioner for over 612-325-5162 a decade. Carolyn@CarolynVinup.com


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TESTIMONIES ABOUT THE WORK “I can’t explain in words what Carolyn does; her work just needs to be experienced.” ­­ —Claire “I have worked with Carolyn for over nine years, each time I am blessed by the healing qualities of sacred sound.” —Gina “Carolyn honored us with a blessing at the celebration of my husband’s passing. Her voice filled the space and the soothing sound of the crystal singing bowl felt like an angelic choir.” ­ —Terry

june-july 2014


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june-july 2014



Art that propels us to inner dimensions


H E N I was a little g ir l, I believed in magic; my wand and my paint brush transported me to the invisible world. My mystical path through the arts, along with a powerful inside force, moved me constantly to research a way to portray this invisible world. I was seeking a path unknown to the arts, a new expression that could convey the inner and outer worlds of a human being. The arts and this creative path have leaded me to those unseen places that are hiding from the human eye, into the hidden secrets of life! My deepest desire has been to reveal those unseen dimen-

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sions and to offer a breath of hope to our humanity. To do this, I crossed the barriers from the visible dimensions to the invisible dimensions of life, using color vibration as my guide. I wanted to reveal our inner light and the existence of the light of our creator.

ARTWORK THAT CREATES CHANGE IN CONSCIOUSNESS That’s why I dared cross the boundaries of the traditional art schools to create New Invisible Art & Light Techniques©. My paintings can be seen in three wavelengths—black light, normal light, and combined. These images reveal information hidden initially from sight, and in doing so, bring the higher vibrations of the dimen-

sions beyond our physical existence—and all that exists in higher planes—into our physical reality. As the invisible appears, a shock, a wow factor is created, this is a moment of consciousness, where the art and its messages become a catalyst for creating change. The color vibrations connect to the human energy system, raising the frequency in the viewer and healing wounds known and unknown. Studies show the transformation people undergo when they see this unique artwork. These Invisible Art images reveal to us who we truly are; they emanate higher levels of energy. They afford the opportunity to align with higher elecCONTINUED PAGE 16...

june-july 2014



tromagnetic frequencies known to enhance our healing and health of body-mind-spirit. A new possibility, where each image opens its portals of wisdom to a new gateway. As these images help us to connect to our life’s experiences and our soul, a new expansion occurs, revealing unknown invisible dimensions where not only the art images dwell, but the dimensions where our soul exists. We are all looking for answers to life’s big questions and trials; many are revealed in my book The Art of HealingArt. The invisible dimensions provide us with guidance, leading us to awaken to our inner wisdom, helping us to transcend and expand beyond limiting thoughts, beliefs, and habits. As we view the art within this book, invisible forces are ignited within us, stimulating our self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. Jacqueline Ripstein in an internationally renowned artist and peace envoy who has inspired hundreds of thousands of people all over the world through her highly vibrational art, books, self-awareness seminars and workshops. Her astonishing new book The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness pairs 15 of her incredible images with life lessons that open the door to personal metamorphosis.


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june-july 2014



Computer-generated mandala art healing


LTHOUGH THE creative process has always been central to my life, there was a period about 15 years ago where, I found myself struggling financially and emotionally to support my family. This superseded my creative aspirations and I sunk to a low, feeling trapped between the proverbial rock and a hard place. After a few years in this space—staring into the eye of the seductive computer—I serendipitously stumbled onto a process discovering I could translate digital information from various


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the digital process —similar to those I observed in nature —even archetypal patterns, it became obvious that the “hand of the creator” is everywhere —even within the technology of computer systems. Indeed, I shifted to the perspective that the computer and technolGETTING OVER ogy were tools—just as any art THE BELIEF THAT making implements —and that COMPUTERS AND it is up to the artist to apply ART DON’T MIX Also at that time I was her/his aesthetic sensibilities to involved in a long-standing guide the process. struggle with a personally held bias that art and computers do not mix —that one cannot create “real art” with such technology. But watching particuCONTINUED PAGE 22... lar patterns emerge as part of

sources into visual representations. Quickly many images emerged—mostly circular “mandala-like” imagery. I was enamored with their simple beauty and focusing, calming effect.

june-july 2014



HOMEOPATHIC ART aesthetic portraits. One of these ized mandalas as “homeopathic SUPPORTS HEALING friends, Diane Diegel (since art” to elicit and support persons One image led to another and almost two decades later I find myself at one end of thousands of such images. Not only were these images captivating, the process seemed to be meditative, even therapeutic. I began to share the images with others and invited them to share personal information that could be transformed into

passed on), who was an acupuncture instructor at a local chiropractic school, suggested we experiment using personalized mandala images to affect an individual’s energy field. Utilizing muscle testing, we found that, similar to nutrients and crystals, images also weaken or strengthen human energy fields. So we started creating personal-

Shamanism Training Program Healing the Wounded Spirit, Soul Retrieval,Recovery From Trauma, Space Clearing, Depossession Avatar Resurfacing® Playshop June 14-15, call for details Shamanism Soul Retrieval Class August 4-8, 2014 Shamanism 12-Month Training Program starts Sept. 27, 2014

Contact Mary Stoffel 763-444-8146 mlstoffel@innovatord.com www.humanimal.com www.practicalshamanism.com 22 www.esswellness.com

in their healing processes. We were excited as this technique seemed to bypass an individual’s cognitive judge and activate and support inner processes regardless of personal beliefs. Further, we found that the created image was not “just” a representation of something else such as a concept, rather, it was an actual energetic “entity” with vibra-

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tion of its type and is being utilized by the Global Alliance of Arts in Health as a model to create similar groups globally. Our vision includes creating a physical home for MAIHN, with a gallery and performance studios to showcase artists involved in healing, a resource library and community facilities for public programming.

to create personal MandalArt Healing Image energ y portraits. He can be reached at: www.richardbonk.com. He will also be featured in a soon to be released documentary on floatation, REST: http://www.float-nation.com/ and is partnering to crea t e t h e u p p e r M i d w e s t’ s premier floatation cent e r, B o d h i F l o a t C e n t e r : Richard Bonk, is available www.bodhifloatctr.com

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tional existence of its own — with the potential to influence our human bio-psychology and provide essential nurturing. We hope to continue these explorations as part of our proposed local Midwest Arts In Healthcare Network (MAIHN) Healing Arts Center. The author is a founding member of MAIHN, which, with 500 people on the listserv, is the largest grassroots organiza-

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june-july 2014


Live Well.

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