August 2011 Essential Wellness

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Cover Art by Francene Hart. See more by this artist at

resources for inner peace, health and healing

august 2011

managing pain holistically


august 2011



august 2011

managing pain holistically 6-7


Changing habits can alleviate pain LAUREN HILL

Find the pain source for answers and solutions KATHLEEN HIGGINS, DC


ABOUT THE COVER “Dragon and Phoenix” by Visionary Artist Francene Hart

wellness pages 14-22



Alternative medicine offers effective pain management BEE JIMPSON

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staff essential wellness digital magazine Twin Cities Wellness aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830


Dee & Lynn LaFroth


Dee LaFroth 715.259.3047




Lynn LaFroth

ART DIRECTOR Sunshine Sevigny

RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL! Send your email to to receive bi-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness

august 2011



Changing habits can alleviate pain





tension headaches who goes to an acu-

are contributing to the problem that means

but extremely important

puncturist for treatment. The acupuncture

that you can play a more active role in

aspect of chronic pain

treatment may be quite helpful. However,

helping yourself than you previously real-

management is the role a

if the person goes home and daily bangs

ized. Taking concrete steps to improving

person’s habits of posture

their head against the wall, the treatment

awareness of your body and discovering

and movement play in their condition.

what some of your habitual patterns are

can provide a sense of control in an other-

Bringing up the potential role of hab-

its in pain is tricky. The mere suggestion

wise sea of helplessness.

that “you might be part of your problem”

Be willing to take

some responsibility for yourself and not

some responsibility

The next step is to actually begin to pay

is no doubt a hard pill to swallow especially if you are feeling that you are a victim and this is being “done to you.” However, in many cases your habits are actually con-

for yourself and

tributing to some degree and you are ”doing it to yourself.”

not solely look to


others to “fix the

The degree to which habits contrib-

ute to pain depends on the type of chronic


pain. There is chronic pain that is clearly caused by an injury or illness or degen-

Lastly, there is pain that can be completely caused by your habits. A lot of musculoskeletal pain falls into this last category. Pain management of the last two categories can

After all, why pay attention to something that is causing so much discomfort? However, if you are doing something that is causing problems and wish to stop doing it you first need to be aware of what you are doing. It is amazing the effect a simple every-

can only be so effective. This is a rather

aware of what you are doing and stopping

crude example. However, many of us are

doing it is enough to have a profound effect

contributing to our condition by habitu-

over time. A chronically tense shoulder or

ally banging our head against the wall.

neck may be caused or exacerbated by the simple act of always carrying a heavy hand-


attention to habits.

uting to your pain is not bad news! If you


often the opposite of what you want to do.

our discomfort. Often simply becoming

be greatly facilitated by learning to pay Take an example of someone with

attention to your body even though it is

day activity done over and over can have on

is initially caused by a known condition tion becomes exacerbated by your habits.

solely look to others to “fix the problem.”

erative condition. Then there is pain that (arthritis for example) but the condi-

The first step is to be willing to take

The news that you might be contrib-

bag, briefcase or backpack on the same side day after day. Also you may tend to habitually throw your weight to one side or the other, as in always standing by sinking into


the same hip or leaning to the same side in sitting. This can cause chronic imbalances and corresponding compensatory tension to set up in the body. PAY ATTENTION TO JUST ONE THING AT A TIME

Choosing just one thing to

begin to pay attention to is a reasonable and manageable way to start. Perhaps choosing to simply stop each time you go to lift your purse or briefcase will give you a chance to notice where you tend to place it and begin to make a choice to not go about carrying it in your

Most of us don’t stop to consider how everyday habits such and standing and carrying a bag contribute to our problems.

habitual way and try something different.

Study of the Alexander Technique is

one effective way to help improve awareness of your habits of posture and movement and offers a non-pharmacological approach to pain management that can be an effective adjunct to other therapies you may be using. Lauren Hill is a nationally certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, a 100-yearold method for learning to use the body more efficiently with less effort and more ease. Lauren teaches in St. Paul, MN. Visit w w w. Al e x a n d e r Te a c h i n g St u d i o. c o m for more information. august 2011



“Dragon and Phoenix” by Visionary Artist Francene Hart



of yin and yang—balancing male and

and represents pow-

female energies,” said Francene Hart about

erful transformative

this piece.

powers. Phoeni x

is female and rep-

recognized visionary artist whose work

resents resurrection, reawakening, and

has been widely published in books and

rebirth. Together they weave another kind

magazines and hangs in the homes of art

Francene Hart is an internationally

collectors and the offices



and seekers around the planet. She was summoned by spirit in 2001 to the Big Island



and is now painting, swimming, and

Sacred Geometry. These paintings act as

living her bliss in

a bridge between this reality and a meta-

bless’ed Hawaii.

phorical world of healing, continuity, and

“Reverence for

transformation. I use multiple transparent

the natural environ-

watercolor glazes coupled with image over-

ment, and experi-

lapping techniques, and sacred geometry

encing the intercon-

to produce visions of a multi-dimensional

nectedness between

reality. It is my intention to create art that

all things has long

embodies the vibration of Universal Love

guided me to create

and expresses the joy and gratitude I feel

watercolor paint-

for the honor of being part of this earth-

ings of beauty and

walk,” she said.



Artist Francene Hart. See more of her work at 8



Each of the images in her gallery


is available in beautiful Color Prints and

has led me into an

many as Artcards. Also available, the

exciting exploration

Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck and the

into the wisdom and

Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary

symbolic imagery of

Path. Visit

august 2011



Alternative medicine offe pain management


AIN IS an interesting factor in

to complain but when her pain became

Even though the medication took the

our lives. It has the ability to

so severe that she could no longer func-

edge off the pain it was a constant com-

cripple us, limit our mobility,

tion she needed assistance. The doctors

panion and she had learned to live with

and even control our thinking

were at a loss as far as what they could do

and ignore it. She had forgotten to men-

and our moods. It is the invis-

for her and resolved to give her prescrip-

tion it because it had become a part of her

ible predator that others, who have not

tion pain medications that were the some

daily life. She was giddy, not because the

experienced it, would not understand and

of the strongest and most addictive on the

intestinal issues were gone but because

may not have patience with those who deal

market. After being on them for about a

she realized that the neck pain had disap-

with it. There are many treatments that

month she slowly became aware that she

peared during the session. She was then

can be found on the market and through

was no longer coherent and could not fol-

able to stop the pain medication and has

healthcare practitioners that are very help-

low a conversation, so she decided to stop

never needed it again.

ful and others that are not so helpful.

taking those meds.

There are many reasons for pain.

mendous relief from pain since she began

a friend’s mother who lives in Portland,

Initially it serves to keep us from further

using alternative methods that were rec-

Oregon who explained to me that she had

injuring an affected or damaged area so

ommended to her. She began swimming

begun to have extreme and severe constant

that we take care of it and allow for heal-

and doing water aerobics first three times

pain in her back. When I asked her about

ing. For some people with chronic pain,

a week and now almost every day. She

what had happened and what she had done

beyond an initial injury, it is such a daily

increased her mineral supplements and

about it to this point she began recounting

occurrence that they become used to it and

agreed to receiving a number of remote

the story of the medical visits to her doc-

trying to ignore its existence.

healing sessions. She is now functioning

A few weeks ago I was speaking to

tors. She had been having knee problems and the back pain, at that time, was simply an annoyance that she dealt with. She had one knee replacement and the other knee was surgically scraped and cleaned. Her knees started feeling much better after the surgeries but the pain in her back quickly became chronic.


A person came to me for a healing

session a few years ago because she had some issues with intestinal discomfort. After the session she sat up on the table and became giddy with joy. She told me that she had had chronic neck pain for


years and there was nothing that the doc-

ing pain medication for it all those years.

My friend’s mother is not a person


tors could do for her so she had been tak-

My friend’s mother has had tre-

again, sleeps a full night, and feels rested in the morning, and is able to resume the daily activities that she was forced to stop prior to getting relief from pain.

We are living in an age that gives us

an opportunity to discover and participate in new and exciting experiences and practices. There are new energies (or frequencies) that have emerged, and continue to emerge and morph on our planet. These new energies bring with them new healing


ers effective

frequencies (Intelligent Conscious Fluid

challenged to take advantage of these new

all her adult life. After having near death ex-

Energies) that are available to us today.

energies for our personal healing, growth

periences with a long term illness Bee was able

This assists us in our multi-level equilib-

and spiritual development.

to achieve her own healing. She teaches and

rium to keep us balanced during this time

speaks internationally and offers Awakening;

of extreme change that we are experienc-

Bee Jimpson was born in South America and

Quantum Healing and Alignment sessions,

ing on our planet. We are invited and

has lived in the Minnesota and Wisconsin for

classes and seminars. august 2011



Find the pain source for answers and solutions


F ONE breaks an arm, the solution to fix it is clear. The bone needs to be set and cast. Sometimes people wake up one morning with elbow, knee, foot, or other joint pain and swelling

that happened from no apparent injury. In


energy or stored for later use. There are a

and feet) that don’t use insulin for sugar

After suffering over a year, my heel

pain disappeared as quickly as it had come. Besides feeling incredibly grateful, I had to wonder why it left. Only one thing had changed. I had started the Atkins diet

few areas of the body (brain, eyes, kidneys transfer and react negatively if there is excess. These are some of the same organs affected by diabetes which is the body’s inability to balance blood sugar and insu-

these cases, finding the cause and appro-

lin. Since my own experience 17 years

priate treatment including effective pain

ago, I have clinically seen many patients

management can be more complex.

with heel pain improve when they stick to

the first phase of Atkins, HCG, or South

Seventeen years ago I woke up with

terrible heel pain out of the blue. The bot-

Beach Diets.

tom of my foot around the heel bothered me every time I got up after sleeping or if I had been sitting for awhile. Walking


or standing for any length of time hurt.

This was distressing to me since I was a

looking away from the painful area for its

runner. The pain and inflammation not

source and solution, especially when one

only hurt but interfered with my exercise

can’t remember a recent injury. It teaches

and stress reduction routine. I went from

buttock, leg, knee, foot, shoulder, elbow,

running a yearly half marathon to spend-

wrist, and hand pain can come from bones

ing time hunting for soft bottomed shoes

of the spine sitting out of alignment, also

that could help relieve my pain. Back then

known as subluxation. Nerves coming

cute, soft shoes were mostly a fantasy. I was

from a subluxated area of the spine send

diagnosed by the medical profession with plantar fasciitis. I followed their standard protocol of stretching exercises, wearing orthotic shoe inserts and a very bulky, uncomfortable brace to bed at night. None of these things made any difference to my heel pain. I felt depressed and old.


Chiropractic is another example of

three weeks earlier. The first phase of the

incorrect signals to the areas they con-

Atkins protocol eliminates most sugars,

trol. This can result in pain and swelling.

starches, and carbohydrates.

Nerves affected by subluxations either

I started putting puzzle pieces

speed up or slow down their normal func-

together. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas

tion (think of a muscle that feels either very

is essential. It moves sugar from the blood

tight or weak.) In these cases, pain man-

into cells where sugar/carbs are used for

agement recommendations include cold


packing both the painful area and the source of the pain, (the subluxated area of the spine) for 20 minutes one or more times per day. This numbs the nerves, relieves pain, and reduces inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments are also recommended to remove the subluxation. When the nerves going to the painful, swollen area are no longer irritated, pain and swelling cease and normal function can resume.

Passionate about health care for

25 years, I believe no matter where your pain is, how long you’ve had it, and what you have tried doing to relieve it, a good healthcare practitioner helps you find and reduce the cause so you can feel good and enjoy life again.

Dr. Kathleen Higgins, DC, TCN, Cert. Acu., has practiced in Roseville, MN since 1986, doing chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathic health coaching and teaching health related workshops. Her center, All Ways Health Center, PA, offers massage therapy, a lending library, and classroom for group health and wellness workshops. All Ways Health Center, 2585 Hamline Avenue North, Suite E, Roseville, Minnesota 55113. 651631-ÂŹ9488. august 2011


wellness pages Welcome to our annual directory of

Healing Catalyst

nese and Western herbs, and preventive

holistic services, products, and orga-

healthcare. AAHA accredited hospital.

each listing offers. To be included

Julie Berg St. Paul, MN 651-308-1227



Licensed Quantum Spiritual Healer,

Dee at or

Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Jikiden

715.259.3047. Many more categories

Reiki Practitioner. Stress Reduction is

nizations! Click onto the websites to find out more details about what our



and practitioners listed at our online

offered through a variety of methods

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION Sage Lewis, The Creature Teacher™

Reduction and Essential Oils. Energy


healing may assist the body in removing

Want more peace and joy? Want those

energy blockages which may cause stress.

unruly behaviors and habits to shift in your

Practitioners use life-force energy and

pet’s life and your life? Call Sage today

are able to pass it on to re-awaken the

for your pet and personal needs! Animal

natural healing process in others by

Communication, Behavior Consulting,

Ellen Goldammer

focusing the energy on the areas that it

Tellington TTouch® Training, Life Coach-

EG Wellness Resources Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 651-429-9399

is most needed.

ing, Shamanic Healing. Sage works with

directory: Click the “Search by Category” for complete list.


Ellen uses the vibrational energy of crys-

including: Jikiden Reiki, Energetic Stress

pets and people who are living, in transi-

ANIMAL CARE Minnetonka Animal Hospital

tion, and deceased. Phone and in-person sessions available worldwide.

edies, or essential oils to create a custom

Drs. Kaaren Howe, Leilani Hotaling, Amy Everly 3318 Groveland School Rd. Minnetonka, MN 55391 952-473-1239

blend designed for your personal needs.

We practice an integrated approach to


Also available are intuitive readings, ener-

diagnosing, treating, and improving the

The Meta Institute is a MN Licensed Adult

getic adjustments, hundreds of varieties

lives of our animal patients. Our consci-

Career School providing services and certi-

of crystals and gemstones, jewelry, and

entious team uses the best of Western and

fication courses in the area of Therapeutic

classes. Remote consultations offered by

Eastern medicine—nutrition, dentistry,

Life Coaching, Reiki, NLP, & Hypnosis.

phone or Skype. Call for an appointment

acupuncture, behavioral counseling, chi-

Our Therapeutic Coaching® Program is a

today! 651-429-9399

ropractic, physical therapy, surgery, Chi-

500-hour, comprehensive, hands-on cer-

tals, stones, and flower essences to generate positive effects on adults, children, pets, and spaces. Elixirs can be combined with crystal energy, flower essences, Bach Rem-



a directory of holistic resources for the upper midwest tification course (5 certifications provided). Students receive a multitude of tools for working with others. Next Class January 2012.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY Calhoun Natural Medicine & Aesthetics 3033 Excelsior Blvd., #585 Mpls., MN 55408 612-824-4041

Calhoun Natural Medicine & Aesthetics is the leader in natural health care and medical grade aesthetics for over 20 years. Our highly skilled staff provides customized products, services and testing that meet your health and beauty needs. Choose from colonics, lymphatic treatments, cryosurgery, nutrition, mental health, photo facials, chemical peels, hair reduction, Zerona laser lipo, Skin Tyte, Botox and more! Schedule online today! Carol Edel, C.C.T 2409 Lyndale Ave. S. Uptown Minneapolis, MN 55408 (Ecopolitan Raw Food Restaurant Bldg.) 952-474-2627





Hydrotherapy and Ion Cleanse Foot Bath are a dynamic detox duo for effectively Continued Page 16...

PLACE YOUR VIDEO IN THIS DIGITAL MAG OR ON OUR WEBSITE Lowest cost = $50 Dee FFI, 715.259.3047 or Here is an example! Link this line to:

august 2011


wellness pages Carol Edel, C.C.T continued... cleansing and neutralizing toxins from your body. Reduce or eliminate: con-

sive disorders via energy therapy in 2-3


appointments. It is painless, highly effec-

Dr. Steven Hiebert

tive, and permanent therapy.

Intuitive Chiropractor/Healer 570 Asbury St., Suite 304 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-777-9156

stipation, gas, bloating, poor digestion, candida-yeast, allergies, skin problems, headaches, fatigue, low energy, congestion, concentration problems, etc. NEW! Rapid

EDUCATION The Light Lecture Series

inch loss+ Detoxification using Herbal


Body Wrap. Lose inches and detoxify dur-

The Light Lecture Series is a series of

ing your treatments ! Packages available

classroom lectures that teaches students

upon request. Relaxed environment. Over

the necessary skills to live a positive life.

31 years experience.

Topics include relationships, depression, addiction, careers, and spiritual-

DENTISTRY HOLISTIC King Tooth 6100 Excelsior Blvd St Louis Park, MN 55416 952-929-4545

ity. Offered each week for $8/class and taught by experienced teachers who have gone through a significant amount of training in psychology, counseling, and personal development. The Light Lecture Series offers a low-pressure environment

Laying-on-of-hands and shamanic-like healings integrated with intuitively-guided chiropractic treatment.

FENG SHUI Debbie Miller Domicile Design, Inc 612-414-7181

Allied Member of ASID. Certified Member of FSIM. Greater Minneapolis/St. Paul Area. Debbie is an Intuitive Feng

Since 1991, this general dental practice has

to gain the tools you need to have a great

been utilizing dental materials creatively to


Shui practitioner and interior designer.

Wind and Water School of Feng Shui

she can also help with staging, de-clutter-

help people with potential or known sensitivities to commonly used dental materials, and encouraging the use of both conventional and alternative healthcare treatments


and products that truly support dental

Since 1998, the Wind and Water School

health, rather than just treat the symptoms.

has graduated over 300 people, some who pursued the study of Feng Shui as

DEPRESSION THERAPY Lucille Crow Founder and Master Teacher of MetAlign™ Therapy 952-470-0244

a new career, others as an adjunct to

ing, energy clearing and rebalancing, and ghost/spirit assistance. By fusing the creativity and disciplines of both, she can help you achieve harmonious, inviting spaces that are an expression of your own unique style and enhance your well being.

another career, and others purely for themselves. Learn what your space is saying about your life. Discover for yourself how your space may be supporting your goals or challenging you. Policy manual

MetAlign Therapy™ treats the mind-body

available on request at lisa@windwater-

link. MetAlign Therapy™ treats depres-


With over 29 years of design experience,

Continued Page 18...

august 2011


wellness pages Feng Shui Amore Cheryl Larson, Elaine Anderson, Hinda Abrahamson and Mary Beth Stevens Greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area, MN 952-938-0894


Center For Alternative Healing 7373 W. 147th St. Apple Valley, MN

to creating space for Love! We bring

Merri Weis and Joan Stokes, Co-Owners 915 West St. Germain St. Cloud, MN 56303 320-203-9630

over 50 years of collective Feng Shui

At Mind Body and Spirit, seekers and

host of affordable alternative healing ser-

expertise and passion to your heartfelt

shoppers become pleasantly lost or cre-

vices by appointment. This includes chi-

intentions. By applying the principles of

atively found amidst an eclectic mix of

ropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture,

Feng Shui and the power of love, every

books, gifts, jewelry, and much more. Visit

energy work and much more. Weekly

area of your life can be enhanced. If you

our website to sign up for email updates

classes and groups, and monthly free sam-

desire to make a love connection or wish

and learn more about upcoming classes,

pler events. Check us out!

to spark an existing relationship, con-

workshops, and practitioner sessions.

Feng Shui Amore is a collaborative of four Feng Shui Consultants dedicated

tact Hinda @ 952-938-0894 or email Intentional Spaces Hinda Abrahamson Greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area, MN 952-938-0894

HEALING CENTERS All Ways Health Center

Find all the healing arts you seek in one convenient, cozy, welcoming place. Easy to find, just off of Cedar Avenue on 147th in Apple Valley. Caring practitioners offer a

Healing Crucible™ Wellness Center Dayton & Minneapolis 612-805-5478

Our experienced energy healing practi-

Schools, Hinda is dedicated to assist-

Kathleen Higgins, DC, TCN, CertACU 2585 Hamline Ave N Suite E Roseville, MN 651.631.9488

ing you in creating harmonious and

Offering chiropractic, acupuncture, natu-

Flow™ Program that gets to the root of the

healthy environments for your home,

ropathic, health coaching, mind/body and

problem for complicated health conditions,

business or garden. As a Fashion Feng

energy services in a warm, relaxing envi-

like fibromyalgia, lupus, and empowers

Shui consultant, she is able to guide

ronment. Food sensitivity screening, qual-

you to self-heal. Contact us today and take

you to a deeper understanding of

ity nutrition supplements, flower essences,

the first step to feeling well.

how to wear clothing to honor your

weight loss, and supervised detoxifica-

Essence and Intentions. Her passions

tion programs available. Dr. Higgins has

are creating environments that nour-

been practicing in Roseville for 25 years.

ish your spirit and inspiring you to

Through the Foundation for Wellness

dress your authentic self. To receive her

Education, she offers free organization,

monthly lifestyle newsletter, contact

group and corporate Wellness Workshops.


Follow us on Facebook.

Trained in Western and Compass


tioners partner with you to help you heal naturally and empower you to self-heal. As founders of Cleansing Flow™, we specialize in guiding you through the Cleansing

Continued Page 20...

august 2011


wellness pages HEALING THERAPIES

William Rand, Director of the Interna-

Bee Jimpson

tional Center for Reiki Training. She


loves providing people with tools that

Intuitive, world traveling healer, and

ney. Erin is also a Reconnective Heal-


teacher offers her expertise in guid-

ing Practitioner and Sound Healer. She

Feel better today! Intuition Massage Ther-

ing you to listen to your Intuition, heal

facilitates workshops and community

apy in Little Canada, MN provides JFB

yourself and others, and grow spiritually.

healing circles.

Myofascial Release and therapeutic/relax-

empower them on their healing jour-

MASSAGE & BODYWORK Intuition Massage Therapy

Awakening: Quantum Healing & Align-

ation massage, including auto injury. These

ment is a new form of healing that takes

methods address back pain, stress manage-

us to a higher level of activation of our


DNA and the awakening of our con-


I use hot rocks and aromatherapy as part of

sciousness; connects us to an ever grow-

Patrice Connelly 651-222-8444 Cell: 651-222-8282

my regular massage at no extra cost. New

ing sense of balance, love, and peace. It activates within us the Divine Feminine of our Mother Earth. Deep Peace Wellness Studio Erin DeWitt, RMT, RHP, SH Duluth, MN 218-341-3411

Erin is amazed by the limitless nature of energy medicine. She received her Reiki Master Certification in England from


ment, migraine relief, and muscle soreness.

clients receive $10 off. Visit my website to check out other specials. “Knowing What Your Body Kneads.”

At Quest-Fields, Inc. and QuestFields’ Institute we offer a variety of learning techniques and experiences to discover


and work with your intuitive gifts. We

Seward Co-op Grocery & Deli

empower you on your journey with clear understanding, humor and gentle assistance.

2823 E Franklin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55406 612.338.2465

Our personal care section includes everything from soaps and lotions to bath

products, cosmetics, and essential oils.

the work and relax into alignment. Correct


We also have a children’s health section.

the problems not just treat the symptom.

Healing Through The Heart

Our supplement section features homeo-

Cost: $29.95.

Jill Ann Marks | Holistic Psychology 612-740-6777 http://www.HealingThroughTheHeart. info

pathic remedies, flower essences, Chinese patent formulas, herbs, essential fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, protein powders and our Seward Co-opbrand supplements. We carry selections for the vegetarian, vegan, and the glutenfree shopper. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is committed to holistic health and environmental responsibility. We’re available to answer questions, explain ingredients, or direct you to informational resources.



Sacro Wedgy®

tices psychology with a holistic perspecto reduce stress, decrease anxiety and depression, thrive through illness, man-


Classes. I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to help connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity, and healing. Readings can help you explore cur-


gist and Life Skills Educator who practive. She helps people learn effective ways



Jill Ann Marks is a Licensed Psycholo-

rent and past life issues, relationships,

age life challenges and improve health and brain functioning. In her practice, Healing Through The Heart, Jill incorporates evidence-based practices with new research and holistic therapies to most effectively support her clients.

and reconnect you with your loved ones


who have passed on. Psychic Develop-

Sciatica? Back pain? Knee pain? Hip pain?

access your own intuitive/psychic/soul

These symptoms have been helped by

gifts, and to live your life from your high-

relaxing daily on the Sacro Wedgy® “sacral

est self to accomplish your soul’s goals in

stabilizer” and neck support. Let gravity do

this lifetime.

ment Classes teach you how to more fully

Continued Page 22...

august 2011



manic healing methods to help people and

nect you with your loved ones who have

animals deal with holistic health issues.

passed on. Psychic Development Classes

Mary Stoffel

Author of The Practical Power of Shaman-

teach you how to more fully access your


ism: Heal Your Life, Loves and Losses.

own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, and to live


The wounded spirit can feel overwhelmed insurmountable. Mary Stoffel works with

Cindy Lehman 612-669-1861

both people and their animal companions


by life in general and problems can seem

to help restore spiritual balance and personal power. With training through the International Foundation for Shamanic Studies, she uses telepathy, energy interference patterning, essential oils, and sha-


your life from your highest self to accomplish your soul’s goals in this lifetime.


Classes. I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to help connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity, and healing. Readings can help you explore current and


past life issues, relationships, and recon-

Hinda Abrahamson, Feng Shui Consultant Black Sect and Compass Schools / Fashion Feng Shui Certified

952-938-0894 / Private Consultations / Speaking Engagements / Customized Workshops

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