flowing chi
sept 2011
resources for inner peace, health and healing
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Conversations with Your Home
Find out how you can tap into the enveloping and conscious energy that happens to come to you in a powerful, spatial format -- your home.
WORKSHOP Thursday, September 29, 6:00–9:00 p.m. Normandale Community College, Bloomington, MN. Included in the materials is a copy of Carole’s book Conversations with Your Home. Click HERE to register.
Wind & Water School of Feng Shui Awarded Gold School membership from the International Feng Shui Guild.
A new program begins in October in Fargo, ND. Email lisa@windwaterschool.com for a free catalog. For more information, visit www.windwaterschool.com.
612.823.5093 carole@carolehyder.com www.carolehyder.com september 2011
4 www.esswellness.com
flowing chi
september 2011
6-7 From the Editor—The heart: Our center of survival
8-10 Orchestrate the flow of chi in your environment for healing By HINDA ABRAHAMSON 12-13 Cultivate qi through internal martial arts By MARIA CAMILLE 14-16 Develop an awareness of qi in order to move it By PENG HER
18-19 Qigong heals the mind, thus the body By MARY ZELMER
20-22 Pranic Healing keeps the chi flowing By LAUREL ANDERSON
staff essential wellness digital magazine Twin Cities Wellness aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830
Dee & Lynn LaFroth
Dee LaFroth sales@esswellness.com 715.259.3047
Lynn LaFroth info@esswellness.com
ART DIRECTOR Sunshine Sevigny
RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL! Send your email to info@esswellness.com to receive bi-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness september 2011
The heart: Our center of
you don’t have time to question: Is this
be experienced in order to
too far out? Is this truth? because you’re
“get them.” For many years I
automatically “in” the new frequencies of
have been studying, reading,
awakening—and moving at the speed of
and contemplating the “move
into your heart” works that
The “transmission” that seems to
have risen in full splendor on the spiritual
emanate from this book doesn’t allow
horizon. Not new, of course, but now more
time for your mind to get in the way, to
than ever it seems the impetus has been to
censor, to control and direct what you will
move into one’s heart to access one’s own
and will not learn. When you “work” the
spiritual wisdom and depths. I’ve always
exercises and open you don’t have time
believed this to be true—but basically
to think. That is the entire point. Don’t
at an academic level—until I picked up
think. Feel. Feel your heart, feel with your
Christine Day’s book, Pleiadian Initiations
heart, move into the heart space energies,
of Light.
and open to learning a new way.
I worked with the two CDs along
with reading the book and I found the frequency of this material catapults you
The Way Through Chaos is Stay Heart Centered
immediately into the experience of living
from the heart as the center of your being.
and exercising emotional intelligence
It is hands-on experiential and moves you
muscles should help during these times of
quickly into acceptance of “the teachings”
chaos. Instead of getting pulled out into
of these otherworldly beings—the Pleia-
someone else’s (or the collective) dramas
dians. When you start to read this book,
or hysteria, knowing the pathway to one’s
6 www.esswellness.com
Practicing staying heart centered
f survival heart energy doesn’t allow for invasion of one’s personal emotional boundaries. One can stay calm, centered in one’s own energy, and thus affect the energy of others in a positive way.
C h r i s t i ne D ay ’s C D s a re
intended to help you learn how to access your multidimensional self and rest in the expanded states of consciousness—not to escape the world, but to integrate the many aspects of one’s self into wholeheartedness.
Because we are in the transfor-
mation to a new kind of world, we need to figure out how to survive, thrive, and dive into the chaos without losing ourselves and our minds. The way is through the heart. Lynn S. LaFroth is managing editor of Essential Wellness; she can be reached at info@esswellness.com
september 2011
Orchestrate the flow of c your environment for hea
ENG SHUI, the beautiful
art and science that embod-
ing? Are trees, shrubs, plants and flowers
ies the flow (Wind) and the
alive and vital? Is your yard well tended
containment (Water) of
and inviting?
ment feel abundant and pleasing? If so, that
Evaluate Your Front Door
health of all the occupants and provide ener-
getic nourishment during times of illness.
“chi,” provides guidelines
for orchestrating a healthy flow of energy in our environments. That energy, or chi, represents the life-process that sustains us. Any imbalance or disruption in that ener-
getic force affects our well-being.
Feng Shui philosophy recognizes the
profound effect our environments have on our vitality. It evolved from an awareness that balanced surroundings positively affect our health, and improving our environment notably improves our life. Feng Shui Supports Health & Healing
Working with the Feng Shui of your
space creates an energetic foundation to support the process of health and healing. Here are some Feng Shui suggestions for evaluating and adjusting chi for over-all good health.
Is the approach to your home uplift-
Referred to as the “mouth of chi,”
your front door allows energy to enter and is considered a sacred place of transition. Is it in good working order, opening easily and completely, well lit, uncluttered and welcoming? To honor this life force area and keep the chi active, make it a habit to enter through your front door, at least several times a week.
Does everything in your environ-
energy will support your health and the
Bedroom Most Directly Relates to Health
While your home’s over all impact
on your well-being is significant, Feng Shui considers the bedroom the space most directly related to health. During sleep, our chi seeks to rejuvenate and replenish itself for the following day. In this passive, reparative state, we become more suscep-
Next, slowly walk from room to
room. To reinforce good health and help
room; consider each room’s visual and
support any healing process, it is essential
emotional impact. Notice any areas where
to keep your bedroom a comfortable and
energy seems blocked, stagnant, or oppres-
beautiful sanctuary for rest, rejuvenation
sive. Pay attention to lighting, color, furni-
and intimacy.
ture placement, patterns, shapes, artwork, window treatments, and plants. Each contributes to the vital chi of your environment. Do you notice an energy pattern
Begin by objectively evaluating your
ing? Consider the conditioning process of
exterior and interior surroundings with
that pattern over time, seven days a week,
Feng Shui eyes; that is, a “first impression”
365 days a year.
8 www.esswellness.com
Do a Room-By-Room Walk-Through
Get That First Impression Perspective
Environments Need To Feel Pleasing
emerging? Is it chi-enriching or chi-deplet-
tible to the surrounding Feng Shui of the
Rebalance Areas of Stagnant Chi
After objectively assessing the Feng
Shui of your home, you can begin to mitigate any adverse energy that may be contributing to an imbalance. Continued Page 10...
chi in aling
september 2011
Orchestrate the flow continued... Repair or replace what’s broken or isn’t
and overall well-being than eliminating
space and enhance the quality of life and
working properly; they serve as metaphors
health of all who live there.
for what might be broken or not working
optimally in your life. For example, our
eliminated, begin to make simple adjust-
Hinda Abrahamson, M.A. SLP. A Feng
bodies are sensitive to any energy drain,
ments. Moving your desk into a better
Shui consultant since 1998, Hinda is cer-
which over time can lead to fatigue, so
energy position, adding extra light to a
tified in Western Feng Shui, Traditional
repairing that leaky faucet takes on signifi-
room, or changing the color of your bed-
Compass Feng Shui and Fashion Feng
cance and becomes a priority.
room may be all that is needed to bring the
Shui. With a Masters in Speech-Language
chi back to its natural balance.
pathology and minor in psychology, she
tent clutter can have damaging health
Feng Shui practice regards your home
has over 20 years experience in health
consequences. Its stagnant, oppressive
as a sacred place. All cleaning, clearing,
care. Hinda is a founding member and
energy creates stress and anxiety, inter-
repairing, or beautifying is looked upon as
President of the Feng Shui Institute of
fering with concentration. There is no
labors of love. Each act of home improve-
the Midwest. Contact her at 952-938-
stronger adjustment to benefit health
ment provides opportunity to honor your
0894 or hinda@livingyourintention.com
Identify and clear clutter. Persis-
10 www.esswellness.com
Once things are repaired, replaced or
september 2011
Cultivate qi through internal martial arts
I (CHI, KI) is defined
tial arts are based on this principle.
Chinese medicine and martial arts. When
The foundation for cultivating qi is
your Shen becomes refined you are able
internal energy, origi-
the breath. Learning how to circulate qi
to sense and feel more sharply. Like qi,
nal energy, or function
with the breath begins your the journey
mental energy can be cultivated and devel-
of the body.
to achieve higher awareness and internal
oped. The highest levels of Shen can be
developed through exercise, diet, internal
all internal martial arts. The definition of
As qi is always circulating in your
martial arts, and meditation. When some-
internal martial arts is that the training
body, it is the ongoing “life essence” which
one is scattered or confused it is said that
begins from the inside of the body work-
you live and breath by. However, qi circula-
his Shen (mind) wanders. When your Shen
ing energy (qi) outwards. The foundation
tion can become stagnant or slow because
(mind) is weak, your qi is weak.
and movements are based on cultivating
of knots in the vessels and meridians. Cul-
your qi so you move from the center of the
tivating qi through breathing and internal
ating with breath and the cultivation of qi,
body at the core (dantian). This develops
martial arts exercise will start unblocking
your normal habits begin to fall off and
a unified whole-body power, or the intrin-
the meridian channels. This process stimu-
you can operate and perform at a higher
sic strength of the body, which is referred
lates the immune and circulatory systems
level. This is describing someone who can
to as internal power. When a basic level
to function at a higher level and will give
“ground” from the center of the head; they
of practice is maintained, the qi (energy),
increased longevity.
can reset the mind and tap into “simultane-
Cultivating qi is the foundation of
blood, tendon, bone, and meridians can be strengthened and changed. The body gradually becomes stronger and healthier from the core. This integrated and unified “whole body” strength is what develops the power of the mind/body connection; it is
Qi Pressure Drains With Age
As we get older the qi pressure is
drained out of the navel and kidney areas. Gradually, qi pressure is lost, creating an energy imbalance; when the pressure is low
When constantly training and oper-
ous time” where all things come together at the same frequency. Basically, it is upgrading your operating system like upgrading your computer. The old computer will not work at that lower level again; you have rewritten the outcome of your practice.
entirely dependent on your qi cultivation.
the fluid flow in the entire system slows down. As we age, we also lose the habit of
Qi: The Alchemy That Helps You Evolve
abdominal breathing. Most people leave
Maria Camille, is the founder of Bagua
the lungs to do all the work. This type of
Flow, an exceptionally beautiful internal
breathing actually expends more energy
martial art emphasizing flowing movements
this manner, the qi becomes the alchemy
than it creates.
sometimes with the use of a Bamboo Bo staff
that will shift and heighten your personal
As we refer to the “mind,” in the
and Chinese Fan. Camille, a scholar of Asian
evolution beyond your current prospective.
mind/body context, we are referring to
arts, is a winner of four gold medals in world
Many forms of healing and internal mar-
the energy of the mind, called “Shen,” in
competitions, and is known as a pioneer of ex-
When developing the mind/body in
12 www.esswellness.com
treme sports. She utilized the lessons of internal
Championships In Style Competition. BaGua
ary and February of 2012. For registration
martial arts in her own training to become the
retreats and teacher trainings will take place at
and information see: www.baguaflow.com
first U.S. female to win the World Skydiving
Samasati Eco Retreat in Costa Rica in Janu-
www.samasati.com. september 2011
Develop an awareness o in order to move it
IGONG IS all about
ciencies and removing excess.
bodies degenerated less quickly than was
the case with people who only practiced
Qigong healers believed that the
practice of sitting or still meditation alone
to regulate the body, mind, and breathing
being must flow prop-
was not sufficient to resolve illness. They
erly, like a river. If there is a block, qi
believed that in order to increase the qi
Three Regulations in Qigong: Posture, Breath, Intention
becomes stagnant and prevents other
circulation, you must move. Although a
parts of the body from being nourished.
calm and peaceful mind was important
qigong. The three regulations are
If the energy flows too rapidly, it causes
for health, exercising the body was more
posture, breath, and intention. With
degeneration or exhaustion of the inter-
important. Through their medical practice
proper instruction and practice these
nal organs. The practice of qigong helps
they found that individuals who exercised
regulations will maximize your cultiva-
to balance these energies—filling defi-
properly were sick less often, and their
tion. If done incorrectly you can waste
14 www.esswellness.com
sitting meditation.
There are three regulations in
of qi many years with little to no progress.
Awareness is the Key
cesses through which practitioners develop
Make a conscious effort to be aware
clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience,
nal alignment must be straight. When
of yourself and your surroundings. Prac-
and other abilities considered supernatural
the spine is straight energy flows freely
tice this daily and it will refine your aware-
through their cultivation of qi.
through the Du and Ren channels.
ness skills.
Posture or more specifically the spi-
Breath varies accordingly to the
Awareness is important in any qigong
should be natural, slow, smooth, even and
deep. Inhalation tonifies (nourishes) and
and will continue to develop as the prac-
Awareness building takes many years
Putting it All Together
In qigong, there are successive meth-
ods and stages toward moving qi. First: Through breathing and moving; second: Through breathing, and third is through intention or visualization. Beyond that is where the practitioner no longer uses these methods to move qi—instead, the qi moves the practitioner. This method is beyond words so I will not attempt to explain it. Basic Principles
Although there are various schools
of thought in qigong many of them share these three basic universal principles.
In order to move qi, you must gather
qi. Just as a car cannot be driven without gas one cannot move qi without filling the body. Therefore, gathering qi is the prerequisite toward moving qi.
The next step is feeling qi or develop-
ing energy awareness. If you’re not aware of it, you can’t move it. exhalation purges.
titioner further cultivates him/her self.
Intention is the use of visualization
Awareness skills vary greatly from one indi-
or imagination for the focus of guiding qi.
vidual to the next. It is the means or pro-
Continued Page 16... september 2011
Develop an awareness of chi continued... The final step is “find a good teacher.”
ability to move an enormous amount
Books, DVDs, and self-study programs
of energy just as weight lifter can train
won’t suffice if you plan on going the
themselves to lift increasingly heavier
distance. A qigong instructor, who
weights. Therefore, the shortcut to mov-
can demonstrate ability to manipulate
ing energy is to find an instructor who
energy, is “a diamond in the rough.”
can move energy.
Regardless of the qigong style or
lineage, the instructor, directly teach-
ing the day-to-day classes, must have
healer—is founder of the Formless Form
a comprehensive understanding of the
Qigong Center. He graduated from the
subtleties of each posture, breath, and
American Academy of Acupuncture and
intention. This level of comprehension
Oriental Medicine (AAAOM) with a Mas-
is beyond intellectual and is almost
ters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
impossible to express with words.
and is currently awaiting his licensure in
Experienced individuals, with a highly
acupuncture from the State of Minnesota.
developed level of awareness, have the
16 www.esswellness.com
Peng Her— qigong instructor and
september 2011
Qigong heals the mind, thus the body
Y BODY and heart
for yourself and others. Connect to the
moment to simply close your eyes.
hurt. I couldn’t eat.
life force. Give or receive at least eight
When you breathe in, breathe in light
I was depressed and
hugs a day and three belly laughs. Love
through every pore of your body. When
is the strongest healing energy: Open
you breathe out, see everything you
ing panic attacks
your heart. Be your own best friend. It’s
do not need turn to smoke and leave
and flashbacks. I was without hope,
your body. Do so without resistance
getting sicker and weaker, not under-
and allow your shoulders to relax. See
standing why my body was doing this
instructions, which are part of ancient
or sense all your troubles, worries, and
and not knowing how to help it. Then
wisdom, were taught to me by Qigong
pains just melt away. Relax and visual-
I went to my first qigong class. For the
Master Chunyi Lin and Qigong
ize yourself sinking into joy and health.
first time in years, I was able to quiet
Grandmaster Dr. Effie Chow in order
Surround yourself with nature. Smile.
my mind and listen to my body. With
to help me feel and understand qi or
Know you are at peace with yourself
that gift and daily qigong practice, life
energy and to move it. I am eternally
and others.
has become joyful, I have become joy-
grateful for their teachings.
ful. Every day is so full of possibilities, and now there is nothing that I cannot affect in a positive way.
“Qi” means life force or energy.
Become Empowered Through Qigong
Qi talks to us all the time, letting
As I started to practice my simple
us know when it is not moving freely
qigong exercises, I was able to feel my
in our bodies, when we feel pain or are
body heal. It was so simple, yet so dra-
depressed, when we cannot forgive, or
matic. I fell in love with qi because qi
when we hold anger or any other physi-
is energy, and we are all energy beings.
cal and spiritual sensations that keep us
I fell in love with myself and with all
off balance in our life. It also talks to
my neighbors here on earth. Qigong
us when we are peaceful, joyful—one
empowered me to help myself, but I
with the earth and the heavens and
also learned simple techniques to help
with each other.
Ancient Wisdom Taught by Qigong Masters
others—animals, plants, and, yes, even
our planet. I started to live in a way
We all hold within us this ancient wis-
that brought meaning to my life.
dom. Moving qi is not hard; we do it
feel. Smile. Relax. Be happy. Observe
Breathing and visualization are
every day with every thought, because
your thoughts. Hold a positive attitude
a powerful way to direct qi. Take a
thoughts are energy and thoughts
“Gong” means moving, transforming, and balancing. Together they are the art of all we are, helping us find balance of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our lives. Breathing, movement, and focus of the mind all move and transform qi.
“Your elbows lead, your hands
18 www.esswellness.com
Qi Lets Us Know When Something is Wrong
Everyone wants love and security.
direct our qi. Positive thoughts help us to heal; negative thoughts can make us sick. Eastern medicine believes a healthy mind equals a healthy body.
have with this energy has grown deeper and deeper over the years. My understanding of how to nurture and cultivate it has grown into not only helping myself, but helping others too, which in turn has grown into others helping others. Moving qi is something we can all do together to bring balance into our lives and onto our planet. Mary Zelmer is a certified qigong teacher and healer and an intuitive guide helping individuals find their own unique way of connecting with the earth and its teachers. Mary advises and leads group healing meditations for the Qigong Connection which meets monthly in St Paul. She is a student of Spring Forest Qigong and Chow Qigong. You can reach Mary at www.waytoyoga.com
september 2011
Pranic Healing keeps the chi flowing
O WHAT is all the buzz about Pranic Healing, one of the most popular energy healing modalities in the world?
If you are one of those people who
would like to do energy work but don’t feel a thing in your hands, there is hope! Pranic Healing is based on ancient Chinese techniques refined by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, whose mission was to develop simple, step-by-step instructions for healing that anyone can follow. A chemical engineer by degree, he became the modern founder of Pranic Healing. He explored ancient texts and after extensive experimentation, Master Choa formulated unique methods using pranic energy. Pranic Healing: A Highly Developed and Tested System of Energy Medicine
and sinuses, in which a Pranic Healer can
Master Choa’s directions offer specific,
simply remove or “sweep” out the conges-
proven techniques for most major diagno-
to balance, harmonize, and transform the
tion and re-energize.
ses and symptoms, emotional and physical.
body’s energy processes. To verify the tech-
Based on the feedback, he created
For example, I was recently diagnosed with
niques, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui cross
a step by step “cookbook approach” to
pneumonia. The Miracles Through Pranic
referenced two highly trained clairvoyants
address not only illnesses but to master the
Healing textbook lists 12 steps to alleviate
who would notice certain similarities in the
energy of life in all forms: physical and men-
the symptoms. Almost immediately after
energy bodies of people with the same ail-
tal health, finances and business, relation-
the healing session, I experienced relief and
ments. An asthma client, for example, will
ships, crystal energy, and spiritual develop-
have congested energy in the throat, lungs,
ment. Just as you would follow a recipe,
Pranic Healing utilizes prana (energy)
20 www.esswellness.com
Continued Page 22...
september 2011
Pranic Healing continued... a new surge of energy that antibiotics and
many other activities that further your
through this comprehensive program in
other treatments were not providing. The
skills as a healer and spiritual aspirant.
the form of classes and books.
improvement could only be attributed to
Master Choa Kok Sui developed many
the changes I needed in my energy body.
other courses to improve every aspect of
countries including hospitals and clinics.
livelihood. Pranic Psychotherapy teaches
Everyone over the age of 16 is invited to
practitioners to work with energy while
attend the free healing meditations offered
addressing mental and emotional con-
throughout the Twin Cities. The meditations
cerns. Learn how to protect yourself from
will help instill peace and joy within you,
diseased energies, negative intentions, and
while blessing all beings and planet earth.
malicious thought forms in Pranic Psychic
For more information on Pranic Healing and
Self Defense. Master Choa’s Kriyashakti
local events, please visit www.pranapath.org.
Energy Hygiene: Learn To Disconnect From Negative Energy
One major component that sets
Pranic Healing apart from other modali-
Pranic Healing is used in over 120
ties is the emphasis on energy hygiene. We often use expressions such as “I don’t like the vibe in here” or “I feel drained” being around a certain person or environment. These are, in fact, energetic responses to unclean, diseased energy in a place or perhaps a person. Learning to protect your energy body and remove this congested energy from your environment can significantly reduce these reactions. Energy hygiene is also used to address negative thoughts—our own and others. If “thoughts are things,” then learning to work with thoughts as an energy form can be essential to maintain peace and calm in the midst of others who tend to create chaos. Learning how to disconnect from these situations is only one of the invaluable lessons in Level One Pranic Healing. Support System Offered in Learning Pranic Healing
To further your healing practice,
Pranic Healing offers a comprehensive support system once you have taken the entry level course. You have access to many free online services, such as esoteric study groups, group meditations, and more. PranaPath, the local Pranic Healing Center, offers free weekly healing meditation, free healing clinics, support groups, and
22 www.esswellness.com
course teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle ener-
Laurel Anderson is Program Director at Saint
gies, and your auric field to create a life of
Mary’s University of Minnesota. She is currently
prosperity and success both materially and
developing a course on Business Administration
spiritually. Everything you need to know
of Complementary and Alternative Medicines
about living a happy, fulfilled life is offered
in hospitals, nursing homes and clinic settings.