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JAMES TWYMAN peace troubadour, author, dIrector, producer
JAMES VAN PRAAGH InternatIonally acclaImed medIum, author & teacher
uK’s hotteSt medIum comInG to hIS FIrSt eVent eVer In the uSa
ANGELA BLAHA aKaShIc recordS teacher, healer & perSonal coach
YOU’RE INVITED TO OUR 15TH ANNIVERSARY BIG WEEK: NOV. 6-11 the 15th annual minneapolis holistic expo — a magnificent “must-see” event with excellent prices— offers the most unique speakers and quality exhibitors in its history. edge life expos & events invites you to reserve your tickets now!
beSt-SellInG author oF 15 booKS
omaha pSychIc, medIum, lIFe coach & SpeaKer
Explore the incredible Expo Hall, featuring 110 incredibly inspiring and creative souls who share their intuitive gifts, natural products, healing services and spiritual information — and make the minneapolis holistic expo possible! twIn cItIeS Our amazing vendors offer stones, carvings and jewelry; essential oils; pSychIc, medIum medium and psychic readings, intuitive divination, and channeled messages; & teacher aura photos; chair massage; dream interpretation; books, oracle cards, feng shui cures, pendulums and other eclectic gifts; quantum energy products; energy healing samples; kinesiology and chiropractic; living water; skin care and nutritional products; personal empowerment; and much more!
moderator & edGe lIFe eXpoS producer
LODGING SPECIAL! Stay at the 4-Star DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Minneapolis North (free shuttle to Earl Brown Convention Center) for only $89! An absolute bargain! Details at our website!
FRIDAY, NOV. 6: the pre-expo workshop with James Twyman: “are you a Soul manifestor?” SATURDAY, NOV. 7: Angela Blaha talks on “empowerment through the Akashic Records.” • Luke Danskin, Scotland’s “rising Star psychic Medium,” presents “A Journey into Spirit Communication.” • James Twyman presents “a chorus in miracles revival.” SUNDAY, NOV. 8: the Healing & Psychic Panel, moderated by Gary beckman, offers insightful and soughtafter information on where humanity is playing its latest games. • James Van Praagh presents the Keynote talk, “the healing power of mediumship.” MONDAY-WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9-11: James Van Praagh presents a three-day post-expo workshop, “master your power within.
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september-october 2015
september-october 2015
essential wellness digital magazine
Twin Cities Wellness
aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 PUBLISHERS Dee & Lynn LaFroth ADVERTISING Dee LaFroth sales@esswellness.com 715.259.3047 EDITOR Lynn LaFroth lynnlafroth@icloud.com ART DIRECTION Soleil Graphics WRITING SUBMISSIONS Click here to request Writers Guidelines RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL Send us your email to receive twice-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness info@esswellness.com
The Urantia Book plots a pathway to spiritual freedom
Become a “Conscious Entrepreneur” and find true success By Michael Mapes
20-21 Tap Into Your Kundalini Energy With Chrism
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september-october 2015
The Urantia Book plots a pathway to spiritual freedom
HE URANTIA BOOK was published in October of 1955 by a non-profit foundation in Chicago. It purports to be a revelation by celestial personalities to the peoples of the earth. In the intervening years its story has inspired hundreds of thousands with answers to the questions of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going. It describes the origin, history, and destiny of human beings in a friendly and well-ordered universe that is sustained and upheld by a loving God, with whom we can have a personal relationship. The book opens
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new vistas of time and eternity to the human spirit, and offer new details of our ascending adventure of paradise ascension in this glorious and carefully administered universe.
The Urantia Book offers a clear and concise integration of science, philosophy, and religion. Those who read and study it believe that The Urantia Book has the capacity to make a significant contribution to Profound peace, joy, and inspi- the religious and philosophical ration are available through a thinking of people worldwide. new understanding of the true nature of God and our place The Urantia Book is not a in the universe. The fourth “religion” per se. It builds upon section of this 2,097-page book the religious heritages of the presents a unique and compel- past and present, encouraging a ling portrayal of the life and personal, living religious faith. teachings of Jesus, with many That’s why people of all faith details and discourses of his traditions and even those with mission of revealing the Father- no faith traditions have found hood of God and the Brother- that The Urantia Book brings hood of Man, for the benefit of great inner peace and a path for all humanity. integrating their personal faith to everyday living.
Readers around the world have told us that reading The Urantia Book has profoundly affected them and often changed their lives. It has inspired them to reach new levels of spiritual growth and enhanced their sense of the value of human life.
purchased by the sacrifice of free personality and spiritual originality...Spiritual unity is derived from the consciousness that each of you is indwelt, and increasingly dominated, by the spirit gift of the heavenly Father.” (Paper 141, Section, ¶1)
We believe this book can bring more happiness to the world. The Urantia Book quotes Jesus, saying: “I have come into the world to proclaim spiritual liberty to the end that mortals may be empowered to live individual lives of originality and freedom before God. I do not desire that social harmony and fraternal peace shall be
Urantia Speakers will be at the Edge Life Minneapolis Holistic Expo at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, MN on Nov. 7 & 8, 2015 in booth 28. Jill Strunk and Richard Aasness will offer a workshop on Nov. 7 in the Morgan Room at 2 p.m.
V i s i t T h e Ura n t i a B o o k Fellowship website at www.urantiabook.org; you can read or download the entire book for free and find many study aids. For more information: w w w. Ura n t i a b ook . or g or call Jill Strunk at 952-936-7547.
september-october 2015
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Heal mind, body, spirit. Holistic Health Studies Program • Earn a Master of Arts degree or one-year Graduate Certificate • Expand your view of health and healing • In-depth study of complementary and integrative therapies • Evening classes open to women and men • Apply now to start in February or September To learn more, call 651-690-6933 or visit stkate.edu/holistic
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Higher Realm Reconnections A 3-Day
Pleiadian Seminar Oct 30, 31 and NOV 1, 2015
An Invitation to Transform
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• Activate a self-healing process in your physical body. • Birth a new frequency through your heart space for you to consciously co-create in your life. • Free yourself from self sabotaging patterns to create the changes you want in your life. • Receive insights to better understand and navigate through these changing times. • Prepare yourself to receive Resurrection Imprints with the Christ Energy. • Work with Mother Mary, Pleiadians, Lemurians and Galactic Community. Ramada Mall of America, Bloomington, MN Oct 30th 1pm - 6pm Oct 31st 9am - 4pm Nov 1st 9am - 4pm Cost $425
september-october 2015
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B. Madonna
Internationally-renowned choreographer Maureen Fleming
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september-october 2015
Become a “Conscious Entrepreneur” and find true success
E ’ R E LIVING IN a time of spiritual and business paradox. More people than ever are hearing the call to serve using their gifts. There are more coaches, healers, speakers, teachers, and authors than at any other point in history. At the same time, most of these entrepreneurs are not succeeding. They are not making the money they desire, nor reaching as many clients as they would like. The numbers back this up. According to the Small Business Administration only around 10 percent of businesses will cross the six-figure mark. I don’t share this to be negative. I share
it because spiritually we know that success and abundance are available to all of us. Given this truth, how can 90 percent of entrepreneurs be struggling? It’s because most conscious entrepreneurs are wonderful at using their gifts and not so great at putting together a plan that will help them bring their gifts to the world. SEVEN TENETS OF CONSCIOUS BUSINESS
I’m not talking about old school Follow a true vision. sleazy tactics, nor am I talking You have, contained about putting profit ahead of within you, a vision that integrity. I’m talking about will allow you to expecreating a plan that takes advanrience more out of life tage of your spiritual gifts using than you could ever imagine. what I call, “The 7 Tenets of When you start following this Conscious Business.” vision everything shifts.
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When you use these seven tenets, you quickly achieve three major transformations. 1: Unimaginable wealth 2: Bigger impact 3: Personal fulfillment I want to share the seven tenets with you because there is absolutely no reason you need to struggle when it comes to making great money and helping a lot of people.
Consciousness on all levels. Be in integrity in all that you do in business from how you market, to who you choose to serve, to the policies you adopt. Become a living expression of a loving message. You must access your unique and loving message that will resonate strongly with your customers. Freedom from the past. An empowered entrepreneur learns, but doesn’t hold onto, the past. Each experience has simply been preparing them to serve in a more profound way.
Outrageous action. Be willing to take action every single day. Be willing to be uncomfortable. I call this “outrageous action” because it’s the kind of action that has your friends and family asking if you’ve lost your mind. Direct link to the divine. You’re spiritual and highly conscious! Start listening to your intuition when it comes to how to run your business. Legacy. What do you want to leave behind? I hold every interaction in my business as sacred. I want to plant
the seeds of love in the hearts of everyone I encounter. When you use the tenets of conscious business you will start to build a business that makes a lot of money, helps a lot of people, and makes a really big impact. Michael Mape’s mission is to help visionary leaders create unimaginable wealth, leave a lasting impact, and achieve a deep level of personal satisfaction. He went from living in his mom’s basement to running a multiple six-figure business serving entrepreneurs all over the world. Join him, Oct. 10, 2015 in Minneapolis at the Visionary Business Experience. More details at http://www. visionarybusinessexperience.com
september-october 2015
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; Master Intuitive ; Healing Practitioner ; Energy Healer ; Ghost Buster ; Master Crystalogist ; Qi Gong Practitioner ; Aura Photos & Readings ; Intuitive Development Classes ; Past Life Regressions & Life’s Progressions Sessions Helping You Heal Center, 5898 Omaha Ave N, Ste 2, Oak Park Heights, MN 55082 651.247.0719 helpingyouheal@msn.com www.UnemployedAngelForHigher.com
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Contact Annette Bruchu for your private healing session
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september-october 2015
Tap into your Kundalini energy with Chrism
UNDALINI, AN EVOLUTIONARY energy, is designed for h um an ity’s next step toward a luminous physical and spiritual expression. Kundalini is a powerful, transforming energy located at the base of the spine. It is a natural birthright for all people. Kundalini is in everyone, and is an untapped resource of divinity within us all that is waiting to be awakened and experienced.
place of disciplined love and disciplined intention within the parameters of forgiveness, spiritual balance, service to others and spiritual evolution. Kundalini, as it expresses through Chrism, is the teacher. Chrism, a native of California, came into life with a fully awakened Kundalini energy and speaks from his authentic experience. Through his many years of interaction with the awakened Kundalini, he was guided to live a life of helping and teaching others that they CHRISM OFFERS may have a safe, supported, CONTINUAL SUPPORT and full expression of their own Chrism offers the awakening Kundalini energy. of Kundalini as well as continued support throughout the THE TIME IS NOW Kundalini awakening experi- “Never has the time been so right ence. Chrism comes from a and crucial for a change of this
magnitude to be explored and initiated. Kundalini is a belief system, a physical practice, and an overt action upon the body. It is a condition and a force of union that is tactile in its expression upon the individual.” states Chrism. During the seminar you will learn how to receive and live with this gift of grace by practicing the Kundalini Awakening Systems’ protocols, “The Safeties,” activities to strengthen the physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual aspects of an individual. SEMINARS IN TWIN CITIES
The seminar is being held at the Best Western Dakota Ridge Hotel, 3450 Washington Ave, Eagan, MN 55122 (651-4520100; call for special room
KUNDALINI AWAKENING SEMINAR rates.) The cost of the seminar 55410. http://lindenhills.coop/ is $297. On Sept. 24: 7-9 p.m. at The During the month of August Wedge Table, 2412 Nicollet Ave and September we are screen- So., Minneapolis 55404. ing the documentary film www.wedge.coop/wedge-table/ “KUNDALINI.” A discussion will follow with Rosemary Golias. It is a basic introduction to the process of Kundalini. For information on other venues and times for other film screenings contact Rosemary Golias. On Sept. 19: 10 a.m.-noon at the Circle of Healing Arts, 299 Coon Rapids Blvd #105, Coon Rapids, MN 55433. www.thecircleofhealingarts. com/ On Sept. 22: 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Linden Hills Co-op, 3815 Sunnyside Ave, Minneapolis
Kundalini Awakening Systems has a booth (#38) at the MINNEAPOLIS HOLISTIC EXPO NOVEMBER 7-8, 2015, EARLE BROWN HERITAGE CENTER. Chrism will speak Saturday, Nov. 7 at 3 p.m. Chrism will be speaking the week before the seminar on all aspects of Kundalini at different venues. Registration / good will donation is required at some of the venues.
Nov. 14-15, 2015 Eagan, MN Kundalini Awakening Systems’ spiritual teacher, Chrism, will present a Kundalini Awakening Seminar Nov. 14-15, 2015 with talks and movie screenings throughout the Twin Cities area in September and October.
rosemaryg@usinternet.com 651-329-9615 Twin Cities Kundalini Awakening Meetup page: www.KundaliniAwakeningSystems1.com
Live Well.
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