Dec 2013-Jan 2014 Essential Wellness

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The LargesT Psychic and heaLing gaThering in The ciTies

THE 2014


Asia Voight (left) joins intuitives Sherry Lord and Michael Bodine as Keynote Speakers at the Psychic Symposium.

saTurday, March 1

9:30 a.M. ~ 6:00 P.M. Earle Brown Heritage Center 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 frEE parking friEndly & safE

Advance tix: $7 admission or 2 tickets for $10 saVE $$ On TiCkETs nOW aVailaBlE OnlinE

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dge Life eXPO’s Minneapolis Psychic Symposium offers you an experience of a lifetime by exploring the world of spirituality and psychic phenomena. Enjoy the wealth of information and insight

from 3 Nationally Known Speakers, plus 90 exhibitors offering intuitive readings, wellness products, healing resources, animal communication, aura photos, jewelry, crystals and much more. The first 50 attendees receive a free pouch loaded with stones. Speaker tickets include admission to Expo Hall. Keynote speaker Asia Voight will offer a 2-Day Animal Intuitive Workshop on March 2-3. Save $12 off the door price by buying a ticket online now! Save now on admission, speaker and workshop tickets by ordering online at


Psychic Symposium features such intuitives as, from left, Lena Swanson, Psychics in the Cities and Jurema Silva.

BrOughT TO yOu By edge Life eXPOs & eVenTs

adVance TicKeTs: www.edgeLife.neT Or 1.877.776.5244

dec 2013 – jan 2014



●20” of new snow!!! ●We are located in the Heart of the Solana State Forest with many state trails nearby. ●We sit along the Soo Line Trail for cross country skiing and more. ●There are miles of trails for walking or snowshoeing. ●Enjoy the wood burning Sauna to warm you up and heal your body. ●Jacuzzi and full kitchen are available in the Cedar House. ●Large open, vaulted space is available in the Octagon with many tables, couches, and chairs for large gatherings. ●Massage therapies are available upon request. ●Winter specials are available (call or email for details). dec 2013 – jan 2014



december 2013–january 2014

essential wellness digital magazine


Twin Cities Wellness aka Essential Wellness 4270 Honey Tree Pass Danbury, WI 54830 Publishers Dee & Lynn LaFroth ADVERTISING Dee LaFroth 715.259.3047 EDITOR Lynn LaFroth ART DIRECTION Soleil Graphics WRITING SUBMISSIONS Click here for Writers Guidelines RECEIVE ESSENTIAL WELLNESS BY EMAIL Send us your email to receive twice-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness 6

2014: Numerology portends an introspective year By Elizabeth Summers, Esoteric Numerologist


What do you mean you don’t want a Christmas cookie? Food addict shares her story of abstinence By Rachel M. Anderson


The healing power of Thai herbal compresses By Bob Haddad, RTT


Join us at Mind & Body Spiritual Center in northeast Minneapolis!

dec 2013 – jan 2014



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dec 2013 – jan 2014


2014 S

Numerology portends an introspective year EVERAL THEMES will move through the filaments of life in 2014. To find the predominant theme for 2014, we add 2+0+1+4=7. The Number Seven can be a bit difficult to grapple with, as it is like holding a cloud in one’s hands. Certain buzz words need to be kept in mind as we travel through this rather unusual energy of 2014. Discernment, silence, spirituality and ethics will show themselves as guideposts.

will become more discerning in choosing between those preachers and teachers that are not for their highest good and greatest joy. Listening to and trusting one’s hunches will become more imperative in decision making. The Number Seven is an inner vibration prompting one to silence and contemplation, all in a space of reflection, rest, and solitude. The pressures of everyday life will elicit a desire to get away from it all, and national parks will become even more popular as Mother Earth’s energy beSPIRITUAL PRACTICES BECOME comes a healing balm in peoMAINSTREAM Spiritual practices will be- ple’s lives. come more mainstream. People


SOLITUDE & CONTEMPLATION KEY FOR 2014 This contemplative and private vibration will cause many to withdraw and spend time in solitary activities, thus causing relationships to suffer. A desire to be alone, not necessarily lonely, can become intense. The divorce rate may increase in a Number Seven year, as

By Elizabeth Summers, Esoteric Numerologist

couples find they do not have much in common and withdraw emotionally and sexually. Expect further development in the understanding of mental health issues. Depression brought on by economic fears may become more of a public issue. Movement away from chemicals to more holistic medical treatments may become more popular. More emphasis will be given to organic foods, as the Number Seven has a strong instinct for purity of health through foods.

in technology may surge in 2014. New appliances, medicines, gadgets and widgets will boggle the mind. Discernment will be a key word politically in 2014. More will be revealed as to the ethics (or lack thereof) of our elected officials, and a “push� to remove them will resound in the ethers. It will become blatantly obvious that the truth has not been provided by those we have trusted, and the populace will begin to understand that they should no longer give their power away to others. To move forward personally NEW TECHNOLIGIES in 2014, we must come from our hearts, not our heads and ARRIVE THIS YEAR Because the Number Seven egos. Number Seven is about is a code for the intellect, inven- trust and acceptance. Trust that tiveness and research, advances heart-based choices will guide

you. Know that your soul will take as long as it needs in order to move you forward in blessings and that when you surrender (which is different than giving up), what comes into your life will for your highest good and greatest joy. When we choose fear, physical ailments may arise. When we choose faith and trust in a Universe that can keep the stars in the sky, surrender to the Divine, and let go of control, all will be well, slowly but surely. To enjoy a personal reading with esoteric numerologist Elizabeth Summers, please email: or call 303-702-5420.

dec 2013 – jan 2014



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dec 2013 – jan 2014


What do you mean you want a Christmas cookie Food addict shares her story of abstinence


HE HOLIDAYS are just around the corner and for many it’s going to be a time for overindulgence and weight gain. But that’s not going to happen to Michelle Goldberger of Eagan, Minn. She has been abstinent from sugar and white flour for nine Christmases now. “Eight years ago, my mother removed the plate of Christmas cookies from in front of me to the other side of the table,” said Goldberger. “There was no one there to eat them. She was trying to help me. I was furious! I thought to


myself at the time, ‘Doesn’t she know that this will be the last time I will ever have Christmas cookies, for the rest of my life?’” Nine holiday seasons later that has proven to be true. “I cannot say for sure that I won’t have any cookies this Christmas. What I do know is that as long as I keep doing what I’m doing to stay abstinent, my record shows the desire for them has been removed! I no longer have to fight the urge to have cookies! This is the only way for me

to live free of sugar and white flour. I love it too much!”

COR RETREAT: FOOD RECOVERY PROGRAM This holiday season, Goldberger will spend a significant amount of time helping fellow food addicts develop the ability to remain abstinent as she has done. Goldberger is the Program Director for COR Retreat – A Food Recov-

don’t e? ery program started in 2011 by Twin Cities businessman Burt Nordstrand. Like Goldberger, he had struggled with food addiction for years before discovering a spiritual solution that works. He started up COR Retreat to help others find the road to recovery. COR Retreat is a five-day, four-night program offered monthly at the McIver Center in Wayzata, Minn., where participants learn how to free themselves

By Rachel M. Anderson

from the hold food has over them. “Holidays in the past, for me, I struggled a lot more,” said Goldberger. “I wasn’t free from the idea that I could just have some treats today and stop tomorrow. Yet, every time I ran that experiment, tomorrow never came. It was only ever today!” Goldberger says telling yourself you’ll just have one piece of cake or one cookie for this one special occasion and you can go to the gym tomorrow doesn’t do any good. “I can’t stop eating treats once I start,” she said. These days if Goldberger finds

herself complaining about not being able to partake in the holiday treats, she reminds herself of this reality: “I can have one, if I want to end up 60 pounds overweight and obsessed over food like I was eight years ago. The truth is that I don’t want a Christmas cookie.” To learn more about COR Retreat, log on to The next couple of retreats are scheduled for Jan. 8 – 12, 2014 and Feb. 12 – 16, 2014. Rachel M. Anderson is a freelance writer from the Tw i n C i t i e s .

dec 2013 – jan 2014



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The healing power of Thai herbal compresses


OT HERBAL compresses have a long history of use in Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia. Compresses prepared with medicinal herbs are used therapeutically in massage shops and spas and are based on an oral tradition and specialized recipes passed down through the generations.


also is known to treat nausea, stomach pain and vomiting. Eucalyptus is an extremely effective remedy for colds, sinus and lung problems, cough, and asthma. Eucalyptus tea is good for indigestion and fever, and the leaves are used topically on infections and skin burns. When steamed, the vapors of the herb open air passages and clean the sinuses and lungs. Camphor is a product that is distilled from the gum

Lemongrass may be used to make teas, decoctions, poultices, and as a treatment for colds, fevers, coughs and indigestion. It


or resin of a type of cinnamon tree. Camphor is a strong decongestant, and is inhaled to treat colds, congestion, sore throat, cough, sinusitis and bronchitis. Ginger is one of the most important ingredients in Thai medicine. As a topical application, it has strong antiseptic properties, and it treats bacterial and skin infections, acne and parasites. Ginger is a powerful stimulant, and aids in digestion, control of flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, colds,

By Bob Haddad, RTT

sore throat, insomnia, heart disease, acid indigestion, irregular menstruation, chronic back pain and many other maladies. Peppermint is a common treatment for stomach pain, nausea and indigestion. The vapor treats nervousness, insomnia and stress-related conditions such as exhaustion and headaches. Salt cleans and opens skin pores, thereby facilitating the transfer of medicinal properties. It is wonderful for softening and rejuvenating

Galangal (galanga) is a relative of the ginger plant. It was used traditionally to cure skin diseases, and is now used in spa treatments as an ingredient in body wraps to soothe and nourish the skin. Turmeric is an important herbal medicine, and has been for its ability to reduce gas, ease diseases of the digestive system, and treat skin disorders such as rashes, sores and insect bites. Scientific research has confirmed

the skin, and works as an exfoliant for dry skin cells. Salt eases muscle aches, and relieves sunburn, rashes, and skin irritations.

that turmeric blocks certain toxins from entering the liver and kills some types of bacteria. Turmeric is also known to arrest

certain types of cancer, and is being used experimentally in some countries to treat cancer victims. Kaffir lime is a digestive aid plus medicinal properties in the leaves cleanse the blood and maintain healthy teeth and gums, they also clean the scalp and hair, and are believed to reduce hair loss. The juice and oil from the peel help prevent dandruff and leave the hair soft and shiny. Bob Haddad, RTT, has studied traditional Thai massage since 1999, mostly in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He is the founder of Thai Healing Alliance International (THAI) and he teaches workshops internationally. His new book, Thai Massage & Thai Healing Arts: Practice, Culture and Spirituality (Findhorn Press) is available on He can be reached at

dec 2013 – jan 2014



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dec 2013 – jan 2014


Join us at Mind & Body Spiritual Center in northeast Minneapolis!


E ARE a welcoming center that is buzzing w i t h positive, uplifting, and friendly people waiting to make your acquaintance! We share a positive message, great music, and practice a holistic healthy way of life! Recently on the Dr. Oz show, his guest was Rev. Michael Beckwith. Rev. Beckwith is world renowned for his work as Spiritual Leader of Agape International in Santa Monica, CA. They are 10,000 people strong! The conversation between Rev. Beckwith and Dr. Oz was centered on the growing need for centers which offer support to mind, body and spirit. Mind & Body Spiritual


Center intends to do just that! We come together every Sunday to celebrate life and be reminded of the power within each of us! In addition to our Sunday Celebration, Mind & Body Spiritual Center (M&B) will offer life services such as wedding and memorial officiant services. And classes too! M&B is also in the process of creating a network of local, national, and international health and wellness professionals, and it is called (you guessed it), The Mind & Body Network! The Mind & Body Network is just starting to take form and is sure to become the go-to resource for all of your health and wellness needs. In addition to offering services that support a healthy mind and body, we embrace a New Thought/Ancient Wis-

dom philosophy. This philosophy emphasizes the common threads running through the major Wisdom Teachings. For instance, common beliefs in the law of cause and effect. Buddhist and Hindu Religions call it karma. In more Christian traditions it is taught, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” The Golden Rule is a common thread. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” New Thought teaches Oneness, Unity and emphasizes the power of our own thoughts. The spiritual leader at Mind & Body Spiritual Center is Rev. Joanne Biewald. After studying this philosophy for over 30 years, she received her ministerial license in 2007. Continued pg 24...

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MATCHING YOUR SERVICES TO YOUR CUSTOMERS! Essential Wellness/Celebrate Wellness offers topic-based e-newsletters each first of the month. This newsletter matches those who provide services and resources with those who seek them! The “Celebrate” e-newsletters are sent to @4,500 wellness subscribers each 1st of the month. If you are a provider you will want to be included in your “genre” listed below. JANUARY 1: Celebrate Retreats/Travel FEBRUARY 1: Celebrate Healing Therapies MARCH 1: Celebrate Animals & Pets APRIL 1: Celebrate Asian Healing Therapies MAY 1: Celebrate Healing with Art & Sound JUNE 1: Celebrate Books & Music Contact Dee at or 715.259.3047 for more info or click here.

dec 2013 – jan 2014


Mind & Body Spiritual Center continued

In May of 2011 she was ordained through Centers For Spiritual Living, which is headquartered in Golden, CO. In 2013 she became the spiritual leader of the newly formed Mind & Body Spiritual Center, a 501 C3 nonprofit organization, in Minneapolis. In November 2013, Mind & Body moved into a more permanent space in The Historic Banks Building located at First and Central Avenues in Northeast Minneapolis! Being located in the hip and vibrant northeast community, near restaurants like The Red Stag, Whitey’s Pub, The Ginger Hop, Nye’s, and Brasa has its perks! Other attractions in our neighborhood like the Riverfront at St. Anthony and Main, the U of M Minneapolis Campus, Aveda, and Lunds, help to keep the quality of life high! Our intention as a holistic center is to offer support in all major areas of life. These areas include health, finance, career, re-

lationships, and spirituality. Our intention is to offer classes supporting all of these areas. The first workshop being offered is: “Allowing Health and Creating Ideal Body Weight: A Science of Mind Approach,” led by Rachel Wetzsteon, PhD. Description of class: Before we jump into the New Year with some resolutions for diet and exercise, let’s meet for a discussion on how we can benefit from applying the Science of Mind teaching to creating perfect health. Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create our experience and also create the state of our health. Rachel will lead the group in an exploration of the beliefs we hold about our bodies. While Mind & Body Spiritual Center offers many of these life transforming services, one of the things we hear most about is our music program! Led by Music Director Ben Cook-Feltz and Production Manager Bradley


Howe, The Mind & Body Band consistently provides inspiring and rich musical accompaniment to our Sunday Services! While the Mind & Body Band has its regular crew of talented musicians, it also brings in and spotlights a featured musician each week. So whether you’re singing and dancing to the music of the Mind & Body Band, or checking out some of your favorite featured acts, you will always be glad you came! So join us any Sunday! Coffee and munchies will be waiting, the music and message will delight, and chances are you will leave feeling inspired, lifted up, and supported. Peace be with you!

Mind & Body Spiritual Center, 615 First Ave NE, Minneapolis Mn 55413. Sunday Meditation: 10:25—10:45 am. Sunday Service: 11 am to noon!

dec 2013 – jan 2014


Live Well.


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