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{ Thursday, January 3, 2019 }
Staff proposal shows town budget up 3.64 percent By COLIN FLANDERS
The selectboard will begin its budget process with a $14.8 million staff proposal that represents a 3.64 percent increase – about $522,000 – over the current year. Elected officials got their first look at the preliminary budget last week and heard from department heads during a budget work session Wednesday after The Reporter’s deadline. The selectboard will have the chance to adjust that number during budget sessions over the coming weeks. Because the budget proposal includes the elimination of the highway tax, historically paid for by only town-outside-the-village residents, tax impacts will differ between the two communities. Assuming a 1 percent growth on the grand list, taxes for an average home of $280,000 would increase about $45 for town-outside-the-village residents and $76 for village residents. Among the biggest drivers behind the jump are salary and benefit increases, expenses related to aligning the fire departments pay and training policies, and three new proposed positions: a buildings manager shared with the village and two police officers, one of which would start halfway through the fiscal year. The proposed budget includes several savings from personnel changes: Retirements from town assessor Randy Viens and the finance director Lauren Morrisseau, while a now full-time community development administrative assistant position has shifted to part-time. Essex Police Department’s budget request is up $31,000, or less than 1 percent of the current budget. The proposal would increase EPD’s sworn officer count from 30 to 32, See TOWN BUDGET, page 3
Annual ninja warrior competition draws all ages PHOTOS BY KYLE ST. PETER
Soaring through the air with the greatest of ease, dozens of competitors turned out last weekend for the Vermont Ninja Warrior Training Center’s annual competition. Participants jumped, climbed, rolled and swung their way across the challenging obstacle course. See more photos and results from the two-day event on page 6.
Miglinas reflects on decades serving schools By AMANDA BROOKS As Cpl. Kurt Miglinas mulled over his last day of work with the Essex Police Department, he was adamant about one thing: He would miss the people the most. Miglinas ended his 41-year career as a police officer – the last 35 years at EPD as a detective and school resource officer – just before the holidays last month. While he was on patrol for his first two years at EPD and worked a dozen years as a detective, Miglinas said his specialty was always working with students in schools. Before he was named Essex’s school resource officer in 1997, Miglinas was already teaching curriculum in the schools, like the “Officer Friendly” program or drug and
alcohol education. When he started working in the schools full-time, he would respond to calls at schools all around the community to help deal with a situation with a student. “I enjoyed it,” he said. “I think that’s a strength of mine: working with students, with young kids and the families that are having difficulties and issues as well.” It’s clear Miglinas has a passion for his work and the students he helped in the See MIGLINAS, page 5 PHOTO BY AMANDA BROOKS
Cpl. Kurt Miglinas poses in the Essex Police Department after reflecting on his last day in his 41-year career. Miglinas spent the last 35 years with EPD as a school resource officer, teaching and working with students.
EssEx REpoRtER | THURSDAY, JAnUARY 3, 2019
Vol. 18 no. 01