Reporter THE
MARCH 5, 2015
Vol. 35, No. 9
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Voters pass consolidation budget ‘It’s very forward-looking,’ chairman says
Town hall renovations approved
By JASON STARR The Essex Reporter Essex voters looked past concerns about a village-totown tax shift Monday at Town Meeting Day and put their trust in a municipal consolidation process that is accelerated under the town’s fiscal year 2016 budget. A majority of voters approved the $12.6 million budget by voice vote in the Essex High School auditorium. Embedded in the budget is the consolidation of the Town of Essex and Village of Essex Junction highway departments and stormwater management functions. The budget also reorganizes top administrative positions into a more unified structure managing to manage the two overlapping municipalities and sets the stage for future consolidation of finance departments and other duplicated services. “It’s not a status quo budget,” selectboard chairman Max Levy told voters in a nearly full auditorium. “It is very forwardlooking … We wanted to find a way that we could work together a little bit smarter.” The town’s budget will increase by 10.5 percent ($1.2 million) over the current year as a result of the consolidation. The tax impact is skewed slightly heavier for property owners in the town outside the village boundary; the average Essex Town resident will see a property tax increase of $25 next year while the average village resident will see a $10 increase, town officials estimate. A shift in tax burden torpedoed previous efforts to unify the two communities.
– See CONSOLIDATION on page 2a
Robert Bates speaks at Town Meeting on Monday evening at Essex High School.
Moderator Steve McQueen speaks to Essex residents.
Residents fill the auditorium at Essex High School.
A strong majority approved a plan to renovate the town offices at 81 Main Street with funds left over from construction of the police headquarters completed last year in a sparsely attended Town Meeting Day election on Tuesday. By a margin of 665 to 226, Essex voters endorsed the re-allocation of $800,000 in borrowed funds from the police station to the building the police vacated, which houses all other town departments. Less than 1,000 of Essex’s roughly 20,000 residents voted. Renovation plans call for an expanded land records vault; improved accessibility for people with disabilities (including installing an elevator to the building’s second floor); relocating the parks and recreation department to the street side of the building where the police department was housed, giving parks and rec its own entrance; a new roof; and new air ventilation system. Also Tuesday, Steve Eustis beat out Rich Maggiani in the election for town moderator by a tally of 434 to 358. The moderator is responsible for running Essex’s annual town meeting. Eustis takes over for longtime moderator Steve McQueen who is leaving Essex. He will start his duties next March. Eustis fills the role of moderator for the Village of Essex Junction’s Annual Meeting in April. A three-year seat on the Essex Selectboard was also up for election, and board vice chairman Brad Luck ran uncontested, garnering 770 votes. It will be Luck’s second three-year term on the board. — Jason Starr
Group recommends changes to traditional budget vote By JASON STARR The Essex Reporter The days of determining Essex’s municipal budgets by a voice vote in the Essex High School auditorium could be numbered. A group that surveyed citizens about their participation in Town Meeting Day and the Annual Village Meeting — and gathered information at a community forum in November – is recommending changes.
The “Essex Governance Group,” a grant-funded committee that grew out of a citizen call to move the budget vote to a paper ballot, proposes the town modernize its Town Meeting tradition with a “hybrid” approach to voting. The group released a report in February available at www. Its leaders are now presenting it to the Essex Selectboard and Village Trustees. Key recommendations are to move Town Meeting Day so it does not so closely follow school vacation on the
first Monday of March, combine Town Meeting with the Annual Village Meeting, move municipal and school budget voting to the same day, and take budget voting out of the auditorium and onto the ballot. Town Meeting Day would still be a deliberation of the budget and set the amount for voter consideration. But the final amount would be voted on in a ballot vote 45 days later. The group envisions an enhanced Town Meeting Day with remote online participation possible.
One of the group’s goals is to increase voter participation. The high school auditorium where Town Meeting Day currently takes place holds just a small fraction of Essex’s nearly 20,000 residents. Median turnout at the meeting has been 1.5 percent over the past eight years, according to the report. Follow-up ballot voting (to elect selectboard members and decide other questions the board has posed to voters) turned out roughly 9 percent, according
– See CHANGES on page 3a
Essex Training For Warriors attempts to break the Guinness World Record for most number of people doing pushups for one minute straight during their Push Ups For A Purpose event at The Edge Fitness in Essex on Sunday. PHOTOS | NICOLE RHEAUME
Push it to the limit
to break a Guinness World Record while simultaneously raising money for charity. Anyone attempting to shoot For one minute, members some afternoon hoops at The of the Essex based TFW group Edge Fitness Center in Essex and 54 other participating TFW might have been disappointed on groups from around the country Sunday afternoon. The doors to dropped down on their hands the gymnasium were taped off as and toes for a continuous set a fitness group called Training For of pushups. TFW Essex coach Warriors challenged themselves
By JOE CARDELLO The Essex Reporter
– See PUSH on page 2a
Twincraft Skincare with Pete Asch
By ELSIE LYNN PARINI The Essex Reporter You know that small pot of face cream that costs you more than you care to admit? The one you only need just a touch of to make you glow? Chances are that private label high quality product was touched by the hands of the employees at Twincraft Skincare located in Winooski and now Essex Junction. Twincraft Skincare opened its second manufacturing facility in Essex Junction at the beginning of 2014. The company converted one of its storage warehouses, located off of Route 15, into a state-of-the-art manufacturing space for liquid skincare products with natural, sustainable and organic ingredients.
Twincraft Skincare CEO Peter Asch gives a tour of the Twincraft factory in Essex Junction on Feb. 12. OLIVER PARINI PHOTOGRAPHY
“This is a truly exciting time for Twincraft,” said owner and CEO Peter Asch during a January tour of the 78,000-square-foot Essex plant. “The expansion into new product categories allows us to increase our presence in the industry and ensure long-lived, high quality, employment opportunities in Vermont.” Twincraft was founded in 1972 by twin brothers Bob and Dave Asch, and they opened the doors of the original 93,000-square-foot Winooski facility in 1978. What started as Twincraft Soap became Twincraft Skincare last year under the direction of Bob’s sons, Peter and Richard Asch. Twincraft Skincare manufactures more than 37
– See TWINCRAFT on page 2a