The Essex Reporter: March 7, 2019

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Essex CHIPS unveils new credential program

Essex High School playoff results See how Essex High School ski teams fared in several playoff meets.

System offers communities a way to create a more youthcentric environment.

Photos on page 12

Story on page 4

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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Voters make $100k addition to town budget

Democracy in action

Murray, Cooper win spots on selectboard By COLIN FLANDERS Challengers Patrick Murray and Annie Cooper were elected to the Essex Selectboard on Tuesday, knocking off longtime incumbent Irene Wrenner, preliminary Town Meeting Day results show. Murray led all vote-getters with 1178 followed by Cooper’s 1,065. Wrenner, who was seeking her fifth term on the board, finished third with 898. “I’m ecstatic. I’m thrilled,” Murray said Tuesday night after learning the results. “I really appreciate everyone voting for me. I’m really impressed with the campaign that everyone ran. There was no negativity, it was all positive.” Cooper’s win follows a last-minute decision to file a petition and a campaign in which she did very little traditional outreach, distributing zero lawn signs any making no door-to-door stops. Instead, she said, she focused on the relationships she’s built over the last 20 years. It proved to be enough. Cooper added that she’s grateful to Wrenner for her years of service on the selectboard. “It’s so beautiful that there are there people as passionate as Irene and Patrick and myself who wish to serve our community,” Cooper said. “I think that’s the greatest part of this story: That all three of us are equally passionate to serve Essex.”


TOP: Henry Gabert makes a motion during Monday night’s annual meeting at Essex High School requesting the addition of $100,000 into the town of Essex’s operating budget to help with road paving efforts. The motion passed 138 to 96, marking the second-straight year voters elected to increase their taxes beyond what was proposed. BOTTOM LEFT: Voters read through the town’s annual report. RIGHT: Voters hit the polls Tuesday for selectboard elections, choosing incumbent challenger Patrick Murray and Annie Cooper to fill two open three-year seats.

See TMD, page 3

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2017 / 2018 SPONSORSHIPS • Essex Town Little League • Regal Gymnastics • United Way Campaign

• Essex High School Theater • Lyric Theater Company • American Cancer Society • Fairfax Community Theater Company • Fusion 802 Scholarship Fund • Rotary Club of Essex • Essex Westford School District • Ice Skating Rink

EssEx REpoRtER | THURSDAY, MARcH 7, 2019

Essex Jct. | (802) 857-5994

Vol. 18 No. 10

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