September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •1
Vol. 36, No. 36
September 8, 2016
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Stabbing suspect faces murder charge By MICHAELA HALNON
acob St. Amour, 20, of Williston pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder charges in Chittenden Superior Court on Tuesday after prosecutors said he stabbed a man at the Champlain Valley Fair late Sunday night. Police say 22-year old Ryan Durkin of South Burlington was fatally wounded just after 11 p.m. on Sun-
day and was pronounced dead at the hospital. An autopsy detailed in the affidavit showed Durkin suffered a single stab wound to the torso. The courtroom was full as St. Amour appeared before Judge James Crucitti. Family and friends of the victim were emotional as they waited for the arraignment to start. St. Amour’s friends appeared to record the proceeding on cell phones,
shouting their support as he was escorted out. The judge ordered St. Amour held without bail. St. Amour was arrested just after 11 a.m. on Monday near Best See STABBING, page 11 Right: Jacob St. Amour appeared in court Tuesday where he pleaded not guilty to second degree murder. Police say St. Amour fatally stabbed 22-year-old Ryan Durkin at the Champlain Valley Fair last Sunday night.
Burlington Free Press photo by RYAN MERCER
PAC aims to halt rec district By COLIN FLANDERS
fair-well to summer
"The 10 Best Days of Summer" came to a close last Sunday evening when the Champlain Valley Fair wrapped up its seasonal run at the Expo. From August 26 to September 4, fairgoers enjoyed rides, concessions, concerts, demonstrations, animals and more.
A political action committee was formed to combat the recreation governance study committee’s proposal to create a union municipal district for the Essex town and village recreation departments, the latest step in a brewing controversy over the merger. According to its website,, the PAC was formed by residents to help voters “parse the issues behind the Dec. 13 ballot.” The PAC says it’s dismayed by the RGSC’s proposal and offers an alternative: con-
solidate both departments under the town government. Much of the PAC’s rhetoric mimics that of selectboard member Irene Wrenner, who’s been extremely vocal in her criticism of the plan. In an interview Friday morning, Wrenner confirmed she’s part of the PAC. Neither hers nor any other PAC members’ names are published on the website, and Wrenner made clear she’s acting as a resident, and the selectboard is not involved. She also confirmed See PAC, page 4
Town pursues lawsuit against building owner By COLIN FLANDERS The selectboard voted to pursue a lawsuit against a building owner whose six-unit apartment complex at 96 Pearl St. has been overrun with cockroaches. The decision came during the board’s Aug. 29 meeting, a week after town health officer Jerry Firkey issued an emergency order to one of the building’s tenants. Tenant Stacy Davis and building owner Robert Shea, who purchased the
building last December, had five business days to appeal the decision. Neither did. Acting as the board of health, the selectboard also upheld Firkey’s emergency health orders instructing Shea to contract a pest control company to fumigate the building. Additionally, Davis must remove anything that might serve as food or breeding ground for the cockroaches. The orders remain until the board votes to See BUILDING, page 2
Essex women take to the stage By MICHAELA HALNON
obin Owens, 57, can count the number of plays she’s worked on using one hand. Fifty-fiveyear-old Carole Vasta Folley can barely keep track of her credits. But when the Essex women perform Vasta Folley’s newest show “Seymour Sisters,” they say they enter an alternate world together. The two-person play follows a pair estranged sisters, thrown together to sort through their deceased parents’ belongings.
The set is purposely minimal, Vasta Folley said – only cardboard boxes contain the characters. “As they open the boxes, so, too, [they open] their past,” Owens explained. The meeting is orchestrated by Vasta Folley’s character, Cecile, in a thinly veiled attempt to reconnect with her sister. Eleanor, played by Owens, is the practical eldest with little interest in reminiscing. “Seymour Sisters” is the first drama for Vasta Folley, a playwright, director, producer and ac-
tress extraordinaire who typically writes comedies. She began writing early last year after she was awarded the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts Vermont Artist’s Space grant. Vasta Folley, who also works as the assistant editor for South Burlington’s The Other Paper, has overseen the show from script to stage. The result, she said, is her most intimate work to date. “I feel like I’ve grown up as a playwright,” she said. See STAGE, page 2
COURTESY PHOTO Carole Vasta Folley (right) and Robin Owens (left), both of Essex, act out a scene in Vasta Folley's newest play, "Seymour Sisters."
2• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
local stage from page 1
But being so close to the play has made editing a challenge. Sometimes, only spatial constraints could push Vasta Folley to cut beloved scenes – only so many boxes of props could fit in her brother-turned-roadie’s truck. “Every time she would add a box, I would say, ‘Really? Do we need this?’” Owens said. The script is a fictional work but contains several emotional truths, Vasta Folley said. Many people her age lose their parents, she noted, and face the daunting prospect of going through their belongings. Vasta Folley also has sisters and said she drew upon personal experience to create some of the sillier moments. When Owens began to explain she’d grown up without sisters, Vasta Folley cut in. “You have a sister now,” she said. Owens worked as an air traffic controller for 25 years, keeping her acting aspirations to herself. Since auditioning for a Vasta Folley play just a few years ago, she hasn’t looked back. “I have wanted to do this forever,” Owens said. “[But] I always knew my fifties would be when I figured things out.” A sibling-like rapport and admiration is evident in the back and forth between the women. They were friends before, Vasta Folley said, but now have
an even deeper connection. “I probably drive her crazy at times,” she said. “That goes both ways,” Owens shot back, laughing. The duo has taken their show on the road to Bradford, Springfield, Stowe and Waitsfield. Turnout has been fair, Owens said, averaging around 60 audience members per show. The final stop in Burlington is not funded through the grant, but both women said they wanted to say goodbye to their play in Chittenden County. “It’s gone from head to heart,” Vasta Folley said. “We’re at a place where we know it in a much different way [than when we started].” Vasta Folley already has a new play ready to go, but said thinking about bidding farewell to “Seymour Sisters” is still a tough concept to accept. “I’m going to miss these women, these characters very much,” Vasta Folley said with tears in her eyes. “Even though they’re messy, they weren’t always right, you can feel the warmth and you care about them.” “The Seymour Sisters” plays at Main Street Landing’s Black Box Theater in Burlington Thursday, Sept. 8 – Sunday, Sept. 11. Tickets are available at Contains some mature themes.
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Photo by COLIN FLANDERS A six-unit apartment building at 96 Pearl St. in Essex Jct. is pictured above. The selectboard voted to pursue legal action against the building owner after learning the complex had been overrun with cockroaches.
building from page 1
terminate them. Firkey said the apartment has been on his radar since April, when he received multiple complaints regarding a foul odor, trash and cockroaches on the property. During his initial inspection of Davis’ unit, Firkey found “countless garbage bags being used for decaying food products and other items of unknown origin, used toilet paper on the floor and in closets as well as spilled and decaying food products on the floors,” according to his memo to the selectboard. He also observed cockroaches and other bugs crawling around the floors, counters, walls and inside of boxes and garbage bags. “They’re all over … it’s deplorable,” Firkey said at last week’s meeting. Firkey said he and deputy health officer Sharon Kelley wore masks when entering Davis’ unit. Firkey returned to inspect units 3 and 4, where he found evidence of significant cockroach infestations. He said he’s concerned for the health of the building’s occupants. “We need to do some-
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to obtain a tack order, allowing the sheriff to leave the notice on her door, he said. Shea said he’s also filed for an eviction, citing the condition of the unit, but Davis remains. He’s is now awaiting a courtordered writ of possession. This will give Davis 10 business days to leave before the sheriff can forcibly remove her from the premises. “At this point, what do you want me to do?” Shea asked the selectboard. Kelley empathized with Shea’s struggle but urged the selectboard to vote in favor of preparing litigation to keep the process moving forward. “From the conditions Jerry and I saw from the entire building, something needs to happen,” she said. “If that is a civil case, then so be it.” No hearing date was set in Shea’s eviction action as of August 31, town attorney Andrew Bolduc wrote in an email. In light of this, he expected to file the lawsuit soon. Shea said the situation has caused him an “unbelievable” amount of frustration. "I'd rather live outside than live in that apartment," he said.
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thing, and we need to do something now,” he said, adding one of the building's tenants has a newborn baby. The couple is leaving by September 10, Shea said. Another of his tenants had to leave by the start of this month after losing their housing voucher, and the basement unit is already empty, he said. Shea plans to renovate the entire building and has no problem fumigating each unit. “But I can’t do anything ‘til [Davis] goes,” he said. Shea said Firkey’s assessment “is absolutely true,” but any attempt to get into Davis’ apartment has been “futile.” Shea said when he attempted to remove the garbage bags in her unit, she claimed it was her personal property. “At that point, legally, I have no right to take the stuff,” he said. Shea said Davis has lived in the apartment for about 10 years, and the process to evict her is well underway. He first filed a nocause eviction, allotting Davis 90 days to leave. She refused entry to the sheriff six times, forcing Shea to head back to court
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September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •3
Exercise in disguise
Beloved Essex Zumba instructor retires By MICHAELA HALNON
here was laughter, sweat and more than a few tears at the HammerFit Athletic Club in Essex Jct. last Sunday morning. More than 50 students came out to say farewell to popular Zumba instructor and Essex resident Kate BarashEngel, who is trading in her workout shoes for scrubs after starting work as a registered nurse at the University of Vermont Medical Center. Posters with well wishes covered the studio wall, and several students wore T-shirts decorated with messages to BarashEngel. “I just started to grow this really wonderful community,” Barash-Engel said. “Well, it grew around me.” A dancer for most of her young adult life, Barash-Engel originally turned her nose up at group fitness classes. But after attending one Zumba class with a friend in 2010, she was hooked. “I just fell in love with it,” she said. “I signed up that night for a training to [become] an instructor.” Barash-Engel said she loved the music and energy, but was also drawn by the opportunity to volunteer. “I did every fundraiser I could get my hands on,” she said. She’s donated her expertise to a host of charities, including the Girls and Boys Club, Girls on the Run, Lund Family Center, Committee on Temporary Shelter and local prisons. Even the proceeds from Barash-Engel’s final class were donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to honor her mother Phoebe Barash, a cancer survivor. Barash lives in Bristol, making frequent visits to her daughter’s classes a bit of challenge. But on Sunday, she watched Barash-Engel lead the group with a smile. “[Zumba] came at a great time in her life,” Barash said. “[But] it’s time for her to move on. People are sad, but it’s time.” Barash-Engel said becoming a Zumba instructor helped pull her out of a dark hole. She struggled with numerous addictions for close to 10 years, engaging in what she calls extreme selfhatred. “I got my [Zumba] license a couple of years out from that,” she said. “I’ve grown into the person that I’m supposed to be while doing this really cool thing.”
And many of Barash-Engel’s students say they’ve grown, too. Andrea Taylor of Essex started working out with Barash-Engel less than two years ago, weighing over 200 pounds. She said BarashEngel brought a light into her life that she couldn’t find before. “Being with her was the only hour of happiness sometimes,” Taylor said. “She has so much strength, and I think part of that is that she’s been through it.” Barash-Engel said she plans to keep her Zumba license and act as a substitute periodically. But HammerFit manager Alicia McCurley thinks her presence will still be missed, saying she believes Barash-Engel is one of the best instructors the gym has ever seen. “It will be tricky to fill those shoes,” McCurley said. Another student, Karen Dolan, said she’s more than a little sad to see Barash-Engel go. Still, she’ll keep coming to Zumba classes with the hope of continuing on the legacy. “She gave us this,” Dolan said. “It’s our job to carry it.” Photo by MICHAELA HALNON Kate Barash-Engel leads a group of 50 students through stretches after teaching her final Zumba class.
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4• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
local pac
from page 1 John Sheppard, who’s attended a handful of meetings to speak out against the plan, is a PAC member. Wrenner’s dissent has already stirred emotions
among both residents and her fellow board members. During a selectboard meeting last month, she was heavily criticized for her actions at Essex Middle School during the August primary, during which she handed out fliers and condoms speaking out against the “STD,” or
special taxing district, the committee is proposing. There’s no contact information on the website besides the email address Wrenner pointed to last month’s backlash as motivation for this. “I would rather be transparent, but if people
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want to not see my name, then we will not see my name or anybody else’s," Wrenner said. The website creator took additional steps to ensure the members’ identities wouldn’t be public. A public database of domain registrations showed is registered to a company called Perfect Privacy LLC, which shields website creators’ personal information by replacing it with its own. The company recently made national headlines after multiple outlets reported presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email server changed its domain registration to Perfect Privacy in 2014 after she stepped down as secretary of state. The PAC goes beyond offering an alternative, however, by claiming the decision was inevitable, the result of “successful coercion.” It asserts a committee member who didn’t initially support the union municipal option was told the June 1 meeting – when the committee voted on its final decision – wouldn’t adjourn until a consensus was reached. “To some, that would appear to be a bullying tactic,” the website reads. Study committee chairman Michael Smith said while the goal was to reach consensus, no one was pressured to change their opinion. “I wouldn’t have kept the meeting going all night long to reach consensus,” he said. Opinions were changed through “open”
and “meaningful” discussion, he added. The PAC also calls into question how the study committee was formed. The selectboard, village trustees and prudential committee, the latter which currently oversees Essex Jct. Parks and Recreation, voted to form the committee on February 16 during a special meeting. The PAC accuses EJRP director Brad Luck of withholding information during that meeting, including the existence of statute authorizing the committee to make a decision without approval from the three boards. In doing so, the PAC argues, Luck planted the seed for a union municipal district knowing it would “determine his future job prospects.” According to the recreation’s district’s agreement, the new governing board will appoint an executive director of parks and recreation and set the position’s salary and benefits. “RGSC capably played the hand they were given, but all were playing with a stacked deck,” the website reads. Reached Friday afternoon, Luck said he’s aware of the PAC and its claims but declined to respond to the allegations, saying he’s “not willing to contribute to any public discourse that isn’t about the issue that’s being discussed. “All of our efforts should be on having a positive public discussion about the future of recreation in Essex Jct.,” he continued.
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Smith said the committee doesn’t believe Luck influenced its decision in any way, and said a new elected board would vet Luck and any other candidates for the position. “In the end, this committee will have no influence on Brad’s employment,” Smith said. In fact, if Luck were trying to influence his future employment, the status quo would make most sense, Smith said. Wrenner believes the coercion extends beyond Luck, however, declaring there’s more “power and money at stake” than when the municipalities’ finance and highway departments merged. “We have to look really deep to say what is the problem merging under town hall … who stands to lose?” she said. Dozens of people are involved now in the PAC, and more join by the day, she added. The website asks people to get in touch who have “hours or dollars” to donate. The donation link is not live yet. Any PAC that raises $1,000 or spends $1,000 within any two-year general election cycle must register and file all regularly required disclosure report with the secretary of state. Wrenner said the PAC set up a bank account “so we have a paper trail.” The PAC hasn’t hit $1,000 yet, she added. She expects the funds to be used to launch a campaign against the proposal, including fliers and maintaining the website.
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September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •5
opinion & community letters to the editor Four and no more I would like to take this opportunity to share with the village a very important subject the trustees will be voting on at their next meeting on September 13. The question is how tall we want the buildings in the village center and/or the entire village to be. Now that we have had a chance to absorb the impact of the new building at Five Corners, I would like to say four stories is enough. As village center properties are redeveloped, the planning commission would like the ability to waive that to go as high as six stories. A six-story building on the corner at Road Res-Q? Sixstory buildings all along the Crescent Connector? A sixstory building where Pho Dang is or next to Park Street School? All possible. When I think of my village, buildings like the village offices or Lincoln Inn or the Martone block come to mind, not the VSAC or CCV buildings. If you agree, please take a moment to email the village trustees:,,, lhoughton@ or Even better, come to the next meeting and make your voice heard. The land development code is the law as far as what is allowed or not allowed in our village. When the planning commission can issue waivers, then our voices at meetings mean nothing. Four and no more!
hAve soMethiNG to sAY?
We WANt to heAr FroM YoU!
I am a village trustee and a member of the Recreation Governance Study Committee. I am speaking as a resident of Essex and not as a member of either of these groups. Over the past 14 years, I’ve worked hand in hand with many residents in Essex whose only goal, through time and sweat equity, was to make our community a great place. Right now, I’m saddened by the direction of the recreation conversation. I’m saddened because it isn’t really a conversation. Somehow a decision made by three boards to form a study committee about two extremely important organizations to our community has turned into a battle via public meetings, social media, print and an unidentified PAC. Unfounded accusations, lies and extreme disrespect have overtaken civil public engagement opportunities. Vermont is better than
Food shelf thanks community The staff of the Heavenly Food Pantry in Essex would again like to thank the many people, businesses, organizations and schools in our community who support our work of feeding folks in need in the village and town of Essex and Westford. They include groups such as Rotary, Lions, post office, Holy Family and St. Lawrence churches; our local schools, area dental offices and the Girl and Boy Scouts. The pantry is thriving because of the many volunteers who pick up, deliver and distribute food across our towns. Most important is the support from Hannaford with its daily donations of meat, frozen items, bread, deli items, desserts and ready to eat meals. The store also provides almost 1,000 pre-packaged boxes with peanut butter, pasta and soup. We also purchase food from the Vermont Food Bank in Barre using donated funds. Staples such as
Please include your name, phone number and address.
CCSU is protecting student dignity I am writing as both a clinical social worker and as a CCSU district parent of two to thank Superintendent Judy DeNova and her team for their leadership in working toward safety and dignity for transgendered students in our community. While this kind of progress in society raises many fears, they are the same fears raised and proven unfounded in prior periods of transition in our society like women's suffrage and desegregation. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." I am grateful every day that my children are living in a time when the bend in the arc is visible.
Anne Duany Whyte Essex Jct.
Rec discussion should be civil
Send your letter to the editor to news@ by Friday at 5 p.m.
Kelly Adams Essex Jct.
this. Essex is definitely better than this. Let’s remember what we are talking about: two recreation departments who bring so much enjoyment and value to our community. Through playgrounds and parks, swimming pools and programming – for toddlers, young adults, adults and seniors - residents of all ages can enjoy the outdoors, their neighbors and learn new skills. Both offer afterschool care and summer camps that are so vital to the working families in our community. They each also mentor and groom our young adults through summer employment opportunities – opportunities that are extremely rare for our high school students. The recreation departments help raise our house values and draw new residents to our community. Our two recreation departments embrace many of our identified Heart and Soul Values – Community Connections and
Health and Recreation. Accusations have been made that the 10-member study committee was duped into its decision. As a member of this committee, I can guarantee this accusation is not true. This committee is one of the most thoughtful, inquisitive, vocal and unbashful I’ve been involved with. I value conversation. I value opposing viewpoints. I value civility. I value allowing a committee to do their work. I value the power of each individual vote. Please everyone, let’s be civil and let’s pay attention to this issue. Allow the committee and transition team the time to do their work. Then get involved. Read the facts and ask questions. Then hopefully we will have a chance to vote. Thank you,
pasta, juices, nuts, peanut butter and raisins are also available to the pantry from the USDA. We are most pleased to offer items purchased or donated beyond what the food bank can supply such as fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, detergent, toilet paper, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, diapers and pet food. Not only do we have a formal day of providing food to the families who come to the pantry, we also provide food numerous times during each week to places such as Whitcomb Woods, the Meadows senior housing complex at Lang Farm, Salvation Army, Essex Senior Center and other local pantries. In emergency situations, we offer food to families who request help. The pantry also participates with local schools to assist families with foodstuffs during school vacations when their children don’t receive school breakfasts and lunches. Additionally the pantry pro-
vides monetary support to the summer lunch program. We also reach out to local schools and other organizations to educate children and adults about food insecurity in our community today. The pantry continues to grow. We are distributing a minimum of 7,000 pounds of food each month to more than 200 children and adults. The pantry is located at the First Congregational Church of Essex Jct. on Church Street and is open the fourth Thursday of every month from 2 to 6 p.m. We welcome any volunteers to stock shelves, assist with food drives or bring food to visitors’ cars. If you would like to contact the pantry or volunteer, please call the First Congregational Church of Essex Jct. at 878- 5745. Please join us as we make every effort to assure that no one is hungry.
Lori Houghton
Rev. Mark Mendes Essex Jct.
PersPective Candidates raise legit questions about jobs By ERIC L. DAVIS “Governing” is a non-partisan magazine based in Washington that focuses on state-level politics and policy. It recently ranked the economies of all 50 states, using a range of indicators measuring employment, state GDP, and the income of state residents. Vermont ranked 25th, in the middle of the pack both nationally and in New England — lower than Massachusetts and New Hampshire, about the same as Maine, and above Connecticut and Rhode Island. The left-leaning Public Assets Institute, a Montpelier think tank, came to a similar conclusion about Vermont’s economy, issuing a report last week headlined “Vermont’s Job Market Makes Pokey Progress.” The data in the report show that more Vermonters are working today than a year ago. However, Vermont, unlike the nation and the New England region as a whole, still has fewer people working than was the case at the pre-recession peak in 2007. The reports from “Governing” and the Public Assets Institute demonstrate why Republicans Phil Scott and Randy Brock should be seen as slight favorites to be elected governor and lieutenant governor in November, at the same time Vermont gives substantial majorities to Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, Patrick Leahy and Peter Welch. Vermont Republicans are focusing intently on jobs and the economy in their campaigns this fall. Unlike in previous cycles, when some Republicans emphasized social issues, this year Republicans are talking nearly exclusively about the slow growth of Vermont’s labor force, the stagnation of middle-class incomes since 2010, and the impact of higher health care premiums, property taxes and other fees on affordability for Vermont middle-income households. Republican candidates argue that, after six years of single-party Democratic control in Montpelier, it is time for a change. While they do recognize that some of Vermont’s economic problems are due to national and international forces that are largely outside state government’s control, they are also asking the voters to give a new leadership group a chance to try out a new set of policies. For the next few years, the Republicans say, the emphasis in Montpelier should be on making state government more efficient and effective, delivering existing programs better before adding still more responsibilities to state government’s agenda. Vermont Democrats could well have difficulty refuting this argument. The state’s economic performance over the past six years has not been especially strong. Gov. Shumlin’s relative unpopularity at the end of his term does not make Vermont voters enthusiastic about keeping the Democrats in control. Additionally, the positions of Democratic candidates Sue Minter and David Zuckerman on issues such as wind tower siting and gun control may mean they receive fewer votes from rural areas of Vermont than successful Democratic candidates in past elections. Phil Scott and Randy Brock have made clear that they do not support Donald Trump, and will not vote for him in November. Scott first spoke out against Trump as far back as December 2015. Scott and Brock have probably inoculated themselves against the damage that Trump could well do to the Republican Party in much of the Northeast. Voters in other northeastern states that are otherwise strongly Democratic have recently voted for moderate Republican gubernatorial candidates. In Massachusetts and Maryland, voters in 2014 elected Republicans Charlie Baker and Larry Hogan, respectively, to succeed Democratic governors who did not seek re-election. Baker is now the most popular governor in the nation, with an approval rating over 70 percent, and Hogan has a positive rating as well. Both Baker and Hogan have disassociated themselves from Trump and the congressional Republican agenda. While the election outcome is by no means settled, Vermont voters could decide in November that Phil Scott should join Charlie Baker and Larry Hogan as moderate Republican governors in otherwise strongly Democratic states. Eric L. Davis is professor emeritus of political science at Middlebury College.
Reporter THE ESSEX
Executive Editor Courtney A. Lamdin
General Manager Suzanne Lynn
Associate Editor Abby Ledoux
Advertising Manager Wendy Ewing
News Editor/Reporter Jason Starr
Advertising Sales Michael Snook
Sports Editor/Reporter Colin Flanders
Lynn Publications Inc.
Reporter/ Editorial Asst. Michaela Halnon
Reporter/Production Kaylee Sullivan
Publisher Mailing Address: 42 Severance Green, Unit #108, Colchester, VT 05446 Published Thursdays Advertising deadline: Friday, 5 p.m. Phone: 878-5282 Fax: 651-9635
6• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
calendar EssEx ArEA
Religious Directory
SepT. 14
CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 61 Main St., Essex Jct., 878-8341. James Gangwer, pastor. Sunday School: 10 a.m., Worship Service: 11 a.m., Sunday evening worship: 7 p.m., Wednesday evening youth groups, Adult Bible study and prayer: 7 p.m.; FundamentalIndependent. CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - Route 2A, Williston, just north of Industrial Ave. 878-7107. Wes Pastor, senior minister, proclaiming Christ and Him crucified, Sundays: 9:30 a.m., DAYBREAk COMMUnITY CHURCH - 67 Creek Farm Plaza, Colchester. 338-9118. Brent Devenney, lead pastor. Sunday service: 10:30 a.m., AWANA: Thursdays twice a month,; ESSEX ALLIAnCE CHURCH - 37 Old Stage Road, Essex Jct. 878-8213. Sunday services: 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. & 11:30 a.m., ESSEX CEnTER UnITED METHODIST CHURCH - 119 Center Rd (Route 15), Essex. 878-8304. Rev. Mitchell Hay, pastor. Service 10:00 a.m. with Sunday School and childcare provided. We offer a variety of small groups for prayer, Bible study, hands-on ministry, and studying contemporary faith issues. Please join us for worship that combines the best of traditional and contemporary music and spirituality. We are a safe and welcoming space for all people to celebrate, worship, ask questions and plant spiritual roots. FIRST COngREgATIOnAL CHURCH OF ESSEX JUnCTIOn - 1 Church Street, Essex Jct. 878-5745. Rev. Mark Mendes, senior pastor. Summer Worship One Service: 9 a.m., June 5 – September 4. Communion: first Sunday of every month. School Year Sunday School: 5th/6th Grade, Jr. & Sr. high youth groups. Heavenly Food Pantry: fourth Thursday of the month, 2-6 p.m. except for Nov. & Dec. when it is the third Thursday. Essex Eats Out community dinner: 1st Friday of the month, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Music includes Senior Choir, Praise Band, Junior Choir, Cherub Choir, Handbell Choir, Men’s Acapella & Ladies’ Acapella groups. UCC, an Open and Affirming Congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every person, because we are all created by a loving God. www.fccej. org; gRACE UnITED METHODIST CHURCH - 130 Maple Street, Essex Jct., 1 mile south of the Five Corners on Maple Street / Route 117. 878-8071. Worship Sundays: 9:30 a.m., with concurrent church school pre-K to high school. Handicapped-accessible facility. Adult study group Sundays: 11:00 a.m; adult choir, praise band, women’s fellowship, missionally active. Korean U.M.C. worship Sundays: 12:30 p.m., come explore what God might be offering you! HOLY FAMILY - ST. LAwREnCE PARISH - 4 Prospect St., Essex Jct., Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m, St. Lawrence; Sunday Morning: 8:00 a.m., St. Lawrence; 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m., Holy Family. For more information visit www. MT. MAnSFIELD UnITARIAn UnIVERSALIST FELLOwSHIP - 195 Vermont Route 15, Jericho, the red barn across from Packard Road. 899-2558. Services are held 9:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Sunday of each month from September through June. Visit www.mmuuf. org. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 4 St. James Place, Essez Jct., off Rt. 2A at the Fairgrounds Gate F. 8784014. Holy Eucharist Rite II: 9 a.m. Visit www.stjamesvt. org; ST. PIUS X CHURCH - 20 Jericho Road, Essex. 878-5997. Rev. Charles Ranges, pastor. Masses: Saturday, 4:30 p.m. & Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Confessions: Saturday, 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. or please call 878-5331 for an appointment.
file photo by colin flanders Learn about restorative justice, its community impact and volunteer opportunities on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at the Essex Community Justice Center. Staff members are pictured above earlier this year.
8 ThurSdaY
STrengTh 45
crafT feST commiTTee
10 - 10:45 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
JazzerciSe liTe
11 a.m. - noon, Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
bridge TournamenT commiTTee
Noon, Essex Area Senior Center. Call 876-5087 for more information.
new canaSTa
12:30 - 4 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
children’S STorY Time
6 p.m., Rocky’s Pizza, 39 Park St., Essex Jct.. Mother Goose stories and Aesop’s Fables.
eSSex communiTY hiSTorical SocieTY 6 - 7:30 p.m., Harriet Farnsworth Powell Museum in Essex Center, Routes 128 & 15. Step into the story of Essex and its people. Our museum collection brings the stories of Essex history to life in displays about local families, businesses and those in the armed services from the Civil War to Vietnam. Free and ADA accessible. For more information, email essexcommunity historicalsociety@ or call 879-0849.
9 fridaY SongS and STorieS wiTh maTThew
10 - 10:45 a.m., Brownell Library. Matthew Witten performs songs about our world and tells adventurous tales. Funded by the Friends of the Brownell Library. For all ages.
mah Jongg
10 a.m. - noon, Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more
10:15 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. Call 876-5087 for more information.
muSical STorY Time
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Essex Free Library. Rock out and read with stories, songs and instruments. All ages.
Soup & Sandwich
Noon - 1 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. The center will supply the soup and you supply your own sandwich. $1 for members and $2 for non-members. Reservations required. Call 876-5087 for more information.
vinTage movie maTinee
Noon, Bayside Activity Center, 2 West Lakeshore Dr., Colchester. Bring your lunch at noon to meet others, or just come for the movie at 1 p.m. Beverages and popcorn provided. This week's movie: "East of Eden" starring Julie Harris, James Dean and Raymond Massey. Drop-ins are welcome.
KniTTing and crocheTing
1 - 2:30 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
five cornerS farmerS' marKeT
3:30 - 6:30 p.m., Lincoln Place, Essex Jct. There will be delicious fresh produce and prepared foods for sale, as well as cheeses, meats, local wines, baked goods, crafts and more! So much variety you can get in a week's worth of shopping and find Friday's dinner, too!
dungeonS and dragonS
6 - 8:30 p.m., Brownell Library. Embark upon imaginary adventures. Our Dungeon Master serves as the game’s referee and storyteller. For grades 6 and up.
maggie’S fiber fridaY for adulTS 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.,
Brownell Library. Maggie Loftus, veteran knitter, will be settled in front of the fireplace in the Main Reading Room. She invites adult knitters and crocheters to join her with their projects and engage in conversation. Bring patterns to share if you’d like. Email Maggie at 6maggie2@ with any questions.
10 SaTurdaY vT genealogY librarY open houSe
10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 377 Hegeman Ave., Colchester. Join us for demonstrations on Family Tree Maker,, other internet resources and information on DNA testing. There will be tours of the library, many genealogy books for sale and free refreshments. Free.
red croSS blood donaTion
11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Essex Cinemas, 21 Essex Way. September is National Preparedness Month, and the Red Cross is asking eligible donors to give blood to ensure a stable blood supply for emergencies. Donations decline around summer holidays like Labor Day. Donors must be 17 or older (16 with parent permission) and have a driver’s license, blood donor card or two other forms of ID at check-in.
11 SundaY counTrY breaKfaST
8 - 10:30 a.m., St. Thomas Parish Hall, Underhill Center. The St. Thomas Parish Knights of Columbus present a buffet style breakfast. All are welcome! Please bring the whole family. Entry by donation; call 899-4632 with any questions.
venTure crew breaKfaST
9:30 - 11:30 a.m., VFW Post, Essex Jct. A by-donation breakfast to benefit the charity works of the VFW and Boy Scouts Venture Crew 6689. Plus, enter a raffle for gift certificates – you don't need
to be present to win! For more information, email Kayley Tullgren at vtsinger2022@gmail. com. At 7 p.m., we will properly dispose of any tattered or damaged U.S. flags.
daYbreaK communiTY feSTival
10:45 a.m. - 3 p.m., Bayside Park, Colchester. A service and celebration to honor the military, police, firefighters and first responders who serve our community. Dilip Joseph, author of "Kidnapped by the Taliban," will be the guest speaker. Free. Call Laurie at 878-9637 for more information.
eSSex communiTY hiSTorical SocieTY 1 - 4 p.m., Harriet Farnsworth Powell Museum in Essex Center, Routes 128 & 15. Step into the story of Essex and its people. Our museum collection brings the stories of Essex history to life in displays about local families, businesses and those in the armed services from the Civil War to Vietnam. Free and ADA accessible. For more information, email essexcommunity historicalsociety@ or call 879-0849.
miSSiSquoi river band
4 - 5 p.m., UCW White Church, Top of the Common, Westford. Vermont’s well known Missisquoi River Band will be featured as the opening act of this season’s Westford Music Series, offering a variety of original and traditional bluegrass music with blues and folk influences. Free will donation; refreshments will be served. For more information, call 8794028.
women'S picK-up Soccer 6 - 8 p.m., Leddy Park fields behind tennis courts, Burlington.
12 mondaY muST read mondaYS
6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Brownell Library. In
September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •7
local meeTings
Tell us!
Thurs., sepT 8
6:30 p.m., Town planning commission, Town offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct.
mon., sepT 12
7:30 p.m., Town selectboard, Town offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct.
Tues., sepT 13
6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Village Trustees, Lincoln Hall, 2 Lincoln St., Essex Jct.
"Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides, three generations of a GreekAmerican family find themselves plagued by a mutant gene, which causes bizarre side effects in the family’s teenage girls. Pick up a copy of the book at the main desk.
VermonT asTronomical socieTy: emu in The nighT sky
7:30 - 9 p.m., Brownell Library. During this talk, we’ll take a look at the constellations and special sights that only appear south of the equator. Learn a little history of how the southern constellations came to be and some of the stories associated with the stars. We’ll also look at the night sky through the eyes of Australia’s Aboriginal people to see how they viewed the stars for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. Hear about the Southern Cross, the Magellanic Clouds, the Jewel Box and the Coalsack and Carina Nebulas so you can plan a trip south!
drop-in sTory Time
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Essex Free Library. Enjoy books, songs and crafts each week! For all ages.
lego club
3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Essex Free Library. Build awesome creations using our collection of LEGOs!
mah Jongg
10 a.m. - noon, Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
12:30 - 3:30 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
13 Tuesday Jazzercise liTe
8 - 9 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
10:30 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
12:30 - 3:30 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
VermonT genealogy library
3 - 9:30 p.m., 377 Hegeman Ave., Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester. The Vt. Genealogy Library has the resources to help
you find those elusive ancestors. For more information, visit www.
drop-in kniTTing club
6:30 p.m., Essex Free Library. Bring your current knitting project or start a new one in the company of fellow knitters.
14 wednesday Tech Time wiTh Traci
10 - 11 a.m., Essex Free Library. Need some tech help? Drop in with your device and your questions.
seaTed yoga
10 - 11 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
senior luncheon 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. An outing to Grand Buffet for ages 50 and up. Office closed until 2 p.m. Call 876-5087 for more information.
essex roTary club meeTing
12:10 p.m., The Essex, 70 Essex Way, Essex Jct. The Rotary Club of Essex is known for offering a superb lunch, featuring speakers on topics of interest to the community at large. Visitors are always welcome.
duplicaTe bridge
1 - 4 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
read To mckenzie The dog
3:30 p.m., Essex Free Library. Sign your young reader up for a 15-minute slot to read to our resident R.E.A.D. dog, McKenzie. McKenzie is a certified therapy and reading dog and loves to listen to stories! Reading to a dog is a wonderful way to work on reading skills in a comfortable atmosphere. To schedule a time, call 879-0313 or email Caitlin at
inTro To JusTice cenTer
5:30 - 7 p.m., Essex Community Justice Center, 137 Iroquois Ave., Suite 101, Essex Jct. The ECJC serves Essex, Colchester, Milton, Jericho, Underhill and Westford. Join staff members to learn about the work of restorative justice and its impact on the community, plus learn about different volunteer opportunities. For more information and to RSVP, email Susanna Weller at
Something to Celebrate?
15 Thursday sTrengTh 45
10 - 10:45 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
book club
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
Jazzercise liTe
11 a.m. - noon, Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
children’s sTory Time
6 p.m., Rocky’s Pizza, 39 Park St., Essex Jct.. Mother Goose stories and Aesop’s Fables.
essex communiTy hisTorical socieTy 6 - 7:30 p.m., Harriet Farnsworth Powell Museum in Essex Center, Routes 128 & 15. Step into the story of Essex and its people. Our museum collection brings the stories of Essex history to life in displays about local families, businesses and those in the armed services from the Civil War to Vietnam. Free and ADA accessible. For more information, email essexcommunity historicalsociety@ or call 879-0849.
16 friday perfecT blend café
9 - 11 a.m., Essex Area Senior Center. Call 876-5087 for more information.
mah Jongg
10 a.m. - noon, Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
all ages sTory Time
10 - 10:30 a.m., Brownell Library. Come listen to picture book stories and have fun with puppet, finger plays and rhymes. For ages birth to 5.
musical sTory Time
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Essex Free Library. Rock out and read with stories, songs and instruments. All ages.
VinTage moVie maTinee
Noon, Bayside Activity Center, 2 West Lakeshore Dr., Colchester. Bring your lunch at noon to meet others, or just come for the movie at 1 p.m. Beverages and popcorn provided. This week's movie is viewers' choice.
kniTTing & crocheTing
1 - 2:30 p.m., Essex Senior Area Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
fiVe corners farmers' markeT
3:30 - 6:30 p.m., Lincoln Place, Essex Jct. There
will be delicious fresh produce and prepared foods for sale, as well as cheeses, meats, local wines, baked goods, crafts and more! So much variety you can get in a week's worth of shopping and find Friday's dinner, too!
Flea Market
at St. James Episcopal Church in Essex Junction!
family moVie
6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Brownell Library. Free popcorn and drink. All ages.
17 saTurday
THE FALL FLEA MARKET Saturday, September 17th 9am-3pm
wiffleball TournamenT
8 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. competition, fields between Bayside Park and CHS. Sponsored by Vermont Captive Insurance. Proceeds benefit the Blue Star Mothers of Vermont.
From the writer/director of
The Family of Ewe & Alumni Pie
fall flea markeT
9 a.m. - 3 p.m., 4 St. James Pl., Essex Jct. Organized by the St. James Episcopal Church.
VermonT genealogy library class
10:30 a.m. - noon, 377 Hegeman Ave., Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester. If you are relatively new to genealogy, this class can help. Sheila Morris will discuss records, methods and best practices for conducting sound research and strategies for organizing information you find. Bring as much information as you can about your grandparents. After the talk, our volunteers can help you get started using our many resources. Classes are $5. Call 310-9285 for more information.
single adulT game nighT
6 p.m., Essex Alliance Church Community Center, 37 Old Stage Rd., Essex Jct. Volleyball, games and a potluck. For adults only. Contact Ginny at 879-2518 for details.
Information for vendors can be found on our website
by Carole Vasta Folley
Sept. 8, 9, 10 7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
Main St Landing Black Box Theater 60 L AKE S TREET , B URLINGTON A new Vermont play about estranged sisters who meet to sort through their parents' belongings. Touching, funny, & provocative. Mature themes. The Vermont Journal says, Ò Not a play to miss; be prepared to laugh, but also to cry.Ó
The CommerCial Tickets $18/$15 at or call 802-86-FLYNN Corner
Supported in part by The Flynn CenterÕ s VT Artists' Space Grant & The VT Arts Endowment Fund.
Visit Seymour property Sisters on PrimeThe commercial in
Chittenden County and beyond
The CommerCial Corner Prime commercial property in Chittenden County and beyond
5 Downtown Properties! St. Albans Real Estate Block!
18 sunday essex communiTy hisTorical socieTy 1 - 4 p.m., Harriet Farnsworth Powell Museum in Essex Center, Routes 128 & 15. Step into the story of Essex and its people. Our museum collection brings the stories of Essex history to life in displays about local families, businesses and those in the armed services from the Civil War to Vietnam. Free and ADA accessible. For more information, email essexcommunity historicalsociety@ or call 879-0849.
cribbage TournamenT
1 - 4 p.m., Essex Area Senior Center. For ages 50 and up. Call 876-5087 for more information.
single adulT mini golf 1:30 p.m., Essex Family Fun and Entertainment Center, 48 Upper Main St., Essex Jct. A family activity. Contact Gary at 734-9980 for details.
Sept. 11
Essex 1,200 SF day care space available for lease on Center Road in Essex. $800 per month plus utilities. Direct access off Route 15, great visibility, great signage, ample parking.
Kristin Plantier 802-863-8217 x 11
11AM 83-85 N. Main St.
2-story mixed use building with 7,640±SF. 3,800±SF retail space on Colchester ground level and two 1BR residential apartments upstairs. 11:30AM 87-89 N. Main St.
Why rent when you can own formixed less? use Great officewith space 2-story building in Malletts Bay. This is a unique opportunity to acquire 3,550±SF. First floor has 2,023±SF spectacular office space in a great location with private retail space w/731±SF storage. Secparking, at a price that makes it more affordable than floor hasbeautifully two 1BR apartments renting. 2 condominiumsond available, finished. andor one 2BR apartment. Can be purchased together separately. Hardwood floors, skylights and partial lake views are just some of the 12PM 8 Congress St.Low utility costs. many great features of these condos.
office building with Kristin Plantier 802-863-8217 Downtown x 11 2,650±SF,two offices, upstairs rented. Commercial Zoning.
99 N. Main St. 4,800±SF vacant commercial lot. Corner of North Main and Congress. Georgia
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Great opportunity for investors andcommercial/industrial developers, or 10,440±SF someone who would likebuilding to ownon their own home and 0.50± acre. Offices, sub-divide off a few lots to generate some money. Single, city utilities. Former manufacturing double or multi-family dwellings could all be possibilities. facility. Home on property is approximately 2,400 SF with a mother-in-law apartment on 2nd floor. Total of 7.78 +/Thomas Hirchak Company acres, great location near I-89 exit 18. • 800-634-7653
Kristin Plantier 802-863-8217 x 11
List your property in Commercial Corner in Essex Reporter, Colchester & Milton Independent for List your property in Sun Essex Reporter, Colchester only $75/week total. Call 878-5282
Sun & Milton Independent. Only $75/week
8• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
business Directory arborist
bike rentaLs
“Georgia Auction Gallery” Quality Auctions Every Friday Evening, Starting at 5:30pm 1st building on the left, in Arrowhead Industrial Park. We accept quality single items to complete households.
Malletts Bay Bicycle & Ski
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Owner/Auctioneer: John S. Plante 802-309-5272
Gallery: 802-524-4700
Come visit our beautiful A/C gallery. ~
Also check us out on Facebook and
car & LiMoUsine serVice
Cobble View Livery Service
802-863-BIKE (2435) 794 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, VT 05446 Check us out at
carpet cLeaninG
High Standards, LLC
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Remodeling, Rot Repair, Decks, Windows and Doors
WEDDING • DATE NIGHTS FULL & HALF DAY TOURS SPECIAL RATES FOR MILTON 2011 Cadillac DTS 1967 Chrysler New Yorker 1973 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible 802-999-8460
Drywall, Siding, Finish Work, Pressure Washing
133 Blakely Road, Colchester, VT 24/7 ON CALL • Free Estimates – Fully Insured (802) 355-8193 Matt Levee /
estate pL anninG
Mon: Closed Tue-Fri: 10-6 Sat: 9-5 Sun: 12-5
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Cedric C Pecor D.D.S
Bethany K. Fitzgerald D.D.S
Edward R. Klingebiel D.D.S
Serving the community for over 33 years with the best dental care. Schedule a dental check-up today to maintain that beautiful smile!
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HERE EssEx PolicE REPoRt
Emergency 911 • Non-emergency 878-8331 • 81 Main Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452 •
August 29 - September 4 Monday
5:04 a.m., Vandalism on Chapin Rd. 8:16 a.m., Suspicious on Essex Way 9:05 a.m., Lost Property on Pearl St. 9:33 a.m., Animal Problem on Bobolink Cir 10:00 a.m., Vandalism on Weed Rd. 10:25 a.m., Animal Problem on Waverly St. 12:00 p.m., Lost Property on Railroad Ave. 12:11 p.m., Vandalism on Jackson Hts. 1:28 p.m., Directed Patrol on Pearl St. 3:30 p.m., Animal Problem on Bobolink Cir. 4:01 p.m., Theft on Dalton Dr. 5:13 p.m., Accident on Jericho Rd.
6:58 p.m., Animal Problem on Maple St. 9:14 p.m., Juvenile Problem on Maple St. 9:43 p.m., Family Fight on Autumn Pond Way 11:20 p.m., Arrest for Disorderly Conduct on Pearl St.
4:24 p.m., Burglary on Abnaki Ave 8:30 a.m., Theft on Gauthier Dr. 9:06 a.m., Runaway (located) on River Rd. 9:39 a.m., Theft on Pearl St. 10:06 a.m., Animal Problem on Prescott St. 12:10 p.m., Suspicious on Steeplebush Rd. 1:06 p.m., Juvenile Problem on Founders Rd. 1:43 p.m., Accident on Colchester Rd. 4:29 p.m., Accident on Essex Way 4:54 p.m., Theft on Essex Way
10:53 p.m., Threatening on West St. 11:26 p.m., Noise Complaint on Willeys Ct.
12:13 a.m., Trespassing on Pearl St. 5:27 a.m., Accident on Kellogg Rd. 7:00 a.m., Juvenile Problem on Jericho Rd. 8:01 a.m., Accident on Lincoln St. 9:55 a.m., Suspicious on Sand Hill Rd. 12:24 p.m., Suspicious on Railroad St. 1:15 p.m., Threatening on Essex Way 1:22 p.m., Theft on Railroad St. 4:14 p.m., Fraud on Old Stage Rd. 6:36 p.m., Juvenile Problem on Maple St. 9:38 p.m., Intoxicated Person on Pearl St.
7:45 a.m., Burglary on Grove St. 8:56 a.m., Accident on West St. 11:12 a.m., Vandalism on Colchester
Rd. 11:15 a.m., Trespassing on Park St. 12:23 p.m., Juvenile Problem on Educational Dr. 6:13 p.m., Accident on Main St. 7:06 p.m., Animal Problem on Rustic Dr. 8:35 p.m., Juvenile Problem on Sand Hill Rd. 9:26 p.m., Theft on Pearl St. 10:01 p.m., Suspicious on Essex Way
2:24 a.m., Intoxicated Person on Pearl St. 8:26 a.m., Animal Problem on Lincoln St. 2:36 p.m., Suspicious on Autumn Pond Way 8:17 p.m., Suspicious on Morse Dr.
12:39 a.m., Fraud on Tanglewood Dr.
10:17 a.m., Threatening on Autumn Pond Way 10:35 a.m., Theft on Central St. 5:54 p.m., Accident on Center Rd. 7:02 p.m., Fraud on Weed Rd. 7:18 p.m., Suspicious on Railroad Ave 9:56 p.m., Intoxicated Person on Pearl St. 10:39 p.m., DUI on Lincoln St.
12:25 a.m., Suspicious on Pearl St. 12:46 a.m., Juvenile Problem on Pleasant St. 2:15 a.m., Citizens Dispute on Franklin St. 7:31 p.m., Theft on Maple St. 11:03 p.m., Stabbing at the Champlain Valley Fair Tickets Issued: 20 Warnings Issued: 39 Fire/EMS Calls Dispatched: 63
DESKTOPS, (2), WINExt. 300N DOWS 7, E Machine. Exercise/Sporting Comes with everything. Equipment Works great. Asking $65. GOLF CLUBS, TWO each. 802-868-6364 sets, bag, cart, clubs, LAPTOPS, (2), DELL, balls, tees. Very good, Windows 7. They both clean sets. $50. for Miscellaneous need chargers. Asking each RENTALS set. Call 802-524PUG PUPPIES, (4), FILL ADS $75. each. 802-868GENERATOR, POW- 2466 for more informa6364CHAMPION 4000. males. tion. Lots of fun. Up ER, to date shots. Ready to Apartments LikeChildren’s new with less than Items Furniture Appliances go. $650., negotiable. Furnished 50 hours. $235. Will 802-752-5947 FULLY FURNISHED 1 FILL ADS CAR SEAT, INFANT, DISPLAY 802-524-3197 CASE, AIR CONDITIONER, haggle. bedroom apartments YORKIPOOS, 2 84”h, FEGraco,BED $40.BUGS 802-582GLASS front, WINDOW size. Good KILL and available short or MALES, 1for black puppy, 9818 or 802-933-6840 condition. Asking $40. their eggs. Buy Har- 14”d, 43”w. In excellent Appliances long term rentals. Lo$450. 1 $99. black/brown condition. or best Call 802-524-6254. CRIB, LIND ris Bed JENNY Bug Killers/ cated on a quiet one year old. $350. reasonable offer. prop802style, brown, treatmant with mat- AIR complete CONDITIONER, MICROWAVE, MAGIC kit erty with off street parkGood temperament, 933-2557 tress. $150. Call 802system. Available hardWINDOW size. Good CHEF, Excellent condiing, laundry, wifi 802and doesn’t shed. Call 527-7066 after 4:00 p.m. condition. stores, The Home LOVE SEAT, AskingDUAL $40. tion. Asking $30. Call ware trash removal. 1/2 mile 393-9620. Depot. homedepot. reclining, tan in color. Call 802-524-6254. 802-524-6254. MOBILE, DISNEY, from Downtown St. AlVery Pools/Spas good condition. FISHER Price, for crib. bans, MICROWAVE, POP CORN com 1/2 hourMAGIC from $150. Excellent Call 802-527$5. Call 802-933-6840. METAL, Burlington CHEF, POPPER,works great, MAILBOX, and 1.5condihour POOL, IN-GROUND, 7066 after 4:00pm. large rural-type, from tion. Asking $30. 802Call floor model, movie style, VERYDishes/Pans/ 32x18 Montreal. (Fox 1981). Opx 15”H x 11”W. 752-7300 802-524-6254. on wheels. New, $100, 23.5”L Cups/Etc. or 802-233Furnishings erational. Sand filter hold lots of PAN, mail/ 9174 sell for $35. Call 978- Can LASAGNA POP CORN (200lb.cap.), super small packages. Good DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ 505-2769. STONE, small. Brand pump POPPER,works Apartments (new 2007).great, Blue metalUnfurnished lighthouse. New, new. Asking$50. $15. 802802- Pearl floor model, style, REFRIGERATOR, 18 condition. Robomovie Cleaner. 285-2114 still in box. Nice for dison wheels. $100, CUBIC foot. $75. 802- 782-4125 Must see. New, 802-868playing photos, etc. WOODEN BARREL, sell for $35. Call 978868-7975 PIE BAKER, COOK- 4984 Bought new $129. Ask$35. new. 505-2769. ING LARGE. stone. Brand ing $85.Produce 802-868-7613 Antiques 802-868-7975 Asking $15. 802-782- REFRIGERATOR, 18 MATTRESS AND 4125 CUBIC foot. $75. BOX 802TRUNK, ANTIQUE, PICKLES, TONGUE, Musical Items springs, (2) sets, free. 868-7975 1900s, Approximately 3’ SPRING FORM PAN (24 pints), $6. per pint. One is a Sertapedic HARMONY, x 1.5’. Excellent condi- GUITAR, with glass bottom. New. 802-782-4125 other is a Lady size,802-782begin- and theAntiques tion. Asking $75 OBRO. YOUTH Asking $15. Englander. Very good Trailers ners, brown with gig Call 802-933-6840. ST. ALBANS CITY 4125 TRUNK, ANTIQUE, condition. You pickup. bag. Good condition. Second floor, 1 bed-3’ 1900s, Approximately Equipment/Machin- TRAILER, St. Albans area.FREE, 802Boats $50. 802-868-7613 room, 1 car garage, x527-9729 1.5’. Excellent ery 14’X56’ single condiwide. large eat-in$75kitchen tion. Asking OBRO. BOAT, ALUMINUM, SAWMILLS metal roof and Pets FROM Pitched hook ups, no pets, Call 802-933-6840. OLDER, flat-bottomed, 3 ONLY $4397. Make with Lawn/Garden vinyl windows. Good no smoking. Available FREE, with (5), for storage or hunting seat, 14’, needs work. KITTENS, and save money PRIVACY HEDGESBoats $850./mo. males, two Cut fe- now. $100. firm. 802-285-2114 three camp. Must be moved. your own bandmill. LIMITED SUPPLY, 6 males. Call dimension. between Located in Alburg. You lumber any BOAT, ALUMINUM, feet SWANTON Arborvitae, fast Building Materials 9am-3pm, leaveto mesaway. 802-868In stock ready ship! take flat-bottomed, 3 OLDER, $129. 3growing, bedroomRegduplex, sage. 802-782-6584 2056 seat, needs work. BATHTUB, MOBILE Free Info/DVD: NOW 14’, $69. Beautiful, totally refurbished, GRAY, $100. firm. 802-285-2114 www.Norwood HOME size, steel, tan. KITTENS, bushy,baths, nurserygarage, grown. 1.5 BOXTRAINED. Sawmills.comVery Woodstoves/Heating $25. 802-868-7067 FREE Installation/ kitchen fullyMaterials equipped, Building playful and ready for a KEROSENE, 1-800-578-1363 $1.25 FREE delivery 844hookups in basement. Computers/Supplies good home. 802-524- GALLON, 100 gallons. Ext. 300N 592-3327 BATHTUB, MOBILE No pets/nowww.lowsmok1939 Exercise/Sporting Must be pumped of size, steel,out tan. HOME DESKTOPS, (2), WINers. Available 9/15. Equipment the Call 802-524$25.tank. 802-868-7067 DOWS 7, E Machine. $1,100./mo. Outdoor Furnishings Comes with everything. GOLF CLUBS, TWO 3815. Computers/Supplies Works great. Asking $65. sets, bag, cart, clubs, GAS ST ALBANS CITY GRILL, WITH Wanted to Buy balls, tees. Very good, 2 bedroom each. 802-868-6364 duplex, eatside burner. Excellent DESKTOPS, (2), WINclean sets. $50. for inBUYING kitchen, fullMachine. bath, condition. 802DOWS 7, ANTIQUES E$50. LAPTOPS, (2), DELL, each set. Call 802-524- pets considered, no Complete 782-4125 Comes withhouseholds, everything. Windows 7. They both 2466 for more informa- smoking. Available immost anything Works great. Askingold/of $65. need chargers. Asking tion. $1,100./mo. good 45+ years each. quality. 802-868-6364 $75. each. 802-868- PUG PUPPIES, (4), mediately. Call: Fair prices males. Lots of fun. Up buying! 6364 Furniture LAPTOPS, (2), DELL, 1-800-864-6226 to date shots. Ready to paid! Windows 7. They both Children’s Items x7852 Call Ed Lambert DISPLAY CASE, need go. $650., negotiable. chargers. Asking or802-782-1223 802-343-0540 GLASS front, 84”h, $75. 802-752-5947 each. 802-868CAR SEAT, INFANT, St. Albans 14”d, 43”w. In excellent www.fourseasons Graco, $40. 802-582- YORKIPOOS, 2 FE- 6364 condition. $99. or best MALES, 1 black puppy, 9818 or 802-933-6840 reasonable offer. 802- ST. Children’s ALBANS, Items 2 bed$450. 1 black/brown Seasonal Part-Time CRIB, JENNY LIND 933-2557 appliances, one year old. $350. room, CAR SEAT, INFANT, style,Snow brown, Plow with matOperator LOVE SEAT, DUAL W/D hookup, parking, Good temperament, Graco, $40. 802-582tress. $150. Call 802reclining, tan Call in color. doesn’t shed. 802- water/sewer. No pets/ 9818 or 802-933-6840 527-7066 after 4:00 p.m. Very good condition. nonsmoking. Deposit, 393-9620. CRIB, JENNY LIND MOBILE, DISNEY, $150. Call 802-527- lease, references. style, brown, matFISHER Price, for crib. 7066 Pools/Spas $800./mo. pluswith utilities. after 4:00pm. tress. $150. Call 802$5. Call 802-933-6840. 802-527-0628 An opening is available forFurnishings anIN-GROUND, experienced part-time snow plow POOL, 527-7066 after 4:00 p.m. Dishes/Pans/ 32x18 (Fox 1981). Opoperator for the Town of Jericho on a seasonal basis. Work Rental Space Wanted Cups/Etc. DISNEY, DISPLAY Sand SHELF,filter 6’ MOBILE, erational. hours vary according to weather and other needs. Applicants Price,AREA for crib. LASAGNA PAN, (200lb.cap.), RICHFORD metal lighthouse.super New, FISHER must have valid pump Vermont driver’s license (CDL $5. Call 802-933-6840. small. a Brand STONE, Looking for license garage still in (new box. Nice forBlue dis2007). new. Asking $15. Dishes/Pans/ preferred) and 802pass aPearl drug screening before starting. in the Richford playing photos, etc. space Robo Cleaner. 782-4125 store and work Boughtsee. new $129. Ask- area toCups/Etc. Must 802-868my classic car. Must ing $85. 802-868-7613 on 4984 LASAGNA PAN, PIE BAKER, COOKApplicants must be available to report to work at and anymust time, secure,small. be Brand STONE, ING stone. Brand new. MATTRESS AND BOX be including and holidays. There is $15. nowhenset Produce able to access new. Asking 802Asking $15. nights, 802-782- weekends springs, (2) sets, free. schedule or guaranteed Applicants must be able to ever needed. Contact 782-4125 4125 One hours. is a Sertapedic PICKLES, TONGUE, Mark at 585-596-9347 respond promptly and be willing to work various shifts and and the other is a Lady (24 pints), $6. per pint. PIE BAKER, COOKSPRING FORM PAN Englander. Very good INGHomes stone. for Brand new. with glass There bottom.are New. hours. no 802-782-4125 benefits available to this position and rentthe You pickup. Asking $15. 802-782Asking $15. 802-782- condition. term of employment will last no longer than April 16th, 2017. Trailers SMALL 2 St. Albans area. 802- FRANKLIN, 4125 4125 wa527-9729 Equipment/Machin- TRAILER, SPRING Includes FORM PAN FREE, bedroom. The starting is $15.00 depending on qualifications. ter and 2 bottom. car garage. ery hourly wage with glass New. 14’X56’ single wide. Lawn/Garden No pets. $850./mo. SAWMILLS FROM Pitched metal roof and Asking $15. 802-782and security dePRIVACY HEDGES4125website A job $4397. application canvinyl be downloaded from First our at www. windows. Good ONLY Make posit required. 802LIMITED SUPPLY, 6 for also storage or hunting and save money They with are Equipment/ available at the326-4800 Jericho Town Hall, feet Arborvitae, fast Must be moved. your own bandmill. Cut camp. ery a.m. to at 67 Vermont RouteLocated 15, Jericho, Monday –Friday 8:30 Reg $129. You SAWMILLS lumber any dimension. growing,in Alburg. Rooms for rent FROM applications can be submitted to Paula NOW $69. 802-868Beautiful, away. In 2:30 stockp.m. readyCompleted to ship! take ONLY $4397. Make ROUTE 7, bushy, nursery grown. SWANTON, Carrier in person, via email at or via 2056 Free Info/DVD: and save money with Quiet home. $145./ FREE VT Installation/ www.Norwood mail to PO Box 39, Jericho, 05465. your own bandmill. Cut Woodstoves/Heating utilities, FREE delivery 844- week. lumberIncludes any dimension. cable/internet, trash re592-3327 www.low1-800-578-1363 In stock ready to ship! KEROSENE, $1.25 Applications until positionmoval/parking is filled. and Ext. 300N will be accepted GALLON, 100 gallons. Free Info/DVD: No pets/no Exercise/Sporting www.Norwood Must be pumped out of laundry. Outdoor Furnishings References Equipment the tank. Call 802-524- smoking. and background check. GAS GRILL, WITH 1-800-578-1363 GOLF CLUBS, TWO 3815. 802-370-6625 Ext. 300N sets, bag, cart, clubs, side burner. Excellent Teaching Assistant & Playground/ Wanted $50. to Buy 802- Roommate balls, tees. Very good, condition. Exercise/Sporting Wanted Supervisor 782-4125 clean sets. $50. for Lunch Equipment BUYING ANTIQUES GRAND ISLETWO each set. Call 802-524- Complete households, GOLF CLUBS, a home a 2466 for more informa- most anything old/of Share sets, bag, cart, with clubs, woman whogood, ention. balls, tees. Very good quality. 45+ years senior cleansharing sets. conversa$50. for buying! Fair prices joys Furniture tion. Reduced rent of each set. Call 802-524paid! Part-time position available at our Summit$250./mo. Street Elementary (utilities in2466 for more informaCall Ed Lambert DISPLAY CASE, cluded) in exchange for School to supervise students at lunch and recess, and to assist tion. 802-782-1223 GLASS front, 84”h, providing a nighttime and 43”w. supervise assigned special needs students instructionally, St. Albans 14”d, In excellent presence and some Furniture condition. $99. or best behaviorally and physically in the general mainstream program. evening companionreasonable offer. 802DISPLAY CASE, Work hours are 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM on school days with a halfship. 802-863-5625 or 933-2557 front, 84”h, www.HomeShare hour unpaid lunch (5 hours/day). PositionGLASS pays $14.97/hour. 14”d, 43”w. In excellent LOVE SEAT, DUAL We are seeking candidates with the following qualifications: condition. $99. or best reclining, tan in color. for application. Inreasonable references, offer. 802Very good condition. terview, 933-2557 $150. Call 802-527• Minimum of two years of higher education plus 1 to 2checks years rebackground 7066 4:00pm. quired. EHO LOVE SEAT, ofafter directly related experience (or equivalent training and DUAL reclining, tan in color. experience). Furnishings Very good condition. • Experience working with children at the early elementary $150. Call 802-527DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ school level required. 7066 after 4:00pm. metal lighthouse. New, still in box. Nice for dis• Understanding of the developmental growth of elementaryFurnishings playing photos, etc. aged students. Bought new $129. AskDISPLAY SHELF, 6’ • Excellent oral communication skills. ing $85. 802-868-7613 metal lighthouse. New,
KITTENS, (5), moval/parking and Call 802-524-6254. DOWS 7, FREE, E Machine. Pitched metal roofGood and SAWMILLS FROM vinyl $850./mo. windows. ONLY $4397. Make three males, two fe- now. laundry. Noeverything. pets/no Comes with MICROWAVE, MAGIC vinyl windows. Good ONLY $4397. Make for storage or hunting and save money with males. CallReferences between smoking. Works great. Asking $65. for CHEF, Excellent condithe tank. Call 802-524- and storage or save money with Must be hunting moved. your own bandmill. Cut camp. Building Materials SWANTON leave mesand background check. ST ALBANS CITY 9am-3pm, each. 802-868-6364 tion. Asking Call 3815. camp. Must be$30. moved. your own bandmill. Cut 3 Located in Alburg. You lumber any dimension. bedroom duplex, sage. 802-782-6584 802-370-6625 2 bedroom duplex, eat- lumber 802-524-6254. BATHTUB, MOBILE LAPTOPS, (2), toDELL, Located in refurbished, Alburg. You dimension. take away. 802-868In stockany ready ship! totally in kitchen, fullBuy bath, Wanted GRAY, HOME size, to steel, tan. KITTENS, Windows 7. They both 1.5 take away. 802-868In stock ready to ship! 2056 Free Info/DVD: POP baths, CORN Roommate Wanted garage, pets802-868-7067 considered, no BOXTRAINED. Very 2056 $25. needwww.Norwood chargers. Asking Free Info/DVD: POPPER,works great, BUYING ANTIQUES kitchen fully equipped, smoking. Available im- playful and ready for a Woodstoves/Heating GRAND PUG PUPPIES, (4), each. ISLE 802-868- hookups floor model, movie style, Complete households, $75.www.Norwood in basement. Computers/Supplies mediately. $1,100./mo. Woodstoves/Heating good home. 802-524Share a home with a males. Lots New, of fun. Up 6364 1-800-578-1363 on wheels. $100, most anything old/of No pets/no smokKEROSENE, $1.25 Call: 1939 senior woman who en- to date shots. Ready to 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N sell for $35. Call 978DESKTOPS, (2), WINgood quality. 45+ years ers. Available 9/15. KEROSENE, $1.25 GALLON, 100 gallons. 1-800-864-6226 Children’s Items joys sharing conversago. $650., negotiable. Ext. 300N 505-2769. DOWS E Machine. buying! 7,x7852 Fair prices Exercise/Sporting $1,100./mo. GALLON, 100 gallons. be pumped out of tion. Reduced rent of Must 802-752-5947 Miscellaneous Comes with everything. CAR RENTALS Exercise/Sporting paid! SEAT, INFANT, Must Equipment be pumped out of the tank. Call 802-524REFRIGERATOR, 18 or 802-343-0540 $250./mo. (utilities in- YORKIPOOS, 2 FEWorks great. AskingPOW$65. GOLF Call Ed Lambert STtank. ALBANS CITY802Graco,Equipment $40. 802-582the Call $75. 802-5243815. CUBIC foot. CLUBS, TWO GENERATOR, www.fourseasons cluded) in exchange for MALES, 1 duplex, black puppy, each. 802-868-6364 802-782-1223 bedroom eat9818 or 802-933-6840 3815. CLUBS, TWO 2 868-7975 sets, bag, clubs, ER, CHAMPION 4000. GOLF providing acart, nighttime Wanted to $450. 1 black/brown St. with Albans Apartments in kitchen, fullBuy bath, bag, cart, clubs, balls, tees. Very good, LAPTOPS, (2),less DELL, Like new than sets, CRIB, JENNY LIND presence and some oneWanted ST. ALBANS, 2 bed- balls, to Buy year old. $350. Antiques Furnished considered, no tees. Very good, sets.companion$50. for pets Windows 7. $235. They both 50 hours. Will clean style, brown, with matBUYINGtemperament, ANTIQUES evening room, appliances, clean Good smoking. Available imsets. $50. for1 BUYING ANTIQUES FULLY FURNISHED set. Call 802-524need chargers. Asking each haggle. 802-524-3197 tress. $150. Call 802households, TRUNK,shed. ANTIQUE, ship. 802-863-5625 or Complete W/D hookup, parking, PUG doesn’t Call 802$1,100./mo. each set. Call 802-524bedroom apartments PUPPIES, (4), mediately. for more informa$75. each. BUGS 802-868527-7066 after 4:00 p.m. Complete households, most old/of 1900s, anything Approximately 3’ www.HomeShare KILL BED and 2466 water/sewer. No pets/ 393-9620. Call: 2466 for more informaavailable for short or males. Lots of fun. Up 6364 anything good quality. 45+ old/of years x 1.5’. Excellent their eggs. Buy Har- tion. MOBILE, DISNEY, most nonsmoking. Deposit, 1-800-864-6226 tion. long term rentals. to shots. ReadyLoto good quality. 45+OBRO. years buying! Fair prices tion. Asking $75 fordateapplication. InrisChildren’s Bed Bug Killers/ FISHER Pools/Spas Price, for crib. lease, references. Furniture Items x7852 cated on a negotiable. quiet prop- buying! go. $650., Fair prices paid! Call 802-933-6840. terview, references, kit complete treatmant $5. Call 802-933-6840. $800./mo. plus utilities. 802-752-5947 Furniture or 802-343-0540 erty with off street park- paid! Call EdIN-GROUND, Lambert CASE, background checks re- POOL, system. Available hard- DISPLAY CAR SEAT, INFANT, 802-527-0628 Dishes/Pans/ www.fourseasons ing, laundry, wifi and 32x18 (Fox 1981). OpBoats Call Ed Lambert DISPLAY FE802-782-1223 GLASS front, 2CASE, 84”h, quired.Cups/Etc. EHO ware stores, Home YORKIPOOS, Graco, $40. The trash removal. 1/2 mile erational. Sand filter 802-782-1223 GLASS front, 84”h, MALES, 1 black puppy, Rental Space Wanted St. Albans 14”d, 43”w. In excellent Depot. homedepot. LASAGNA 9818 or 802-933-6840 BOAT, ALUMINUM, PAN, from Downtown St. Al- ST. (200lb.cap.), St. Albans ALBANS, 2 super bed14”d, 43”w. In excellent $450. 1 $99. black/brown condition. or best com OLDER, flat-bottomed, CRIB, JENNYAREA LIND bans, STONE,1/2small. Brand hour from room, RICHFORD pump (new 2007). Blue3 appliances, condition. or$350. best one year $99. old. offer. 802seat, 14’, needs work. MAILBOX, METAL, style, brown, mat- reasonable new. Asking $15. 802- Pearl Burlington and 1.5 802hour Looking forwith garage Robo Cleaner. W/D hookup, parking, reasonable offer. Good temperament, $100. firm. 802-285-2114 VERY $150. large rural-type, tress. 802- 933-2557 782-4125 from Montreal. 802space in theCall Richford Must see. 802-868No pets/ 933-2557 doesn’t shed. CallDUAL 802- water/sewer. RENTALS Miscellaneous LOVE SEAT, 23.5”Lto xstore 15”H4:00 x 11”W. 527-7066 after p.m. 752-7300 or 802-233RENTALS area and work 393-9620. 4984 PIE BAKER, COOK- nonsmoking. Deposit, Building Materials LOVE SEAT, DUAL reclining, tan in color. Can hold lots of mail/ FILL ADS on my classic DISNEY, car. Must 9174 MOBILE, ING stone. BrandPOWnew. lease, references. GENERATOR, reclining, tan in color. good condition. BATHTUB, small packages. Good ProduceMOBILE be secure, and for must be Very Pools/Spas FISHER Price, crib. Asking $15. 802-782Apartments ER, CHAMPION 4000. $800./mo. plus utilities. good $150. Call condition. 802-527condition. $50. when802- Very able to 802-933-6840. access Apartments HOME size, TONGUE, steel, tan. $5. Call 4125 Unfurnished 802-527-0628 Like new with less than $150. Call 802-527- PICKLES, IN-GROUND, 7066 after 4:00pm. Appliances 285-2114 ever needed. Contact POOL, Furnished $25.pints), 802-868-7067 50 hours. $235. Will Dishes/Pans/ (24 $6. per pint. SPRING FORM PAN 7066 after (Fox4:00pm. 1981). Op- Rental Space Wanted Mark at 585-596-9347 WOODEN BARREL, 32x18 FULLY FURNISHED 1 haggle. 802-524-3197 Cups/Etc. AIR CONDITIONER, Furnishings 802-782-4125 with glass bottom. New. erational. Sand filter Computers/Supplies LARGE. $35.PAN, bedroom apartments WINDOW size. Good (200lb.cap.), LASAGNA Asking $15.BUGS 802-782KILLFurnishings BED and RICHFORD AREA super Homes for rent DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ available 802-868-7975 for shortWINor Trailers condition. AskingBrand $40. pump DESKTOPS, STONE, small. 4125 their eggs.2007). Buy Blue Harfor (2), garage DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ Looking metal (new lighthouse. New, long term rentals. LoFRANKLIN, SMALL 2 Pearl Call 802-524-6254. DOWS 7, E Machine. new. Asking $15. 802ris Bed Bug Killers/ space in the Richford Robo Cleaner. Equipment/MachinMusical Items FREE, metal still in lighthouse. box. Nice forNew, dis- TRAILER, cated onwith a quiet propbedroom. Includes wa- Must Comes everything. 782-4125 kit complete treatmant area to store and work see. 802-868MICROWAVE, MAGIC ery single wide. still in box. Nice for displaying photos, etc. 14’X56’ erty with off street parkter and 2 car garage. GUITAR, HARMONY, Works great. Asking $65. system. Available hardmy classic car. CHEF, Excellent condi- 4984 PIE BAKER, COOKPitched metal roofMust and SAWMILLS FROM playing photos, etc. on Bought new $129. Asking, laundry, wifi and No pets. $850./mo. YOUTH size, begineach. 802-868-6364 ware stores, The Home be secure, and must be tion. stone. AskingBrand $ Call Bought ING vinyl windows. Good ONLY $4397. Make new $129. Asking $85. 802-868-7613 trash removal. 1/2 mile First and security deProduce ners, brown with gig ST. ALBANS CITY Depot. homedepot. able to access when802-524-6254. LAPTOPS, (2), DELL, Asking $15. 802-782- ing for storage or hunting and save money with $85. 802-868-7613 from Downtown St. Alposit required. 802- MATTRESS AND bag. Good condition. Second 1 BOX bedcom needed. Contact Windows They both 4125 camp. Must be moved. your own floor, bandmill. Cut ever POP CORN PICKLES, TONGUE, bans, 1/27. hour from MATTRESS AND BOX 326-4800 springs, (2) sets, free. $50. 802-868-7613 room, 1anycar garage, Mark at 585-596-9347 need chargers. Asking Located in Alburg. You lumber dimension. MAILBOX, METAL, POPPER,works great, pints), per pint. SPRING FORM PAN (24 springs, (2) sets, free. Burlington and 1.5 hour One is eat-in a$6.Sertapedic large kitchen $75. away. each. 802-868802-868In stocklarge ready to ship! take VERY rural-type, floorRooms model, movie style, 802-782-4125 for rent with glass bottom. New. from Montreal. 802Pets One is other aups, Sertapedic Homes for rent and is a pets, Lady 6364 with the hook 2056 Free Info/DVD: 23.5”L 15”Hisno xa 11”W. on wheels. $100, and Asking $15.New, 802-782the xother Lady Englander. Very good 752-7300 or 802-233no smoking. Available SWANTON, ROUTE 7, KITTENS, FREE, (5), Trailers www.Norwood Can hold lots of mail/ SMALL 2 sell for $35. Call 978- Englander. 4125 9174 Verypickup. good FRANKLIN, You Children’s Items Woodstoves/Heating $850./mo. Quiet home. two $145./ three males, fe- condition. small packages. Good bedroom. Includes wa505-2769. condition. You pickup. Equipment/MachinApartments St. Albans area. 802TRAILER, FREE, week. utilities, condition. males.Includes Call between 1-800-578-1363 $50. 802802- KEROSENE, and 2 car garage. CAR SEAT, INFANT, $1.25 Albans area. ery trash reREFRIGERATOR, 18 St. Unfurnished 527-9729 single wide. ter SWANTON cable/internet, 9am-3pm, leave mes- 14’X56’ Ext. 300N 285-2114 No pets. $850./mo. Graco, $40. 802-582GALLON, 100 gallons. 527-9729 CUBIC foot. $75. 802Pitched metal roof and SAWMILLS FROM 3 bedroom duplex, moval/parking and sage. 802-782-6584 securityout deExercise/Sporting Lawn/Garden 9818and or 802-933-6840 Must be pumped of WOODEN BARREL, 868-7975 windows. Good First ONLY $4397. Make vinyl totally refurbished, laundry. No pets/no posit required. 802Lawn/Garden KITTENS, GRAY, Equipment the tank. Call 802-524LARGE. $35. hunting CRIB, JENNY LIND and save money with for 1.5storage baths,orHEDGESgarage, 326-4800 smoking. References PRIVACY Antiques BOXTRAINED. Very 802-355-7633 GOLF CLUBS, TWO 3815. 802-355-7633 802-868-7975 Must be moved. your own bandmill. Cut camp. kitchen fully equipped, PRIVACY HEDGESand background SUPPLY, 6 style, brown, with matLIMITED playful and dimension. readycheck. for a Located sets, bag, cart, clubs, in Alburg. You tress. $150. Call 802lumber any hookups inSUPPLY, basement. 6 TRUNK, ANTIQUE, LIMITED 802-370-6625 Rooms feet Arborvitae, fast Wantedfor to rent Buy Items good balls,Musical tees. Very good, Brand New!! 1 & 2after Bedroom apartments. away. 802-868527-7066 4:00 p.m. In stockhome. ready 802-524to ship!3’ take No pets/no smokfeet Arborvitae, fast 1900s, Approximately growing, Reg $129. $1450-$2400 1939 clean sets. $50. for SWANTON, ROUTE 7, 2056 Roommate Wanted Free Info/DVD: BUYING ANTIQUES GUITAR, ers. Available 9/15. MOBILE, Reg $129. BURLINGTONDISNEY, x 1.5’. Excellent condi- growing, NOW $69.HARMONY, Beautiful, Brand New!! 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments. $1450-$2400 each set. Call 802-524Washer/Dryer in Each Unit home. $145./ BURLINGTON Complete households, YOUTH size, begin- Quiet $1,100./mo. NOW $69. Beautiful, tion.www.Norwood Asking $75 OBRO. Granite Counter Tops bushy, nursery grown. Price, for crib. FISHER Washer/Dryer in Each Unit GRAND ISLE Woodstoves/Heating 2466 more with informaStainless Steel Appliances Includes utilities, Granite Counter Tops most anything old/of ners, for brown gig week. nursery grown. 802-933-6840. FREE Installation/ $5. Call 802-933-6840. Air Conditioning CITY ST. ALBANS Stainless Steel Appliances Share a home with a bushy, tion. Open Floor Plan cable/internet, trash reAir Conditioning 1-800-578-1363 good quality. 45+ years bag. Good condition. ST ALBANS CITY FREE Installation/ delivery 844KEROSENE, $1.25 Second floor, 1 Open Floor Plan Dishes/Pans/bedseniorExt. woman moval/parking and Boats 300Nwho en- GALLON, buying! Fair prices $50. 802-868-7613 2 bedroom duplex, eatFREE delivery 844100www.lowgallons. room, Cups/Etc. 1 car garage, Furniture joys sharing conversa- 592-3327 No pets/no paid! in kitchen, full out bath, 592-3327 www.lowExercise/Sporting be pumped of laundry. large eat-in kitchen BOAT, ALUMINUM, tion. Reduced rent of Must LASAGNA PAN, smoking. References Pets802-524Call Ed Lambert DISPLAY CASE, pets considered, no Equipment the tank. Call with hook small. ups, noBrand pets, OLDER, flat-bottomed, $250./mo. (utilities in-3 STONE, and background check. Outdoor Furnishings 802-782-1223 GLASS front, 84”h, smoking. Available GOLF CLUBS, Available KITTENS, FREE, im(5), no seat, 14’, needs TWO work. cluded) in exchange for 3815. new.smoking. Asking $15. 802802-370-6625 Outdoor Furnishings St. Albans 14”d, 43”w. In excellent mediately. $1,100./mo. sets, clubs, $850./mo. PUG PUPPIES, (4), GAS three males, two fe- now. $100.bag, firm. 802-285-2114 providing acart, nighttime GRILL, WITH 782-4125 Wanted to Buy condition. $99. or best Call: balls, good, males.tees. LotsVery of fun. Up GAS males.burner. Call Excellent between GRILL, WITH PIE presence and some Roommate Wanted side BAKER, COOKreasonable offer. mes8021-800-864-6226 Materials clean $50. SWANTON to Building datesets. shots. Readyfor to side 9am-3pm, leave burner. Excellent evening companioncondition. $50. 802- ING stone. BUYING ANTIQUES Brand new. 933-2557 x7852 GRAND ISLE each set. Callnegotiable. 802-524bedroom duplex, go. $650., sage. 802-782-6584 condition. $50. 802- 3 ship. 802-863-5625 or Complete 782-4125 households, BATHTUB, MOBILE Askinga $15. 802-782or 802-343-0540 Share home with a 2466 for more informatotally refurbished, 802-752-5947 LOVE SEAT, DUAL 782-4125 www.HomeShare anything GRAY, old/of 4125 KITTENS, HOME size, steel, tan. most www.fourseasons senior ention. 1.5 woman baths, who garage, reclining, tan45+ in years color. YORKIPOOS, 2 FEgood quality. BOXTRAINED. Very $25. 802-868-7067 joys sharing conversaSPRING FORM PAN kitchen fully equipped, Very condition. for application. In- buying! MALES, 1 black puppy, Fair prices playfulgood and ready for a Furniture Reduced rentNew. of with glass hookups inbottom. basement. $150. Call 802-527terview, references, paid! ST. 2 bed- tion. $450. 1 black/brown Computers/Supplies goodALBANS, home. 802-524$250./mo. (utilities inAskingpets/no $15. 802-782No smok7066 after 4:00pm. background checks re- room, appliances, one year old. $350. Call Ed Lambert DISPLAY CASE, 1939 in exchange for 4125 Available DESKTOPS, WIN- W/D802-782-1223 ers. 9/15. quired. EHO hookup, parking, cluded) Good temperament, GLASS front,(2), 84”h, Furnishings a nighttime DOWS 7, E Machine. $1,100./mo. Equipment/MachinNo pets/ providing doesn’t shed. Call 802- water/sewer. St. Albans 14”d, 43”w. In excellent presence ery and some Comes with everything. Deposit, 393-9620. condition. $99. or best nonsmoking. DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ evening companionWorks great.offer. Asking802$65. lease, ST ALBANS CITY references. FROM reasonable metal lighthouse. New, SAWMILLS ship. 802-863-5625 or each. Pools/Spas 802-868-6364 2 bedroom duplex,Make eat$800./mo. plus utilities. ONLY $4397. 933-2557 still in box. Nice for diswww.HomeShare in kitchen, full bath, LAPTOPS, (2), DUAL DELL, 802-527-0628 playing photos, etc. and save money with LOVE SEAT, POOL, IN-GROUND, considered, no Windows 7. 1981). They both new $129. Ask- your own bandmill. Cut reclining, tan in color. 32x18 (Fox Op- Bought application. InRental Space Wanted for smoking. Available imneed chargers. Asking lumber any dimension. Very good Sand condition. erational. filter ing $85. 802-868-7613 terview, references, $1,100./mo. LOCAL GROCERY STORES, PUG PUPPIES, (4), mediately. $75. each. 802-868In stock ready to ship! RICHFORD AREA $150. Call 802-527(200lb.cap.), super MATTRESS AND BOX checks reCall: males. Lots of fun. Up background 6364 after Free Info/DVD: forsets, garage 7066 pump (new4:00pm. 2007). Blue Looking springs, (2) free. EHO 1-800-864-6226 to date shots. Ready to quired. www.Norwood Richford Pearl Robo Items Cleaner. space One isin atheSertapedic Children’s x7852 MERCHANDISING SECTIONS. go. $650., negotiable. to store work MustFurnishings see. 802-868- area and the other and is a Lady or 802-343-0540 802-752-5947 1-800-578-1363 my classic car. good Must CAR SEAT, INFANT, 4984 Englander. Very www.fourseasons DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ on Ext. 300N YORKIPOOS, 2 FEbe secure, and must be Graco, $40. 802-582condition. You pickup. SEND RESUME TO: metal lighthouse. New, Produce MALES, 1 black puppy, Exercise/Sporting able to access when9818 or 802-933-6840 St. Albans area. 802still in box. Nice for disST. ALBANS, 2 bed$450. 1 black/brown Equipment ever needed. Contact CRIB, JENNY LIND playing photos, etc. 527-9729 PICKLES, TONGUE, appliances, one year old. $350. room, Mark at 585-596-9347 GOLF CLUBS, TWO style,pints), brown, with matBought new$6. $129. (24 perAskpint. GoodLawn/Garden temperament, W/D sets, hookup, bag, cart,parking, clubs, tress. Call 802ing $85.$150. 802-868-7613 802-782-4125 Homes forCall rent802- water/sewer. No pets/ doesn’t shed. 527-7066 after 4:00BOX p.m. PRIVACY HEDGES- balls, tees. Very good, MATTRESS AND nonsmoking. Deposit, 393-9620. clean sets. $50. for Trailers SMALL 2 LIMITED SUPPLY, 6 lease, MOBILE,(2) sets, DISNEY, springs, free. FRANKLIN, references. each set. Call 802-524bedroom. Includes waArborvitae, fast $800./mo. plus utilities. for crib. feet Pools/Spas FISHER One is aPrice, Sertapedic TRAILER, FREE, 2466 for more informaand 2 car growing, Reggarage. $129. 802-527-0628 $5. the Callother 802-933-6840. and is a Lady 14’X56’ single wide. ter tion. POOL, IN-GROUND, No pets. $850./mo. NOW $69. Beautiful, Englander. Very Pitched metal roofgood and Dishes/Pans/ 32x18 (Fox 1981). OpFirst and security deSpace Wanted condition. You pickup. vinyl windows. Good bushy, nursery grown. RentalFurniture Cups/Etc. erational. Sand filter posit required. 802FREE Installation/ St. Albans 802for storage area. or hunting LASAGNA PAN, 326-4800 RICHFORD AREA (200lb.cap.), CASE, FREE delivery super 844- DISPLAY 527-9729 camp. Must be moved. STONE, small. Brand pump (new 2007). Blue Looking for garage GLASS front, 84”h, 592-3327 www.lowLocated in Alburg. You new. Asking $15. 802Rooms rent space in the Richford Pearl Robofor Cleaner. 14”d, 43”w. In excellent Lawn/Garden take away. 802-868782-4125 Must see. 802-868- area to store and work SWANTON, ROUTE 7, condition. $99. or best 2056 PRIVACY HEDGESmy classic car. Must Outdoor Furnishings on 4984 PIE BAKER, COOK- Quiet home. $145./ reasonable offer. 802SUPPLY, 6 LIMITED be secure, and must be ING stone. Brand new. 933-2557 Woodstoves/Heating week. GRILL, utilities, WITH able to access whenProduce feet Arborvitae, fast GAS Includes Asking $15. 802-782LOVE SEAT, DUAL cable/internet, trash regrowing, Reg $129. KEROSENE, $1.25 side burner. Excellent ever needed. Contact 4125 PICKLES, $50. TONGUE, reclining, tan in color. moval/parking and condition. 802NOW $69.100 Beautiful, GALLON, gallons. at 585-596-9347 Lunchroom/Playground Activity Supervisor (24 pints), $6. per pint. Mark SPRING FORM PAN laundry. Very good condition. bushy, Must benursery pumpedgrown. out of 782-4125 No pets/no 802-782-4125 with glass bottom. New. smoking. Callfor802-527References $150. Homes rent FREE Installation/ the tank. Call 802-524Asking $15. 802-782Our Summit Street School is now check. accepting applications 7066 after 4:00pm.for and background FREE 3815. delivery 844Trailers FRANKLIN, 4125 Lunchroom/Playground Activity Supervisors at theirSMALL PK-3 2 592-3327 www.low- 802-370-6625 Furnishings bedroom. Includes waEquipment/MachinWanted to Buy TRAILER, FREE, elementary school. Schedule is Wanted 3 hours/day. and Positions pay Roommate 2 car garage. ery 14’X56’ single wide. ter DISPLAY SHELF, $14.97/hour. Job duties shall include, but are not limited to, the 6’ BUYING ANTIQUES No pets. $850./mo. Outdoor Furnishings metalISLE roof and metal lighthouse. New, SAWMILLS FROM Pitched GRAND Complete households, First and security defollowing: vinyl windows. Good ONLY $4397. Make Share a home with a still in box. Nice for disGAS most GRILL, anything WITH old/of posit required. 802for storage or who hunting and save money with senior playing photos, etc. woman enside Excellent goodburner. quality. 45+ years 326-4800 camp. Must be moved. your own bandmill. Cut Bought new $129. Askjoys sharing conversa• Organizes group games and activities. condition. $50. prices 802buying! Fair Located in Alburg. You lumber any dimension. tion. ing Rooms $85. 802-868-7613 Reduced rent of and for rent 782-4125 • Monitor and supervises students at lunch playtime. paid! take away.(utilities 802-868In stock ready to ship! $250./mo. inMATTRESS AND BOX Call Ed Lambert • Enforce playground and lunchroom rules, and behavior 2056 in exchange for SWANTON, ROUTE 7, Free Info/DVD: cluded) springs, (2) sets, free. 802-782-1223 home. $145./ expectations. www.Norwood providing a nighttime Quiet One is a Sertapedic St. Albans Woodstoves/Heating week. Includes utilities, and insome • Assist children with presence opening food lunchroom, and the and other is a Lady cable/internet, trash re1-800-578-1363 evening companionKEROSENE, Englander. Very good encourage them to eat their lunch. $1.25 moval/parking and Ext. 300N ship. 802-863-5625 or condition. You pickup. GALLON, 100 gallons. • Exercise/Sporting Resolve student behavior conflicts using de-escalation No pets/no www.HomeShare Must be pumped out of laundry. St. Albans area. 802References strategies. Equipment the tank. Call 802-524- smoking. 527-9729 In- and background check. • Assumes responsibility forapplication. play equipment. 3815. GOLF CLUBS, TWO for 802-370-6625 terview, references, Lawn/Garden sets, bag,part cart, • Takes in clubs, in-service training programs, as appropriate. Wanted to Buy rebackground checks balls, tees. Very good, Roommate HEDGESWanted • Directs movement of groups to and from playground. PRIVACY EHO clean sets. $50. for quired. BUYINGand ANTIQUES LIMITED SUPPLY, 6 • Respond to student injuries provide first aide as ISLE each set. Call 802-524- Complete households, feet GRAND Arborvitae, fast necessary. a home with a 2466 for more informa- most anything old/of Share growing, Reg $129. woman who ention. good quality. 45+ years senior NOW $69. Beautiful, joys sharing conversabuying! Fair prices Candidates with the following qualifications are encouraged to bushy, nursery grown. Furniture tion. Reduced rent of paid! FREE Installation/ apply: $250./mo. (utilities inCall Ed Lambert DISPLAY FREE delivery 844• Minimum ofCASE, two years of802-782-1223 higher educationcluded) plus 1intoexchange 2 years for GLASS front, 84”h, 592-3327 www.lowproviding a nighttime of directly related experience (or equivalent training St. Albans 14”d, 43”w. In excellent presence and some condition. $99. or best and experience). evening companionOutdoor Furnishings reasonable offer. 802- with elementary aged students. • Experience working ship. 802-863-5625 or 933-2557 GAS GRILL, WITH • Understanding of the developmental growth of elementarywww.HomeShare LOVE SEAT, DUAL side burner. Excellent aged students. reclining, tan in color. condition. $50. 802for application. In• Excellent communication skills. Very good oral condition. 782-4125 references, terview, • Demonstrated ability to engage students. background checks re$150. Call 802-5277066 after to 4:00pm. • Ability effectively redirect/manage behaviors quired.asEHO seat, needs work. ers. 14’, Available 9/15. GALLON, 100 gallons. $100. firm. 802-285-2114 $1,100./mo. Must be pumped out of
classifieds & jobseekers
• Demonstrated ability to engage students.
still in box. Nice for disMATTRESS AND BOX • Ability(2)tosets, effectively playingas photos, etc. springs, free. redirect/manage behaviors background or training in de-escalation Bought new $129. AskOneappropriate; is a Sertapedic anddesirable, the other isbut a Lady training will be provided. ing $85. 802-868-7613 Englander. Very good • Commitment and dedication to a safe andMATTRESS respectful AND BOX condition. You pickup. springs, (2) sets, free. learning environment for all. St. Albans area. 802One is a Sertapedic • Successful experience working with students emotional 527-9729 andwith the other is a Lady
Place your ad here!
Call 8785282 & ask for Mike Snook
challenges and mental health diagnosis preferred. Englander. Very good Lawn/Garden You pickup. • Good working knowledge of disabilities ofcondition. special education St. Albans area. 802PRIVACY students,HEDGESand special education teaching methods, 527-9729 LIMITED SUPPLY, 6 and laws feettheories Arborvitae, fastalso required. Lawn/Garden • Good understanding of standard classroom operations and appropriate; background or training in de-escalation growing, Reg $129. Furnishings NOW $69. methods; Beautiful, good basic teaching skills. teaching desirable, but training will be provided. PRIVACY HEDGESDISPLAY SHELF, 6’ bushy, nursery grown. LIMITED SUPPLY, • Demonstrated mastery of the academic subject matter being 6 metal • Commitment and dedication to a safe and respectful learning lighthouse. New, FREE Installation/ feet Arborvitae, fast taught to students. environment for all. still in box. Nice for disFREE delivery 844growing, Reg $129. NOW $69. Beautiful, apply electronically through bushy, nurserywww. grown. FREE Installation/ Job ID 2702441. Outdoor Furnishings FREE delivery 844-
592-3327 For consideration, please
playing photos, etc. Bought new $129. Ask-please For consideration, ing $85. 802-868-7613
apply electronically through www. Job ID 2693713.
No pets. $850./mo. First and security de$1,100./mo. ris Bed Bug Killers/ pints), per proppint. Mark at 585-596-9347 SPRING FORM PAN (24 on a$6. quiet First and security de- cated September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter • posit required. 802kit complete treatmant with glass bottom. New. 802-782-4125 Homes for rent posit required. 802- erty with off street park326-4800 ST ALBANS CITY system. Available hardAsking $15. 802-782wifi and 326-4800 2 bedroom duplex, eat- ing, laundry, ware stores, The Home Trailers FRANKLIN, SMALL 2 4125 Rooms for in kitchen,homedepot. fullrent bath, trash removal. 1/2 mile bedroom. Includes waDepot. from Downtown St. AlRooms for rent no TRAILER, Equipment/MachinFREE, pets com considered, SWANTON, ROUTE 7, 14’X56’ bans, 1/2single hour wide. from ter and 2 car garage. ery smoking. Available imSWANTON, ROUTE 7, Quiet home. METAL, $145./ Pitched MAILBOX, Burlington and 1.5 hour metal roof and No pets. $850./mo. SAWMILLS FROM mediately. $1,100./mo. Quiet home. $145./ from Montreal. 802- First and security deweek. utilities, VERY Includes large rural-type, vinyl windows. Good ONLY $4397. Make week. Includes utilities, cable/internet, trash re- 752-7300 23.5”L x Call: 15”H x 11”W. storageoror 802-233hunting posit required. 802and save money with for 1-800-864-6226 cable/internet, re- 9174 moval/parking and Can own holdbandmill. lotstrash of mail/ Must be moved. 326-4800 your Cut camp. x7852 moval/parking and laundry. No pets/no small packages. Good Located in Alburg. You lumber any dimension. Apartments or 802-343-0540 Rooms for rent laundry. No pets/no smoking. References condition. $50. 802- take away. 802-868In stock ready to ship! Unfurnished www.fourseasons smoking. References and background check. 2056 285-2114 SWANTON, ROUTE 7, Free Info/DVD: check. and background 802-370-6625 WOODEN BARREL, Quiet home. $145./ www.Norwood 802-370-6625 ST. ALBANS, 2 bed- Woodstoves/Heating week. Includes utilities, LARGE. $35. Roommateappliances, Wanted room, 802-868-7975 1-800-578-1363 Roommate Wanted KEROSENE, $1.25 cable/internet, trash reW/D GRAND hookup, parking, and ISLE Ext. 300N 802-355-7633 GALLON, 100 gallons. moval/parking Musical Items water/sewer. Nowith pets/ GRAND ISLE Share a 802-355-7633 home a Must be pumped out of laundry. No pets/no Exercise/Sporting nonsmoking. Deposit, Share a homewho withena senior woman Equipment GUITAR, HARMONY, the tank. Call 802-524- smoking. References lease, references. senior woman who enand background check. joys sharing conversa802-355-7633 YOUTH size, beginGOLF CLUBS, TWO 3815. $800./mo. plus utilities. joys sharing conversa802-370-6625 tion. Reduced rent gig of ners, brown with sets, bag, cart, clubs, ST. ALBANS CITY 802-527-0628 tion. Reduced rent inof $250./mo. (utilities Wanted to Buy bag. Good condition. balls, tees. Very good, Second floor, 1 bed- Roommate Wanted $250./mo. (utilities included) in exchange for $50. 802-868-7613 clean sets. for BUYING Rental Space$50. Wanted 1 ANTIQUES car garage, cluded) in exchange for room, providing a nighttime GRAND ISLE each set. Call 802-524- Complete large eat-in kitchen households, providing aand nighttime presence some RICHFORD AREA Pets Share a home with a 2466 for more informa- most with hook ups, no pets, anything old/of presence and some evening companionLooking for garage senior woman who ention. no smoking. Available KITTENS, FREE, (5), good quality. 45+ years evening companionship. or space802-863-5625 in the Richford now. $850./mo. three males, two orfe- buying! Fair prices joys sharing conversaship. 802-863-5625 www.HomeShare area toFurniture store and work tion. Reduced rent of males. Call between onwww.HomeShare my classic car. Must paid! $250./mo. (utilities inSWANTON 9am-3pm, leave mesCall Ed Lambert DISPLAY CASE, for application. be secure, and must Inbe cluded) in exchange for 3 bedroom duplex, sage. 802-782-6584 802-782-1223 GLASS front, 84”h, for application. Interview, references, able to access whentotallySt. Albans refurbished, providing a nighttime 14”d, 43”w. In excellent terview, references, KITTENS, GRAY, background checks reever needed. Contact presence and some condition. $99. or best background checks re- 1.5 baths, garage, BOXTRAINED. Very quired. Mark atEHO 585-596-9347 evening companionkitchen fully equipped, reasonable quired. playful EHO and offer. ready 802for a hookups in basement. ship. 802-863-5625 or 933-2557 Homes for rent good home. 802-524www.HomeShare No pets/no smok1939 SEAT, DUAL LOVE FRANKLIN, SMALL 2 ers. Available 9/15. reclining, in color. for application. Inbedroom. tan Includes wa- $1,100./mo. Very good terview, references, ter and 2 carcondition. garage. $150. Call $850./mo. 802-527background checks reNo pets. ST ALBANS CITY 7066 First after and 4:00pm. security de- 2 bedroom duplex, eat- quired. EHO posit Furnishings required. 802- in kitchen, full bath, 326-4800 pets considered, no DISPLAY SHELF, 6’ smoking. Available imRooms for rent metal PUG lighthouse. PUPPIES, New, (4), mediately. $1,100./mo. still in box. for disCall: males. LotsNice of fun. Up SWANTON, ROUTE 7, playing photos, etc. 1-800-864-6226 to date shots. Ready to Quiet home. $145./ Bought new $129. Askx7852 go. $650., negotiable. week. Includes utilities, ing $85. 802-868-7613 or 802-343-0540 802-752-5947 cable/internet, trash rewww.fourseasons MATTRESS AND2 BOX moval/parking and YORKIPOOS, springs, (2) sets, free. laundry. No pets/no MALES,802-355-7633 1 black puppy, One is a Sertapedic smoking. References 802-355-7633 ST. ALBANS, 2 bed$450. 1 black/brown and the otherold. is acheck. Lady room, background appliances, one year $350. Englander. Very good W/D hookup, parking, 802-370-6625 802-355-7633 Good temperament, condition. YouCall pickup. doesn’t shed. 802- water/sewer. No pets/ Roommate Wanted St. Albans area. 802- nonsmoking. Deposit, 393-9620. 527-9729 lease, references. GRAND ISLE Pools/Spas $800./mo. plus utilities. Share a home with a Lawn/Garden senior who en- 802-527-0628 POOL,woman IN-GROUND, PRIVACY HEDGESjoys sharing conversa32x18 (Fox 1981). Op- Rental Space Wanted SUPPLY, 6 LIMITED tion. Reduced of erational. Sandrentfilter feet Arborvitae, fast $250./mo. (utilities inRICHFORD AREA (200lb.cap.), super growing, Reg cluded) in exchange for Looking for garage pump (new 2007).$129. Blue NOW providing a Beautiful, nighttime Pearl $69. Robo Cleaner. space in the Richford bushy, grown. presence some area to store and work Must nursery see.and802-868FREE Installation/ on my classic car. Must evening companion4984 FREE delivery 844ship. 802-863-5625 or be secure, and must be Produce 592-3327 www.low- able to access whenwww.HomeShare PICKLES, TONGUE, ever needed. Contact for application. In(24 pints), $6. per pint. Mark at 585-596-9347 Outdoor Furnishings terview, references, 802-782-4125 Homes for rent background checks reGAS GRILL, WITH quired. EHO Trailers side burner. Excellent FRANKLIN, SMALL 2 condition. $50. 802- bedroom. Includes waTRAILER, FREE, 782-4125 14’X56’ single wide. ter and 2 car garage. Pitched metal roof and No pets. $850./mo. vinyl windows. Good First and security defor storage or hunting posit required. 802camp. Must be moved. 326-4800
Have a legal?
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Located in Alburg. You Rooms for rent take away. 802-868SWANTON, ROUTE 7, 2056 Quiet home. $145./ Woodstoves/Heating week. Includes utilities, KEROSENE, $1.25 cable/internet, trash reand GALLON, 100 gallons. moval/parking Must be pumped out of laundry. No pets/no the tank. Call 802-524- smoking. References and background check. 3815. 802-370-6625 Wanted to Buy Roommate Wanted BUYING ANTIQUES GRAND ISLE Complete households, Share a home with a most anything old/of good quality. 45+ years senior woman who enbuying! Fair prices joys sharing conversation. Reduced rent of paid! $250./mo. inIs hiring for a (utilities few positions Call Ed Lambert cluded) in exchange for 802-782-1223 providing a nighttime St. Albans presence andAid some Dietary evening companion802-863-5625 or Dietary Aid on the ship. job training provided. Ability to read, www.HomeShare understand and follow recipe directions, diet orders, tray for application. Incards, and work assignments. This position will show a terview, willingness to perform routine,references, repetitive tasks with frequent background checks reinterruptions. Numerical ability is necessary for recipe quired. EHO
preparation and proper measuring of cleaning agents and chemicals, as well as good motor coordination and manual dexterity are required for various work routines such as preparing food items, serving trays, handling soiled dishes, operating dietary equipment and cleaning work area. Must be patient and tolerant toward staff, residents, and family members. Interested parties should contact Rick Snelling at 802-6551025.
Licensed Nursing Assistants
Green Mountain is hiring reliable LNAs that are committed to providing quality care to our residents and working as a team. Full or part time positions available. 7am to 1 pm and 4 pm to 9pm shifts available for those who have children in school and need flexible hours. New starting wages, new weekend premiums, on call pay, $2,000 sign on bonus, generous education reimbursement to further your education, flexible scheduling around your classes and resident to staff ratios that promote excellent resident care and safety. Our LNAs provide resident care as required under the direct supervision of the licensed nurse. The nursing assistants complete assigned tasks to ensure timely, efficient and safe resident care. Successful communication and interactions with patients, residents, families and other health team members is an essential part of position. Must have current Vermont LNA License. Call Jayme Love at 802-655-1025 for an Interview or apply at 475 Ethan Allen Ave Colchester VT and complete an application.
10• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
classifieds & jobseekers SERVICES
Is it time for your next interior painting project? Lafayette Painting is ready to help. Count on us to provide great service, with beautiful results, every time. Call us at 802-863-5397 or visit us at: http:// www. lafayettepainting. net/
Sat., 9/10 & Sun., 9/11 Tables, chairs, desks, couch, shelving and organizing units, lighting, kitchen stuff, all sizes of girl’s clothing, books, games, etc. 108 Brigham Hill Road, Essex
YARD FREE SALE SAT., 9/10 10:00AM Until it is all gone! MOBILE HOMES Come and enjoy FOR SALE shopping for free, including lunch! Please no sellers FOR SALE Calvary Baptist (No Rentals) Church Two new Skyline 61 Main Street mobile homes in Essex Junction Woodland Shores Park. 14x52 $52,500. 14x56 $54,000. Two bedHave a rooms, one bath, Energy Star Rated, legal? beach privileges, close to schools and Send it to arks. Contact: us! 802- 865-5183
M U LT I - FA M ILY GARAGE SALE Sat., 09/17 9:00am¬3:00pm Rain or Shine Household items, clothing, toys, lots of treasures to be found. Sunderland Woods, Colchester neighborhood, Off Roosevelt Highway, one mile north of I-89, exit 16.
ANTIQUES WANTED Trusted 3rd generation Vermont dealer specializing in Jewelry, Watches, Silver, Art, Military, Etc. Call Brian at 802-272-7527 Free house visits
MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON 883 Sportster, 2008, low mileage. Excellent shape. Asking $4,500. Honda Rebel 250, 2009. Excellent shape. Asking $2,500. Firm. Call 802-425-2804
GRAND ISLE Share a home with a senior woman and pay a reduced rent of $250./mo. (utilities included) in exchange for providing a nighttime presence and some companionship. 802-863-5625 or LOST DOG w w w. H o m e S h a re for apLOST DOG plication Interview, Missing in north cenreferences, back- tral Vermont “Lincoln” ground checks req. Red Heeler since 8/3. See EHO FindLincoln for photos and updates. Call 917445-3924 if seen. $50. reward for photo!
The Essex Free Library is seeking a dynamic, dedicated and good-natured individual for the regular, part-time position of Library Assistant – Children’s Room. The successful candidate will enjoy being surrounded by books and children; demonstrate prior positive experiences in a creative and literary environment. Strong artistic skills, familiarity with children’s literature; pre-school story-times is essential! 22.5 hour/week; position includes some night and weekend (Saturday) hours. For a full job description and overview, please contact: Sandy Loisel, Human Resources Coordinator, 81 Main Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452; 802-878-1341 or Applications accepted until the close of business on September 16, 2016. EOE
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802-355-7633 802-355-7633
Brand New!! 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments. $1450-$2400 BURLINGTON
Brand New!! 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments. $1450-$2400 Washer/Dryer in Each Unit BURLINGTON Counter Tops Washer/DryerGranite in Each Unit Stainless Granite Counter Tops Steel Appliances Air Conditioning Stainless Steel Appliances Air ConditioningOpen Floor Plan Open Floor Plan
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Brand New!! 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments. $1450-$2400 BURLINGTON
Brand New!! 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments. $1450-$2400 Washer/Dryer in Each Unit BURLINGTON Counter Tops Washer/DryerGranite in Each Unit Stainless Granite Counter Tops Steel Appliances Air Conditioning Stainless Steel Appliances Air ConditioningOpen Floor Plan Open Floor Plan
TOWN OF ESSEX ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING Municipal Conference Room 81 Main Street, Essex Jct., VT October 6, 2016 - 6:00 PM
Town of Essex Essex Free Library Library Assistant – Children’s Room
1. Continued Public Hearing: Philip & Louise Kolvoord and Brad Dousevicz are requesting Conditional Use approval for temporary impacts within the riparian buffer, including a trail, stormwater treatment facilities, removal of vegetation, placement of fill, or excavation of top soil or earth materials. The property is located at 15 Upper Main Street and located in the MXD-PUD (R2) and B-DC Zoning Districts. Tax Map 90, Parcel 6. 2. Minutes: September 1, 2016 3. Other Business Katherine Sonnick, Chair, Zoning Board of Adjustment
Crossing Guard Substitutes The Essex Junction School District is seeking substitute Crossing Guards to help students safely cross the street before and after school. Before school crossing hours are typically from 7:25 AM -8:10 AM. The after school crossing hours are typically from 2:40 PM -3:25 PM (0.75 hours per shift). Pays $21.86 per hour. For consideration, please apply electronically through (enter Job ID 2707832), or stop by to complete an application at Chittenden Central Supervisory Union, 51 Park Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452.
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September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •11
STABBING from page 1
Buy at Maple Tree Place in Williston, police said. Officers were actively searching for him, warning the public not to approach. Essex Police Chief Brad LaRose said a family member spotted St. Amour in a car, called Essex police and stayed on the line as officers worked to apprehend him. By the time Essex officers arrived on scene, Williston PD had St. Amour in custody. The victim and suspect knew one another, police said, noting the stabbing was not a random act. Investigators are still looking into the circumstances leading up to the confrontation. According to the affidavit, several witnesses saw the stabbing take place. An unnamed juvenile witness said a physical altercation ensued between the victim and a third party before a knife was pulled. LaRose said police originally believed St. Amour’s friend might have also been involved in the stabbing but soon determined he was not responsible. Court documents show St. Amour has been arrested multiple times before and sports several tattoos, including one of a swastika. At press time, LaRose said his department interviewed 25 witnesses and will continue to talk with folks who saw the incident unfold. A departmentwide debriefing will also take place. The homicide occurred in the last hour of the 10day event, LaRose said, bringing the Champlain Valley Fair to a saddening close. An assault on the fairgrounds early last week was the only other violent incident of note, he said. “There’s always going to be incidents that will involve the police,” LaRose said. “Generally speaking, the fair this year [had
gone as] smoothly as it has for the past several years.” Essex officers are largely responsible for policing the event, though they do hire out extra help from other agencies, LaRose said. Expo communications director Chris Ashby said the grounds already have a firearms ban that is difficult to police. A policy against knives, he said, would be even harder to monitor. “We certainly don’t want to have a knee-jerk reaction to this incident and put something in place that is ineffective and impractical to enforce,” Ashby said. Bag checks usually only take place at major concerts or special events and are conducted by private security guards, according to LaRose. Ashby said the fair might consider implementing those bag checks or metal detectors at the gate but says he doesn’t want to rush any decisions. “[It was] a very tragic situation that unfolded here in the last hour of what was a very good fair,” Ashby said. This is only the second fatal incident to happen the fair’s nearly 100-year history, Ashby said. The other was in the 1960s, when a body was found in one of the barns, he said. LaRose said this is the certainly the most serious crime to happen at the fair in his tenure. He said he understood concerns about security, but cautioned fair-goers to evaluate this event in context. “Safety is certainly on everyone’s mind,” LaRose said. “But what we have to be cautious of in a situation like this is keeping things in perspective.” If convicted, St. Amour’s charge carries a sentence of 20 years to life in prison. The next court date was not set at press time.
Top and bottom left photos by BURLINGTON FREE PRESS/RYAN MERCER Bottom right photo by MICHAELA HALNON TOP: Family members of stabbing victim Ryan Durkin embrace outside the courtroom Tuesday afternoon in anticipation of suspect Jacob St. Amour's arraignment. BOTTOM LEFT: St. Amour pleaded not guilty to second degree murder charges in Chittenden County Superior Court on Tuesday. BOTTOM RIGHT: Essex Police Lt. Ken Beaulieu addressed reporters Monday morning when St. Amour was still at large.
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Located Essex, will satisfy all your needs. Aover versatile floor ENow xcellent condition inside and out. 2nd floor unit 1100 sq. isinthe timethis tohome begin home ownership. This 3 bedroom ft. Both bedrooms, bath, large eat-inwith kitchens fully plan to accommodate your lifestyle, wonderful granite and ranch inoffer Essex3 Junction is afull great way tokitchen start! Family room applianced plus One-half acre Owner occupied S/S appliances. Two laundry. story floors, vaulted room with woodstove, addition, hardwood 1ceiling bathliving andlot. great fenced yard. available. great Offeredmaster ata$225,000. amazing suite,opportunity. loft and more. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 car Offered at $325,000. garage and more!CRS, Offered at $429,000. Carol Audette, 802-846-8800, Carol Audette, CRS, Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman Carol Audette | (802) 846-8800 | 802--846-8800
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12• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
health September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month NAMI VT walk set for Sept. 25
The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont is leading the fight to address suicide and mental illness throughout the state and raise awareness of its effects n individuals and communities. On September 10, we observe World Suicide Prevention Day to reach out to those affected by suicide, raise awareness and connect individuals with suicidal ideation to treatment services. It is also important to ensure that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to address suicide prevention. Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people and is often
the result of mental health conditions that affect people when they are most vulnerable. Suicidal thoughts and suicide occur too frequently but should not be considered common and can indicate more serious issues. In many cases, those affected by suicide are left in darkness, feeling shame or stigma that prevents talking openly about issues dealing with suicide. NAMI believes these issues are important to address year round, and highlighting them during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and World Suicide Prevention Day provides a time for people to come together and display the passion and strength of those working to improve the lives of the millions of
Americans that can benefit from honest discussions about mental health conditions and suicide. In the fight for those living with mental illness, there is still much more to be done and more ways to get involved. NAMI Vermont is hosting its largest annual fundraising event, the NAMI “Mind Walk,” in Burlington’s City Hall Park on September 25 at 1 p.m. Welcoming staff and volunteers will be available to answer questions and talk more about what NAMI can offer you and your family at this fun event, which will include shared stories from individuals with lived experience of mental illness and thoughts on mental health policies in our state. NAMI Vermont raises funds to offer free programs across the state. For more information, visit
Stock photo
Halitosis, or bad breath as it's commonly known, can result from any number of factors. While food can be a culprit, some additional factors may be contributing to mouth odor as well. Poor dental hygiene is a particular concern. According to Colgate
and the American Dental Association, failure to brush and floss teeth regularly leads to the accumulation of food particles in the mouth. This food can collect bacteria and begin to break down, causing a bad aroma. Dry mouth is another condition that causes bad breath. Without ad-
equate saliva production, particles of food that may cause odor are not swept away regularly. Bad breath may also be an indication of a medical condition elsewhere in the body. Upper respiratory infections and gastrointestinal disturbances may contribute to halitosis.
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he American Red Cross supports 9/11 Day by offering the community an opportunity to honor those who lost their lives and the heroes who responded following the tragic events of September 11. Two ways to participate in 9/11 Day are to volunteer or donate blood or platelets with the Red Cross and help ensure blood is available for patients in need. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Each year, tens of millions of Americans and people around the world observe the anniversary of 9/11 by performing good deeds that help people and communities in need.
Honor victims and heroes by donating blood
CALL FOR 6¢ REQUIREMENTS Ad required for discount. Can’t be combined with other offers.
Can & Bottle Redemption
Launched in 2002 as an annual day of service to honor the victims and heroes of September 11, 9/11 Day has since evolved into the largest annual day of charitable engagement in the U.S. and was designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance by the U.S. Congress in 2009. “The growth of this observance from a grassroots initiative into the nation’s largest day of charitable engagement speaks directly to the true compassionate nature of millions of Americans and our shared desire to focus on
our common humanity,” 9/11 Day co-founder Jay S. Winuk said. “With its engagement in 9/11 Day, the Red Cross will make a significant impact, and we’re confident that blood donors, volunteers and organizations from coast to coast will answer this call for help while honoring the heroes of 9/11.” Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, so regular donations are needed. Blood and platelet donors of all types are urged to give at one of the following locations in the box at right.
• •
Sept. 8: 1 - 7 p.m., UVM Waterman Building, 85 South Prospect St., Burlington. Sept. 9: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Keller Williams Realty, Suite 300, 302 Mountain View Dr., Colchester. Sept. 10: 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., University Mall, 150 Dorset St., South Burlington. Sept. 10: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Essex Cinema, 21 Essex Way, Essex Jct. Sept. 13: 1 - 7 p.m., UVM Patrick Gym, 97 Spear St., Burlington.
September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •13
Photos by KYLE ST. PETER
HORNETS CRUISE IN SEASON OPENER The Essex High School football team rolled through host Colchester last Friday evening, downing the Lakers 40-6. Top: Jordan Hines breaks away from a Colchester defender. Above: Senior Otis Crock runs upfield. Right: The Hornets' offense lines up for a play.
Essex snags top-5 finishes at invitational
Photos by COLIN FLANDERS The Essex girls and boys cross-country teams placed third and fourth, respectively, at the annual Essex Invitational last Saturday, held at the Tree Farm Recreational Facility. Top: Martin Thomas runs alongside a CVU athlete during last Saturday's race. Thomas placed ninth overall. Right: Thomas Shearer nears the finish line.
o our 2016 seniors are in college, the Olympics are over, summer has officially ended, school has begun, our pools are closed, the fair is gone and the high school sports season kicked off last week with the Essex Cross Country Invitational highlighting the weekend. I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend. There’s a huge EAC Corn Roast Saturday evening at Chamberlain’s Farm. EHS hosted their annual Essex Invitational, which began back in the 70s under then cross-country coach Steve Dowd. A well-maintenanced course through the Tree Farm gave runners a challenge over five kilometers.The varsity girls finished third, following CVU and MMU, scoring 93 points. Emma Farrington and AnneMarie Martell raced to third and fourth, respectively. Katie James placed 19th, Ary Wilson 33rd, Hannah Brisson 35th, Olivia Miller Johnson 42nd and Emma Chadwick 49th. The varsity boys placed fourth behind CVU, SB and BHS with 94 points. Martin Thomas ran ninth, Ian Lyle and Ben Stewart were 19th and 20th, Jake Wagner 22nd, Jake Moran 29th, Jamie Shearer 31st and Chris Bird 42nd. The JV boys were second as freshman Henry Farrington placed second by a whisker. The JV girls were third, with Abbie Gehsmann finishing 13th. The Essex varsity girls› soccer jamboree was another success. Coach Bill O›Neil organizes the event, with teams from all divisions descending on EHS for games from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All three fields were used and volunteer refs helped out the cause while either shaking off the dust or gaining valuable experience. Thanks. The girls opened their season dropping a 1-0 game on the road in Bennington, though they outshot the MAU Patriots 8-4. The defense and goalkeeper Frankie Sands played well. The boys soccer team shutout MAU 3-0 in game No. 1. Ryan Guerino, AJ Whitney and Matt Lyon scored for the Hornets. Paul Federico had 1 save. The football team clubbed Colchester 40-6 behind almost 400 yards on the ground. Liam Colter rushed for 201 yards and a touchdown. Jordan Hines scored three times and added 113 yards. Although the defense fell for the hook and ladder play again, this time in the beginning of the game, it stiffened up for the rest and pitched a shutout. Sports this week include football hosting MAU on Friday evening; varsity and JV field hockey home and away versus CVU and Rice on Friday; cross-country at BHS for their invite, boys soccer hosts the annual Brady Tourney on Thursday and Saturday evenings; boys volleyball plays at Enosburg next week with the girls at home; and girls› soccer hosts Rice then hits the road to play CVU on Saturday and Rutland on Monday. The first Booster meeting of the new school year will be September 13 at 7 p.m. in room C101. Happy Birthday nephew Nick Lavalley, Milton›s Kristen McGinnis Chalmers (saw you at a soccer game and forgot to mention), Sand Hill Pool veteran lifeguard Kevin Hancock, Liz Levine, husband-to-be Pete Shaw (congrats on your Sunday wedding). Anniversary wishes go out to neighbors Ken and Denise Fontaine (33rd) and brother and sister-in-law Vince and Karen Gonillo (32nd). Congratulations to nephew and now niece, Ethan and Stacey Bechtel. Parents and the happy couple put on a fabulous three-day celebration in New York the last weekend of August. The Marriott in Manhattan was our home base. We walked to Ground Zero daily. It was more than breathtaking, as was the Ground Zero museum which was a highly emotional twohour visit. We were introduced to a delicious slice of NYC cuisine called Eataly (yes, EATALY). I can›t even begin to describe the food. I had to have a few slices of NY pizza too. Evening group social gatherings at the Immigrant in Manhattan, the rehearsal gathering at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn and the weeding in the industrial district at 501 Union, also in Brooklyn. The bride was gorgeous, the groom was handsome and the best man›s toast was outstanding. Nice job, Nate. About 21 Vermont family members attended and enjoyed themselves tremendously.
14• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
local Police: Essex Jct. motorcyclist topped 100 mph By COLIN FLANDERS An Essex Jct. motorcyclist was arrested September 2 after failing to stop for police while traveling more than 100 mph on Interstate 89 in Colchester, a news release said. Clayton Miller, 29, was heading southbound on I-89 when Colchester police attempted to pull him over. Miller failed to yield and fled from the of-
ficer, police said. Moments later, a South Burlington police officer making a traffic stop observed Miller pass him at high speeds. Miller was located at his place of employment shortly after the incident. He was issued a citation to appear in Chittenden Superior Court – Criminal Division on Tuesday morning.
Clayton Miller
Essex Jct. woman nets second DUI on Dorset St. By COLIN FLANDERS
Imagine LOSING 20 to 40 pounds in Just 40 Days! Imagine how you’d feel, how much energy and self-confidence you’d have… how much healthier you’d be.
South Burlington police arrested an Essex Jct. woman who they say traveled across four lanes of traffic before driving over a curb on Dorset Street late August 31. Police say Sara L. Preston-Carter, 54, was driving with a criminally suspended license and refused to provide a prelimi-
nary breath sample. Police cited her for DUI No. 2, negligent operation and driving with a suspended license. Preston-Carter was lodged at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility for lack of $1,000 bail and set to appear in Chittenden Superior Court – Criminal Division on September 1. Sara L. Preston-Carter
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September 8, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •15
of apple history and trivia
hough apples are enjoyed across the globe, many people associate them with the United States – that's in spite of the fact that the first apples were cultivated on the opposite side of the world in Asia. There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of apples that produce various characteristics for flavor and appearance. Apples are often a topic of discussion in the fall, when many trees produce their largest bounties of fruit. Autumn is a good time of year to take a closer look at apples, when many trues produce their largest bounties of fruit.
pple origins
Malus deomestica, or the common apple tree, is a descendent of trees that originated in Central Asia in what is now southern Kazakhstan. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe; the original apple tree was the wild apple, or Malus sieversii. European colonists likely brought apple seeds and trees with them when they immigrated to North America. Records from the Massachusetts Bay Company
indicate that apples were being grown in New England as early as 1630. Americans also enjoy the popular story of Johnny Appleseed, who was believed to have distributed apple seeds and trees to settlers across the U.S. While apples can be produced from seeds, many apples today are propagated by grafting to retain the parent tree's characteristics of flavor, hardiness and insect resistance.
pples and symbolism
Apples have become the main symbols of many different stories and tales throughout history. The fruit is linked to the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve and their ultimate expulsion from the Garden of Eden. However, the apple is never named in any of the religious texts as the fruit Eve picked from the tree of knowledge. Apples have appeared in fairy tales and folklore, too. The Brothers Grimm had the character Snow White fall ill after eating a poisoned apple. In Norse mythology,
the goddess Iounn was the appointed keeper of golden apples that kept the Aesir young forever. Apples have also played a role in science, most notably Sir Isaac Newton's study of gravity. While myth surrounds the story of Newton and an apple falling from a nearby tree, it's likely that witnessing an apple fall from a tree did indeed spark something in the famed scientist.
opular varieties
perennial favorites. In the U.S., the Red Delicious is the country's most popular grown apple. It was called the hawkeye when discovered in 1872. The Golden Delicious is the second most popular grown variety in America. The Delicious apples tend to have mild but grainy flesh that can fall apart when cooked, so they're best used for snacking. Cortland, Empire, Fuji, Gala, McIntosh and Macoun are also popular varieties. For baking, Granny Smith, Jonagold and McIntosh apples tend to be crisp and tart and hold up better in recipes.
Many varieties of apple stand out as
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16• The Essex Reporter • September 8, 2016
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