September 29, 2016 The Essex Reporter

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September 29, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •1


September 29, 2016

Vol. 36, No. 39

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Essex outpaces state in SBAC scores Achievement gap for students in poverty remains



ssex’s performance on the statewide exam that measures

proficiency in English language arts and math outpaced state averages, in some cases by more than 20 percent, according to

results released by the Vermont Agency of Education last week. Students in grade 3-8 and 11 took the exams last spring, known as the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The tests align with Common Core state standards, which Vermont adopted in

2010. State averages show no grade level met or exceeded proficiency more than 59 percent of the time, revealing what Vermont Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe calls “intentionally ambitious” thresholds. Nearly every grade in

Essex exceeded state averages. Yet achievement gaps remain for low-income students. In both the Essex Town School District and the Chittenden Central Supervisory Union, students who receive free or reduced lunch, an indication low family income,

scored well below Essex’s general population. The difference was more than 30 percent for some grade levels. CCSU executive director of curriculum Amy Cole said though low income doesn’t always determine performance, educaSee SBAC, page 4

Police chief: Gun regs need update By JASON STARR


he rules around gun use in Essex are due for a change. That’s the conclusion of Police Chief Brad LaRose after the selectboard sought a detailed opinion following a shooting incident last December when a Deer Crossing Lane resident found a rifle bullet lodged in a wall of his home. The Essex firearms ordinance, which maps areas of town where shooting is prohibited, was last updated in 1998. Since then, the town’s population has grown by about 2,000, and residential development has increased in areas where shoot-

PoWDeR to tHe PeoPle Photos by AMANDA SCHROTH

Billed as the happiest 5K on Earth, the Color Run is all about celebration. Runners of all ages descended on the Champlain Valley Expo last Saturday to take part in the event's tropical theme this year. Above: A crowd tosses colored powder into the air after the race. Below right: A pair of participants walk hand-in-hand last weekend. Below left: True to its name, the Color Run doused people in pigment as they raced through the course. Volunteers were given bottles of powder to spray on runners, who donned masks and goggles to pass through the color stations.

See GUNS, page 10

Town of Westford looks to buy back school land By COLIN FLANDERS The town of Westford will have a chance to buy back approximately 65 acres of land owned by its school district next month, all for the price of $2. Westford voters will decide whether to pony up for the land via a floor vote October 11. Mark Drapa, Westford School Board chairman, said the sale could help alleviate residents’ concerns over use and ownership of school land that arose when consolidation talks began with Essex. Additionally, it will help to address some “tangled relationships” between the town and the school, he said. “We’re a small community, and sometimes those words are interchangeable,” he said. See WESTFORD, page 2

A literary legacy By MICHAELA HALNON


ixteen years ago, Sheila Porter was not ready to turn 30. To garner more excitement for her milestone birthday, Porter was prompted to ask friends and family to help her buy picture books for the Brownell Library, in lieu of

traditional gifts. “Since then, I’ve been asking people [who] wanted to do something for me to give a donation to the library,” Porter said. Those yearly offerings have made a big impact on the local library. Mary Graf, a youth services librarian at Brownell,

totaled up Porter’s donations this year as part of a pre-retirement organization effort. She said she was floored to find the total value of Porter’s picture book gifts, made over 16 years, exceeded $4,500. Porter, who also serves as a Brownell Library trustee, said the donations were all

n tRY-toWN

See BOOKS, page 3

Get lost


Youth services librarian Mary Graf, left, watches Sheila Porter display books from her latest donation at the Brownell Library.

Reporter staff become children of the corn (maze) By ESSEX REPORTER STAFF Nightfall was fast approaching, and we had miles to go. “Are we in his little foot yet?” Abby asked. “No, we’re in the eye,”

Michaela corrected. There was really no way of knowing for sure, only that we were somewhere in Sam Mazza’s Corn Maze – this year, paths form shapes of owls – and the hour of daylight we’d allotted for the chal-

lenge was quickly vanishing. See MAZE, page 3

Photo by COURTNEY LAMDIN Left: Sam Mazza's Corn Maze in Colchester is pictured last Saturday evening. Our staff completed the challenge as night fell.

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