November 3, 2016 The Essex Reporter

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November 3, 2016 • The Essex Reporter •1


November 3, 2016

vol. 36, No. 44

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iPads and Decarreau othEr fads looks ahead to budget season



While some seniors made their way to the cosmetology classrooms to get manicures and haircuts, others could be found in the animation computer lab. This is where Pat, a senior citizen, was get-

atherine “Deac” Decarreau knows her way around a budget. The Winooski native spent the past seven years as city manager of her hometown, where she’s credited with eliminating a major deficit and establishing a culture of civic engagement. Trading in streets and sewers for classrooms and children, the new Chittenden Central Supervisory Union chief financial officer is learning schools are a different beast. “I've probably asked more questions over the last three months than I have the last three years,” said Decarreau, who started August 1. The biggest surprise? The range of regulations that dictate school spending and the various mandates that require funding. “There are certainly fewer levers that you have control of," she said, amazed at how much creativity the system requires. Still, she’s found the work rejuvenating. “I feel young again,” she said, laughing. Her next challenge is creating a budget for the Essex Westford School District, the newly merged entity between the Essex Town School District and CCSU.

See CTE, page 3

See BUDGET, page 9

Photo by KAYLEE SULLIVAN CTE student Richard Spradling helps senior Joyce Aosmidek understand the ins-and-outs of her iPad last Friday during the school's Senior Appreciation Day. Students assisted their elders in the computer labs, in addition to providing manicures, haircuts, automobile assistance, blood pressure tests and more.

CTE students give back to senior community


By KAYLEE SULLIVAN ssex senior citizens were in for a treat last week, one that extended beyond a scrumptious buffet lunch. On October 27 and

28, about 150 students at the Center for Technology, Essex showed their gratitude to the elder generation by hosting Community Appreciation Days. In the eighth week of the school year, the students put their acquired skills to

use while giving back to the community, school guidance counselor Charles Brady said. People aged 60 and over spent the day getting pampered and learning from the students. About 80 seniors participated each day.

Village ushers in new safety path By COLIN FLANDERS A stream of cold rain splashed atop Toni Morgan’s green umbrella while she and husband, Greg Morgan, stood by the new multi-use safety path along the Essex Jct. railroad tracks last week. They joined members from Essex’s governing boards and village offices at the path’s Central Street intersection to usher in the village’s newest commodity. Despite the gloomy weather, spirits were high as trustee Lori Houghton sliced the red tape before the attendees walked along the new digs. As the Morgans tagged along, they recalled a much different landscape. A few years back, during Green Up Day,

they’d stumbled across a worrisome haul: Liquor bottles and used needles littered the area. Thanks to a nearly $490,000 facelift, the area bares little resemblance to its former self. Now, blacktop winds parallel to the railroad tracks from Essex High School to Main Street, streetlights reflecting off a black fence lining the path. “It’s a linear park,” Greg Morgan said of the 1,150-foot route. “It’s terrific,” Toni Morgan added. See PATH, page 8

Photo by COLIN FLANDERS Village president George Tyler, center, and public works superintendent Rick Jones look on as trustee Lori Houghton cuts a ribbon to commemorate the village's new multi-use safety path last Friday.

Cultures collide

CWD seeks bond approval on ballot By MICHAELA HALNON

Program brings Belgian students to EHS By KAYLEE SULLIVAN


s snow trickled from the sky for the first time this season in Essex last week, 20 Belgian students gravitated toward the large, wall-length window in the Essex High School library to take in the scenery.

Photo by KAYLEE SULLIVAN Twenty Belgian students participated in a cultural activity with Molly Edwards' World Cultures class in the EHS libary on Wednesday, October 26. The Belgian students were on a 10-day visit to Essex through the Virtual Intercultural Avenues program.

See STUDENTS, page 3



A monthlong series for Hospice and Home Care Month By MICHAELA HALNON

Much attention has been given to races at the top of the ticket this election season. But down the ballot, Essex voters will be asked to consider more than $6 million in bonds to fund Champlain Water District projects, the state’s largest provider of treated drinking water. If approved, CWD will

use the money to pay for three separate projects: A twin filtered water tank and wet well expansion at the treatment plant site in South Burlington, a new 600,000 gallon water storage tank in Williston and improvements to transmission lines throughout the region. CWD general manager Jim Fay said the district is paying off several See BOND, page 2

VNA: Caring for community The Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties is celebrating its 110th birthday this year, but president and CEO Judy Peterson says the provider is aging in style. “We’re not your grandmother’s home health agen-

cy,” she said with a smile. The VNA began with a single nurse, Peterson said, traveling to homes around Vermont to follow up with mothers, children and the elderly. Now, after more than a century of service, Peter-

son said staff members are performing procedures and providing a level of care once seen only in the intensive care unit of a hospital. See VNA, page 2

Courtesy photo Left: A VNA nurse walking down the sidewalk in a 1960s archival photo.

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