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To help understand employees' concerns and create solutions, as well as to facilitate negotiations reduce the occurrence of strike movements and the incidence of legal actions
Monitoring the main market movements, observing trends simi arities in positioning adapting our dynamics and prospecting growth opportunities always acting in an ethica , transparent and competitive manner
Carrying out image and reputation research that evaluates our performance in relation to the competition
Issues related to the energy transition
Promotion of free competition in the national market
Bui ding brand positioning and strengthening communication in a consistent and coherent way with our goals, maintaining transparency as a value for the communication process
Through our digital presence amplifying the reach of our messages and communication lines, whether through our websites and environments, or through content shared through different social networks
We work, through advertising, on several campaigns throughout the year with the main objective of mproving our image perception and reputation ind cators The main campa gn run in 2023 was to celebrate the company s 70th anniversary n it, as a way of clar fying and reinforcing publ c opinion and consumers we communicate our new brand positioning ntegrity and compliance in business, preventing and combating corruption
Transparency about operations and business
Efficient organizational management
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To ensure a direct commun cation line w th trade assoc ations of sectors to that are relevant to our operating segments, and assuring our participation in d scussion forums on technolog es regu atory environment, exchange of good corporate pract ces, formulation of sectora proposals, research pro ects, among others
Maintain adequate relationships with communities of influence, to mitigate risks for the business and identify opportunities to act in synergy with local and regional vocations
Advocate for pol cies and regulations that promote the sustainable growth of the oil and energy industry and address key issues such as energy security and c imate change
Protect the company s reputation commun cating ts environmental, social and governance practices and contributions to sustainable economic and social development
Establishing close relationships with trade unions, ndustry federations and technical councils, among other business and employer associations
Centralizing communication with trade unions in the area of Human Resources, mainly through meetings
We have a specific email address for communicating with unions: relacoes_sindicais@petrobras.com.br
Investing in permanent and constructive communication line with this public, with respect for employees and their representatives
Maintaining a dedicated and skilled team to engage in dialogue with trade associations
Employee mobility
Remote Work
Mental Health
Health Insurance (AMS)
Collective Labor Agreement
Fair energy transition
Decommissioning plan
Opportunities for the national ndustry
Development of the national supp y chain with a special focus on small and med um-sized companies
Exploration on the equatorial marg n
Opportunities for the nnovation ecosystem
Opportunities and challenges in the new energy segment
To publicize, guide and engage suppliers and other stakeholders regarding initiatives opportunities and procedures associated with the contracting of goods and services with the aim of increasing the competitiveness quality and performance of suppliers preserving compliance requirements, and expanding the mpact of strategic ESG drivers in the supply chain
Through actions aimed at the entire supplier base with the Supplier Channel being our main relationship media
Every year, we promote the Best Suppliers Award, as well as holding monthly meetings through live broadcasts (recordings available on the Supplier Channel)
Offering training on ESG topics through the ESG Journey for Suppliers (online courses)
In 2023, we implemented the Supplier Space at the Petrobras stand at OTC Brasil, as well as holding a series of in-person events across the country, seeking greater rapprochement with regional suppliers
We implemented an ESG Questionnaire focused on mapp ng engagement in ESG practices, which had 400 respondents in 2023
In October 2023, we included the Human Rights theme in the Integrity Due Diligence (DDI) Questionnaire
Our subs diary Transpetro interacts with suppliers through its Supplier Channel
Supplier registration and certification
Procedures for using relationship and purchasing portals
Dynamics of Integrity Due Diligence assessment
Supplier performance assessment
Prior knowledge of technical specifications and contractual drafts
Prospects for contracting goods and services
Quality management
ESG Agenda for Suppliers
Seek to strengthen our relationship with investors (or potential investors) enabling greater understand ng, in addition to engagement about our activities, actions, initiatives and investment plans Furthermore manage market expectations about results, contributing to the construction and maintenance of the company's cred bility and consequently, increasing and preserving shareholder value in the long term. Finally, to raise the main concerns of investors to ensure that they are taken into consideration by senior management when mplementing a new Strategic Planning and reviewing processes.
Meetings (one-on-one or group)
Participation in conferences and roadshows
Presentations at events such as quarterly results webcasts and Petrobras Day
Disclosure of quarterly and annual reports announcements relevant facts, and news clarifications, in addition to various other financial, operational and management information available on our website focused on investor relations
Holding shareholder meetings
Providing telephone, letter and email support to our investors and shareholders in addition to the service provided by the bank that holds our shares for all shareholders
Improving and increasing our information reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics
Future production curve
Development of the pre-salt
New exploratory frontiers with emphasis on the Equatorial Margin Capita allocation
Tax liabilities
Strategy and goals for mitigating climate change
Energy transition/decarbonization strategy
Corporate governance
Governance in project approval
Commercial strategy
Shareholder remuneration policy
Diversity (mainly gender) in the workforce, especially in senior management
Industry Supply Chain
Paths to self-sufficiency in oil products