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To strengthen our bond and ncrease workers' commitment, as well as expla n strategies, policies nitiatives and our role to employees and other workers; in addition to provide tools and conditions for communication between company leadership and teams.

To ncrease employee retention, sense of belonging and engagement And foster a healthy and productive work environment based on the values: Care for people Integrity, Susta nability, Innovation and Commitment to Petrobras and the country.

Digita integration n our nternal communication channels such as ntranet, social network, online communities dissem nation of messages and news with emphasis on our internal social network - Workplace Petrobras focus ng on communication and relationships Here, communication is carried out by groups themes, personal profiles, and an institutional profile of the company

Balance between work and personal life •

Holding events (in-person, virtual and hybrid) with opportunities for interaction

Relationsh p actions aimed at strengthen ng the bond with the company, such as cultural activities and family visits

Remodeling the employee experience upon admission, and the onboarding processes, with a focus on greater retention and engagement in accordance with best human resources practices

Conducting a survey, n 2023 for all employees, n partnership with Great Place to Work, in connection with the value " care for people" and seeking greater engagement from our internal audience, the survey provided important inputs for management of people and mprovements to company processes and programs

Monitoring the engagement of our employees, detailing them with profile examples, dentifying good practices and opportunities for improvements n our processes and programs

Acting continuous y n the development of leaders n the subjects of leadership, people management and teams

Organizational changes

Compensation and benefits

Pension plan

Health insurance

Hybrid work regime

Collective Labor Agreement (ACT)

Portfolio management (divestments and investments)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Operational highlights

Safety, Environment and Health

Strategy, performance, and results

Opportunity for growth, learning and development.

Trustworthy environment

Work with meaning and purpose

Main Institutional Communication Channels

https://www.petrobras.com.br/en/ https://nossaenergia.petrobras.com.br https://www.investidorpetrobras.com.br/en/ https://www.agenciapetrobras.com.br/en/ https://transparencia.petrobras.com.br https://precos.petrobras.com.br facebook.com/petrobras twitter.com/petrobras instagram.com/petrobras linkedin.com/company/petrobras youtube.com/petrobras tiktok.com/@petrobras

CITIZEN INFORMATION SERVICE: https://transparencia.petrobras.com.br/servico -informacao-cidadao

WHISTLEBLOWING CHANNEL: https://www.contatoseguro.com.br/en/petrobras 0800 601 6925


PETROBRAS: https://petrobras.com.br/pt/privacidade -e-protecao-de-dados-pessoais/

SUPPLIER CHANNEL: https://canalfornecedor.petrobras.com.br/en/

PETROBRAS GENERAL OMBUDSMAN: https://petrobras.com.br/en/ouvidoria/ 0800 28 28280

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