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To contribute to the construction of a solid nstitutional image and establish a transparent and effective communication channel with society
Through Petrobras’ Agency (https //agencia petrobras com.br/en/), where we publish information relevant to our stakeholders, including communications about business and operations actions of responsibility in the areas of influence of our activities, reports in cases of accidents, among other releases and audiovisual content, always with the aim of informing the media and society in a transparent manner.
Operational and management activities of the company
Company results
Future plans of the company
Civil Society Organizations Public Authorities
Business Partners
To consolidate the relationship with this audience, supporting socio-environmental initiatives on topics relevant to the oil and gas industry, in the territories where we operate and seeking positive socio-environmental transformations
Establishing lines of communication and collaboration with civil society promoting transparency, partic pation, and exchange of information with different interested parties
Mainly through socio-environmental projects which are received through two channels Public Selection or Direct Choice
We also participate in civil society initiatives and associations in the oil and gas industry and in social environmental and governance issues Together with these organizations, participation in working groups or comm ssions that have different objectives is frequent. These objectives include the development of manuals and standards research, sharing of best practices and even the establishment of joint public commitments
We continue to carry out communication actions and strengthen relationships with civil society organizations that are partners of the company, in order to expand knowledge about our exploratory phase project in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin
Continuity of the company's support for socio-environmental projects
Human rights
Climate change
Risk of biodiversity loss
Net positive biodiversity impact
Risk of water scarcity / water security
Waste management and circular economy Exploration on the Equatorial Margin
To ensure the correct operation of partnerships with the aim of sharing costs and risks, as well as ensuring the reciprocal benefit of the parties involved, based on their expertise and the improvement of technical capabilities.
Through joint-ventures formed for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons (E&P oint-ventures). In this option, there is a governance rule that defines representatives from each company for discussions and decision-making at a technical and operational level. All mpacts related to such ventures are dealt with in these forums This same governance regulation stipulates the obligation to comply with the main laws and regulations regarding compliance and anti-corruption practices existing in the world, in addition to applicable Brazilian laws and regulations
Through technical cooperation alliances, through private agreements, which aim to exchange experiences and good practices that can generate mutual benefits in topics of a technical-operational nature, such as maximizing the reservoir recovery factor, opportunities in renewable energy, reduction emissions among others Such cooperation alliances also provide for the creation of discussion and decision-making forums
Compliance with ANP and CNPE standards, resolutions and laws and contractual obligations provided for in E&P joint-ventures
Compliance with the obligations and governance provided for in the agreements
• To promote coordination with the Federal Executive and Legislative Branches, to defend and actively pursue our interests in key themes, through institutional relationships with the Public Authority.
To establish partnerships and lines of communication with the Municipal and State Public Authorities with the purpose of monitoring regional public policies, establishing effective communication channels with government representatives, representing, and defending our interests, contributing to the formulation of shared goals with the Public Authority, and identify partnership opportunities aimed at the sustainable development of regions.
We interact in an ethical, clear, transparent, and impersonal manner, following our Ethical Conduct Guide and other internal regulations, such as the Institutional Relationship guidelines and our standard for Interactions with Public Agents
Issues presented by public authorities are dealt with proactively or on demand through responses to information requests, explanatory technical notes, sending letters, cards and communications, meetings with public agents and participation in public hearings, forums, and sectoral committees
Participation in working groups and programs coordinated by public bodies or by Petrobras itself, as well as meetings of collegiate bodies
Progress in improving the exploration and production business environment
Development the midstream and downstream market
Regulation of natural gas market in Brazil
Fuel price policy
Energy transition and security (carbon market, CCUS, biorefining CAP Pro, wind, hydrogen, etc.)
Exploration in the Equatorial Margin
Development of the Gaslub Hub
Socio-environmental investments
Cultural and sporting sponsorships
Regional development
Possibility of carrying out local tenders
Information on the development of the refining, natural gas, and industrial processes area
Local employability