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Laani Heinar – new works, a book and the upcoming 65th Annual Exhibition

EKKT (Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto) Artist Feature

While in the beginning quarter of my creative career, it is interesting to look back on each annual exhibit with EKKT and remember the various pieces I’ve shown with the group. Interesting, because as this journey continues, the annual show is a kind of yearly pause where one can reflect on the work of the year, how styles, medium, subject matter and interests have changed. It’s clear while looking back how every year has been different for me and EKKT has always been a supportive group to share new ideas and creations with.


Last fall, in the annual exhi­bition, I showed two watercolour illustrations that were to become two pages of a larger work: a children’s picture book I have been co-creating with Vincent Teetsov titled, “Pumpkin and Stretch”. I was happy, and as always, a little nervous to share my new direction in work with the group, alongside the single demo copy of the book, which was met with encouraging feedback and support. Approaching the annual exhibition time again, it’s nice to reflect back on this, as we have now published our book! It tells the story of two creatures as they bravely journey through a dark cave where they discover their strengths and find a way out together...with the help of some mysterious cave paintings and unexpected friends.

You can find our book at: pumpkinandstretch.com.

As August is coming to a close, and we approach the 65th anniversary show this September, I look forward to sharing what’s next with everybody and trading notes as we pause for the year and reflect on our collective works; how styles, medium, subject matter and interests morph as we all continue on our own creative journey.

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