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Meet the new generation of Estudar Leaders

GRADUATE SCHOOL Caio César Vieira Machado


FROM CAMPINAS,Caio already stood out in High School, when he received the President’s Award for Educational Excellence – the most prestigious recognition in the North American education system. Even though he had the opportunity to get his undergraduate degree abroad, he chose to stay in Brazil and study Law at USP. There, he fell in love with the field of law and the internet, and decided to further his knowledge in this area. After successfully completing two masters degrees focused on the internet, Caio is now dedicating himself to a doctorate at Oxford University, promoting critical digital education and the fight against misinformation. His goal is to contribute to the awareness of Brazilian society regarding the issue and to promote the appropriation of agendas focused on the internet as a tool for national development.

Catarina Carvalho


SINCE SHE WAS A CHILD, Catarina, from Pernambuco, was taught to go after her goals. At 14, she decided to leave her home, alone, to conquer her dream: study at ITA. Today, she is a Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineer and has a Master’s in Applied Economics. Throughout her journey, Catarina was elected class leader during her 5 years of undergrad and founded a mentorship network for ITA’s female students. However, her mission did not end there: she wants to change the financial reality of Brazilians who are in debt, and to empower marginalized people to reach their dreams, redefining their visions of success.

Dayene de Assis Fernandes Caldeira


BORN IN NILÓPOLIS (RJ), Dayene decided to go into Healthcare after witnessing her grandmother having several severe asthma attacks. She applied to one of the main public universities for pulmonary diseases research in the country and was the only student admitted. She also earned a scholarship for her Master’s degree, published in international scientific journals, and dedicated herself to study more about the lungs. At her doctorate, she focused on mitochondrial transfer in severe asthma, the same condition of her grandmother, and during the pandemic she even researched treatments for pneumonia induced by SARS-CoV-2. Her plans for the future involve developing new therapies for pulmonary diseases that most often affect the public health system.

Jean Pontes


A STANDOUT SCHOLAR IN HIGH SCHOOL, Jean, who is from Rio de Janeiro, already showed strong leadership skills at that time, when he was elected president of the Student Council and valedictorian. He decided to study Law at UFRJ and graduated with honors due to his role as academic monitor and his dedication to research groups, besides participating in a project for supporting illegal immigrants. Passionate about law, Jean did his Master’s at UERJ and became a substitute teacher at the State Law Department, having been approved in first place in the tests and titles assessment. Now, he is dedicating himself to his Master’s degree at Harvard and, after concluding it, he intends to commit to his law office to contribute with the elaboration of projects for the democratic reform of institutions.

João Loula


INSPIRED BY HIS GRANDFATHER, João, born in Rio de Janeiro, developed an interest in science and became the first scientist in the family. With an affinity for the exact sciences, he chose to study Electric Engineering at USP. There, he was part of the robotics team, of the synthetic biology club and he also taught algebra classes. During his undergraduate studies, he won a scholarship to study in France and graduated in computer science and applied mathematics. He also did his Master’s in France, with research internships at the Collège de France and in Harvard. João was admitted to the doctorate programs of renowned North American universities, and chose MIT to do his artificial intelligence and neuroscience research. In the future, he wants to become a professor and create an artificial intelligence research institute in Brazil.

Michael Cerqueira


SON OF NORTHEASTERNERS, Michael was born in São Paulo, and grew up with the idea that education is the most effective way to overcome the systemic barriers of poverty. He was admitted in four competitive college entrance exams for Economics (USP, UNICAMP, UFRJ and UNESP) and in Public Administration at FGV, with a full merit scholarship. During his undergraduate degree, he participated in programs in leadership, applied research throughout Brazil, and did an academic exchange program in London. Since 2015, when he started his career at Vetor Brasil, Michael works in the public sector promoting innovations and modernization in governmental management. In 2021, he was approved for a Master’s degree in Harvard, with a full tuition scholarship from the Jorge Paulo Lemann Fellowship. In the future, he dreams of becoming Planning Minister to lead systemic changes in people’s management in Brazil.

Rafaella Mazza


RAFAELLA, FROM THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO, graduated as the best student in High School, winning several Math and Portuguese Olympiad medals. During undergrad, Rafaella opted to study Agricultural Engineering at USP and received many scholarships during college: for scientific initiation, monitoring and for a bioeconomic course at the Hohenheim University, in Germany. In 2015, she was hired as Trainee for Valuation & Business Modeling by EY and had the opportunity to work visiting farms to audit and evaluate biological assets from big clients of the agribusiness in Brazil, Guatemala, and Italy. Currently, she works at the North American startup Vayda Farms, developing high technology regenerative agricultural systems. Her dream is to transform Brazilian agriculture into the most sustainable one in the world.

Samuel Veloso


SAMUEL, FROM THE STATE OF CEARÁ, always placed his bets in education to change his reality. From an early age, he participated in many science fairs, winning more than 10 prizes, including 1st place in the Brazilian Science and Engineering Fair. During his undergraduate degree, he went to the Civil Engineering college at UFC, where he was the Junior Enterprise President of his major. Later, he was approved at Insper with a full scholarship for his studies, where he won 1st place in CFA Challenge Brazil and was a semi-finalist for the Americas. In his professional life, Samuel has reached expressive results in different areas such as HR and Sales. Currently, he is the CEO at BRTC, a uniform company that has increased its revenue 20-fold since his arrival amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. He has plans to establish a company which uses technology to solve big problems and an investment management company to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

Susana Sakamoto Machado


SUSANA HAD HER ACADEMIC path marked by many achievements. When in High School, she won 4 awards in simulations such as the Harvard Model Congress and at 17 years of age, was selected to study at the International Relations and Politics Advanced Studies Program at Oxford University and represented Brazil at the UN. Concurrently, she dedicated herself to many social projects, such as an initiative which prepared orphans for the labor market and in the inclusion of marginalized youth at UN Assemblies. At the beginning of her undergraduate studies in International Relations at UNESP, she joined a research group and presided over the largest simulation event at the college level in São Paulo. Susana’s mission is to work to guarantee that vulnerable young people do not have their future limited by their economic condition, thus reducing the inequalities not only in Brazil but in the world.

GRADUAÇÃO Abidan Henrique da Silva


IN HIGH SCHOOL, Abidan was considered the best student in the class, he won a bronze medal at the Physics Olympiad and was selected for the Harvard Summer School by the Robert Wong scholarship. At the college entrance exams, he was admitted to 5 colleges: POLI, Unicamp, Unesp, Machenzie and PUC, and he chose POLI. During his undergraduate studies, he earned a scholarship from Instituto Semear and took a leadership course in Jordan. In 2020, Abidan was elected Embu das Artes Councilman, being the second youngest person in history to take the office. His plans are to remain in politics to be able to make quality education accessible to all young people in Brazil.

Ana Luísa Moura


OUTSTANDING IN SCHOOL, Ana won the award Women for Chemistry and many other medals in the area. Moreover, she fell in love with debates and UN simulations, which inspired her to moderate a debate with council candidates and to debate in international conferences in Harvard and Stanford. In 2019, she co-founded a popular preparatory course with its own teaching methodology, leading more than 25 mentors responsible for 124 students. Her academic excellence got her admitted in Law at Insper and in four North American universities, and she decided to study Social Policy at Northwestern. In the future, she wants to transform Brazil into an international benchmark in basic education, and use education as a tool to fight gender-based violence.

Ana Studart


ANA STUDART, FROM CEARÁ, was introduced to the world of Olympiads in High School, and right at her first competition she won second place in math. Enchanted by this universe, Ana won 36 medals distributed among the contests in astronomy, physics, computing, mathematics, and robotics. The results guaranteed that she got selected for five international Olympiads, winning two silver and a bronze medal at the European Women Olympiads in Mathematics. This experience inspired Ana to co-found the Sem Parar (Non-Stop) Project, which has the concept of girls teaching science to other girls. Studying Math and Computational Biology, she intends to contribute to improvements for cancer treatment and diagnosis, and continue encouraging girls’ participation in the sciences.

Beatriz da Silva Falcão


AT SCHOOL, Beatriz was involved in many activities, including UN simulations. Her dedication earned her six honorable mentions, including three awards of best delegation, and four full scholarships to represent her school in national competitions and at Harvard Model United Nations. She also developed a scientific project on inclusive education, awarded in three national fairs, including FEBRACE; won six literary contests and earned the highest grade among the 140 students for 5 consecutive years. Now, she is getting ready to start her undergraduate studies in Political Science at Dartmouth College, where she was admitted with a scholarship. Beatriz dreams to accomplish a reform in teaching careers to value the profession, analyzing successful educational models from abroad and bringing them to Brazil.

Bianca Freire


HER DISCIPLINE and her ability to become self-taught led Bianca to earn a full scholarship for the ISMART program when she was 12, after being selected among 11,000 candidates. In 2019 and 2020, she was a semi-finalist at the Brazilian History Nacional Olympiad. When taking the college entrance exams, she was admitted at PUC-SP, Mackenzie, FGV-EPPG, Insper, and FGV-EAESP, earning full scholarships in the highly competitive selections for the last three. Today, she is studying Public Administration at FGV. Bianca was also selected as Young Federal Congresswoman by the Brazilian Youth Parliament, designing a bill to empower peripheral leaders, and for the Crossroads Emerging Leaders program from Harvard. Inspired by her experiences and her origins, Bianca dreams of creating impactful policies alongside peripheral communities.

Carolina Bartunek


WHILE STILL IN MIDDLE SCHOOL, Carolina won the prize for best academic performance in 8 school subjects. She also participated in the Wharton Investment Competition (KWHS) as the youngest group in the history of her school, and won second place in Brazil’s final. In High School, she won a bronze medal in the Math British competition (UKMT). Furthermore, Carolina was recognized by her performance in computer science. At an internship at BTG Pactual, she found her passion for financial education and the investment world. Since then, she has dedicated herself to learn more about this market to understand how to include it in educational programs. In the future, she wishes to open her own company and promote the issue of financial education for young people.

Daniele Gavetti de Mari


DURING HER CHILDHOOD, Daniele lost her grandmother and her best friend to cancer. These experiences made her develop an interest in the Healthcare area, particularly in technologies that could contribute to the treatment of sick people. Focused on this mission, Daniele stood out in her studies and participated in the main science fairs in Brazil. She won many scholarships for her research in Neuroscience and founded a neurotechnology start-up, which is part of the oldest startup incubator in the United States, ATDC. In the future, she dreams of having the biggest Neurological Institute in Brazil, contributing to its development as a benchmark in research and development of treatment therapies for neurological diseases.

Eduardo Emilio Costa Trunci


SON OF ENGINEERS, Eduardo showed aptitude for exact sciences and technology from a very young age. He participated in math, physics and chemistry Olympiads and won medals in many competitions. He was even selected for the international physics Olympiad and was classified in the top 40 of the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament. Eduardo also dedicated himself to scientific initiation, winning many prizes. In his short professional trajectory, has also worked at Rolls Royce, Ambev and McKinsey & Company, in Boston. His next step is to spend a season at Facebook, in California. Looking towards the future, Eduardo’s ambition is to become an entrepreneur to show the world that Brazilian companies can create state-of-the-art technology with the same quality offered by the big market players.

Eduardo Vasconcelos Goyanna Filho


THROUGHOUT HIS STUDIES, Eduardo received many prizes and honorable mentions for written works and for his participation in International Organizations Simulation Models. He represented Brazil for the 1st time in the Global Debates and brought to the country the unprecedented award for Best Debater in Rookie Nations. Moreover, he acted as a Congressman in the Brazilian Youth Parliament, being considered the 6th best legislative writer among 1068, for a Social Education Bill. Admitted to Harvard, he was also part of the RenovaBR and, as a political leader, he dreams of reducing the Federal district’s child criminal rates to the lowest in the country.

Felipe Nuti


WITH A STRONG VOCATION for the exact sciences, Felipe started to stand out at school by participating in Knowledge Olympiads during the first years of Middle School. He earned more than 15 medals, distributed among many subjects. His good academic performance was also apparent in the college entrance exams. Felipe got the highest grade in the 1st phase of Fuvest during his last year of High School, besides being admitted at ITA, USP, Unicamp, College London, Oxford, Georgia Tech and UIUC. He also won the BRASA Summer Journey competition with a solution for a company’s support team problem. Nowadays, he works for a technology start-up analyzing the users’ behavior patterns. His goal is to leave an expressive technological legacy through research, development and entrepreneurship.

Fellipe Couto


FELLIPE’S GREAT INTEREST in technology led him, in High School, to establish his school’s robotics group, which went on to win the Brazilian Robotics Olympiads. Besides technology, he also had an interest in the Healthcare area. Joining both passions, he conducted research on medicines to fight Dengue with FIOCRUZ and created the first autonomous hospital disinfection robot recognized in Latin America. Furthermore, Fellipe developed a space exploration prototype, which won two unprecedented international medals for Brazil. Today, he works as a data scientist and is an intern at Facebook. His dream is to become a reference in business and technological development, transforming Brazil into an innovation power.

Gabriel Checchinato


EXTREMELY CURIOUS AND CREATIVE, Gabriel developed, early on, a passion for science and engineering. As a young man, he liked to make scientific experiments at school and to play with unusual innovations. During his senior year of High School, he invented a system capable of making liquid dispensers autonomous, such as water filters and purifiers. With this project, he won the 1st place in Engineering at FEBRACE and was selected to represent Brazil at Intel ISEF, coming back with a 3rd place in Embedded Systems. Gabriel’s innovations also earned a victory at the reality contest “Brazil Battle Makers”, when he was only 18 years old. Today, he is responsible for the whole software development of a startup and he wants to remain involved in the creation of other innovative products with a purpose.

Gabriela Dias de Souza


EDUCATION ENTHUSIAST, Gabriela seeks to consolidate her career in technology combined with Management. During her trajectory, she earned scholarships in the best Brazilian institutions, winning prizes in the Essay Marathon and in Model United Nations. She was admitted at FGV to study Business Administration and joined the Academic Directory for the Junior Economics Consultancy, besides becoming assistant teacher of project management. During college, she learned programming at one of the best bootcamps in Brazil, won the greatest college challenge in Latin America (TETRIX), among 70 thousand participants, and became the FGV technology entity president. Currently, she works with educational projects in technology and plans to use the knowledge acquired when building the HackZone, a programming school she founded.

Helena Werneck


EVER SINCE CHILDHOOD, Helena developed a great affinity with the humanities. At 14, she founded the Veredas Project NGO, which has impacted more than 3 thousand people and aims to promote sustainable development in the Serra da Capivara (Piauí) region. Her fundraising events have featured artists such as Gilberto Gil and Nando Reis, and in 2020, the project received the support of 320 thousand Brazilian reais from the French Embassy to keep the work going during the pandemic. Helena decided to study in the United States to learn more about innovation in education and was admitted to seven North American universities, including Berkeley, UCLA and NYU. Her goal is to develop creative educational methodologies based on evidence, besides supporting these innovations’ implementation at public schools.

José André


Curious and hard-working, José left his family home at 15 to pursue his studies. His efforts in the Exact Sciences field was recognized and he won more than 10 prizes, among them a gold medal at the Paulista Math Olympiad and an honorable mention at the RioPlatense Math Olympiad in Argentina. During his senior year of High School, the student was admitted at the entrance exam for AFA, IME, ITA and Unicamp. Already in college, José was selected among over one thousand candidates for the summer job at Navi Capital. This experience has taken him from basic to advanced level of Python and increased his interest in technology. In the future, he wishes to have a leadership position and to take technology studies to basic education.

Kaio Kumagai


DESCENDANT OF AN ANCIENT samurai clan, Kaio inherited from his family strong ethical values and the discipline to seek improvement through education. At 11, he earned a gold medal at the Brazilian Astronomy and Astronautic Olympiad and, since then, has dedicated to many other competitions, winning more than 30 awards in different knowledge fields. These achievements made him the first student (and the only one up to date) to earn a scholarship by merit in the history of his school. Kaio participated in renowned mentorship programs, and even developed a project on the use of nano micelles to transport Alzheimer’s drugs directly into the affected areas of the brain. In the future, he wants to work on the development of a technology called NBM-Nano BioMechatronics, a pioneering technology whose combination of distinct sciences will promote countless applications for humankind.

Lara Campos


LARA HAS ALREADY EARNED SCHOLARSHIPS in institutions such as Cambridge University, Latin America Leadership Academy and National Flight Academy. She is also an alumni of Fundação Estudar, BRASA and Junior Achievement. As a social entrepreneur, she founded two startups, becoming the finalist at the Innovation and Technology Tack Challenge, winner of the KPMG Innovation Camp and 3rd place recipient at the JA Startup. Restless and with a desire for change, she was a volunteer at Acredito Rio, a political renovation movement, and in Agbara, a collective of black women seeking social impact. In 2021, she was accepted with a scholarship of almost 2 million Brazilian reais at Northwestern University, in the most competitive selection process in the university’s history. Her mission is to transform Brazilian education through public policies of inclusion, through entrepreneurship and through the creation of opportunities for the Afro-Brazilian population.

Leonardo Dias de Jesus


AFTER RECEIVING TWO HONORABLE MENTIONS at the Brazilian Math Olympiad, Leonardo, from São Paulo, realized his academic potential could lead him to earn a scholarship at private schools. He was, then, selected and supported by ISMART. Later, he earned a full scholarship at one of the world’s most competitive universities, the NYUAD, besides being approved in nine highly regarded Brazilian universities. Focused on education, he participated in the Education Map Movement as a leader, where he could investigate the basic education circumstances in his city. Studying abroad, Leonardo wants to learn how basic education works in other nations and help Brazil become a leader in rankings such as PISA.

Leonardo Caffarello


PASSIONATE ABOUT SPACE, Leonardo understood that the Engineering and Physics combination was the ideal solution to quench his curiosity and for him to be able to apply his creativity in projects with potential to impact the lives of people around the world. After graduating from High School, he was admitted to a mentorship program and participated in the Google Science Fair with a microbial fuel cell project. At college, he led a cosmic ray detector project that flew in a stratospheric balloon made available by the Canadian Space Agency, participated in researches and academic projects at the Electrical Engineering department, and had his project approved for a second stratospheric flight, organized by five space agencies, in Sweden in 2022. With his recognition, he dreams to help humankind walk on Mars and boost a Brazilian startup to become a reference in the space field.

Lucas Lelis Graciliano


CHEMISTRY, ASTRONOMY, HISTORY... Lucas has a collection of Olympiad medals in many areas. His dedication to his studies got him scholarships in private schools and honorable mentions for being academically outstanding. At the ENEM test, he was within the top 1% with the best graded essay. Admitted at the University of Chicago in Economics, he won a challenge about impact investments, presented his research to European politicians, and was the finalist at Constellation Challenge. Even at a young age, he has worked as an intern at financial market management companies and at RenovaBR. In the future, he wants to found a company focused on impact investments to finance other people’s dreams.

Miriã Ferreira da Silva


BORN IN PETRÓPOLIS, Miriã was approved in the competitive Medical School entrance exams by studying on her own. She became the first black woman from her community to have this achievement. During college, she participated in research activities, extensions, monitoring, student representation and scientific initiation. Currently, she is an intern at Medical Practices in a healthtech for oncologic patients’ remote support. There, she assists in the development and in the improvement of service protocols. Miriã’s dream is to offer quality access to health to the Brazilian population through innovation.

Murilo Calegari


BORN IN THE COUNTRYSIDE OF ESPÍRITO SANTO, Murilo had in his family a strong inspiration for his academic career. The student built a long history of Scientific Olympiad participation, earning medals in Math, Physics, Sciences, Astronomy and Geography. Furthermore, he was awarded at the Asian International Math Olympics and at the World Mathematics Games Open, and he was invited for the London International Youth Science Forum 2020. His good results also led to Murilo’s approval in 5 North-American universities with full rides. The young man has already been involved in many technology, education and leadership projects and is developing his own startup in pedagogical consultancy based on the ENEM microdata. His goal is to make education more captivating with technology’s support and to transform people’s lives using computer science.

Natan Rodrigues Ferreira


NATAN, FROM RIO DE JANEIRO, developed early on a passion for Robotics, Debate, Design and Math. He was on the first Brazilian team to participate in the Global Debates WSDC, in which he won the best new nation award. He founded an organization to promote the practice of exact sciences’ concepts and he is the president of an association focused on encouraging debates in Brazil. He also participated in courses and events at Yale and Harvard and he is currently an undergraduate at Brown University. Nowadays, Natan plans to explore areas related to Social Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and other Computer Science fields through internships. His dream is to use his knowledge to expand the field of Social Robotics in Brazil, using it as a response to challenges such as racial inequalities, and becoming an example for black peripheric youth.

Nicole Pires

18 YEARS-OLD, PHYSICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE - COLUMBIA PASSIONATE FOR THE EXACT SCIENCES, Nicole, from Goiás, won a bronze medal at the Physics World Cup, silver at the Brazilian Rocket Exhibition, and gold at the Brazilian Chess Championship. As a scientist, she was the only High School student from Goiás to participate in the Scientific Initiation at UFG, becoming one of the 300 finalists, among more than 7,000 at FEBRACE. Moreover, Nicole was selected for the summer program at Stanford and was the founder and president for the Girl UP Meninas Cientistas nucleus, supported and sponsored by the UN. She also writes articles on astrophysics to democratize cutting-edge science in Brazil, and, even before getting to college, she is getting ready to publish her first book. In the future, Nicole wants to be the first Brazilian woman to go to space.

Vinícius Névoa


VINICIUS’ INTEREST IN CHALLENGING GAMES, such as chess, made him develop a taste for problem solving and science from an early age. In high school, he earned many medals in national and international competitions, among them, 4 gold medals at the Brazilian Physics Olympiad – competition in which he has an undefeated record. Vinícius became Brazil’s team captain in two international tournaments, out of which they won the silver medal and got the best result in the country’s history. His involvement with the tournaments inspired him to co-found a Physics Championship and to support the development of other young people in the exact sciences field. In the future, he wants to work with quantum technology and to bring to Brazil a robust national technological development initiative along the lines of NASA.

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