18 minute read





Transformations generating Transformations


LOOKING BACK AT THE HISTORY we created and the numbers we achieved, our legacy is evident.

“Fundação Estudar has transformed people – and they acted big and inspired many others to also make a difference. This created a network effect that goes way beyond what we can imagine or even measure. This is what we are calling transformations generating transformations”, comments Anamaíra Spaggiari, Executive Director.

The threads that appear in the visual identity of these thirty years refer exactly to the ability to reverberate our impact, empowering some; and from some of those to many others, and then, to many others more. The use of the color purple represents the strength of all our initiatives, collaborating among themselves to help us in the mission that originated Fundação Estudar.

While in the first two decades the development opportunities were limited to the scholarships and the Leaders’ Community, the last decade was marked by the growth of information programs about study, career, and leadership development that encourage thousands of young Brazilians to go further.

“An important milestone of this transition was the change of the Fellowship Program selection criteria into an Education methodology. If we know how to evaluate critical factors for talented people to be successful, we are also aware of what they need to learn. Thus, we can create study and career programs at scale”, adds Anamaíra.

This same trajectory also brings the responsibility to increase our relevance in the future. And it is thinking about the expansion of this impact in a country of continental dimensions with so many challenges and in a world in constant change that we need to be evolving and updating ourselves.

One drive remains the same: the search for talents who are capable of leading relevant transformations – conscious that in the face of a volatile, uncertain, and complex world, one should be in constant development and personal evolution.

Our role is to inspire, guide and encourage, so more and more, these young people may pursue a path of high impact, dream big, want to leave a legacy and execute, acting based on knowledge. So they may be righteous protagonists.

At the 30th anniversary event, we conceived a robust agenda so our leaders could engage in becoming even better and more prepared for the upcoming challenging decades.

With this in mind, the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of Fundação Estudar were based on four pillars: Legacy, Vision of the future, Education and Action.


LEGACY Reinforce the mission and values that built the past and are essential for the future

During these 30 years, we built a solid and impactful history, with 760 leaders occupying relevant positions in private and public organizations in Brazil and in the world, in various sectors, and driving important transformations.

After over a decade, Beto Sicupira, Jorge Paulo Lemann and Marcel Telles meet to celebrate Fundação Estudar’s 30th anniversary.

The protagonist trio in the construction of Fundação Estudar has been relevant throughout our history. To make Estudar enduring, they now encourage the leadership of the talents they supported.

Knowing that, from the beginning, our founders are driven to understand (in order to boost) what makes a bright young person generate concrete changes, at this moment of the event, they not only answer the questions from the scholars, but also interview these rising leaders.

They are 4 young Leaders representing the community in their area of occupation, in science, technology, politics, the financial market and entrepreneurship: Giovani Rocha, Estudar Leader 2018; Pedro Franceschi, Estudar Leader 2014; Tábata Amaral, Estudar Leader 2013; and Tatiana Rezende, Estudar Leader 2007.

This is a conversation about how to look at the world in front of us with knowledge and new perspectives.

In the 90’s, one of these outstanding young people was Carlos Brito. Considered to be the “Scholar Number 0”, today he is an endowment donor and has a fellowship to support and mentor Estudar Leaders. Brito shares how his leadership evolved over the past 30 years and what he thinks about the relationship between business, government, and society in today’s world.

Knowing that our values are applicable to all and any area of occupation, let’s get closer to great examples from the Brazilian Olympic sports: Formiga, the only player who participated in 7 editions of the Games; Mayra Aguiar, three-time Olympic medalist; and Fernanda Garay, gold medalist in London and silver medal in Tokyo.

Beto Sicupira, Jorge Paulo Lemann AND Marcel Telles Carlos Brito

Giovani Rocha Pedro Franceschi Tabata Amaral Tatiana Rezende

Formiga Mayra Aguiar Fernanda Garay


VISION OF THE FUTURE Broadening the perspective towards the world is the best path

Leaders who actually generate transformation have a broad view and up to date knowledge about the future. Only then can they look to the future with a drive that is fitting to the context in order to create powerful solutions that contribute to the development of Brazil and the world.

Since the beginning of Fundação Estudar, our founders stated that one of the benefits of studying abroad at the best North American universities is that we have the chance to experience the future in a country which is more developed than Brazil, and that this experience opens up our vision and possibilities. Much can be replicated and adapted here from what has already been created there.

Our community knows and lives the North American culture to a great extent, either because most have studied at the best universities, which today are still concentrated in the United States, or because the world as a whole is geared by the greatest power. Now, we believe it is necessary to be open and understand what China is building. For this reason, Ricardo Geromel, a 3G Radar’s partner-investor and author of the book “O Poder da China” (The Power of

Ricardo Geromel

Uri Levine

Nitin Nohria

Cláudio Fernández-Aráoz China) is going to lecture about how the country has risen from poverty and is on its way to become a world power in just 40 years, starting from a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Since entrepreneurship is one of the big engines for the creation of more prosperous societies, we will have Uri Levine, an Israeli entrepreneur and co-founder of Waze. He details how he created one of the most downloaded apps in the world, focused on solving a problem instead of being passionate about the solution. Furthermore, he brings his view on Brazil’s entrepreneurship and a comparison with the scenario in Israel.

Besides entrepreneurship, competent, righteous leaders from different sectors are necessary. However, what type of leadership is needed for this future? Two renowned professors from the Harvard Business School, Nitin Nohria, who is also a former Dean of the Institution, and Cláudio Fernándes-Aráoz, partner of Egon Zehnder and rated by Bloomberg as one of the most influential talent consultants in the world, will share their insights on maximizing talent after having contributed to the formation of thousands of global executives.

HOW WILL THE WORLD BE IN 2051, 30 YEARS FROM NOW? Aligned to our development goals, to educate and build a vision for the future, a group of Leaders, staff, and Board chose critical themes for Masterclasses that take place throughout the year. They are: Health, Leadership, Technology, Environment, and Democracy.

All of these have a direct impact on what we aim to build for the future and are integral for all and any TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER.

We invited Estudar Leaders to imagine the future of these critical areas, which need important transformations in the next 30 years. From these debates full of insights, four different artists illustrated the engravings that are attached to the 2020/2021 Annual Report.

We thank the Estudar Leaders and the artists who contributed to transform the vision of the future of such relevant areas for society into art. 1. 3. 2. 4.


Zansky Leaders who participated in the debate: Claudia Vergueiro Massei, Leader 2010 // Alfredo Sandes Sampaio, Leader 2008 // Ana Paula Pellegrino, Leader 2019 // Michael Cerqueira de Oliveira, Leader 2021 // Eduardo Vasconcelos Goyanna Filho, Leader 2021 // Ana Luísa Moura de Souza, Leader 2021 // Caio César Vieira Machado, Leader 2021


Camila Gray Leaders who participated in the debate: Fabio Futoshi Katayama, Leader 2008 // Mario Minor Murakami Junior, Leader 2019 // Vinicius Gaby Vieira Rego, Leader 2016 // Miriã Ferreira da Silva, Leader 2021 // Lysandra Golhath Knopp Alves, Leader 2013


Marcel Lisboa Leaders who participated in the debate: Fabio Luiz Guido, Leader 2008 // Emmanuel Gantois Longa Filho, Leader 2016 // Ricardo Silva Buarque, Leader 2018


Davi Augusto Leaders who participated in the debate: Samuel de Souza Carvalho, Leader 2007 // Raul Gallo Dagir, Leader 2017 // Felipe Bomfim Pinheiro de Meneses, Leader 2018 // Fernanda Ferreira Bastos Buhatem, Leader 2006 // Gabriela Dias de Souza, Leader 2021 // Leonardo Moutinho Caffarello, Leader 2021


EDUCATION To go deeper with cutting-edge knowledge in order to evolve as leaders

After broadening our vision for the future, it is necessary to study these critical subjects deeply. Due to their complex nature, these future challenges require us to make more innovative models of approach and solutions, different from what we have been using thus far. For that, we need to access the best that is available in research.

In order to have top-knotch knowledge, we invited prominent professors from the best universities in the world, who prepared interactive classes, using the case study method, for a class of Estudar Leaders, Tech Fellows, Prep Scholars, donors, partners, advisers, and team.

If we already feel privileged when we are in the classrooms of leading universities, with access to the professors who are authors of many of the books we read and in interesting debates, we believe that a class formed by Brazilian talents from our network promises high quality debates. HEALTH

During the Covid-19 pandemic, it became very clear that health should not be a concern only for scientists or doctors. Building from knowledge based on reliable sources, we need to talk about what we have learned in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, understand how the record in vaccine production happened, and the interaction of governments, academia and the private sector to make it happen. With science being increasingly more valued, we hope to deal better with the next health crisis, improving the way we manage the consequences and the imbalances diseases can cause in vulnerable populations, in the economy and in education.



Do you consider yourself a bright mind? And do you consider yourself a changemaker? What have you changed up to now? More than leading, it is necessary to transform. And transforming goes through entrepreneurship.

Whether it is starting a business or leading public policy, the principles of systemic thinking may help you better outline your impact. Before intervening in order to solve a problem or jumping on an opportunity, you need to understand the system, diagnose its causes and consequences. When we systematically visualize a problem, the necessary changes become clearer, as well as its depth and scope, in the micro and macro spheres. And only then comes the moment to draw up a solution.

It is only possible to make real change if you outline the impact that you want to have and its contribution to the entire system. TECHNOLOGY

The world is on a rapid evolution, partly due to the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, augmented reality, automation and robotics. Their strategic uses put companies and governments in leadership positions. And, regardless of the area of work, encouraging technological initiatives and talents will be, besides essential, a great opportunity to exponentially develop the Brazilian labor market.

With a high impact on society, ethical discussions also arise, which question the unfolding of technology and its limits. These issues already bring up questions and controversy today in the future, this will be even stronger – we must seek knowledge to answer such questions and deal with these trade-offs. DEMOCRACY

Public participation and responsible reforms are some of the pillars for the evolution of Democracy. However, the types of democracy are varied, with different consequences and benefits and, when discussing this subject, theory and practice are not always the same.

Governments which are more transparent, fair, and effective make up better societies. Thus, it is necessary to discuss policies, practices and institutional designs that strengthen and deepen the quality of democratic governance. However, it is important to remember that this democracy is only complete when citizens and leaders learn to apply democratic practices in an effective way in their political and social lives. ENVIRONMENT

In the next 30 years, how will the world be for us, for our children and for our children’s children? What do we need to do as individuals, public and private leaders, to build a more sustainable world? Which economic models are already available and that we will need in order to generate this balance?

More and more, the many decisions we will need to make as leaders of the future will go through the consideration of the trade-offs between sustainability and economic growth.

We need to reflect and understand the potential impact and influence the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concept may have in business from now on, and the ways in which the basic structure of an industry and companies’ relations with government and consumers shape the possibilities to conciliate sustainability and profit.

Learn more about the professors of the Master Classes

From the discovery of infectious diseases to immunization: lessons from the past, COVID and the risk of new epidemics

Transformational Leadership Climate change


Brazilian chief researcher who led the Oxford Vaccine studies in Brazil and senior consultant in the Gates Foundation.


Director of the Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging at Stanford University. Dr. Bhattacharya’s research focuses on the health and well-being of vulnerable populations, with particular emphasis on the roles of governmental programs, biomedical innovations, and the economy. Recently, he researched the epidemiology of COVID-19, as well as an assessment of the political responses to the epidemic. MÁRCIA CASTRO

Demographer, professor at the School of Public Health and chief of the Global Health and Population department at Harvard University.


Harvard Business School professor, partner and adviser at Bridges Fund Management, an investment fund which raised and invested USD 1 billion in sustainable and impactful assets. He is also Impact Capital Managers’ co-president, a network of more than 60 impact investors in the United States. FOREST REINHARDT

Chief of the Business, Government and International Economics Unit at Harvard Business School. President of the faculty at Harvard Business School’s Asia-Pacific Research Center and HBS Executive Education Asia-Pacific Region.



Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and Amazon Research Award winner in 2020 for his research on the building processes for a democratic and fair machine learning base.


Professor at Harvard Business School, specialist in technology management, innovation, digital transformation and artificial intelligence. He is the founder and co-director of the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard and conducts research with great organizations such as NASA, Harvard Medical School, The Broad Institute, TopCoder, The Linux Foundation and many other private institutions. JOHN HENNESSY

Director of Knight-Hennessy Scholars, the biggest program of 100% sponsored scholarship for graduate school in the world; President of the Alphabet Inc. Council and winner of the Turing prize (ACM A.M. Turing Prize) in 2017. He was the tenth President at Stanford University, and directed the university for 16 years.



Leads democratic governance projects at Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School. PhD in Political Sciences from MIT, he is also a member of the Board Advisors at Boston Review, Apple’s external consultant, author of 5 books and over 50 articles published in professional journals. Closure


Professor at Harvard Business School and at Harvard Kennedy School, where she is the founder and director of the Social Innovation and Change Initiative. She also lectures the course Power and Influence and is the author of the book: “Power, for All: How It Really Works and Why It’s Everyone’s Business.”


ACTION To transform potential into real power and knowledge

Only execution makes transformations feasible. More than diving into the greatest challenges in Brazil and in the world in the intellectual field, it is time to be hands-on and make it happen.

As better prepared leaders for the future, it is important to execute actions at the individual, organizational and institutional levels, to maximize impact.


We want to provoke reflection regarding one’s role as a professional, citizen and member of society, since the leader of the future needs to make the best decisions not only for oneself, but thinking in a systemic way.

The goal is for you to become a protagonist in order to transform your acquired knowledge into practical actions in your daily life. Therefore, we invite you to reflect, question, provoke and, more importantly, act. FOR THE ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES

If the better part of our lives is dedicated to work, may we use our organizations as channels for positive transformation to happen. If the times are challenging, more than ever we are called to innovate, take the projects out of paper and leverage results. Thus, we invite you again to reflect, question and provoke yourself, now focusing on your organization and its role in Brazil’s transformation. FOR ESTUDAR’S COMMUNITY

Thinking about the role and the transformation potential of the Community, we created groups of Leaders separated by themes, the special groups, to encourage the discussion of relevant and complementary aspects to the master classes in the Community’s schedule. Besides the classes’ schedule with Harvard and Stanford professors, in the coming months we will have chats and discussions among the community and people who are references in the complex issues of the future. Given that to generate transformation it is necessary to understand the system, our role, causes and consequences, and, in fact, build new endeavours, the special groups are also called to act and use all the acquired knowledge and human potential to make concrete changes in Health, Technology, the Environment and Democracy for the Brazil of the future.

During the closure of the 30 years celebration, these groups will be able to share with the Community and Fundação Estudar the lessons they learned and their vision for the future on each of the four complex subjects.


It is our responsibility, as Fundação Estudar, to guarantee that all knowledge generated from our network throughout the 30-years celebration become materials that inspire, inform and influence millions of people throughout Brazil. Democratizing and disseminating this outstanding knowledge helps form this new generation of young people.

With multimedia content focused on bringing information and different perspectives to the leader of the future, we designed a series of podcasts.

To instigate curiosity and the desire to learn more about reality, searching for new approaches to big problems. We want to share what the best professors from the best universities in the world know, as well as the view from global leaders whose eyes are with society and whose heads are with science. We believe that disseminating quality information is a fundamental part of our work.”

Anna Valenzuela, Manager of Product, Technology, Communication, Educational Content and Editorial PODCAST LIDERA - 30 YEARS SPECIAL

Created in 2019 to bring inspirational content to more people and led by great specialists, Lidera already counts with over 10 thousand streams. This edition brings together panels which are part of the 30 years celebrations, with academic and market leaders.


To be launched towards the end of 2021, this podcast will bring deep content in narrative form about relevant issues for today’s society, which will also be discussed in classes exclusively for the Estudar Community.

Its aim is to break down the challenges we face and to foster the action and transformation movement.

All content will be available in the 30th Anniversary Official Site. Access here:

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