Analytical Eye Is there a point to analyzing a situation?? What do you feel when you simply look at what is in front of you? Our very nature is to ‘judge’ mentally what we see. Before even visualizing the scene in our presence, we activate our minds to see what we want to see first. Up until our minds ‘guide us otherwise’ to ‘understand’ what we ‘saw’, our general perception is ‘first impression is the last impression’. Our analytical eye is nothing but a very deep and calm mindful comprehension. A thought we understand in silence. Or in peace and quiet where we observe the intricacy of the situation, observing everything we visualize without personally opining, even to ourselves. Does our human nature allow us to do so? Do we actually stop to ‘figure out’ what everything we ‘see’ means? Do we even want to know what ‘anything’ we see, think, or feel, means? Our human perception allows us to visualize only the ‘surface’ of human spectacle. It takes a pretty long time, before we fundamentally understand what is ‘going on’. So, when do we ‘really’ begin to understand the psychoanalysis of our intellectual capacity? What’s the point in even trying to comprehend what we visualize? What personal benefit will it bring us and for how long? Does any sort of psycho-analytical dissection of a presented issue or otherwise change the course of behavior of individuals involved? Does it change our personal behavior? Will there be any future approach on the course of our lives? Does our analytical eye and / or thinking help improve our individual perception of presented situations? So many question and more, run through our minds most of the time. There is so much more going on around us, that we can’t and don’t comprehend and are not aware of. Our ‘robotic routine’ does not allow us to understand anything more than what has to be accomplished for the moment in time, or the day, and so on and so forth. There is no time to ‘comprehend’ upon situations that don’t concern us because we have to ‘get on with our daily lives – materialistic and / or otherwise’. To stop to comprehend about personal perception signifies individual understanding and acceptance that nothing seems what it is and no human being is perfect. It’s only upon acceptance of the reality of the fact that nobody is perfect, that one can be at peace with oneself. Personal critical judgment, inclusive of hearsay, plays a major role on our minds, especially if it’s uncalled for. Continuous control of our ‘ill – thoughts’ will help us analyze what we ‘see’ in silence. Perhaps it’s difficult to recognize expansively, but it’s surely not impossible.