Everybody is human and capable of making mistakes, occasionally in life. It should not be something that should condemned the doer for life. It’s a mistake. A genuine mishap. People all over the world additionally have a diverse range of temperaments. What is to be understood is that, whatever be your situation, approach it with a mindset of understanding the circumstances causing those issues.
Your ‘approach’ towards the people involved, in any given situation, is what is of utmost importance to the people you’re dealing with. Those you’re dealing with, will naturally expect and hope that you will/can/may have a solution to the issues at hand. They hope that you will/can/may make the problem go away on its own, with or without a huge hue and cry over it.
On the other hand, if you intend to name and shame them, due to their lack of information on the subject, think about this first. How am I going to share common knowledge or teach this person right from wrong?? Is my approach to the people I deal with a healthy one?? Will they learn effectively from me?? Or am I ‘spoon-feeding’ my colleagues?? Will my approach be respected and accepted with gratitude?? If I snub them, what will my ‘behavior’ accomplish?? Will this ‘project’ we’re working on, matter ten years from now on to my colleagues?? How do I want to be remembered?? A leader or a snob?? What sort of ‘impression’ about myself am I leaving behind?? When I ‘cross paths’ in future with those familiar faces, will they come up to me and say a friendly hello?? Or would they think of me as the ‘one with the undesirable behavior’ upon seeing me in a social setting??
There are millions of questions that you can continue asking yourself over and over again. But, at the end of it all, it is up to YOU to figure it out for yourself, and to understand the lasting impression, you want to leave upon the other person. If you can change your ‘mindset’ from being ‘the one with the undesirable approach’ to your colleagues, to the one with a ‘desirable approach’ and with a problem solving mindset, you have not only done yourself a enormous favor, but also conquered a very ‘humanistic’ title for yourself, in the minds of people who knew you. Every little detail about you is remembered by those who knew you. Whether it’s a simple hello, how are you, or to guiding people on important ‘projects’ in hand.
People evaluate every ‘move’ you make. Your mannerisms, gestures, your genuineness in the tone of your voice, so on and so forth. It’s simply because people desire to ‘learn’ from another – knowingly or subconsciously. It’s as simple as following or favorite celebrity. You’ll never know whether YOU are someone’s ‘celebrity’ or not. Always bear in mind that when your friends and /or colleagues, recognize you from past collaborations, they should remember you for your compassion, support, the ‘real guiding light’ who they not only have learnt from, and encouraged teamwork, but also someone they trusted in times of dire need, to ‘come through’ for them, knowingly or unknowingly. And who they can share a laugh over a beer with in future.