Comprehensivity of YOUR Mind-Set
This is a topic of conversations, discussions, arguments, and continues to do so, for quite a while now. In everything that you do or think about doing, you begin with planning, and, that too, in comprehensive detail for sustainability. So, while you’re in the process of planning, how calm, alert, and present are you?? Think deeply about it, and more, all by yourself to comprehend sincerely on the quality of your thoughts towards your intended job. Only ‘YOU’ know your intended message to your viewers and clients.
How hygge are you or how hygge is your mind-set, while you’re planning those intricate details?? What are your thoughts all about, while you’re collecting your intended information?? You can go on and on about your program/s. But are you feeling hygge about it?? How deeply focused are you on what you do?? Do ‘distractions’ bother you?? And, how do you feel when you’re distracted?? Is that ‘distraction’ long term?? Something to deter you or change your mind from doing what you initially intended to do?? Are you able to overcome this ‘distraction’ mindfully and get back on track?? How far have you come up in your accomplishments? Has it been a healthy experience so far?? And if not what have you done to counter those negative thoughts/issues??
Mind-set is ‘everything’, when you’re genuinely interested in indulging in something of your choice. Be it a short term or a long term goal. It is completely upon you to be completely conscious of what you’re doing and who you’re doing it for. Think of those concerns you have a deep aspiration for, to accomplish. Think about all those times you could never undertake fulfilling those requirements due to various personal reasons, but your desires are so strong, that eventually you complete them. Then, in retrospect, ask yourself different questions relating to your completed subject/task. How hygge were you feeling, while processing your work?? How well did you handle various unforeseen queries?? Was the pressure too much?? Did you present your ‘work’ to the right people?? Did their opinion ‘distract’ you from accomplishing your goal?? Are you open to better understanding and a ‘different’ viewpoint from others opinions??
The best part would be that, while you’re in the ‘growth mindset’ stage, you inevitably realise for yourself, that you’re capable of a lot more than you thought. You realise that having a ‘fixed mind-set’ give you ‘limited knowledge’ about your thoughts. Even though you ‘think’, ‘the buck ends here’
or ‘there’s nothing more to know’, there will always be that one little stickler running through the back of your mind, that says, ‘how about I try it this way’, or ‘what if’ or questions similar to these that will expose your observance to the possibility of evaluating your situation, from another point of view.
This sort of a ‘thought’ that provokes you to ‘evaluate’ your situation, even though you’re ‘satisfied’ with your end results, simply means that, upon having an open mind to view your situation ‘differently’, may/will bring about a ‘change’ that has a ‘pleasantly’ unexpected ‘successful ending’. Having a ‘growth mind-set’ improves and corroborates your understanding that ‘2+2=4, 3+1=4, 5-1=4’, and so many other ways of evaluating a/your viewpoint.
It’s all up to YOU to appreciate that people’s views are diverse, whether you like, accept, agree with it, or not. So instead of feeling like a ‘spoilt sport’ for those moments, change your thoughts to those of learning and evaluating, even though you find it ‘hard’ for those moments. The simple thing you have to do is ‘calm down, in silence’ – make it your very, very hygge moment, quietly, to accept that people are created differently and mind-sets and opinions are diverse. The point is to accomplish the goal of your project. Very calmly, hygge through it, because as unacceptable it may feel and seem to you, ask yourself – will this matter to me in six months from now on?? You will certainly remember the ‘lessons’ you’ve learnt in the process as a ‘learning curve’ for the future. Remember, you are and will always be a ‘learner’ for life.