Everyone strives to be ‘perfect’ in life in the best possible way to complete a given assignment. What do we normally get out of ‘perfection’?? What sort of ‘satisfaction’ does it bring to you personally?? How long does the ‘satisfied’ effect last?? It’s different for everyone, I’m sure. So, coming back to the topic of your personal limitations, what is the entire point of perfection?? How do you feel, as the excitement of ‘perfection’ dials down?? What’s next?? Will the next project, assignment or chapter be as ‘perfect’ as the one I finished working on?? Will it?? Really??
When we talk about human imperfections, what are we subconsciously looking for?? What exactly is the discussion aiming at?? Is there value and substance to certain discussions?? Yes of course, there is!! That being said, why are we looking for those perfected skills?? Remember the saying – nobody is perfect?? So what exactly are we considering in the context of perfection, when the saying is perfectly clear that nobody is perfect?? If you pick up all the imperfections from all your decisions you’ve made so far, are you cross with yourself for all those decisions you made?? In retrospect, is there anything you could have done to better the situation?? May be yes, or perhaps not. Have those ‘imperfect’ decisions, impacted your current status today??
In retrospect, you will always have that feeling that says to you, ‘in spite of what I went through on that day / time, all went well. This introspective impression should give you the understanding in silence that, in spite of all that happened throughout those decisive moments of the time, you stood pretty strong through it all. You will then realize in ‘silence’ and ‘calm’, the ‘funny’ moments of that phase, the strength you had to break through those tough times, through deep understanding, persistence, and humility, and perhaps over and over again.
When you’re silent and contemplative over your past experiences, whether you reminisce over them, with friends, family or even on your own, you appreciate how deeply you’ve evolved in your beliefs and understanding. You realise how resilient you were, for yourself and for others as well. You comprehend not only the scale of your imperfections, but also those of others in various circumstances, you’ve been through.
Finding that strength in not only your own imperfections, but also that of others, in retrospect, will lead you to be a stronger human being, to lift up those in need. Reminiscing
over every difficult thought, and seeing yourself come out on the other side victorious, is your personal strength in those painful and imperfect moments of struggle.
The kind of imperfections you’ve noticed and the ways in which you’ve gotten though them, will make you realise that humanity is at its highest - ‘always’, and the humility that goes with it. You realise how ‘diverse’ lives are, and also that ‘no man is an island’ is the way humankind works. These sorts of thoughts ultimately bring you to appreciate the ‘perfect’ imperfections of the world, and should also be a subtle eye opener to realise that you’re in the same boat as well. No matter how ‘difficultly’ people are hard wired, presence in and of the moment to diffuse a time ticking state of affairs, can go an extensive and imperfect beautiful manner. It’s all up to YOU to be aware, present, and alert in the moment.