Beyond You

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Beyond You How do you feel about it? Whatever the ‘it’ may be? Is it worth the trouble? Worth the pain? Worth the thought? So on and so forth…. But, knowing that you can go ‘beyond’ your actions, will you go ‘that extra mile’ to ‘do it’? And why? What kind of satisfaction will it bring to you? Is that ‘satisfaction’ materialistic or spiritual? Are there any real answers to these questions? Are those answers ‘soul satisfying’? Think about it deeply for a moment, and consider the time when someone went that ‘extra mile’ for you. What kind of ‘satisfaction’ did you feel? What has been the outcome of your ‘satisfaction’ ever since? Has it changed your personal understanding in a way to go beyond your own understanding of the people around you? Going beyond your capacity to understand your circumstances, gives you personal knowledge and satisfaction that there is nothing ‘different’ about a ‘situation’ presented to you. It helps you understand that you can comprehend a presented situation from a different viewpoint, you hadn’t noticed previously. It usually depends on different individuals’ standpoints. Considering every probable aspect of a presented conditions, to go beyond your personal capacity and go that extra mile, is nothing out of the ordinary, considering your inference upon being presented with data – whether statistical and / or hearsay. Going beyond you is to guide another in the ‘right direction’ knowing completely it’s the right thing to do, in spite of the fact that you have a ‘personal’ difference of opinion on the subject matter of conversation. If you can set you differences aside for that moment, with full knowledge that your opinion will make a difference to the presented situation, and no matter how hard it is for you to accept your personal understanding of your circumstances, you have gone beyond yourself in doing your best to ease out current tensions. Thereby, upon comprehending and contemplating upon your thoughts eventually, there is a kind of personal ‘relief’ your words and / or actions have brought personally for you. As excruciating as it may be sometimes for you to go beyond yourself, it brings you a personal sense of ‘freedom’, the kind that is individualistic, realistic, and conveying a genuine sense of ecstasy, the kind that only ‘you’ understand from deep within your soul and cannot be shared with even the closest of family or friends. There are no words to express that ‘feeling of peace’ no matter how much you try to. The simplest thing to do would be to continue with your daily routine, keeping in mind that all that you can do for anyone in dire need of assistance, is to guide as you go along, help whenever / wherever you can, or simply do the best you can wherever you can.

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