Common Sense Is Not So Common – How to Hygge through It There are gazillions of anecdotes going around the internet thrusting amusement at people who don’t ‘get it’, whether intentionally or otherwise!! So….what’s plan B?? How do you live with those who think they’re ‘right’ all the time?? How do you deal with daily and / or common discrepancies which were meant to be accomplished in the ‘nicest possible way’?? How do you deal with a situation, where something as simple as ‘common sense’ had to be pragmatic to solve an existing issue?? These sorts of questions will and always continue developing in the minds of those who ‘can deal’ with situations presented to them, and in the calmest possible way. Ask yourself some simple questions along the way. After noticing how ‘crazy’ your perceived situations were, and there was no acceptance of your circumstantial ‘advise’ simply because ‘the others’ felt ‘yours’ was ‘too complicated’ for their ‘understanding’ or ‘lack thereof’, you now realize, you did your ‘best’, but all was in vain. How did you hygge though it all?? Were you calm, alert, composed, present, understanding, and observant, all along?? So….what’s next?? Knowing so well, that this pandemic has not only brought the whole world to its knees, but is also here to stay for ‘a while’, hygge-ing through these excruciating thoughts of these current times, is not going to be an easy task to live by. But, by that same token, is it impossible to live through?? NO!! Not at all!! Every little ‘uneasy’ ‘detail’ you can think of after working hours, Must Be Let-Gone Off. To live and feel hygge through your ‘lack of common sense’ circumstances, ‘letgo’ of those perceived ‘unpleasant’ scenarios from your mind. Difficult and seriously ego-bruising?? YES!! Impossible to deal with?? NO!!! Remember continually that nothing is permanent in this lifetime. Not even us!! Hygge each day, through all the chaos, and as far as possible with minimum fuss, less exertion, and let go for the moment what cannot be comprehended upon, immediately. Give yourself a few moments to think deeply before you get back into ‘the mode’. Make it a cool and calm habit to recognize continually that people are ‘different’ and will stay that way for ‘a very long time’. Different mentalities, cultures, backgrounds, so on and so forth, it doesn’t end. There is also a diverse range of ‘mindsets’ to deal with recurrently. Do your best not to ‘loose it’ with them. Not for their sakes, but yours. There is a reason after all why the saying goes, ‘common sense is not so common’. No point in worrying over lack of ‘common sense’. Hygge through the chaos of your daily grind in peace.