Comprehending Your Silence Within

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Comprehending Your Silence Within There’s such a profound meaning and a well thought through perception of your silence ‘within’. To overwhelmingly comprehend what it means to be silent in chaos doesn’t require much effort. You may be in deep thought over a pending issue weighing on your mind, or your daily routine that bores you because it doesn’t change, no matter how much you do or similar issues that you hope will or may go away, but don’t, and, so on and so forth. While pondering upon these regular issues at different times, requires sometimes complete silence and concentration. But, what if you don’t get it? What if there isn’t that ‘moment’ of silence you long for without interruption? What if that ‘moment’ is perpetually belongs to that category of ‘bad timing’?? What do you do then?? As always, nothing is impossible to do!! Our mindsets make all the difference to the rest of our senses. If we can simply and silently ‘accept’ the chaos around us – something that is and sounds extremely annoying but not impossible to do, we give ourselves – our whole being that unfathomable and effortless peace we desperately need. We give our minds that simple joy of simply enjoying what we see without instant judgment or criticism, and rather by accepting what’s visually before us and there in front of us, and moving past it. We learn a lot through observance of situations we come across daily, and that kind of wisdom can only be accomplished through distinguished silence and a sympathetic approach, if necessary, to those circumstances. You pass by a variety of people in streets all the time, some of who may be arguing, raised voices, crying babies for whatever reason, irritated characters, stiff upper lips – by just observing their behavior or attitude, and many more; what can you do about it all?? Can you do anything to change their situations or circumstances?? Can you help?? Are you ‘there’ for them?? The answer to all these questions you think to yourself is probably in the negative, 99.999… percent of the time. What do you do daily?? Walk on or drive by!! Get to your destination and then think of all that you passed by along your way. Does it change anything?? No. Has it changed anything?? No. Will things change anytime sooner?? Don’t know. So now what?? Get started with your daily routine. All that you see, feel, think, do, and so much more in silence is what makes you the better and healthier person. Contemplating upon your daily routine in visual concentration and silence, in continuous chaotic daily routine is what your ‘inner peace’ is all about. Being calm, alert, and present in the moment, enhances your understanding and gives your visual senses immense clarity of your situation. Reflecting upon every ‘move’ you make, be it a major or minor one, simply requires your absolute undivided attention and concentration. No matter how diminutive your circumstance may be, giving that person or your situation your exclusive consideration is what brings you that imperceptible sense of peace, without thinking twice. Difficult to accept?? Yes. Impossible to work upon?? No. Time consuming?? No. Consider this a routine ‘move’ silently.

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