DISCOVER THE OTHER ‘YOU’ – YOU’LL BE SURPRISED AT YOURSELF !!! Very often we think we ‘know it all’, or we can’t possibly go wrong, or say to ourselves - I’ve done an in-depth research to get my project sorted out and accepted, so on and so forth. But what we actually ‘miss out’ and fail to comprehend, in the bargain is what ‘could have been’ instead of what ‘it is’. Sometimes we feel, if we complete our assignments or responsibilities in the manner it is meant to be, that’s it… there is nothing more to it, or there is/was no other manner in which it could have been accomplished faster and meticulously. As each one of us progress in life, with all its ups and downs, and at different paces, it is up to each of us individual to ‘slow down’ sometimes and ‘observe in silence’ what we are capable of. We should try to simply and calmly challenge ourselves with an in-depth understanding on our situation/s. In-depth focus with your undivided attention will help you to see your ‘situation’ ‘differently’. Questioning yourself, challenging yourself, throwing in a fair bit of ‘calculated defiance’, not only brings out a ‘side of you’, ‘unknown’ to you, but it enhances YOUR personal development, discernment, and comprehension to another ‘level’. Mind you, this ‘revelation’ is NOT for ‘exposure’, but simply an indepth understanding about ‘yourself’, and your ‘personal’ ability and knowledge of your ‘personal’ comprehension. If you can give yourself ‘chances’ like these as often as possible, in simple daily and regular issues, with time and experience, you can and will come up with interesting solutions for ‘sensitive’ situations, which may ‘actually’ ‘demand’ ‘alternative’ and immediate solutions. In the bargain, you discover something in yourself silently, that is ‘different’ to you and in you, and something which you haven’t noticed in those around you. You understand this only through ‘silent perception of others’. Give yourself several of those ‘chances’ to understand ‘yourself’ by ‘understanding others’. If you can figure out in your own simple way to appreciate yourself, you’re doing no one, but only yourself a huge favor by developing a calm mindset, simplistic lifestyle, and peaceful solutions to so much that might had been ‘blown out of proportion’ for no apparent reason at all. Stay calm….you’ll surprise yourself!!