Reality Bites – An Eye Opener Seriously people, there’s nothing worse when you actually ponder in silence to think where our current lives in ‘quarantine’ is heading. Though the world jokes continuously about every issue that comes its way, can we really NOT STOP and give our whole existence on this glorious planet a ‘serious’ thought?? The lethal reality is that only when catastrophe strikes us personally, it is then, that we cry out in agony. Do we stop to contemplate on what ‘a’ life-altering ‘pandemic’ may thrust upon each of us? Or how will the next step toward containing another outbreak may bring us?? Nothing seems to affect us in person when ‘it’ doesn’t affect us. This current pandemic that the whole world is going through should be an eye opener for each and everyone of us on a very humanistic level. These are issues that should not only be thought deeply about in a crisis, but all the time. What is it that we seek out of our existence, continuously?? What is it that will bring us to our deep understanding of nature around us? Do we realize that we have to ‘coexist’ and loose that ‘control’ thought? Do we comprehend that every action that we make, directly or indirectly affect us...eventually? Sadly, some don’t. Generally speaking, we all want the ‘best’ in life. Who doesn’t? Everyone wants a comfortable hygge lifestyle. Just a thought – is it genuinely possible to have this hygge life or is it just our ‘hopeful imaginary want’ in life?? These are the days when we should actually ‘evaluate’ our needs and wants in order to truly define our ‘lives’. We can simply take all the time right now at our disposal to be honest with ourselves, by taking each day as it comes, calmly preparing our time for whatever comes next, looking over our near and dear ones in the best possible way we can, appreciating nature the way it was intended to be, so on and so forth. There is absolutely no fear in this equation, since we’re all ‘cooling our heels’ ironically for ‘our safety’. No variety of a ‘pandemic’ disaster cares about who you are, where you come from, how wealthy you are, your ‘personal’ stance in your ‘social hierarchy’, so on and so forth. We’re all in this disaster ‘together’ whether we like it or not, and / or whether we choose to accept it or not. And, we will come out of this disaster, victorious - ‘together’. We have to truly think, and think deeply about our ‘environmental mannerisms’ toward every ‘move’ we make, in order to survive what may befall us anytime. The challenge is to ‘give up’ what we ‘want but don’t need’ and to make the best of our lives with living a calm and peaceful life in the best possible way we can without compromising our health. So here’s the big question...can we do that??